Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, May 06, 1892, Image 1

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Some IFeople
Take your Babies to . .
THE PHOTOGRAPHER. One picture Free of Charge.
All work FirstClals and atLinirg Rata.
Buy advertising space because rales are
low generally the circulation is a sight
lower. Circulation determines the value
of advertising ; there is no other standard.
The Gazette is willing to abide by it.
NO. 486.
semi-week:ly gazette.
Tuesdays and Fridays
At f 8.00 per year, $1.50 for six months, $1.00
(or three moucna; in advanoe.
Advertising Rates Made Known on
The "EialE," of long Creek, Grant
County, Oregon, is published by the wme com
pany every Friday morning. Biib8tirlptioii
price, f'iper year. For ad vertiBing rates, addreBB
Manager, Long Creek, Oregon, or "Uazette,"
Heppner, Oregon.
THIS PAPEU ia kept on tile at E. C. Hake's
Advertising Agency, rll and B5 Mor-chanta
Exchange, San J ranciBOO. California, where cou
tracte for advertising oan be made for it.
Pj, Oregon PresB ABsnciatlon, 26 Ash Street,
between First and Second, Portland, Oregon, is
our only agent located in that place. Advertis
ers should coiiBult him for rates and Bpace in
the Gazette.
Wagner B. A. TIunBaker
Arlington, Henry Heminer
Long Creek The Eagle
Echo Bob Shaw
Camas Prairie, Oscar lie Vaul
Matteson Allen McFerr in
Nye, Or H. C. Wright
Hardman, Or., J- A. Woolery
Hamilton, Grant Co., Or., Mattie A. Kudio
lone T. J. Carl
Prairie City, Or R. R. Mcllaley
Canyon City, Or S. L. Parrish
Pilot Rock, G. P. Skelton
Dayvllle, Or ir-Hv18,- i',low
John Day, Or F-1- McCallum
Athena, Or . John Edington
".j.-Meton, Or., Wm. G. McCroskey
Mount v'ernon. Grant Co., Or., Postmaster
Shelby Or MiBS Stella Flett
Fox, Grant Co., Or., J- F. Allen
Eight Mile, Or Mrs. Andrew Ashlmugh
Upper Rhea Creek,: B. F. Ilevlaiid
Douglas, Or
Lone Rock, Or R. M. Johnson
Gooseberry W. P. Snyder
Condon, Oregon Herbert Halntead
Lexington W. B. McAlister
Union Pacific Railway-Local card.
No, 10, mixed leaves Heppner 8:20 a. m.
' 10, " ar. at Arlington 1150 a.m.
" U, " leaves " 8:47 p. m.
" 9, " ar. at Heppner TAX) p. m, daily
except Sunday.
East bound, main line ar. at Arlington 8:50 p. m.
West " " " leaves 4:20 p. in.
Night trains are running on same time as before.
Stage leaves for Monument daily,
except Sunday, at 6 :30 A. M.
Arrives daily, except Monday, at
6:00 p. M.
Direct connection oan be made at
Monument with the Long Creek stage.
Daily stage between Long Creek and
Canyon City, conneoting at the latter
place with the stage for Burns and Sil
vies valley.
ossaoir ornoiiia
Governor ;;'5lIS"!,T'
Heo. of State ('JW51!'!,de-
Treasurer hi' ?t1?han-
Bupt. Instruction -K. B. MoMroy.
Judge Seventh District W. L. B"rt"hw
Distriot Attorney W. H. Wilson
JointSenator Henre Blackmail.
Representative J ' J'',' hTP,l0,"-
( :onnty J ndge Jul"" Keithly.
' Commissioners J. A.Thompson,
H. M. Vaughn. ,
- Clerk 3-7!-UTtZ-
Hhnriff eo. Noble.
Treaanrer..: JVWV "S",?-
Assessor J- J.McOee.
Surveyor B-l e.
School Sup't W.L.8almg.
Oroner James Daugherty.
M T. J. Matlock
UoimcuVneiiT."'. "... -O. E. larnsworth. M
Liehtenthal, Otis Patternon, rj. P. Garngues,
Thos. Morgan and Ifrank Uilliam.
&V.: J- W. Rasmus.
Dorio Lodge No. 20 K. of P. meets ev
ery Tuesday evening at 7.80 o'clock in
their Castle Hall, National Bank build
ing. Sojourning brothers cordially in-
TO. ACBliKf. K. of It. tt S. tf
a. A. Ii.
Meets at Lexington, Or., the last Saturday of
each month. All veterans are Invited to join.
CC.Boon, ' Gko.W. Smith.
Adjutant, . . tf Commander
A A. ROBERTS, Beal Estate, Insur-
an pa nrui Oolleotions. Offioe in
Council Chambers, Heppner, Or. swtf,
Attorney at Law.
Brown & Hamilton.
Practice in all coorta of the Btate. Insurance
au estate, COUBUU-Ml nuu avmmi .-
Prompt Attention given to all business entrust.
ad to tnem.
Offioi, Mats Stbmt, Hefpskb, Oboos.
national Bank of Henpner.
President. Cashier.
Made on Favorable Terms.
only Ulcu lur urn Inaiue.
ulngames.allwmnlntr. Perfect
work, weight, and cannot be aa
tected byo taideri. Conlldtutlal
eorreaponde? eawith games invit
ed. Wo "MiiKJuu 1 ptrset, ta.
TmtrUat IT. Ivory 'J'' v ii
hwhorlowlH. Ordlairy work, to r. bono.l
5?tlil.cb. Ilr,li iTOrr.tlJJ- fin marked
iirdml..fc.M,ll lak. tt-nura eat. nu.
m guuwtwa! UI av9. Mi ft, (.Univ, Uk
A Year's Subscription to a Pop
ular Agricultural Paper
By a special arrangement with tbe
publishers we are prepared to furnish
FREE to each of our readers a year's
subscription to the popular monthly
agricultural journal, the American
Farmer, published at Springfield and
Cleveland, Ohio.
This offer is made to any of our sub
scribers who will pay up all arrearages
on subscription and one year in advanoe,
and to any new subscribers who will pay
one year in advance. The American
Farmer enjoys a large national circula
tion, and ranks among the leading
agricultural papers. By this arrange
ment it COSTS YOU NOTHING to re
oeive the American Fabmer for one
year, It will be to your advantage to
oail promptly. Sample oopies can be
seen at our office.
From Terminal or Interior Points the
Northern Pacific
Is the line to take
Tt in thn "ninhifl-Cnr Route. It rnns Throutrh
Vestibuled Trains every day in the year to
St. Paul and Chicago
(No Change of Cars)
Composed of DINING CARS unsurpassed,
Of Latest Equipment
Ront that rinn ho nonntraeted and in which ac
commodations are both free and furnished for
holders of nrBt or secona-ciaaB ticket, ana
Elegant Day Coachs.
A Continuous Line oonneotmg with all
Lines, affording Direct and Uninter.
rupted Service.
Pullman Sleeper Reservations can be
secured in aavance inrougn
any agent of the road.
Tn nnrl from all nninta In America. Kntdiind
and Kuroon can be purchased at any Ticket orHoe
or ttue company.
Full information concerning .rates, time
of trains,- routes and other details
furnished on application to any
agent, or
Assistant Oeneral Passenger Agent,
No. 121 First St.. Cor. Washington,
Tine Orlelnal
15 publishers, we are able to obtain a number
of tf" above book, and propose to lurnisn
th" above boot, ana prop
In o.h nf nnr hi lhHcr inert
copy to each or our suDermers.
fhP f.ictinnarv Is a necessity in every home,
school and business house, it nils a vacancy,
aiirl fnniiahpa k linwlcdL'U Which IIO Olie llUIl
dred other volumeB of the choicest books could
supply. Youngann out, eaucatea ana lKnoraui,
ricn alia poor, SIlUiliu imvu it wimin icm;u,
ofUi ita nniitPtilti Rvnrv ritiv in the vear.
Aa imp have asked if this is really the Orig
inal Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, we are
able to state we have learned direct from the
F.nV.i.hPrR thp. fact, that this is the very work
complete on which about forty of the best years
ol tne autnor s inc werewwcii emu.ujt.-u m
writing. It contains me enure vocauuiary o:
ohnut urn ono words, including the correct snell
fntr fiPm-Rtinn ana aenntuou oi suiue. una is
th TPtnilur standard size, containing about
aH),WIU Biiuare UlClies i priuteu buiiuw, bhu ib
bouna in cunn nun morocco nwu uuvkv.
Until further notice we will furnish this
valuable Dict;onary
First To any new subscriber.
Second To any renewal subscriber.
Third To any subscriber now in arrears
who pays up and one year in advance, at
the following prices, viz
Fu Cloth bound, gilt side and DacK
stamDS. marbled edges, Si-oo.
Halt Morocco, Douno, gut sioe ano uacK
stamos. marbled edges, ai.so.
hull bneep bound, learner lapei, maroiea
ftdces. S2.00
- & . .... . .
Fifty cents added in an cases tor express
age to Heppner
As the pubmhera limit the time ana
number ot Dooits mey wm uirnisn ai mo iuw
nr cM wp HnviHe an wno ocsire w avail mem-
selves of this great opportunity to attend to it
at once.
All who are suffering from the effeote
of Youthful Errors, Loss of Manhood,
Failing Powers, Gonorrhoea, Gleet,
Stricture, Syphilis and the many troubles
which are the effects of these terrible
rKonrrlpra will receive. Feeb of Charge,
full directions how to treat and cure
themselves at nume imuui w
California Medical and Surgical Is
ftrmabi, 1029 Market Street, San
Francisoo, California. 405-ly.
Webster's Unabridged
-3i-eB 3
Sprains, Bruises,
WeaR, Nsivous or in Fain
From some long-standing ailment, or feel
that your constitution (nervous system)
is failing, or that some affliction has
taken, or is taking, permanent hold of
you, wliioh you have been, and arc still,
unable to throw on or oontrol, wnetner
in the first or last stage remember that
Dr. Greg
And Appliances.
and system of home treatment will care
No medical orothermodeof electric treatment
can at all compare with them. Thousnncls of
women who Binier tor years wun compmiuiB
peculiar to eex, have been completely and per
manently rentored to health. No fewer men
have also been cured.
Electric treatment for diseases snpfrested, pro-
fierly applied, in perfect and has no good subBti
nte. The GreKS Klectric Belt und Appliances
are the only ones in existence that supply a
perfect mode of application.
j ne lircus r.ieeinc rooi wanner, price
keeps the feet warm and dry and is the only
genuine Electric Insole.
People who have paid their money and been
cured can tell you what has been done for them
in a way that will convince you. Completo cat
alogue of testimonials, prices, etc., 6c. Circular
501 Inter Ocean Building, Chicago, 111.
Real Merit
Q. i
Pills P
If you take pills It is because you have never
tnea me
Tt works so nicelv. cleansing the Liver and
Kidneys; acts as a mild physic without causing
pain or sickness, and does not stop you from
eating and working.
To tri it is to become a friend to it
For sate by Slocum-Johnston Drug Co., Heppner
riftn Maple, Ore
now tt it 168 by . ,eiuctlin of 159 Itw., Kbi I feol wmncb
better th.t I would not lake $1,000 and be nut bwk whor. 1
wm. I km both iiirprUed and proud of the ch.nire. I recom
mend your treatment to .11 lufferen from obeiity. I will
cheerfully .newer all Inquiries if etauip 1. iueloied for nply."
Haraleu. No Starring. Send Scin itampifor partlenlareM
uuuau uuaiinu.
' meat at the Gazette oilice.
First National Bank
George W. Conser, Cashier.
C. I. Levis, Ass't Cashier.
Transoots a General Banking Business
"-On all part of the world
Bought and Sold,
Collections made at all points on Rea
sonable Terms.
Surplus and Undivided profits, 23,527.10
Cattle brandwland earmarked asihowii above.
Hon F on riht shoulder.
Mv cattle range in Morrow and Umatilla coun
ties. I will mf tlUO.OO for the arrnnt and con
viction ol any oereon stealing my stock.
Burns, Swellings,
The Reservation Desperadoes Gathered In at
Uranite Creek by Deputies Hal ley
and Johusoo.
From the E. O. .
Bebind tbe bara. y
Tbe Parr boys, reservation desperadoea,
one of wbom, Heury, swore tbat he would
never be taken alive, are now in this un
pleaeaot situation.
They were leaders in tbe party of
toughs w ho captured Athena and Adams,
made a hotel keeper danoe at tbe latter
place, rode up and dawn tbe streets, yell
ing and shooting, and elevated Ned gen
erally. After this ooourrenoe tbe Parr
boys made their escape, but two of their
suspected confederates, Joe Depot and
Antoiue Moran, were captured.
It was learned by the sheriff's oflioe
tbat the Parrs had gone in tbe direotion
of tbe John Day country. They are bard
"pills" to taokle, and it was an open bet
tbat they could not be taken without a
fatal skirmish. But deputy sheriffs John
Hailey and J. F. Johnson left Pendleton
Monday morning at 4 oclook, in a
buggy, to find the desperadoes if possi
ble. Tbe offioers arrived at tbe town of
Long Creek Tuesday night and learned
the following day tbat tbeir game was
encamped on Oranite creek, near Ar
buckle's place. Leaving tbeir rig at
Long Creek they procured saddle horses
and Wednesday afternoon started for
Granite creek, fifteen miles distant, ac
companied by a guide, Gns Sloan. They
arrived at 7:30 p. m., and secured a man
named Ed Allen to pilot them to where
the camp was located.
Leaving their horses behind the offioers
crawled cautiously along the steep banks
of the oreek, until within about 100 yards
of tbe camp, of wbiob they obtained a
good view. The Parr boys were being
visited by a young man nu,ie.d Arbuokle
and were "monkeying" with tbeir weap
ons. It was not deemed a good time to
attack, since the innooent visitor might
be hurt, and the orisis was postponed un
til next morning, the pursuers laying out
all night. It was very cold, and the
officers nearly shook their olothes off.
At i a'olock Sloan and Allen were sent
up tbe oreek to oome down from above,
and Hailey and Johnson wormed their
way carefully toward the camp. Shortly
after seven the Parr boys emerged from
tbeir tent, leaving tbeir pistols inside,
and buBied themselves in preparing
breakfast. The favorable moment had
come and the two deputy sheriffs appear
ed from behind a sheltering tree, leveling
tbeir Winchesters at the unsuspecting
men, wbo had no choice but to throw up
their hands. They were deprived of
tbeir weapons and brought to Pendleton,
arriving Friday night.
The Parrs had little to say about their
oapture, and made no attempt to escape
while on tbe road to Pendleton, which
wonld have been useless, anyway. Hen
ry rode in a buggy with Johnson and Joe
onme with Hailey on borsebaok. Hen
rv remarked:
"You fellows worked a pretty slick
scheme, didn't you? If you had struck
us with our guns you would have had a
ltrht on vour bands.
There is no douotor tne trutn ot tms
statement, since tbe elder Parr, who was
at one time in tbe penitentiary, is a "bad
man" who deserves the distinction.'
In the Nick of Time.
Tbe nick of time to stop the course of
bladder and kidney ooumlaints is when
tbe organs oonoerned exhibit a tendency
to grow inactive. The healthful impulse
toward activity tbat they receive from
Hostetter's Stomaoh Bitters resoues
thom from impending dnnger, and averts
such dangerous maladies as Brigbt's
disease and diabetes. Sluggishness of
the kidnevs increases a liability to
ohronic rhenmntism, gout and dropsy,
and ainoe the blood is filtered by these
organs in its pasBBge through them, the
operation of the Hitters serves a aouDiy
hannv Diimose. The medicine acts
without exciting, like tbe fiery stimulants
of commerce. Miilanal, dyspeptio, oon
atinnted and nervous invalids are thor-
oiiehlv relieved by it. Siuoe the advent
of that shocking malady, la grippe, it has
been widely demonstrating its useiui
ness as a curative and preventive of it.
While attempting to ford the Middle
Fork of tbe John Day river last Matur
day, J. N. Ricbey, of Sasanville, lost his
team and wagon and came near losing his
own life. The river was very high, which
together with tbe capers of a young ani
mal which Mr. Ricbey was driving was
the cause of the whole affair. His team
began backing in the river and upon ap
proaching a swift current, without warn
ing, the wagon was overturned, and team
and all carried down the stream, which
resulted as before stated. Since the high
water has subsided it is learned that Mr.
Kichey's team and wagon was found
lodged againHt a drift at some distance
down the river.
This is an accident of frequent oocur
rence when one attempts to lord these
treacherous mountain streams during the
high water season. tagle.
Submitted by a subscriber.
Ask a national banker if be would like
to see the national debt paid.
Talk about reforming the old parties
is nothing but olaptrap. It has been
tried too often. It doesn't sound well
any longer.
A strong free silver club was organized
at Helena, Mont., last week. Its motto
is "Equal rights for gold and silver, and
free coinage for both."
Women have been nominated for the
oflioe of sohool superintendent by the
peoples party in Morrow, Umatilla,
Washington, Multnomah, Lane, Benton
and Union counties.
Full people's party tickets have been
nominated in the comities of Josephine,
Crook, Douglas, Klamath, Yamhill, Ba
ker, Morrow, Marion, Washington, Coos,
Jackson, Multnomah, Lane, Clackamas,
Wallowa, Benton, Union, Linn and Uma
After staving it off as long as possible
on the question of constitutionality, tbe
house judiciary oommittee has at last de
cided to report a resolution direoting an
investigation to be made into the Pinker-
ton system. It is to be hoped that the
result will not be a coat of whitewash for
that notorious private army.
The ohairmnn of tbe national people's
party central oommittee Btates that there
is no truth in the report that there is a
fusion of tbe alliance in Minnesota with
the democratic party. Similar reports
from other states are also denied. Such
reports are sent out by old party leaders
to frighten their former adherents baok
into tbe old parties.
There is no use in longer trying to re
form tbe old parties. It cannot be done
from within. "Reform" has been tbe
campaign cry of tbe old parties for years,
but oan any reform be shown? Tbe
square men of both parties have long
been trying to reform them, but without
success; the parties have become more
and more corrupt. It has been fully dom
oust rate. 1 that tbe only hope of relief for
tbe people is in a new party of tbeir own,
and that is why the people's party is in
existenoe and daily growing in strength.
There is no danger that the people's
party will "fuse with the democrats" or
"fuse with the republicans," as lying re
ports from distant states would have un
informed people to believe. There will
be no half-way work. The people's par
ty means business from start to finish.
To silenoe false rumors a resolution has
just been adopted by tbe national execu
tive committee which declares that the
party is unalterably opposed to fusion
with either of the old parties, and will
not recognize any individual, oommittee
or organization which proposes to enter
into any suoh fusion.
In the senute the other day Call offered
a resolution for tbe appointment of i
oommittee of nine senators to inquire in
to the present value per mile of tbe rail
ways of the United States; tbeir present
capitalization and the difference between
such capitalization and tbe aotual cost
of construction and equipment; their
gross and net receipts; the number and
compensation ot their employes; their
indebtedness and the oapital stocks and
amount of bonds and stock held by stock
holders and bondholders, distinguishing
between home and foreign holders. A
good thing; but the resolution went over
without Botion. Such a resolution as
that wouldn't suit tbe railroad attorneys
who hold seats in the senate. The paid
servants of tbe companies are ever watob-
ful to crush in its inception any measure
tbat has tbe appearance of a step toward
tbe nationalization of transportation
lines. Let the people be as watohful ot
tbeir own interests, and tbe great monop
olies will not always be able to oontrol
legislation to their own selfish ends.
(iratoful Heyond KxuroKHion.
Poktland, Or. July 31.
oured my back and kidneys, and I am at
a loss to express mv gratitude. 1 simii
always remember the Oregon Kidney Tea
with pleasure and esteem, and tiiguly
recommend it to all my friends and ac
quaintances. J. H. P. Downino,
(At P. Selling's).
Hardman, Or., May 2, 1892.
Ed. Gazbtib: Having heoome a can
didate on the people's party ticket, for
representative for Morrow oounty, I de
sire to say through the oolumns' of your
paper that I wish to meet my opponents,
(Mr. Brown and Mr. Thomson) in pub
lic discussion of tbe principles of tbe
three political platforms, in eaoh and
every precinot in the county.
It Mr. Brown and Mr. Thomson will
accept the above proposition, they will
please answer through the next issue of
your paper. ltespeetiuny,
L. W. Lbwis.
(inaranteed Cure.
We authorize our advertised druggist
tn sell Dr. Kiui's New Discovery for oon
sumption, coughs and colds, upon this
condition. It you are aiiiicteu wun
cougb, cold or any lung, throat or chest
trouble, and will use this remedy sb di
rected, irivinn it a fair trial, and expert
enot d no benelit. you may return tbe brit
tle and have your money refunded. We
could not make this oiler did we not
know that Dr. King's New Disoovery
oonld be relied on. It never disappoints,
Trial bottles free at Slocum-Johnston
drug store. Large bottles 50c and $1
Stockholm, with a population ot 255,
000 inhabitants, possesses above 8,000
telephones, the greatest proportion of
any city in the world; about one tele
phone to every 32 persons.
The platform for the next Norwegian
elections will be : "Shall we dissolve the
union, abolish the royal constitution and
proclaim ourselves a republic, or not?
From this program we will not swerve."
Viotor Lennstrand, the notorious
Swedish atheist and socialist, is lying at
the point of death in the town of Gene,
where he bas bsea on a visit to his rela
tions. Inflamation of the lungs has suc
ceeded to a Bevere attack ot tbe grippe.
There have reoently been new laws
issued in Denmark concerning the uni
versity and the various noademies and
high grade Normal schools, whioh give
promise of general satisfaction, and are a
credit to tbe mediators between the ultra
radicals and the quasi despotic govern
ment. The consular oommittee of the Norwe
gian Storthing is expected during May
to give its final deoision respecting the
independent Norwegian consulates. But
the president, Ullmau, is already so con
fident of the issue that be writes in one
ot the leading papers : "The Norwegian
consulates will be established within a
few weeks," to which the Swedish papers
ot opposite opinion meroly reply: "In
deed! Will they?"
A Swedish Zoological Sooiety of 200
members has been formed, who in their
turn have issued oiroulars for the organ
ization of a company ot small sharehold
ers to establish a fine zoologioal garden,
where principally animals of northern
latitudes will be oollected, as only suoh
can be expected to thrive in Sweden on
aocount of its severe winters, the animals
ot tropioal climates generally expiring
after a languid existence in tbe new, cold
surroundings, to which they have been
Poor little Denmark seems to have for
gotten that agreements and treaties of
peace ere not very reliable in the modern
politios of Europe it is within easy mem
ory ot man how she lost her Duchies
aud yet now she contemplates to discon
tinue the works of fortifioations, thereby
to gain an additional area for building
purposes, estimated at fifty million
crowns. . Hal how, if tha royal orown or
Denmark then itself disappears in the
quicksands of European political machin
ations? Don't throw away the.ehield
When Crown Prince Gustaf, the time
before lust, visited Norway, the cabinot
minister, Steen, gave a dinner in his hon
or, to which also were invited the editors
of the three most prominent radical pa
pers, that is, The World's Occurrences,
The Daily Press, and The Intelligence
papers, whioh tor years bad most bitterly
villified Sweden and tbe Bernalotte dy
nasty; also the cbolerio young Sigurd
Ibsen (the son ot tbe famous dramatist)
who had been expelled from the cabinet
and ever afterwards agitated for a sep
arate Norwegian foreign diplomacy. To
encounter these formidable foes, so ex
pert in wielding tbeir steel weapons
tbeir pens and to have to "smile" and
"chin-chin" with them must have been
but a sorry pleasure tor tbe heir appar
Word has come to these parts that a
great sensation was recently caused at
Trendborg, a smnll town in Denmark,
by tbe revelation that the postmaster's
wife had tor twenty-six years oarried on
a perfect system of theft, as well in that
town as in one where her husband bad
formerly looated. It was generally her
most intimate friends that beoame ber
viotims. In one family where Blie spent
Christmas eve, she Btole BO orowns, in
tended for a Christmas box to the son;
from another friend she took 100 orowns
in gold, which had been put by for a
journey, etc. Altogether, seventy in
dictments, large and small, are oited
against ber. "Custom made it for her
a property of easiness," and some of the
tbefts were committed with perfeot sang
froid, not to say elegance. However,
tnere is general sympathy expressed for
tbe husband, who evidently had not the
lightest inkling of the depredations and
deprivation of his "better half."
F,. O. The litrhtnina during tbe storm
Friday afternoon played a few pranks
at Pendleton. Five of the small wires in
the cable box ot the telephone exchange
worR burned bv the morry fluid, and the
connection of five 'phones severed. The
damage has since been repaired.
Frank Snow, D. A. Porter and Alva
Leach were up from Lexington yester
day. The boys report the people s party
movement active in their neighborhood,
though the candidates of ull parties have
their speoial admirers and menus.
Pntriak Flanaian came in Friday to
make final proof on his homestead. Clerk
Morrow did ine jod lor mm.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
We have received from Richard A.
Saalfibld, 794, 796 and 798 Tenth Ave
nue, New Ynrk, the first number of a
musioal monthly entitled, The New York
Musical Monthly. It is a marvel of
cheapness and excellence. It fairly stag
gers us. How any publisher oan afford
to give so much for so little surprises us.
We all know what musip oosts, but here
is a publication of 32 pages of music,
large size, large print, eguoZ in every re
spect to high priced music, wbiob is
offered to the publio at 15 cents per oopy,
or $1.50 per year, postpaid. The number
to band contains, "Nightingale Song,''
from the Tyrolean, by Oenee; "Ta-ra-ra
Boom-de-ay," by Ascher; "Love and Du
ty," Song, by Dryden; "Serenata" (Ital
ian) Waltz, by Jaxone; "Kitsmin Schot-
tisohe Militaire,". by Leggett; "Darkie's
Dream," by Lansing; "Tyrolean" Waltz,
by Pratt, any one of whioh is worth the
price Asked,i while the "Ta-ra-ra Boom
de-ay" is tbe piece that is being sung
everywhere and made such a suc
cess in London and Paris as to inoreese
a certain singer's salary from $50 a week
to $100 per night. The publishers ad
vise us the May number will oontniu
Puderewski's" melodie; the famous song
For You;" the beautiful "Love's Dream
After the Ball" Waltz, by Czibulka;
"Paderewski's Menuet;" "Poor Girl
Didn't Know;" the great song, "My Son,
My Sou. My Only Son;" the famous
Swedish Song "Tystnad;" and last, bnt
not least, Montenegro's famous "Oxford
Berlin Polka," whioh is danced every
This monthly is priuted on elegant pa
per and we can hardly say enough for it.
Our subscribers would do well to send
15 cents for a sample oopy, of, better
still $1.50 for a yearly subscription to the
In the oity election at Spokane, the
Review gives the following as the plat
form of tbe opposition :
First Moss.
Sooond Five per oent per mouth,
i Third More moss. , .
!, Fourth The same old crowd in the
oounoil. .
; Fifth Everhart and Notbohm.
Sixth The tiger rampant, with plenty
of moss on his back. -
; The Cosmopolitan (logins its thirteenth
"volume May issue, uildor the joint editor
ship of Mr. W;D."Howells and Mr. Walker-'
with a-table ot bnntents which will.nt
traot attention. '
James Russell Lowell, Frank II. Stock
ton, Theodore Roosevelt, Edmund Olar-
enae Stedman, Henry James. Prof. H. If.
Boyesen, Hamliu Garland, John Hay,
Sarah Orue Jewi tt, Prof. Lnngley of the
Smithsonian, Thomas Wentworth Hig
ginson, and W. D. HowellB himself are
among the oontnuutors. me illustra
tions in this issue are by suoh well known
artists as E. W. Kemble, Frederiok Rem
ington, F. S. Churoh, Walter Crane,
William M. Chase, C. S. Rinehart, Dan
Beard, George Wharton Edwards, Wilson
de Meza, etc.
New Opal Find.
E. O.: A. W. Cuthbert, who was down
Sunday from Kamela, had a few speci
mens from the opal find recently discov
ered at the junction of Big and Little
McKay crocks, about twenty miles from
Pendleton, and locnted by Mr. Cuthbert
and Railway Agent Taylor, of Kamela.
The opals were picked up from tho sur
face of the ground, and are milky white
ii) oolor. The locators expeot to deter
mine, as soon as practicable, tho extent
and value of the disoovery.
A Leader.
Since its first introduction, Eleotrio
Bitters has gained rapidly in popular ftt
mr. until now it is clearly in tbe lead
among pure medicinal touioa and altera
tives containing nothing whioh permits
its use as a beverage or intoxicant, it is
recognized as the beat and purest med
ioine for all ailments of stomaoh, liver
and kidneis It will curesiok headache,
indigestion, constipation, and drive mal
aria from the system. Satisfaction guar
anteed with each bottle or the money
will be refunded. Price only 50o per
bottle. Sold by Slocum-Johnston Drug
C. E. Bayard, ot The Dalles, U. S. spe
oial agent Interior Department, spent
yesterday in Heppner. This otlice ac
knowledges a very pleasant call. Mr.
Bayard is well versed in the topics of tbe
day and is a most interesting conversa
tionalist. The looal asking for a little hay had
hardly been set in type before Frank
Gentry's team rolled in with a line loud.
Great is the power of printer's ink.
The Gazette has lately added new job
material, new type and other parapha
nnlia. Our job work is second to uooe.
The good wenther is being utilized by
the 1IJ0 strikers who were much delayed
by recent storms.