BKEITT WHY ARE. YOU WEiLEL? I If, v wHi7 ( if II . V.- we have a relief and cure In your ignorance of effects and vitality which is system the elements thus strength and vigor will fol cure or money refunded. Dr. Sanden's Electric S jig testify, and from many of A f' . &J THE DR, SHNDEN ELECTRIC BELT is a complete galvanic battery, made into a belt so as to be easily worn during work or at rest, and it gives soothing, prolonged currents which are instantly felt throughout all weak parts, or we forfeit $5.0OO. It has an Improved Electric Suspensory, the greatest boon ever given weak men, and we warrant it to cure any of the above weaknesses, and to enlarge shrunken limbs, or parts, or Money Refunded. They are graded in strength to meet all stages of weakness in young, middie-aged or old men, and will curs the worst cases in two or three months. Address & SANDEN ELECTRIC CO., 172 First St., PORTLAND, OREGON. 0mm QUfcEN HAIRINE" to restore and promote the Hair has no equal. It is a pomado (vaseline form), hour applications will Hop the hair falling ami prevent duiidriiu". It cures Kcalp diseases, and will positively grow a luxuriant growth of hair unlesn hereditarily bold. Baldness is not an indication that the roota are dead. Nature did not provide that wo should wear a covering for the head. When tho epidermis (skin) is alive, so are tho roots, and 'Quoen Uairine" applied to the surface opens the follicles, and gives nourishment and Tiulity to tho root, One bottle will convince the most skenticai Of its merits. Try it. i'riee, $1 .00 per Ilotlle. 1 QUEEN ANTI-ODOR" (powdered form) applied to tho part allays excessive perifpi ration, and permanently cures offensive feet, armpiLM, etc A most delightful and bannlces remedy. Price We. Our ON DO LINE" (liquid, pure and harmieu), when applied to the skin restores and beautifies the Complexion; removes and prevents Tan, bunburn, freckles, I'imple and Ulaekheads. This re nowned preparation cannot bo excelled. A single application has a marvelous effect, and each additional one improves the complexion. Try it; if not delighted with it, return the bottle, and we will refund yonr money, OneUottle will restore the oompiexion. Price, 91.00 QtiKKNToii,BT'o.: Your preparation formulas (aler a careful analysis), I an free to say.are harmless, and certainly effectual if used according to directions. J. K. Hesse, M. D..4M Freeman Ave. Jteiuit by I'. O. Order, Ketfiatered Letter, or Irat lo home office, and mention this paper. QUEEN TOILET CO. 174 RACE ST., CINCINNATI, O. (Local Agents Wanted.) J Fit EE Sample? ot our Goods and "How to be Beautiful" sent for two stamps. Hides, Pelts And Furs wanted. I will pny the highest niurket pri'cH for itnythfiiK in this line. Oiveiumi call liefnru Belling elK(!Wluiu, hh I know J run do butter by you than any other linn in Jlcpi'iier. W. W. SMEAD. Ollieo nt Sargout & Driukoll's Feed yard. Gcitnlidc American Agency for S,tf CAVEAT9. COPYRIGHTS, eto For Information and free llnndhook wrlto to Ml'NN A t'O.. ;hh tiuoAliWA Y, Nkw Ynitff, OltluHt tiun-ftu for Hecuhiiff patents tn AmeHra. ICvery patent taUi'ii out liv uh 1h lirouvht beforo thu pubilu by u milieu glvuii free of oiiarxe In tho Lamest rirenlnttnn of anv selenttflfl paper In the World. Hplendully llhiHtraled. No Intellitient unui Hhiiuld bu without It. Weekly, m;.00 m year; tl.M six inonttiH. Addrettu MtlNN X CO, VliliLisuKL(s. 3til Broadway, Wuw York. L U M 15 E It ! yK ItAVK KOli HAI.K A 1.1. KINDS OF UN V, thvKHt'i! Liiiiitiir, lllitiiluhul llt'ppuur, at what 1m known atj tliu SOOTT BAWMIXjUi. I'KK 1,(XI0 FKKT, KOI1MI, Cl.KAH, - 1U 1X1 - - 17 W f F PKI.IVKUKM IN HKl'I'NKH, Wll.l. ADD L. HAMILTON, Prop. I. v. iiiiuilitoii.Mnii'tir WOVEN WIRE best sreirmi kCKNOWLEDCED THE REST for Lnwns, Gardens, Farms, H.tuchos and Railroads I'Klt'l.S UKIirCI'.h. Sol.t Uy .t.'nt.'i .. KliKUlHT I'AIU cfll 1,1 K.V'S I'OI UKV M:iTIN'(l Now TIiIuk I No w;tk'liik'l No tiHk'nlitLrl Vxira l(iuvv Hlvujre The HtHullAd Woven wlrn Finoe 0o Cbioavo. IU QUICK TIM VJ I T O AmJ all points in ('Hliforniii, via the Mt, tiltauta route ot tlio Southern Pacific Co. Tho Kroiit hitthwHy through California to all poinla Kiwt and South, tlraml ttcttnio Itouto vt tho 1'aoifio (Vait, rtillmaii HutTet Hloeoyra, Hocnul-cla Hlwpora Attm'hwt toi-xpriwit trains, utlonlinK superior Rci'HLiinnKlatinnn for tH'nio!-elaw nuitnKoi-H. for rutew, tiekciw, bl.t'ping ear rusorvutions, t)te., call upon or mitlit R. KOKHl.Klt, Mumhit, K. V. KOiiKKS, Asst. (ion. F. t 1'. Ant., 1'ortlMiul, Dri'Kou. Frank H. Huovr, ConnnisKiouer TJ. S Circuit Court nt LmitiKtou, Or., is authorized to receive fees for jniblioatiou of liuul proofs. 4H-tf. STEEL & t V ?lrf"'.--M-TAl-,iWlrr"i'"'J' AND SUSPENSORY FOR, d 5LEEPLESSNE55.Fbi)RMFiOBV.S GENERAL IllHeaLTH the effects of abuses, excesses, worry and exoosure. For such sufferers In our marvelous invention, which requires but a trial to convince the most skeptical, or by excesses, or exposure, you may have unduly drained your system of nerve force eleCtricitV- and thus Caused VOlir WPfltnp fir lart rtf fw Tf vnn rnlar.. Intrt 1'r.itr drained, which are required for vigorous strength, you will remove the cause, and health, low at once and in a natural wav. This is our rlan and treatment, and we marantic a Send for our Illustrated Pamphlets, free failed, as can be shown by hundreds of cases throughout this State, who would gladly whom we have strong letters bearing testimony to their recoveryVter using our Belt. PerMps.Yon Don't Kno Ds, BUT SURELY YOU KNOW OF OUR REMEDIES. Wo extend an invention to call and seo free tents nt our Clinic, "Arnaiio chambers." Hours 1 to a v. m. Lady Attendants. Wo Jill mail nrdera name day received (secure I Healed, postpaid). If nrttfii represented wh will refund your money. ril irCM AMTI UAIDIMrtI . viui-tn rt i rniniiit juiuuyuh jiearci nr nuperiluous Hair lmui the Face, Week and Arum, or Moles and liirihmtirkH. Made Into a paste, ouly a few minutes application is required. It Ib powerful, yet mild in its effect. It dissolves and destroys tlio follicles of the hair without tho RlighteKt pain, injury ordiscolora tion tollieniostdelieotoflkin. Trv it. firm I'rim. i on liMla JskIS TICKETS On Sale OMAHA, Kansas City, St. Paul, Oliioofso, St. JvOllIjS, AND AhU POINTS EAST, NORTH p ROUTH. LeaveB Hoiipner, 8 a. 111. Arrives 0:50 p. lu. rulltiiiin Sleeper, Coluntttt Mleeiiers, Reclining Chair Cars and Diners. Stenmora Portland to Hnu Frauoisoo every (our daya. Tickets TO Ji.lTI Europe. Far rates unil m'lieral Information call on iH'IKit Tieket AKcnt, J. C. 1IA.HT, lloppncr, Oregon. W. It lll'KI.Ul'KT, Asst. Uenl. Pass. Agt. W WuHhlnglon St., rultTLAND, ORKUON. STANDARD rotlCENTUBV TWIN BROTHERS DRY HOP YEAST THE CCT QUICK ' RISER LIGHTBREAil ,1THMO..TtrtO DtTKOtT.MICa LECTfflClILT ' ' : s.M..' ,.A., WHO ARE DEBILITATED. AND SUFFERING from Nervous DebiutV Seminal Weak ness. Losses Drains iMPOTFNf Y no Lost'Manhood Phfi imati sm I . a mf Back; KidneV Troubles. Nervoi ixnfx ; sent by mail, sealed. THE POWER OF MAN. Tho Ch'npfio prize, tho Gfnspng root, nsiieh more highly than Opium. They cull it (liuseng; mean lug the Power of Man. When scurco the fluent quality has been sold for 400 per ounce. Now, why do thuy pny such, ft price? Uecnuau tbiy heliove it Rivci thm tho niiicu tlusirt'U ncrvo force, how runny puople Butler from wouk luss? Yt littt a diatrvHslng ailmentf Vou lack vlm; urv force, energy, jiowcr, You fftol all gone. You are ulwuyfl prsyiiig for str?ntfth, ywt get ting weuker find weuker. Listen to the ToifB of reason. I'lnce yowr case before intelligent specialists cupablo of hblpfng, yes, csrlug yon. By tho more writing of a letter you can have yonr Cflce dinRiioHed free, ahsolutly zroe of all charges. Write to-duy, COSMOPOLITAN DISPENSARY, Stooiton, Market and Ellis Streets, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. Roofing vii. hi "i.i. .voi tj ivuwrm'i rr.i.i ruoLH Hilly ?i.(H)v;r 11)0 Hituiiro feet. .MiikeH a k(1 rtml fur y(;iii'H, and anyone can pnt It on. Send Btauip iui nunii.iv; nun inn ini i iiMuitrn. l.UM I'.I.AN II (; UUlll-lNG (JO., 39 it 41 West llmiidway, New York. (ifJ-75 Local AKiintH Wanted. LKXINUTON AND VICINITY. Tbe villiifre of Lexington presented another lively animated appearance to day. It is always u busy place. Eaeb one bus bis work wbiob be carefully per forms in a cheerful manner. Tho advent ot a new party bos been watched by "old liners" with deep inter est. Have they just cause for alarm? Can tbey answer the leading questions of tho day ? Can they show that this is a land of equal rights ? Can they show that a corruption fund has not been used and is not now being used to subvert tbe will of tbe people ? Long suffering, oppression and ineffi ciency in oflioe have taught tbe people a lesson that will have its effeot on the future oompiexion of national politics It is not assumed that republicans are all knaves, that democrats are all con firmed drunkards and personifications of incompetency, that alliance men are the "only absolutely pure." But it is claim ed that tbe masses are being robbed, cheated and defrauded and that money is being freely used to that end. How muob intorest is beiug excited on the point can be measured by the signs of tbe times as displayed in town yester day. The day was fair. The season a busy one. Everything favorable to effective, practical, profitable farm labor, still the streetB were orowded with farm ers from all the neighboring distriots. The people ore fairly aroused and are determined to correct some of tbe exist ing evils. The old plea of having no time to talk politics is out of date. Every man is anxious to know what is being done aud every man oomes from the post ollice laden with n bundle of papers. What does it mean f Why so many men idle (?) in busy season ? It means that farmers have discovered they must take time to proteot their best interests. It means they are no longer ooutent to work sixteen hours Dor day and leave the affairs of state in the hands of "smooth palmed" gentry who will neglect the farmers interests, ignore bis rights and in a hundred other ways defraud him. Eaeb dark aloud is said to have a Bil ver lining. That may be true and ohuck full of poetio sense or nouseuse. In tbe present campaign some of these dark clouds will be ripped from stem to gudgeon and the silver lining disclosed if it exists. Some o( the "crooked jobs" will be held up to public gaze for inspec tion. The day is past when trioksters can robe themselves in purple and fine linen, from the labor of those who bear the heavy burdens and must be oonteut with coarse food, raiment and little or no intellectual nourishment. The time has arrived when a oareful distinction must be made between the prophets, true aud false. Tho time has arrived when newspapers must Btand boldly up for tbe right and advocate only gmn nu'ii for office. Their future existence depends npon it. Let them heed the timely warning and take decided stand "or forever hold their pesce." The day is here when men who ask for office must "show cause." When men can no longer depend upon personal friendship if controverted by peculiar fitness for offices of trust and honor. No longer will the public sudor scrubby, iu- oompeteut men to till important offices simply because this party or that to which tbey may at some time have been . allied puts tbem in nomination. Anyone familiar with modern machine politics knows that a man is often placed in nom ination simply because "be lives in some district that is entitled to recognition from the party." Put only good men in nomination for of such should be tbe kingdom of Ameri ca and then and not until then will it be "tbe land of the free and the home ot the brave." Eecent showers have added fresh as surance of bountiful results from the coming harvest. Preparations are beiug made for it and for the heaviest seeding this fall ever known in the history of Morrow Co. Some few cases of diptheria are report ed from tbe Wells Springs country. Tbe only fatal case thus far was in tbe family of J. S. Van Cleve, who have the sym pathy of tbe entire community in their bereavement. They have reoently lost a Bon through tbe dread disease. The sohool in the Holland district has been discontinued on acoount of the prevailing oontagion. The alliance held another meeting yesterday which in seoret session was largely attended. Tbe boys are a little reticent but they are getting ready to "smoke out" something or somebody. When Frank Snow tells you that good, sensible men will meet in secret oonclave for two hours and do nothing, just look into that heavenly blue eye of his and see if you can discern still another color This is no imputation on Mr. Snow's char acter as to truthfulness, or any complaint against bis disposition to be courteons. He is altogether too oourteous. He will tell yon it is none of your d d business in terms so beaming with compliment and respect, that you will think it so( and that you have o'er stepped tbe bounds in your eagerness to chronicle passing eveuts. When E. P. Sine smiles and says nothing, look out, for there is a hen on. Cy Metior don't say much but he is on the still hunt. Marsh White favors free coinage and a large, comfortable, well furnished scbool house. Good boy, stick to that tack, it's the proper caper. Mr. White advooales the establishment and main tainanoe of a first-olass graded school in Lexington. Such an institution would induce people who are interested in farming to build pleasant homes here where they oould better enjoy social, religious and educational advuntageB, that can never be realized in tbe thinly settled farming districts. Hon. John 0. Thomson was in town today. John thinks the chances are fair for a democratic victory in June. At tbe regular monthly meeting of the G. A. 11. a few names were added to tbe roll. Preparations were made for mem orial services, May 30. The Ladies' Relief Corps also held an interesting meeting. There was a full attendance. Preparations were made for fitting services on Decoration day. Andrew Reauey is obeerful aud confi dent that the present prospect of a orop will influence values of real estute up ward. Black Horse is proud to say she has tbe best school house in the country and sbe has needed it badly aye these many days. There has been more or less sickness here of late. Mrs. Frank Hell is improv ing slowly. Mrs. W. G. Sweetzer has improved in health some, although she is far from being well. Mrs. Anna Allyn and daughter, of Montana, will soon visit Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Sweetzer. Bluck Horse always leads and never follows. Now comes tbe startling in telligence that the "gals" are making "oodles" of money patching squirrels. Was always cognizant of the unusual power of fascination possessed by these charming young ladies. Will there ever be an end to anything? After charming all tbe boys they paralyze tbe ground squirrels. Gosh I What funny things one will see in a day's drive. Queer people yes, whole bunches of them. Stopping to open a gate we saw the following notice taoked to a post. It reads "tbusly:" Take Heed this is My fence and not yours and Don't yo Splice any more A. J. Bmsedino." It is evident this "splicing" business is very unpopular and this publicity may save a heap of trouble among the neigh bors. It is needless to udd that it is ac corded gratis. People will sometimes point out an aot, mean, low, depioable and say "its humanity." Humanityj is a complete stranger to such oouduot. If our minis- terial friend will examine the word, be will find humanity tbe embodiment of kindness, benevolenoe, love. Moral: Sow not tbe wind unless you are prepar ed to garner the whirlwind. Don't forget the alliance picuio at Lexington, Mny 11th. General invita tion extended to everybody. Lexington, Apr. 30. T. K. B. ilurklen's Arnica Balve. Tbe best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, onilblains, corns, and all skiu eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required, it is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction. or money refunded. Prioe 25 cents per oox. tor side by olooum-Johnston Drug Co. The republican delegates from Mount Vernon, Gentry and Heppner precincts met Saturday and made the following precinct nominations: Justice of the peace. F. J. Hallock: oonstahle. Harrv Phillips. M. D. L. French has taken a perma nent position in P. C. Thompson Com. pany s, which tbe customers of that pop ular house will be pleased to bear. John Kern brought in a lot of bogs from Fleming Bros', ranch last Saturday, consigned to Spray Bros. Heartily lWouiinemU It. Portland, Or., Feb. 3. Having suffered for years with pains in my back, I tried the OREGON KIDNEY TEA anil found immediate relief and a permanent cure. 1 heartily recommend it to all affiioted in like manner. Mks. L. Coun. ALLIANCE COLUMN (Submitted by a subscriber.) From the Alliance Herald. Equal right to tbe use of the earth is the first principle of justice among men who reoognize tbe right of life. What peouliar virtue is there in a party name, that men should oontinue to wear a collar, when all principle is gone. The North Dakota Independent pub lishes the correspondence in full show ing how oertain papers have told them selves, body and soul, to the republican oampaign committee, having agreed to print thirty anti-alliance articles as edi torial for the sum of $1,000. This recalls the famous Buell ciroular letters in structing the bankers to buy np the ag ricultural and religious papers. This gives us a clew to some unusually bril liant editorials laudatory of President Harrison, which have marked oertain religious journals of late. In speaking of General Weaver, who is to speak at this plaoe May 5th and a number of plaoes throughout the North west, the E. O. of the 22d inat. says : "These things may be to Mr. Weaver's oredit, and he may be looked upon by some as a martyr to political reform. But his past course leads others to look upon him as a man who is chasing an ignus fatuus in the shape of a presidency that be oan never reach. A genuinely great man never seeks an ollice." If this be correct the democratic party never had any "genuinely great men." As to Mr. Weaver, whatever may be his aspirations, it cannot be denied but what he is, praotically Bpeaking, a great man ; and if he is nominated aud afterwards defeated at election, he will only do what thousands have done before him sacri fice himself for his country. No man is truly great who would not do this. If Mr. Weaver is oalled to lead the people be will do so and not complain at tbe re sult, whatever it may be. General Weaver, of Iowa, will address tbe citizens of Umatilla county May 5th on tbe political issues of the day. It is desired that all persons, regardless of political oreed, turn out and hear him. Mr. Weaver is one of the finest orators in the United States, and has been iden tified with every move for the betterment of tbe people, sinoe he was of age, and a more staunch and faithful friend of the masses does not exist. Suitable arrange ments will be made to make all visitors oomfortable. Come everybody and learn the truth. Grateful Beyond Expression. PoitTiiAND, Or. July 31. The OREGON KIDNEY TEA has oured my back and kidneys, Bnd I nm nt a loss to express my gratitude. I shall always remember the Oregon Kidney Tea with pleasure and esteem, and highly recommend it to all my friends and ac quaintances. J. H. P. Downing, (At P. Selling's). NOT AN IDOL KOB A KING. Juines H. Slater is Worshippers la Neither, Nor Has Eastern Oregon. Correspondence to the Oregonian. La Gkandb, Or., April 28. To tuk Editob.J In a late issue of your paper you stated in an editorial that Jas. H. Slater, the present nominee upon the democratic ticket for congress from East ern Oregon, was an idol, a king and an extensiye farmer, and was worshipped as such in that section of country. Allow me to inform you that your state ment is not true, as Mr. Jas. H. Slater iB neither an idol, a king nor an extensive farmer; neither has he any worshippers to any targe extent in this seotion of Ore gon, and when the election returns of June 6, proximo, are in, Mr. Slater, to his chagrin, will find just how he stands. The people of Eastern Oregon object to your orowning Mr. Slater as king, or even a seoond-haud idol. John W. Gaines. For Sale. Tbe hotel heretofore known as tbe Mountain House, one block from First National bank in Heppner, Or. Con tains parlor, dining room, baggage room, kitchen and 15 bed rooms; all rooms furnished. For further particulars in quire of 63-tf T. W. Aybhs. Where? At Abrahamsick's. In addition to his tailoring business, he has added a fine line of underwear of all kinds, negligee shirts, hosiery, etc. Also has on hand some elegant patterns for suits. A. Abrahamsiek, May street, Heppner, Or. First National Bank OF HEPPNER, C. A. RHEA. President. FRANK KELLOGG, Vice-President. George W. Conser, Cashier. C. I. Lewis, Ass't Cashier. Trausaots a General Banking Business EXCHANGE On all parts of the world Bought and Sold, Collections made at all points on Rea sonable Terms. Surplus and Undivided profits, 123,527.10 S. P. FLORENCE, STOCKRAISER HEPPNER, OREGON. Cuttle branded and ear marked as Bhown above. Horse F oil riht shoulder. Mv cattle rane in Morrow and Umatilla conn, tie. 1 will pay 109. 00 for the arrest and oon Tiction of any person BttioJiag my etock, PUBLIC SALE OF- Stock Horses ! The undersigned will sell at Public Auction at HEPPNER, OR., Friday, May 20th, 1892, ioo HEAD ioo Of American Stock Horses. TERMS OF SALE: One yenr, with approved security ; in terest at 10 per oeufc per annum. Five per ceut discount for cash. 78tf. 0. 13. COCHRAN. STOCK BRANDS. Wliilo you keep your Bubscription paid up you oan keep your brand in free of charge. Allyn. T. J., lone. Or. Horses Of on left thoulder; cattle same on left hip, under bit on right ear, and upper bit on the left; range. Mor row county. Armstrong, J. C, Alpine, Or. T with bar un der n on left Bhoulder of horses; cattle stuns on left Itip. Allison, O. D., Eight Mile. Or.-Cattle brand, O 1) on left hip and horeea same brand on right shoulder. Range. Eight Mile. Adkins, T C, Dayville, Or- Straight mark across the thigh and two crops and a slit in the right ear; hor-BBs, X upside down on the right shoulder. Range in Grant county and Bear valley. JP O add reus also at Hardmnn. Adkins, J. J., Heppner, Or. Horses, JA con n 90 ted on left flank; cattle, same on left hip. Aycrs, Johnny, Lena, Or. Horeea branded trianglBOn lett hip; cattle same on right hip; alrio crop off right ear and upper bit on same. Hlyth, Percy H., Hoppner,()r. Horses, Roman cross on right shoulder. Range in Morrow comity. Hleakman, Geo., Hardman, Or. Horses, a flag onleft shoulder: cattle same on right shoulder. Hamdster, J. W., Hardman, Or. Cattle brand ed li on left hip and thigh; split in each ear. Rnrke, M Ht C, Long ureek, Or On cattle, MAY connected on loft hip, ciop otf left ear, nn der half crop off right. Horses, same brand on letft shoulder. Range in Grunt and Morrow county. Uowsman, A., Mount Vernon and Bqitib, Or. Cattle, A li on right hip, two crops in each ear; same on horses, on right shoulder. Range iu Grant and Harney counties, Hrosmau, Jerry, Lena, Or. Horses branded 7 on right Bhouider; cattle B on the left- side. ijert ear nan crop and rigtit ear upper slope. Harton, Win., Heutmer. Or. -Horses. J R right thigh; cattle, same on right hip; split in each ear. Urown. Isa, Lexington, Or. Horses IB on the ngnt stiiie; cattle same on right hip; range, Mor row county. Brown, J .P., Heppner, Or. Horses and cattlo branded 8 with ox-voke above on left, Hhnnldnr. Brown, J. (J. Heppner, Or. Horses, circle j wun uor iu obi. ier on leic nip; cattle, Bame. Boyer, W. G,, Heppnor, Or. Horses, box oranu on ngnt nip cattle, same, with split in each ear. Borg, P. O., Heppner, Or. Howes, P B on left shonldur: cattle, sumo on left hip. Brownlee, W. J., Fox,Or Cattle, JB connected on left side; crop on left ear and two splits and middle piece cut out on right ear; on horses same oranu on tne loit ungh; itange in jj-ox valley, Grant county, Cain.E., (,'aleb.Or. Y p on horses onleft stifle; TT Wit.li nimrtiiP nin.U it lf V 1.1 and onleft stifle on all colts under 5 years; on left Bhouider only on all horses over 5 years. All range in urant county, Clark, Win. H.. Lena. Or.-Horses WHO con nected, on left shoulder: cattle same on right hip. Itange Morrow and Umatilla counties. Cats, Chas. It,, Vinson or Lena, Or. Horses n on ngnt shoulder; cattle same on right hip. iwukii nun-row miu uuitiuiia counties. Cochrnn. ('haw.. Intie. Or. HorcwH. HP enn nected on left shoulder; cattle, C on both left nip aim suae, nunge in morrow county. Cannon. T. B..Lonir Creek. (Ip.-Tmh nnftlnnn right side, crop oft right ear and slit m left ear. Our horuessame brand on left shoulder. Kauge iu vimiiiuiminy. .Cecil, Wm Douglas, Or.; horBes JO on left shoulder; caftle same on left hip, waddles on eacn jaw ana two bits in the right ear. Curl. T. H.. John lhi Or. Tmihl enBa nn each hip on cattle, swallow fork and under bit in right ear, split in left ear. Itange in Grant county. On sheep, inverted A aud spear poiut on miouiuer. Mr maritoii ewes, crop o left ear, puucneu upper Dit in right. Wethers, crou in right and under half crop in left ear. Ail range Crosby, A.A.Hoppner,Or.TCattlebranded"I-L Cook, A. J..Lena.Or. HorHRH. Ho on no-htohr.nl. der; Cattle, same on right hip: ear mark square orop off left and split in right. Currin.lt, Currinsville, Or, -Horses, o on left stifle. Cochran, J n Monument, Or-Horees branded T 1 & A on loft shoulder. Cattle, Bame on right hip, swallow fork in right ear and crop off I eft. Cox & Knglish, Hardman, Or. Cattle, C with E iu center; horses. CJS on left hip. Cupper, H. A., Monument, Or Horses H C on left shoulder, cattle II C on left side, swal- iow LorjL on ngnt ear. Cochran, It. E., Monument, Grant Co , Or. Horses biandod circle with bar beneath, on left Bhouider; cattle same brand on both hips, mark under slope both ears and dewlap. Chapin, H., Hardman, Or. Horses branded Ci on ritrht hlD. !aUle bmnriwl t.hn Bum a Cross, H L, Duyville, Or Cattle branded two uiuim tutu a pm in lert ear; on horses a reversed 7, on left stifle. Also have the following brands on cattle: 72 on left hip, 7 on right hip, 72 on left shoulder, two parallel bars on left Buoumer. iuir martta, two crops. Doonan. Wm.. Hmmnar. (Ir.-Hnmoa hmnrlaH OO with bar over them, on left shoulder; cat- uBiwuiu uu ieii nip. Douglass, W. M Galloway, Or. Cattle, R Don right side, 8 wh) low-fork in each ear; horses, It D on left hip. Douglas, O. T., Douglas, Or Horses TD on the ritrht stifle: cattle same on rieht hin Duncan, W. P., John Day, Or. Quarter circle uu iikhl wiuuiuor, uotu on noraes and cattle, Itange Grant county. Driskell, W. K, Heppner, Or .-Horses branded K inside of O on left shoulder. Cattle same on Ely, J. B. & Boas, Douglas, Or. Horses brand ed ELY on left shoulder, cattle same on left uiu. nuie ii' ngnt ear. Fisk, ltalph, Prairie City, Or Horses, R F on right shoulder; cattle, on right hip. Itange in Grant county. t'leek, Jackson, Heppner, Or. Horses, 7F counected on right shoulder; cattle, same on right hip. Ear mark, hole in right and oroD oh left. Florence, L. A., Heppner, Or. Cattle, LF on right hip; horses, F with bar under on right Florence. 8. P. Heppner, Or. Horeea, F right shoulder; cattle, 1? on right hip or thieh Gay, Henry, Heppner, Or. G A If on left snouiuer. Goble, Frank, Heppner, Or. Horses, 7 F left stifle; cattle, same on right hip. Gilman-French, Land and Livestock Co., Fos sil, ur. norses, anchor o on left Bhouider; vent, same on left stifle. Cattle, same on both hips; ear marks, crop off right ear and underbit in left. Range in Gilliam, Grant, Crook and Morrow couuiies. Gentry, Elmer, Echo, Or. Horses branded H. 8. with a quarter circle over it, on left stifle. Itange in Morrow and Umatillacounties. Giltwater, J. C, Prairie City, Or. On horses, O O on left shoulder and stifle; cattle, ou right aide. Kauge in Grant county. Hams, James, Hardman, Or. Horses shaded 2 on left shoulder; cattlo same on left hip. Range in and about Haidinan. Hayes. Geo., Lena, Or, Brand J H connected, with quarter circle over it, on left shoulder, Hiutt. A. B., Ridge, Or. Cattle, rouud-top A with quarter circle under it on the right hip. Range in Morrow and Umatillacounties. Hin ton & Jenks, Hamilton, OrCattle, two bars on either hip; crop in right ear and Bplit in left. Horses, J on right thigh. Range in Grant county Hughes, ttamuel, Wagner, Or T F L on right Bhouider on horses; on cattle, on right hip and on left side, swallow fork in right ear and slit in left. Range in Haystack district, Morrow county Rail. Ed win, John Day, Or. Cattle E H on right hip: horsoB same on rmht shouhW. honin Grant county. Hughes. Mat, Heppner, Or, HorBes, shaded heart on the left shoulder. Ranee Morrow Co. Hunsaker. B A. Warmer. Or. Hnnuu u houlder; cattle. 9 on left hip. Hardisty, Albert, Nye, Oregon HorBes, AH connect!, on left shoulder; Cattle on the left hip, crop off left ear, Humphreys, J M. Hardman, Or. Horeee, H on left flank HiutL Wm. E.. RidffA. Or Hnr K bar cross ou left shoulder: cattle same on left hip. Ravea. J. M.. Henrmer. Or. Hnnuw winoalnu on left shoulder cattle, same on right hip. Ivy, Alfred, Long Creek, Or Cattle I D on right hip. crop oil left ear and bit in right. Horses same brand on left shoulder. Range n Grant oouutv. Huston. Lnther, Eight Mile, Or. Horse H on the left shoulder and heart on the left stifle Cat tle same on left hip. itange in Morrow county. JenkinB, D. W.,Mt. Vernon.Or, J on horeee on left Bhouider: on cattle. J on lft KinnnH tun smooth crops on both ears. Range in Fox and Bear valleys Jnnkin, 8. M., Heppner, Or. Horses, horse shoe J on left shoulder. Cattle, the earn a, Range on Eitrbt Mile. Johneou. Felix, Lena. Or. Horses, circle T on left stifle; cattle, same on rigtit hip, under half orop in right and split in left ear '""'Kenny, Mike. Heppner, Or. Horsea bmndixt KNY on left hip, cattle same aud crop off left ear: under dof on the right Keller, Richard, Blanton, Grant county, Or. E Kin square, cattle on left hip; horses same on left shoulder. Itange Bepx valley. Kirk, J. T., Heppner. Or. Horsea 69 on left Bhouider; cattle, 6U on lett hip. Kirk. J C, Heppnor. Or. Horses. 17 on either tiank; cattle 17 ou right aide. Kumberland.W.G., Mount Vernon, Or. 1 Lon cattle ou right and left BideB, swallow fork in it ft ear and under ciop in right ear. Horses name brand on left shoulder. Itange in Grant county. Keeney, EU, Heppner, Or. Horeee J L and ace of clubs on left stifle. Rauge in Umatilla and Morrow counties Lesley, M C, Monument, Or A trianglefRjlwith all lines extending pa t body of figure on tflhor eeeou loft shoulder, ou cattle diamond ou left Bhouider, split iu right ana &uaer bit in left ear Range in Grant couutyand to parts of John Day Leahey, J W, Heppner Or. Horses branded L N on left shoulder; cattle same on left hip; wat tle over right e, three slits in right ear. Lotten, Htephen, Fox, Or. B L on left hip on cattle, crop and split on right ear. Horses same brand on left Bhouider. Range Grant county, Lieuallen, John W.f LwHarwi Or. Horses branded half-circle JL connected on left shoul der. Cattle, same ou left hip. Range, near Lex ington. Lord. George, Heppner, Or. Horses branded double U coi.necbd Sometimes called & swing H, on left Bhouider. Maxwell, M . B., Gooseberry, Or. Horses brand ed long link on left shoulder: cattle, same on lef j hip. Ear mark, under bit in left ear, Minor, Oscar, Heppner, Or. Cattle, M D on right hip; horse. M on left shoulder, Morgan, ti. N., Heppner. Or. Horses, M) on left ehouldet cattle same on left hip. McCumber, Jas A, Echo, Or, Horses, M with bar over on right Bhouider. Mann. H. U.t L.ena, Or. HorBes old mares ZZ on right hip; young Block, smail aa on left shoulder. Morgan, Thos., Heppner, Or. Horeea, circle T on left shoulder and loft thigh; cattle. 'L on right thigh. Mitchell, Oscar, lone, Or. Horses, 77 on right hip; cattle, 77 on right side. McClaren, D. G Brownsville, Or, Horses, Figure 5on each shoulder; cattle. M2 on hip McKern.W. J.. Mount Veruon, Or XI on cattle on right hip, crop in right ear. half crop left same brand ou hursts ou left hip. Raue in Graut county. McCarty, David H., Echo, Or. Horses branded DM connected, ou the left shoulder; cattle same on hip and side. McUirr, Frank, Fox Valley, Or. Mule shoe with toe-cork on cattle on ribs and under in each ear; horses same brand on left stifle. McHaley, G. V., Hamilton, Or. On Horses, S with half circle under on left shoulder; on Cattle, four bars connected on top ou the right side. Itange in Grant County. Neal.Andrew, Lone Itock, Or. Horses A N con nected on left shoulder; cattle same on both hips, .Newman, W. R., Heppner, Or. Horses H with half circle over it on left shoulder. Nordyke, L., Hilvertou, Or. Horses, circle 7 on loft thigh; cattle, Bame on left hip. Oliver, Joseph, Canyon City, Or. A S on cattle on left hip; on horses, same ouloft thigh, Range in brant county. Oiler, Perry, Lexington, Or. P O on left shouidot. Olp, Herman, Pinirie City, Or. On cattle, O LP connected ou loft hip; horses on left stifle and wartie on nose. Itange in Grant county. Pearson, Olnve, Eight Mile. Or. Horses, quar ter circle shield on left Bhouider and 24 on left hip. Cattlo, fork in left ear, right cropped. 24 on loft hip. Range on Eight Mile. Parker A Gieaaou, Hardmau, Or, Horses IP on left shoulder. Piper. J. H.. Lexinotnn. Or.-Rnmoa .TR necied onleft shoulder; cattle, same on left hip. under bit m each ear. Putberg, Henry Lexington. Or. Horeea brand ed with a Roman cross on left shoulder; cattle branded with Roman cross, bar at bottom, oa left hip. Pettis, A. C, lone, Or.; horses diamond Pon r7T BhoullJ(U'? c,lttle. J H J connected, on the left hip, upper elope in left ear and slip in the ' right. Potter, Dan, Lexington Horsea branded MP connected on left shoulder; cuttle same on right hip. Powell, John T., Dayyille, Or-Horses, JP con. tiecied on left shoulder. Cattle OK connected on left hip, two under half crops, one on each ear, wattle under throat. Range in Graut county. Uickard, U. D., Canyon City, Or. F C on left shoulder, on horses only, ltunge Canyon creek and Bear valley, Grant county. Itood. Andrew, Hardman,. Or. Horses, Bquare cross with quarter-circle over it on loft stifle. lteiuiigor, Chris, Heppner, Or. Horses, C Ron left shoulder. liice.Dan, Hardman, Or.; horses, three panel worm fence ou left Bhouider; cattle, D AN on right shoulder. Range near Hardman. iiudio, Win, Long Creek, Or.-Brands horses K on right shoulder, Range, Graut and Morrow counties. ltoyse, Aaron, Heppner, Or Horses, plain V on left shoulder; cattle, same brand reversed on right hip aud crop off right ear. Rauge in Mor row county. Rush Bros., Heppner, Or.-Horses branded X on the right shoulder; cattle, IX on the left hip, crop ott left ear and dewlap on neck. Range in Morrow and adjoiningcouutieB. Bust, William, Pendleton, Or. Horses R on left shoulder; cattle, It on left hip, crop oti right ear, underhit on left ear. bheep. R on weathers .round crop off righ ear. Range Uma tilla and Morrow ouu ties. lieaney Andrew, Lexington, Or HorsM branded A R on right shoulder, vent quartei circle over brand; cattle same on right hip. Range Morrow county. ltoyse, Wm. H, Dairyville, Or HB connected with quarter cin-le over top on oatUe on right hip and crop off right ear and split in left. Horsea same brand on left shoulder. Itange in Morrow Grant aud Gilliam counties. Hitter, J F, Hitter, Or-Three parallel bara with bar over on horses on left hip; on cattle, left side, two smooth crops, two splits in each ear, Range m Middle Fork of John Day i K0titorii' WA tyPHwr, Or.-Horses. JO oi left shoulder. Cattle, Oou right hip. Spickiiall, J. W., "Gooseberry, Or., Horses branded 31 on loft shoulder; iwige in Morrow county, Bpray, J. F., Hoppner, Or. -HorBes branded fc Wp'""" m " lloulllsr; outtle same oa both Bulling, C O Heppner, Or-Horses branded S 4 on left shoulder; cattle Mime ou left hip. SwaBKart. B. jr., Lexington, Or.-Horae. 2 with dash under tt on left stiiie: cattle H with dushuncler it on rwht hip, crop off riant ear and waddled on riKht lnnd ion. flange in Morrow, bllliam and Umatilla counties. BwuRgart. A. L., Ella. Or.-Horses brande i oa left shoulder! cettlo same oa left hin. Cron on ear, wattle on loft hind leg. t BHr"1,f'l,tf.; K' UfXVVb --Horses shaded J H on left stinei cattle J Son left hip. swallow fork in right ear, nndorbit in left. """"ow shonhfer""' A1P"'e' 0r'-Hu. B S on right bupp.Thos Heppner, Or.-Horses, 8 A Pon left hip; cattle Bame on left hip. kiih',rtH' Jal!,2?' "H l'ek. Or.-Horses. 8 on left stiiie and over H on left shonider. ohrier.John Fox, Or.-NO oonueoted on horses on right hipicattio, same oa right hin crop off right ear and under bit in lefteaf. JSange in Grant countv. MuiBo leSuldS!" JhU Day' 0r-H Z onoattleon Stephens,, V. A., Hardman, Or-; horses BSon on right hip; ewallow.fork m left ear?' owageart u. vv., Heppner, Or.-Horses, 44 on loft shouldei ; cattle, 44 on left hin Btowart. Geo.. HunlTnu,, u. ii .. . on left shoulder. ' """"" mle .aiSll8toD' Wash,-Horsea. keystone Smith JS. Jfi. Lone Rock, Or. Horses branded a crossed seven on oft shoulder; oattla same on loft side. Kange, Gilliam couuty. """eon JTK&rM?V C on dewlap; horeee W C on left shonider. shoulder. ' -""". - on left 1 JUTr m W-l HoPPiof. Or.-Small capital T 'e'lder, torsos; cattle sam, on left hin on left hip ,,, l" ooin ears. HT connected on left 3; sheep S brand inuiuwii, ii, ax., lone, rv ti i . . .i,iiiiB on right Hors shnJD. ft' J. H?W. Or.- Morrow county. ' '" W arreu, VV H. Caleb, Or-Cattle, W with quarter circle over it on left side, spht Tin righTSTr HorBes same brnnt n ur. ai...t.i ..K Graut coouty. """""" "Wi in left ear JiTo'in OranV ,"u um,M Dlt and split in lelt. " "8"ls" cattle on the loft hip, upper s ope in the left ear and under slope fa right ear. Same brand on horses ou right shoulder. Kauge in Harney aud drant countv. ' Webster, J. J Heppner. Or.-Horses branded with bar over J on right shoulder; cattle same on right hip. crop off left ear and split in each! Itange. Morrow county. Wade. Henrv. JJeunnnr- Or -.lTn. i j . ace of spades on left shonider and left hin win. a"1- adu"UBe on 'eft ! and left hipT Shhfc.i1!i'r.9r-0r'-llure8a. "" left Wolfinger, John, John Day City, Or On horses untie.. " "" na Wyland. J H. Hardman l.riJ-i- r, ... thigh, ' v on len Woodward, John, Heppner, Or. Horm np counected on left shoulder. no"", vr r, ? n'i",she- P?'' -Horses branded ur.. connected on left stifle. Wallace, Charles, Portland. Or. ThHIa w .., right thigh, hoie in left earThorZ, VV on right nottlaer, si.mf same on left Bhouider. Whmier Bros., Drewsy, Harney sonnty, Or. -Horses branded V B. connected on left ihoulder. Williams aeco, Hamilton, Or.-yaarter cir- u thTm. bRre on le,t h'P. bo"" cattle and horses. Itange (irant county. Williams. Jo. Long Creek. Or-Horses, quar ter circle over three bars on left hip; cattle same and slit in each ear. Bangs in Hrait onantr. Ween, A. A., Heppner Or.-Cattle, running A A with bar aero. on right hip. Young, J. Gooseberry, Or.-Horsee branded TSontherihtuoulder. unmueu