Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, May 03, 1892, Image 2

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So long as the Portland Telegram oould
bellow, "Ellis, the Moody man," "Ellis,
the enemy to' an open river," "a vote lor
Ellis means a vote for Chinese immigra
tion," etc., etc., without any interrnption,
it was fine sailing. It has done so with
out the shadow of foundation or semb
lance of truth in any of its acousations
sbsolutely nothing whioh it might olothe
in rhetorical bombast to besmiroh the
principles and good standing of W. B,
Ellis. But the frail skeleton of wind has
been dressed to death to hide the weak
subterfuge of "a what is it?" and given
up the ghost in the minds of thinking
poople all over Oregon.
As an independent paper, the Gazette
would ask the Telegram, just for infor
mation, if Mr. Slater ever returned to the
government the increase in salary, 82000
a year, received through the "salary
ffrnh" act. at the time Mr. Slater was a
member of congress from Oregon? If
our memory is not faulty, that increase
in salaries, known as the "salary graD,
was a great "bogie man" in the ranks of
the faithful: so muoh so indeed that tney
demanded their ooDgressmen to return
to the Hovernment the raise in salary. If
Slater has not done so, he stands in a
bad Dredioament before bis own party,
aooording to their own standard, and one
with which the Telegram would fain
meriBure candidates if they did not hap-
neu to fall in its own ranks.
The Telegram aoouses us of supporting
Ellis as a partizan. If the Gazette is
such a measly partizan paper, why did it
support Henry Blackman for the state
scnatorship two years ago? The Gazette
is no organ or tool under any ciroum
stanoes, and as for Mr. Ellis, he has not
even as muoh as asked for our support,
and what is being extended oomes from
the realization that he is pre-eminently
ouulified to represent the second district-
We need an open river: we want no free
wool and taxed woolens; we want an aot
ive man .in Congress, not an old granny.
Ho should be a man whose sense of right
and justice would precede everything else.
We know that man by years of intimate
association. We also know that Mr. Sla
ter did not suit East Oregonians, neither
as a oouKressman nor a senator, nor
would he ns the first congressmen from
the second district of Oregon, whioh he
will not be, by the grace of the voters.
There is a certain amount of home
pride, we will admit, which actuates every j
true man te feel an interest in the welfare
of his home people. And it is likely to
extend to even a newspaper, provided it
is not too narrow to got beyond a certain
line. Tue reoord of the Gazette proves
oloarly that it supports no man in a nar
row way, but beoause his political ideas
aro for the preservation of home and na
tion, and that he is trustworthy in every
The Ideal Baking Powder
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder.
For more than fifty years Cream of Tartar and Bi
carbonate of Soda have been used for leavening purposes
with sufficient flour added to preserve the strength of the
powder unimpaired, and this with the addition of whites
of eggs comprises this pure and wholesome leavening
agent, that has been the standard for 40 years. In its
use pure, wholesome and delicious food is always assured.
Makes cake and biscuit that retain their moisture, and
while they are flaky and extremely light they are fine grained,
not coarse and full of holes as made with ammonia baking
powders, latter dries up quickly. Alum powders leave a bit
ter taste in the bread or cake.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder once used, always used.
Some little time ago a bear hunt was
organized in the north of t inland, at
which eight bruins were killed. Of
these two were felled by a famous bear
honter, Capt. Hoek, which made the
number just 100 of such beasts which be
had participated in killing. For every
bear Capt. Hoek has slam he drives a
silver tack into the stock of his gun.
Two years ago what is now the seoond
congressional distriot of Oregon, polled
a total of 35,991 votes for congressman; of
which Herman received 20,635, Miller
14,455 and Bruoe 901. Herman's plural
ity was 6180 and his majority over all
5,279. There ib no reason to suppose that
the political views of the people nave
materially ohanged since 1890, and, as
Mr. Slater is the speoial champion and
representative of a party that believes in
free wool on the sheep's back, and taxed
woolens on the farmer's back, he is wel
come to all the oomfort he can obtain by
oarefully conning over these figures.
The Dalles Chronicle.
fa. Aluilmii of Hon. AV.E. Ellis to
oongress is well assured, for this distriot
is largely republican, and the people
know he is in hearty sympathy with an
open river. His opponent, Hon. Jas. H.
Slater, is no doubt a good citizen; rout
the appropriations received for the locks
while ne represented Oregon in oongress
were very meagre, and we desire liberal
ones hereafter. These will be seoured
by Hon. W. B. ElliB, in conjunction with
Hon. Bintrer Herman, and besides EaBt
ern Oregon sheepmen do not want to be
represented in congress by a free-trader
like Hon. Jas. H. Slater. Times Moun-
Senator Hknuy BiiAokman had a high
degree of honor conferred upon mm Dy
the late democratio state convention.
Mr. Blackman was eleoted delegate to
the national convention, and reoeived the
highest vote of any candidate before the
state convention. Our joint senator has
many friends, and they recognize his
ability as a worker. Grant Co. News.
nnnnniTfliH HAT TT1 HAT
ttttrUBLM tULlMIN.
The consumption of brandy in Stock
holm has decreased during the last four
teen years with about one-third, com
puted per individual. A somewhat en
couraging phase of the earnest temper
ance movement of that self-indulgent
Land Office at The Dalle, Or., Apr. 21, 1892.
Notice Is hereby given that the following-named
settler has tiled notice ol his intention to
make final proof in support of hi! .claim and
that said proof will be made before the County
Clerk of Morrow County, Oregon, at Heppner,
Oregon, on June 4. 18'J2, vis:
Hd No. 20S4. for the lot 1 andS'iNEXandNEK
SEiiSec. 3, Tp5 8, R25EWM.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon, auu cuiuvauou v.,
said land, viz: nw ,
W . B. Kailier, JJ. . narumaii, o. v--j -
W. H. Roy, all of Hardman, Oregon.
The Biography of lsa Brown, Republican
Candidate for Surveyor A Worthy Man.
Tcrnm nil nnnearanoes. Heppner will
have no waterworks, very soon. Mr. H,
V. Gates has withdrawn his proposition,
which he thinka the oounoil have not
followed in any particular in framing
their ordinance. A little reflection would
oouvinoe one that snob is a fact, and the
editor, though one of that body, thinks
that a Berious blunder lias been made.
It will be a long time before the town of
Hojipner hns a proposition made it, whioh
in general, is so fair and far-reaching,
To be sure there was a bogie man in the
brush in the shape of the electric light
proposition, but when it is considered
tl i lit Mr. dates would put them in on his
own responsibility, asking only that the
town tako a few lights, thero was nothing
unfair nbout it. Thero was a general
misunderstanding as to where these
bouds were to be applied, and us Hepp
ner cau vote no bonds exoept for water
purposes, it all added to the general mess.
There is nothing loft now but to repeal
the water ordinance and put un end to
tho whole mutter. In the meantime we
eon truHt to providence that the results
of muoh hard lubor will be Baved from
tho devouring element and also Boften
the heart of the iusuranoe man to lower
the ratos. lu the moantime, it is hoped
Hint tho sumo power, or something else,
will work a ohnugo in some of our citi
zens who would object to the best propo
sition on earth, if it Bmaoked a little of
However, it is possible that if Mr,
Gates' proposition had been followed to
tho letter, that tho town might have voted
the nocessnry bonds. Lot us hope so, at
least, and tho next time Btich an oppor
tunity offers, we may appreciate it more,
A Warning- Don't Use Dig Words.
In promulgating esoteric oogitations or
artioulntinir superficial sentimentalities
and philosophical or psychological ob
servaVions, beware of platitudinous pon
derosity. Let your statements possess a
clarified conciseness, compacted oompre
hensibleness, ooalescent consistency and
a ooucentrated cogency, Esohew all
conglomerations of flatulent garrulity,
jejune babblement and asioine affecta
tions. In trying to impress upon otherB
the superiority of the Wisoonsin Central
Lines, and why you and bo many others
use this thoroughfare from St. Paul and
Minneapolis and Dulutb and Ashland to
Milwaukee, Cbioago and points east Bnd
smith, it is not necesBarv to use jaw
breakers. Let your extemporaneous
desoantings and unpremeditated expa
HiitiniiH have intelligibility and vera-
oioiiB vivacity, without rhodomontade or
thninniiir.ul bombast. Sedulously avoid
all polyByllabio profundity, psittaoeous
vnmiitv. ventriloqual verbosity and
vandiloquont vapidity, suun uouuie ou
tendres, prurient jooosity and pestiferous
profunity, obsourent or apparent. In
other words talk plainly, naturally, sen
sibly and truthfully say the Wisoonsin
Central l.mee is tub booth, unu iuu
ends it. 60tf.
Wheat, bu
Flour.bbl J
Beeves, cows & two-year-olds, owt. I 60
three " 2 75
Sheep, muttons, head 00
" BtOOK "
nogs, on foot, owt $4 50 6 00
Hogs, dressed w
Horses, slow sale.
Butter, roll w
Eggs, doz 19
Chickens, doz 2 50 2 75
Ex-Senatou Slatbh'b election as oon
gresHinan from this distriot is about as
probable ns would be Victoria Wood
hull's election to the presidential office
of the United States. Ho will not even
receive tho full vote of his party. Fail
ure at the polls, will not, however, bo
attributable to laok of respeot, beoause
all partios unite in paying tributo to his
personul worth aud in honoring the man
fur services rendered in his prime. The
work of congress demands a man in the
full vigor of lib, and in touob with mod-
urn tliouifht. and the youug voters of
Oregon cannot be brought to the support
of men who live in the paBt. They will
have little interest in a campaign beguu
by the reading of congressional reoords
twenty years old. Ellis' triumphant eleo
tinn is bevoud question. Pendleton
Two years ago the Oregon republioo.il
state convention indorsed the free silver
falaoy. Now it elects lour delegates in
large to the republican national conven
tion who are unqualifiedly opposed to
free coinage. Two years ago the demo
cratic etute oonveution declared in favor
of free ooinage. Now the party delega.
tion to the national oouvention is headed
by Mr. Bush, H Salem banker, who will
support Mr. Cleveland for president.
This suggests how rapidly sentiment is
crystaliziug in favor of honest mousy.
The Dalles Chronicle.
Tim people of Itook Springs want t
postoflioe. From what the Gazette osn
learn, it would oocommodute a large tec
tum of country,
Wheat, cwt 81 4U a J oo
Flour.bbl 3 00 5 15
Beeves, stall fed 7 00 o 7 25
Muttons, owt 8 00 ( 10 00
Hons, owt 3 fu t) o a
Wool Easteru Oregon.. KK'i "
Butter, Ib 15 iv Mj
Eggs, doz i
Chickens, doz ooUiaiuu
Turkeys, lb JO ta
Wheat, owt fl 9 1
Flour.bbl auutfdtoo
Beeves, owt 2 50 (tf i 00
" dressed o uu is i w
Muttons, live sheared ... 4 60 0 4 75
" dressed "iw
Hogs, on foot 6 00 G 8 25
" dressed 7 60 8 00
Wool Eastern Oregon... 10 W 17
Butter 1 25
Eggs, doz 15(50 lH
Chickens, do 6 00 Q 6 00
Turkeys, lb lb
In the hurry of getting out the last is
sue of the Gazette, your writer over
looked the biography of lsa Brown, Esq.,
republican candidate for county sur
veyor. However, I take pleasure in pre
senting the same in thia issue, believing
that Mr. Brown is a man worthy of all
encomiums that might be bestowed upon
him by his numerous friends.
In no line of work conneoted with the
settling up and platting of a new oounty
is it more essential that careful, consci
entious effort be put forth than on the
part of the county surveyor. If the first
plats and surveys be oarefully made, an
interminable amount of annoyance will
afterward be evaded, and neighbors that
should be friends will be prevented be
coming sworn enemies through disputes
over inaocurately surveyed roads and
farm boundaries: With this thought in
view, Judge Keitbly, who always knows
what he is doing, cast about for a com
petent man to fill the unexpired term of
Surveyor 0. B. Crane, who reoently re
moved to California, remembering that
"the best is none too good" when a pub
lio offioial is to be ohosen, he selected
Mr. Isa Brown, of Lexington, as the
right man in the right place, to fill the
The republicans, who seldom make
mistakes, and wishing to compliment
the judge for nominating bo good a re
publican to office, most heartily ratified
Mr. Brown's nomination for the position
of surveyor upon their tioket.
Isa Brown' was born in Deoauter
oounty, Ind., in 1839. His father was a
nrosnerous though not an ollluent
farmer, and his early life was spent as
a farmer's boy, in the oountry. There
he lived with his parents and received a
oommon school education until the age
of 16, when he ohanged his residence to
Monona countv. Iowa, making this his
home until of age, when he married, and
in '02, zealous for his oountry's welfarei
enlisted in Company K of the Thirty
fourth Iowa Volunteer Infantry. After
fighting until the olose of the war, upon
many a hotly oontested battlefield of the
rebellion, he returned to his home, and
in '70 removed to Pattowatomie oounty,
Iowa, where he served as oounty sur
veyor for a term of three years. In '75
he removed with his family to Hum
boldt oounty, Cel., where, after a resi
dence of four years, he came to Oregon,
living two years in Portland and two at
WeBton, Umatilla oounty.
Mr. Brown oame to Morrow oounty in
'82 and chose himself a home eight miles
northwest of Lexington, where he now
owns 720 aores of land. He has 150
aores in cultivation this year and 100
aores more ready for a fall crop. Mr.
Brown is well enough known to need no
further indorsement from us. His ca
pability is assured and what has been
said will serve to show the patriotism of
the man. We must not forget to say,
however, that Mr. Brown is just as good
an entertainer as he is surveyor.
Education may make a man wise, but
ature alone can dower him with the
grace of hospitality.
In conclusion we will say to any who
mav be lost, straved or Btolen in the
vicinity of Mr. Brown's, that his latch
string is always out aud be knows the
highways and byways of the country well
enough to pilot them wherever they may
wish to go. A. M. M,
Somewhat more than a year ago the
favorite actress of the Royal Dramatic-
Theatre in Stockholm, beautiful Mrs.
Ellen Hartman, eloped with Count Rein
hold von Rosen, making for the shores of
America, as the count had monetary ex
pectations from his grandmother, an
American lady in Boston. But arrived
in Liverpool, the runaway couple was
overtaken by the count's brother, who
persuaded him to abandt.n his fair prize.
and return home, with whioh be com
plied. Had such an action taken plaoe
in the Southern States of America, it
might, perhaps, have brought the craven
seducer within the noose of lynch law.
The misguided fair one bethought her
self a little, and then resorted to all frail
women's paradise Paris. There she
sought the instructions of the great Co
quelin, of the Theatre Francais, to per
fect herself in the seduotive art of stage
ooquetry, which one would soarcely
deem necessary for such an experienced
actress and 30 years old. She succeeded
so marvelously well under the instruc
tion of the famous Frenohman, that Bhe
now is traveling in his oompany, playing
in Frenoh, and is actually on a flying
visit to Stookholm to appear and play in
French the ohosen play of oourtiers
and oourtisans at the very oourt theater,
whenoe she took flight, leaving her hus
band, a highly respected aotor, to re
oover from the stupor with which the
disooverv of his wife's esoapade over
whelmed him. The theater-going pub
lic of stookholm pride themselves upon
rivaling the frivolity of the Parisians
themselves, and it is no doubt but that
they will vociferously welcome the flying
visit of the pet of the public, although
even in the annals of the stage it is a
brazen effrontery whioh has scarcely
been equalled. It has been said that an
enterprising theatrioal manager in Cbi
oago offered the fair sinner a starring en
gagement in America as soon as her
flight became the talk of Swedish-Amen-
oans a year ago, but Ellen treated that
alluring temptation with silent contempt.
Land OHice at The Dalles, Or., March 16, '92.
..Ho la horehv pivrn thai the followillg-nani-
ed settier ha tiled notice of hi Intention to
m u If a final nroof in-suDnort ot her claim, aim
.ha, sa 1H nrnof will hfi made before F. li. Snow
Com. U. 8. Circuit Court, at Lexington, Oregon,
on April 30, 1H'J2, viz:
ifr.r.mifTn THOMPSON.
Ttrl lV)i fnr the NWU Sec. 26. Td 1 8. K 25 EWM
She names the following witnessesto prove her
continuous residence upon, and cultivation Qf,
said land, viz:
David A. Porter, William C. Metier, James
Leach and Josiah S. Boothby, all of Lexington,
Oregou. Johm W. Lewis,
73-83 Register.
13 sn.L
J. R
Special Delivery Wagons of
Heppner, Oregon.
i E HAS RECENTLY added another rig
and is prepared not only
"C XT ,
h to handle parcels of all kinds but the heaviest freight.
Movintr Household Goods a Specialty.
------- o
Land Office at La Grande, Or., April 4, 1892.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has tiled notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said prool will oe maue ueiure ... ,o,
Commissioner U. 8. Circuit Court, at Heppner,
Or., on May 14, 1892, viz:
Hd. No. 8,331, for the E SEii See 32 and
HW'A Sec 33, Tp 1 B, K 27 E W M.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land, viz: , mr
Foster Adams, W. L. Baling, 8. N. Morgan,
Milton Morgan, all of Heppner, Or.
Frank bcholield take notice.
478-88. A. Clkaver, Register.
Our Spring Footwear is the Best and
the Cheapest.
"T" "- TVc wish that everybody knew
As the shoemaker, a nice new shoe, What elegant stuck we put in each shoe
The goat, the calf, and the kangaroo, And keep on hand to benelit you.
Joined by the alligator, too, a urndes, Btyles and shapes together,!
All dropped in to And out whether ? ie footwear in all kinds of leather.
Twas any of their folks that funish dtneieaintr. i rmciv
Land Office at The Dalles, Or., March 29, 1892.
Notice Is hereby given that the lollowing-iiam-cd
settler haB tiled notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before F. H. Snow,
U. . commissioner, at i,exiiistuu, vicbo",
May 14, 1892, viz:
Hd No. 2,587, for the WW NE and EJ4 NW4
u,. -.i n-n s u 9.-, V. V M.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous resiueuee upon, aim titmvmwu
said laud, viz: m
Elwood P. Sine, William C. Metier, John T.
Yount, Harvey L. McAlister, all of Lexington,
47787 John W. Lewis, Register.
Main Street,
The Thingvalla Ooean Line Company
has a surplus (Km last year of only 109,-
620 crowns. The board of direotors pro
pose that it may be added to the fund
for renewalB. j.
Between the Garrigues planing mill
and the first bridge, a first-olass feed
yard with lodging accommodations con
nected. Finder will be handsomely re
warded, 85tf t
Land Office at Tho Dalles, Or., March 29, 1892.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before J. W. Mor
row, county clerk of Morrow county, Or., at
Heppner, Or., on May 14, 1892, viz:
r It.hrht KkNEST POWELL.
Hd No. 3,621, for the &A NE4 and NJ4 8EH Sec
1, Tp 1 8, R 20 EWM.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon, aud cultivation of,
said laud, viz: , , . TI n
R. F Hynd, 1. u van ninaie, m nemmci, ui. ,
. L. Howard, T. D. Mathews, of Galloway, Or.
John W. Lewis,
477-87 Register.
New Warehouse !
Heppner a capacious Warehouse and platform room.
He will soon be ready to receive the spr ing clip, and attend
to such other business as may be entrusted to him having
been in this business at Arlington for some years, the public
know what to expect of him, and he therefore asks for a con
tinuance of patronage at his
New Warehouse,
Land Office at The Dalles, Or., April 1, 1892.
Notice is hereby given that tho following
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before the County
Clerk of Morrow county, at Heppner, Or., on
May 21, 1892, viz:
D. S. No. 7,315, for the SE'4 SWJ4 Sec 23 and NEU
NWU and Yi'A NE& Sec 26, Tp 6 8, R 26 E W M.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land, viz: . TT , . T
Wm. Hendrix, James Bennett, E. Hcndrix, J.
J.IMcGee, all of Lone Rock, Or.
477-87 John W. Lewis, Register.
Land Office at The Dalles, Or., April 25, 1892.
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will bo made before the County
Clerk ot Morrow county, Or., at Heppner, Or.,
on June W, 1892, viz:
D. S. No. 6,818, for the M SWK and W"4 SE!tf
.. ! 'I'm 4 S k 'H K VV M.
lio names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous resilience upon, and cultivation ol,
said land, viz:
J. F. Koyse, Hiram Tush, Henry iiowen nnu
Arthur Stevens, all of Hardman, Or.
Land Office at The Dalles, Or., March 18, 1892.
Complaint having been entered at this otuce
by Laura Muir, of Lexington, Or., against Thos.
M. Godley for abandoning his homestead entry
No. 1,376, dated December 6, 1885, upon the Wtf
wvLi wiz KWU Hce 2. Tn 1 8. R 26 E W M.
In Morrow county, Oregon, with a view to the
cancellation of said entryjthe said parties are
hereby summoned vo appeal at hb u".v,c v
tilth rl,iv of Mav. 1.192. at 10 o'clook a. m., to re
spond and furnish testimony concerning said
alleged abandonment. n. snow, u.o. com
missioner, is authorized to take testimony in
tliis case at his office In Lexington, Or., at 10 a.
m., May (i, 1892. John W. Lewis,
476-86 Register.
mmi mi price
Flour Exchanged for Wheat.
T. W. AYEKS, Sr., Manager.
T . T T
To whom it may concern :
This is to certify tbst, otter having our
loss ot icboul house oarefully figured by
nnmntttent nieolittnu'S. we mnde Biitisfao
tory settUmieiit with the Stute Insurance
Oompnny, of Salem, Oregon, on April 11,
18W, nml witliiu three days thereafter
,-hnnk for t!).400. full amount ot
Iohh RtiHtaiued by recent fire, whioh de
stroyed said house. W. H. Ei-us,
Tom Mohuan,
Otis I'attbhson,
Board of Directors ot School Distriot No.
1, Morrow County, Oregon.
Hum-nuk, Or., April 14, 1KDA
Still la It.
Mr. Horoor wishes it known that he i
still selling the maohiue-made harness
at 8'23 and good, "steel-tree" saddles at
$'25, casti.
81tf I
Kurnitdkil For all kinds of furniture
i.u.ir.u, aula limnirea. chairs, etc., dim
fail to call on Smith & Williamson, May
street.. Ueppner, Or. The best plaoe to
wake your purchases.
Land OHice at La Grande, Or., April 23, 1892.
Nt.ii' is hcrehv uiven that tho following
named settler haB tiled notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before the County
Clerk of Morrow County, Or., at Heppner, Or.,
on June 7, wjl, viz:
Hd. No, 2,215, for tho N NWJi olid NVsJ NEJ4
Sec 32, Tp. 2 8, R 2'.) E W 51.
lie names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land, viz: s
A. J. Cook, Charles Mann, James Pearson and
George Ilnyes, nil ol Lena, Or.
A. Clbavek,
485-91. Register.
Land Office at The Dalles, Or., March 28, 1892.
Complaint having been entered at this omce
by Elbert I). McMillan, of Lexington, Or.,
against James Keating for failure to comply
w ith law as to Timber Culture Entry No. 921,
dated April 11, 1883, upon the NE!4 of Sec 19, Ip
1 8 R 25 E W M, in Morrow county, Oregon,
inu, tn tha cancellation of said entrv.
contestant alleging that said James Keating has
failed to break or cause to be broken ten acres
of said tract, or to plant or cause to oe piameu
ten acres to timber trees, seeds or cuttings, in
compliance with the timber culture law, and
rih,r.Mll vist. the said narties are
hereby summoned to appear at this oilice on the
2M day of May, 1892, at 10 o'clock a. m., to re
spond and furnish testimony concerning said
alleged failure. Frank H. Know, U. 8. Commis
sioner, Is authorized to tako testimony in this
case at his office in Lexington, Or., at 10 a. in.,
May 16, 1892.
John W. Lewis,
478-188 Register.
Description :
Land Office at La Grande, Or., April 23, 1892.
Notice is hereby given that Joins H. Edwards,
has Bled notice of intention to make niial
,f i,ofr.ra tho noimtv lllerli of Morrow Co..
Oregon, at hiB otlice in Heppner, Or., on Tuesday,
the 7th day of June, 1892, on timber culture ap
plication No. 2,149, for lots 2, 3 and 4 and 8EJ4
SWV. Sec No. 30, in Tp No. 1 S, R No. 27 t W M.
ol m. o. -:,,,,.,.- ('. (',. 8a ins:. W. G.
k. w. Turner. B. fl. .Morgan, an oi
fflis Fine Stallii will make tfie ensuing '
Season, Commencing April 15th,
at the Ranch of
One and one-half miles west of Eight Mile Center.
RIGOLOT is a black with blaok mane and tail, 17 hands
high and weighs about 2,000 pounds ; is of a kind, gentle
disposition, and a good traveler. Was foaled May 10, ISSb.
P RIGOLOT was sired by Caleb (3,796), he by Paul, belonging
EDIGREE: to M. Dubois; dam Cocotle, (10,407), by Polydor, (7731), he by
Paul, belonging to M. Dubois. Has been duly entered for registry in Vol. V, ot
the Percheron Stud Book, of Arnerioa, and his recorded number is 8,048. Was im
ported in 1887 by McNaught, Franklin & Co., of Lexington, Ills.
t SEASON 812. cayable at the end ot the season. Insurance ot mare
1 ERMS '. with foal. S15. payable when such is known to be the case. Insur
ance of colt $20, payable when oolt stands and sucks.
Ml Care will be Taken to Prevent Accidents but will not
be liesponsiOLe stwma any uccwr.
80-1 to 6 T. EIGHT MILE, OREGON.
Notice is hereby
eiven to the teachers of Mor
row county (hat those wishing state Diplomas
or state Lite Diplomas win mane iii,m ,,,Bi
tho next regular examination (May 11th) i also
those wishing to make application for State Cer
tillcatcs will apply at the same time, as applica
tions will not lie received in the future except at
the regular miartcrly examinations.
85-STsw W. L. Salinu, School Supt.
A Leader.
Since its first introduction, Eleotrio
Bitters lias gained rapidly in popular fa
vor, until now it is clearly in tue leau
among pure medicinal tonics aud altera
tives containing nothiug whioh permits
its use as a beverage or intoxicant, it is
reoognized as the beBt and purest med
icine for all aumeuts oi siomaou, uver
and kidneas. -It will cure sick headache.
indigestiou, constipation, and drive mal
aria from the system. Satisfaction guar
anteed with each bottle or the money
will be refunded. Price only one per
bottle. Sold by Slooum-Jobustou Drug
Mrs. S. E. V. Emery, author of "The
sn Financial Consoiraoies." a well-
informed lady and an able speaker, will
address the people ot Morrow county, on
the political issues ot the day, on the
dates following: At Liberty school
house, Saturday May 7th; Gooseberry,
Sunday, May 8th; Vlunlman, Monday,
May '.Uh; Heppner, Tuesday, May 10th;
Lexington, Wednesday May 11th, Each
meeting will convene at 2 p. m, exoept
Heppner, whioh will be at 7 p. ni. All are
oordially invited to attend especially
members of the old parties. 82-87.
Tbe meeting al Lexington has been
merged into a picnic, to be held in the
grove hard by, and all householders are
requested to bring well tilled baskets.
John Van Cleve, of Ella, lost a little
boy, four years of age, of diphthetip, last
Notice is hereby given that for the purpose of
publicly examining those who may oiler them
selves as candidates for teachers' certificates, a
nibllc examination win ue neiu ui u e i."""
louse in llemmer, Or., beginning oil Wednes
day, May 11, 1892, at 1 o'clock p; m.
W. 1j. SAl.INO, wnuoi v...
IlKl'BXBB, Or., May 2, 1892. 8o-8,sw
THOSE who are Interested in me r..B"i -""
,.,,irvRiul Morrow county to know that
we have a few extra copies lett, wiucn can
l. Kccim',1 cither at Geo. Thornton s news siauu
or at the Gazette oilice. l-aw.
StIMK tn the Palace Hotel bar lor ummpague
Cocktails. iMiain pais lie un ii.
Call in,
Heppner, Or.
A. Clkaver,
rvn The Heppner Furniture Co.
ad. next
,.if for snwial barmiins. Two car loads
of furniture are stored in our warehouse.
Look lor prices next wee.
Columbia Beer Hall!
NEXT DOOR io M. Lichtenthal & Co.'s Shoe Store, Main
Street. Keep on hand a Fine Line of Liquors,
Wines, Cigars, Etc. We have
Reduced the Price of the Buchler Beer to
Cents Per Olass,
On draught, fresh and cool. Lunch of all kinds. Hope
to see all their old friends and many more.
lthl lot of Gooseberry numbers of the Go
A zone that ought to be sent away
invest aud help youromitry.
'I-O KNOW that h. I'- Boyed is Heppner s
I lca.lingcontractor and builder, hsliinates
1 give" on all kinds of work. OHice at resi
dence, Heppner, Or.
Wagonmaker. one tup besi """ '
rrmv county, .hh un.i,..
Call on or w rite Gazette office for particulars, sw
AKNKSS-SUOr, utivk and fixtures. Good
good 1 farming and stock-rais ug country.
Also for sale a good house aim i o i o .
-ni,.,t ti, business property. Kir further In-
iornmliml address Gazette, Heppner, Or,
NOTICE is herehv given that the yearly meet
ing of tho stockholders of the Ilepimer
Park Association will be held at. the office oi the
First National Bank, at 2 o'clock p. in., on May
10 lS'12. New officers will be elected on this oc
casion, and the general business of the company
overhauled. Ain't owl the daU.
flv order of
G. V. Swaooabt,
84-tf sw President.
P. Cohn,
to tjh-dvuv ntVKN' THAT WE
N th.nndersiiined. have this day dissolved
The gSWfe
Leading !MlSln''
Hotel r iipSili!ii
of the City. iiiilliW
Well Fur
nished Rooms Reasonable.
48H tf.
T have re-openod this well-known house to the
I p" Ml aid solicit a share of the patronage.
Per day..... silt)
Board per week. M
.. '.. " with room ;-"V.i
Mr table is always supplied, with the best the
market allbrd.. y & pAaiUTER,
67-tI-i-w VTV
partnership of our bunch grass farming inter
ests, and that Thomas l'armen, tirst named part
ner, has purchased the interest o George ar-
inen. the seco iu immcu -n.i.iv.,...
ng propertv.to-wit: Three geldings 1 mare,
i cows, 2 vearling calves, 50 head of hogs, 1
reaper, 1 harrow, 2 plows. 1 Kushford wagon, 2
sets of harness, crop of 115 acres, and all the im
provements on the farm. All owing the above
partners, cither by note or account, will p ease
settle same with Thomas Parmer.. All debts of
above tinu are also to be settled by Iwmas Par-
April 1, 1892.
GKOKUK rAiuiw,
Fitlnoe hotel, a first class hostelry, ex
cellent entertainment and living rBtea.
ed bids will be received by the county
,),.. MVUr Mav term, on the third
judicial day, to-wit: May 4th, is!, at the hour
of 10 o'clock, a. ui for the construction of a
county bridge at Islington, Or., iu accordance
with the plans aua inwiucaiioi" ; "ij
QTILti HOLD DOWN tbe old quarters on lain Street, opposite the City Hotel
where tbey keep as usual
Harness, Saddles, Whips, Spurs, Etc.
The Genuine Heppner Saddle Always in Stock !
Agents for The White Sewing Machine,
Best in the Market.
Repairing tx Sipeolalty !
the clerk
Heppner, Or,, April 11, 1832.