Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, April 29, 1892, Image 4

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    " .u- ornnn rnNSTIPATION. INDIGESTION.
i . Ii ..
- tinn to the most
''QUfcfc.N MAIRINE" to restore ami promote
form), four applications will stnpliie Hair lulling ana prevent uaimruu. it cures sculp aiseases, aua
will positively grow luxuriant growth of hair unless hereditarily bald. PaluneMH is not an indication
that the roo' a are dead. Nature t.id not provide thai we ahould wear a covering for the head. When
the epidermis (skin) is alive, so are the roots, and "Queen Hairine" applied to the Furfuce opens the
follicles, and give nourishment and vitality to the root. One buttle will convince the most skeptic)
Of ita merits. Try it. Price, fliO per liotlle. . ,
' QUEEN ANTI-ODOR" (powdered form) applied to the parta allays excessive perspiration,
and permanently cures offensive feet, armpit-, etc A most deliRhtiui and harm lew remedy. Prk-c&Oc.
Our ' ON DO LINE" (liquid, pure and baruilen), when applied to the skin restores and beautifies
the Complexion- removes and prevents Tan, fcunburn, i reckJes, Pimples and Mackheads. This re
nowned preparation cannot be excelled, A single application hut a marvelous effect, and each
additional one improves the complexion. Try it; if not delighted with it, return the bottle, and w
will rt-fund your money. One liotlle will restore the complexion. Price, tj.00
QuaaN Toilet Co.: Your preparation formulas (after a careful analysis), I am free to say.are
harailms and certainly eflectual if ued according to directions. J. V, Hesse, si. P.. 4W 1-reeiuan Ave.
Itemit by 1'. O. urder, Registered Letter, or Uralt to uutue oflice, and meation this paper.
174 RACE ST.,
" r II M. Sample ol oar Goods and "IIow
Hides, telts
A ml Furs wanted,
T Will t)RV tho hlrflPKl
J V market
prices tor anything In this line.
Give men ('till before selling elsewhere-, as 1
know 1 cuit do bettor hy you than any other Urnt
in Heppner.
Office at Sargent & Driskell's Feed yard.
Scientific American
Agency for
For Information nurt free Hiwdnook wrlto to
Mil N N & I'D.. Ml HlKIAIIWAY, NliW VllKK.
Olduttt, luirciui inr mH-miw PHtntit In Amwrlo.
Kvery piin-nL tfiki'n out. by us In trouifht IWura
tbe uiiltUu by a notu-o (,'lvun free of cliarBe lu the
$ tmttik mcnau
Litnrent nrenlntlon nf nny ncientine paper In the
world. Hplmxltdlr llliwtratad. No inlelllKmit
mini Mhnuld lie without it. VVookly, .'i.00 a
vein ; f I.M) six nimtr.hu, Addrew MIJNN & CO,
rU'il.lUHKftM. iWll llroailWAV. New Vurk.
Corn Meal!
HAVING pnrchnneil tnnehlnery for frnmlliiK
t'orn Mfiil, we Invite nil our putmus to
hrhiK iu their coi n and net in return a supeilor
fift-tf, T. W. AVKiis. Hit., Manager.
loi Lawns, Gardens, Farms, Ranches and Railioads
I'UlI'liS lt..IH'Li:i H..1.1 hy il.'itl. tN. FKKIUIIT TAIL1
iMri.i UN's roi i.tiiy Arrrixu, new niim
Wh viitftrUiK' No Itttii.irl F.itru I'e.'y S.H.i
Th, Mi'W'll',n Wnvrn w.r. F-no Oo Juloug
- -T t)
A'ld nil points in ('Hlifornia, viu the Mt. Hhiwta
nnito of tho
Southern Pacific Co.
Tho n rent hiwliway thrtniKh Calirornia to all
poinlH KtiHt anl South, tirmul Hconio Koute
of the I'm'ilio I'oiiHt. Pull man Hullet
Hleupura. tieuuud-claiui Hlotuwra
Atlfiched tocxproKN trtiiim, nlTonliiitT superior
accoiiitiioilutioiiM for Heeontl'diuw ixiHueimiHu.
For nil tt. ticket, hlwjung cur roi-erviitioiiH,
etc, cull upou or Hitdreos
R. KOKIM KU, MaiiHKer, K. V. KOtiEIifl, Asst,
Uen. K. A: T. Aift., I'urlliuul, Oregon.
Forest Grove Poultry VarJs.
Wyandottes, riymouth Ilnclis, Light
iiriiiniihs, Hose and Single Comb
Drown Leghorns, Paitridge
Cochins, lloudiitis and Hil
vurSpHuglcd UuuibuigH.
Heady for Delivery.
In Amerioa, and are the beat on
tins coawt by a great difference.
Send for Catalogue.
J. il. UA1UUSON,
Box 55. com.39. Forest Grore, Or
u'd diseases aeisikg from
Perhaps You Don't Know Ds,
We extend an invitation to call and bcc free trutnat our Clinic,
"Arcade- Chambers." Hours 1 to a p. m. Lady Attendants,
We nil mail orders Bame day received (Mtuureljr euaieu, postpaid).
If not h represented we will refund jour luonev,
QUEEN ANTI-HAIRINE" removes Beard or Superfluous
Hair irom the ace, Neck and Arms,or Moles and Birthmarks.
Made m o a paste, .only a few minutes application la required, it
is powerful, yet mild in ita cftcct. It dissolves and destroys the
follicles of the hair without tlic Klishtest pain, injury or discolor-
delicate skin. Trv it. One IViee.sl.oODer Jtottle.
the Hair has no eital. Jt is a roa '.e(vaseJlne
CINCINNATI, O. (Local Agents Wanted
to be Beaitlfal'
lent for twe stamps.
Kansas City, St. Paul
Leaves Hfppnpr, 8 a. m.
0:50 p. iu.
Colonist Nleuporn,
Reclining Chair Cars
and Diners.
Portland to 8nn
every four days.
For riitcii nnd pencrnl Informntion cull on
IJejiot 'lie ket Agent,
Heppner, OreKon.
. HlIKLllLlUT. AHst. Uenl. r88. Agt.
M WosliiilKtoU St.,
L U MB E 11 !
(IrvHHtMt Lumber,
10 mlloH ol Hclpntir, at
what la known hn the
I'KK 1.0U0 KKKt, Klit'OH,
$10 00
17 SO
L o.U0 ,or 1.0OU (t't't, iKl.lltlunul.
tliimlltoit, Mnn'gr
(1. A.
Frank 11. Snow, Commissioner V. S.
Circuit Court at Lexington, Or., is
authorized to receive fees tor publication
of Anal proofs. 414-tf.
for b poor man. It coetn about 85 per
acre to raise wuebt. Mr. ilarnmel baa
every tbiuil neocaary to a pleasant exist-
euce. auii is liberal toward any proposi
tion tbat will belp tbe commauity.
Is one of those great, big. fat, fuorjy fel
lows wtio never Ket angry or let any oue
else, His jolly disposition is almost a
fortuue to him. Always looks on the
bright side of life, and finds something
worth looking at, too. At farming be is
suooess, and would be at anything else.
He moulds into proper form anything he
touches. There are about 1,000 aores
inside of bis garden fence. Says "it
costs about 130 oents per bushel to raise
wheat. Can recommend this country.
There are plaoes here for good, turiltv
farmers, but scrubs and dudes will not
find the surroundings congenial."
Makes everything bum. He operates a
large farm auU in meeting with satisfac-
ory results. Average wheat crop lasi
ear, dl unouels. M ill burvest 2W acres
''iue orchard ot 2) aores in bearing.
Uuod country. Fair prospect. Improveu
laud is worth 811) per acre. There is a
fair profit in wheat when it will average
12 bushels per acre. One man, with
three horses, can farm 126 acres.
Speaks from four years' experience in
the moat nattering terms. Wheat can
he produoed lor 30 cents. The great ad
vantage in this couulry id iu the eoou-
my which can be practiced by farmers.
One can work at farming a large part ol
the year.
A hard-working farmer, thinks there will
be a change u the geueral aspect ot this
oountry. The land heretofore has been
wild, but by cultivation it will become
subdued and bring even better crops than
in the past. Average wheat crop last
year was bushels.
days this is "certainly the best country
va ever seen for a laboring man. liau
find employment the year around at a
(air price. Just commenced farming
Has not been devoting bis attention to
farming for several years past, but is
now luto it thoroughly. N ever IobI faith
in this couutrv. "Una is a nrstolas
iarmiug oouutry. Our soil is good, and
lib less rain we can reach better results
than elsewuere.
Is favorably impressed with the sur
roundings, and Mill most likely stay here
permanently. Mr. U. was formerly
resident of Goldeudale, Wash.
Is well suited with the situation. Says
this is good enough for me."
Was away from his quarters, but every-
thiug indicated that his improvements
were of a permanent oharaoter.
s. p. HANEI
Has lived in this country (or twenty
years, and before tbe bnnobgrassers
came mto tbe oouutry be was interested
iu stock raising. Since the range bas
been fenced np he has been devoting hie
time to graiu-raising. Average yiell lor
tbe last four years, 20 bushels, Flowing
is usually done between January and
June, although many seasons will admit
of plowing iu November and December.
Harvest begins July lutu ana ends aeo-
Lumber lUili. Takes just pride in a line
orchard of nearly all varieties of choice
fruit. Says: Would not sell my place
here, for 1 would not know where to go
to better my condition.
d. u. OKABII.L
Is rapidly surrounding himself with the
comlorts and couvenieuoes of life, and
will pass tbe balance of his days in Jor
dan valley. Thinks "if a man bus no
home, be bad better come here and take
his chances with the buncugrassers."
Is a Buokeve, formerly from Guernsey
county, Ohio. The good people from
Ohio are numerous. Mext to Ohio this
is tbe best place on earth.
j. M. KEES
Is jiiflt as plain as brown drilling. He is
never disturbed ana Knows wnai ue is
about, tiis place demonstrates tbat he
is a careful manager, a good farmer and
a successful business man. lie gives the
average oosl of wheat-raising at Si. Go per
acre. Improved farm laud is worth iflO
per acre, fine yonug oroharu in bear
lug. Mr. Keea would make au excellent
landlord for some hotel. He bas the
happy faculty of eutertaining without
any apology or fuss. Among Mr. Kees
possessions is a trtasure in the form of a
charming daughter whose conversational
powers and natural wit bid fair to make
her the most attractive wuniau iu the
circle which she graces. What a pleas
ure, after wrangling all day with farm,
era, stockmen, politicians, theologians,
and the devil knos what to have
the exquisite pleasure of visiting with
au intelligent young lady, who will tell
you about a whole lot of interesting at
lairs. "Just think, Santa Claus brought
me so many uice presents, and we have
ever so many little cbiokens. I feed
them and gather the eggs ami take
oure of the baby and have plenty of time
to play aud learn to read. Yes, I can
read. I have a uice pony and live little
calves. Each one of them is named."
This young lady's uanie is Leelau Da)
Kees. She is uearlv 7 years uld. Ma)
Heaven's choicest blessiugs be her share,
C. J., C. C, F. 11. aud S. P., are slightly
lulereste i iu farming. Their ranch em
braces 3,000 acres oue half of w hich is
iu cultivation. "Had 1,000 acres in
grain last year, resulting iu a yield of
over 20.000 butbelB. Kesult on 220 acres,
5,800 bushels. Will harvest 800 acres.
Uest prospect we have ever seen. Aver
age grain crop for seven years, 17 bush
els per acre."
Has retired from active farming, but in
tends to remain here, lieceutly made a
visit to bis old home in Tennessee. Looks
for immigration from that quarter,
Just settled. Prospects most flattering.
Are genuine rustlers. They have alurge
acreage iu crop aud feel sure ot a good
yield this year.
Came to this country from tValla Walla
eight years ago. Three hundred acres in
orop. Average yield for six years, ltilj
bushels per acre. Small orchard, (leas
ant borne, uice family, thrifty ooudition
of everything about tbe place, speaks
well for its proprietor. Sajs the cost of
raising wheat is $4 80 per acre. Laud is
worth from :! to $10.
Is one of the pioneer settlers of Jordau
Fork. Owns a good property and has
everything be needs but a wife.
Has built bis home in Eight Mile oau
von for the reason (hat he can there have
an mi I um led supply of good, pure water.
Piosperous and happy.
Aplcasact-looking, intelligent man, is to
be lound here tilling the soil. Mr. Con
Dr allirms the theory thai land will im
prove in productive qualities as it is cul
tivated. The climate is mild and health
ful. The winters are ery light some
times do severe weather at all. Mr.
Conner came here, like others, with a
limited bank scconni, but has by good
management and indatry placed him
self in an independent position.
The next subject was different, and be
iosisted on 'lie writer breaking bread
with him. Has a valuable ranch and all
the necessary appliances fur successful
farming but a wife. He is a bard
worker, tolerable band) about tbe kitchen,
slightly bald, with a blonde bank ac-
oou ut and a mustache cut biased, tie
will not give his Dame, but if any young
lady wishes to correspond and exahange
photos, she can do so by addressing
"Oregon Farmer (nom de plume, of
oourse), care of the writer. Heppner, Or.
Please state distinctly which ol us yon
Has recently looated in the Fight Mile
canyon, where he will engage in raisiug
poultry and bogs.
bus a valimble ranch near tbe same place
aud pn)s his entire attention to agricul
tural pursuits.
Has given tbe subject some thought,
which bas resulted in his settlmg on
biinchgrasB for a trial at farming. Every
indication is most flattering at present.
A. and M. J., are large farmers. Their
ranch comprises two sections one. half
if which is in cultivation, ltesults from
farming, very satisfactory. The boys
also operate a thresher, and last season
they threshed bl,u00 bushels in 7 1 days.
Generally commence to cut wheat about
the middle of July. Graiu will stand 3d
or 40 days after it gets ripe before it will
shell much. Good improved land is
worth at least $1,000 per quarter.
Is a fair specimen of the West. For
years he was among tbe mines, and when
mining camp lile lost I'soharm he sought
a laud where he could build himself
home. He taxed California for a wife
and Oregon for a farm. He arrived here
eight yenrs ago with a mule team and a
mokel. The team died and one of tbe
kids 8allowe1 the nickel, but Mr.
Crafts is a mailer, and little spurts of
adverxity ouly excite more energetic ef
fort. You can break such a man but you
oan't keep bun broke. Today be is iu
good, prosperous condition, has a nice
family, and one of the most pleasaui
bomes to be found iu Eastern Oregou.
it s Bincerelv to he regretted that some
of our bachelor friends do not seek in
tbe glorious fields of California for a
similar treasure iu a dear companion
helpmate aud wife.
j. w. cox
la pretty well satisfied with his surround
ings, but would like a postolhce nearer,
aud, like many others, advocates the es
tablishmeut ot oue ut Book Springs,
which would be convenient for this set
tlement. Mr. Cox bas been farming
here five vears, with excellent results
Small orohard iu good oondition. tins
not found it neaessary to teed range
stock during the past winter.
Landed here four years ago, with a wag
on, four horses, my family and eighty
dollars in money. Have two buudred
acres fenced, small but comfortable build
iugs, and raised enough last year to pay
all indebtedness and carry me through
to another harvest.
Mr. Whitman is blessed with a good
sensible woman, who would like to see
the country settled up in order that there
might be better schools. It the wife
aud mother at each place would urge tbe
issue as Btrong, there would not be bo
many farmers working against their own
good interest, by turning away an agency
empty handed, that is Btriving to build
up tbe oouutry.
Has unmistakable symptoms of being
the brightest, wittiest and most scholarly
Irishman seen for many a day. He says
"Have lived in twenty-five or thirty
states and never saw a oountry where a
person oan secure a better return for
his labor. Tbe land is new aud people
oan not expeot fabulous orops at present,
Tbe mildest olimate for the latitude on
the coutinent
A man oan work here eleven months
in each year, and still people .will keep
on Hooking to the Willamette Valley,
when they don't have sunshine enough
in a month to dry a week's washing.
Greatest place for fruit you ever beard of.
Potatoes e oan beat Ireland itself all
to pieces on spuds. There ia room in
Morrow county for hundreds of families,
and the settlers here will weloome them
aud do their utmost to place them on
good traots of land, where they can live
easier than in any other country under
the shining suu. Have a section of land
with two hundred in cultivation; would
not take 20 bushels per acre lor my
chances on this year s crop.
Takes the world as be finds it. Raises
more wheat each summtr than he oan
haul to market during tbe winter, drives
some fine horses, is a oareful manager
and has reduced a half section of buncb-
grass land to a high state ot cultivation.
There is only oue feature wanting tu
make George's tbe pleasantest home in
the valley enough said.
Has laid the foundation for a good home,
and is rapidly shaping his farm into a
source of maintainanoe for himself and
family. J. M. is a bard worker and de
serves the best in the land. He Bays, "I
run 500 aores in the Willamette valley,
but oau do far better here."
A drive through this interesting die
triet will conviuce one that it possesses
unusual merit. The first man you will
meet on enteriug the settlement from the
south east, is
Whose interests are divided between t :is
poiut aud Grant county. Mr. Cuchrau
is conducting a valuable farming busi
ness here. H is farm consists of 500 acres,
part in cultivation. Land is worth $10
per acre.
Is fanning nine hundred aores. "Hadn't
much tune 'to waste' in talking; still be
was glad to see tbe county papers trying
to do something for the country. Come
around agBin." Yes?
F. 0. ST. GLAIR,
Although busily engaged in his work,
found plenty of time to give the repre
sentative ot this paper an audieuoe. His
(arm covers a square mile of ourface, and
is ably managed. Mr. St. Clair is a gen
tleman ot fine address and scholarly at
taiuinents; of farming he says, "Wheat
can be produced at forty cents per bush
el aud pays fairly iwell. Have a tine
orchard. Taking some interent in stock
raising. The preseut outlook is fair."
D. 0. ELY,
A veteran of tbe late w ar, would not per
mit us to discuss bis farm, but from
n.iitvuium,! ani.ruturv llM lirillllA0,l A hllrv
die of letter from purtie livm in differ-
elit sections of the United HtHtes, luqwir j
inic Hbont Ihe opportunities for securm :
Kood homes, aud chances where the1
means saved from a loutf neiiod of toil i
uiav be nrotitably invested. Will the!
people of Morrow oounty vr waks np
to the importance of advertising this
oountrv in a thorough manner r ine
world is full of good people who would
come to Morrow oounty it they only
knew something ot tbe opportnintn s.
ror over Bixty days the unzetie nas
been laboring with its might to advertise
tbe resources of Morrow comity, and the
other day your representative inteiview-
d a prominent m farmer on the entiled
of advertising the country and inducing
a healthy emigration, tlhyeel the Idea
was a good onel He lmloised it ol
course he did well be would see about
tbe paper when be came to town Maybe
he would take one oopy of the extra edi
tion. In other words, he might possibly
contribute five centt to thismost worthy
oause. The people are not all thus, be it
said to their oredit. In complimenting
one gentleman for taking three hundred
copies, this remark most true was prompt
ed: "You wilt find some who will do
nothing, and this wrk must be done."
Lives just over tbe line, in Gilliam county
mid is largely interested in farmiug.
Land is readily worth ten dollars per
acre. Average wheat crop, 1 Imshela.
Prospect fair for another large )ield.
Is nicely situated and is thriving on one
of tbe best farms on tbe western border
of Gilliam oounty.
Tbe next farmer, was absent, and it's
bard to guess what a man did last year.
or will do next.
T. w. LDBK
is superintending J. B. Keeney's horse
ranch, where a rare line ut fast horsi s are
being bred. That is a worthy move. This
country stands in need of a better stook
ot horses. The cayuse must gol
Makes a good report on farming, and
says there is room for more settlers.
Came formerly from LuoerneCo., Pa.,
but directly from Marion (Jo., la., and
located on tbe site of bis present comtort
able borne, eight years siuoe. Has re.
tired from active farming, but Btill he
can't let the work alone; aud go there
when you will, you are liable to nod him
"up to bis ears' in some aicu or larm
work. Mr. Ely s farm comprises eiguteeu
hundred and sixty acres. Five hundred
of this is in cultivation. The average
yield of wheat has been above fifteen
bushels per acre. He fed outside stock
about two weeks during the past wiujer,
and bis animals are in excellent ooudi
tion. He iB raising bouis fine horses,
cuttle and mules. Everything about the
place reoeives due attention. Mr. i.iy
has a pleasant home, an interesting I urn
llv aud deservedly euioVB the respect
and esteem of all who know him
When you have said tbat some men are
good farmers, you must stop. To others
von oan add the credit of being kind t
their families, and then there is naught
more to be said. Of John B. Ely oan be
said this and more. He is ever ready to
do bis part, and a careful investigation
reveals an exoellent record. Mr. Ely bus
never sought oflice, but has failed several
important offices, with greet credit to
himself. In a social line, he has the un
paralleled record of having been Biipenn
tendent of a Sunday-school (or nearly
forty years. He is the happy possessor
or a to Hen o the respeot ana esteem
whiob his pupils end friends entertained
for him at Marysville, Iowa, where he
was at tbe bead of the Sunday-school for
thirty vears. He is today President of
the Morrow oounty Sunday-school (Jon
veutiou which will bold its animal meet
ing at Pettysville, June 2, 1802. There
is a general invitation extended to every
body. Mr. Ely is also delegate to the
Oregon State bunday-sohool Association,
wbioh will hold its annual meeting at
tbe Centenary M. E. Church, Portland,
east side, Monday, May lb, 1802,
This may seem out of order to some of
you, who are anxious to know where you
oau invest a dollar to god advautage.
There are a lot of things out of order, as
viewed by a newspaper correspondent,
from tbe burrioaue deck of a ca)use, and
the foregoing notes are not given for the
purtiose of pulling a modest Christian
gentleman, hut in order to draw a line or
mark some plane for the purpose of com
parison. In riding through a country,
one will meet with a great variety of
Space has prevented more than just a
mere mention of many good men; tbey
however will be content if this is the
means of bringing to this land a few more
good thrifty settlers. This review em
braces over one hundred farmers aud
business men, and it would be strange il
there was not at least one "pink of puri
ty" in the assembly.
You will have to guess; still some
ear marks will be mentioned which may
aid you. His face is a good advertise
ment of bis preseut oconpation, and bis
conscience (?) will not permit him to rec
ommend this country to a stranger,
"How conicienco doth make cowarus of us all."
He has lived here for nearly or quite
twenty years aud his earthly possessions
prove him either a liar or a thief. Strong
talk! les, the eocasion demands it.
Here you find one hundred and ten men
positively asserting that the country is
all right, and one thing that it's all
Judge for yourselves. This essence of
parity will soon be devoured by the mon
ster be turns loose to prey on the public
He will pass unuiourued into tho realm
of oblivion; but when tbe time comes
for John B. Ely to pay the debt of nature,
the entire community will strew flowers
round his bier, and with cheeks wet,
like trees bedashed with rain, exclaim,
"litis was a man."
Who deposetb and saith, "Verily this is
a good farming district, ihere are
number of good claims etill vacant.
Wonld like to see the country all under
a nrst-clasB state of cultivation. Ileal
estate will surely advance in value during
the next six months. Ihere is some
profit iti wbeat farming, if properly man
In a short sketch it would be impossi
ble to place before tbe reader an answer
to the many questious that will arise.
However, some idea may be formed, and
if further information is desired, it will
be cheerfully furnished by the "Heppner
Board ot Trade, "or byany oue of the "one
buudred farmers whose names are con
ueoted with this article. The minority
of them Becure their mail at lone, Or.,
while those who reside lr tbe Ely settle
ment can be reached through the Dong-
las, Or., poatnffice. A cordial invitation
is extended to bomeaeekers to avail
themselves of tbe opportunity and cor
respond with the residents ot the oouu
try. In behalf of tbe Gazette as well as our
venerable self, we desire to publicly ac
knowledge the receipt ot special favors.
of unwarranted courtesies and of more
kind attention than is usually accorded
to a straoger. This judgment is based
upon years of experience in strange lands
and among new faces.
May earth's richest treasures reward
tbe efforts of tbis kind, genial, warm
hearted, hospitable people. May they
thrive as no tribe ever did before them.
May they "shine on" brighter aud blight
j ' "ulll ,u liRut of their love, sympathy
"lJU lcur,u7 B"" uwjwi ever bhuu
u" the lark shades of sorrow that
ev mtermiDgled, by the hand of
fale l1" n lives of nature's noblemen.
Moat respectfully yonrs,
"The Bcstleb."
Stock Horses
The uudersigned will sell at Publio
AuctioD at
Friday, May 21, 1892
ioo HEAD
Of American
One vear. with approved security ; in
terest at 10 per cent per annum. Five
per cent discount for cash.
78tf. O. B. COCHRAN.
While you keep your subscription paid up yen
oan keeD rour brand in free of chanre.
Allm. t. J.. lone. Or. Horses Qii on lefi
shoulder: calLle Name on left hie nnder bit on
riKht ear, anil upper bit on the left; range, mor
row county.
ArmBtronir. J. C. Aloine.Or. T with bar un
der 11 on luft Buoulder of horses; oattle same
on iefi nip.
Allison. O. D.. Eieht Mile. Or. Cattle brand.
O I on left hip and horses same brand on right
shoulder. Hange. Eight Wile.
Ad kin b, l u, Day vine, ur- straight marie across
the thigh and two crops aud a slit in the right ear;
horuoB, X upside down on the right Bhoulder.
h tinge in Grant county and Bear valley. P O
uddrttHB also at Uardmn.
AdkinB, J. J.. Heppner, Ur. Hones, JA con
nented on leittiaiik: cattle, same on left hiD.
Avers, Johnny, Lena, Or. Moreen branded
triangle on leit hip; cattle same on right hip;
aIho r.ron off rich! ear and uuuer bit on same.
Hlvth. Percv H.. HeitDiier. Or. Horses. Human
cross on right shoulder. Range in Morrow
Bleakman, Geo., Hardman, Or. Horses, a flag
nn Iflf t flhouldflr: cattle same on risht shoulder.
hanmster.J. W., liaruman, ur. tattle br&ua-
ed B on left hip and thigh; split in each ear.
Burke, M tit C, Long Creek, Or On cattle,
MAY connected on left nio. ciod oil left ear. un
der half croD off riuht. Horses, same brand on
let ft shoulder. Uauge in urant ana morrow
Howe man. A.. Mount Vernon and Burns. O
Cattle. A B on riuht hio. two crous in each ear;
same on horses, on right shoulder. Range in
(irant aud Harney counties.
Hrosman, jerry, Lena, ur. uorseB oranaea
on nghl shoulder; cattle B on the left side.
Left ear half crop and right ear npper slope.
Barton. Win.. M sooner. Or. -Horses. J B on
right thign, cattle, same on right hip; split in
each ear.
Brown, Isa, Lexington, Or. Horses IB on the
right Ntifle; cattle same on right hip; range. Mor
row count v.
Brown, J .P , Heppner, Or. -Horses and cattle
branded B with ox-yoke above on left shoulder.
Brown. J. C HeDoner. Or. Horses, circle
C with dot in oh ter on left hin: cattle, same,
Hoyer, W. (i., Heppner, Ur. Horses, box
brand or righ. hip cattle, Bame, with split in
each ear.
Borg, P. 0 Heppner, Or. Horses, P B on left
shnuluHr; cuttle, same on left hip.
lirownlee, W. J.t Fox,Or ('attle, JB connected
on left side: uroo on left ear and two solits and
middle piece cut out on right ear; on horses same
oranu on ine leit imgn; uange in xox vauey
Grant countv.
C'ain.E., Oaleb.Or. Y D on horses onleft stifle:
U with Quarter circle over it. on left shoulder,
and on left stifle on all colts under 5 years; on
left shoulder only on all horses over 6 years. All
range in Grant county.
Clark. VVm. H.. Iiei.a. Or. How WHO con
nee ted, on left shoulder: cattle seme on right
hip. Range Morrow and Umatilla counties,
(jate, ("has, li Vinson or Lena, Or. Horses
H C on right shoulder; cattle same ou right hip.
ttange morrow ana umatnia counties.
Cochran. Chan.. lone. Or. HorseH. HP con
nected on left shoulder; cattle, C on both left
hip and stifle. Range in Morrow county.
Cannon, T. B.,Long Creek, Or, Ton cattle on
neht side, enm off neht ear and slit m left ear.
Our horses same brand on left shoulder. Range
in urant county.
Cecil, Wm Douglas, Or.; horses JO on lef
should; ca'tle Bame on left hip, waddles on
each jaw and two b.ts in the right ear.
Curl, T. h., John llay. Or. Double cross on
each hip on cattle, swallow fork and under bit
in right ear, split in left ear. Range in Grant
county. On sheep, inverted A aud spear point
on shoulder. Ear marko.i ewes, crop on left ear,
Duuched upper bit in risht. Wethers, croo in
right and under half crop in left ear. All rangf
iu urant couutv.
Crosby. A.A.. HepDner. Or. Cattle branded "l-L
i, or 11 Li coi necieuj on tne rignt snouidur.
Cook, A. J.,Lena,Or. Horses, DUon riKhtshoul
der. Cattle, sameon right hip: ear mark square
crop off left and split in right.
Curriii. R. If., Currinsville, Or, -Horses, to on
left stitle.
Cochran. J II Monument. Or Horses branded
T 1 & A on left shoulder, ('attle, Bame on right
hip. Bwallow fork in right ear and crop off I eft.
L.ox a &ngusn, Jiarumau, wr. cattle, C wltc
i iu center; horses. CE on left Sio.
Cupper, H. A., inonument. Or, Horses H c
in It tt shoulder, cattle U U on left side. swai.
low fork on right ear.
i;ocnran. K. fc.. Monnmnnt. t-tranr. in. dr..
Horses branded circle with bar beneath, on lefi
shoulder; cattle same brand on both hips, mark
unuer Bioue ooin ears ana obwibd.
Chapin, H.f Hardman, Or. Horses branded
on riuht hm. Cattle brauded the haitia.
Cross, 8 L, Dayville, Or Cattle branded two
crops ana a spin in lert ear; on norses a
reversed 1 on left etitie. Also have the following
brands on cattle: 72 on left hin. 7 on ritrht hin.
72 on left shoulder, two parallel bars on loft
shoulder. Ear markB. two crops.
JJoouan. Wm Heponer. Or. Horses branded
OO with bar over them, on left shoulder; cat
tle same on left hip.
Douglass, W. M , Galloway, Or. Cattle, R L on
right side, swai low-fork in each ear; horses, R D
on left hip. i
Douglas, O. T., Douglas, Or Hones TD on
the right stifle; cattle same on right hip.
Duncan, W. P., John Day,Or. (Quarter circle
on right shoulder, both on horses and cattle.
Range Grant county.
Driskeli, W. E., Heppner, Or. Horses branded
K inside of O on left shoulder. Cattle same on
left Bide of neck.
Ely, J. B, & Hone, Douglas, Or. Horses brand
ed EL if on left shoulder, cattle same on left
hip. hole in right ear.
Fisk, Ralph, Prairie City, Or Horses, R F on
right shoulder; cattle, on right hip. Range in
Grant county.
Eleek, Jackson, Heppner, Or. Horses, 7F
connected ou right shoulder: cattle, same on
right hip. Ear mark, hole in right and crop
off left
Florence, L. A neppner, Or. Cattle, LF on
right hip; horses F with bar under on right
Florence, 8. P. Heppner, Or Horses, F on
right shoiJdet ; cattle, F on right hip or thigh.
Gay, Henry, Heppner, Or. GAK on left
Goble, Frank, Heppner, Or. Horses, 7 F on
left stitle; cattle, same on right hip.
Oilman-French, Land and Livestock Co., Fos
sil, Or. Horses, anchor fct on left shoulder; vent,
same on left stine. Cuttle, same on both hips:
ear marks, crop off right ear and underbit in left.
Range iu Uilliam, Grant, Crook and Morrow
Gentry, Elmer, Echo, Or. Horses branded H.
9. with a quarter circle over it, on left stifle
Range in Morrow and Umatillaconnties.
Gilt water, J.C., Prairie City, Or. On horses,
0 O on left shoulder and stine; cattle, on riuht
side. Range in Graut county.
Hams, James, Hardman Or. Horses shaded
2 on lef i shoulder; cattle same on left hip. Range
in and about Hardman.
Hajee. tieo.. Lena, Or, Brand JH connected,
with quarter circl over it, on lett shoulder.
Hiait A. B., Ridge, Or. Cattle, round-top
with quarter circle under it on the right hip.
Rauae in Morrow and Umatilla counties.
Hi ti ton Jfc Jeiiks, Hamilton. Or Cattle, two bar
on either hip; crop in right ear and split in left.
Horses, J on right thigh. Range in Grant county .
Hughes, Bamuel, Wagner, Or T FLou right
shoulder on horses; on cattle, on right hip and on
left side, swallow fork in right ear and slit in left.
Range in Haystack district. Momw county.
Hail. Edwin, Johu Day, Or. Cattle E Hon righi
hip; horses same on right shoulder, iangein
Grant county.
Hughes, Mat, Heppner, Or. Borses, shaded
heart ou the lef t shoulder. Range Morrow Co.
Hunsaker, B . Wagner. Or. -Horses, W on left
shoulder; ca tie. 9 on left hii .
Hardiety, Albert, Nye. Oregon Horses, AH
connected, on lef t shoulder tattle on the left
hip, crop off left ear,
Humphreys, J si, Hardman, Or. Horses, H od
lett flank
Hiatt, Win. G., Ridge, Or. Horses branded
bar cross ol left shoulder: cattle same on left
Hayes, J. M., Heppner. Or. Horses, wineglass
on left shoutdei cattle, sameon right hip.
Ivy, Alfred, Long Creek, Or Cattle 1 D on
right hip, crop off left ear and bit in right, Hone
same bmud on left shoulder. Range n Grnt
l.nthor. Fieht Mils. Or. Horse H on
the left shoulderand heart on the left stifle Cat
tle same un left hip. Range m Morrow county.
Jenkins, D. W..ML Vernon.Or. J on horses on
left shoulder; ou cattle, J on left hip and two
smooth crops on both ears. Range in Fox and
HMtr vnll 'VS
Juukin. S. M., Heppner, Or. Horses, horse
shoe J ou left shoulder, tattle, the lama.
Range on Eight Mile,
Johnson, telix Lena, Or. Horses, circle T on
left sun a; cattle, same on right hip, uader hnlt
crop in right and split in left sax
Kenny. Mike, Heppner, Or. Horses branded
KNY on left hin cattle same and orop otl left
ear: tinder sloim on the right
Keller. Hicham, rtlanlon. urant county, ur.
E E in square, cattle on left hip; horses saute
on left siioulder. Range Besrvallev.
Kirk J r.. HeuDuer. Or. Huntst 09 on left
shoulder; cattle, oU ou lett hip.
Kirk. J C. Heppner. Or. Horses, 17 oa either
flank; cauls li ou right side.
Kumberland.W. G.. Mount Venion. Or. I L on
cattle ou right and loft siues, ewadow fork in U ft
ear and under ciop iu right ear. Hors.s same
brand ou leit sbouiuer. riangein uraut countv.
Keenev. Kli. HeDoner. Or.-Horees J L and -
aco of clubs on leti aiitle. hauge in U uiatilla '
and ILorrow couiiUt-n
Lesley.M C, Mouument, Or A triangleSWtwith f
all hues exteudiug pa t Lody of figure un LI aor- :
on left shoulder, ou cattle uiatouuu ou lea i
shoulder, Bput iu r;gh.(- -i-dei tat iu left ear
itange Ut oraut oouuti aua to parwui jouu jjay ,
Ijnhrv. .1 W. Heuoner Or. Horses branded L
N on it-it shoulder; cat lie f-ame oil leit hip; wat- -tie
over riMiu ey , thiee alits in right ear.
Loft en. Hteonen. 1 ox. Or. ti L on left hin
on cattle, crop and split on right ear. Horses
same brand oa left shoulder. Itange Urant
county. :
l.innallnn. John W.. Ijt"-' Or. Horses
branded halt-circle JL connected on left shoal
der. Caitle. Bam on leli hip. Range, near Lex- '
Lord. George, Heppner, ur. norses oranaeu
double U cot.ueou Swuietiuie called a " 4
qwing H, on lett shoulder.
Olaxweii, in. o., uooweoerry. or. nurww uihuu
ed long link on lett ehoulder; catoe, auuie on
lei tup. r.ar uiara. uuuer un in leuear.
inor. Oscar, rieuuner dr. I attie, U o on
right hip; horse. M on left shoulder.
Morgan, ti. N., Heppner, Or. Horses, M )
on lett should"! cattle same on left hip.
McCumber. Jas A. iLcho. ur. Horses, 01 witn
bar over on right shoulder.
juani,, a. a.. Lena, ur. norses om mares
on right hip; young stuck, small za on left,
Moriran. Thos.. HeDDner. Ur Morses, circle
T on left shoulder ana left thigh; cattle. ' on
right thigh.
Mitchell, uscar, lone, ur. norses, n on nam
hip; cattle. 77 ou right side.
McLaren, Lf. u., itrowuBVine, ur, xioroes,
Figure 6 on each shoulder, cattle, all on hit
McKeru.W.J. Mount Veruuti. Or 1 ou cattle
ou right hip, crop iu right ear, half crop m left
same brand ou horses ou lefthiu. Range in (iraut
Mccarty, uaviu ccho.ur. Horses oranaea
DM connected, ou the left shoulder; cattle same
on hip and side.
Mcuirr, frank, fox Valley, ur. Mule anoe
ith toe-cork on cattle on ribs and under in
each ear; horses aarae brand ou left stifle.
Mu Haley. U. V.. llumilioii. Ur. Un noraea. B
with half circle under on left shoulder; on Cattle,
four bars connected on top on the right side.
Range in Grant County.
fteai.Andrew, Lone itock.Ur, Horsea A n con
nected ou left shoulder; cattle same on both hips.
rxewman. W. tt.. rleppner. Ur. noreea a
with half circle ove r it on lef t shoulder.
Nurdvke. E.. Hilverlon. Or. Horses, circle 7 on
left thigh; caitle. same ou left hip,
Oliver, Joseph, Canyon City. Ur. A on cattle
on left tup; on horses, same ou left thigh, Raiuce
in Grant county.
Oiler, Perry, Lexington, Or. P O on left
shou.de i.
Olu. Herman. Prairie Citv. Or. On cattle. O
LP connected on left hip; homes on left stifle,
and warile on nose. Range in tiraiit county.
Pearson, Uluve. Eight Mile. Or. Horses. Quar
ter circle shielu ou left shoulder nd 24 on left
hip. Cattle, fork in let; ear, right cropped. 24
on left hip. Range ou Eight Mile.
barker & Uleaaon, iiaruuian.Ur, Horses If on
left shoulder.
fiper, J. ti., Lexington. Or. -Borses, JE con
nHClHil tti left. MhoiiMuiv nuttlo uutnu in luft hiti-
umier bii iu each ear.
fatbera. Henry Lexinuton. Ur. Horses brand- .
ed with a Rouiaii cross on left Bhoulder; cattle
branded wilu Romau cross, bar at bottom, on
leu nip. ;
Pettys, A. C, lone. Or,; borses diamond P on
shoulder; cattle, j ti J ounneoled, on the
left hip, upper slope iu left ear and slip in the
rotter, van. Lexington Horses branded oil'
couuecLed ou left shoulder; cultie same on rltfht
fowell, jonnT., Dayvme, Or Borses, JF coo.
nec edon left shoulder. Cattle OK couueoted on i:
eiLino, two uuuer uair crops, uue u eacii uaxt
wattle under throat . Range iu Urant county.
Rickard, G. D., Canyon City, Or. F O on left
shoulder, on horses only. Rdnge Canyon creek
and Bear valley, Graut county.
Rood, Andrew, Hardinau, Or, Horses, square r
cro with quarter-circle over ltou left stifle.
Renin ger, Chris, Heppner, Or. Horses, C R on
left shuuidei ,
Rice, Dun, Hardman, Or.; horses, three panel
worm fence on left shoulder; cattle, DAN on.
right shoulder. Range near Hardman.
Itudio, Wm, Long Creek, Or.-brauds horses
R oi right Bhoulder. ttange. Grant and Morrow
Hoyee, Aaron, Heppner, Or Horses, plain V on ,
left shoulder; cattle, same brand reversed oa
right hip and crop off right ear. Range in Alor
row county.
Kuan Bros., Heppner, Or. Horaes branded X
un the right shoulder; cattle, IX ou the left tup.
orop otl left ear aud dewlap on neck. Range ix.
Morrow and adjoining counties.
lef t shoulder; cattle, R on left bip, crop off '
right ear, under oit on lef t ear, bheep, K on
weathers, round crop off ngh ear. Range Oma
tiilaund Morrow c luuuee.
lieaney, Andrew. Lexington, Or. Horses
brauded A R ou right shoulder, vent quartet
circle over brand; cattle same on right hip.
Kange Morrow county.
Royse, Wm. H, Duiryville, Or HR connected
with quarter cirrle over top on oatUeon right hip '
and crop off right ear and split in left. Horses :
same brand ou left shoulder, liauge in Morrow.
Grant aud Gilliam comities.
Kilter, J F, Iti iter, Or Three parallel bars
with bar overou horses on left hip; on cattle, left
side, two Binooth crops; two splits in each eat.
itange in Middle Fork of John Day.
Rector. J. W., Hoppner, Or. Horses, JO oa
lef t shoulder. Cattle, o oa right hip.
Spiokuall, J. W., Gooseberry, Or., Horsps
branded alou left shoulder; lauge in Morrow -!.
Bpray, J. F., Heppner, Or.-HorseB branded fct
connected oi. right shoulder; cattle same on both '
bailing, C C Heppner, Or Horses branded 8 A .
on left shoulder; cattle same on left hip.
tiwaggari, R. F., Lexington, Or. Horsea 2 -
with uash under it on left stitle. cattle H with
uash under it on right hip, crop off right ear aud
waddled on right land leg. Range iu Morrow,
Gilliam and Umatilla counties,
tiwaggart, A. L., Ella. Or- Horses branded
on leit shoulder; cettle same on left hip. Crop
on ear, wattle on left hind leg,
Straight W. E., Heppner, Or. Horses shaded s
tt a wu ion DLiiiH, uutu w O OU isrx UlD. SWaiiOW
fork in right ear, underbit in left.
bwaguarl . L. AlOUie. Or. Horaes. HHnn riirhf
baun. Thos.. HeDDner. Or. Honuw. H A P on ..
left hip; catUt sauie on left hip.
Shirtz, James, Long Creek, Or. Horses. 3 on
left stifle and over 2 on left shoulder.
ohrier.John, Fox. Or. NO iionuented on r
horses on right hip; came, same on right hip,
crop off right ear aud under bit in left ear. Kange "
in Graut county.
ttimth tiros., John jjay. Or H Z on cattle on
le t shoulder.
Stephens, V. A., Hardman, Or-; horses 8 8 on
right stifle; cattle horizontal L un the right side -
BWsvenaou, Mrs A. J,, Heppner, (jr. Cattle,
on right hn : swallow-fork in left ear.
Bwaggart, G. W., Heppner, Or. Horses, 44 on
left snouidei ; cattle, 44 on left hip. '
fcitewart, Geo., Hardinan, Ur. Horses circle
oi' left shoulder.
Htoue. Ira. Bi?kleton, Wash, Horses, keystone
on left shoulder.
tiuuth, E. E. Lone Rock, Or. Horses branded
a crossed seven on left Bhoulder; cattle same on
leftside. Itange, Gilliam county.
Sperry, E. G., Heppner, Or. -Cattle W C on
left hip, crop off right and underbit in left year, ?
dewlap; nurses W c on left shoulder,
Thompson, J. A., Heppner, Or. Horses, g on
left should r; cattle, 2 on left shoulder. U
Tippets. S. T., Lena, Or.-Horses. C on left
Tumor R. W., Heppner, Or. Small capital T
leit shouldei, horses; cattle lame on left hip 3'
with split in both ears.
Thornton, H. M., lone, Or.-Horses branded
HI connected on left ntiue; sheep same brand. 'P
Viuiderpool, H. T., Lena, Ur;-Horses HV con- V
nected ou right shoulder;catUe, same on rutht ,
nip. f
Wilson, John Q., Balem or Heppner, Or.
RorsoB branded Jy on the left nouider. Rang
Morrow county.
W arrea, W B. ( 'aleb, Or Cattle, W with quarter '
circle over it, ou left side, split in right ear.
Horses same braud on left shoulder. ItaOtfein v.
Graut couuty.
Wood, F L, Dayville, Or-Hesrton horses on ;
leftstihe;on cattle, ' ou left side aud nnder bit V
in left ear. Range in Grant county, -'
Wright, Silas A. Heppner, Or. Cattle branded .
a w ou tne right nip, square crop on right ear
aud split in left, '
Wallace, Francis, Mount Vernon.Or Square on m
cattle on the left hip. upper slope In the left
ear and under slope in right ear. bame brand
ou horses on right shoulder. Range in Harney
and Grant couutv.
Webster, J. 1,. Heppner, Or, Horses branded
with bai over J on right shoulder; cattle same "
on right hip, crop off left ear and split in each.
Bangs, Morrow countv.
Wade, Henry, Heppner, Or. Horses branded '
ace of spadeb on leit Bhoulder and left biD
UBdie uruuueo wme ou ten erne aua lett Dip.
Wells, A, ti., Heppner, Or. Horses, 0B onleft
shoulder: call e same. 1
Wolfinger, John, John Day City. Or On horses
three parallel bars on left shoulder; 7 on sheep,
uiv in wui wib. xmuBo u uinut aa iusunaer i
W viand J H. Hdrdmftn Or Tit! n
thiiih, " -;
.nnu.i.H .,n loft uhmil.i.p '
Wat kins, Lishe, Heppner, Or. B arses branded
Ut cunuecteo on leit suae.
Wallace, Charles, Portland, Or. Cattle, W on
right thigh, how in left ear; horsea, W on right
shoulder, sorm same on left shoulder.
Whittier Bros., Drewsy, Harney sounry. Or.
Horses branded W B. con nected od left houlder.
Williams, Vascii. Hamilton. Or. Quarter cir
cle over three bars oo left hip, both catUe and
horses. Range Grant county.
W llhams. J O. Long Creek, Or Horsea. quar
ter circle over three bars ou left hip; cattle sain
and in each er. itangw in Grant coontj.
Wren, A. A., i.eppner. Or, Cattle, running A A
with oarscroi ou rucm bip.
Voung, J. 8., Gootirry, Or. Horses branded
T 8 ootke right ahoalder,