XEK T WHY ARE YOU WHiLXS;'? LECTRIC mws T 5 MONEY ft 'pas 3 n. -return :i i ' ti 'lit ij 1 f 1 11 11H t WEAKNESS M I AND SUSPEHSOkY FOR, ALLIANCE COLUMN who are debilitated and suffering from Nervous DebilitY Seminal Weak nessIossesDrainsImpotency ofl f Lost Manhood. Rheumatism, Lame we have a relief and cure In your ignorance of effects and vitality which is system the elements thus strengtn ana vigor wm iu cure or money refunded .Si ffdi fssnfss FhooMFMriRVx G-fkifpai ( li i Hfaith iw ti,e effects of abuses, excesses, worry and exposure. For such sufferers in our marvelous invention, which requires but a trial to convince the most skeptical, or by excesses, or exposure, you may have unduly drained your system of nerve force electricity and thus caused your weakness or lack of force. If you replace into your drained, which are required for vigorous strength, you will remove the cause, and health, low at once and in a natural way. This is our plan and treatment, and we guarantee a Send for our Illustrated Pamphlets, free J sent by mail, sealed. Dr. Sanden's Electric lSV&. Bflt is no experiment, as we have restored thousands to robust health and visor. after all other treatments tailed, as can De snown oy nunareas oi cases inrougnout mis oiaic, wuo uiu ,' testify, and from many of whom we have strong letters bearing testimony to their recovery after using our Belt. THD DR. SHNDEN ELECTRIC BELT I. n rnmnlete calvanlc battery, made into a belt so as to be easily worn during work or at rest, and it gives soothing prolonged currents which are instantly felt throughout all weak parts, or we forfeit $5,000. It has an Improved Electric Suspensory, the greatest boon ever given weak men, and we warrant it to cure any of the above weaknesses, and to enlarge shrunken limbs, or parts, or Money Refunded. They are graded in strength to meet all stages of weakness in young, middle-aged or old men, and will cikj the worst cases in two or three months. Address SANDEN ELECTRIC CO., 172 First St., PORTLAND, OREGON EMTOItl'L, NOTES. John Day Sentiuel: The Grr.l county farmers' allianoe held a meeting st Mount Vernon yesterday. We noticed quite a number of people eoinsr in that direotion. Today is the time et for the people's party convention at the sum p'nce. John Pay Pentimd: .1. C. Luce, wlo hn been over in Hirrey ronntv, with ne nnoe more. John orcflnizp1 five nl liiinepp whit tl'ere nml :'terde1 a It inn'i ennvertfinn nf the penpVa P'T'y. A tiokft mnrle up I'a'tlv from thei own timb-r nnri pnrtlv hv indorsing onra mees of the two old parties. PUBLIC SALE -OF- Stock Horses Lam Perhaps You Don't Know Us, 8UT SURELY YOU KNOW OF OUR REMEDIES. We extend an invitation to call and see free 1pai at our Clinic, "Arcade Chambers." Hours 1 to ;f p. M. Lady Attendant!, We fill mail orders seine Any received (securely fouled, postpaid). If not B3 represented we will ml mid jour munev. ' QUEEN ANTI-HA1RINE" removes Heard or flupcrflumis II air iiuiu the l-ace, hieck and Arum, or Moles and Hi rth marks. Mutlein.o a paste, ouly a few minutes application it required. It it powerful, yet mild in its ofTecl. It dissolves and destroy a tlie follicles of the hair without the Mliglitcwt pain, injury or discolora tion to the most delicate skin. Try it. One l'l ice. 81.00 nor Itottle. '"QUcbN HAlRllNE" to reHtore and promote the Hair han no emtal. It is a poma e (vaseline form), rour applications will btop tho hair full inn and prevent dandrut)'. It cures sculp diseases, and will positively grow a luxuriant growth of hair unletm hereditarily buld. Faldnesa la not an iudicntiou that the roo:a are dead. Nature cid not provide tlmi we should wear acorering for the head. When the epidermis (akin) ia alive, so are the roots, and "Queen Hairlne" applied to the curface opens the follicle, and gives nourishment and vitality to tho roots. One bottle will convince the most skeptical Of its merits. Try it. Price, $1.00 per Itoille. ' QUEEN ANTI-ODOR" (pwJre,i form) applied to the parts allays excessive pertnl ration, and penninenlly euros offensive feet, armpit-, ele. A mortdeliphtlul and harmless remedy. 1'rKwAOe, Our 1 ON DO LINE" (liquid, pure and barailen), when applied to the akin restores and beautifies the Complexion; removes and prevents Tan, bunhuro, Freckles, Pimples and Mackheads. This re nowned preparation cannot he excelled. A single application has a marvelous effect, and each ad-lilional one improves the complexion. Try H; if not delighted with it, return the buttle, and we will refund your money. One Jiotile will restore the complexion. Price, $1.00 QuBHNTOir.iCTf:o.: Your preparation formulas (alter a careful analysis), I am free to nay, are harmless, and certainly effectual if Used according to direction a. J. V. Hesse, W. P.. 484 J- reeman Ave. Remit by P. O. order, Registered Letter, or iJralt to home oilice, and mention this paper. 174 RACE ST., CINCINNATI, O. (Local Agents Wanted.: 1 sent for two stamps. QUEEN TOILET CO. 1 Htl I- Namplrff ol onr Goods and How to be Beautiful' LUMBER! TE IIAVB FOH BALE ALL KINDS OF UN ri'BBcd l.unilier, 10 miles ol ucpiniur, u hat it) known as the SCOTT SAWMILiLi I'ER 1,000 FEET, ROUGH, ". " " CLEAR, io on 17 50 F DELIVERED IN IIEPPNER, WILL ADD fa.ui) per 1,000 leut, ouumonai. L HAMILTON, Prop . A. Hamliton.Mnn'gr IImi wSiu. ,m Hides, Pelts A ml Kurd wanted. J market prlee In I will pay tlio hlnhet r anvthhiB in thlH line. Hive me a eiill helore nelllnK eluewhere, n I know I can do Itetlur liy you than any other linn ill lieppner. W. W. SMEAD, Office nt Sargent it DriskeH'fl Feed yuril . Scientiflo Amorica Agency for TICKETS On Sale TO OMAHA to wool mm IF YOU WANT To keep your Sheep healthy, and Insure a good clip, use HAY WARD'S : SHEEP : DIPS A Sure Cure nt Moderate Cost. Submitted by n mibseriher. Ht'W the A li mep If fininir t- Piece. Mr. J. T? Mmitpr, n vi IM nnwn rermli- lirnn of Npbrnelt, pniil n ffw rlnv ne in Dpnver. when nuked about Nibrk politir-s: "Now, ynn sk about pnlitirs' nff iirn in Nebraska. Bpine rpptibliPHii, I recrpt vpry much to eny t lint in my opinion tbe f'Tmpra' nlliBnr will nwppf tbe 8ttfi tliia fall. Both the olrl pnrtip will put np ntroiiB tickets, bnt tbnt wil1 not uinke nny difference. The, alliance will elect the whole stnte ticket. Of late n idea has been freely expressed to the effect that the bountiful crops this year have toned down the aggressive spirit nf the farmers. It is a mistake. The alii nnoe is stronger than ever. The defeat nf the Newhnry maximum freight bill added new fuel to the flame. The farm ers refuse to lny down their arms, and (hey will record at least one victory thin fall." HAYWARD S PASTK DIP Mixes with either COLD or WARM WATER HAYWARD S LIQUID Is Non-Piiisonnns, Improves the and does Not Btnin it. DI1 Wool HlRtory Repeats Itself. Des Moines (la.) Tribune; The leader ship of tbe two old parties is a unit in the opposition to the issues presented by the nllied iudusl rial forces of the coun try; and tbe fact that they voted together in Kansas and Nebraska should evoke no surprise among thinking people. It is but history repealing itself, and only makes manifest thai which all reformers have well understood from the beginning The pro-slave elements in tbe whig and democratic parties united in opposition to the new party of their day, and that of necessity drove the free soil elements together also. A like movement is now in progress in every state, and we wel come the transitiou. The plutocrats will now be driven together, and every man must choose the banner under which be will give battle. CH lIMTY AJ WISI-', Wo -i. Commission Mkrciiants, Filth and Townsend StB., San Fianeisc u General Agents. For sale by Slooum-Johnaton Drug Co, 436 471 M J J2SVSr CAVEATS. COPVKIGHTS, eto. ForlnfcTinallnn ard fiee Handbook write to MI'NN . CO., :i IIIIOAIIWAY. NKW VOIIBT. Olrtest Imreuu for (teeiilinii patenlp tn A'norioa. Kverv ivitenl tak.-n out bv l" liroiitfht hetora tbe li'ublli) bj a not lee lllven free, ol e.harii m UK f ritntiftj iucnau vansas City, St. Paul, AND AM, 101NTS EB5T, NORTH BP SOUTH- Ijnnrpst piri'Hlnt lr.n of nn? aolontinr pnpor In th mini Hh.H.Vi bo without it-.WflPklT. . iiftr; 1.41 hix iiiimtlia. AtlilrMBB MUNN tU uiii.nsiiuua. jtii lit una way. Nuw Vork- Corn Meal ! AVINO pnrchnm'rt mnchlmry for pnmllnp iiirniiH id uupurim i r II I'nni Mfiil. vvi- Invito hII our patron K liilnw lu their i-orn nml nut return HrtU'lu, DEITNEIl FLOl'MNG HILL iWASY, fi& tf. T. W. AYKK8. Sr., MuiiftKer. WOVEN WIRE 'FENCING 7 moto-t. uiidc pnnc cci unnc inkunwi tnr.pn the BES1 (or Lswns, Gardens, Farms, Ranches and Rallioads l-ltll'KS lil.la't'l.li Nolil Uy aeLi-r. KHI IOU V I'AH. rsim.i.i-N S rm i.Tiiv MrniMi, kw tm Tbi, Urftlidlen Weven Wir Fnc Ow., ClulcUl TO Sii tn Fnuiclsco A'ld all puinla iu California, Tia the Mt. Bhaii route of the Southern Pacific Co. The Kreat hinhwaj throiinh California to all points Kaat ami South. Uraml tieame ltoute of the I'acitio Coaat. Pullman Buffet 81eei.-r. Heeond-elaaa 8leei'rn Atlnehet to ora train", affoniing auiwrior aeeoninUHlalloiiH tor iteetino-eiaiM, For rat,-. Ileketa. alwiuug oar rwvrvatloM, ete . -all uium or auitreee n ifiiKlll.KH. Manacer. K. V. ROOKHK, Allt Uen. K. 1'. AKt.. 1'orlland, Oregon- Frank II. Hnow, Cotntnisaiouer U. Court at Ijhx iitcii. Or., authorized to receive fees for publication LeuveB lieppner, 8 a. m. Ii:5 J p. m. Arriver. .illi Miff iA-a, Culonlat Hleepom, Reclining Chair Cars and Diners. Stenmors Portland to 8nn every four days. Francisco rickets TO AlTD rsoM Europe. For niton nml kimhthI information call on Depot Ticket AKut, J. C. lli-ppner, OrcRon nvurr, HI HI.Rl'KT, Amt. Oenl. 1'aai. Ant. 61 W aBhillgton St., Portland, Ohkoon. STANDARD TORScENTUf TVIll BROTHERS DRY HOP YEAST 5C-T THE QUICK RISER LIGHT BREAD ron A Family Affair Health for the Baby, ) Phasure for the Parents, .New Life for the Old Folks. 'Hires Root Reer THE GREAT TEMPERANCE DRINK 'Mi a family affair a requisite of the home. A Ki cent package IlluUes 5 gallone of a delicious, strengthening, effervescent beverage. Ton't be deceived If dealer, for the sake of larger profit, tells von eonie other kind Is " lust an k'xm! " 'tis false. No Imltattou laaagvod M the geuuliie Ulaica'. Third Party Possibilities, Mr. Davis, the farmers' candidate for oongresB from Kansas, has introduced a bill to aid tbe working people, that pro vides that tbe government shall imme diately build postofficeB all over tbe oountry, making them two-story build ings. A poRtofHoe on tbe first floor, and the second floor to be given to tbe use of tbe people for a library and reading room, to which the nation and all the states may send i nblio documents, and let the people make suoh additions to the library as they choose. The govern ment to isBue paper money to pay for the whole thing. Give us the bard fisted farmer for plain, straight, practical legis lation. We need more of them in con greBB and the state legislatures. CHOPPING UP CORN FODDER. Do Not Let the "Next Cow" Shiiw the Fotll-r. I may not be called orthodox in i: y belief, but if fed in small qu.uititii-s i,t a time so that it will be eaten ti) ! :i I doubt if cutting dry corn fodder ys. I have cut corn fodder and f d it v. ..ole ty w.-iy of comparison, and iv-ion t'.i" ! :t ttr wa fed ill nnull atntantit ' at it t ';! 1 could nut see the gain in way th:,t 6hoved any return for my l,i..or. 1 found howevei that I could iiniucu a cow to eat more stulka up clean at a feeding by cutting them in J-incli lengths, bin on dividing the uncut stalks that would represent the cut fodder is:!" twof, e' -the amount rejected was wry nuall. I found it a better way lo cut np wh.;t was left of the rejected stalks, put a lit tle ineiil upon them und feed thein now and then as a luncheon, and so I am cnS ting nine-tenths of the fodder. One of the chief reasons why so uinch fodder is wasted in feeding stalks out ot doors, and also where the mangers are crowded with fodder when feeding in the barn, is the mussing of it by the next cow. It is nearly impossible to get a cow to touch an ear of corn that has, even momentarily, been in an other cow's mouth: and I have noticed that the same was nearly the case when stalks are fed in the manger; M) so when I fed stalks before the silos were built 1 put partitions in the man gers so mat two cows couiu eat to gether, and if about "so much was led, the stalks were eaten up clean. One winter I tried cutting stalks for two cows; after feeding them all tho whole stalks they would eat up clean I fed thein all the cut stalks they could consume in tne same way wiinoui changing the grain ration, and after a week's tnal they had not increased the yield of milk an ounce, aiwl after this I let them cut their own stalks. In cooking or soaking the stalks I have had no expe rience, nor do I recall any experiment that shows that after the natural juices have been dried out of a plant any plan of steaming, cooking or soaking has showed better feeding results than does the slower mastication of the food in a dry state, adding the water as drink a few hours later. That cutting food adds to its feeding value is doubtful; beyond this, the cut ting induces an animal to eat more and reject less. Where dry stalks are read ily consumed, and very little is left, my vote would be against cutting. If the cattle will reject more than 8 per ceiit. of the food, if bright and good, I would then say that possibly it might pay to rig np a power cutter. John Gould in Rural Kew Yorker. The undersigned will Bell at Publio Auction at IIElTNKIi, OR., Friday, liny 2()(li, 1802, ioo HEAD loo Of American Stcck Horses. TERMS OF SALE: One year, with approved security; in terest at 10 per oent per annum. Five per cent discount for cash. 78tf. O. B. COCHWAN. FEEDING SCIENTIFICALLY. 0 The Law of Happineg". Tbe best definition of happiness is that given by a French woman, who says it is a state of constant occupation, for a de sirable object, with a sense of continued progress. It is this condition whioh makes reformers the happiest people in the world. Woman's Tribune. Some think they can go to places o' amusement and find happiness. Some think they can create it within them selves, aud nearly every one declares that their happiness is dependent upon the oonduot of others. But all of these are substantially wrong in their ideas of the real source of happiness. You oan- not create it within yourself, neither can another give it to you by his will. Tbe law of happiness is this: You must, through desire or honest effort, or both, strive to make some one of God's oreat ures more comfortable, contented or hBppy, In doing su you receive by re flex action the happiuess you create, be cause all things return to their source. OVER-WORK. t OMavf Forutm, l! 12 WmMngten St., v Cmcoo, O0L 11th. lNi7. Rv. K. KolKiot Dtar Sin-l deem It a duty I owe yon to certify to the good effect lh tak ing of your medicine had on my health. 1 v, as troubled ny nervousness brought on by ov. r work Your Nerva'lonlo almost lmmtdlately stopped that peculiar tremor tuat, 1 presume, Is evidence of nervoaanets. I am now well. My head ir uble4 me, touMnot sUen, head hot, dreama of aocldents, eto. One siwouful of your medlcloe removed the csubo of my dreams; have uot had ihem since; took sevea or elhl bottles of your medlclue. Keep soma In my house; always t. ke some occasloually; would not be without It; bavi reeommended It to my friends If I am not mistaken, yonr medlolne lll prove a grest blueing to this over-Worked nation. Yours truly, JNO. 1'. SUANLAN, H. C. B. Results of Kxperimenta at the 1H aaaaeli il- aetta Agricultural Station. There are three classes of substances that give value to food for animals or human beings fat, protein unci carbo hydrates. The fats are pure tat or oil very similar to the pure fata found in meat or butter. The protein is the ftxxl that is used in the animal system to make muscle and lean meat. Those can not be made from fatty food protein is absolutely necessary for sneh formation. The carbohydrates comprise such sub stances as starch, sugar, etc.. which are made over by the animal into fat as butter, tallow or pork. There need be no difficulty in under standing these tonus if we remember that the fat and the carbohydrates can not possibly make anything but fat meat or butter, and the protein cannot possi bly make fat meat, but only lean or tnuscle. The fats are more valuable than the carbohydrates, because they are more digestible aud more easily made into meat or butter. In fact, when figuring the value of a feeding ration scientists consider the fats equal in value to the protein, and both worth abont rive times as much, pound for pound, as the carbohydrates. We can easily under stand that all these classes of substances must be fed and that trouble will follow if we give too much of one and too lit tle of another. These foods as bought at Amherst con tainetl the following quantities of these three feeding substances in pounds per ton: Cotton Corn- Wheat need Linseed Hlnten meal. bran. meal. Fat....... SW4 88 a HroteTn.. 227 tt 801 Carbohy - dratos.. 1,359 1,000 432 FREE A Valuable Ttoott on Nervoua IMseuacN eei tlroe to unv idtlp Sh. and poor ltnuema can aiwo omiiiu Uita medicine I ron cf cliaric o. This remedy has been pr-,j 4 by the Bever- rn.l Pastor Koeniii. oli- . ue.lnd.. since 18:8. and Is now prepare?. iur his direction by the KOENIC MED. CO., Chicago, III. gold by Druralsta at SI per Bottle. 6 for 15. lareSIe. fjt.75. 6 llotUaa for WO. hold lu Portland. Orea-on, by Buell, llolt.hu A Woodai'd. What Is It? That produces that beautiful, soft, deli cate complexion and leaves no trades of its application or injurious effects? The answer: Wisdom's Famous Robertine, No lady's toilet complete without it. meal. 180 meal. l;ll ax 738 1,506 VS Girif PI FN T 63 fufftr muieeosstry. Pon't yoa know .hut er-htmiUoi., debility, tmlinr ltimhofHt, nd general wenltiK'ni, brought on by early loll tea, dlMipanon ana exoemea, cu b eureil. Pon't get diicour- agetl Wo har cured hundredi VgH at their hornet by mall treatment. hjM Your case will b diagnosed Ireo, iSCi yonr condition, Ku iiiiiiriiu Kmnntfrt m "I, Stockton and Ellis Shi, mtNCISCO CAL UI'PElt KHEA CREEK. Suow is all gone now. Smith Birch is shearing sheep. We have been having lots of rain of late. We are having awful nice weather at present. Bob Watkins is off shearing sheep at present. Mr. Leander Oopple was in our ocigh borba,od to-day. Mr. Ham Creeeon made a trip to Black Horse last week. Fred Thomas and fpmily were visiting on Six Dollar last week. Mr. Gosney was in our neighborhood, last week, hunting oattle. II snowed about one iucb Saturday u i u li t and Borne on Sunday. B. F. Hevlaud's family was visiting relatives on Six Dollar, last week. Mr. L. D. Boyed and family ere visit ing Mr. aud Mrs. W. A, Bairj, last weei. FaKOaKB. K. 0.: At no time bas so much "fill ree" auneared as may now be noticed on the Umatilla oounty hills. This is tbe finest kind of wild grass, very nutritious, and eagerly ealen by stock, which grow fat npon it. It Das neretiuore oeeu oou riue.l to certain localities, but seems now to have spread everywhere, and eioel- lent rat ge is provided. StfHIpm who filed timbftr-cnlture or prtptunhnn claims od railroad laud in Illrtttr. INNf or 1S7 oau recover tueir rees oy ; applyiug to Frank H. Snow. U. S. Com-1 mifts.oner, at i.exingtou. Bnutf your; filing reooipt 4&.U. Total.... URH 1.413 U4ZI The substances that go to make np the full 2,000 pounds in each ton are water, ash and cellulose. Ash is what is left after burning the whole food it is useful for manure. Cellulose is that part of the food that is entiiely indi gestible. One dollar's worth of corn will give a large quantity of carbohydrates and comparatively little fat and protein, while one dollar's worth of linseed meal gives less carbohydrates and a great deal more of the others. In fact, the corn has too little protein while the lin seed meal has too much. It would pay better to buy one dollar's worth of each of these foods and mix them than to buy two dollars' worth of either one. A good sized cow should digest each day food enough to contain pounds or protein. 12 pounds of carbohydrates and pound of fat, or more in the same proportion. A portion of this may be fed in the form of hay. fodder or en silage, but the grain is needed to give the ration strength without adding too ranch to its bullc. The problem is to buy the grains that bring most to the farm for tbe money If a man buys cottou seed meal or liu seed tneai he 'vould be foolish to feed it with the same measure used iu feeding cornmeal or bran. Six pounds of co.n xueal might have the best effect on a cow if fed with clover hay, while su pounds of cotton seed meal, costing tbe same money, might kill her. because it would supply too much protein. We doubt if it will pay any farmer to feed heavily ol concentrated foods unless he is willing to give up the ''forkful" and quart sys tem and feed by the scales with the idea of giving so many pounds of fat. protein and carbohydrates to ach animal in stead of o much "hay and grain." Tables of analvses are now easily ob tained and the farmer can figure thetu out In these times of high prices it will pay any fanner to figure on thin Too many farmers are baying corumeal for protein, whicn is just about as economical as buying sawed and planed lumber for tire wood. jhTOC'K Bit AND. While you keep oar subscription paid up yt-i can ktep your bran J in free of charge. Albn. T. J., lone. Or. Horeeti Gil on lef nhuulder; cnttle -nme on left hip, under bit on right ear, and upper bit on the left; range, Mor row county. ArmtiirunB, J. C, Alpine, Or. T with bar on. der n on left shoulder of horses; cattle Bain on left hip. AlliBon.O. D., Eight Mile. Or. Cattle brand. O D on left hip and hortieB same brand on right ahonlder. HatiKH. Eicht Mile. AdkinB, 1 C, Dayville, Or- straight mark acroet- the thigh ana two crops ana a slit in the right ear: hoi-naa. .1. uiwide down on tbe riuht shoulder. Ivange in Grant county and Hear valley. I1 O address alBo at liarurattn. Adkine, J. J., Heppner, Or. Hor&ee, JA con natiiwi on In 1 1 tiank: cattle, bam eon left hiD. Avers, Johnny, Lena, Or. Horses brarded triangle on leu hip; entile Bame on right hip: also croD on neh ear ami ouuer hit on same. Blvth. Percy H.. Henoner. Or. Horses lioinan cross on right shoulder. Kange iu Morrow county. Bleakraan, Geo,. Hard man, Or. Horses, a flag nn left shoulder: cattle same on right shoulder. Bannister, J. W., Hard man. Or. Cattle brand ed B on left hip and thigh; split in each ear. liarke. M Ht C. Lona Ureelc. Or On cattle, MAY connected on left hip, oiop off left ear, un der half crop off right. Horses, same brand on letft shoulder. Kange in Brunt aud Morrow county. Boweman. A.. Mount Vernon and Bams. Or. Cattle, A B on right hip, two crops in each ear; tame on horses, on ngnt enoaiaer, iiange in f -J runt and Hurnev counties. BroBman, Jerry, Lena, Or. Horses branded 7 on nghi shoulder; cattle B on the left aide. Left ear half croo and nsrht ear Doner siooe. Barton, Wm Heppner, Or. -Horses, j B on right thign, cattle, same on right hip; split in each ear. Brown, Isa, Lexington, Or. Horses IB on the right Btihe; cattle same on right hip; range, Mor row county. Brown, J .P., Heppner, Or. -Horsefl and cattle branded H with oi-voke above on left shoulder. Brown, J. C, Heppner, Or. HorBes, circle , with aot in oe. ter on left nip; cattle, same. Boyer, W. G., Heppner, Or. Horses, boi brand on nghi hip cattle, same, with split in each ear. Bow. P.O.. Heonner. Or. Horses. P B on left shoulder: cattle, same on left hin. Brownlee, W. J., tox.Or attle, JB connected on lef t side; crop on left ear and two splits aud middle piece cut out on right ear; on horses same orana on the leit thigh; Kange in rox valley, Oraut countv. C'ain.E., ( 'aleb.Or. Y D on horses on left stifle; u wiin quarter circle over it, on lett Bnoumer, and on left stifle on all colts nnder 5 years: on left shoulder only on all horses over h years. All ranee in Grant county. Clark, Wm. II.. Lei a. Or. Horw WHO con nected, on left fehouhier: cattle Bame on right till), lia ire Morrow and Umatilla counties. Cate, 'has. lt Vinson or Lena, Or. Horses H C on right shoulder; cattle same on right hip. iiange morrow atia umatum counties, CochrHn. (!hiu.. I nun. Or. Hornns. HP eon nected on left shoulder; cuttle, 0 on both left hiDand stifle, linukre iu Morrow countv. Cannon, J1. B., Long Creek, Or. Tou cattle on r glit side, crop oft right ear and slit in left ear. cur horses same brand on left shoulder. Itaug in urant county. Cecil. Wm.. Douslas. Or.: horses 3 V, on lef shoulder; ca'tle same on left hip, waddles on each law and two b.ts in the rttrlit ear. Curl, T. H., John Lay, Or. Double cross on each hip on cattle, swallow fork and under bil in right ear, split in left ear. Kange in Grant county. On slietm. inverted A and spear uoini on shoulder. Ear markoa ewes, crop on left ear, pnucnea upper nit in ngnt. wethers, crop iu right and uuuer halt orop iu lett ear. AU rang u uraut couutv. CroBby, A. A., Heppner, Or. Cattle branded-' (or H L coi nected) on the rinht Bhouldur. Cook, A. J.,Leua,Or. Horses, U on right ehonl jet. Cattle, same on right hip: ear mark Bquart ciod off left and eulit in riuht. Currin, K. V,, Curriusville, Or. -Horses, D on luft stifle. Cochran, J II Monument, Or Horses branded i l ot a on lett shoulder. i;atue, same on right nip. swaiiow torn in right ear ana crop ottl ett. Cox k English, Hardinan, Or. Cattle, C wit! iu uoumr; iiurBtw. k h, oh iuil iiu. Cupper, H. A., Monument, Or. Horses H C on It it shoulder, cattle a fj on left side, swal low fork on right ear. Cochran. H. E.. Monnment. Grant Co . Or.- Horees branded circle with bar beneath, on left thoulder; cattle same brand on both hips, mari under slone both ears and dewian. Cbapin, H., Harduian, Or. Horses branded c on rieht hin. ( attle brauded the same. Cross, 8 L, l)ayville, Or ( 'attle branded two cropB and a Bput in lert ear: on horses reversed 1 on left Btitie. Also have the following brands on cattle: ii on lett nip, 7 on rinht uiu. 2 on left Bhoulder, two parallel bars on left thoulder. Ear marks, two crops. Ooouan. Wm., Heppner, Or. Horses branded OO with bar over them, on left shoulder; cat tle same on left hin. Ooturlass. W. M . Galloway. Or. Cattle. R 1 ' on right side, swu, low-fork in each ear: horses, K L on left hip, Douglas, 0. T., Douglas, Or Horses TD on the right stifle; cattle same on right hip. Duncan, W. P., John Day, Or. Quarter ciroh- w on ngnt snouiaer, ootn on norses ana cattle. Kanae Urant county. Dnskell, w. til.. tieDDner. Or. Horses branded K inside of O on left shoulder. Cattle same on left side or neck. Ely. J. B. A Hons, DoOKiaa. Or. HorBes brand d ELY on left shoulder, cattle name on left hio. hole ir rieht ear. risk. Halph, Prairie City, Or Hones, R Pon right shoulder; cattle, on right hip. Kange in Grant county. fleck. jacKBon. neppner. or. Horses, it connected on rniht Bhoulder: cattle, same on right hip. Ear mark, hole in right and crop oft left. Florence. L. A.. IleDpner. Or. ( attle. LF on right hip; horses. F with bar under on right shoulder. Florence. 8. P. HeDoner. Or Horses. F on rieht shot dei : cattle. F on riirht hio or thigh. Gay, Henry, Heppner, Or. GAi on left shoulder. Gob e. Frank. HeDDner. Or. Horses. 7 r Guman-rrenoh. Liana ana Livestock Co.. ros- sil, Or. Horses, anchor t& on left shoulder; vent, same on left stifle, ('attle, same on both hips: ear marks, crop on right ear ana underoit in lert. Hange in Gilliam, Grant, Crook and Morrow counties. Gentry, Elmer, Echo, ur. Horses branded rt. 8. with a quarter circle over it, on left stifle Hange in Morrow ana umatiua counties. (;ittwHtnr. J . I ).. Prairie City. Or. On horses. O O on left shoulder and etine; cattle, on right side. Kange in Grant county. Hams. James. Hard man Or. Horses shaded 2 on lefr Bhoulder; cattle same on left hip. Kange lit and about Haraman. Hayes. Geo., Lena, Or, Brand JH connected, with Quarter circl" over it. on left shoulder, Hiatt A. B., Kidge, Or. Cattle, round-top K with quarter circle nnaer it on tne ngnt nip. k Anise in Jiorrow ana umauita counties. Hin ton A Jenks. Uamilton. Or .attle, two bars nn either hin: crop in rieht ear and split in left, Horses, J on ntrnt tnign. nan gem urant county. Hughes, Bamnei, wagner, ur-i ( lod nght shoulder on horses; on cattle, on right hip and on left side, swallow fork in right ear and slit in left- kuncre in Haystack district. 41om-w conntv. Hall. Edwin, John Lay, Or. Cattle E H on right hip; horses same on right shoulder, tangein ;rant county. Hughes, Mat, Heppner, Or. Horeee, shaded hpRrt on the left shoulder. Ranee Morrow Co. Hunsaker, B , Wagner. Or, -Hones, l on left fthnulder: ca tie. 9 on left hit . Hardisty, Albert, Nye. Oregon Horses, AH connected, on left shoulder; Cattle on the left hm. eroo off left ear. HuniphrevR, 4 ill. Bard man, Or. Horses, H o len flank Hiatt, Wm. E., Ridge, Or. Horses branded bar cross ou leit snotuaer: cauie same on leu hin Hayes, J, M.( Heppner. Or, Horses, wineglass on left shoutuer cat tie, same on ngnt nip, lw Alfred. Lonif Creek. Or Cattle I D on right hip, crop off left ear and bit in right. Horw same orana on lett snouauer. auun u unuii mnlttl Hnston. Luther. Eight Mile, Or. Hone H on the left shoulder and heart on the left stifle Cat- tin Hume on left hip. Kauee in Morrow county .Tonkin. D. W..S1L Vernon. Or. J on horeee on left shoulder; on cattle. J on left hip and two smooth crops on ootn ears, nangein rox and Rtr vail -IS J on kin, 8. M., Heppner, Or. Horses, hone, shoe J on left shoulder. Cattle, the aama. Kadita on hieht Mile. Johnson. Felix Lena, Or. Hones, circle T oil left sune; cattle, same on right hip, nnder half orop in ngnt ana syui in len nr 'Kmnv. Mike. Hennner. Or. Hones brand rvi s ENY on left hip. cattle same and orop off left, , nar: nnder Uiennthp right Keller, Kichard, Ulan ton, (tract oounty, Or. E E in sauare. cattle on left hip: horses same nn left shoulder. Hange Beer vallev. . Kirk J. T., Heppner, Or. Horses 09 on left shoulder; cattle, on leit hip. Kirk. J C. Heppner, Or. Horses. 17 on either i flank: cattle lion right side. Knmberland.W.G.. Mount Vernon. Or. I L on i cattle on right and left sides, ewadow fork in It ft t ear and under ciop in ngnt ear, Miirsessama brand on left shoulder. Kange in Grant countv. "L Knnnev. Kli. Htnoner. Or. BoreeB J L and nee of clubs on Ml stifle. Kange in Umatilla V and borrow counties Lesley. M C. Mouumeut Or A tnangleniwith all liiiou extendi n pa t Lod of tigure on lt hor- t-ee ou if tt bhoulut-r, ou cattle uiamond on lett shoutuer, hpiit iu righ - ..it in left ear Iiange m tii nut count) uud to . uitbOf John Day Ltalicy.'J W, Heppner Or. Horses branded L -N on Jt ft siiouldei : iitti ie i-nu-e oi left hip; wat tle .ver r-iihi ey , tlut-e blue in right ear. Ltiftn, Htepiieu, lux. Or. ts L on left hip -ui call I e. crop and split on rieht ear. Horses -tame brand on left shoulder. Kange Grant Miunty. Lsieijallen. John W.. L 1 ' Or. Horse branded huif-cucle JL connected ou lettshouL ler. t aide, sauit on lei) hip. ICange, near Lex n c ton. Lord. George. Heppner. Or. Hones branded louble 11 coi.necti Someliines called a wing li. on left shoulder. Maxwell, M.b .Gooseberry. Or. Hotbcs brand d lone link on leit shoulder; cattle, same on uf hip. Ear mark, under bit in left ear. Minor. Ovcar. Heouner t ir. Cattle. M D on nght hip; horse. M on left shoulder. Morgan, a. lieppner, ur. Horses, n ) i let) should1! cattle same on left hip. McCumber. JaB A. Echo. Or. Hones. M with ar over on right shoulder. AtanL. H. a , lena, ir. Horses old mares Li u right hip; young stock, small u on left ihouiuer. 5. Morgan. Thoe.. Heppner. Or. Hones, circle r on loft shoulder and left thigh; cattle, L on nght thigh. Mitcheu. Oscar, lone, ur. Horses, 11 on ngnt up; catue. Htm right side. iVlcCiaren, D. G Brownsville, Or, Hones, pigure ft on each shoulder, cattle, M'on bm McKeru.w.J. Mouut Veruuu. Or Al ou cattle iU right hio. crop in rieht ear. half crop iu left tame braud ou hursts ou left hit-. Kauee in Grout , county. juct;ariy, uavid ti., ccno, ur. Horses nranaea D1 connected, on the left shoulder; cattle same n hip and side. McGht. trank. Fox Vallev. Or. Mule shoe with toe-cork on cattle on ribs and nnder tn each ear; hoises same brand on left stifle. McHaley. 0. V.. liainilion. Or. Ou Horses. B with hail circle under on left shoulder; ou Cattle, tour bars connected on top on the right aide. tange in ti-ranl louuty. fxeal. Andrew. Lone Hock.Or. Horses A N con nected on left shoulder: cattle same on both hips. Newman, W. li., Heppner, Or. Horses 24 with half circle over it on left shoulder. Nordyke, E., iSilverton, Or. Hones, circle 7 on left thigh: cai tie. same on left hip. Oliver, Joseph, Canyon City, Or. A 2 on cattle on left hip; on horses, same ou left thigh, Kange in iirarit county. Oiler, Perry, Lexington, Or. P 0 on left dhouftei. Olp, Herman. Piairie City. Or. On cattle. Q LP connected on left him norses on left stifle aud warile on nose. Kange in Grant county. Pearson, Olave. Eight Mile. Or. Horses. Quar ter circle shield ou left shoulder and 24 on left nip. Cattle, fork in left ear, right cropped. 144 on left hip. Rangf on Eight Mile. barker & Gleason, Harumau, Or, Horses ir od (ft shoulder. Piuer. J. H.. Lexmeton. Or. -HnrseB. JE con nected oLleft shoulder; cattle, same on left hip. under bil in each ear. Patbere. Henry Lexmeton. Or. Hones brand ed with a KomaL crows on left shoulder; cattle branded with lioman cross, bar at bottom, on left hip. rettys, a. t.;., lone, ur,; nones aiamona ron Bhoulder: cuttle. J xi J connected, ou the left hip, upper slope in left ear and slip in the light. Potter, Dan, Lexington Hones branded MP connected on left shoulder; cuttle same oa right hip. rowen, jonuT., uayvuie, ur Hones, jr con nect ed on left shoulder. ( )attle OK. connected on left hip, two under half crops, cue on each ear, wattle under throat . Kaiige iu Grant county. Kickard, U. li., Canyon City, Or. E C on left shoulder, on horses only. Kanee Canyon creek und Bear valley, Grant county. itood, Andrew, Harduian, or. Horses, square , crust- with quarter-circle over it on left stifle. Keninger, Chris, Heppner, Or. Hones, C R on left shouidei . Kice. Dan. Bardtnan. Or.: hones, three panel " worm fence on lett shoulder; ca:tle, DAM on ; lgnt snouiaer. Hange near tiardman. Hudlo. Win. Lonif llrnHk. Or. Krutirls horsea It or nght shoulder. Kanee Grant and Morrow counties. lloyse. Aaron. Heppner. Or Hones, nlam V on . eft ehoulder: cattle, aame brand reversed us right hip aud crop ofl: right ear. Range in Mor row county. Kunh Bros,, Heppner, Or. Hones branded X on the right shoulder; cattle, IX on the left hip. orop oft left ear and dewlap on neck. Kange ie .uorrow auu adjoining conn tied. Bust. Williaui. Pemileton. Or. Horses K oa left shoulder; cuttle, ii on left hip, oroO ofl , right ear, under bit on left ear, bheep, 11 on ' weathors. round crou off' riuh ear. Kanae Uma. tiila and Morrow c mutiee. Iteaney, Andrew, Lexington, Or. Horses branded A K on right shoulder, vent nuartei circle over brand; cattle same on right hip. 1 ttaiige morrow county. ttuyse, wm. h, Dairyville, Or tin connected with quarter circle over top on cattle on right hip ind crop ofl right ear and Bplit in left. Horses lame braud on lef t shoulder. Kanee in Morrow. Grant and UiUiam counties. Hitter. J D. itiiter. Or Three narallel bare witn bar overou horses on left hip; on cattle, left iide. two smooth crops, two splits in each ear, iiange in Middle Fork of John Day. Hector. J. W.. Heppner. Or. Horses. JO oa left shoulder. Cattle. O on right hip. X Mpicknall. J. W.. GooBeberrv. Or.. Horsea branded 31 on left shoulder; lange in Morrow oounty. opray, J. r., Heppner, Or. Hones branded ht connected oi. right shoulder; cattle same on both IPS. Bailing. C C Hennner. Or Hoi-sab hrandrti S A on left shoulder; cattle aame ou left hip. awaggart, ri. f ljexington. Or. Horses with dash under it on left stifle, cattle H with. sjasii under it on right hip, crop off right ear and wmmieu ou rigut ninu leg. iiange in xuorrow, Gilliam and Umatilla counties. bwaggart, A. L., Ella. Or. Hones brandr4 on leit shoulder; cet tie same on left hip. Crop on ear, wattle on left hind leg. oiraigut n. a., neppner, ur, Hones shaded J H on let. stifle; cattle J a on left hip, swaiiow iui & ui ngui tNtr, aiiueruii in ten, bwaggari, L, Alpine, Or. Hunes, 8 8 on right ; shoulder bapp, Thos., Heppner. Or. Hones. 8 A P on ' left hip; cattlt same on left hip. hhirtz. James, houg Creek, Or. Horses. S on left stifle and over t on left shoulder. - bhrier.Juhn, Fox, Or. fuC connected on 1 norses on right hip; cattle, same on right hip, crop ofl right ear and under bit in left ear, Kange in Grant couuty. tiniith BroB,, John Day, Or H ' on cattle oa -ie t shoulder. tStepheus, V. AM nardman, Or-; hones B3on 1 right stifle; cattle horizontal L on the tight side bteveuson, Mn A. J., Heppner, Or. tJatUe, d on right hi i ; swallow-fork in left ear. Bwaggart.u. w., Heppner, Or. Horses, a on left shouidei ; cattle, 44 on left hip. Stewart, Geo., HarOinau, Or. Horses circle ar left shoulder. BtOIie. Ira. Ul?kleton. Wash. HnraniL lrAvntnn on left shoulder. Hinith, E. E. Lone Rock. Or. Hnr hranAd a crossed seven on left shoulder; cattle same on, left side. Kange, Gilliam county. Bperry, E. G.. Heppner. Or. Patila W n on lett htP. CrOU olf riilit nr) nniturhw i IuF - dewlap; horses W K) on left shoulder. inumpwiu, j. a., Heppner, Or, Horses, Z on left shoulutr; cattle, t on left shoulder. TippeU. 8. T Lena, Or. Howea. C on left shoulder. Turner R. W.. Hennner. Or. Smll nnnltal T lett Bhouidei, hones; cattle same on left hip 1 with split in both ears. inornton, H, ai lone, Or. Hones branded HT connected on left stifle; Bheep same brand. v' Vanderpool. H.T.. Lena. Or:-Hmut HVn. nected on right Bhoulder ;cat tie, same on right hip. VVi rVilson.John 0.. 8alem nr RnnnnAr Cr -m Horses branded J q on the left shoulder. Kaugw Morrow county. 1 Warren. V B. Caleb. Or Pattla W mith nn.H. circle over it, on left side, split in right ear. ; Horses same bra-id on left Bhoulder. kjairais ' Grant couuty. mi wood, a ii, uayville. Or Heart on horses oa left stifle; on cattle, "ion left side and under bit I in left ear. Kange in Grant county. Wright, 8ilas A. Heppner, Or. Cattle branded 8 W on the rieht hin. auuare omn ntt nKt and split in lett. W allace, t nncis. Mount Vernon, Or Square on cattle on the left hip, upper slope in .he left ear and under slope in nght ear. Bame brand . on horses on right shoulder. Range in Harney and Grant countv. 1 Webster, J. 1, Heppner. Or. Hones branded wHh bar over J on nght shoulder; cattle same. on right hip, crop off left ear and split in each Kange, Morrow count. Wade, Henry, Heppner. Or. Hones branded ace of Bpade ou leit shoulder and left hip. ' C-attie branded same on left side and left hip. ' Wells, A. ti., Heppner, Or. Hones, 8U on left , ibouider: can e same. Wnlfinffflr .Inhn .Ts.hr, lis. rV- i. on in ouiu ears, xuuige in urant and dlaihaeK jounties. " Wyland. J H. Hardman. Or. Cirle r on iw thigh, woodward, John, Heppner, Or. Horse, TJP connected on lef t shoulder. ' Watkins, Lishe, Heppner, Or. Hones branded . UE counectst'on left stifle, Wallace, Charles. Portland, Or. Cattle, W om nght thigh, hoi in left ear; bones, W on right ' boulder, sm same on lef t shoulder. Whittier Bros,, Drewsy, Haniey eonnty, Or, Hnrsee branded W B. cnnrctod on left bhoulder " Williams, Vasco, Hamilton, Or. Quarter clr ele over three ban on left hip, both cattle and . ticrses. Ranee Grant county. ' Williams. J O. Long Creek. Or Hones, qnar ter circle over three bars on left hip; cattle same) umI ftlit id each mr Kange in Grant county. Wren, A. A., i.eppner. Or. (battle, running A A jnth bar aero on nght hip. Young. J. 8., Gooeeoerry, Or.Honee branded X 8 on the right shoulder. of tiiial proofs. i-i. WATISIOO lTCO DCTKOiTMiCH