SEMI-WEEKLY GAZETTE MKlCtt TO ADVBTIEUS. L or change oi time, must, got their copy In not laier than Monday evening for Tuesday's ditiou, or Ihursday evening for Fridays edi tlmi Twit PiTTh-uuiu Pi-u i - Here and There. Ob. Mitchell was iu town over Sunday X. W. Ay era, Jr., for drugs. 68 sw J. D. Muir called Saturday while in town. Oazette onThorbton'a comitera. Prioe 5 cents. if. A. L nd Johnny Ayres were in town Saturday last Mtirrow county is setting to be a ver itable "weblout" Beotuiu. J. Roberts is baok again baying wool in this vicinity. Cbas. W. Ingrsihauj went down to f ortlaud Saturday. 3. M. Ranieny, formerly of Arlington, is dead. J. W. Kern & Co. will hang paper at 10 cents per roll. 80-3. Dan Bryant, of Lexington, has a No. 1 fresh cow for sale. T. J. Carl, the worthy postmaster of lone, was in town over a nday night. T . : i .. -i u-.i. , . . . umiy aiuo uuiu wHys ueiween ivionu tuent and Lung Creek. tf. Mrs. D. A. Hamilton, of upper Willow creek, is on the list of theme eiok. Bob. Hart is out again and is recover ing rapidly from his reotut injuries. Mrs. J. J. Bobertg is prepared to do all kinds of plain sewing. 65-tf M. E. Garretson, of Tacoma, was the guest of the Palace over Sunday. P. O. Boig and son, Frank, took in the ranch below town Sunday. Ford, the painter, Btill "in it." For any kind of work see him. 81-tf. Xbe man who wantB your trade is the oue who auks for it. Buy of those who advertise. Geo. E. DeLetts committed suicide at Peudlelun last Thursduy, by taking mor phine. Andrew Ham, the Eight Mile sohool teaober, was a vmilor to Heopuer, batur day. Luther Hamilton reports his saw mill in operation, with a good season in pros pect. Levi Iiobison, Heppuer's pelt buyer of some seasons ago, got in Saturday eve ning. l ap :Jimon8 & Son still shoe horses and do general blackamithing at the old stand Matiock corner. 55. Mrs. Chne. Mitchell leaves tomorrow moroing for join her husband who has preoe.leu her. Nels Jones' crop of lambs are turning out pretty well, hut he thinks "it will hardly equal 9j per oent." "The Parlor," VV. F. Ruaik, prop., in the City hotel, west side of Main street. Neatest place in Heppner. sw Billy Washburne and 'Gene Vaughn re now employed in the City Hotel Jining room. Salem Statesman: Mrs. J. N. Brown, of Heppner, will enter the oonserva ory the coming week. Dr. B. F. Vaughan pulls teeth without pain, by use of nitrous oxide. Filling by the latest ami most improved method. Eagle: Miss Lena Patterson entered the school room as instructor iu the Shaw diatriot Monday. Enele: Long Creek will hive a kiln of 6u,000 briok burnt in its vioiuity during the coming season. Call on Lishe Sperry, down Bt the Belvedere, when in town. Keeps on hand a fine stock of liquors and cigars. 61-tf W. W. Brannon, of Eight Mile, was in town Saturday to prove up on his ranob. Clerk Morrow did the job for him. Our county clerk reports matters lively in the office at present, owim; to the num ber of real estate transfers this year. Prof. T. C. Aubrey was in town over Sunday. He reports bis sohool at Lib erty in moBt prosperous condition. 0. Rnbl has added a stook of oysters, canned and fresh fruits, all kinds of nuts, cigars, tobaccos, etc. 69 sw Sunday and Monday we bad all kinds of weather snow, rain, sleet, hail and a bit of suosbiue thrown iu here aud there. Andrew Rood, republican nominee for county judge, went, out S iturday to bis possessions in the Eight Mile country. Hivu ketohnin whiskers. Hatt & Mathews, at the oity barber shop the place to get a first-class shave, hair-out or shampoo. tf. A few of Heppoer's young men went fishing Sunday, but oaught nothing to 3 ention but a good wetting. Julius Friedland, representing The A. Hotaling (Jo., of Jrortlaud, was in the city over Sunday. Uncle Hugh Fields got in from Browns ville Saturday to look aftei his extensive interests here. Jas. A. Fristoe and wife are living at Hamilton Bms'. saw mill at present, where they are employed. The Buchler beer, 5 oents per glass, at the Columbia Beer Hall, Osmers & Hughes, inops., next door to M. Lioh tentbal & Co.'s shoe store. sw tf Bob Shaw left this morning for Pen dleton, to be absent seve-al days. On his return be will locate at Heppner per manently. There were rumors of war among some of the boys Saturday night, hat when the fog had lifted everything was as erene as ever. Frank P. Moreland, of Hardmnn, hon ored this office with a call last Friday. Mr. Moreland is preparing to prove up on his Hardman ranch. Newer and neater quarters at the Palace Hotel's north business room. Charley Jones, the baber, wants to Bee his old friends there. Buths in connec tion. We want some wood on subscription. Some of onr subscribers are badly in ar rears, and can, perhaps, bring in some wood in lieu of oash. The Gazette is more than thankful to our old friend, D. W. Bryant, for an ex cellent sack of oaia. Our "noble" steeds are living high for one week. Wayne Hnnston and wife moved in from Hardman last Saturday and are comfortably domiciled in the bouse of James Covins, opposite bis residence. Ed. Hall, general agent of.the Oregou Fire & Marine iDsnrance Co., of Port land, is in the city today. He formerly visited Heppner quite often, bat has not oe n Here lor gome time, and laaeiiumea to see the wonderful growth that the town baa made sinoe the advent of the railroad. Mt'EtUL L'Ot'M'IL MEETING. Thfy ilfft and Pa,. Ordinance No. 4( and fiepare for a Kprolai Klectioa. Our town oonccil met in special ses sion, pursuant to a call from the mayor lost Saturday afternoon at 2 o'olock p.m., Mayor Matlook presiding. All council men present except Gilliam and Farns worth. The objeot of the session was stated, the passage of a water ordinance full in every deiail, aud the repeal of the one paused last week. It is as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 49. An ordinance providing or the Council of Hepp ner, 0r.t borrowing fifteen thousand dotiart for the purpone of supplying the taid town with water and authorizing the ienuance of bondt therefor and authorizing the date thereof and fixing the time and manner of paying the game. Bd it ordained by the oommon oouncil ol the town of Heppner: Sec. 1. That in order to borrow the sum of fifteen thousand dollars to supply the town with water, there be issued thirty bonds of the town in the sum of $600, each payable on tbe 1st day of July, 1912, with interest at the rate ot 6 per oent per annum, interest payable semi-annually, namely, on tbe first day of July aud January of each year. Sec. 2. The bonds mentioned in the foregoing section shall be numbered and netered in the proper books in tbe office ot the town recorder and shall oontain a provision pledging the faith of the town to the full payment m lawful money ot the United States of the principal and luteitst thereon at tbe plane or places mentioned in the bonds at the time the same may beoome due upon the sur render ot such bonds, or of the ooupous tor the interest thereon. Sec. 3. To eaoh of said bonds shall be attached forty coupons bearing tbe same number as the bond to which they are attached and representing the interest thereon fur eaoh half year or semi-anuuui payment of the same from the 1st day ol July, 1892, to the 1st day of July, 1912, and payable on tbe date thereon named at the pluoe and in tbe manner provide by section two of this ordioanoe. Seo. i. Tbe bonds and coupons herein before mentioned shall be sigued by tht mayor and attested bv the recorder uuder the seal of the town. Sec. 5. The mayor and recorder arf hereby authorized and empowered to sell at such times aud in such amounts as they may deem advisable all or an) portion of the bonds to be issued under the provisions sf this ordinance. Pro vided, that no bonds shall be sold at less than par without the oousent of two thirds of the whole of tbe oommoi council. Seo. 6. Upon making a sale of any of said bonds, the mayor aud recorder shall notify the town treasurer, in writing, ol the terms and conditions thereof, anil upon receiving the urchase piice there for, the treasurer shall give the pur chaser a reoeipt which shall be sufficient authori'y, to the mayor and reoorder to sign, seal, and deliver the requisite number of bonds as provided in this or dinance and authorized by such receipt. Seo. 7. That after the expiration of five years from July 1, 1892, there shall be set aside for each of the following years, for a term of fifteen years, the sum of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00), to constitute a sinking fund for the pay ment of said bonds at maturity, and the town council are hereby empowered aud authorized to levy aud collect in addition to tbe rate of levy now allowed by law, a snflioieut rate per oent upon the taxable property of the town of Heppner to pro vide the said sum of one thousand dol lars yearly, as by this ordinance pro vided, and also to levy a sufficient rate per cent upon said taxable property each year from July 1, 1892, as will be sutfi oieut to pay tbe interest upon said bonds as provided in this ordinance, and sucb levy shall be made at the time the regu lar town levy is made aud collected in the same mauner and subject to the same conditions ; provided, that the levy fur tbe payment of tbe interest on said bonds for tbe year ending July 1, 1893, may be made at any time during the year 1892 upon the assessment of tbe property of said town as already made and com pleted by the reoorder. Seo. 8. All ordinances or parts Jot or dinances in onnilict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. Heo. 9. This ordinance shall be sub mitted to a vote of the taxpayers of said town at a special eleotioo to be held in said town at the usual place of voting on the 2-tth day of May, 1892, said election to be conducted in all respects as pro vided in ordinance No. 43 of said town, and this nrdinauoe shall go into effect and be in foroe from and after two-thirds of tbe legal voters (taxpayers) ot said town voting at said election shall have voted in favor of its provisions and it has been posted tbe time required by law, and tt.e recorder shall give notice of said election by posting notioes as required by ordin ance No. 43 of said town for tbe period of thirty days prior to the day of said election. It was then read by section, and then by title. Tbe rules being suspended, it whs plaoed upon its final passage, re ceiving the unanimous vote of the coun cil. As judges and clerks, the following were appointed: Judges, K G. Sloan, A. Wright and W. A Kirk. Clerks, G. W. Ben and J P. W illiams. There being no further business, the council adjourned. A large crowd of Heppner's "'three link" boys, accompanied by wives and daugbteis, went out to Hardman to day to attend the I. O. O. F. supper and gen eral celebration ot tbe seventy-third an niversary of the order in Amerioa. The Gazette knows that tbey will have a pleasant time. Win. Tillard is quite ill at tbe City hotel, with erysipelas in the face. Some days ago be bad a little difficulty with a yonng fellow, and duiing the melee Wm. received a scratch near the inner oorner of tbe left eye. This has sinoe developed into erysipelas, and threatens to be quite serious. M. Carrigall, of tbe Galloway country, was a visitor to Heppner yi aterday, and says be longs for a bit of weather propi tinos to shearing and the like. Down on lower Butter creek, the peaches aud oth er fruit of the kind are not damaged; at least that is Mr. f'-amgall's opinion. Henry Welch got home last night from Portland, and is yet in poor health, though we understand that he was much : benefitted by bis last trip oeiow. Mayor T. J. Matlock, one of onr prom inent democrats, bas been appointed a member of tbe democratic state executive commuiee. The directors of tbe Palace hotel bad I a business meeting today at the office of the First National Bank. GlsCiKK AhilcLH. Mocba and Java as well as other grades of hat coffees, can be found at J. Conn's. 79-tf. Artists' Materials. For all kinds of artists' materials, etc.. go to Smith A Williamson, May street. The only full line in town. 478tf BiBiss' DAT.On Thursday of each week will be "babies' day" at Danner's gallery. Bring along your babies and have their nictures taken, and you will get one photo free of charge. S8tf Bring Them Back. "Pap" Simons has loaned out a brace and bit, a two inch auger, a band-saw and other tools If the parties are through with them, tbey will kindly return and oblige. 80tf Cows fob Sale. Geo. Swaggart has about fifty bead ot fine Holstein beiters aud older cows, fine milkers, all gentle. It you want a good milk cow call on him at the Ella ranoh and take your pick Will sell reasouable. SO 3 Runaway. Last Friday Mr. T. W. Ayers' team ran away on August street, running down and into tbe oreek pear T. R. Howard's place, throning tbe wagon over on them. After removing the wagon, the horses were taken out unhurt. No damage to speak of Special Election Changed. Our people will notice that the date of special election was ohanged from May 3d to May 24th. To vote bonds, with provis ions for paying interest and principal, requires thirty days. Therefore when tbe new water ordinance was passed the time was extended to the above-mentioned date. A Bad Hand. A young fellow named Kucher, who aooompanied Father Lama over from CondoD, is suffering from a serious oase ot blood poisoning. Some days ago he cut bis left hand severely on i coal oil can. He was in such a serious oondition last evening that Dr. Gagen was called to attend him. Today be is much better aud tble tu be around. Sunday's services. Felix Johnson nd wife, Mike Heury and wife, and nu merous others of our Irish friends were iu town Sunday to attend services at the Catholic ohurch, Father Lama presiding. The father will fill the pulpit at this plaoe the first Sunday in each month. All debts on the ohurch building have been paid off by the bishop, to the gen eral satisfaction of the congregation. Hard on the Pants. Heppner has more business men who don't adver tise, than any town in Oregon. It's not business anyway. Why, tbe money spent in advertising 'vould be more than saved in pantaloons. A man who doesen't ad vertise has considerable time to sit irouud, wbiob is exceedingly damaging to the breeches, besides there's valuable time being lost. A live man will make business. Crop Outlook Good. -Messrs. Beoket and Beyuicr of the Eight Mile eeotinn, were in today, aud oomplain much of tbe baok ward spring. Though not oold, it is decidedly chilly, winter overooats be ing in season. On the high ridges near the mountains, as well as on the Bines proper, a mantle of snow is seen, which bas been falling for several days past, when tbe lower regions of buncbgrass were getting rain. The crop outlook was never better. The Manly Way. A man who will mark his paper "refused" in the very town where tbe paper is printed, as a means ot informing the editor that be don't want it any longer, is to be pitied. It would be more manly to call at the office and tell them to "stop the paper" as you dida t care for the rag any longer. That would be tbe square way to do tbe business and tbe paper men would have more respect for you. It's only a matter of business anyhow if a person don't want the Gazette he don't have to take it. Small Blaze. Tbe cry of "Fire" about 11 :45 Saturday nigbt, brought out a goodly number of Heppner's citizens, including Cash Rj chard and Editor Pat terson, eoob armed with a "Babcock." The alarm was caused by a fire in room 13 of the Palace hotel, which was pied by Cbas. Jones and bis son, Orval. Mr. Jones had not retired, though bis son was in bed at the time. When be awakened, tbe bed covering aud furni ture were burning fiercely, aud the room full of Bmoke. He immediately got out into tbe ball, giving the alarm. Brother Hayman responded with alacrity, and with the prompt application ot a buoket of water, pnt it out before the bob-tailed fire department heretofore mentioned bad arrived. All returned to their homes glad that 'twas no worse. Master Orval is rather unfortunate in tbe matter of fires, this being tbe second of tbe kind be has experienced in the Palaoe hotel. It probably caught from the lamp which was overturned: some think by Master Orval's dog, who was iu tbe room at tbe time of tbe fire. The Bace Track. I be interest in tbe Heppner traok should not be allowed to lag at this juncture, for tbe citizens have seen by their experience of last year, how much benefit tbe raoes are to the town. Tbe Heppner Park Association has paid every dollar advertised in the way of purses, and has kept its promises good with all borBemen who chose to bring their horses here and participate in tbe races. For tbe first year, it has been ex ceedingly successful, and now let every stockholder step forth at tbe yearly meet ing, May 10th, and assist iu electing tbe new officers, and don't forget that it is necessary to pay off the debts. It bas already paid well, iudireotly, and has been no expense to the society, other than tbe investment required to put it on proper footing. Ouce paid for, it bids fair to give direct returns. But there's one thing tbat we a l know, that tbe ; races make money for every business , now j Heppner, so turn out at the stock- 'holders meeting, advertised elsewhere, : , . , . , , , j "P inlere'u " tbo" ot your neighbors. HEPUBL1CAN State, District and County TICKET, for Supreme Judge, F. A. MOORE. For Attorney-General, LIONEL R. WEBSTER. For Member of Congress (second District), W. R. ELLIS. For Circuit Judge (Seventh District), GEORGK W ATKINS. For Prosecuting Attorney (Seventh District), W. H. WILSON. For Member State Board of Equalization (Sev enth District), JOHN L. LUCKKY. For Representative, J. N. BROWN'. For County Judge, ANDREW ROOD. For County Clerk, T. C. AUBREY. For County Sheriff, N. K. M'VEY. For County Treasurer, W, J. LEEZER. For County Assessor, WALLACE W. SMEAD. For County Surveyor, ISA BROWN. For County School Superintendent, W. L. BALING. For Countv Commissioner (Full Term), D. N. HARDMAN. For County Commissioner (Short Term). JOHN HANDY. For County Coroner, T. W. AYERS, JR. PRECINCT TICKET. For Justice of the Peace, Heppner, Mount Ver non and Gentry Trectncts, For Constable, Heppner, Mount Vernon and Gentry Precincts, HtcenVy the following Notlct apptarrt in th 41 Judge S had been sick only about two weeks, and it was not until the last three or four days that the malady took a serious turn. At the begin ning of his llfnese he suffered from diabetes and stomach disorder. Later the kidneys refused to perform their functious and he passed quietly away. Thus ended the life of one of the most prominent men in Cali fornia." Like thousands of other his un timely death was the result of neglecting early tympioms of kidney disease. IF- YOU are troubled with diabetes, gravel, or any de rangement of the kidneys or urinary organs, don't delay proper treatment until you are forced to give up your daily duties ; don't bi monev on worthless liniments and worse plasters, but strike at the seat of the disease at once ay using inc greatest ui mi known remedies, the celebrated Oregon Kid ney Tea. It has saved the lives of thousands. Why should it not cure you? Try it. Purely vegetable and pleasant to take. 1.00 a pack age, 6 for S.OO. New Millinery ! HAVING JUST RECEIVED A NEW STOCK OF LATEST STYLE MILLI nery and Ladies' Fanoy Goods direot from tbe East, I extend a cordial in vitation to all to call and examine my stock and get prices before purchasing elsewhere. MISS INEZ VOllUZ, Thompson Building. Main Street, Heppner, Oregon The Clydesdale Stallion ! Will Pedigree: 2.000. Was sired by Fer Not (2100)0. 8. by old Lord Haddon (3572) U. o. IS. ol Young white TERMS : Reason, $10. Will insure tbe mare with foal and if not with foal tbia season, will bread the season of 1H93 free ot charge. In tbe mean time if I should sell my stallion and tbe mare he not with foal, I will refund tbe $10. Those breeding oau nave service of stallion till October 1, '92 by coming to my residence. Will wait till Oct. 1, '92 for tbe money if customers so deBire. D. B. 479-91. PERCHEIION DrrcrRTPTinM ' RIG0Lor 18 8 blaolt "ith blaok mRDe anJ "' 17 bands L'h.SCKlI'lIiJN . njl,h 8Dd weighs about 2.000 Donnds : is of a kind, gentle disposition, and a good traveler. Was P RIGOLOT was aired by Caleb (3,796), be by Paul, belonging i toM. Dnboisj dam Coootle, (10,407), by Polydor, (7731), be by Panl, belonging to M. Dubois. Has been duly entered for registry hi Vol. V, of tbe Pereberon Stud Book, of Amerioa, and bis recorded nnrnher is 8,048. Was im ported in 1887 by McNaugut, Franklin dV Co., of Lexington, Ills. Te SEASON $12, payable with foal, $15, payable rms: ance of colt $20, payable when colt stands All Care will be Taken to Pr be Responsible should any Occur. UKOWN & YOUNG, 80-1 to 6 T. EIGHT MILE, OREOON DEMOCRATIC State,iDisf rict and County TICKET, For Supreme Judge, ALFRED S. BENNETT. For Attorney-General, GEORGE E. CHAMBERLAIN. For Member of Congress (Second.Diatrict), JAMES B. SLATER. For Circuit Judge (Seventh District), 3a W. L. BRADSUAW. For Prosecuting Attorney (Seventh District), J. F. MOORE. For Member State Board of Equalization, (Sev enth District). WILLIAM HUGHES. For Representative, J. C. THOMPSON. For County Judge, JULIUS KKITHLY. For County Clerk, J. W. MORROW. For County Sheriff, GEORGE NOBLE. For County Treasurer, ' J. W. MATLOCK. For Couuty Assessor, R. L. SHAW. For County Surveyor, D. W. JENKINS. For Couuty School Superintendent, R. W. TURNER. For County Commissioner (Long Term), J. M. BAKER. For County Commissioner (Short Term), ALLEN EVANS. For County Coroner, T. W. AYERS, SR. PRECINCT TICKET. For Justice of the Peace, Heppner, Mount Vor non and Gentry V reclncts, W. A. KIRK. For Constable, Heppner. Mount Veruon and Gentry Precincts, J. J. ROBERTS. Ol Justice is on tbe sick list. Dr. Gagen is iu attendance. When in Arlington, stop at tbe Ben nett bouse, near the depot. 61-tf It is tbe general opinion tbat tbe fruit is yet uninjured. May it be so. Perry Snyder leaves tomorrow morn ing fur a brief visit to Ilwuco, Waab. Furniture. Kor all kinds of furniture, bedroom sets, lounges, chairs, etc., don't fail to call on Smith & Williamson, May street., Heppner, Or. Tbe best plsoe to make your purchases. 476tf Thuve re-opened this well-known house to the public, and solicit a share of the patronage. Per day 100 Board per week 600 " with room : 6 00 Mv table Is always supplied with the best the market affords. MRS. BASEY It DAUGHTER. 67-tf-s-w l'rops. . Younff Toi)Gallan Stand the Season at the Following Places: On Mondays and Tuesdays, Morrow Sta ble, Heppner; Wednesdays and Thurs days, Turn Barneii's Stable, Lexington; balance of time al my ranch, 5 1-2 miles southeast of Heppner, Top Gallant is a Dark Dappled Bay, with in face; both bind feet white; weiirht about B. of Great Britain; Dam, Nell (16S6), Ureat Britain. STALTER, HEPPNEK, OREGON. STALLION RIGOLOT. This Fine Stallion will make the ensuing Season, Commencing April 15th, at the Ranch of J. JS. YOUNG, One and one-half miles west of Eight Mile Center. foaled May 10, 1886. at tbe end of tbe season. Insurance of mare when such is known to be tbe case. Insur aod sucks. event Accidents but will not BIG ability of not finding standing room in our big Btore. You should Frequently visit us and be among the many success ful bargain hunters, sometimes we buy great drives and they aru sold before wo can advertise them. BIGGER LI- ability of getting "stuck" on some infer ior or back number article if you Insist on trading at some fosBilUed establish ment where cobwebs are thick and the hide of the proprietor thicker. Moral. Trade at Minor Bros. Modern and Model General Merchandise Store, BIGGEST LI- ability ot getting left U you don't heed our word. We speak nought but the rruth. It is not only unfair, but uawure and unprofitable to declve. Yours to pleaae, . MUJOB BROS. Baker :: and :: Confectioner, MAT STREET, HEPPNKR, OH. Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes and Confectionery. WEDDING AND PARTY CAKES Mask on Uhort Notice anh at Populak Pules. S Bread 22 Loaves for $1.00. ""HE CITY -OTEL, W. J. I.KKZRH, Prop. r1HIS HOSTELRY bag been Refitted aud Ricfdnihukd throughout, and sow is one of tbe most inviting places in Heppner. Mr. Leezer invites you to Btop with him, feeling tbat be is able to entertain you in the best of style. r Single Mepla Three Meals - 50 Oents 81 00 Lodging O. B. FARNWOKTH, Fret. E. O. SPEKKV, Vice Free. S. B. BISHOP, Treaturer. T. E. FELL, Secretary and Manager. Tie Morrow County CAPITAL STOCK, $100,000.00. PAID UP, $25,000.00. Incorporated 1888. teal Ussi and Forwarding kits. DEALERS IN GRAIN, LUMBER, WOOD. Operating Warehouses at Heppner, lone and Douglas, on the Heppner Branch of the U. P. H. R. STOOKHOIjDBnS i O. E. FarriBWorsh, J. A. Thompson, Nelson j ones cuwara nay, m. renmuu, ainamei eijo, Ed. H. Bishop, 'I I R' run K. Fell, W. E, Elliott, Juhn L. Ayers, Ed. 8. Cox, J. A. Woolcry, N, A. Kelly, James Jones, J. K. Frlck, O. T. Doulns, E. G. Bpcrry. Anson Wright. A, B. ClmPinan. IT IB the purpose of the stockholders of tills oompany to conduct its business in a mannvr mutually ndvantaKoous to all wool and grain producers ot thin section , and to maintain the favorable 1 ome market which It has established. During the coming wool season we wilt It the burliness of all wool growers aud request them to send their ullp to the "Wool Urowers' Warehouse." Having enlarged the Heppner Warehouse, and roofed all plHtforms, we have double the storage capacity of any other warehouse in Eastern Oregon, well lighted lor the display of wool "The Wool Growers' Warehouse.' Odd Combinations. NAILS AND SUGAR. I TOM A TO KETCHUP A HAMMERS PEARL BARLEY AND PADLOCKS. CANNED GOODS A AMMUNITION. Strange Combinations to be Found Only at The Combin ed Grocery and Hardware Store of P. C. THOMPSON COMPANY, DKALKBH IN Groceries, Hardware, Tinware, Confectionery Wood & Willow Ware and Agricultural Implements. AgeuU for NEW HOME Sewing Machines and IMPERIAL EGG FOOD. LUMBERMAN'S' TOOLS A SPECIALTY. Table Cutlery. Sheum, BcinnorH, Pookt KulveH, and Riizors at Kemnrkably Low I'riiws. Hcoiiil inducements to Oimb Ciis toinerd. Oive na a trial. tf. Corner Main aud Willow Streets, Heppner Or. N 10 SWEETS, FIRST IN OYSTFRS, FIRST In the Hustle with their Countrymen. GeltcxcItst Factory, Fiffl dnorn North cf Mm I'liUce lintel, ITeppner, Or. Fine Imported and luiwslic Cigars ttivl Tobaccos Fresh fruits and other Goods Received Daihj. LI- I Board per week 96 00 87.00 1 Board per weeS with room 50 Cents. Land & Trust Company O. A. Herren, V. C. Thompson, wumasuanmnna