Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, April 26, 1892, Image 1

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PAP Ell .
If I reach you, read
and hand to ... .
your neighbor . . .
If I reach you, read .
and hand to
your neighbor . . . .
NO. 483.
Tuesdays and Fridays
A 3.1X1 per year, fl.SO (or six months, fl.W)
fur t iree muiiinH; in advance.
Advertising Rates Made' Known on
The "EAOLE," of Long Creek, Grant
County Oregon, 1h published by the (mine com
pany, every Fridnv morning. Subscription
trice, f-lper year. iWiulvertisiiiK rates, addreflH
Xj. PATTEESOr, Kditor and
Manager, Ixug (Ircek, Oregon, or "Gazette,''
Heppner, Oregon.
THIH PAPKR is kept on tile at E. C. Pake
I Advertisuiir Aeenuy.cU and 6S Merchants
Kxchnna:, Kan Francisco. California, where con
tracts for advertising ran be made for it.
j . oreuon I'ri'HS Association, :i( Ash Street,
between Flrt and Second, I'ortland, Oregon, is
our only agent located in that place. Advers
ers should consult him lor rates and space in
the Uazette.
Wagner, B- A. Hunsaker
Arlington, Henry Heppner
Long Creek, The haglc
Echo, .. Bob Shaw
Camas Prairie, Osear lie Vaul
Mattesoii, Allen McFerrin
Nye, Dr., II. C. Wright
Hard man, or 3. a. Woolery
Hamilton, OrantCo., Or Mattle A. Kudio
lone, T. J. Carl
Prairie City, Or., R. R. MeHalcy
Canyon City, Or., 8. L. Parriah
Pilot Hock, O. P. Skelton
Davville, Or., J. E. Snow
John Dav, or., P. I. McCallum
Athena. Or John Kdiugtou
Pendleton. Or., Wm. G. McCroskey
Mount Vernon, Grant Co., Or., Postmaster
Shelby, Or Miss Stella l'lett
Fox, Grant Co., Or., J. F. Allen
Eight Mile, Or Mrs. Andrew Ashuaugh
Upper Khea Creek, B. F. Hcvland
Douglas, or White
Lone Hock, Or R. M. Johnson
Gooseberry W.P.Snyder
Condon, Oregon Herbert Halstead
Lexington W. B. Mi.Allster
Union Pacific Railway-Local card.
No. 10, mixed leaves Hoponer 8 a. m.
:o. " ar. at Arlington 11 10 a.m.
' 9, " leaves " 8-.rt p. in.
' (1, " ar. at Heppner Ado p. in. daily
except Hunday.
East bound, main line ar. at Arlington 3:50 p. m.
West " ' " leaves " :J0 p. in.
Night trains are running on same time as before.
Stnge leiives for Monument daily,
eicei t Sunday, at 6:30 a. m.
Arrives--duily, except Monday, at
5:(K! p. M.
Direct connection can be made at
Mouutnent with the Lung Creek Htuge.
Daily stage between Long Creek and
Canyon City, connecting at tbe lutter
place with tbe stage for Burns and tiiJ
vies valley.
iovernor 8. Pennoyer.
dec of tate - W Rlclij-ltlo.
treasurer I'hU Mctat-hau.
Sunt. Instruction -E rl. McKlroy.
Judge Seventh District W. L. Uradshaw
District Attorney W. H. Wilson
JointSenator... ' . Henry Blaekman.
Representative . 'V homusou.
( :ouuty Judge . Jnliu" Ken lily.
' Commissioners J. A. Ihompson,
H. M. Vaughn.
Cleric J. W. Morrow.
- HheriflfV. . . .'. Noble.
" Treasurer J W. Matlock.
Assessor J. J- MeUee.
Surveyor C. B. Crane.
rJchool Bup't W. L.Saliiig.
Cormier James Dougherty.
,1B., T. J. Matlock
I'ounciimViV O. E. Farnsworth. M
Lichtenthal, Otis Patterson. S. P. Uarngues.
Thos. ilorgan and Frank Uilliain.
Kecorder A. A. Roberta.
rreaeuiei B,',P',?loc' ,m
Marshal J- W.ltasn us.
Doric Lodge No. 20 K. of P. meets ev
ery Tuesday evening at 7.30o'olock in
their Castle Hall. National Bank build
ing. Sojourning brothers cordially in
vifi.il NiAlteml. EH1L VoRUZ. C. C.
T C. AUBREY. K. of K. A S. tf
Q. A. R.
Meets at Lexington, Or., the last Saturday of
each month. All yeterans are invited to Join.
C. C. Boon, Gno. W . Smith.
Adjutant, tf Commander.
A A. ROBERTS, Real Estate, Iosur-
ance Bnd Collections. Offioe in
Council Chambers, Heppner, Or. Bwtf.
national Mi o Bepi.
President. Cashier.
Made on Favorable Terms.
inn ii m ivrs A COMPLETE ASSORT-
ment at the Gazette othce.
r RAZER grease
wMriB qualities sre unsurpassed, actually
,-tlaatina; two Boies ot any ota?rbra"d. KM
4Jjctlbylit.l-itT IHiOEMIM
A!AKISm" tw
iEMtant retipi w n in
fillibleCfiiCor Piles.
FmtL BvDnnirtiUor
miL S-mples frjA-A";
drm "AAJlEIV,
BoiMU lUwYortOaf,
Are having their land business straight
"tied nnt and shaped np. Hon about
yours? If not in satisfactory condition
it would be a good plan to see about it
at onoe. I am giving careful and ene'
sretio attention to entries, final proofs,
"railroad land" and nil business relating
to lands in Morrow ennnty
U. 8. Commissioner,
swtf. Lexington, Or.
From Terminal or Interior Points the
Is the line to take
It is the Dining Car Rnte, It rtms Through
Veatibuled Trains every day in the year to
St. Paul and Chicago
(No Change of Cars) .
Composed or DINING CARS unsurpassed,
Or Latest Equipment
Beet that can be conatructed nnd in which ao-
coinmodatior.Baroboth free and furnished far
holders of first or Mcoad-claiia tickets, usd
Elegant Day, Coachs.
A Continuous Line connecting witb all
Lines, affording Direct and Uninter
rupted Service.
Pullman Sleeper . Reservations can be
secured in aavance inrougn
any agent of the road.
To nnd from al Doints in Amerca. England
and Kurop can be purchased at any Ticket omce
of this C.mpany.
Full information concerning rates, time
of trains, routes and other details
furnished ou application to any
agent, sr
Assistant General Passenger Agent,.
No. 121 First St., Cor. Washington, "
Cattle tiranded and ar marked as shown above.
HnnM V nn riuht shoulder.
Mt cattle rantfe in Morrow and Umatilla eoon-
he. 1 will pay tnr .w ror tne arrest ana con
Tiction of auy person stealing my vtuck.
At Abrabameick's. In addition to his
tailoring business, he hs added s fine
line of underwear of all kinds, regligee
qhirta. hosiery, etc. Also baa on hand
.me rlecant Datterns for initi. A.
Abrahamsiek, May street, Heppner, Or
A Year's Subscription to a Pop
ular Agricultural Paper
By a special arrangement with tbe
publishers we are prepared to furnish
FREE to each of our readers a year's
subscription to tbe popular monthly
agricultural journal, the American
Farmer, published at Springfield and
Cleveland, Ohio.
This offer is made to any of our sub
scribers who will pay up nil arrearages
on subscription and one year in advance,
Bud to any new subscribers who will pay
one yeai in advance. The American
Farmer enjoys a large nntional circula
tion, nnd ranks among the leading
agricultural papers. By this arrange
ment it COSTS YOU NOTHING to re
ceive tbe American Farmer for one
year, It will be to your advantage to
call promptly. Sample oopiea oan be
sjen at our office.
All who are suffering from the effects
of Youthful Errors, Loss of Manhood,
Failing Powers, Gonorrhoea, Gleet,
Strioture.Syphilisand themnny troubles
wbiob are the effects of these terrible
disorders will receive, FltP.a or Charou,
full directions how to treat and cure
themselves at home by writing to ine
California Medical and HrnoiOAL In
firmary, 1(i29,U Market Street, San
Francisco, California. 4fio-ly.
First National Bank
C. A
George W. Conser, Cashier.
C. I. Lewis, Ass't Cashier.
Transaots a General Banking Business
On all parts of the world-- -
Bought and Sold,
Collections made at all points on Rea
sonable Terms.
Surplus nnd Undivided profits, 23,527.10
'I'l its Original
Webster's Dnakife
I J publishers, we are able io obtHin a number
of th above houk, and pi
copy to each of our mibBcriberB.
The dictloiiflry 1b a iiwesalty In every home,
school and business house. It tills a vacancy.
and furnishes knowledge which tio one hun
dred other volumes of the choicest books could
supply. Younjrand old, educated and lpiiorant,
ri-n ana poor, snnuiu nave u wimuu reacn, ana
refer to its contenls every day In the year
As some have asked if this is really the Orifr
inal Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, we are
able to state we have 1,-arned direct from the
Duhllshers the fact, that this is the very work
complete on which about forty of the best years
ot the author's life were so well employed In
writing, it contains the entire vocabulary of
about 100,000 words, including the correct spell
ing, derivation and dennltton ot same, and is
the regular standard size, containing about
3U0.0OU square inches of printed surface, and is
bound in cloth half morocco and steep.
Until further notice we will furnish this
valuable Dictonary
First To any new subscriber.
Second To any renewal subscriber.
Third To any subscriber now in arrears
who pays up and one year in advance, at
the following prices, viz:
Full Cloth bound, gilt side and back
stamps marbled edges $i-oo.
Half Mo occo, bound, gilt side and back
stamps, marbled edges. $1.50.
Full Sheep bound, leather label, marbled
edges, $2.00
Fifty cents added in all cases fc express
age to Heppner.
ify At the publishers limit the time and
numlier of books they will furnish at the low
prices, we advise all who desire to avail them
selves of this great opportunity to attend to it
at once.
Fur rlale.
Tbe hotel heretofore known as tbe
Mountain Honse, ou block from First
National bank in llpppner, Or. Con
tains parlor, dining room, baKgau rumn
kitchen and la beil rooms: all rooms
famished. For farther particulars in
qoir of 63-tf T. W. Arms.
EvWrt'7iiiwl,i nfimiiiiiT
. Sprains, Bruises, Cuts, Wounds, Serenes,
SIhTiiass, Swellings, Backache, Neu
ralgia, Sciatica, Burns. '
Th Eolebrated French Sure,
Xs Sold om a
l posiTive
to curs any
disease, or any
disorder of the
BUORS ' generative or AFTER
taut ot elilier sex whether arising trom the
xceuive use of Sthnulauu, Ybba-'o or Opluci,
or through youthful indiscretioo, over Indulg
ence, 4ic, such as Loss of Bra'u Power, Wakeful,
sen, Bearing down Peiuilu the Back, Seminal
Weakness, lljrsterla.Nerrotis Prostration Nocturn
al Emiulon, , Leucorrhcsa, Diiilneta, Weak Mem.
ory, I ww of Power and lmpotencr, which If ne
glected often lead to prematureold aire and intan
Itr. Price 11.00 a box, boxes for 15.00 gent by
mail ou receipt of price.
A WRITTEN GUARANTKJE for every 16.00
order, to refund tbe money If a rermaueut
cure is not effected. Thousands of testimonials
from old and young, of both sexes, permanently
iniredbyArHKODiTiHi. Circular tree. Address
Sold in Heppner by Blocum-Johnston Drug Co.
ti.UO per 100 square feet. Makes a KQOd, roof for
years, ana anyone can put it on. aenu stamp
for sample and full particulars.
Gum Elastic Hoofing Co.,
39 & 41 West Broadway, New York.
tiif-75 Loral Avetita Wanted.
Spring Valley, Or., Apr. 22, .'02.
Ed. Gazette: The common method
ot attaining desired results is often times
by fliittery, soft solder, taffy or some oth
er similar agency.
Our Bensef justice eomcrns to. com
pliment any v-ortby en'deavor, whether it
be in the quiet walks ot life, or even in a
position like your own, where each word
and act will have a powerful influence to
sway the great mass of struggling hu
manity, and we should not be tbe true
friend we would have you think ns, it we
did not oeoaure you sometimes when we
believe you are wrong. In tbe past few
weeks it has been most gratifying to note
that you have given space in your paper
to ideas and principles which, it put into
use, will result in untold advantage to
tbe laboring element the backbone ot
every free nation on earth.
Our sinoere wish is that you will take
fresh onurage and step boldly into tbe
ring and fight during the coming cam
paign, for a better government.
Let your every effort be extended to
aeaure the election ot good men for the
various offices, county, stnte and nation
al, without regard to politioal caste or
complexion. The "sublime doctrine of
equal rights to all" urges this issue. Tbe
people demand it, and as the champion
of the people you should throw your in
fluence in tbe direction whim will result
in the greatest good to tbe common peo
ple to American sovereigns. You may
feel discouraged sometimes, and think
that ingratitude is rbally not conducive
to further effort. However, you must
know that good works are never fully
paid lor in this cold world. Uur purse
is empty, but our heart is full of charity,
sympathy and kind feeling for you so
long ns yon are the representative of the
''comtnon people." Space will not allow
us to ao into tbe present demands of the
country, but there is ranch work to be
done, and your paper is the mimt formid
able weapon in the bauds of the people
for beating down tbe barriers plaoed in
the way of buppinehs and prosperity of
the great mass of humanity by those
oruel moustets ai.d eorumon enemies of
any ceuntry, viz, corrupt government,
monopoly, and a class of imliilereut
drones who will Hit idly by witb folded
hands and permit scheming vampires to
usurp the veins of authority. Go into
the battle and flgbt for tbe people, and
anything you ask for shall he yours
This note will be appended to a sack of I
oats good clean, white oats. Oats that
last year averaged seventy-three bushels
per acre, and are at the preseut time al
most valueless. We have but a faint
conception of what use a newspaper man
oould have for oats, uulrss it wonld en
able him to lietter "feel his" oats."
Why g'e farm products almont worth
less here? He nd a man of the people to
congress from this district that will rem
edy some of these stnpendons evils that
bave almost effected a complete prostra
tion of our interests, and will soon, if not
embed, forge manacles for onr wrists
and prevent us from being the free peo
ple of a free land. Accept our mite in
tbe same kind spirit in which it is given,
and if you can, and we believe vou
competent to do much good, thine shall
be the power and glory forever,
Diotaled.) D. W. Umyawt.
no 1 ,
jr. o. iou can nave more oats any
time you will cull for them, and Mrs. li.
SHys, some baked bit ken too Thanks
to vou t"t the kind advice, aa well ax the
oats Also to Mrs. B. and yourself for
the promise of some baked chicken.
That's high feed (or an editor, though.
From the Oregoniau.
Kx-Seuator Sinter, democratic candi
date for representative in oongress from
the second district, had an experience
with tbe tariff question earlier than that
of Grover Cleveland.
Mr. Slater was senator from 1879 to
1885. His county, which bad always
been one of the strongest democratio
counties in the state, had stood by him
daring a long period. It bad presented
his name for representative in congress
and bad given him a large majority; it
was delighted to bave opportunity to
present bis name for senator in congress,
and it elected to tbe legislature men who
were pledged to support him, Mr. Slater
was tbe idol of Union oonnty and king of
Eastern Oregon.
But Eastern Oregon is very largely de
voted to sheep husbandry, and Mr. Sin
ter's bad judgment or bad luck, or both
combined, made him a pioneer in the
crusade for free trade in wool. He be
gan this quix tio tilt several years be for,
Grover Cleveland became known to fume,
possibly even before the Biiffitlo man was
sheriff.. Onoe embarked iu this career ol
errantry, Mr. Slater became one of the
fiercest enemies of the American sheep
ever known in our annals. John' liun
dolph, so in love with free trade that be
declared he would k out of his way a
mile any day to kick a sheep, was abler,
no doubt, than Mr. Slater, but not nior.
earnest. Mr. Slater made speeches in the
senate for free trade in wool, and deluged
Oregon with them. Ue came home be
tween sessions and talked free wool in
Union county and throughout Eastern
Oregou. The Oregon sheep had a sad
time of it.
Our statesman bad an ambition to be
re elected to the senate. It was not
illaudnble. Some mighty good men have
desired re-election. Mr. Slater made no
doubt that all Eastern Oregon would
stand by him. Ue bad always been a
great favorite tnsro. Not tor one mo
ment did he imagine that the sheep thai
roamed over the plains could disturb the
"ongtong oordwaul" between the voters
and himself. Nevertheless, oue day iu
June 1881, he heard news that gave him
a painful shook. Tbe legislature was re
publican. The sheep had found friends
and defenders. This gentle and even
affectionate animal, which has been the
companion of man from tbe earliest ages
and one ot tbe greatest factors in tbe civ
ilization and elevution of tbe race, could
not be trodden upon with impnuity. The
sheep itself doesn't bite, perhaps; it is
proverbial, indeed, as the synonym of
harmleBsness; and yet it is an animal
terrible to those who don't know how to
deal with it. Senator Slater fell in 1884.
a snorifloe to his temerity in making an
assault on the sheep, as Grover Cleve
land fell in a like assault four years Inter.
We suspect the sheep is a greater pow
er now in Eastern Oregon than it was in
1884. And Mr. Slater ia tempting fnte
again. Ajax brutally turned bis spear
against a thick of sheep, and the sheep
through 3000 years have bad their re
venge, and will have it to remotest ages,
in the characterization that Ajax has
borne for dense and phenomenal stu
Effect of an
Opeo Kiver nn
the Cost of
From the Vancouver Independent.
Linus Hubbard, ot The Dalles, issend
ing out handsome photographs of tin
whaleback steamers Wttmore and Col
gate Uoyt passing the Suult St. Marie
locks. Accompanying them is the fol
lowing verse:
If our senators and congressmen
Heed the signs of the hour,
These steamers and more by many a score
Will pass the Cascade locks iu '01.
Tbe photos, with the verse, arc highly
suggestive, aud nothing baa yet traus
pired to show that tbe whalebacks will
not be the coming grain curriers of the
world. There is but one place betweeii
Cape Hancock and the Casondes witb in
sufficient water for these nteumers, and
that is the bur a short distance below
Vaooouver, and a comparatively insig
nificant sum will be needed there to
turninh a sufficient depth of water for the
largest vessels thaf enter the river. W hen
it beaonies possible to load n steamer
with wheat clear np in tbe grain fields of
the interior, and send that oargo through
to a foreign maiket without breaking
bulk or without further expense except
tbat ot operating the steamer, then will
the farmers of Oregon, Washington and
Idaho enjoy a truusportation rate that
will make tbem wonder how they en
dured the preseut monopoly so long as
they did, and thousands, even millions,
ot dollars that is now thrown into tbe
coffers ot Jay Oould and his Wall street
satraps, will be kept here in the North
west, am ng the farmers, where it right
fully belongs. It is not even necessary
tbat the business he done with whale-
baoks in order to re lure the present ex
horbitaut rates on wheat from the in
terior, for if the Cascade looks were com
pleted nod open to all, there would l.e
soores of independent steamers, barges
and scows offering competitive rates that
never can be secured so long as the river
is not opeu, and there is only one rsil
road to handle the business. The river
must be opened, mid any appropriation,
I no matter what the anioiiut, caunot be
too large for the vast interests at Hfke
It is to he hoped that the "signs of the
hour" w ill be heeded and that the im
mense grain crop of tie interior will
Hoat seaard on the Columbia river he
fore "Ji. if possiule, tu complete the work
contemplated, sooner,
The town was full at an early Dour and
many yet to oome. ." ' '
It is safe to say almost every preoinot
in Morrow oounty was represented. How
fully oould not be determined without
careful Ootiut.
There was little of the regalia and
bunting and banners so oommon among
tbe new parties of tbe day.
Have seen larger orowds, though never
in Lexington.
Have seen men so full of political en
thusiasm that they oould not keep from
shouting "glory" With every other breath
Have seen tbem bluffing and bullying
friends and strangers witb wagers, to
show their confidence in their own par
ticular sort of politics, but have never
seen a more orderlv, determined, well
behaved band of men together.
They believe sincerely that they are
right. They are quietly determined to
cling to their convictions.
When the hour arrived for meeting we
followed a bunch of them to tbe Congre
gational church, where tbe assembly was
10 meet.
The meeting was oalled to order by E.
P. Sine, and as you bave already publish
d an account of tbe proceedings, there
will be no necessity for following up the
Ample provision was made for the
press representatives, aud every possible
qourteey extended to them.
Tbe I urge number of ladies present was
1 most favorable omen.
You bear men talk about piirifyini; the
ballot, but its all talk. Just give yonr
wives, daughters, sweethearts and
outliers a ohanoe to rote, nnd see if
million would not assume an entirely
1 1 If, 1 rent complexion. Would there then
he a chanoe or even a possibility of cor
rupt moil, blatant demagogues, politioal
jockeys, ex Biiloon keepers, aud iuoffuns-
ve but good-for-nothing fellows, whose
very sot and word betrays incompe
tency, securing pusitious of trust and
The ticket, so far as our acquaintance
Hxtends, is fiiirly good. Yet every new
party should he careful to select its best
men for each office. Many of the candi
dates are well known, substantial citi
zens, against whom not A word ot re
proach aould be said.
After the nominations were over you
oould see knots ot men discussing the
possibilities, and here are some of the ex
"Jake Kees will make a good sheriff."
"E. B. Stanton will reflect credit on the
people who eleat him county judge.
"Will Blair is very popnlnr aud would
disoharge the duties of oounty clerk sat
"Hemttn Caldwell will draw a large
vote from the Bachelor's Party."
"Geo. Shipley will disoharge (be duties
of coroner it) an acceptable manner.".
"Who is this man Lewiaf"
"Miss Viiruz's nomination meets with
universal favor. Nn aot of this new
party bus done more to gniu the respect
of the public than this."
T. K. It.
Lexington, Ob., Apr. 21, '92.
So Badly Afflicted He Could Ucarcely touch
llnmo-U, K. T. Effects a Hadioul Care.
Portland, Or., July 31.
While I was in Tillamook laat winter
I was nllected in my back and kidneys
so tbat it was almost impossible for me
to rench Portland. When I got here I
was induced to try the OUEUON KID
NEY TKA. I drunk at my meHls the
ten made from it, and it bus efleoted a
radical cure. I can highly reoommend
it to uli who are afflicted as I was.
E. KoiiN.
We bave three hotels now.
There is a fine school iu progress here,
Mr. Ilunsioger is going away in a few
George Gray was over from Heppner
Inst week.
Wayne Houston will move to Heppner
next week.
The people are talking of building a
flour mill 10 Hardman.
Tbe merchants' business is alow now.
Also the saloon buRinest.
Mr. Spray's drove of oattle passed
through here ou Wednesday.
We have hHd plenty of snow lately and
a shower ot rain on Thursday.
Tbe people of Hardman are putting in
tneir crops. Uood prospects.
The O.id Fellows will give a supper
and dunce April L'Uili. It promises to be
one or tbe finest ullairs that iluriimuu
ever had.
The alliance party is booming here.
They had an interesting meeting Tues
day night, aud were entertained by L.
W. Lewis.
Messrs. Hogtie, Sorivner, Lewis, (lad
ley and Ltiellitig, went to Lexington on
Wednesday to attend the People's Party
convention.' '
Mr. Galloway preached here last Sun
day morning and evening. There will
be services at the ohnrcb next Sunday
morning. Everybody invited.
April 21.
rlo. W P. I)I.KI rlr,,n,l Tn.,.
day from Conihrn where he was suhpee-
naeci as a witness in ine onse 01 mediate
of Oregon vs. F. M. Judd, who was bound
over from the justice court for tbe laroeny
. ..u 1 .1.. i l.:..L.
01 n WHICH nun Ullitlll, 11JM IMiiwr 1,1 wun:ii
I he sold to Mr. Kohhius of this city. On
being arraigned in court, Judd plead
guilty, and reoeived his sentence Saturday.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
The newly appointed Amerioan oousul
general for Sweden, Mr. Haydon, to
gether with his family, arrived March
15th in Stookholm.
Priuoe Oscar Bernadotte will this year
be translated from the naval port ot
Karlskzona tu Stockholm, but as he has
relinquished his idea of building a man
sion on tbe lots of Djnrsholm, which he
recently bought, he will take up his resi
dence in the capitul.
Mary Mitchell, M. D., professor of phy
sical culture of the Women's College of
Baltimore, has Bpeot three months in
Stockholm studying the eohnlastic and
medico-gymnusticBof Sweden. She then
left for the far famed Stoyd institute of
The government bill ot a grant of 250,-
000 orowns for the Chicago world's fair,
was passed on March 17th by the Danish
diet, witb 17 votes for aud 19 against the
Cremation in Denmark was discussed
at a meeting ot the Laudething, March
11th. The church declared against it
as at nil times, it being considered un
christian burial. It oould never beooine
of muoh importance oh nny sanitary ac
count, as only a comparatively few would
onnsign their ho lies to this mode ot dis
solution. Twenty-one votes were in
favor of cremation and an equal number
against it. The question will therefore
insure a second hearing.
Invitations to a meeting the other
uiglit were sent out by the "Fredrika
Brewers' Society," of Stockholm. The
Hon. Mrs. K. Oliveoroua held forth vari
ous reasons why the Swedish women
ought to participate therein. The Hon.
Miss Warn prodttood Amerioan oiroulars
and reports bearing more minutely upon
the plana for the women's department.
The Hon. Miss Adelborg read the pro
posals, which the committee had formu
lated with regard to how to get an ex
hibit wbiob would fairly represent the
field of women's work in Sweden.
A Scandinavian exhibition is proposed
to be held at some near future date at
Kristiana. Norway has participated iu
a great many foreign ones, and has bad .
several minor local ones, but not one
previously that would embrace .Soandi
navia. Denmark and Sweden have
taken tbe precedence), and the times are
now considered opportune and rine for
for Norway.
The Hungarian newspapers are taking
great interest in the strife between
Sweden and Norway, nnd their sympa
thies are all with Norway that she may
succeed in gaining the desired inde
pendence of Sweden, and thut country's
considerably greater foreign politioal in.
Mrs. S. E. V. Emery, author of "The
Seven Financial Conspiracies," a well
informed lady and an able speaker, will
address the people ot Morrow county, on
tho political issues of tbe dny, on the
dates following: At Liberty school
house, Saturday May 7th ; Gooseberry,
Sunday, May 8th; Hardman, Monday,
May Hth; Hoppuer, Tuesday, May 10th;
Lexington, Wednesday May 11th, Each
meeting will oonvene at 2 p. ni, exoept
Heppner, which will be at 7 p. m. All are
cordially invited to attend especially
members of the old parties. 82-87.
The city of Wuitsburg is to be lighted
by electricity at onoe. A franchise, haa
been granted, and a plant worth $12,000
will be put in immediately. Wuitsburg
is not half as good a town as Heppnor,
but has quite as large n crop of moss
backB. A private company ought to
make 11 lighting plant pay in Heppner.
E O. : Governor Pennoyer will not load
the Oregon delegation to the national
convention at Chicago. His anti-Cleveland
views are probably the cause ot it,
It is a significant fact thut, while the
delegation goes to Chicago uninstruoted,
they are all pronounced Cleveland men.
Wasco Run: Last week's Heppner
Record (Lexington edition) oonlaitied a
flue article from the pen of Mr. Frank H.
Snow, late editor of the Budget. It whs
dished up in Frank's usual bright, newsy
style, and Is a good immigration at
tractor for tho Lexington couutry.
H. Blaekinnn, Thns. Qnaid, Win,
Hughes and Joe Woolery returned Fri
day from the convention, feeling that
Morrow county was not overlooked iu
the political shufuV Aud neither was it.
Leon, Matlook'e thoroughbred, will be
put ou the truck this full. Ho is doing
well under preseut training, nt.d shows
no evidence that his former injury will
hurt him in the least,
Senator, Blaokman's horse, and Lady
Opal, Gbo. Hwaggart's threu year old,
were down to towu Saturday, under care
of Geo. Akin. Both arc looking well,
particularly Senator.