Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, April 22, 1892, Image 4

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    lrn.!n' .
vtU Facsimile Signature of EMI L FEE Si. c,
sgigSBL Periiaps
' s "Ht&iWr but enpri
' fAf We nil mailorders sanie day rewived tVcurely sealed, postpaid).
':-.-" If not as represented wo will re hind your money,
Lr vWm0&&- iV ' QUEEN ANTI-HAIRINE" rlmoves Heard or Puporiluoim
in rnvlorn n nil nroinotH
f.rm.. hour application wilt stop the huir falling
will positively grow a luxuriant growth ol Hair utiles fiemii tardy Indd. Jial'lneiss is not an indication
that the rno: are dead. Nature old not provide that wo should wear a covering for the head. When
inn epidermis (nkiii) is alive, so nro the roots, and "Queen liairloe" applied to the surface opens the
follicW and gives nourishment and vitality to thorooU. One bottle will convince the most skeptical
Ml iu merit. Try it. Price J 1.00 per Bottle.
' QUE F.N ANTI-ODOR" (powdered form) applied to the parti allays exeesslre perspiration,
and p?rui.mently curea offensive feet , armpit-, eve A most delightful and harmless remedy. trice We.
(fur ' ON 00 LINE'1 (liquid, pure and harmless), when applied to the akin restores and beautifies
the Complexion; removes) and prevents Tail, bun burn, Freckles, Pimples and Blackheads. This re
nowned preparation cannot be excelled. A single application has a marvelous effect, and each
ad llilonal one improves the complexion. Try it-if not delighted with it, return the bottle, and ws
will rvfund your money. One ilotile will restore the complexion. Price, fi.OO
QuaaN Toilet Co.: Your preparation formulas (after a careful analysis), T am free to say, are
barnileu?, and certainly effectual If used according to directions. J. lf. Hesse, H. D.. 494 ireeuuiu Ave,
Item It by P, 0. Order, Begistered Letter, or Ifral i to home office, and mention this paper, A
QUCEN TOILET CO. 174 RACE ST., CINCINNATI, O. (Local Ag.nti Vinta7
l Htl.fc Sampler ot 'oar Goods and "How to he Bfaatifal" lent for two stamps.
Hides, Pelts
And Furs winded. T will pay the highest
market prices for anything In this lino,
(live nic a call before selling elsewhere, as I
know 1 can do butter by yuu than any other ilrm
In Heppner.
Oflloe lit Surgont & Driskell'a Feed ynrd.
for Lawns, Gardens, Farms, Ranches and Railroads
I'lUCKU lii:iH'l'i:ii Si-ld by tlculiTH. FlU'lIUli l' PAI
McMlll.l.KN'S IMIl llltY BmiMI, New Tiling!
No hniJ nnpl Nu tiiiKKUit ICitru Jfbvv HvIvmk.
Tb M.llulli-n Woven Win Funs. Co., Onuagn.IU
C? OlCIt TIM El t
A 'id all puinta in Cfiliforuift, via the Mt. HhiiHta
routo of Lhu
Southern Pacific Co.
Tho Kr,t liitihway tliruiiKlt Cniifornia to all
point I Kant unit South. Grand Hcmiic Kmit
of tlio Pacilio t'otiHt. Fullinan Ituffot
bli'cpore. Hocoml-rhiHB Hluopure
Attiu'hwl tooxproHd tmina, nffordinR nipprior
llCllOlllLlHKllltiollH flir HfM!lHHl-IUtN ptlHHimHOrH.
For nth1, lirkflH, (tittuping oar rutorvutionHi
Mi., oall iinn or aildrt'Hs
It. K'KI11,KI, MHtiiiRor, E. P. ItOtlKKH, Aunt,
(.ion, F. iL V. Agt., 1'orLlHiHl, OreKon.
Corn Meal
H AVING purchased iiiRohtncry for gnndlnsr
Coin Meal, we Invito all our patrons to
brhiK In their corn and got In return a supi-rior
W tl. T. W. Aykbs, t?R,p Mauagor.
Scicnti Ho American
'Ttrw C.OPVR10HT8. ato.
For InformBllon nrd frofl Handbook wrlto to
Oldut bureau foi securing patents In Ainwrtea.
Kvi'i v p.itfiK tuk.Mi out bv ni4 1 hnnuitit "hi'forfl
Ma piinhc by a uolleo ntvon tn' ot cltai'iiu lu the
I,arv!("t circulation of nnv srlontlflc paper in the
world, Hi.leiulKllv lllii-itrati'd. No tiiuillkoiit
man MiouVl Ik without it. Weekly, !i:.0U a
year; f x inontlis. Atlilresa Mt'NN A OO,
Vuui.isiiEits. aid Hroadway, Nnw Vork.
Garden Seeds !
IIhvh lurii uwil nil over (ho 1'iii'lllc North
well fur tho pt is yonri. Ncme lu'tti'r. Kw
to gooil.
Garden, Flower and
Grass Seeds.
Fri'nlil l'ure! Ai'cllmntdl! ('RtnloiMii' free.
A.Mit.h liKO. HTAUUK'I'T.
liU.7.). WhIU Wnlltt h.
iDM 1 ,rf:,ra
I'll l'rin
Fair iiu.l-Kw. Ivory nwi'imiwir,!'.' W; lo.i.h.t,
jilt-'U or low, l.ri. in.lmwiy wot k. Uilm-H, hoiiv. 1 4
or V 10 inch. pBir, II , It wry. ft Mt. finent imt'l .il
.arUnia,W.-,ll,ll Wa "x. k. it yntrv vnt. I'Uth,
iov gUMnutuwd. JU.I UBoa, IUi a, t kkit
.,eriPiTin. I Vhfcf:M III.
You Don't Know Os
vvnii vunw nr mio orurmrc
TVo extend an inTiialinn to call and sec frw test at uiir Clinic,
''ArpadoChauiljcrs.-' Hours 1 to ;i p. m. Ladv Attendants.
Madem:o a paste, only a few minutes application la quired, it
in powerful, yet. mild in its eiT.'el. Jt. diiolveii and destroy b tho
1'olliclcH of the hair without the High tent pain, injury ordiscolora
tion tnthoiuost ddfc&tnskin. Try it. One .'rice. Hi .00 nor lioiil-.
Ilwir has no eviiini. II i i...t..unu i..,u-
and prevent dandruff. It cures scalp diseafles, and
WATtBlOO yHIT.O nr-miri'ifi
tf flri'HNL'l l.unilir, It, miles ol lluppner, at
what in known an tint
PKU 1,0110 l'KKT, llODUlI,
f 10 00
17 60
L fi.oo pur 1,(100 fi'i't, nildltlonal.
I. tlf imlitoii Man'mr
Forest Grove Tonltry Yards.
Wysudottes, Plyuioutli IlooliB, Light
Urnambs, Knse aud amifla Uomb
Urown LieuhnrnR, Pmtridue
CoablnR, 1 loud hub and .Sil
ver SimrJKled Uumbui gB.
Keiuly for Delivery.
Iu Amorion, nml lire the lnwt on
thiHciuiHt liy Krent differetice.
Send fur CutuKiKtie.
Box 55. com .Jlnti. Enrret Oruve, Or
The aucccaa of this flreat Cough Cure ts
without a iiarulU'1 in the history of uiciliclne.
All druggists aroauthorUt'd to aoll it on a os
ittve guaraiUcc, a teat that no other euro can
auccossfully atand. That It may become
kuowu, tho Pmpriutora, at nn enormous ei
ponse, art placing a Uamnlo Bottle Fre luto
every homo hi the I'nitcd Htatcs and Canada.
If vou have a Cough, Hore Throat, or Bron
chitis, uae It. for it wilt cure you- If your
child has the Croup, or Whooping Cough, us
tt promptly, ml relief la sure. If you drwad
that insidious disease Consumption, use It.
Ask vonr Druggist for HHILOH'S CURE,
Price JO eta., N cm. and 51 .00. If your Lungs
aresoroor Hack lame,uso Shiloh'e Porous
Plaster. Prieu i!f ola, l'or sale by all Drug
gists aud Dealers.
th Tf.uitl .'f U II i'UtlU (Wf-hli i' lit t.V iU 1-'' lt
limiiis-iit by Pf. S-iil.r." Lu. .. In. Jt' In, , (n.
DNrmlMa, tl K Hart M. n -t.. 4: in. SI la. II In.
inomciiiriiiv tf t.l . ii,. Li.:ii4-.M &3tn. ' to. 13 I14.
IntluM I otnU la iUai)t Ar Clivutu v J T4Umnl&li.
n il, r. won. icitn Tititi ciicki.
tsstfgi -
Weak, imm u in Pain
From Boine lone-slaDdiDe ailment, or feel
mot yonr coustitijtion (nervems Bystem)
in fRiling, or that Bome nffliction hns
tulran i. ti.birm na.,nn,.Al U1A l
yon, whioh you have been, nnd arc still,
it . . i . . .
mime in lurow on or control, wnetner
i the first or lust ntujje remember thHt
And Appliances.
aod system of home treatment will cure
No medical or other mode of electric treatment
can at all compare with them. Thoimands of
women who miner tor years with complaints
peculiar to sex. have been completely and per
inanently restored to health. No lewer men
have also been cured.
Electric treatment for diseases suggested, pro
perly applied, 1b perfect and has 110 good substi
tute. The Ureif Electric Hi'lt ami AnnllnncpR
are the only ones in existence that supply a
pei"eui jnuue ui tippiiration.
1 he Gregg Electric Foot Wanner, price $1.00,
keet8 the feet warm nnd drv ami t thponiv
genuine Electric Insole.
People who have oaid their mnnev arifl hppn
cured can tell you what haB been done for them
in a way that will convince you. Complete cat
alogue of testimonials, prices, etc., tic. Circular
501 Inter Ocean Buddiuu, Chicago, III.
Real Merit
fefcW i-fel
TViA t i '? if fast
PillaP NO!! ?
If you take pills it is beemme you have never
tried tho
S.B. HBansGtiB & Liver fJnre
It works so nicely, demising the Liver and
Kidneys; acts as a mild phytic without causing
pain or sickness, and does not stop you from
eating and working.
To try it is to become a friend to it.
For sale by Slocum-Jolinston Drug Co.,Heppner
Kansas Citv, St. Paul,
JS1. Ironist,
Leaves llepimer, 8 n. m.
U:5U p. in.
Colonist Slocporw,
Reclining Chair Cars
and Diners.
Steamors l'ortlnnd to Sim Frnnoiseo
every four dnys.
For rates and general information call on
Depot 'ticket Agent,
J. C. H ART,
lU'ppnpr, dromon.
W. H. HL'KLBt'KT, Aut. Ccnl. Tim. Apt.
M nBliinston 8t.,
Crops Bre looking Une.
We hiul a nice ruin on Easter Sunday,
nnoouipauied with snow.
Mian Alice Coulee ia teaohini; a sue-
oesBful school ut this place.
Mr. W. A. Riddle and Mr. Mvers caught
ten youna ooyotes the other dny.
Bad rends are the only kind of roads
that we have. What are the road super
visors appointed for?
The democratic delegates say that they
would nut have misseil the opportunity
of attendini; the county convention for
twenty dollars.
Everywhere is to be seen the thrifty
farmers plowing sod. The acreage of
Krain that will be sown this Fall will ex
ceed that of any rev Urns year.
The Rev. Mr. Howerton, of Fossil, is
conducting a revival meeting, assisted by
Mr Adams, of lilm'k lloise. It is in be
hoped that they will meet with success.
Old Bachelor.
Gooseberry, April IS, lSii
Bnrkleu's Arnica 8ttlve-
The best salve iu the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers salt rnenm, fever
sores, tetter, chapped bauds, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eiuptious, and posi
tively cures piles, or mi pay required. It
id guaranteed to wive perfect satisfaction,
or money refunded, l'nce '25 cents per
box. ror eule by htoeuiu-Johustou
llrug Co.
Settlers who tiled timber-culture or
pre-emption claims on railroad land in
1SV4 .,r l.7 rUrt..ru. ,l,.,ip t., I,.-
applyiug to Frank 11. Snow, V. S. Com.
uiisBioner, ut i.eimtou. Bring your
1 tiling receipt. 4;to-tf.
SnbmttteJ by a robscrlbef.
1 hat the refoim move is gnini'ig many
Oonverts fmong those who are neither
farmers, mechanic, nor laborers, is no
where better show n than in tin' ailicles
which lill the ttafs f the Ladou re
views anil magazines of the day. A year
ago such arliel s could not have secured
H place in their pngi B.
The Spokane Spokesman says : "The
next muuioipal administration aud city
council will have the handling of large
Bums of money. This emphasizes the
fact that oompetent men of undoubted
honesty should be placed on guard."
Ac-nrrb'nff to ,Tn?trp "M.-itp H"v sLonLI
tie taiutelB. He says the lui'u.trrs ale
honest and law-abiding.
There are workmen wnowill lose dol
lars daily by refusing to pay cents to a
labor organization per week. Labor or
ganizations raise wagi b aDd reduce hours
by united economic and political effort.
No one else does! The emancipation of
labor from Wage-slavery will be aoootn
pliahed only bv the laboring masses j
theniBelves. Join in the effi.rtl
"Tbi princes are rebellious and com
panions of thieves; every one loveth
uifts, and followetu after rewards; they
judge not the fatherless, n ither doth ttie
cause of the widow come uuto them.
Therefore saitb the Lord, the Lord of
Hosts, I will ease me of mine adversaries,
aud avenge me of mine enemies." Isa
iah 1:23-24.
A Departed Hero.
The New Nation: Edwin M. Cham
be rl ain died Feb. 23d, aged 56 years, at
bis residence in Cambridge, where be
moved to some months ago from Boston.
Ue has been an active and faithful work
er in the elevation of the laboring elapses
for twenty-five years. Be was one who
aimed to serve the people. He was the
S'oiallst I-ibnr party endidate for gov
ernor in 187S and 1879. ai d I as always
taken an active part in pushing progres
sive legislation suob as the establishment
of Labor Day; free text books for the
imblio tcuoolB; the secret ballot; and at
the present session he has presented a
bill for theReferendum. He was honest,
generous, wise and diligent in an emin
ent degree, but he was persistent rather
than forcible. He was an able counselor
rather than a leader. We can justly in
scribe on his tomb-stone: "A friend to
It is quite enough to make every pat
riotevery lover of his kind, blush with
shame for the moral turpitude displayed
by both the demoorats and republicans
in congress on silver legislation. With
the greatest sooial and industrial revolu
tion ihe world ever witnessed at our doors
with the great questions of food for
millions who do not know where the next
meal is to be had with hundreds of
thousands of men and women walking
the streets and roads begging foi work
with the land full of gamblers in wheat
and all other necessaries ol life ith the
lines of transportation, the highways of
the nation, lu the bands of soulless cor
porations and a triumphant plutocracy
sneering at Ihe laborer aud saying "The
people be damned," the leading news
papers on both sides continue to jabber
a jargon no man understands, about sil
ver or the operations of the McKiuley
Eight Mile against the world.
Mrs. Charles Anderson is quite ill at
ber home iu Eight Mile.
Everybody is busy making gBrden,
plowing sod, ami picking up old posts
and fence rails for wood.
Mr. Sine made quite a fine speech
last Saturdny. Also Mr, Lewis, of Hard
inun, was among the speakers.
Kev. Powell preached a very good ser
mon last Sunday at eleven nnd at night.
He will preaoh again next Sunday at 3
p. in.
Mr. Aubrey is giving good satisfaction
teaching the Liberty Bchool. We know
Mr. Aubrey is a good teaoher, from ex
perience. Last Friday it seemed as, though the
Chinook was going to blow all the loose
ami away, but iu the latter part of the
day a nice Bhower prevailed.
The Eight Mile postoffioe has been
moved to Mr. Uaiues' place. It makes
the mail a little more convenient for
some, but nut so much for others.
Bruce Haines has just finished break
ing b'U acres of sod, bt-aides preparing a
large amouiit for slimmer fallow. Also
Mr. Huston has broken about 100 uores
of sod this spring.
Mr. A. H. Hooker has sold his farm on
1 lale Knlue, to Tom Davidson. Consid
eration, SltiOi). Mr. Hooker thinks be
will go to Si.utliero Oregon. We regret
the h'ss ot Mr. Hooker aud family very
Eight Mile, the garden spot of Morrow
county, is here iu all its glory, with the
peach trees in blnom, apple trees spread
iiik forth their leaves, and prospects of
an abundance of fruit. We go on a lit
tle farther and we see the generous farm
er endeavoring to annihilate the beauti
ful bunch grass, and here is the doleful
ground owl tootiug his toot iu Ihe still
night, aud the nighthawk chirping with
great rapidity, and the farmers antici
pating a larger crop than ever.
T. Taokao.
Ekiht Milk, April 18, 1892.
ruitrty In the Midst ut Painter.
This would seem a contradiction
is so, iu fact, to the eye. But rxperi-
j encr bus proved its possibility. Take
! the case ot the individual who dwells in
a malarious region. A robust constitu
tion is no defence against the dreaded
chills. What is? Recorded testimony.
: covering a period little short of half a
.century, proves that Ho tetter's Stom
j aoh Hitters is precisely Ibis. This con
I tinent does not limit ihe field where the
! mpiiiiMnu hua ttrovpil ill etlieacv. In
J Sniitb America, Isthmus ot Panama,
Mexico, everywhere in lact where im
; antna boru disease takes on its mit
I obstinate ami formidable types, the bit-
teis is a recogmzeu speoiuo iu linmiia-,
ble demand, and prescribed by physici
ans ut repute. Potent, too, is it ill disor
ilersof tli. stomaob, liver, and bowels.and
iik'ainst that destroyer. I grippe. It nn- j
j proves appetite and sleep, neutral. zes ,
I rhumatism and kidney complaint. j
Prettr soon, li &'..mmer wesihtr,
i.ortn pairs 'lll eel together,
And sit lor hours gazing at the
In manner most romantic
And with declarations frantic,
They'll waste the preeioitB hoars as they
Bpoon ;
But when a few years they are mated,
And the honeymoon Is faded,
And the loving groom has
Cuptd then his winps will flutter
And he'll alyly skip the gutter,
And leave the children crying for gome
I; lead.
A Dictator of Swedish Descent.
A farmer named Sellman lived about
the year 1650 iu Safrebro, the parish of
Nye, Hmoland. Sellman had three chil
dren, oil sons, one of whom became a
olergyinan, aud wai elected rector of the
Forsheda parish. Another sou became
an officer in the Sw edish army and died
as war commissioner of a regiment in
The Swedish branch of the Sellman
family springs from the venerable cler
gyman. But the farmer of Safrebro had
also a third son, who emigrated to Ger
many and became the ancester of the
German branch of the family, several
members of whiob emigrated to South
America, making the city of Forto Ale
gro, Brazil, their bome. The Swedish
name Sellman was now written Caiman,
acoording to thebpauisb idea ol spelling.
Carlo Celuian, a me jber of this branch
of the family, married an Italian woman,
who gave birth to a male child in 1833.
This son was elected president of the
Argentine Republic iu 1886. His full
name was Miguel Juarez Celman. On
account ot his despotism and tyranny he
had to resign bis pnsiti in a couple of
years ago.
Ihsbii Not Popular ut Rnifl.
Ibsen's "A Wild Duck" has been per
formed at Novillis theater, Rome. It is
called in Italian "L'Anitra Seivatica"
The audience did not seem to fullv com
prehend its meaning, and the perform
ance was a complete failure.
Crsuiatiou Akwociatinn ia UertKPU.
A cremation association is to be organ
ized in Bergen. Its chief purpose will
be to work for the adoption of the
method of cremating the dead and for
the building of a public crematory at a
oost of 100,000 crowns.
xport of Juniper Berries,
Sweden is exporting a great deal of
jumper berries to Germany, From
Konca. the nrovince of Hmoland. manv
carloads are shipped every day. The
berries are in great demand in Germany,
and are sold at a price of nine crowns a
Kemedy for Inllaenza.
A prominent Norwegian physician
says honey is a very active remedy
against the influenza. Houey dissolved
in water and drawn np into the nose
hastens the cure of the troublesome dis
ease. The doctor says the healing qual
ities consist in an acid, which it contains
aud which absolutely destroys the influ
enza bacillus.
Mr. CnrnelinBsen, the superintendent
of the Yiksiir's copper mines, has been
appointed president of the Guliteuia iron
Diphtheria is raging to an alarming
degree at Gruus Hovedtogo, iu Norway.
H. Brucker, a prominent capitalist of
Hakermose, not far from Taastrup, Den
mark, is dead.
A theosophical sooiety has been organ
ized in Christiania.
The Norwegian ship Nor was wrecked
at the Shetland Islands. The whole crew
was drowned.
The Association of Economy held a
meeting at Kalmar, Sweden, and resolved
to purchase a lot of Clydesdale colts for
breeding purposes.
Farmer Stevall, of Danpjo, Lekaryd,
Sweden, in spite of his 84 years, has beeu
blessed with two real new teeth aud new
black hair.
The popular composer, Mr. Andreas
fallen, of Stockholm, has been appointed
director of the orchestra ot the royal
opera house.
Forty million pnnds of paper were
exported from Sweden last year.
A bill making the study of the English
language obligatory iu the public schools
has been iutroduned in the Riksdag.
Gothenburg is to be connected with
Cbristianh by telephone. The Norwe
gian engineer, Hopstocke, will superin
tend the construction of the hue.
All the members of the Riksdag were
invited to a banquet at the Royal CHStle,
Stockholm, ou the evening of Febru
ary 1st.
Bjorustjerne Bjornson has started for
bis lecture trip in Sweden.
Rev. C A. Gu!dberg died at Christi
ania at Ihe age of 79 years.
An exchange says: ' Ve occasionally
find a man, w bo, in stopping his sub
scription, thinks it necessary to apol
ogize and try to explain 'why' he can't
take it any longer. Generally there's a
good deal of deception about the explan
ations and then, it's not necessary, any
way. Ii you want to stop taking a paper,
pay np and order it discontinued n it.bont
any ifs and ands. It's none of the pub
lisher's business why you stop, and ten
to one be won't believe yon cock and
bull story, anyway. The man after our
heart stopped his paper the other day.
He said lie Midu't waut the d d sheet
any longer.' Ni.w, that's business;
there's no deception about that and we
believe he told us the truth."
Bill Etett, of the Lexington couutry,
waa in town yesterday.
OF -
Stock Horses !
The undersigned will sell at Pnblio
Auction at
Friday, Hay 20tl, 1892,
ioo HEAD 100
Of American Stock
One year, with Approved security; in
tetest ut 10 per cent peraunum. Five
per cent discount for cab.
78tf. C. 13. COCH WAN.
pilOt'h R HANDS.
White you keep jour tubcription paid up yen
can keep your brand in free of charpe.
Albn. T. J.. lone. Or. Horsea G( on left
phoulder; cattle -nine on left hip, under bit on
right ear, ami npper bit on thts left; range, Mor
row coniny.
Armsiroutf. J. t, Alpine, Or, T with bar an-
der 1 1 on left shoulder of horBei); cattle same
on lft hip.
Allinon, O. D., KiRht Mile. Or.-Cattle brand,
U D on left hip and horses same brand on right
shoulder. Hanse. Eiffht Mile.
Adkins, i' O, I )ayvilie. Or- Straight mark across
the thigh and two crop and a el it in the ritfht ear;
hornet, upnide down on the right shoulder,
hange in Grant county and Bear valiev. V O
address also at Ilardinnii.
Adkins, J. J., Hep poor. Or. Horses, JA con
nvieti on in t tiank; cattle, eameon left hip.
Ay ere, Johnny, Lena, Or. Horsea branded
triangle On leu hip; cattle same on right hip;
alnn crop off riehi ear and upper bit on same.
Blyth, Percy H., Heppner, Or. Horses Human
crows on right shoulder. Kange in Morrow
bleakman, Geo., Hardman, Or. Horses, a flag
oil left tthoulder: cattle name on right shoulder.
r.anniHter, J. W., Hard man, Or. Cattle brand
ed B on left hip and thigh; split in each ear.
Hurke, M St ( Long t;roeK, Or On cattle,
MAY connected on left hip, ciop off left ear, un
der half crop off right. Hornet, same brand on
let ft shoulder. Kunge in Grant and Morrow
lioweman. A., Mount Vernon and Burns, Or.
Cuttle, A B on right hip, two crops iu each ear;
riitnm on hornet, on right shoulder. Hange in
tirant and Harney counties.
Brosmaii, Jerry, Lena, Or.-Horses branded 7
on right shoulder; cattle H on the loft side.
Left ear half crop and right ear upper slope.
Barton, Win., Heppner, Or. -Horses, J B on
right Lh)tf.i cattle . same on right hip; split in
each ear.
Brown. lea, Lexington, Or. Horses IB on the
riglit ritifle; cattle aamuou right hip; range, Mor
mw county.
Hrown, J .P., Heppner. Or. -Horses and cattle
branded 8 will' ox-yoko above on left shoulder.
Brown, J. C, Heppner, Or. Horses, circle
C with dot in n-A tor on loft hip; cattle, same.
Boyer, W. G., Heppner, Or. Horses, box
brand or r .gh hip cattle, same, with split in
each ear.
Horg. P. O., FIppner, Or. Horses, P B on left
shoulder; out tin. eameon lefthin.
limwnlee, W. J., Fox ,Or-Cattle, JB connected
on left hide; crop on left ear and two splits and
middle piece cut out on right ear; on horses same
brand on the left thigh; Kango in Fox valley,
Grant connty,
Cain.K., t :aleb.Or. Y D on horseB on left stifle;
U with quarter circle over it, on left shoulder,
and on left Btitie on all colts under 5 years; on
left shoulder ouly on all horBesoverSyearB. All
range in Grant county.
Clark, Wm. H., Luna. Or.-Horeef WHO con
nected, on left shoulder: cattle came on right
hip. Ra ge Morrow and Umatilla counties.
Uate, Chan. li Vinson or Lena, Or. Horses
H C on right ahuulder; cattle same on right hip.
Range Morrow and Umatilla counties.
Cochnm, ChaM., lone. Or. HorBes, HP con
nected on left Nhoulder; cattle, C on both left
hip and stifle. Range in Mor row county.
Cannon, J1 . B.Xong Creek, Or.Ton cattle on
right Bide, crop off right ear and slit in left ear.
Our horses same brand on left shoulder. Range
in Grant county.
Cecil, Wm.. Douglas, Or.; horses JO on lef
shoulder; ca'tlo same on left hip, waddiea on
each jaw and two b.ts in the right ear.
Curl,!'. K John Day, Or. Double cross on
each hip on cattle, BwalJow fork and under bit
in right ear. split in left ear. Range in Grant
county. On sheop, inverted AQd spear point
ou shoulder. Ear marko-i ewes, crop on left ear,
' puuehed upper bit in right. Wethers, crop iu
rigid and under half orop in left ear. All rang,
in Grant con nt v.
Crosby, A.A.,Hoppner,Or.-CattIebranded-!-(or
H L coi nected) on the right shoulder.
Cook, A. J.,Lena,t)r. Horses, Huon nghtsUonl
der. Cattle, Bameon right hip: ear mark square
crop off left aud split in right.
Currin.lt. M CurhnsviRe, Or. -Horses, 3 on
left sti he.
Cochran, J II Monument, Or Horses branded
T I iJt A on left shoulder. Cattle, same on right
hip. swallow fork in right ear and crop off i eft.
Cox & English, Hardman, Or. Cattle, C witb
in center; hones. CK on left Sip.
('upper, H. A., Monument, Or. Horses H 0
on It ft shoulder cattle li C on left side, swal
low fork on right ear.
Cochran, H. E Monument, Grant Co, Or.
Horses branded circle with bai beneath, on left
shoulder: cattle same brand on both hips, mark
under slope both earB and dewlap.
Ciiapin, H., Hardman. Or. Horses branded
on right hip. ( 'tittle branded the same.
Cross. 8 L, Dayville, Or Cattle branded two
crops and a split in left ear; on horses a
reverBed 7, on left stifle. Also have the following
brands on cattle: 72 on lett hip, 7 on right hip,
72 on left shoulder, two parallel bars on left
shoulder. Kar marks, two crops.
JJoouan. Wm., ileppner, Or. He-runs branded
OO with bar over them, on left shoulder: cut
tle same on left hip.
Douglass, W. M , Galloway, Or. Cattle, R 1 on
right side, HWa low-fork in each ear; horseB, H D
on left hip.
Douglas, O. T., DooglaB, Or Horees TD on
the tight stifle; cuttle same on right hip.
Duncan, W. P., John Day.Or.-yuarter circle
W on right shoulder, both on horses and cattle.
Range Grant county.
Driskell, W. K, Heppner, Or. Horses branded
K lUBide of O on loft shoulder. Cttle same on
left side of neck.
Ely. J. B. A Sons. Douglas, Or.-Horse brand
ed KLi on left shoulder, cattle same on left
hip. hole ir right ear.
l-'isk, Ralph. Prairie City, Or-Homes, R F on
right shoulder; cattle, on right hip. Range in
Grunt county.
leok, Jackson, Ileppner, Or. Horses. 7F
connected uu right shoulder; cattle, same on
right hip. Ear mark, hole in right and crop
off left.
Florence, L. A., Heppner, Or. Cattle, LP on
right hip;, horsob F with bar under on right
Florence, S. P. Heppner. Or Horses, F on
right shot Idei ; cattle, F on right hip or thigh.
Gay, Heury, Heppner, Or. GAK on left
Goble, Frank, Heppner, Or. Horses, 7 F on
left st i tie; eattlt , same on right hip.
(iilman-French, Land and Live Mock Co., Fos
sil, Or. Horses, anchor tt ou If ft shoulder; vent,
same on left stifle. Cattle, same on both hips;
ear marks, crop off right ear and underbit in left.
Range in Gilliam, Grant, Crook and Morrow
Gentry, Elmer, Echo, Or. Horses branded H.
8. with a quarter circle over it, on left stifle
Range in Morrow and Umatillacounties.
Giltwater, J. C, Prairie City, Or. On horseB,
0 -O on left shoulder and stifle; cattle, on right
side. Range in Grant county.
Hams, James, Hardman Or. Horses shaded
2 on lef shoulder; cattle eame ou left hip. Range
in and about Hm-dinan.
Hhjps. deo., LeDa, Or, Rrand JH connected,
with quarter circl" ovur it, on left shoulder.
Hunt A. B., Ridge, Or. Cattle, round-top K
with quarter circle under it on the right hip.
Range in Morrow and Umatilla counties.
Hinton A Jenktt, Hamilton. Or Cattle, two bars
on either hip; crop in right ear and split in left.
Horses. J on right thigh. Range in Grant county.
Hughes, Samuel, Wagner, Or T FL on right
shoulder on horses; on cattle, on right hip and on
left side, swallow fork in right ear and slit in left.
Range in Haystack district. Monvw connty.
Hall, Edwin. John Day,Or. Cattle E Hon right
hip; horses same on right shoulder, tangein
Grant county.
Hughes, Mat, Heppner, Or. Horses, shaded
heart on the left shoulder. Range Morrow Co.
HunBaker, B , Wagner. Or. -Horses, y on left
shoulder: ca tie, 9 on left hi i .
Hardisty, Albert, Nye, Oregon Horses, AH
connected, on left shoulder; Cattle on the left
hip, crop off left ear.
Humphreys, J il. Hardman, Or. Horse, H os
lefi hank
limit. Wm. E.. Ridge, Or. Horses branded
bar cross ou left shoulder: cattle same on left
Hayes, J. M., Heppner. Or. Horses, wineglaee
on left nhou i dei cattle, same on right hip.
Ivy. Alfred. Long Creek. Or Cattle 1 D on
right hip, crop off left ear and bit in right. Horsea
same brand on left shoulder, Range n Grunt
Huston, Lnther. Eight Mile, Or. Horse H on
the left shoulder and heart on the left stifle Cat
tlf saiue on If ft hip. Range in Morrow county.
.Ir-nKinc, D. V..Mt. Wniun.Or. J on hnrseon
left ehouhter: on cuttle. J on left hip and two
sraooih crope on both ears. Range in Fox and
Bear vail -j s
Junkm. S. M.. Heppner. Or. Horses, horse
shoe J iq left shoultldr. C&ttls. tiifi uuij.
Kanifp on Kiirhi Mile.
Johnson. Felix Lena. Or. Horses, cirrle T on
left none; cattle, arae on right tup, under tutlf
crop ia right ftod sulit in lef l ear i
Rt'nny, Miks. uVppr.er. Or. Horse brsjnt.-il
KNY nn loft hip cattle wim And nmp nt left
ma.: mill--, -1, ,,,, ,,e right
hVUer, IticharO, lllnntot,. (ira..t ci.onrj-. Or.
K h in d'l'iKrt, mul,' m, If-ft hip; hurbo saaie
on Iff r hhoui.fMr. liar m IImt fiillov.
Kin. J. I., Hepruier, Or. Ilui.ee ail on left ,
elii.iililer; cattle, t9 ,n leu hip.
Kirk. C, Heppner. Or. Unrnee. 17 on either
flankiublljt. 17 on rieht aide.
Kumbnltnd.W. G., Mount Vernon, Or. I L on
cattle on riffhtand lull .icies,ewnihw fork In lift
enr nnd U'uler ciop in rinht eiir. Horses mime
l.iMiiiloii left Hhonklo . liiii.Kein II nu t roajitv.
Kili.liey. Ivli, If. pi'Ilt-r, Or, -HoreeH .1 I, and
i,re ,,. Hi, h ,,n leu tail!,.. l.m.Ke in liumlnla
anil A uirou oouuCH-a
LcBle,:,i C. Monument Or' A triariglearjlwitb
all line. extflidiOK pH I I Oil o llfUn-onlf ,r
eeou leli Khouluer, on buttle uiauioiid on lett
Bhouloer, hpJit iu rih .......... it iu left ear
lluiHiubraot count) and ic.aiUof John Day
Leiiliey, J W. Heppner Or.-lloiueij branded L
N on left Bhoulder; came i-ame ol, left hip; wat
tle over riaht ey , thiee eliiti iu riaht ear.
Loften, Stephen, Tox, Or.-H L on left hip
on ootUo. crop and split on right ear. Ilorses
eauiu brand on left shoulder, Uaugo Urant
Lipnallen, John W., Or. Horses
brnnilil linll-viirh? .11. ronnicterl on left . .hinil.
tier, mile m mil': hi,. Hange. i.nr
Lord, tieorge. Heppner. Or.-Hnruea branded
double II coi.necti Mometluiea called a
swing H. on left shoulder.
tlaxveil, M.B , Oooeeberry. Or.-Horuee brand,
willing link ou lett shoulder; cnttle, eameon
lef lup. Kar murk, under bit in left ear.
Minor, Oscar, Heppner. tlr.-l'attie, M D on
nRhthip; Jiorse. M on left shoulder.
'Morgan, B. N., Heppner. Or. Horses, M )
on 1,-tl should"! cattle same on left hip.
UcCumber, Jas A, Echo, Or. Horses. M with
bar over on right shoulder.
faani.. ti, li , Lena, I )r. Homes old mares ZZ
on right hip; young stuck, small ez ou left
Morgan, Thos., Heppner, Or. Horses, circle
T on left shoulder aud left thigh; cattle. on
right thigh.
Mitchell. Oscar, lone, Or. Horses. 11 on right
hip; cattle. 77 ou right side.
aicUareu. Jj. (i., Brownsville, Or, Horses,
figure fion each shoulder, cattle. iI2 on hip
filcKerii.W. J. Mount Vernon. Or XI on cattle
on right hip, crop iu right ear. half crop iu left
same brand ou horses on left hit . Kauge in Grant
MuCuriy, David H., Echo, Or. Horses branded
DM connected, ou the left shoulder; cattle same
on hip aud side.
iicUirr, t rai.lt, Fox Valley, Or. Mule shoe
with toe-cork on cattle oo ribs and nnder in
each ear; horees same brand on left Btitie.
Ucllaley, O. V., Hamilton, Or. Ou Horses, S
with half circle under on leftshonlder;on Cattle,
four bars connected on top on the right side.
Kunge iu (irant County.
Nual.Andrew. Lune Kock.Or. HorseB A N oon
uected on left shoulder; cattle same on both hips.
Newman, VV. tt., Heppner, Or. Horses N
with half circle over it on left Bhoulder.
Nordyke, K Hilverlon. Or. Horses, circle 1 on
left Hugh: oa.tle. same on left hip.
Oliver, Joseph, Cunyon t ity, Or. A 3 on oattle
on left hip;ou horses, same ou left thigh, Ituuge
in (irant county.
Oiler, Perry. Lexington, Or. P O on left
(Jlp, Herman. Piairie City, Or. On cattle, O
LP connected on left hip; homes on left stifle
and wnrlle on noee. itange in (irant county.
Pearson, Oiuve, Eight Mile. ( )r. Horees, quar
ter circle eliielo ou left shoulder Bud 21 ou left
hip. Canle, fork in let; ear, right cropped. 24
on lefl hip. Hang, on Eight Milo.
Parker A (jleaeon, Harduiau.Or, Horses IP oh
Ml Bhoulder.
1'iper, J. 11., Lexington. Or. -Horees, JE con
nected u, left Bhoulder; cattle, same on left hip.
under hi' in eHch eur.
Fathers, Ueury Lexington, Or. Horses brand.
edwuliH llouiui cross ou left shoulder; cattle
branded with Itomuu crose, bar at bottom, on
left hip.
PeltjB, A. (, lone, Or.; horses diamond Pon
Bhoulder; cattle, J tij connected, on the
left hip, upper slope in left ear aud slip in the
Putter, Dan, Lexington Horses branded MP
conuectod on left shoulder; cattle same oa right
Powell, John T Dayville. Or HorseB, J I" oon.
nec ed uu lett shoulder. Cuttle Oli conuectod on
left hip, two uudor half cropB, one on each ear,
wattle underthroui. Kangeiu (iratit county.
Itickurd, U. L)., Canyou City, Or. If V ou left
shoulder, on horses only. it,uige Canyon ONek
and Hear valley, Oraut oounty.
Kood, Andrew, Hardman. Or. Horses, square
enm, with quarter-circle over it on left Btitie.
Keniuger, Chris, Heppner, Or. Horees, C K on
lef t. sliouldei .
Kice. Dan, Hardman, Or.; horses, three pauel
wurm fence on left shoulder; ca.tle, DAM on
right shoulder. Kange near Hardman.
ttudi'i, Win. Long Creek, Or. brands horses
K ui right Bhoulder. Kange (irant and Morrow
liuyno, Aaron, Heppner, Or Hcrses, plain V on
ibft Hhouldei-; cattle, same brand reversed on
right hip aud crop off riglit ear. Itange in lllor
row county.
Itimh Uros., Heppner, Or. Horses branded X
on the right shoulder; cattle, IX on the left nip
orop oil left ear aud dewlap on neck. Kange tr.
ilorrow aud adjoining counties.
liust, William, Peuuletun, Or. Horees B ol
left shoulder; cuttle, li on left hip, orop oil
right ear, underbit on left ear. Bheep. K on
weuthore, round crop oft righ. ear. llauge Uma
tilla and Morrow c mutieu.
Ilwiinjy, Andrew. Lexington, Or. Horflei
branded A K on right Bhoulder, vent quartet
circle over brand; cuttle name on right hip.
Itange Morrow county.
Koyse, Wm. H, Uairj ville, Or-HIS connect'
with uiuirier circle over top on cattle on right hip
ami crop off right ear and split in left. Horses
same brand on left shoulder. Kange in Morrow,
(irant and (iilliam couuties.
Ititler. J H, Hitter, Or-Three parallel ban
Willi bur overon horses on left hip; on cuttle, lefl
side, two smooth crops, two splits in eaoh eai
Kange in Middle Fork of John Day.
Itecu.r. J. VV., Heppner. Or.-Horees. JG n
lef t Bhoulder. Cattle, oon right hip.
Spipknall, J. W., "Gooseberry, Or., Hors'S
branded 31 on left shoulder; lauge in Morrow
Bpray, J. F Heppner, Or.-Horses brandeo fcl
coinjecied oi right shoulder; cattle Bame on bolt
Bailing, C C Heppner, Or-Horses brandod S A
on left shoulder; cattle same on left hip.
Swaggari, H. P., Lexington, Or. Horses 3
with dash under it on left Btitie cuttle H with
uash uuiler it on right hip, crop off right ear and
wnudied on right hind leg. Kange iu Morrow,
Gilhainand uiuatitla counties.
Bwaggart. A. L., Ella, Or Horses brand?-1 2
on lett shoulder; cettle same on left blp. Croii
on ear, waltle on left hied leg.
Straight W. E., Heppner, Or.-Horees shaded
J h on let, stifle; cattle J Son left hip, swallow
fork in nghi ear, underbit in left.
Swaggari, L, Alpine, Or.-Horsee, 8 8 on right
Bapp, Thos., Heppner, Or.-Horses, 8 A P on
left hip; cattle same on left hip.
Shirtz. James, Long ( reek, or. Horses. 8 on
left etitle and over 2 on left shonlder.
Bhner.John, Fox, Or.-NC conuectod on
horses on right hip; cattie, same on right hip,
crop a right ear aud nuder bit in left ear. Itange
in Grant county.
Smith Bros., Johu Day, Or-H Z on oattle on
le t shoulder.
Stephens, V. A., Hardman, Or-; horses 8 9 on
right Biifie; cattle huriaoiital U on the light side
Stevenson, Mrs A. J., Heppner, Or. Cattle, 8
ou right tin ; ewnilow-fork in left ear.
Bwaggart. G. VV., Heppner, Or.-Horees, 44 on
lett snouide. ; cattle, 44 on left hip.
Stewart, Geo., Hardmau, Or.-Horees circle
oi left shoulder.
Btone. Ira. Hi-kleton, Wash.-Horses. keystone
on left Bhoulder.
Smith, E. E. L.one Rock, Or. Horees branded
a crossed seven on left Bhoulder; cattle same on
left Bide, Kange, Gilliam county.
Hnerry.E.U. Heppner, Or.-Cattle VV C on
left hip, crop off rigut and underbit in left year,
dewlap; horses VV C on left shoulder.
Thompson, J. A., Heppner, Or.-Horees, 8 on
left biioiiIu. r; cattle. 2 on left Bhoulder.
1 ip pets. 8. T., Lena, Or.-Horses. C on left
i uruur ft W,t HePPner. Or. -Small capital T
lett shouidei horses; cattle same on left hip
with split in botli ears. p
Ihirnton, H. M.. lone, Or.-Horsee branded
HI connected on left etitle; sheep same brand.
Vanderpool, II. P.. Lena, On-Horsee HV oon
nected uu right Bhoulder;cattle, same on right
Wilson, John Q Balem or Heppner, Or.
llorsus branded Jo on the lett shonlder. IWuge
Morrow county. "
W arren, VV U. Caleb, Or-Cttle. W witi qrtarter
circle over it, ou left sido, split iu right ear.
Horses same bra.id on left shoulder. Kaugoin
Gruut county. b
Wood, f U nityrille, Or-Hearton hordes on
lef Btitie; on cattle, 2 ou left side and under bit
in left ear. liaugo in Grant oounty.
W right Silas A Heppner, Or. Cattle branded
S w on the right lup. square orop ott right ear
and sphtin lett. w
n.Mh)lSf'.t"2Uici?- iloant Ven"n.Or-8qnareon
cattie on the left hip. upper slope mihe left
ear and under slope in right ear. Bame brand
Oil horses ou right shon d.,r pn..M u-Jr:
anil tirant connt v. "
Welister, J. 1, Heppner. Or.-HorseB branded
wth bar over J On right shoulder; catUe same
on right up. crop off left ear and split in eaSi!
Kause, Morrow county. .
Wade, Henry, Heppner, Or.-Horses bianded
ace of spaue. on leit shoulder and left huT
cattle braudeil eame ou left side and left hip.
W ells, A. S., Heppner, 0r.-Hor8es, on left
shoulder: catt e same.
th'6""' mhD' JohP l'w "'"l -On horse.
Ck"1 Bareu11 ief? houlrier; 7 on sueep,
ooantiet 86 m Qnat and M'Jnner
thiih1'""1"' H' Hartlman. Or. Circle C on left
Woodward. John, Heppner, Or. Horsea DP
connected on left shoulder.
VV alkms, Lishe. Heppner, Or.-Horees branded .
Ch couuertM on left tib.
","' (?arl"'', Portland, Or.-Cattle. W on
right thigh, hoi. in left ear; horses. W on right
shoulder, s.,m. eameon left shoulder.
Whmier Hr.w. Drewsy. Harney eonnty, Or. -Hon.,
branded VV B ,-,n,necteil on lefl -houlder
Williams, asc.i. Hamilton, Or. Quarter cir
cle over three bar. on left hip, both cattle and
horses. Itange Grant connty.
W ilhanis. J O. Long Creek. Or Horees. qnar
ter circle over three bars on left hip; cattle same
and slit in each mr Kange in (Irani connty.
ten. A. A., eppner. Or.-Cattle, running A A
wirh hararro.. on right hip.
Voung. J . 8.. Gooeeuerry, Or.-Horeee branded
T 8 oo the right hnalder.