Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, April 22, 1892, Image 3

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iinritHY politics
TB'VE desiring the iuseition of display ads ,
or change of name, must get their copy In
not later than Monday evening for Tuesdav's
edition, or 'Ihursday evening lor Fridavs edt
Here and There.
T. W. A ere, Jr., for drugs.
Mrs. N. S. Whetstoue is on
08 bw
the sick
Qazette on Thornton's oounters. Prioe
6 oeuts. if.
Three tickets in the field "How
like 'em?"
J. W. Kern & Co. will hang paper nt
10 cents per tull. 80 3.
E. L. Mat lick is out rustling horses
near bis Ella rauob.
Daily stage both ways between Monu
ment and Long Creek. tf.
Mrs. J. J. Iinberts is prepared to' do'
all Kinds oi plain sewing. bo-tf
T. R. Howard took in the oonventiun
at Lexington yesterday.
Ford, the painter, still "in it." For
any kind ot work see him. 81-tf.
Mra. Arthur Minor and Mrs.-Tom Mor
gan are improving rapidly.
Tom Barnett, of Lexington, oalled at
oar quarters early this week.
Dr. E. T. Oagen is adding an addition
to bis residence on Ouaee street.
Cbas. MoBoo is over from Puget
Sound to remain about twe weeks.
Warm showers yesterday were well
received by our farmers and denizens
Will Mallory went down to Portland
yesterday to get some repairs on bis
mill engine.
We are informed that Park Garrignes
will furnish the voting booths for Mor
row county.
M. Liohtenthal & Co, will occupy the
briok store room next door to H. Blaok
mau & Co.'t).
W. K. Wjgaut, representing Corbett,
Failing & Co., hardware, was in town
over Wednesday.
C. Kuhl has added a stock of oysters,
canned and fresh fruits, all kinds of nuts,
cigars, tobaccos, etc 69 sw
Pap tiimnns & Son still shoe horses
and do general blacksmithing at the old
stand Matiock corner. 55.
"The Parlor," W. F. Ruark, prop., in
the City hotel, west side ot Main street.
Neatest place in Heppuer. sw
F. F. Witham, the jolly representative
of A. Shilling & Co., of ban Francisco,
was in the oity Wednesday.
Mrs J. B. Cowley, wee Miss Lillie
Whetstone, is expecting her husband
shortly from Huutiugto.i, Or.
A. Evans, representing N. K. Rankin,
of PonlHnd, the door and sash manufac
turer, was in town yesterday.
Prof. A. W. Weir will leave for the
east shortly, returning not later than
July 15th, accompanied by his family.
Call on Lishe Sperry, down at the
Belvedere, wheu in town. Keeps on
hand a fine stuck of liquors and cigars.
C. A. Rhea did not attend the state
convention as reported in our last issue,
being represented by Jas. A. Woolesy, of
An earthquake visited several parts of
California Tutsday doing considerable
damage. Large brioks were totally de
stroyed. Messrs. T. K. Roberts and R. W.
Mitchell, Gazette attaches, were in at
tendance at Lexington's convention
Hiyn ketohum whiskers. Hatt &
Mathews, at the oity barber shop the
place to get a first-class. shave, buir-ont
or shampoo. tf.
Miss Henryetta Sinsheimer, who ac
companied Miss Elizabeth Matlock from
Portland last week, left for her home ou
yestei day's train.
Tim and Bob White, two race animals
of well-known merit, are now quartered
at the track. The Leon colts will be on
hands at the coming races.
The Buchler beer, 5 oents per glass, at
the Columbia Beer Hafl, Owners &
Hughes, tiops., next door to M. Lioh
tenthal & Co.'s shoe store. sw tf
Ed. Copner got in Monday from Port
land without incident, further than be
bad a mst enjvable time. He depart
ed Tuesday for Lime Rock,
Joe Eskelson and J. M. Legrand,
rustling rauohers from near Lexington,
were in ton n Wednesday. Mr. Legrand
has purchased J. Ernst's place.
Albert Ayers was in yesterday from
Butter Creek, and as one sheepman from
that section thinks he cannot boast of
100 per cent, increase in lambs.
Newer and neater quarters at the
Palace Hotel's north business room.
Charley Jones, the baber, wants to see
bis old friends there. Baths in connec
tion. Hon. W. R. 1 His went down the river
Thursday to visit his friends at The
Dalles Riid attend to some law business.
Frank Kellogg was a passenger on the
same train.
Dr. Grant's Syrup of Wild Grape is
made from the Oregon wild grape root,
now conceded by eminent pbysioians to
be the most powerful alternative known.
See ad. in this issue. tf
Morrow County Alliance Meets
at Lexington.
Ad Knthu'lastlc Gathering Alliance People
W ell HatiBOed With Tlmir Efforts.
It is said that F. J. Hallock has agreed
to accept the nomination for justice of
the peace for this precinct, nominations
for that office having been overlooked by
the republican convention.
Heman Caldwell, Bill Ing'um and E.
Sawyer oame in Wednesday and left yes
terday for the alliance convention at
Lexinft'in. L. S. Nicholson represent
ed Dry Fork on Ibis occasion.
J. P. Hadley, L. W. Lewis, C. M.
Hogue, J. M. Hogne, J. E. Scrivner, F.
M Scrivner, Wm. Rix, Geo. W. Chapin,
Wm. Lnelling, of Hardmsn, passed
through town today on their way from
the alliance convention.
The prospectus of the May issne of the
Cosmopolitan, is accompHnied by a let
ter of the American News Co , stating
that the news BtBnd sales of the Co mo
politan .have increased nearly one thou
sand per cent, during the past three years
the second half of the Cosmopolitan's
Quite a number of our people are pur
chasing awnings for the summer, wbicb
will be here very soon. The Gazelle
shop is on the list' The First National
Bank. McAtee Bros., Bt Palaoe hotel bur,
and Gamers & Hughes had theirs placed
in position this week.
The Morrow Conoty Land & Trust
Company will oontract ti deliver all j
kinds of building material at all stations j
on the Heppner branch, hardware ex-j
cented. If you intend to build send yonr .
bill for prices. Common No. 2 lumber j
dressed ou one side, $12.50. Select No. i
1, dressed and sized, 816 00. Intermedi
ate grades at corresponding prices.
The allies of the allianoe, true to their
party fealiy, put wind and weather at
defiance, aud, wilh the infatuation of a
first love, gathered together in conven
tion yesterday at their appointed head
quarters In Lexington to nominate their
first oounty ticket.
Inclement skies proved no obstacle
and fiom nearly every precinot of the
oounty a full delegation answered to the
The convention met promptly at 10:30
a. in., at the M. E. cbuiob, every seat
being occupied, wives, sweethearts and
fair faoes oompoBing fully bait tbe audi
ence. Mr. E. P. Sine oalled the convention
to order, aud, after several Bongs by tbe
Alliance Glee Club, stated theobjeot and
purposes of the convention.
t,. IS. Stanton was ohosen temporary
oliuirman and C. M. Hogue temporary
A oommittee on resolutions, consisting
of Mr. Frank H. Snow, ohairman, and
Heman Caldwell, J. H. Jones, B. F.King
and L. W. Lewis, was the next order ol
On permanent organization, Geo. W
Chapin, J. M. Keea and Wm. Blair were
At this juncture the Glee Club was
again called upon, rendering several well
ohosen alliance and patriotic songs.
This was followed by Mr. Slue's intro
duction to the assembly of Mr. L. W.
Lewis, of Hardmun, who made a stirring
people's party Bpeeoh, setting forth the
fundamental principles of tbe alliance,
with a vigor of address and correctness
of conviction that won from the first the
indorsement aud applause of his bearers.
Mr. Lewis arraigned the two dominent
parties, aud charged them with failing,
since 1862, in legislation conserving the
interests of the rural aud laboring com
munities. After touching upon national war
meabures, fiuanoea, the bauking system,
demonetization of silver, the oredil
strengthening act, the repudiating aol
and recent class legislation, be read the
people's party platfoim, as adopted by
tbe St. Louis convention, and disoussed
the several leading issues, upon which
tbe allianoe grounds its faith and offers
relief measures to the people.
He olobed his thirty-minute speeob
with an appeal to place only buch per
sons in nomination as were in signal ao-
cord with the sworn tenets of the party.
His speeoh met with universal approval,
and was applauded to tbe echo,
The convention then adjourned, to
meet at 1:30 p. m.
Chairman Stanton tapped the gavel at
the a pointed time; the Glee Club
cinobed up the convention's enthusiasm
wilh a song, and Secretary Hogue being
absent, N. A. Leach was chosen assistant
Tbe report of the committee on per
manent organization was then called for.
It had decided that a regular list of
county officers should be placed in the
field. The report was aocepted.
Tbe committee on resolutions read its
report which was accepted as read.
The St. Louis party platform was then
again read, tor final enlightenment of all
who expected to vote, after whioh the
following resolutions were presented and
unanimously adopted:
Lexington, Or. Apr. 21, 1892.
To the People's Party Nominating
Assembly of Morrow County.
We, your committee on resolutions,
beg leave to report ns follows:
Whereas. This assembly of electors if
Ibe first nominating convention of the
People's Partv in Morrow oounty, whioh
is without the precinct organization, b
which delegates are eleoted to a oounty
convention, aud the representatives of
the party from the various precincts are
therefore without the oustomary creden
tials; aud
Whereas; For their mutual protection
and confidence, aud in the interests ol
harmony aud success, it is our right that
(hose who take part in tbe deliberations
and work of this assembly, should he
known, each to tbe others, ns firm adher
ents to the principles of the People's
Party, therefore, bt) it
Resolved, That the requisite qualifl
cation of a participant in the work of this
assembly shall be bis signature to the
following declaration:
Eaoh to the others, we hereby agree
that we will support the national and
state platforms of the People's Party,
adopled respectively at 8t Louis Feb.
22, 1892, and at O'egon City Mch. 16 and
17, 1892, the ticket nominated at OregoD
City, by the People's Party convention,
and Ibe ticket which shall be nominated
b) tbis assembly; that in this assembh
aud during tbe campaign upon which we
are about to enter, we will be guided by
the action of the majority ot this assem
bly, upon all questions that shall oome
before it, and further, that we will not
recommeud in tbis assembly any man for
nomination to any office, nor assist any
man in securing a nomination, who will
not pledge himself to support tbe consti
tution of the United States, tbe national
and state platforms of tbe People's Partv,
and the action of this assembly, and to
this we most soltmnly pledge our most
saored honor.
And we further recommend that those
entitled to vote, be seated in a body and
Ihrnnnh ronraaanlulivca fmm tha rtitTar.
j ent precincts be called up aud be seated
i in the following order:
Alpine, Dairy, Cecil, Eight Mile, Dry
Fork, Pine City, WellB Hprinf s, Lexing
ton, lone, Mt. Vernon, Gentry, Heppner,
Matteson, Castle Rook.
Respectfully submitted,
Fbank H. Snow, Chairman,
Heman Caldwell,
.1. H. Jones,
B. F. Kino,
L. W. Lewis,
Genuine Article. Mooha and Java
as well as other grades of tine coffees,
con be found at J. Conn's. 79-tf.
Abtihts' Materials. For all kinds of
artists' materials, etc., go to Smith &
Williamson, May street. The only full
line in town. 476tf
Babies' Dat. Ou Thursday of each
week will be "babies' day" at Danner'a
gallery. Bring along your babies and
have tbeir pictures taken, and you will
get one photo free of oharge. 58tf
Something New. C. Ruhl wishes to
inform bis many customers of Heppner,
(hat he will prepare Boston baked beans,
a the latest style, every Sunday morn
ng during the sum mer season. 79-82
Bring Them Back. "Pap" Simons
has loaned out a brace and bit, a two
inch auger, a hand-saw and other tools
If the parties are through with them,
ihey will kindly return and oblige. 80ti
Cows for Sale. Geo. Swaggart has
about fifty bead ot fine Holsteiu heifers
iud older cows, fine milkers, all gentle.
It you want a good milk cow call on him
at tbe Ella ranch and take your pick-
Will sell reasonable. 80-3
Dbessmakino. Mrs. W. Warren
wishes to announoe to tbe ladies of
Heppner and vicinity that she is now
prepniedtodo dressmaking and would
be pleased to see her old customers at
ber new dressmaking parlors, ove-Spray
Bros', butoher shop. 475-82 t.
Judges and Clekks Appointed. At a
reoent meeting of the town couuoil, the
following were selected to oonduot the
speoial eleotion, at which bonds are to
be voted ou to the amount of $15,000:
Judges, E. G. Sloan, A. Wright and W.
A. Kirk; clerks, Gov. Rea and J. P-
Williams. The eleotion will ocour May
3rd, 1892.
Will Repeal It. The ordinance pasB-
ed by Heppner's council ou Tuesday
evening was found to be so incomplete,
that it is neoessary to repeal it by pass
ing another. If the town should elect to
bond itself for $lj,000 a siukiDg fund
must be provided for, as well as some
provision for the payment of interest as
it comes due. As will be seen in tbe
ordinance passed, there is no provision
for a sinking fund or for the council to
levy more than the ordinary two and
one half mill lax. It is quite necessary
to go into al business matters iu a busi
ness like way, benoe the change.
Crop Matters. J. N. Baker, one of
Morrow County's commissioners, and,
by tbe way, a candidate for re-election
on tbe democratic ticket, reports that
fall son log of wheat has not come up in
places at well as would be most agree
able to tbe farmer. He attributes it to
dry weather last fall, followed by freezing
westber without sufficient snow to pro
tect it. Mr. Baker resides in Eight Mile
Center, and believes the acreage this
vear, speaking of his locality, to besmall-
ny party to ba registeied in
(ore a party ticket can ba i
noiniaauou, tbe supreme mo
ment was now arrived for sbowing down
the party band, wbicb was done by a
call for representatives from each pre
cinot, to come forward and sign tbe roll
and declare their lotentious.
This was dono with expedition amidst
much acclaim, as the different prrcinots
recorded their strength. Eight Mile
drew forth a storm of applause when her
precinot was called, ana a boat rose up,
like Cadmus' troops, spontaneous from
the soil, and eagorly filed into line, anx
ious to grasp the pen that was to sign
tbe Magna Cbarta ot their emancipation.
Lexington was equally strong. As the
last man laid down the pen and returned
to bis seat with a declaration of inde
pendence look on his faoe, the secretary
announced a total registration of In!) in
vincibles, and tbe air was rent with ap
a ticket acclamation.
Nominations wore next in order. The
following ticket was now indorsed by ac
clamation, as fast as the names were sec
onded by the convention:
L. W. Lewis, Hordman, Rep.; E. B.
Stanton, Eight Mile, Judge; J. M. Kees
lone. Sheriff; Wm. Blair, Lexington,
Clerk; J. E, Scrivner, HardmBn, Treas ;
M'ss Inez Vorus, Heppuer, School Supt;
H. Caldwell, Eight Mile, Assessor; J, W.
Redford, Ceoil, Surveyor: Geo. Suipley,
rJlaok Horse, Coroner.
The long and short term commission
ers were balloted for, B. F. Kiog. of lone,
being oboseo to the former, end J. H.
Jones, of Eight Mile, to tbe latter.
After tbe convention bad rounded out
its ticket with a full corps of county
officers, the following precincts added
nominees for justice and oonstabla to
their ticket :
O. E. JONES Justice
WM, INUKUM ; Constable
A. I). KING Justice
MATTEWON and dairy.
C. M. HOOVE Justice
J. L. OIBSON Justice
D. A. PORTER Constable
As tbis closed the active business of
the convention, it adjourned, after a
chorus by the Glee Club, for congratula
tions, and to drill for tbe 0th of June.
That tbe campaign will prove an eye
opener. That tbe alliance motto is, "We are
the people."
That the people's party propose to
purify politios.
That a ticket that oalls out sweethearts
and wives should reign.
That there are political surprises in
store for Morrow county.
Tbut L. W. Lewis would poll a larger
majority if tbe ladies could yote.
That Eight Mile will be fully that far
ahead of the other tickets on June 6th.
That there are bachelors enough in the
county to elect a lady school superin
tendent. That a joint discussion between the
orator representative candidates would
please tbe people.
That tbe farmers' wives and daughters
propose to influence the husbands' and
lovers' votes this year.
That tbe alliance picnic at Penland's
Grove, Lexiugtou, May 11th, should draw
together every indurser ot the party.
timxntly Vte foftwlnq Natlc appear! in tut
8ai Francisco Vhronictt.
" Judge 9 bad been sick only about two
week, aud it was uot until the last thre or
four daya that the malady took a serious turn.
At the brginnint? of his illness he suffered from
diabetes and stomach disorder. Later the
kidneys refused to perform their functionsand
he pasaed quietly away. Thus ended the life
of one of the moat prominent men In Cali
fornia.0 Like thousands of others his un
timely death was the result of neglecting early
symptoms of kidney disease.
mrfi troubled with dlabetrs, (travel, or any de
rangement of the kidneys or urinary organs,
tfon delay proper treatment until you are
forced to give up your daily duties; don't
waste vour money on worthless Kuiments
and worse plasters, but strike at the seat of
the disease at once by using the greatest of all
known remedies, the eel ebratea Oregon Kid
ney Tea. It has saved the lives of thousands.
Why should it not cure you ? Try it. Purely
vegetable and pleasant to take. $1,00 a pack
age, 6 for $5.00.
A Proposition,
If yon will pay yonr aubsoriptioo to
the Gazette in full and one year in ad
vance, we will send you tbe following
books at prioea stated heiesith: "Six
Great Books fur Rural Humes," 25 oents;
'Famous Fiction by tbe World's Great
ept Authors," ten volumes, 50 cents;
CooperV "TjeatherBtocking Tales," 20
The Patterson Pcb. Co.
t'l'RSiTCKE. For all kinds of furniture,
bedroom eetR, loimeeft, chairs, etc., don't
rail to call on Smith & Williamson, May
street, Heppner, Or. Tbe best place to
make yonr purchases. 4.btf
When in Arlington, titup
nett bouse, near tbe depot.
the Beu-til-tf
m d u n i a i n House!
I have reopened this well-known houtje to the
public, and solicit a share of the patronage.
I'erday 1 00
Board per week ooo
" " with room 6 00
My table la always supplied with the best the
market affords.
ti7-tf-B-w PropB.
General Merchandise!
TrE ARE STILL SELLING OUT our stock of Gener
" al merchandise, but to make it more complete, we have
purchased a Btock consisting of
Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Furn
ishing Apparel, Etc.,
That will be sold at greatly reduced prices for cash only. Call
and investigate- and we will pleased to wait ou you. No
trouble to show goods.
Pip 6(1 Store, - plain Street Jepr.
ability of not finding landing room In
our bigr store. You should frcquentlv
vUlt us and be amoiiR the many nuccesa'
fuibarpaln hunters, sometimes we buy
(rreat drives and they are sold before we
can advertise tbeui.
biggp:r LI-
ability of Retting "stuck" on some infer
ior or back number article if you insist
on trading at lomo fossilized establish
ment where cobwebs are thick and the
hide of the proprietor thicker. Moral.
Trade at Minor Bros. Modern and Model
General Merchandise Store.
ability ot getting left tf you don't heed
our wordt. ft e speak nought hut the
truth. It Is not only unfair, but uqkIm
mi unprofitable to deceive.
Yours to please,
Will positively cure DyBpppsia and all Us kindred ailraeuts.
hvery bottle sold on a Poxltivc Guarantee to eilect a
cure or money refunded. Retail price, $1.00.
Dr. Grant's Kidnky and Liter Cuiik. For
the cure of Bl ight's Blsease, Diabetes, Bilious
ness, Bick-Headache, and all Kidney troubles
ketail rx?xc:n, $i.oo.
Dr. Grant's Syrup or Wild Grape Root.
The great blood purifier and system tonic.
Purely vegetable, aud is the product oi Oregon
Soil. Retail price, f 1.00.
Db. Grant's Wondrr Oil. The great
matlc cure. Retail price, 50c.
Dr. Grant's Cholera and Diarrhoea Ccrk.
Retail price, 50c.
Dk. Grant's Magic Pain Curb. The great
household remedy; an internal and external
remedy. Retail price, 26 cts.
Tbe Groat Female Remedy !
Fothe cure of dlneasefl and complaints peculiar to fem'itlcs. Re
tail price, one dollar.
Prepared By The O. W. R. Manf. Co.,
31S Front Btvcot, Pol tlrtjucl, Orogon,
For Sale by all Druggists. 471-lyr-f.
New Millinery !
nery and Ladies' Fancy Goods direct from the Eaat, I extend a oordinl in
vitation to all to call and examine my Rtnck aud get prices before purohaxing
Thompson Building, Main Street, Heppner. Oregon
Baker :: and :: Confectioner,
Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes and Confectionery.
Made on Short Noticr and at Popular I'kicrh,
Bread 22 Loaves for $1.00.
W. J. IICICZKI. l'ri).
riHIS HOSTELRY has been Refitted and RKPONinnitD throughout, and now
ie one of tbe most inviting plaoes in Heppner. Mr. Leezer invites you to stop
with him, feeling that he is able to entertain you in tbe best of style.
Single Meels
Three Meals
50 Cents I Board per week
Board per week with room
86 00
O. E. FARNSWORTJI, Prf. E. a. SPERIt Y, Vice Pret. E. R. BISHOP, Treaiurer.
T, E. FELL, Secretary and Manager.
Tk Morrow County Land & Trust Company
CA VITAL STOCK, $100,000.00. PAID W,- $25,000.00.
Incorporated 1S88.
bill Commissisn d Forwarding Agents.
Operating Warehouses at Heppner, lone and Dovylus, on the
Heppner Branch of the U. 1'. R. li.
O. K. FarnnworHh
NYlHort JonoH
K1. K. Hlnbop,
Ed. S. Cox.
J. E. Krlnk,
J. A. ThoinpHon, D A. Hmrim,
Mwitnl Uuv, Wm. PmilHiul.
Tlwron K. Fi-ll, W. K. Klllolt,
J. A. Wuolcry, N. A. Rally,
O. T. Doiinlin, E. U. Riiorrr, Anson Wright,
V. C. Thompson,
Nathaniel Webb,
John L. AyiTH,
James Jones,
A. 11. ChaPmau.
(,;otnn die McKarlund can tflvo yon bargains In
anything. Say, a ear load of Oliver Chilled
Plows, eoiiRltlii( ol (ianijs, Hulkcy and Walking
Plows, to arrive soon. Hut don't target that
we ran supply you with anything you want,
In Dry Goods, Giocerln, Hardware and Tln
nre, at wholesale and retail.
In the National Bu nk Hulldlng,
The Clydesdale Stallion
Young Top Ga
Will Htanil the Season at th Following Clares:
On Mondays and Tuesday, Morrow Sta
ble, Heppmtr; Wednesdays and Thurs
days, Tom Harnett's Stable, Lexington;
balance of time at my ranch, 5 1-2 miles
southeast of Heppner.
Young Top Oai-ijint is a Dark Dappled Bay, with
white in face; both hind feet white: weieht about
2.0X). Was sired by Fnxr Not ('2100)0. 8. B. of Great Britain; Dam, Nell (16HU1,
by old Lord Haddon (;y72) C. H. B. of Qreat Britain.
IT IS the purpose of the stockholders of this company to conduct Its business In a manner
mutually t dvantflgeous to all wool and grain producers of this section, and to maintain the
favorable 1 omo market which It has established. During the coming wool season we solloit
the business ol all wool growers and request them to send their ulip to the "Wool Urowers'
Having enlarged the Heppner Warehouse, and roofed all platforms, we have double the
storage capacity of any other warehouse In Eastern Oregon, well lighted for the dlaplay of wool
"The Wool Growers' Warehouse."
Odd Combinations.-
Strange Combinations to be Found Only at The Combin
ed Grocery and Hardware Store of
Com. on ResolntioDB. ! er ,nn last season, though from prepa-;
swearing the FAITHFUL HCNDBEO. rations going on, the next year's crop will
As the Australian Ballot Law requires featly exceed any in the history of Mor-1
t the sworn presence of one hnndred of tbe j row's farming. j
Seosnn. 810. Will inenre the mare with foal and if not with foal this season,
' will bread the season of 1K1'3 free ot charge In the mean time if I should sell my
sttillion and tbe mare Vie not witli foal, I will refund the 810. Those breeding oau
i have service of stallion till October 1, ",U by coming to my residence. Will wait
till Oct. 1, vl for the money if ontumers so desire.
Groceries, Hardware, Tinware, Confectionery Wood A
Willow Ware and Agricultural Implements. Agents
for NEW HOME Sewing Machines aud IMPERIAL
Table Cutlery, Shears, Hcissors, Pocket Knives, aud Razors at
Remarkably Low Prices. Special inducements to Cash Cus
tomers. Oive us a trial.
tf. Corner Main and Willow Streets, Heppner Or.
In the Hustle with their Countrymen.
Five doors North of the Paine Hotel, Heppner, Or.
Fine Imported and Donu-slie, Cigars at' Tohaccos.
Fresh Fmits and other Goods Received Dailij.