WHAT IS THE TELEGRAM !tfT. Ellin, the ropnry.iflrm nominee for aonf?reBB, is a "Moody man.'' Pulltic'ana understand what that means, bnt all toe Totersdonot. f bey will fiud oat before tbe campaign is over, if ruey will read the Telegram. We only mention the fact now to call tbe attention of tbe demo cratio convention to tbe necessity ol nominating a democrat 'm hiatern Oregon who is tbe opposite of a "Moody mnn, with all tbnt tbat phrase implies. Alfred 8. Bennett would be one such man. There may be others. Portland Telegram. By tbe above, it would seem that tbe Portland Telegram proposes to wage war on Mr. Ellis, and in the dirtiest way pos sible. Its reference to Ellis being a "Moody man," is all rot. Tbe Gazette understands tbe move pretty well. Moody, ol The Dalles, is accused of be ing in opposition to the people's boats and portage on the Columbia, below The Dalles. Ellis has the earnest support of the Chronicle, of The Dalles, a strong anti-Moody paper, as well as the Times Mountaineer, of the same place. Both papers fight hard on local matters, oue for and the other against "Moody," but they are a unit on Ellis, so the charge of bis being "this or that" falls as flat as will the unfortunate opponent of W. R. Ellis next June. EIIib does not belong to any individ ual, for be is a man ot tbe people, who kuowg their needs. Yes, and they will eleot him to the position to wbioh be is nominated, and when it oomes to tbe oount it will be found that all bis good friends and earnest supporters are nul republicans, either. What is the Teh gram, anyhow, that it has so muou influence? HOWS THIS, TELEGRAM. Tbe Poitland Telegram says: "Mr. Ellia is running for congress on a plat form that is 'heartily in favor of the 1), Iph-Mitobell bout-railway scheme, whioh to say the least is experimental, aud will take many years to oomplete, il it is praolieal at all, but whioh says uoi a word in favor or a portage road, to be built either by tbe Federal government or by the state, and bence must be op posed to it. What do the people of East ern Oregon think of this. The Chronicle may not apeak for tbe republican party but it can speak for Eustern Oregon. Over this way every man who is blessed with a reasonable amount of oommon sense knows, as well as be can know anything of a similar character, that there does not exist tbe shadow of a hope that tbe federal gov ernment will ever undertake to overcome the obstructions at The Dulles by uuy Work of a less permanent character than a boat railway or a oanal. The discus sions recently oarriedon in tbe river and harbor committee ought to have made this suilioiently oleur. It we are ever to have a portage road tbe state will have to build it. A platform in favor of a portage road built by the general govern ment would be so far nothing less than bunoomb. Iustoad of vainly looking to oongrcBs for relief we seek to send men to the state legislature who are pledged to work for an appropriation from thai ouarter. Chronicle, (anti-Moody.) V . IV. Kumh, republican onndidnte for oongress, has consented to deliver n Fourth of jnly oration at Baker City. Al that time he may lie n congressman-elect. or be may not. Whether be is or nol may tinge somewhat bis feelings of pa triotism. Portland Telegram. Baker City in Batiutied with the prospect of hav ing a congressman to address them on tbe next July 4th. Tin! 1'rinoville News (Dcra.) says: "Eastern Oregou scored one at the re publican slide convent ion when that body placed Hon. W. H. Ellis, of Hepp- ner in nomination for oongresHman from tho second district of this state. Mr. Ellis is well known in Crook county as au able attorney, a man of affairs aud a thorough gentleman, and it will be usiir prise if, in June, the county does not voice its appreciation of Mr. Ellis ns plainly as it bus on ditTerent occasions in the past." . The interests of every seotion of Mor row county, sod in fact Eastern Oregou, are mutual, A board of immigration for Morrow county, formed by represeuta tivea from every preoiuot, would be fol lowed by other counties, and in time EuNtern Oregon could have a general bouri of immigration, who would be butter acquainted with tho section, as a matter of fact, than a similar organiza tion Btatioued at Portlaud. Heppner should have a board ol trade, Urst of all things, then the orgsuiz ition of aboard of immigration oould be easily ell'ooted. I r in probable that Mr. II. V. Gates will make a new proposition to our town couucil, for the purpose of putting iu water alone, in conformance with the charter, but should he not, wo have Emery Olivet's plan, which will give tin) town ample protection (or little more than Slt),0i)0. These works can be aug men I in! when it is possible to increase tbe town's indebtedness, so that all de mands iu tho matter of water oau be met. But if Heppner can get a flrat oIiibs service w ith ouly 815,000 invest ment, without any risk to take, it would be much better, how ever. Si'bcial CouNun. Mkbi'isu. Ou Tnes day evening, Heppuer's council met iu special session to pass the water ordi uance, Mayor Matlock presiding. All oouucilnien present except Morgan and Fariieworth. Ordinance read bv title; rules then suspended aud put upou its tluul passage mid oarried unanimously. Another special meeting called for Thursday evening. Fi n With a Cki.kstul. A pretty good-Biwd row occurred down at the City Hotel, Tuesday eveuing, between ''Liu ii," the Celestial oook, uud Frank Holt, a waiter. The former on I led to aid a meat cleaver and then a kuife; Holt re sponded with a dish, cutting Louie's bdad pretty nadly. Holt received a out on the hand, but nothing serious. The Chinaman returned to work Wednesday morning, but the wuiters refused to stay, though ibe services ot others were se cured immediately, aud all weot on as usual. The Sham and the ReaL Every good thing has its imitators, every genuine article its counterfeits. The Ammonia and Alum Baking Powders pold over the counters are no more like Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder, than the paste is like the real diamond, or a counterfeit is like one of the old master's genuine paintings. When greedy and merciless manufacturers claim their adulterated and harmful baking powders are as good as Dr. Price's, they know they are not telling the truth. These people know they are destroying the stomachs and the com plexion of the consumers, and there are many grocers recom mending such powders over their counters knowing same to be injurious and worthless simply to make a large profit. Dr. Price, a concientious physician, has spent a lifetime in perfecting and popularizing his Cream Baking Powder, the only Pure Cream Tartar Powder now to be obtained. Multitudes of imitators all over the land have sprung up, not to imitate the purity of Price's Cream Baking Powder, but to see how cheap they could make their counterfeits and hoodwink the public. Some use Ammonia and others Alum, but all these shams cry in chorus, "Buy this, its just as good as Dr. Price's and much cheaper. Price's Cream Baking Powder is the standard for purity and perfection the world over, and is beyond comparison. Dr. Price stands for Pure Food and a foe to all shams. OHKAT CUKES BY ELECTRICITY. From the Oregonian. Not long ago' Mr. O. B. Matthews, of Eagle Point, Or., visited his friends near Portland, and related bis case to a re porter of the Oregonian, as follows: One year ago my case was considered hope less. I had a lung trouble, aggravated by catarrh and bronchitis, also a tumor in my side. Through Dr. Damn's eleo trio and medical skill all my afflictions are a thing of tbe past. It was with the greatest dillioulty I was able to go to the doctor's olfioe, so great was my weakness and norv ma debility. Now I am able to work, and feel well. Mr. Matthew's oase is certainly wonderful, bnt no less- so than the followina cures which we briefly refer to: H, S. Whitman. Monmouth, Or. Deaf ness and ringing noises in tbe ears twelve years, greatly benefited and noises oureu. Mrs. F. A. Morns, Newberg, Or. Asthma and bronchitis ten years, restored two years ago. Mrs. A. Shea's daughter, 318 Colum bia Btreet, Portland. Cross-eyed all bei lite, oured in one minute. Tonkin Jones, 307 Ninth street, Seattle. Wash. Cured of shaking and trembling nauds aud head, or pulsy. E. A. Shaw, Forest Orove, Or. Total deafness, so far restored as to be able to near ordinary conversalion. ' John Leighton, 25H4 Madison street, Seattle, Wash. Deafness uf fifteen years standing cured in fifteen minutes. Owing to hard times, Dr. Dnrrin will give eleotrio treatment for $5 a week, or in that proportion, as the CBses may re quire. Au exception made in surgical operations. The poor free daily from 10 to 11; those able to pay, 10 to 5; even ings, 7 to 8; SuudnyH. 10 to 12. All cur ablo olironio, acute, private and wasting diseases, including stricture, hydrocele aud vnrioooele, canoers, tumors aud ull malignant diseases treated successfully and cures guaranteed aud never pub lished. Ollices, 70'i Washington street, Portland, surgical operations skilfully performed. Consultation free, and strictly confidential. Heud for question blank aud circular. NOT OP THAT FAITH. To the voters t)J Matteson ami Dairy Precincts, Jomm' County, Or.: We understand that we have been nominated by the democratic oouveution respectively, for justice of tho peaoe and constable for Matteson and Dairy pre oincts. As we are not democrats, we will not acoept the nomination for them. Our names were used without our oou sent aud after telling them we would not accept the nomination from them. Yours truly, C. M. llooim, FltANK CliAMKlt. llAltmiAN, Or., April 18. 18U2. UeMervinif Praise. We desire to say to our oitizens, that fur years we have boon selling Dr. King's New Discovery for oousniuptiou, Dr. King's New Life pills, Rucklin 8 ar uioa salve and Electric hitters, and have never handled remedies that sell as well, or that have given such universal satis faction. We do not hesitate to guaran tee them every time, and we stand ready to refund the purchase price, if satisfac tory results do not follow their use. These remedies have won their great popularity purely on their merits, nlo cum Johnston Drug Co. l'FOl'LKS PARTY Bl'F.AKIN(J. Mrs. S. E. V. Emery, author of "The Seven Financial Conspiracies," u well informed lady and an able speaker, nill address tbe people of Morrow couuty, ou tbe political issues of tbe day, on tbe dates followiug: At Liberty school bouse, Saturday May 7th; Gooseberry, Holiday, May 8th; Ilarduuin, Mouday, May Otli; Heppner, Tuesday, May 10th; Lexington, Wednesday May 11th, Each nieetinu will oouvene Bt 2 p. ui, except Heppner, wliiob will be nt 7 p. in. All Bre cordially invited to attend especially members of tbe old parties. 82-87. Fog Timhkb. l'erbaps, the beat tim. ber growing iu tbe Blue mountains can be found ou Rock creek, in the vicinity if Will Mallory's saw-mill. This clues of timber Mr. Mallory is using iu making lumber wbioh be delivering in Hepp nei all the way fri-m $15 to SM pei thousiiud feet, depending ou the quality, and hetlier desired rough or dressed. l'lie same ohii be bought nt the mill at prices ranging from $8 to jfi" per thous and, tie has a general aasorimeui on band at present, aud is sure to satisfy omtomerf. 427-tf. A Warning Don't Use Big Words. In promulgating esotericoogitations or artioulating superficial sentimentalities and philosophical or psychological ob servations, beware of platitudinous pon derosity. Let your statements posseHs a clarified oonolseness, oompaoted oompre- bersiblenesB, ooalescent consistency and concentrated cogency, Eschew all conglomerations of flatulent garrulity, jejune babblement and asinine afTeota- tioos. In trying to impress upon others the superiority of the Wisconsin Central Lines, and why you and so many others use this thoroughfare from St. Paul and Minneapolis and Duluth and Aililnnd to Milwaukee, Chicago nnd points east and south, it is not necessary to use jaw breakers. Let your extemporaneous desoantings and unpremeditated expa tiations have intelligibility aud vera cious vivaoity, without rhodomoutade or thrasonical bombast. Sedulously avoid all polysyllabic profundity, pBittaceous vacuity, yeutriloqual verbosity and vaudiloquent vapidity, shun double en- tendres, prurient jocosity and pestiferous profanity, obscureut or apparent. In ithor words talk plainly, naturally, sen sibly aud truthfully Bay the Wisconsin Ceutrnl Lines is tub route, and that ends it. 4f3itf . HA TlSFACTOltY HKTTLK.SI KNT. To wham it may concern: This Is to certify that, after hayiu g our loss of Bchool house carefully figured by competent mechanics, we made satisfac tory settlement with the Suite Insurance (Jompanr, of nalem, Ureuon, on April it, 181)2, and within three days thereafter received check for f J,4II0, full amount ot loss sustained by recent fire, whioh de stroyed said house. W. R. Ellis, Tom Morgan, Otis Pattkkhon, lioard of Directors of Hcuool Distriot No. 1, Morrow County, Oregon. Hepi'skh, Or., April 14. 181)2. 82 98 A MATTE II OF KTSINKSS. All persons knowing themselves to be indebted to me, are asked to settle im mediately, as I must have money to meet bills, whioh corns due May 1st. D. W. Hornor. Mr. Hornor wishes it known that he is still selling the machiue-mnde harness at $23 and good, "steel tree" saddles at 825, cash. 81 tf t Short Hand Clahs The class for in struction iu shorthand will meet next Monday evening iu the room over Brown & Hamilton's oilioe, at eight o'clock. All wishing to join the class are invited to be present. Am Ebiioh.--Heppner, Gentry and Mount Vernon preoincts are entitled to only one justice and one constable, W' A. Kirk aud J. J. Huberts, beiug, respect ively, the noniiuoes for those offices. O. W. Ilea and Tom Morgan were not nom inated. Voters will please noto the cor rection. Tenth Yeah. The proprietors of this family paper forgot to meutiou before, that iilotn about M ireh 20, 1SD2 was the "Only" Heppner Gazette's ninth birth day, being now in its tout U year. Well, it is uot too late at this juncture to say that iu its tenth year it hopes to be more useful than ever before, and that its value locally may iucresse as il grows older and wiser. The G.izette first uu furled itself to a criticising public. Mar 21), 1883, aud though passing through many vicissitudes, it yet oomes to the center, aud now twice a week. OcR r KKMii'Ms. Any new subscriber or old subscriber reuewing, cash iu ad vance at the price of our semi weeelv, fit, can have any of the following great papers, oue year, withuut extra charge: vun- v..rir tVAi.t n. ;.....?, i.w.ir r-MUn .iwt.v., i St. Louia Republic. St. Louis Globe- IVmoorut, Louisville Courier-Journal OiooinDUti Euquirer, Cinciunnti (.liizetttf, 'w Ynrlj Hun VMVV Yrtrlt Timfn Nflw ."New uirk nun, ew lorn limes, iew lorn inuuue, Alliance eutuui, x euuit Inn Or National FcnnomiKt ( KWinvee) roll, VJr., INftllonai lconomiHS uuimmej, WiiHliintnU, 1). C ,or tiuy Other pHper to the known world having a 8nbncrir-! tion price of 1 per year. Should you want tiny other paper iu eonneetiou with the Uazctte, cull on us. liy this arrano- ment our euhsorihers eanuot fail to kee-. posted ou the news of the day, tin J from all portions of tbe uuiverse, 77tfsw. J. Robrfa is baok again buying wool In this vicinity. J. Q. Porter, the woo! bay of Oregon City, is here again . , . . urani nonison. an oiu lime Bowircr, m i on deck again this year. J. H. Eil wards says he has the best piece of grain in Morrow county. Hon. H. Blackrnan nill take in Cali fornia before bis return from below. Albert Osmin is some taller tha" usual, nnd he sas it is a girl, born April li'li. 'Gene Vaughan cameover from Pendle ton yesterday to visit his old frieuds in Meppeer. A crew of sixteen shearers finished up Lnm Rhea's bauds yesterday, aud are resting in Heppner. A. O. Bartholomew, who has tbe mail contract between Heppner and Echo, was with ns Tuesday. E. P Sine, E. t,. Pa Ihurg, Wm. Blair, Chas. Lieuallen, D. H Crow, of Lexing ton, are iu town today. Wm. Douglass, of Butter creek, sup plied some of our people some very ohoioe apples yesterday. Wm. Blair, candidate for oounty clerk on the alliance ticket, be proves to be, was iu town Mouday last. Rev. W. E. Potwine held services in the Baptist church last evening, leaving for Pendleton this morning. Frank Whetstone returned from Long Creek Monday of this week, highly plea -ed with the town over there. Dr. B. F. Vaughan pulls teeth without pain, by use of nitrous oxide. Filling by the latest and most improved method. H. S. Lnomia' article in the Daily and Weekly Oregonian is well worth what it cost; our oitizens about fifty subscrip tions. There are some trout in Willow, hut all bHdes 0' uldn't coax them nut. No, not yet, but they'll be ripein afew weeks. Jjateb. v e learn that tne trout are en ticanle aud are being caught in large numbers. What is It? That produces that beautiful, soft, deli cate complexion Bud leaves no traoea of its application or injurious effects? The answer: Wisdom's Famous Robertine. No lady's toilet complete withuut it. LIST OF LETTERS ADVERTISED AT HEPPNER P08TOFFICE April 18 1M)2: Bovaird, John Buzan, Brink Buzan. M O Cultb. Ed Groom, Joel Q McKenzie, Chas 2 rybern, saran J Vinson, e a Brown, William Please say "Advertised" when calling forthese letters. A. Mallosy. P. M. LOCAL MARKET KEPOKT. W'heut. bu HOo Flour.bbl B IK) Beeves, cows & two-year-olds, owt. 2 B0 " " three S! 70 Sheep, muttons, head 4 00 " stock 3 00 Hogs, ou foot, cwt $4 60 6 00 Hogs, dressed 6 00 Horses, Blow sale. Butter, roll 65 Eggs, doz 12l;o Chickens, doz 2 50 2 75 CALIFORNIA MARKET. Wheat, cwt l 40 1 55 Flour, bbl 3 00 5 15 lieeves, stall fed 7 00 7 25 Muttons, owt... 9 00 (S12 80 Hopi, cwt 8 50 6 25 Wool -Eastern Oregon.. 10 C'i 17 Butter, lb y 15 ( 19 Eggs, doz ' 18 20 Chickens, doz.... 5 50 1000 Turkeys, lb 19 (ft 21 PORTLAND MAHKKT. Wheat, cwt 1125 (3 1 40 Flour.bbl 4 50 4 60 Beeves, owt 2 50 4 00 " dressed 6 00 (ii 7 00 Muttons, live sheared... 4 50 4 75 dressed 8 00 900 Hogs, on foot 6 00 IS) 6 25 " dressed 7 50 8 00 Wool Eastern Oregon... 10 17 Butter 25 30 Eggs, doz ,. . 18 (a) 20 Chickens, doz 5 00 5 50 Turkeys, lb 14 ADDITIONAL LOCALS. lluhl, tbe baker. Buy your bread and cakes aud save money. Try it. a. Palnoe hotel, a first class hostelry, ex cellent entertainment and living rates. See J. W. Cowins for Rock Springs coal. Leave orders at Gazette oftioe. Minor Bros, are now selling Hour at bed rock prioes. For cash only. See new ad. a A line lot of imported Shot Guns at Thompson & Co's at baigaiu prices, no jobbers proofs. a M. Liehtenthnl & Co. have just re ceived a tine lot of ladies' kid, button and tie BhoeA. At bottom prices. a H. Blnckman A Co. have an exolusive General Merchandise store. Stookmen cannot do better than patronize H. lilaekmari & Co., cf Heppuer's Pioneer linck. a Hi EYE On Tho lloppnev Furniture Co.'s fid. next tt'ivk for special burpains. Two oar loads of ftiniUuro ary stored in our warehouse. Uuk for price mxt wuek. WANT1SD. A NT USE CilKL op1v at once at the resl di'iuo ot f mtiK .Mcrauaiia. m o of iri Ctoem whl'oi d litfht work, 4HMf. M'HvK whoaiviiitm'Hied in the Ktght Mile I country and llomm county to know that we have a fewxtrA eopieB left, which can be secured either at tieo. Thornton' news atuml or at tho tiaette olDee. OMK to tho Value note! bar for Champagne , . , cocktails, champagne on tap. tiy-sw BIG lot of Gooseberry numbers of theGa' j- zotte that ought to ie ent away Call in, invent ami hell) VOlir countrv. BWtf ! KNOW" that L. D. Roved is Heppuer's i 1 leadingcoutractor and builder. Estimates a UtMI oa aU klllj 0, vork. umce at rest- i nence, ncppner. ur. '-" I Wnma"ker. one the best locations in j Morrow eouytv. Must have a little capital. . tall on or writeGa.?tteotliee for particular, sw row HALIC. - Trrr. 11 AKSK -HOP, stork and fixtures. Good busiiiess: emabhsiicii tn tne miust ot a it. idn,,inv nn.t stiM k-rH litiiiu couutrv. f(tr M4i .. ,,thMi k., -,,,1 it lots with or with- out the huHiut'M l.topertv. For further iutorma - tm -j.ir No. & Lou Crwk. i Oregon. nuw NOTICE OF INTENTION. Lnnrt Oflino at The rwllen. Or.. yreb 12. Wt. .wJ'.MM'K'S lmke Itniil proof In support of hln claim, and that wua proor win oe maue ia-iuiv ic v,u...j cierk of Morrow County, or., ai tieppner, or., Anrll INI?. Vl?' ' ivl'Mltv VV BRANSON. Hd. No 1,838, for the NE'i Btfc 32, Tp 3 8, K !1 E V M. He nine the followinc witnesses to prove hl continuous residence upon, and cultivation of laid land, viz: John S. Insraham, Jake 8. onnir, Edward Rood, of Eight Mile, Or.; Joe Hayes, of Heppner, Or Joan v. Lewi, 47.S2 Keelster. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at The Dalles. Or., March 14, 1892. Notice Is herein- (riven Hint the follownnr nanied settler has tiled notice of his intention to, make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made lfore Comity Clerk ol Morrow County, Or., at Heppner, or., on April 29, 1KI2, viz: Hd. No. 2,075, for the N NE'-i and N!4 MVH b U Tn 2. N R 26 E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: Joseph M. (Ireen, A. (i. Bartholomew, Wm. B. Fiiiley, A J. Loekard, all of Alpine, or. John W. Lewis, 472-82 Ueglster. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Offlee at The Dalles, Or.. March 1C, "J2. Notice is hcrehv iriven that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in Biipport of her claim, and that said proof will be made before F. H. Snow, Com. U. 8. Circuit Court, at Lexington, Oregon, on April 30, 1R92, viz: ELIZABKTH THOMPSON, Hd 4324, for the NW Sec 26. Tpl 8, R 25 EWM She nameB the following witnessesto prove her continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: David A. Porter, William C. Metier, James Leach and JoBiab 8. Boothby, all of Lexington, Oregon. John W. Lkwi, 73-83 Register. NOTICE OF, INTENTION. Land Olfice at La Grande, Or., April 4, 1892. Notice is hereby eiven that the following named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make tinal proof in support of his claim, ana that said proof will be uiade before W. R. E11U, Commissioner V. S. Circuit Court, at Heppner, Or., on .May 14, is2, viz: MIFFiI.N J. LEVIN. Hd. No. 5,331, for the E4 XK'4 Sec 32 and S4 SV 4 sec 3.1, 1 p 1 9, K Z, j W M. He nameB the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Foster Adams, W. L. Saling, 8. N. Morgan, Milton Morgan, all of Heppner, Or. Frank Scholield take notice. 47a-8. A Cleaver, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION Land Office at Tho Dalles, Or., March 22, 1892. Notice is hereby given that the following-named Bettlcr has tiled notice of his Intention to make tinal proof in support of his claim, aud that said proof will be made before County Clerk of Morrow County, at Heppner, Oregon, on May 7, lb'J2, viz: MAT HUGHES, Hd. No. 3,S0f, for the EU NWJi and WH NEK Kec 15, Tp 3 8, K 26 K W M. He nameB tne following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said laud, viz: James Neville, James Leahey, George Gray and Earnest Cupper, all of heppner, Or. John W. Lewis, 474-48-1. Kegister. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Oilice at The Dalles Or.. March 29, 1892. Notice in hereby given that the tollow ing-nam-edBettler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of hiB claim, and that said proof will be made before F. H. anow, U. a. (Joiniuibfiloijer, at L-exiutjion, Oregon, on May 14, law, viz: DANIEL W. BRYANT, Hd No. 2,587, for the W'H NEV and E!4 NU'H bee 24, 'Ipy, K25E WM. He nameB the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, aud cultivation of, said land, viz: Elwood P. isine, William C. Metier, John T. Youut, Harvev L. McAllster, all of Lexington, Oregon. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land OfhceatThe Dalles, Or., March 29, 1892. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of hi intention to make final proof iu Biipport of his claim, and th.it Rnid nroof will be made before J. W. Mor row, county clerk of Morrow county, Or., at Heppner, ur., on may ii. imt viz: ALBEKT EKNE.-iT PlAVELL, Hd No. 3,twi, for the b4 NEJ4 aud N tiEV Sec 1. I n 1 8. K 2i E W M. He nameB the following witnessea fo prove his continuous residence upon, ana cultivation oi, said land, viz: K. F. Hyud, I. L. Van Winkle, of Heppner, Or.; J. L. Howard, T. D. MathewB, of Oaflowny, Or. John W. Lewih, 477-87 Kegister. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Otlice at The Dalles, Or.. April 1, 1892. NniicR in herebv Given that iha following- named settler has tiled notice of his intention to timke final nroof in siiDiiort of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Morrow county, at Heppner, Or., ou May 21, 18'J2, viz: HENRY K. HICKMAN, I). S. No. 7,215, for the 8El4 SW? Sec 23 and NEl N W'4 and V'a NE tiec 26, Tp 6 H, R 2ti E W M. He nameB the following witnennos to prove his continuous residence upon aud cultivation of said land, viz: Wm. Heudrix, James Bennett, E. Hendrix, J. J.fMcGee, all of Lone Koek, or. 477-87 John W. Lewis, Register. NOTICE. Land Omcfi at The Dalles, Or., March 18, 1892. Complaint having been entered at this ottice by Laura Muir, of Lexington, or., agaiuwt Thos. M. Oodly for abandoning his homestead entry No. 1,375, dated December ti, Hs85, upon the W NWH aud W 2 KW)4 tec 2, Tn 1 S, K 26 E W M, In Morrow county. Oregon, with a view to the cancellation of said entry, the said parties aro herebv summoned to appear at this othce on the mh day of Mav, 1M92, at to o'clock a. m., to re spond and furnish teptimony concerning said alleged abandonment. F. H. fcjnow, U. . com missioner, is authorized to take testimony in this ease at his otiico in Lexington, Or., at 10 a. in,, May 6, 18H2. John W. Lhwis, 47ti-8ti KegiBter. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF PARI' NEKS HIP. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT WE, the undersigned, have thin day dissolved partnership of our bunch grass farming inter ests, and that Thomas 1'arnien, first named part ner, has purchased the interest of George Par men, the second named partner, in the follow ing property, to-wit: Three geldings, 1 mare, 2 cows, 2 yearling calves, .M) head of hogs, 1 reaper. 1 harrow, 2 plows, 1 Rushtord wagon, 2 sets of harness, crop of 115 acres, nnd all the im provements on the farm. All ow ing the above partners, either by note or account, will please settle same with Thomas Parmen. All debtB of above firm are also to be settled by Thomas Par men, THOMAS PAKMEN, GEORGE PAKMEN, April 1, 1892. Hitfued. 178-485 NOTICE TO CONTHAC I ORB. NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN THAT SEAL ed bids will be received by the county court at the regular May term, on the third judicial daw to-wit: Mav 1th, 1892. at the hour of 10 o'clock, a. m,, for the construction of a county bridge at Lexington, Or., in accordance with the plans and specinVatious on tile in the the clerk s otlice. JCLU'S KEITH LY, Countv Judge. Heppner, Or., April 11, 1892. 79-94. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. VOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE i undersigned will receive sealed bids, up to and including April 2:th, 92, to build pub lic school building iu the town of Heppner. Morrow couuty, Oregon, said building to be constructed according to the plans aud specifi cations now to be seen at the othce of the Hepp ner Gazette, in said tow n, the successful bidder to enter into bond with security for the faithful performance of contract, within five days after receiving notice of the acceptance of the bid The hoard reserves the rltfht to reject any and all bids. W. R. ELLIS, THUS. MKGAN, OIIS PATTERSON, Board of Directors of School Dist. No. 1. Dated, April 11, li2. 79-821' N OTIC E TI M B E R C V LT I' RE. Land Office at The Dalles, Or., March 28, 1892. Complaint having been entered at this ontee hv lVll..,rt n (otilljn if Invintnn fir -.i., k,,. V.ti.,.T 't. rai,i t., mi.l,- w ith law as to Timber Culture Entry No. wJl. : dated April 11, 1S.nI, upon the NEl4 of ;ec 19, Tp i R 23 E W M, iu Morrow county, Oregon, with a view to the cancellation of said entrv contestant alleging that said James Keating has fHiied to hreak or cause to be brukeiv ten acren of said tract, or to plant or cause to be planted ten acres to timber trees, seeds or cuttincs, in compliance with the limber culture law. aud ; thai said btilureTtiU exist, tbe said parties are 1 herebv summoned to appear at This ottice on the : 2--1 Uuy ot .May. iw. hi iu o ciock a. in., iu re- - spotm hum inmh i ri ;"MK -v" : alleged tailure. frank it. - now. i . . uumms testimony in this ease at ids othce in Lexiugtou. Or., &t 10 a. 111., j May Iu, IMC. i John W. Lewis, J Register. tMManruftria,iiif3cnMM.il SOBO THE -JFWRLRR Ii "In It" yet. M I I I I I M 1 1 1.1 M.M.1 1 1 1 1 i m SUPPLY Our Spring Footwear is the Best and the Cheapest. As the shoemaker, a nice new shoe, The goat, the calf, and the kangaroo, Joined bv the alligator, too, All dropped in to find out whether Twasany of their folks that fu'nlsb'd the leather. M. LICHTENTHAL & CO., Main street, Heppner, Or. New Warehouse! HENRY HEPPNER IS HAVING CONSTRUCTED AT Heppner a capacious warehouse and platform room. He will Boon be ready to receive the spring clip, and attend to such other business as may be entrusted to him. Having been in this business at Arlington for some years, the publie know what to expect of him, aud he therefore asks for a con tinuance of patronage at his New Warehouse, AT HEPPNER, OREGON. mm CASH PRIG Flour Exchanged for Wheat. HEPPNER FLOURING MILL COMPANY. T. "W". AYERS, Sr., Manager. Rock Springs Coal! I will keep constintly on hand the BesT Screened Rock Springs Coal, which I will deliver in any part of Heppner At a Reasonable Price. Leave your orders at the Gazette Office. J. W. COWINS, Heppner, Or. VAN OS ME Columbia Beer Hall! Vr EXT DOOR io M. LichlenUial & Co.'s Shoe Store, Main Street. Keep on hand a Fine, Line of Liquors, - Wines, Cigars, Etc. We have Reduced the Price of the Buchler Beer to 5 Cents Per Glass, On draught, fresh and cool. Lunch of all kinds. Hope to see all their old friends and many more. OSMERS & HUGHES. Props. D 1 JJ The Leading Hotel ' of the City. Mrs. VonCadow J. II . HAYES, J. V. ACE 1 1 ,UJys5.s .iyjjffeggfc 'Jj HAYES BROS., CTILL HOLD DOWN the old quarters on Main Street, opposite the City Hotel where they keep as nsnal Harness, Saddles, Whips, Spurs, Etc. The Genuine Heppner Saddle Always io Stock ! Agents for The White Sewing Machine, Best in the Market. Reptilrlias ti Specialty ! - nJ4HuMS'ikrMmittiiti.iij7 1 1 1 1 IM 1 1 1 II I II 1 1 1 II 1 1 Ml Jl 1 I We wish that everybody knew What elegant stock we put in each Bhoe I And keep on hand to benefit you. I All grades, slvles and shapes together, Fine footwear In all kinds of leather. 448 MAT HUGHES. OTEL Well Fur nished Rooms Rea sonable. HAYES, C. J. HAYES. YOUR SPRING SHOES 0