OFFICIAL If I reach you, read and hand to ... . your neighbor . . . If I reach you, read and hand to ... . your neighbor ... TENTH YEAR HEPl'NElt, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 181)2. NO. 482. SEMI-WEEKLY GAZETTE. PUBLISHED Tuesdays and Fridays BY THE PATTERSON PUBLISHING COMPANY. ALVAH W. PATTERSON Bus. Manager. OTIS PATTLRSON Editor A i 8.00 per year, fl.Hlforsix months, $1.0(1 for turee lnouius-, iu advance. Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. The "," of Long Creek, Grant County Oregon, Is published by the same com pany every Friday mornlnR. Subscription rtce, ?'.! per year, Fornilvertlsing rales, addresi iISIiT Xi. PATTEESO', Editor and Manager, Long Creek, Oregon, or "Gazette," Heppuer, Oregon. THIS PAPER ie kept on tile at K. C. Pake's I Advertising Agency, M and 85 Merchants Excbangs, San rraucisco, California, where cOu traeu for advertising can be made for it. I Jl C. PENTLAND, SECRETARY OF THE 'j. Oregon Press Association, 26 Ash Street, between First and Second, Portland, Oregon, is our only agent located In that place. Advertis ers should consult hiin for rates and space in the Gazette. THE GAZETTE'S AG fiNTS. Wagner B. A. Hunsaker Arlington, Henry lleppner Long-Creek, The taglo Echo Bob Shaw Camas Prairie Oscar De Vaul Matteson, Allen McFernn Nye, Or., H. C. W right Hardman, Or., J- A. Wnolery Hamilton, Grant Co., Or Mattie A. Kudio lono T. J.Carl Prairie City, Or R. R. Mclliiley Cnuvon City, Or., L. rarrwfi Pilot Hock, O. P. Skeltcni Dayville, Or., S. l. Snow John Dav, Or., F. I. MoCalluin Athena, Or Job n Edington Pendleton, Or Wni. G. McUroskey Mount Vernon, Grnnt Co., Or., Postmaster Shelby, Or Miss Stella Flett Fox, Grant Co., Or., J. F- Allen Eight Mile, Or Mrs. Andrew Ashbuugh Upper Rhea Creek, B. F. Hevland Douglas, Or hltc Lone ltock, Or . M. Johnson Gooseberry W. P. Snyder Condon, Oregon Herbert Halstesd Lexington W. B. McAllster AH AOKNT WANTED IS EVEKY 1-BEC1NCT. Union Pacific Railway-Local card. No, 10, mixed leaves Heponer 8 a. m. " lu. " ar. at Arlington 11 IK) a.m. " 9 leaves " 8,:!)4 p. m. t) " ar. at Heppner d:60 p. in, dally except Sunday. Kast bound, main line ar. at Arlington M p. m. West " ' " leaves " ISM p. in. Night trains are running on same time as before. CANYON AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS. Stage leaves for Monument daily, except Sunday, at 6:30 A. M. Arrives -daily, except Monday, at 6:00 p.m. Direct connection oan be made at Monument witb the. Long Creek stage. Dally stage between Look Creek and Canyon City, conneotinff at the latter place with the stuge for Burns and Sil vies valley. Governor B- rV,r' Beo of State 'Yv?'?"?'16' Treasurer Phtt Metaohan. Snpt. Instruction -E M. McKlroy. Judge Seventh District W. L. Hradshaw District AtWrnej W. H. Wilson MOBltOW COUNTY. Joint Senator Henry Blackman. Representative J-,,J-,?hT'',"l.0,1'' County Judge -1 alias Keithly. Commissioners J. A. Ihompson, H. M. Vaughn. Clerk J- W. Mrrow' " Sheriff Vw9eM1!!'blS' ' Treasurer J-W. Matlock. Asaeasor J;,,'nlY,cUoe' Surveyor C. RCome. School Bup't W. L. Haling. Coroner James Daughert). B EPPNER TOWN OFFICERS. Maj0, T. J. Matlock CouncilViiei'i O. E. FarnBWorth, M Liehtenthal, OtiB Patterson, S. P. Uarrigues, Thos. llorgan and Frank Gilliam. Keoorder ;iBu, Treasurer . t. U. Slocnra Marshal J- W.Hasnttt. SECBEI SOCIETIES. Doric Lodge No. 20 K. of P. meets ev ery Tuesday evening at 7.80 o'clock in their Castle Hall, National Bank build ing. Sojourning brothers cordially in vited to attend. F.M1L Vonu7., C. O. T C. AUBBSV. K. of tt. A 8. tl RAWLINS POST, N J. 31. O. A. R. Meets at Lexington, Or., the last Saturday of each month. All veterans are invited to join. C.C. Boon, Geo. W. Smith. Adjutant, tf Commander. nsor,EssxoiaA.Xi. A A. ROBERTS, Real Estate, Insur ance and Collections. Office in Council Chambers, Heppner, Or. Bwtf, 1. N. BROWN, Attorney at La' JAS. D. HAMILTON Brown & Hamilton, Practice in all courts of the state. Insurance, ut ut,t. ,.ll.cti..n ml loan ageots. Prompt attention given to all business entrust ed to them. Offic. MaikStbiet, Heppneb, Obioos. Ql WM. PENLAND, ED. R BISHOP. President. - Cashier. TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS COLLECTIONS Made on Favorable Terms. EXCHANGE BOUGHT & SOLD, HFPPVF.U. tf OREGON, LEGAL BLANKS, A COMPLETE A-SORT-" ment at the Gazette orliee. Frnnk H. Snow, Oimmissioner TJ. 8. Circuit Coort at sxingt'in, Or, is authorized to reoeive fees for publication IHtf. THE mm Are having their land business straight ened out and shaped np. lion about yours? If not in satisfactory condition it would be a good plan to see about it at onoe. I am giving careful and ene' tretio attention to entries, final proofs, "railroad land" and all business relating to lands in Morrow oonnty. FRANK H. SNOW, U. 8. Commissioner, Bwtf. Lexington, Or. From Terminal or Interior Points the RVI LROAD! Is the line to take t and South. Tt in thfi T).n.nt?Car Itnuto. It mni Throanh Veatibuled Train b every day in the year to St. Paul and Chicago (No Change of Cars) Composed or DINING CARS unsurpassed, PULLMAN DRAWING ROOM SLEEPERS Of Latest Equipment TouristSleepingCars Rant thnt can he constructed and in which ac commodations are both free and furnished for holders of nrst or Mcuna-ciaasucKeta, ana Elegant Day Coachs. A Continuous LTme connecting with all Lines, affording Direct and Uninter rupted Service. Pullman Sleeper Reservations can be Seeurea tn advance inrougn any agent of the road. through" tickets n,,H from al nninta in Amerion. Kualaud and Kurop can be purchased at any Ticket ottice ot. this Company, Full information concerning rates, time of trains, routes and other details furnished on application to any agent, or A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passnnger Agent, No. 121 First 4'f., Cor. Washington, tf. PORTLAND OREGON S. P. FLORENCE, STOCKRAISER ! HEPPNER, OREGON. Cottle ratifid and far marked as shown above. tifirwB K on rijfht nbmiar, mv oattif) ntiKP in Momur and Umn'illa coan tiet-. I will imy $lX!.Ufnr the arnwt and con viction of any pwrnin t,teiiiBK my ctock. Where? At Abrahnmsick's. In addition to his tailoring business, be has added a fine line of nr.derwear of nil kinds, negligee shirt, hosiery, etc. Also has on band (me eleeant Datterns for suits. A. Abrahamsiek, May street, Heppner, Or. HiOSTP From ifearc &&BS- " ' matism of the hip. I St. Jacobs Oil. O "ALL niSUTl ST. A Year's Subscription to a Pop ular Agricultural Paper GIVEN FREE TO OUR READERS By a special arrangement witb the publishers we are prepared to furnish FREE to each of our readers a year's subscription to the popular monthly agricultural journal, the American Farmer, published nt Springfield -and Cleveland, Obto. Tbis offer is made to any of our sub scribers who will pay up all arrearages on subscription and one year in Bdvanoe, and to any new subBoribers who will pay one year in advanoe. the American Farmer enjoys a large national oironla tion, and ranks among the leading agricultural papers. By this arrange ment it COSTS YOU NOTHING to re- oeive the American Farmer for one year, It will be to your advantage to oall promptly. Sample copies oan be ssen at our office. FREE TO IE BFFUuTED. All who are suffering from the effeots of Youthful Errors, Loss of Manhood, Failing Powers, Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Strioture, Syphilis and the many troubles which are the effects of these terrible d uro mitt Mrt.i.a l?Tl?i? CD PlltvnV full directions how to treat and cure themselves at home by writing to the California Medical and Suroioaii In firmary, juawji market otreer, oan Fraucisco, California. 4(55-ly. First National -OF HEPPNER,- Bank C. A. RHEA. FHANK KELLOQS, Vice-President. President. George W. Conser, Canhier. C. I. Levis, Ass't Cashier. Transacts a General Banking Business EXCHANGE On all parte of the world Bought and Sold, Collections made at all points on Rea sonable Terms. Hnrplns and Undivided profits, $23,527.10 The OriLlil ster's Unabridged DIGTIQHBRY. BY HPKCIAL ARRANiRMKNT WITH THE publirthers, we are able to obtain u number of th above book, and provoHe to furnish to nrh nf our RUhsdritjort. nijors. he dictionary i a noceshity in every home, school and bufilneei honee. It fills a vacancy, and furnishes knowledRO which no one huu dred other volumes of the choicest books could supply. Youngand old, educated and ignorant, rich and poor, should have it within reach, and refer to its coutenls every day in the year As some have asked if this Is reully the Orig inal Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, wo are able to slate we have learned direct from the publishers the fact, that this is the very w ork complete on w hich about forty of the best years ot the author's life were so well employed in writing. It contains the entire vocabulary of about ino.OOD words, including the correct spell ing, derivation and definition of same, and 1b the regular standard size, containing about :AJ,000 square inches of printed snrlace, and is bound in cloth half morocco and sheep. Until turtner notice we Wilt furnish this valuable Dictonary First To any new subscriber. Second To any renewal subscriber, Third To any subscriber now !n arrears who pays up and one year in advance, at the following prices, viz: Full Cloth bound, gilt side and back stamps marbled edges $i-oo. Half Mo-occo, bound, gilt side and back stamps, marbled edges, $1.50. Full Sheep bound, leather label, marbled edges, $2.00 Fifty cents added in all cases for express age to Heppner. gtW the publishers limit the time and niiiuocr of books they will furnish at the low orices. we advise all who desire to avHll them selves of this great opportunity to attend to it at once. For rtale. The lintel heretofore known as the Mountain House, on block froru Firft National bank in Ile(ipuer, Or. G tains partrir. riming room, bnwuatre room, kiK lien and 10 owl moms; all rooms furnished. For further particulars in quire of S-tf T. W. Arras. TIME. , Newton, 111. 1S63 to 1885 ;ab'out T cilfTfrprl WItH rhttl- was cured by the use of T. C DODD. JACOBS OIL DID IT." PMOYER NOT IN IT. Oregon Democracy Refuse to Put Him Forward for the Presidency. GROVER CLEVELAND IS THEIR MAN. Veach, of Lane, and Slater, of Union, for Con Kress Bennett, the Supreme Judue hlp Blaekman andtlnges Honored--Other Convention Now. ( R. M. VKATt n, 1 (of Cottage Grove) '1 J. If. Hum a, I (of La (irande) (A. B. Bennett, I (of Dalles City) Congressman,. Buprevne Judge,. in. , n..,..,.i (GEO. E. Ch.4Mberi.ain Attorney-General j (of Mbmy fEoBT. A. MrLI.HR, (of Jacksonville.) I W. M. Coi.vio, 'residential Klectors. . . (of Jacksonville.) Gieo. Nolan, (of Astoria.) W. F. Hutch br, (of Baker City.) f Fuei V. Holman', ioi roriiano.j H. C. GRADY, (o( Pendleton.) Henry Blackuan, (of Heppner.) John J. Oaly, (of Dallas.) Uoleaates to the National Conventions A. BVBH, . (of Salem.) ! . J Floed. T. O. Kkambs, (of Jacksonville.) J. L. Cowan, (of Albany.) "Grover, Grover," was the watohword of the Oregon democraoy Tuesday. His name, whenever mentioned, provoked long and con tinned ohaering. Hendersuott, of Union, offered the fol lowing resolution: Resolved, That this convention uiorI heartily approves and indorses the ad ministration of Governor Sylvester Pen noyer ; that he has mudo uu able execu tive, and bis administration of the affairs of the state has been characterized bv that spirit of economy which should characterize the adminisiration of 'every true democrat, and tbis convention would suggest and urge upon the delegates to the national oonvenlion, to be held at Cbioiigo, tbe propriety of insisting npon giving his name a plaoe on the national democratic ticket. The part after the words, "every true democrat," were finally stricken out, as one delegate expressed it, "this is i, Grover Cleveland convention." Hailey, of Umatilla, offered the follow ing: The demoornoy of Oregon hereby ex press their confidence in the courage, honesty and statesmanship of Grover Cleveland and recognize him as a man pre-eminently qualified to fill the office of president ot the United Htntes, and unless some contingency not now appar ent shall arise snllicieut to justify a dif lereut oourse, we hereby iustrnct our delegates to tbe national convention to nse all honorable means to secure his nomination to that ollioe. All after tbe words "president of the United States," was afterwards elimi nated, as the delegation, wbilo favor able to Cleveland, wish to go umn- strncted. , Hon. L. B. Cox was obosen temporary chairman, and Chas. Nickel), ot the Jacksonville Times, temporary secretary T. U. Hailey, ot Pendleton, tmsistant temporary secretary. These were after wards made the permanent officers. The committee ou credentials were: Daly, of Polk, HorBley, of Grant ; Cogs' well, of Lake; Floed, of Douglas; lfeed, of Multnomah j B'nokman, of Morrow, and Treuohard, of Clatsop. Commutes ou order nf Imsines, and alno on plntform, were appointed, five for the former and one from each oounty for the latter. Juint-s A. Woolery, of Morrow, proxy for C. A. Kbea, served on tbe committee on platform. Old Morrow, when called upon, showed tbe following delegation: Henry Black' man, Thomas Quad, William Hughes, T. J. Matlock, by William Hughes proxy, C. A. Rhea by Jas. A. Woolery proxy OKIJER OF BUSINESS. Tbe organization c mmittee reported on order ot business, which created con siderable disoussion. Nominations were recommended as follows: Htipreme judge, congressmen, presidential electors, one from each congressional district and two at large, eight delegates to tbe national convention, four at large and four from each congressional district, district Dom inations, and election of the state central committee. A motion was made tbat tbe Mnltno mab member be chairman of the com mittee. Utiles, of Linn, objected to com pelling the oommittee to select tbe Mnlt- nomab man as chairman. After a long debate the older of bust ness was amended so as to provide fj tbe nomination of electors and delegates at large, and to empower the state com mittee to go outside of ils own members fur a chairman. NOMINATIONS. Judge Htrahan'i name was presented, but Skipwortb, of lone, esid that Htrahan would not accept, and his name was withdrawn. Judge Bennett was named, as was John Burnett, of Corvallis. Tbe latter withdrew before tbe roll was com pleted, and Judge Bennett was ohosen by aoclamation. H. M. Veaob, of Cottage tjrove, was nominated for congress from the first district; Sen. J. H. Slater, of Union oouuty, for congress, second district . PRESIDENTIAL ELEOTOBS. Tbeu came nominations for presiden tial eleotors. Those plaoed before the convention were Kobt A. Miller and W. M. Colvig, of Jacksonville; E. D. MoKee, of Portland; George Nolan, of Astoria; W. F. Butcher, of Baker City, and J. L. Story, of Wasoo county. Miller and Col vig, being the only nominees' from the first congressional district, wers nomin ated by acclamation. Butcher and No lan were chosen on the open ballot by a vote of 170 and 173. DELEGATES TO CHICAGO. For delegates to the national demo cratic convention there were quickly placed in nomination; John J. Paly, of Dallas; C. N. Boby, of Portlaod; A. Bush, of Salem; John R. Campbell, of Eugene; J. L. Cowan, of Albany; Harry C. Grady, of Pendleton ; S. F. Flood, of Hoseburg; William H. Vaughau, of Ore gon City; Thomas G. Reams, of Jackson ville; Frederick V. Holman, of Portland; Henry Blaokman, of Heppner; 0. A Cogswell, of Lakeview; O. J. Treuohard. of Astoria; Frank W. Fenton, of Yam bill, and S. B. Huston, of Hillsborough. Nominations were then closed, and after some disonsBion it was decided to vote by calling the roll ot oounties, and there being sixteen names, those receiving the eight highest number of votes to be del egates, and the other eight alternates. The ballot was then taken BDd resulted: Bush, 200, Blaokman, 219; Grady, 1!M; Flood, 169; Duly, 170; Holman, 174; Reams, 138; Cowan, 140 (these eight to be delegates); Roby, 73; Campbell, 111; Vaughan 66; Cogswell, 127; Trenohard 125; Fenton, b'9; Huston, 74 (these eight alternates). Three yotes each were also cast for Pennoyer and Jeffrey. Adjourn ed till 7 p. m. CIBOtllT COURT JUDGES. First judioial district P. P. Prim and II. K. HannB, both from Jacksonville. Second Martin L. PipeB, of Benton, tbe present inoumbent. Third J. J. Shaw, of Marion. Fourth JS. D. Shattuok, tbe present incumbent. Though the oonnty is enti tied to two judges, but one nomination, tbe republicans having nominated the other candidate. Fifth No nominations. The subjeol was left to a subcommittee. dixth Morton D. Clifford, of Grant, the present inoumbent. Seventh W. L. Bradsbaw. 1'BOKEOtJTING ATTORNEY. First S. U. Mitchell, of Grant's Pass. Second George A. Dorris, of Eugene Third-W. R. Bilyeu, of Albany. Fourth Newton McCoy, of Portland. Mr. McCoy is tbe nominee for prose outing attorney on the oitizene' reform ticket. Tbe democrats having fused with the citizens, bis indorsement win merely a matter of form. Fifth A. A. Cleveland, of Astoria. Sixth Charles F. Hyde, of Baker City. Seventh A. F. Moore. STATE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION. First V. A. Dunlap, of Klamath Falls, Seooud--L. Bilyeu, of Linn. Third- W. C. Cooley, of Lane. Four h Charles L. Wait, of Portland Mr. Wait is one o the leading yunny democrats of Portland, and a bright law yer, tie is an active memoer 01 int Young Men's Democratic League, Fifth No nomination. Sixth W. G. Hunter, of La Grande, Seventh William Hughes. JOINT SENATORS . Coos, Curry and Josephine C. K. Cb anselor, of Josephine. Umatilla and Union J. H. Ealey, c f Pendleton, tbe present inoumbent. Gilliam, Hhermau and Wasco O. W Rinehart, of Gilliam. Wasoo BDd Sherman J. A. Smith, of Sherman. Crook, Klamatb and Lake-C. A. Cogs well, of Lake Columbia, Tilnmook and Washington O. W. Fernside, of Tilnmook. JOINT REPRESENTATIVES. Grant and Harney M. R. BiggB, ol Harney. Union and Wallowa -D. A. MoAllis ter, of Union. Sherman and Wasco--H. Emory Moore and S. F. Blythe. Klamatb and Lake- Bernard Daly. Tillamook and Ymbill--G. F. Wil liams. GEORGE CHAMBERLAIN RENOMINATED. The convention declared, afters long discussion, to nominate a candidate fo attorney-general. There wss much op position to tbe idea, as it was held that Attorney-General Chamberlain holdi over. Mr. Chamberlain was renominated by acclamation, on motion of Ililven, of Lion. THE I'LATKORM. The democratic party of the state ot Oregon, in convention assembled, renew their pledges to the principles upon which the democratic party is founded; remembering that they represent a party not created by political expediency or dependent for existence upon temporary success, but coeval witb Ihe constitution, and adhering throughout its history lo the principles of that instrument First We reuflirm the doctrine of tbe democratic national platforms of 18H4 and 1WH, indorsed by the popular vote in those years and so overwhelmingly effectively to opening the Columbia Riv ratified by the popular verdict in the er. We condemn tbe polioy of the rspub oongressioual elections of 1890, and poiut lican party in urging upon congress the witb pride to tbe administration of feasibility of tbe boat-railway at Tbe Grover Cleveland, as exemplifying the Dalles and denounce tho measure as embodiment of those principles in prac- subterfuge whereby tbe people of the In tical government affairs and condemn laud Empire must remain in bondage for the wanton extravagance of the billion- years; and we oondemn tbe policy of the dollar congress, whereby the surplus of republican party whereby the improve the people's money has been squandered, ment of tbe Cascades has been delayed Second We arraign the party iu : unnecessarily by plans and expedients power for its utter disregard of all the ; which give no assuranoe thut the ob pledges made to tbe people, whoreby its structions to navigation in the Columbia ascendency was secured at tbe last ua- j will be released from the grasp of a griud tioual eleotion; and especially do we ' ing monopoly which now holds the poo condemn the McKinley bill as tbe blight- ' pie of Eastern Oregon in fetters. ing iniquity of tbe age. TARIFF RXFOBU DEMANDED. Third We deolare our unfaltering ad herence to tbe causa of tariff reform, holding that tbe policy of favoritism pur sued by the republican party in general legislation is subversive ot the principles of justice, equality and true demooraoy, and deny tbe right of tbe government to levy a protective tariff exoept os inci dental to tbe raising ot revenue to defray tbe expenses of the government econom ically administered, or for any consider ation save those of public welfare ; we demand suoh a revision of the tariff laws us will entirely eliminate from tbeir'oper ations personal, class or speolal interest with a view to seeming tba greatest pos sible revenue witb tbe leaBt possible burden to the people. Fourth We believe iu honest money, the gold and silver ooiuage of the con stitution, and In a ourreuoy convertible into suoh ooiuage without loss, uiul of sufficient volume to meet all the de mands ot tbe people; we demand that all money ooined or isBtied by tbe United States should be ot equal monetary value, aud of equal purchasing power for tbe rioh and tbe poor, aud that all paper urreuoy issued by the government should be redeemable iu either gold or silver coin at the option of the bolder, and not at tbe discretion ot the secretary of the treasury. PENSION LEGISLATION. Fifth The gratitude ot a generous people and a wise national poliay alike demand tbat tbe government should pro vide with liberal band for the wants of those who suffered by wounds aud dis ease in tbe late war, and likewise of suoh dependent persons as were deprived of their natural protectors and supporters But it should be remembered that we have already been liberal beyond preoe- leut in tbe oivilized world, and we insist tbat iu legislation and administration touching pension affairs, regard be had to houorable pust service and present meritorious necessity. We are opposed to all measures which draw no distinc tion bet ween tue veteran iu the field and tbe camp-followers in the rear as involv ing a cruel wrong to the soldier and wanton waste to thd people's money. Bixlh We favor the adoption of an amendment to the federal constitution providing for the election ot senators by A direct vote of tbe people. Seventh Being profoundly impressed with the conviction that tbe chief pillars jf our republican form of government are an enlightened yeomanry aud a free aud honest exercise of the eleotive frnu- hiae, we pledge tbe democratic party of the Btate of Oregon to the cordial sup port and advancement of our common school system; to the paHnage of effective laws for the prevention of tbe corrupt HBe of money in elections, and tlieenaotment if Bueli meusiires as will secure to ovory voter the right to caBt a ballot in accord ance with tbe diotntes of his own con science. Jiigbtb We are in favor of tbe regula tion of railroads and other transportation agencies by law as common carriers. Ninth Wo approve ot deolariisg eight hours a legal day's labor upon nil pub lio works, uud e also favor luws giving the luborer iu nil fields of labor a first iicn ou the product of his labor. Tenth We recognize tbe enlightened policy of favoring and doing justice to tbe laboring classes, wo therefore favor tbe enactment of jiint and reasonable homestead exemption law, and a just aud equitable system of assessment uud taxation. SI'BVEV I'l'BLin LANDS, Eleventh We demand the immediate survey of the public domain within this state and tbe adjustment of all laud grants and condemn the republican par ty fur delaying the opening for settle ment the forfeited lands of all railroads in this state claimed without authority of law, to the end that titles may be set tled and said land ooenpied by aotuol settlors. We further demand the imme diate aud specific forfeiture of the grants of all londa unearned by railroads aud wngon roads in this state. Twelfth We urge tbe passage of suoh appropriations aud the adoption ot suoh measures as will tend most speedily and Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. iBot Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE Thirteenth We point with pride to the record of the democratio party upon the subject ot Chinese immigration, and wo demand from congress such legislation aa will prevent Chinese entering the ter ritory of tbe United States, and we favor tbe bill now before oougress known as tbe Geary Chinese exolosion bill, and denounce the action of the Oregon sena tor in attempting to defeat tbe same. V. H. Vaughan, of Clackamas, who was elected an alternate to tbe Chicago convention, declined in favor of John Barrett, of Portland, who was unani mously chosen to fill the vacancy. 80 Badly Afflicted He Could (Scarcely Reach llorue-U. K. T. Meets a Kadical Cure. Portland, Or., July 31. While I was iu Tillamook last winter I was affected in my back and kidneys so that it was almost impossible for me to reaoh Portland. When I got here I wos iudnced to try the OREGON KID NEY TEA. I drank at my meals tbe tea made from it, and it bus etleoted a radical onre. I oan highly recommend it to all who are ulllicted as I was. E. Koiin. AULINUTON JUTTKltS. , Dr. J. A. Gcisendorfer mudo a flying visit to Tbe Dalles, Tuesday, The new fire bell has been fixed up be tween Sweets' Saloon and Brown's "Reo- ord" oftloe. Frank Hurlburt Is now officiating as assistant oashier in tbe Arlington Na tional Bank, Jack Rodgers, who has been on the siok list for several weeks past, is now convalescent. Harry Hawson, who had an nttuok of heart trouble, left tor Portland, Tuesday last, for medical treatment. The first wool this year oame in town to-day, Tuesday, from Fred Day's rauoh on tbe Klickitat side ot the river. Talk about dispatch! Judge Brad sbaw takes the onkc. Giliam oouuty tax .payers, arise and cull biia.blaisuiL.. Still another chnuge in the meat mar ket, Richard Lyons having decided to try his look ns block and cleaver artist. Dr. J. Paul Grant returned from his trip iu tbe buok oonntry, Monday, which be says was tbe roughest be has ever ex perienced. Ed. Copuer, of Lone Rock, pnssed through on bis way homeward, Monday, via Heppner, buving made a short, visit to Portland. AmotiEst our out of town friends, we noticed W. W. Steiwor, Jerome Parsons, L. M. Rhodes, of Fossil, O W. Rinehart and John W, Blake, of Coudon. Miss Carrie Wilson and Hairy Burn bam decided last week to ent.r in the bonds of holy matrimony, Rev. O. G. Ferguson tying tue nuptial knot. Mrs. Geo. W. Young, formerly a resi dent here, was passenger ou the "Cannon Ball," Friday Inst, 011 a visit to relatives and friends in tbe southern pint ot tbe county. G. W. Hayes, ncoompnnied by about a doven vanqueros, started, Monday, to drive the outtle purchased from Blurock & Peters. It will take them about tivo weeks to reach their destination iu Mo doo Co., Calif. Uncle Billy Rocus was noticed early Inst Sunday morning wundeiiug around, the depot with "The Reoord" iu bis hand, which he was showing Bull Run Joe as proof tbat No. 1 was due to leave ut 2:10 a. in., not 1;,) a. m. We noticed him again in the afternoon, mouping bis brow, having urrived five minutes too late to catch No. 7, He multered some words of dangerous intent. When asked what whs the matter, showed the time card ot the U. I', as it appears in bis "guide, comforter and friend," i. e. 4:20 . 111., pointing to his wutob says, "Sea ! it's ouly 4:02 now." . t-t- A Uilliou Friends. A friend iu need is a friend indeed, and not loss ibanone million people have found just such a friend in Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, coughs ond colds. If you have never used this great cough medicine, one trial will con vince you that it bus wonderful ourutive powers iu all diseases of throat, obest and lungs. Each bottle is guaranteed to do all that is claimed or money will hot refunded. Trial bottles free at Hlooum Jobnston Drug Co.'s. Large hot ties .rUo and $1. H. N. Morgan dropped into town Wednesday, and to the sm priso of ul bis old friends, was so dignified uud dis tant thut there was no touching him wi.h even the proverbial 10 foot polo. He finally relaxed sufficiently to inform ye reporter tbat it was a boy and a girl, born April IHth. of final proofs.