The Gazstta patroniaei thou who pat ronise it, Tb-b Alliance oeowstfinn meeli At Ia ington, Thursday. W will give a fall aooonnt of the some in oar next. Heppjteb will hare an opportunity very soon to vote on the water question. DontdeoiJetoTote against it till yon know all about, then yon won't do it. Acoordwo to the Oreeonian, Judge Bennett is likely to be the democratic nominee for congress from the second district. The fire commissioners of Portland, in s recent report, give as one of the prin cipal causes for fires, the explosion of ooal oil lamps, which danger would be eliminated tore by the noe of electrioity for illuminating purposes. The Gazette acknowledges the receipt of au invitation to attend the celebration of the one hundredth anniversary of the disoovery of the Columbia river by Capt. Kobt. Gray. May 11, 1792, to be' held in Astoria, May 10, 11 and 12, 1892. Bfbakino of ' the next congressman from the second district of Oregon, the Walla Walla Union says: "W. E. Ellis, one of the republican nominees for con gress in Oregon, has some acquaintances in Walla Walla who regard him highly. He is a resident of Heppner, and has been the successful prosecuting attorney of that judicial district." Hilluiiobo is highly pleased with her water and light system, put in by Mr. H. V. Gates recently. That little oity has grown more sinoe the completion of the plaut thai) for years past. We want no bnom at Heppner, bnt do desire pro tection, and that the town should avail itself of those natural advantages whioh its magnificent location gives it. Should Mr. Gates put in the water and light plant here, nearly all the labor on same will be done by our home peo ple, all material that can be bought here will be naed. After its completion, the repairs to machinery and extension of mams from time to time will give em ployment to many bands, and not less than 600 cords of wood will be consumed yearly. To Uko. Pattehhon, of the Heppner Gazette, we say in all friendliness that the Ti mes-Mouutaineer favorably men tioned the name of Hon. W. B. Ellis for congress in lH'JO before Hon. Binger Hermann was nominated. But this is of no consequenoo, the T.-M. iitid Gazette will do their utmost to elect Mr, Ellis the first congressman of the second oon gresnional distriot in Oregon. T.-M. It is Biiid that a railroad can be bailc aorons the tablelands, back from the Columbia, between The Dalles, and Cclilo. If such is the cohh, it oertaiuly adds another feature to the open river question, aud plaocs it in the power of the state to put in its own portage. It would bave no interference from the Union I'aoiflo, because the portage right ofnvay would be far from the U. P.'s tracks. Now the demoorats should nominate Hon. James Jialey for congreas and the "tall sycamore of Morrow" will not be iu it in June. Haley ia just the man to represent Eastern Oregon in oongress and if nominated the people will un doubtedly look to their interests and see that he is oleoted. Baker Democrat. Haley is the strongest man the demo crats could put np, but he could hardly dig up a pole long enough to harvest the persimmon against W, K. Ellis. Thkiik are too many people- in this world who want to edit the newspaper, dlolate its locals and set a price on its advertising space. They would rnise h 1 if a newspaper man would say what they had to sell their calves for, or the right figures for a oorner lot. There would be an everlasting howl if the printer chose to dictate the value of Bugar, nailB, oalioo and other truck of like nature. The printer knowt more people than any man in the couutry . State Senator Ralky, of Pendleton, tells the local interviewer that be has been at no time, and will not he, a can didate fur congress iu the sooond dia triot. He is not seeking a renomiuatlon for state senator, nnd will not sooept it it if ex State Treasurer Webb desires it. Mr. Kaley thinks Ellis may receive about his party vote, but that he is not espec ially stroug, but that the democrats, in order to have a chance of winniug, will have to put np their strongest man. Portland Telegram. Tr.K manwho-won't-give-athing, when some great aud laudable undertaking or enterprise is proposed, is Ihns sized np by Peter, the Poet, in the Klamath Star : "The won't give-a-thing man boba up hero and thero oooasionally to show how cleverly he sucks eggs. He makes his hens rustle for their feed and growls be cause they eat grasshoppers. He turns his bogs out to shift for themselves and growls because they dou't fatten. He keeps away from and damns every new enterprise, and when the enterprise pans nut well he growls bcoaime ho is not do ing as well as others. The mnn who 'will not give a thing' is the aversion of every enterprising man on earlb." Mil. Ellis is running for O'ingress on a platform that is "heartily iu favor of" the DolpU Mitohell boat-railway sohenie, which, to say the least, is experimental, aud will take many years to oomplete, if it is practical at all, but nbiili says not a word iu fuvor of a porluue road, to be built either by the federal government or the state, aud hence must be opposed to it. W hat do the people of Eastern Oregon tbink of this? Portland Tele gram. The people of Eastern Oregon know Ellis. Tbey also know something about Springer's free wool and proteoted woolens; that which practioally says the wool grower doesn't need any protection, bat the manufacturer does. Tbey also (mi Ellis to be for an "open river," to be brought about in the most practical way. ! Hot Griddle Cakes. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder possesses a pec-liar merit not approached by that of any other baking powder. It produces the hot buckwheat, Indian or wheat cakes, hot biscuit, doughnuts, waffles or muffins. Any of there tasteful things may be eaten when hot with impunity by persons of the most delicate digestive organs. Dr. Price's Cream Bak ing Powder leavens without firmentation or decomposition. In its preparation none but the purest of cream of tartar, so da, etc is used, and in such exact equivalents as to always guarantee a perfectly neutral result, thereby giving the natu ral and sweet flavor peculiar to buckwheat and other flour that may be used, the natural flavor so much desired and ap preciated by all.. The oldest patrons of Dr. Prices powder tell the story, that they can never get the same results from any other leavening agent, that their griddle cakes, biscuits, etc. are never so light and never taste so sweet or so good as when raised with Dr. Prices Cream Baking Powder. THE PROPOSED WATERWORKS. The people of Heppner will shortly have an opportunity of voting bonds foi a system of waterworks. If any town in the northwest actually needs water tot fire protection and domeetio use, it in Heppner. Our people are taking mort risk than good Lusiuess sagacity would dictate under any circumstacoes; out rates of insurance are entirely too high ; oar wells are impure from the proximity of cesspools, privy vaults and stable yards, sooner or later to end in an awful epidemic In the matter of fire protection there is not a brick building iu town that de mands less protection than the rows ol frames, though, of course, there is less likelihood of a conflagration starting in the former than tbe latter. But should a general fire break ont our people will learn that nothing will stop its oourse bnt plenty of wator. The town is able to cope with small fires, bnt is absolutely unprotected otherwise, Heppner's citizens are progressive. Tbey are anxious to see the town grow. They are particularly desirous that out side capital shall seek investment in our midst. But will any sane man seek a field where he is likely to lose more than he oould possibly make under the most favorable circumstances? The Gazette thinks not. He will go where he haa some protection offered to invest his cap ital. It is the desire of the town to provide an adequate water supply as soon as possible, and to this end it is hoped that tbe people will give tbe council tbe right to raise the remaining $15,000, tbe limit of bonded indebtedness whioh the oity can assume nuder the present charter. Regarding the proposition of Mr. H. V. Gutes, with Borne trivial alterations, it is by far the best proposition ever offered ns. Fifteen thousand dollars is not a mi indent amount to put in a water system tor an purposes, in met, it is hardly enough to put in a plant for fire proteotion only, which would be a dead weight to the town, bringing in no in come. We could then do nothing fur ther till the next session of the legisla ture, provided that body would amend tbe obarter, to allow a larger indebted ness, and the town would vote tbe bonds necessary. Tbe Gazette in of the opinion that it is to our interests to allow Mr. Gates to put in waterworks. We turn know just how much expense will be the town's portion each year. He is a practical man and evidently knows more about running a plant than our town of Heppner. There is no nssuranoe that the town can save a cent by managing it themselvei, nnd the amount of indebtedness would be les sened greBtly by accepting Mr. Gates' proposition. Mr. Gates also wishes to add an eleo- trio light plant. There is not a business man in Heppner who would not save money by using eleotrio lights instead of ooal oil, besides, the risk being much less and lighta very much better. Our streets are poorly lighted, a very poor recommendation for a town like Hepp ner. Lights for residences would oosl four-bits apiece per month. A good water and light plant would raise the value of Heppner property, be oause it would be more desirable. Let all taxpayers look into the matter care fully and do what is for Heppner's beat interests. Remember, the money will be needed whether the town accepts Mr. Gates' proposition or not; and, too, that uo contracts have been made, nor will be entered into till satisfactory to the town council. NOT A NOVICE. The l'eudleton Tribune, in sneaking of Binger Hermann, of the first district and his chances to be returned to con gress, says this of the second district candidate: His associate, when he returns to the fifty-third congress, will be Hon. W. K Ellis, of Heppner, and no higher oomph nient can be paid this gentleman than to express the opinion that the second din. triot will be no less worthily represented than the first. Mr. Ellis is not a novice at publio service. He is a gentleman of high oharaoter, iu the fullness of man hood, a lawyer of ability and experience and as a legislator will be in touch with the people, conversant with the needs of hi ilintriot and loyal to the principles of his party. He ia likely to receive in the eastern conuties more than his party vote. Ma. Ellih, the republican nominee for oongress in this district, is rather a good looking man, about six feet tall, and weighs nearly 200 pounds. If elected, he will silently aud gracefully adorn a wat for two years. If tbe people of tbe distriot want to elect a man "on his shape," Ellis will do very well. As it is not an Adonis, but a statesman, we are looking for, Mr. Ellis will have to take s baok seat. Portland Telegram. Yes f 1 Mobbow oonnty ought to have a board of immigration. Then with boards of trade, or some other subordinate organ izations in every precinot, the country could be settled np, and by a good. tbrifty class of people. Heppner should open the ball by organizing a board ot trade. A Warning- Don't Use Big Words. In promulgating esoteric cogitations or articulating superficial sentimentalities and philosophical or psychological ob servations, beware of platitudinous pon derosity. Let your statements possess a clarified conciseness, oompaated compre hensiveness, ooalescent oonBietency and concentrated cogency, Eschew all conglomerations of flatulent garrulity, jejune babblement and asinine affecta tions. In trying to impress upon other tLe superiority of the Wisconsin Central Lines, and why you and so many others use this thoroughfare from St. Paul and Minneapolis and Dulutb end Aililand to Milwaukee, Chioago and points east and soutb, it is not necessary to use jaw breakers. Lot your extemporaneous descantings and unpremeditated expa tiations nave intelligibility and vera- oions vivacity, without rhndomontade or thrasonical bouibaat. feedulously avoid all polysyllabio profundity, pBittaceouc vacuity, yeutriloqual verbosity and vandiloquent vapidity, ehun double en tendres, prurient jocosity and pestiferous profanity, obsenrent or apparent. Jn other words talk plainly, naturally, sen sibly and truthfully say the Wisconsin Central Lines is the route, and that ends it. 465tf. The Gnzette has the best jub printer in eastern Uregon. Try mm. Will Spenoer is confined to his room from a sprain received last week. W. F Matlock accompanied the re mains of his nephew, Jhnmie, Irom Port land to Heppner. F. O. Bucknum stopped over Friday night on his wav from Umatilla oouutj una romeroy, Wusu., to ins home in Portland. Pendleton Tribune: Hon. J. C. Leas-1 ore has resigned as mayor of the oity of t endielmi. it. Alexander will probably be bis suooessor. Frank H. 8now, Commissioner TJ. S. Circuit Court at Lexington, Or., is authorized to reoeive feea for publication of final proofs. 414 tf. Prof. Aubrey reports a total enrollment at Liberty school, where he is leaohinn. of 32 pupils. This is a pretty large school for a county district. Isa Brown will dehorn his enlves by a simple process whioh be has "got onto" lately, thereby rendering it painless nnd less dangerous than if put off till they are older. Spray Bros, received cattle from Mor gan Bros,, Saling & Son, Wm. Douglass and Gid Boyer, aggregating in all over 500 head, whioh they will drive over to Uayataok. Last Saturday eveuing, Col. J. T. Haines, of Portland, instituted Umatilla Division, Uniform Hank, K. of P., at Pendleton. A Uniform rank has already been organized at Walla Walla. E. H. Clarke, the veteran wool buyer and inventor of the Heppn.T cocktail (patent applied for), is in the oity. Mr. Clarke, as Christy & Wise's best rustler, will corral n big lot of wool here Ibis spring. Some extra copies of the Lexington, Eight Mile and Gooseberry editions at the Gazette office should ha sent away. Also those who have ordered copies should send in their addresses as soon as possible. Our friend, D. L. Gates, of Wasco county, was recently defeated for noini natiou for sheriff, seooud term, before the democratic couventiou. They haven't got a better man for the otlice iu all of Wasco oonnty. The Gazette acknowledges the receipt of an invitation to be present at the marriage of Mr. Chas. F. Wagner and Miss Lulu MoA'ee, at 10 o'oloek a. in., tomorrow, the 20th inst , iu tluCutholio church, at The Dalles. Died Saturday last, of diphtheria, the child of Will Aye rs, of Butter creek. This is the second death iu the isniily within the past week. The death whs reported by this paper as being in Johnny Ayors' family, which was a mistake. Baked milk is the latest fad. Milk put into a jar or crock and baked iu a moderately hot oven for eight hours be comes thick like custard. It is said to be very nutritious. Dealers in dairy products and ejrgs lu England have been endeavoring to per suade railway officials to attach special cars containing these goods to passenger trains, in order that thev may quickly reach their destination. Some of the roads have done this. The Holstein-Friesiati cow Pauline Paul made 1,153 pounds 15 ounces of butter in one year. This is the largest yield on record. A Jersey cow, Bisson's Belle, finished' recently one year with 1,028 pounds IS ounces to her credit This is the largest year's record yet made by a Jersey. Belle is an imported cow. The dairy commissioner of New Jer sey says that npon investigation he has found that oleomargarine is almost uni versally used at the seaside resorts, sueh as Ocean Ureve. Atlantic fit v and Lous Branch. It was served up on the tables of the hotels and in the cottages as pure butter, nnd was brought in in trunks, hat boxes, wash liampers aud the like to escape the eye of the law. LATEST NEWS. ! Special to the O&zeCte. PoRTtAJrn, Apr. 19. It 18 probable that Judge A. S. Bennett, of The Dalles, will be chosen as the nominee of the sec ond district democrats for congress, though at this hour, 230, p. m., that part ot the convention's work had not been reached. It would seem, that since Sen. Raley was not in the race, that Judge Bennett's only competitor would be ,T. H. Slater, of Union county, who stands high in the estimation of Eastern Orego nians. - The first district will probably choose Senator Veaoh as their candidate. Hon. J. K. Weatherford is "in it" for the su preme bench, though early this morning there wa- some show of strong opposi tion from Eastern Oregon. As they bave not furnished a member for the su preme benoh for years, if at all, in the history of Oregon, they would seem to have some claims on the convention for that important nomination. Hon. Henry Blackman will probably be chosen to represent (be democracy of his section at the Chicago convention. Blackman is such an aggressive politi cian, and so well received by his numer ous friends over the state, many of whom are here, that he will probably have no trouble in getting "thar." Jeff Myers, the baby politician fiom tbe "Forks of the Santiam," is here, but has no congressional aspirations, be says. However, it is the general opin ion that be will be chosen as a delegate to the national convention. lour of Morrow County's delegates are here, H. Blaokman, C. A. Bhea, Thos. Qnaid and Wm. Hughes They are representative men, and are mo.e than tie average of the onuvention. As a member of the board of equalization, Hon. W. Hughes has jjiven entire satis faction, having the reputation of being the shrewdest man of the lot. Hie nom ination for that office is conceded. lossil Journal: The Oilman -French caiiiB recently OeHorned are now in a very bad way, owing to the operation having been performed too late to the season. Sinoe tbe warm weather set in, flies have attacked the unhealed heads of the cattle, and oanuot be dislodged A number have already died, and if the present weather holds out, it is feared many more will be lost. LOCAL MARKET EEPOHT. Wheat, bu f0o Flonr.bbl 5 fJ0 Beeves, cow 8 & two-year-olds, owt. 2 50 " " three ' 2 75 Sheep, muttons, head 4 00 " stock 3 00 Hogs, on foot, cwt $4 00 6 00 Hogs, dressed 6 00 Horses, slow sale. Butter, roll 65 liggs, doz 12lo Chickens, doz 2 50 2 75 CAl.tFOBNIA MARKET. Wheat, cwt (1 40 1 55 flour, bbl 3 00 5 15 Beeves, stall fed 7 00 7 25 Muttons, owt 9 00 12 80 Hogs, cwt 3 50 5 25 Wool -Eastern Oregon. . 10 (8 17 Butter, lb 15 19 Eggs, doz 18 20 Chiokens, doz 5 60 1000 Turkeys, Eb 19 21 t PORTLAND MARKBX. Wheat, owt $125 8 1 40 Flour, bill 4 50 4 60 Beeves, owt 2 50 (4 4 00 " dressed 6 00 (it 7 00 Muttons, live sheared. .. 4 50 (d 4 75 " dressed 8 00 9 00 Hogs, on foot 6 00 6 25 " dressed 7 50 8 00 Wool Eastern Oregon... 10 17 Butter 25 30 Eggs, doz 1H 20 Chickens, doz 5 00 5 50 Turkeys, lb 14 ADDITIONAL LOCALS. Buhl, the bilker. Buy your bread and cakes and save money. Try it. a. Palnoe hotel, b first class hostelry, ex cellent entertainment aud liviug rates. See ,1. W. Cowing for Rock 8prings coal. Leave orders at Gazette ollioe. a Minor Bros, are now selliug flour at bed rook prioes. For cash only. See new ad. a A fine lot of imported Shot Guns at Thompson & Co's at baigain prices, no jobbers prolltR. a M. Lichtenthal & Co. have just re ceived a flue lot of ladies' kid, button and tie shoes. At bottom prioes. a H. Blackman fe Co. have an exolusive General Merchandise store. Stockmen cannot do better than Daironize H. Blackman & Co., of Heppner's Pioneer Brick. a. On The Heppner Furniture Co.'s ad. next week for special bargains. Two car loads of furniture arc stored In our warehouse. Look for prices next week. WANTED. A NI USE lilltL, Apply t once at the resl- donee 01 Frank McFarlaud. OocKt wages 481-ti. no unlit work. T HOsK who are Interested In the Eight Mile intiy and Morrow county to know that hae a frnv pxtra conla tt.ft hli-h i-un be secured either at Geo. Thornton's news stand or at the Gazette otlice. 6.vsw. CH1MK to the Palace notel bar for Champagne 1 CoeknuU. Champagne 011 tap. 6:'-sw A1 BIG lot of Gooseberrv numbers of the Ga zette ttiat ought to be sent away. Call lu, uuestaiKl help your country. su it KS. "J. W. RASM IS wants the-people" to know that she has oieued a dressmaking shell At Ihp niilliiiprv srore of Miu In.t, Voruz. Give her your work, ladies. 69-sw 'pO KSifii" That L. D. Bovcdls Heppner1; X leading contractor aud builder. Estimates given on all kinds 01' work, office at resi dence, Heppner. Or. 71-sw. VUagonmaker. one tbe best locations In Morrow county. Must have a little capital, t all ou or w rite Gazette office for particulars, sw !-- W (ALK, HA USES Imslm SHOP, stock and fixtures. Good s: established iu tile midst of a eo,Hi lannini; and stiK-k raisin eountrv. Reason tor selling, want to go on a farm. Also for sale a eotM house and iw o lots w itli or w ith out the business property. For further iulornia tion address Lock Box No. 5, Loug Creek, Oregon. KEEP YOUR EYE NOTICE OF INTENTION. Lsivt Offlee at The Dalles, Or., March 1!. W. ortt In hereby nlvpn that the fcllowiu-nam- J ....-!.. I. n nu nf 1.4. inUt-HM tn iruiico fliiol prom in support of his claim, and Clerk nf Morrow County, or., at ficppnwr, Or., on ADrll. 23. 1W2. viz: WESLEY W. BRANSON, Hd No 1,3.13, for the NE'4 dec , Tp s B, R 24 V M. He naraeB the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of laid laud, viz: John a. Infrraham, Jake B. Young-, Edward Rood, of Eight Mile, Or. ; Joe Hayes, ol Heppner, Or. John W. Lewis, 472-482 Reenter. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at The Dalles, Or., March 14, 1892. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make flnal proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before County Clerk of Morrow County, Or., at Heppnur, Or., on April its, 192, viz: PATRICK FLANAGAN, Hd. No. 2,075, for the $ NE'i aud Ntf NW See 14, Tp 2, N R 26 E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, sun! land, viz: Joseph M. Oreen, A. O. Bartholomew, Wm. B. Flnley, A. J. Lockard, all of Alpine, Or. John W. Lkwis, 472-82 Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at The Dalles, Or.. March IS, '92. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler lias filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of her claim, and that said proof will be made before F. H. Snow, Com. U. S. Circuit Court, at Lexington, Oregon, on April 30, ISO!, viz : ELIZABETH THOMPSON, ' Hd 4324, for the NW Sec 26, Tp 1 8, R 25 Ett'M She names the following wltnessesto prove her continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: David A. Porter, William C. Metier, James Leach and Joslah s. Boothby. all of Lexington, Oregon.. John W. LKWin, 73-83 Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at La Grande, Or., April 4, 1895. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has Hied notice of his intention to make liual proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before W, R. Ellis, Commissioner U. 8. Circuit Court, at Heppner, Or., on May 14, 189-2, viz : MIFFl.lN J. IIEVIN, Hd. No. 5,:m, for the EV; SE'4 8ec 32 and 8W ' Sec 33, Tp 1 8, It 27 W Jf. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon aud cultivation of said laud, viz: Foster Adams, W. L. Saling, S. N. Morgan, Milton Morgan, all of Heppner, Or. Frank .Scholield take notice. 78-. a. cleaved, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION Land Office at The Dalles, Or., March 22, 1892. Notice is herebv given that the following-named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before County Clerk ot Morrow County, at Heppucr, Oregon, on MAT HUGHES, Hd. No. 3,906, for the TM NWV and NEW Sec 15, Tp 3 8, R 26 K W f . He names tne following witnesses to prove his ...muuo luBiuenee upon, ana cultivation ol, said land, viz: James Neville, James Lcahey, George Gray and .....Lovu-pcaji ui neppner, or. ,. John W. Lewis, "4-4S-I. Kegister. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at The Dalles, Or., March 29, 1892. Notice is hereby given that the lollowinE'-nam- ed settler has tiled notice of his intention to " " Prooi in support oi His claim, and that said proof will be made before F. H. Snow, I . S. Commissioner, at Lexington, Oregon, on DANIEL W. BRYANT, Hd No. 2,587, for tho Viy. NE and Etf NW Sec 24. To 2 8. K 25 E W SI. He names the following witnesses to prove his ouiiuuous resiueuce upon, ana cultivation 01, said land, viz: Elwood P. bine, William C. Metier, John T. Youni, Harvey L. McAlister, all of Lexiugtou, Oregon. 4Ji-7 John W. Lewis, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at The Dalles, Or., March 29, 1892. Notice Is hereby given that the followtnff- named settler has liled notice of his Intention to make liual proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will bo made before J. VV. Mor row, county clerk of Morrow county, Or., at Heppner, ur on way l-l, 1892 viz: ALBERT ERNEST POWELL. Hd No. 3,621, lor the Bi-i NEW and NH SEW Sec 1, TrJjK R 26 E W M. Hames the following witnesses to prove his coiiuioub residenco upon,! and cultivation of, K. F. Hynd, I. L. Van Winkle, of Heppner, Or.: J. L. Howard, T. I). Mathews, of Galloway, or. JOHN V. L.KW1S, 177-87 Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Oilico at Tho Dalles, Or., April 1, 1892. Notice is herebv tiven that th tollowiiio-. named settler has bled notice of his Intention to make nual prool in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Countv Clerk of Morrow county, at Heppner, Or., on may 41, vi,: HENRY K. HICKMAN, I). S. No. 7,315, for the SEtr, SWlHec 23 and NB'i NW'-i and WJ, NE4 See 26, Tp 6 8, R 26 E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of saio uuiu, viz: Win. Heudrlx, James Bennett, E. Hendrix, J. J.IMcUee, all of Lune Rock, Or. . 177-87 John W. Lewis, ReglBtcr. NOTICE. Laud Office at The Dalles. Or.. March 18. 189-' Complaint having been entered at this otlice oy wiura ruuir, 01 Lexington, or., against Thos. M. Oodley for abandoning hiB hoineBtead entry No. 1.375, dated December 6, 1885, upon the NW'H and WVj, SWj Sec 2, Tp 1 8, R 26 E W M, in Morrow countv. oreeon. with a view to tho cancellation of said entry, the said parties are nereuy sumiiiuneu 10 appear at ims oiuce on tne 13th day of May. 1892. at lu o'clock a. m.. to re. spond and furnish testimony concerning said alleged abandonment. F. II. bnovv, U. 8. com missioner, is authorized to take testimony In this case at his office lu Lexington, Or., at 10 a. ... May e, iwi. john w. lewis, 476-86 Register. NOTICE OF DISSOLl'TION NEUSHIP. OF PARI'. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT WE, the underslaned. have this dav dissolvprl partnership of our bunch erass fanulny intpr eats, and that Thomas Parnieu, tlrst named part ner, has purchased the interest ol George Par men, the second named partner, in the lollow ing property, to-wlt: Three ireldlmrs. 1 marp. 2 cows, 2 yearling calves, 50 head of hogs, 1 reaper, 1 harrow, 2 plows, 1 Rushlord wagon, 2 sets of harness, crop of 115 acres, and all the im provements on the farm. All owing the above partners, either by note or account, will nlease settle samo w ith Thomas Parmen. AU debts of above firm are also to be settled by Thomas Par- men. THU.11AS I'AKMKN. GEORGE PARMEN, April 1, 1892. Signed. 478-485 NOT1C1S TO CONTHAt'lOHb. VOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT SEAL 11 ed bids will be received by the county court at the regular May term, on the third judicial day. to-wit: May 4th, 1892, at the hour of lu o'clock, a. m., for the construction of a county bridge at Lexington, Dr., in accordance with the plans and speciilcalioiis on tile in the the clerk s office. JULll'S KEITHLY, County Judge. Heppner, Or, April I, 1892. 79.94, NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. VOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE 11 undersigned will receive sealed bids, up to and Including April 25th, 1892, to build pub lic school building in tbe town of Heppner Morrow countv. Oreeron. said hull, tin , h. constructed according to the plans and specifi cations now to be seen at the office of the Hepp ner Gazette, in said town, the successful bidder to enter into bond with security for the faithful penormaneeof contract, witbiu live davs after receiving notice of the acceptance of the bid 'I he board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. W. R. ELLIS, THUS. M11RUAN, OTIS PATTERSON, Board of Directors of School Disc No 1. Dated, April 11, !s92. 79-82T NOTIC E-TI M B E R C C LTCRE. Ijind Office at Trie Dalles, Or., March 28, ISM. Complaint having been entered at this office by Elbert I). McMillan, of Lexington. Or against James Keating for failure to comply with law as to Timber Culture Entrv No. 921 dated April II, i.ss3, upon the NEj ot'Seo 19, Tp 1 8, R 25 E W M, in Morrow county, Oregon, with a view to the cancellation of said entrv contestant alleging that said James Keating has failed to break or cause 10 be broken ten acres of said tract, or 10 plant or cause to be planted ten acres to timber trees, seeds or cuttings, in compliance with the timber culture law , and that said lailure still exist, the said parties are hereby summoned to appear at thiaolhce on tbe 2.k1 dav of May. 192. at 10 u deck a m.. to re spond aud furnish testimonv concerning said alleged lailure. Frank II. - liow. I', s Commis sioner, is authorized to take testimonv in this case at bis office in Lexington, or. , at 10 a. m . May lis Jobn w. Lewis, '1'4,s KegUter. Special Delivery "Wnrjona of J. R. GROVBR, Heppner, Oregon. TiE HAS RECENTLY added another rig and is prepared not only J) to handle paroela of all kinds but the heaviest freight. Moving Household Goods a Specialty. j m mm van Our Spring Footwear is the Best and the Cheapest. As the shoemaker, a nice new shoe. The poat, the calf, and the kangaroo, Joined by the alligator, too, All dropped In to tind out whether Twas any oi their folks that fu'uiah'd the leather. M. LICHTENTHAL & CO., Main Street, Heppnor, Or-. New Warehouse! TTENRY HEPPNER 18 HAVING CONSTRUCTED AT Heppner a capacious v arehouse and platform room. He will Boon be ready to receive the spriug clip, and attend to such other business as may be entrusted to him. Having been in this business at Arlington for some years, the public know what to exprct of him, and he therefore asks for a con tinuance of patronage at his New Warehouse, AT HEPPNER, OREGON. lira Flour Exchanged for Wheat. HEPPNER FLOURING MILL COMPANY. T. V. AYERS, Sr., Manager. Rock Springs Coal! I will keep constantly on hand the BesT Screened Rock Springs Coal, which I will deliver in any part of Heppner At a Reasonable Price. Leave your orders J. W. UOWINS, DAN OSMERS. Columbia KENT DOOR to M. Lichtenthal & Co.'s Shoe Store, Main ' Street Keprx rm hnn.t n JTV,.. r.- . r t 011 Whws, Cigars, Etc. We have Reduced the Price of the Buchler Beer to S Cents PerGlass, On diaught, fresh and cool. Lunch of all kinds. Hope to see all their old friends and many more. OSMERS & HUGHES Ta PALACE 2; HOTEL Mrs. dim giil Manager, r rr r, . o. n. jj.ti J V.HAYES, HAYES BROS., W" n Mai C Bote, Harness, Saddles, Whips, Spurs, Etc The Genuine Heppner Saddle Always in Stock ! Agents for The White Sewing Machine, Best in the Market. Repairing: ti Specialty t 79tfT TODRSPRM We wish that everybody knew What elepant stock we put In each shoe And keep on hand to benefit you. All Rrade, Htyles and shapes together, Fine footwear in all kinds of leather. DASH PRICE 448 at the Gazette Office. Heppner, Or. 1SO-U MAT HUGHES. Beer Hall! a Fine Line of Liquors, - VSkVCSa C. J. HAYES.