OFFICIAL Ba"fIc PAPER. I If 1 reach you, read ; and hand to ... . i your neighbor . . . If I reach you, read and hand to ... . your neighbor . . . TENTH YEAH IIEPl'NER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, TUESDAY, APRIL 19, 1892. NO. 481. J SEMI-WbLhLi GAZETTE. PUBLISHED Tuesdays and Fridays BY THE PATTERSON' ITBUSHIS6 COMPANY. ALVAI1 W. PATTERSON Bus. Manager. OTIS PATTfcKSON ' Editor A' S.(10 per year, .l.ftOfur six months, $1.00 fur t iree iuuulqb; in advance. Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. The " E Jk.a-X.S, " of Long Creek, Grant County Oregon, is published by the same com pany every Friday moral. Subscription price, f jper year. KnrailvertlsWrateB, address Manager, 1uig Creek, Oregon, or "Gazette, Heppner, Oregon. THIS PAPKH iB kept on tile at E. C. Pake s Advertising AKeuey. 114 and 85 Merchants Ezcluwfm, Ban Francisco. California, where con tracts for advertising oe wiw l.A C. PENTLASD. SECRETARY OF THE J'i. Oreirou Press Association, a'. Ash Street, between Kirt Riid Second, Portland, Oregon, ia onr oulv usent located in that place. Advertis ers Bhoiild consult him for rates and space In the Gazette. THE OAZETTK'8 AG SNTS. ummer B. A. Huusaker ArUngton',':.'. Henry llcpnncr Lo t Creek The tnKe Echo Bob Shaw Camas Prairie .,"PHrv,rV'aJ',! Matteson, A"SnwH L fjye or ... II. C. ttrluht Hardman, Or., Wo. '"' Hamilton, Orant Co., Or., Mattie A. Rndln ton. T. J.Carl Prairie Cltv, Or. , . B- MeHaley Canyon City, Or., -8. L. Parrish Piloi Hock, O. P. Skeltou Dayville, Or., L; Vmv John Ilav, or., F. 1. MnCalluin Athena, Or . ... John Wlngtoii Pendleton, Or Win. O. McCruskey Mount Vernon, Grant Co., Or.,. . ... Pos niaster Shelby, Or., Ml" MelU Hett Kot, Grant Co., Or., J. F. Allen Eleht Mile, Or Mrs. Andrew Ashbaiieh Upper Rhea Creek B. F. Hevland Douglas, Or Wte Lone Rock, or B. M. Johu.n Gooseberry W. P. Snyder Condon, Oregon Herbert Haliitead Lexington W. B. McAlister Ji AUKNT WANTED IN EVBKV PRKCINL'T. Union Pacific Railway-Local card. No. 10, mixed leaves Heppner 8 a. m. ." :o. " ar. at Arlington 1100 a.m. " 0, " leaves " :S p. m. o, " ar. at Heppner rt:50 p. ni. daily except ttunday. Kast bonnd, main line ar. at Arlington 8:60 p. m. West leaves p. in. Sight trajns are running on same time as before. CANYON AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS. Mtage leaves for Monument daily, xce i Sunday, at 6 :30 A. M. Arrives daily, except Monday, at 6:00 P. a. , . Direct connection oan be made at Monument with the Long Creek stage. Dally stage between Lung Creek and Canyou Oily, connecting at the latter place with the stage for Burns and Sil vies valley. OSEOOIT JTE'XCX.A.X.S- ...vcrnor B. Pennoyer. CStatoV..::..... (l.W.McBrido. lreasurer Phil MftrJn- 4a pt. Instruction K McU roy. I nine Seventh District W. L, Bradshaw District Attorney a- ""son MOHltOW OOUNTT. Inint Senator Henry lUackman. Itepresentative "l!bTfS i bounty Judge Jul Keuhly. Commissioners J. A. Thompson, H. M. Vaughn. . Clerk J'S'-MNrrhU - Sheriff Vw! Treasurer J W. Matlock. Assessor J. Vr0" Surveyor .C. B.t'ne. School Bup't VVriUa?1"!?- Coroner James Dougherty. fIBPPNER TOWN OFFIOEBS. ,.,,., T.J. Matlock l ounciii'n'en''.::'. O. E. Farnsworth, M Lichtenthal, Otis Patterson. S. P. (jarngues, Th. Uorgan and Frank Uilliam. . Iteeorder f li slocnS &X."-::"::"-v:::;::":jV 80112! SOCIETIES. Doric Lodge No. 20 K. of S. meets ev ery Tuesday evening at 7. SO o'clock in their Castle Hall. National Bank build ing. Sojourning brothers eordtallv ui- ;..wl ... ..ttaiiri. RMII. VORUZ. C. C. 'TO. AOBBKt. K.of K. 4S. tf KAWLINS POST, N J. 81. G. A. R. Meets at Lexington, Or., the last Saturday of each month. All veterans are invited to Join. C.C. Boon, Geo. W. Bmith. Adjutant, tf Commander. PEOFESSIOIIAL. A A. BOBEKTS, B al Estate, Insur- ance and ColltOtiotis. OUioe in Council Chambers, Heppner, Or. Bwtf, National Bank m. WM. PENLANI), El). R BISHOP. President. Cashier. TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS COLLECTIONS Made on Favorable Terms. EXCHANGE BOUGHT & SOLD. BEPPNEB. tf OREGON. LEGAL BLANKS, A COMPLETE A390RT- ment at the Gazette office. Roofing rt ictic nilFTG FF.I.T costs onlv $2.00 wr 100 Bquare feet. Makes a gol roof for years, and anyone can put it on. tend stamp lor sample auu I.Ut yn. 111 ' Gcm Elastic Roofing Co., 89 41 West Broadway. New York 63-T5 LKI Agents Wanted. "ANAKESIS" tfM ln.tsnt relM S'rfl is n in f&llibioCarilor Plle. Pnc (1. Bv Dmnrist" or mail. SmplMlVee. A4- BoxWaNtVyorkOstr, Are having their land business straight ened out and shaped up. Uow aboui yours? If not in satisfactory condition it would be a good plan to see about it at onoe. I am giving careful and ene' tretio attention to entries, final proofs, "railrond land" and all business relntiug to lands io Morrow county. FBANK H. SNOW, U. 8. Commissioner, Bwtf. Lexington, Or. From Terminal or Interior Points the EAILEOAD! Is the lint to take It ib thfl Dinin a Car Rnute. It rtins Throneh VeBtibuled Trains every day in the year to St. Paul and Chicago (No Change of Cars) Composed of DINING CARS unsurpassed, PULLMAN DRAWING ROOM SLEEPERS Of Latest Equipment Tourist Sleeping Cars Heat ttiRt nan be constructed and in which ae- coin modal ior.s are both free and furnished for holders of hrst or aecond-cuuts ticiteta, and Elegant Day Coachs. A Continuous Line connecting with all Lines, allowing uirect ana uninter rupted Service. Pullman Sleeper Begervalions can be Secured in advance through any agent of the road. THROUGlT" TICKETS To and from al colnta in Amer'ca. England and Etirop can be purchased al any Ticket ottice of thiB (Jompany. Full information concerning rates, time of trams, routes and other details furnished on application to any agent, or A. D. CHABLTON, Aaaistant General Passenger Agent. No. 121 First St., Cor. Washington, tf. PORTLAND OREGON S. P. FLORENCE, STOCKRAISER ! HEPFNEU, OREGON. Tattle hrandedand ear marked as shown above. Horses V on right shoulder. Mr rattle range in Morrow and Umatilla eonn! tdtv &1(e (1 for the ftrrnst and con viction of any person atealiiig my stock. Where? At A bra ham kick's. Iu addition to his tailoring business, he has added s fine line of nnderwear of all kinds, negligee shirts, hosiery, efe. Also has on band some elegant patterns for snits. A. Abrnhnmsiek, May street, Beppner, Or. Ihnw. HELPLESS. bottles of ST. JACOBS OIL. cured me. No return in 5 years. FRANCIS MAURER. "ALL RIGHT I ST. nmm. A Year's Subscription to a Pop ular Agricultural Paper GIVEN FREETOOUR READERS By a special arrangement with the publishers we are prepared to furnish FF.EE to each of onr readers a year's subscription to the popular moutbly agricultural journal, the American Farmer, published at Springfield and Cleveland, Ohio. This offer is made to any of our sub scribers who will pay up all arrearages on subscription and one year in advance, and to any new subscribers who will pay one year iu advance. The American Farmkk enjoys a large national circula tion, and ranks among the leading 'igricultural papers. I3y this arrange ment it COSTS YOU NOTHING to re ceive the American Farmer for one year, It will be to your advantage to oall promptly. Sample copies can be seen at our office. FBEE TO TBE AFFLICTED. All who are suffering from the effects of Youthful Errors, Loss of Manhood, Failing Powers, Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Strioture, Syphilis and trie many troubles whioh are the effects of these terrible disorders will receive, Frisk of Charge, full directions how to treat and cure themselves at home by writing to;"!! California Medio.!, and Hi'BoioaiU: firmary, 1029J Market Street, bM Francisoo, California. 4(15-ly. First National Bank OF HEPPNER,- C. A. RHEA. President. FKANK KELLOGG, Vice-President. George W. Comer, Caxhier. C. I. Levis, Ass't Cashier. TronBucta a General Bunking EusinesB EXCHANGE On all parte of the world Bought and Sold, Collections made at all points on Rea sonable Terms. Surplus and Undivided profits, $23,527.10 Tlie Original Webster's MxM D I G T 1 0 H FI R Y . SSSITT? 1)Y RPKCIAL ARRANfiRMENT WITH THE J pnt-llHhurs, we are able to obtain h number of th above book, and propone to furnluh a copy to ouch of our HiUiHerlhert,. Tue dictionary is a necessity in every home, f'hool and buBiuesH liouse. It fillw a vacancy, and furnishes knowledge which no one hun dred other volumes of the choicest hooks could npply. Young and old, educated and iKuorunt, rich and poor, should have it within reach, and refer to its ;onteiilH every day in (lie year As no 1 ne have asked if this is reully the Orig inal Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, we are able to state we have learned direct from the publishers the fact, that this is the very work complete on which about forty of the best years ot the author's life were so well employed iu writing. It contains the entire vocabulary of about 100,000 words, including the correct spell ing, derivation and derJuition of same, and is the regular standard size, containing about :W),000 square inches of printed surface, and is bound iu cloth half morocco and sheen. Until further notice we will furnish this valuable Dict:onary First To any new subscriber. Second To any renewal subscriber. Third To any subscriber now in arrears who pays up and one year in advance, at the following prices, viz: Full Cloth bound, gilt side and back stamps marbled edges $:-oo. Half Mo'occo, bound, gilt side and back stamps, marbled edges, $1.50. Full Sheep bound, leather label, marbled edges, $2.00 Fifty cents added in ail cases for express age to Heppner. tmk the publishers limit the time and number of books rh-y will furnish at the low prices, we advise all who desire to avail them selves of (his great opportunity to attend to it at once. For Sale. Tbe botel heretofore known ag the Moiintnio Hoohov oii block from Firm Ni.tinual bank in Hpppmr. Or. Con tains parlor, rtiuing room, hni-ue runui, kitchen RDd 15 bed routxm; all rooms furnished. For further particulars in quire of 63-tf T. W. Atehm. Chicago, 111. Ivras confined to bed; could not walk from lame back; suffered 5 months; doctors did not help; 2 JACOBS OIL DID IT' The y e'Brated French Sure, 'ESS?4 "APHftODITINE" SSSSt ll SOUH 1 POSITIVE . GUARANTEE to euro any fonaofijwoUB disease, or amy disorder of the BLCOftS geueratltre or- AFTER gauc ol either lex whither arising from tht excessive use of Stimulaou, Vobacco or Opiuo, or through youthful InJIscretlon, over iudulf ncc, &c such as Loss of Br'D Power, Wakeful nan, Bear 1 11 j down Palm .n 'the Hack, Seminal Weakueaa, Hysteria. Nervpua Prostratioo Nocturn al Kmisjion; , Leucorrhosa. Diulness, Weak Mem. orjr, Iisiof Power and Impotoney, which if ne glected often lead to premature old age and losan Mr. Price 1.00 a box, e boxea for 5.00 gent by mall ou receipt ot ptiea.,, . A WlXITTBIf GUARANTEE forevery6 00 order, to refund tbe money if a rerraaiieni oure Is not effected. Thousands of testimonial, from old and young, of both aexea, permanently cured by Afhroditin. Circular free. Addresa THE APHRO MEDICINE CO. WISTIKK BaiHCH, BOX 27 PORTLAND, OS Sold in Heppner by Slocum Johnston Drug Co. T9 WOOL GROWERS ! I F YO.D AVXNT To keep your Pheep healthy, and Insure a good clip, use HAYWARD'S : SHEEP-: DIPS. A Sure OarB at Jlodern're Cost, HAYWARDS PASTE DIP Mixes with either COLD or WARM WATER. HAYWARD. S . LIQUID DIP Is NoA-Poiejonotis, 'Jinpr,n,7cs Uie.Wof1 :and cloes Kot slnjn it. .. v OI IHIWTV A: VVlSIt, Wool. Commission Merchants, Fifth and Tnwiisend Sts., Pro Krencisco Oenekal Aornts. For Ble by Slooum-Johnston Drag Co. 4M0-474 OVER-WORK. 11 OMctef Foruitrt, 1S4 A 128 Waihington st.t Chicago. Oct. 11th, Jt7. Hit. E. KorJtro: Dear JHtn1 dm It a duty f owe you to certify to the good effect the tak ing of your medicine had on my health, I w as troubled hy nervousness brought on by over work. Yoar Nerve Tonio almost Immediately topped that peculiar tremor that, I presume, Is evidence or nervousness. I am now well. My head troubled me, could not sleep, head hot, dreams or acoidents, eto. One spoonful of yonr medicine removed the cause of my dreams; have not had them since; took seven or elRht bottles of yanr medicine. Keep some tn my bonse; always tuke some occasionally; would not be without it; have recommended tt to my friends. If I am not mistaken, your medicine will prove a great blcaslng to this over-worked nation. Yours truly, JN0. F. 8CANLAN, H. C. R. FREE A Valuable Boo on Nervous IXseaHesHuritfree tn an? add rem and poor pntiftii ran aluo obtain This remedy has been prvr A by the Rever-endPaBtorKoenig.otJr--' ' ne.Ind.. since 16. and Is now prepared ..ootfr bis direction by the LKOENIC MED. CO., Chicago, III. Bold by DrufffisU at 91 per Bottle. 6 for 15. Iarm7;e.if t.75. O Buttlne for M9. Sold In Pertland. Oregon, by Hnell, HeiOho & YVontlunl. rniS7rn axle rmLU GREASE BEST I.V TIIH WDBLfl, .'tsWA&riDqualilift sr. unsurpassed, actually ctlaatin. two boxes of anyo'htir hrnnd. Not Btcfd by heat, trti KT I II E O t.V I 1 9) K. FOR SALE BTDKALKltHorNEKALI.T. lyr A Preposition. If yon will pny yonr Biilisoription tn the (liizette in full and one year in ad vance, we will fUTid ot the following books nt prices utatfil herewith: "Six Great liooltB for Unral lli.rneH." iiceiil"; "FamoiiR Fiction by tbe Worl l' Orent pst Antljora," ton Toliimes, -00 cents; Cooper's "LeallierBfoi kiuij Titles," '20 cents. 43-tf. The Patterhok Pcr. Co. SCANDINAVIAN NEWS. Violent Intlueiira In Snellen. The iDfluenza in ratling ver)- violently all over Swedeu. Even Id oold Lapland it kills the people like flies. Ia Strom al adt almost every other person is down with it, nnd the death rate grows alarm ingly larger every day. In many cities the Bohools are closed on aeoouut of the sickuess. The high sohool of Strengnoes is shut tip, the principal and nearly all the teaohers being down with influenza. The bishop of Strengnoes also is very ill. Tbe Emlgratioa From CopeottagtD. Daring the last year, 12.624 persons emigrated to Atnerioa from Copenhagen. Of these, 6,278 were from Denmark, 3,242 from Sweden, and 1,183 from other countries. Most of the people left with the Thingvalla line, but a great number made the journey via England. Two bnndred and ibirty-niue Mormons omi grated during the year, a muoh smaller number as compared with the records of previous years. Infanticide in Chrlrtlnnia. A sohool teacher of Christiauia has been found guilty of infautioide. She is a good woman of good tatnily, and was engaged to a pbvsioian. She secretly gave birth to a obilil, which she killed by cutting its throat. The case liaa created a f;reat sensation. New Biulillrs Material. Mr. Itiohard Sundell, a young Swedish sculptor, has made a great invention, it is supposed. He bag for some time ex perimented with plaster of paris to pre pare it for use as a building material, tie means to use large ohuuks of plastor ot paris as hard and durable as atone und causing a house constructed of this ma teria to look as though it were a palace of marble. A house built of plaster of parts has the advantage of beiug oool in summer time and warm during the winter. Crown Prince In St. Peterabarg. The Crown Prince of Sweden and Nor way baa taken a trip to St. Petersburg. During his el ay there he visited the oathedral of tbe fort Poter and Paul, and laid a wreath on Alexander IPs grave. Then he visited St. Petersburg's other two oathedrals, and heard in one ot them a mass for the late Prinoe Konstantin. Death from Kidney Disease - Is the unfortunate and untimely ending of thousands of (he Amerjeau people annually. Oregon Kidney Tea (O. K. F.) is guaranteed to cure all forms ii kidney troubles. Take it in time. The Wool Market. The local market is inaative and lower. Valley is quoted at 1517o per lb, and Eastern Oregon at from 9 to lie, accord ing to shrinkage. All markets are more r less demoralized, the decline beiug due to heavy imports from Australia. Tho Uoston Daily Advertiser, March 21, has the following: "In the last three .lays two Amerioan ships have arrived in Boston from distant foreign ports. On Monday the Great Admiral oame into port from Melbourne with 5,840 bales of wool averaging 500 lbs. per bale, and tbe Exporter from Melbourne with 5,800 bales. The value of these two cargoes, duty paid, ia about $1,600,000, and the duty on them at 11a per lb. imount to $000,000. Three more cargoes ire now on the way to Boston from Mel bourne." These oargoes amount to ibout 1,800 bales of 500 lbs. each, or 3,000,000 lbs.'. In addition to the forego ing, there are 8 vessels en route to Bos ton from foreign ports with onrgoes com posed principally of wool, and these immense supplies arrived and on pas sage are chiefly responsible for the de cline. Seven mouths ago these wools would have fetched 71o uer lb. sooured, while tbe price today is b'5o, causing a loss to purchasers of 3 to 4c per lb. Commercial Review. That Languid Feeling Will leave you as soon as tbe kidneys are put iu good working order. The cel ebrated Oregon Kidney Tea never fails to do the work. Tuke it auoording to directions. Hale on Eight Mile. A. II . Hooker has sold Ins ranch of 160 acres, on Eight Mile, to Thos. Davi son. Consideration, $1,61X1. The Gazette learns that Mr. Hooker will move to Southern Oregon, where be hopes to benefit his health. The Eight Mile peo ple will no doubt miss such good neigh bors as Mr. Hooker and family. Fink Timbkb. Perhaps, the bust tim. ber growing in the Blue mountains can be fouud ou Hock creek, in the vicinity of Will Miillory's eaw-mill. This class of timber Mr. Mallory is using in makiug lumber which he delivering in Hopp Dei all the way from $15 to 8'J0 per tbonsnnd feet, depending on the qnality, and whether desired rough or dressed. The name oan be bought at the mill at pnoes ranging from $H to $25 per tlnus Hiid. He has a general aHSortmeut on hand at present, and is sure to Hiitinfy customers. 427 tl. Fdhnitobb Korall kinds of furniture, bedroom sets, lounges, clinirs, etc., don't fail tn rail on Smith & Willinmson, May street., Heppner, Ur. The best plaoe to make your purchases. 476tf ALLIANCE COLUMN Submitted by a subscriber. Shall the people take tbe corporations or shall the corporations take tbe peo ple? All people are loyal to the principles of majority rule so long as they are a part of the majority; but when they are in the minority they sometimes find it hard to give in. The partisan press are assiduously at work trying to hold tbe attention of the people to a discussion ef the tariff, silver ooinage, and southern outrages. But it will not work this time. "You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all tbe time, but you can not fool all the people all the time." The "hayseeds" and "clodhoppers" are just now the hardest people in tbe country to tool.' The peoplo's party is under great obli gations to the old party orgaus. The democratic papers are proving very olearly that tbe people cannot expect any good from the republioan party. The republican papers are proving with equal clearness that the democratic party is worthless. Hence the general stampede. The Alliance Mnuifesto. "Whon, in the course of bntnau events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bonds which have united them to another aud to take for themselves tbe fiee and equal itutions among the nations of the earth to which tho laws ot nature and nature's God en title them, a decent respect for the rights of others demands that they make known the causes which impel them to the sep aration." The demand for prompt and decisive action by the Amerioan people to day is as great as it was when the ringing quotation above were peuned. The oppres sion of King George and his laokeys was no greater, no more unjust, ho more uu indurable than is the oppression of the triumphant plutocracy and its hirelings upon the wealth producers of this last decade of the nineteenth oentury. These are no "piping times of peace." Trusts, combines, and monopolies, black lists, shut-downs, and lock-outs, boyoots, strikes, and riots these cannot go on indefinitely. War is upon us. The money power baa its iron heel upon the necks ot the workers, and its bony fingers about their tbroatn. There is do time for delay. ; i The llenuty of Free Competition. The followiug Mem, clipped from one of our own dailies, is a good example of the beauty of the present competitive system. Think of what an otitruge it is that a man who has led an active life, been a producer, and of actual benefit to the world, should, iu his old age, be forced to ask tor charity solely because he was not smart or unscrupulous enough to make a success us a money getter and a money boarder: "Henry Hudson, au aged pauper, oalled upon the county commissioners yesterday aud asked them pitifully to forward him to Portland, Or., where he could obtain em ployment. The commissioners, after looking narefully into tho matter, onm plied with the old man's request. Hud son is a shoemaker by trade, but of late years has been aftlioted with asthma so that he cannot sleep lying down, and is obliged to work standing. He told the board that he bad been ottered work at Portland." IONE ITEMS. The usnal fine weather was side tracked tor a day during the past week to allow a wild train s clear track. The wild train iu question was loaded with wind, dust, onytises, sunbonnetsand almost every other movable article that one could thiuk of. Your correspondent had not tbe nerve to face suoh a storm, therefore he an chored his conveyance safely in tbe lee of Farmer Allyn's residence and waited patiently for fairer weather. It's au ill wind that blows nobody good, anil tho next morning as Frank Holland was making a survey of the premises, he found that au immigruut from some nameless shore bad drifted into his home. The little fellow was on the way to Suunyside dairy. Frank's folks have supplied the little pilgrim with suitable raiment, and have other wise made overtures that bid fair to in duce the Btranger to settle in the neigh borhood. The Gazette's efforts are always crowned with success, and tbe conserva tive readers will please note that tbe recent move to iuduoe immigration is already beginning to bear good fruit. We are glad to notice a "rustle" on the part of Heppner citizens to establish a Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. ABSOLUTELY PURE board of trade. Much efleotive work can be done by the united effort of the citi zens of Morrow county in settling the county and inducing a thrifty emigration which is just now most needful. The town bas been full of drummers for a dny or two. Now goods will soon arrive and our local merchant is all smiles at the good results that are the fruit of oarefnl buying and careful selling. Mrs. B F. Gibson is visiting her rela tives nt Walla Walla, Wash. T. J. AUyn left for South Bend, Wash., where he will rusticate tor his health a few weeks. Mr. AUyn is a constant suf ferer from phthisio and finds the Bea breeze quite beneficial. Miss May Violett, who has bten visit, ing her sister, Mrs. J. A, Woolery, of this place, left Saturday night for her borne at Monument. Little Andrew goes with her. The democrats oame baok from the convention feeling good democrats al ways feel good and the recent convention demonstrates their power to make the best of it. Tho ineotlug was harmonious throughout, and though this loaahty did not secure all it asked for, there are no bollen here aud each doruoornt will work in bis own quiet way for the suc cess ot the tioket. The wire worm is workiug some dam ago to the wheat in this locality. It is not going to prove serious, wo hope. The quadrangular political contest whioh is ooming bids fair to bo tbe live liest ever seen iu the history of Morrow county. After tbe republican, demo oratio, allianoe and fourth party, or buoh elors' oouveutions, if sorao one will only suggest it, an independent ticket oan be placed iu the field, and than every man in the county will have a chance to vote for himself. Would like to suggest tho propriety of a new party and would favor calling it the "dquare Deal." That would, as the name suggests, be something new and uniquo, and would oertainly oatoh a few votes, James Nunamaker has been favorably mentioned as c andidute for oounty judge. Jim bas tbe bottom necessary to holding down a judicial bench, and nothing short ot a cyclone divoroe oaso would disturb his equanimity . A newspaper man reports that the gale a day or two uinoe blew in two the neck-yoke of his vehicle. Good oouits of bad, sometimes, and a local rueobanio is thereby busy. He oarveth a new yoke from a feuoe rail. The enterprising stooknien Imve about oonoludod that theoayuse rauiit bo. Active measures are being taken to rid tho country of this pest, and it was the purpose of those interested iu raisiug good stock to meet iu tho vicinity of Wells Spring today for that end. Owing to tho inclement weather there were but tew in atteudunoe. There will, however, be a general "round-up" ut the same plaoe next Hauday, which will result in preventing the spread of this pest any farthsr. The plains are eaten bare by a horde of stump-headed worthless oritters, and if no other moans will effeot their ex tinction there should be a drive and a killing, similar to tho rabbit drives of California. The suggestion of a board of trade at Heppner is a move in tho rigbtdirectlon. Let it be a board of trade of Morrow county as well. Much good can be accomplished hy the united effort of our progressive busi nosa men. Would like to suggest the propriety of a board of immigration as well, if there is not ouo in the oounty already. Let evory one interested iu the growth of our fair oouuty meet ut some time and plaoe, which you can mention, for that worthy purpose. I am satisfied from my knowledge ot tho spirit that rules throughout the rural districts that there would be a full representation from every preoinct in Morrow county if it were known that such a meeting would result hi the organization of a board for the diffusion of knowledge concerning our county. There are many important features ot this subjuot too many to d incline in your crowdod space just now. Niiine a Uute and plaoe for meeting. Let there be a discussion as to methods. Insist upon a full attendance from each ilistriot in tbe county. Not only; must immigration be turned this way, but committees must be appointed to help newcomers in securing a desirable loca tion. The farmers in their respective difltriols know best where vnoant land is, and can and will cheerfully show strangers around. Let them come for ward and publicly manifest their dispo sition to advance this most worthy oausH. Let them deeido up iu some good practical methods for tho fmprovuinentnt our little o immonwealth. Ionb, April J 8, 1832. "15-2 15 4." mm rovd eir