rnnn Tnr. COBSTIPATIOS, IMDIBE8TWH, forinns ,uo "ucbrnipi HNW NICK HEADACHE, H.iSi Ki'ffl B,8ING rrom Perhaps You Don't Know Us, BUT SURELY YOU KNOW OF OUR REMEDIES, We extend an Invitation to call find bar fw tests at. our Clinic, "Arradn Chambers." Hours 1 to :t r. m. Lady Attendants, We fill mail order same day received (M-curHy buaicd, postpaid). If nt as represented wo will refund your money. ' QUEEN ANTI-HAIRINE" removes Heard or Superfluous Hair trom the Face, Neck ami Arms, or Moles anil Hirthmarks. Made into a paste, only afew minutes application is required, it is powerful, yet mild in its efTect. It dissolves and destroys the follicles of the hair without tlie slightest p.-iiii, injury ordiscolora tion to tho roost delicate skin. Try it. One Price, $1.00 per Hottle. QUtEN HAIRINt" to restore and promote tlie Hair lias no omai. ji is a pomaue ivastime thml l !" rociii am ilraul. Mad. re aid not. pro.ido th.l we nli.iuldwMr.oiw.rirg for the head. When 1K.d dm I t'kw) is .lire, o .re the root., nd "Queeo H.irine" .polled to the imrfiice opeD.th. tol"C.nd ! gire. ouri.hment .nd wilalily to the root One bottle will ouur.nce the molt BkeptlMl " '"SuFFNT ANTIo'dOR'" (P-derlS form) ..plW to the pf .ll.r .iKMi.ejxpir.tlon, ,d J?m "illy cur offeSrii feMmp.Us A mo delishlful d hymle-r.mj,. ON DO LINE" dHuld, pur. od kind.), wben vplied W the U.j mora .od betuule. the 'omoleiiou- remove, Mid pre-.nu. Tu, Sunbor., f reckle., F.mple. and HuHkhetd,. TbU re the ( (.mplexiou, rem or, e. n A t j, ppilcijoii au . marrelou. eHect, .nd tuk KuSMrK'uS JS-wtaiE Try lA nTdelhted with H rurU th. buttle, .nd w. "'cSl C.'r- V:?.rW.iVooTrr:i? T . free to y,.r. hannuT .u ie'ru'uTy elieiu.fif Swi ordi,.K to direct.. J. K. H. M. D.. 4M Kreeu.au Are. KeSSthT ? order, Wiri letter, or Dr.ft to home omee, .nd mention thu paper. QUEEN TOILET CO. 174 RACE ST., CINCINNATI, O. (local Agent Wanted.) nit f. ti.mple, 01 our Good, d " How to e Bewtlf.l " e.t for two iLmps. ALLIANCE COLUMN Hides, Pelts A ml Fiirn wanted. 1 V imirket pne,' I will pay the lilnlicut for iinvthhiK In tlila line. (live lima ciall liefuro nelliriK lowliero, nn l know I can do butk-r by you tliiui any other linn in lleiipiier. W. W. SMEAD. Onice at Sargent & Driskell's Feed yard. WOVEN WIR FENCING WIRE ROPE SELVAGE STANOARD FORCENTUR BEST TFFI iiiiii. gv..'1::- .ruunul ClU'Cil THE Bk8T for Lswns, Gardens, Farms, Ranches and Railroads IM11CHH HMl.'t!KII. HoM ! de.lein. JflOSItlHI I A1B MrJim.i.KN's rm iniv Mirrwq, New 1 hlWfl The McMullen Wonn Wire lonoe 0o Clnoo. Ill QDIOKTIMB t TO Si triii Francisco Anil nil puiulH in California, via tlio ML Bliaala route of the Southern Pacific Co. The Brent hislivmy throliKh California to all poinle KtiHt nlnl South. (Jranil Seonio ltouto of Uio l'aeitio Coaat. l'ullinan Iluffet Weepers. Seraind-elass HloHira Attached to exprnsa trains. affonlinK auperior Bleoinmoilationa for aeeoinl-elass pasHeliKerrt. For rales, tickets, sleeping uar roeervallonfl, ote., rail upon or aihlresH H KOUIll.UH, Mananer, K. P. UOliKHH, Asst. lien. V. it I'. Ant., roi lland, tlri'Koii. TWINBROTHERS DRY HOP YEAST THE QUICK RISER LIGHT BREAD WATERLOO TtASTCO DCTROIT MICM 5CT From the Alliance Herald. Slavery of mind, ni'Klpotinir to thirk, more effectually plaoes a niaDH laljor in service of tlie in itstors than did clinttel slavery. The government did not n-t one dol lar o( gold for a mnle liond it ever sold. Where in the evidence to show that there ever was a dollar of gold paid for bonds, The alien land law should be re-enBct- ed in snoh a way that no court can deoide it null and void. The people de mand it, and woe to him that stands in the way of the people's will. There are over 1,000,000 idle laborers in the United States, and every day these millions are idle is n loss to the country of at IcHst $2,000,000, tieOiiuse they could produce that much wealth, at least. every day. In 18G6 the population was 35,819,281 the oiroulation was $1,863,409,210 giving a per capita of 852 in oiroulation. In 1890 the population was 65,000,000, the circulation 8306,999,982 Kivinu; a per cap ita of $472 in circulation. "Calamity" may be a very objection able word, but "it is a condition, not a theory," that confronts the people of this country. High taxes, mortgages, debts and hard work are pretty good evidences of a diseased government. It is generally admitted that over nine- tenths of the business of the dountry is done by means of ohecks, drafts, due bills, etc, and less than one-tenth with legal tender money. The "wildcat" bank ing system was forced into oblivion, but today we find the same system in opera tion and doing over ninety per cent of the country's busiuesa. How muoh longer will it take the peo ple of this country to realize the fact that what promotes the prosperity of the farmer solves the problem of national prosperity? Truly, when the demands of the alliance are clearly and fully un derstood the present antagonism will disappear like morning vapor before the rising sun. If everyone would read as in an earnest search for truth, they would not be loDg in grasping the situ-ation. A Crosc. Alliance Herald. Senator Peffer introduced a bill to loan 81(;0,000,000 to farmers in Indiana who oould give good security, so they could Bave their homes from the money sharks. Sherman introduced a bill to give $100 000,000 to a compauy to build the Nicar agua canal and add to their already great weulth. The above is a good compari son. A better illustration cannot be pro duced than that of the Saviour, while ou earth, and the devil the Saviour always trying to do good, while the aim of the devil was to put still heuvier burdens on those who were already overburdened. Sherman must be a cross between the "devil and Satan." HOG AND HAYRACK. A Commutation "Devoutly to lie Wished for" .ml Easily Made. The illustrations show u device which was originated by Mr. James E. Rod gers, of Ostrander, O.. and which has conio into general use in that part of the country on account of its cheapness and convenience. As a hay rack, to be used in hauling hay, straw or other bulky farm products, the writer hereof has never seen anything more convenient, and the facility with which it may be converted into a convenient rack in which to convey hogs, sheep or calvos to market is surprising. j SPRING CHiCXENS Produce the t t)i Good Old V. ay. I V' FOR rtL3 1-SS ItkltHAJ, HKM N X Ff KOIKS tlnil HO NOT ISJUItKl l Hi. hMlth r intnrlm wltli I Corn Meal v r iVINil mirehtiHetl iimeliiuerv for KrindillB 11 'com Meal, w invito nil onr ptttmiM tu briiiK in Uii'ir cum und gut hi return a tmpc-rior ivrtirle. IIEITNEII FLOUllNG MILL COMPANY. IVi-tf. T. V. Avkiis. Sit., Malinger. iifi. SCIentiilO Anient; wffViraifi., Aaciicy for nid liiiiinivM the K' "''''l .! tt" lliit t'oiiipl-xliiti. No wrlnkli't Euilnril tiy riy.i!'i.i It up Ili.bblnr.it lollnw tlili Irrit ant! leiultiiK lut'tcly Uilivi. PATIENTS TREATED BY MAIL. CONFIDENTIAL. Ilarmlewi, snrt wllh n Urlnir, Inronvenlrnwi at bad t-fft-U. Kor iJirlit uUri ttiiilrtiM, wllh 6 iriiU In ntnmiit, 01. 0. W. f. SlYOEIt, N'VICKEI'S THEATER. OrliCAE. Forest Grove Poultry Yards. ESTABLISHED IN 1877. Wyandottes, Plymouth Hooks, Light liramahs, Kose and Single Comb Brown Leejhorns, Partridge Coohins, Houdnns and Sil ver Spangled Hamburgs. 1.000 YOUHG FOWLS Heady for Delivery. BOOK YOUR ORDERS FOR CHOICE SELECTIONS. Death from Kidney Disease Is the unfortunate and untimely ending of thousands of the American people annually. Oregon Kidney Tea (O. K. T.)ia guaranteed to euro nil forms of kidney troubles. Take it in time. ARHOU DAY ON KHBA CHEEK. . a M3Mfi CAVEATS irwS- 'V-, art; 5 -TD4IIR MARKS nraiOM PATENTS COHvRIOHTS, etc. Oldest bni-eau for secunw patents In ''" Krary patent 'akeu out. by us Is brounht l wforj Tho public by . uotloo Blvon free o( charite in the f ricnmic mm In America, and are the best on this coast by b great difference. I GUAR ANT E SATISFACTION TO EVEHX UUSTOMKli. Send for Catalogue. Aililress J. M. OAItmSON. Box 55. com.S'.Hi. Forest Grove, Or (illtl.or woman to do general housework h none but experience,! person. apply. Call at Uiuetlooinc need tl sw STARRETT'S Garden Seeds latent nroulatlnn of snr selentine paper m in. w"r hi. Splondidly Illustrated. No ?,,, ,l,ud 1 without IHWW.vVi' Vear; fl.W sll nioiitbs. AcMres. Mt'NN CO, l"UUl.llllns.il Hi ua.lwar. New Vura. L U M I E It ! IT-K 1IAVK KlMt HA1 K ALL K1NIV3 OK CN Ki mile, of lleppuer, at i i 1 iV dressed Lllinber, what Is known a the SOOTT SAWMIIjIj l'KK l.neO KKKT, KDl'llll, " CLKAK, - fill 1X1 17 M IK 1IKI.1VKKIH) IN HKIM'NKK, WILL ADD fj.UO per l,t"J (eet, nddltloUHl. L HAMILTON, Flop. 1. yV. Ilalllllloii. IVlrtta'Atr In ..trtr'l'.'i.ilf ee wiiu k in ml. prii-wMiSM-Oiii P' i Vdlrllit.lH Kv, Ivory inee-cui ) pir, v mi liiwrhorlow.ltfc. unliiwry wo.k wp or l Inch, pair. It ( lory, F fx iet liiitrlo'd Have been used all over west tor the past IS yean. Bo good. the rnellle North s' imo belter. Few The pupils of the Khea Creek school had a pleasant time Arbor Day, April 8, improving the school grounds. The exeroises consisted of reading, spenking and singing. The children did very well in their recitals. One of the leading pieces was a dialogue for eight persons, each representing a flower. Each, after speaking, hung up a letter of decorated pasteboard and, when all were through, reciled a few verses in oonoert. The letters, when all up, spell ed Arbor Day . Among the other declamations were "How to Make a Whistle" and "The Dandelion;" seleot reading, "The Robin and the Buttercup," "Something about Plants and Common Gifts;" an essay on Flowers, a very appropriate subject for the day, was also read. Alter the closiug song the pupils en gaged heartily in the planting of trees and flowers around the sohool houBB. About two dozen trees were carefully phtnted, some of which were dedicated to George Washington, Queen Victoria and others. The dedication exeroises con sisted of singing, ninrohing, prayer and singing. The ohildren then returned home hap pier for the day's work and have some thing to interest and please them as long as they go to this sohool . If all our distriot schools would have such ex ercises on Arbor Dav. tliere would be far less tinfenoed, bare looking school gronuds. It is decidedly the law of our state, why not carry it out ? A greater appreciation of the value of trees may thus be awakened among all classes and a good amount of real pleasure derived therefrom. Fit. I. Tlie engravings need but little explana tion. Fig. 1 sliows the rack after it is put together as it stands on the wagon to hold the hogs, sheep or calves, and Fig. 3 shows precisely the same thing when used as a hayrack. The framework is constructed as fol lows: There are two sidepieces (made of oak or other strong stuff, 14 to Hi feet long, as may bo desired) a by (i inches, and connected at each end, as shown in drawing, by a 2 by 4 strip fastened lirmly by bolts passing through the sidepieces aa they rest upright on the wagon, ihun thero aro four crosspioct'S bolted onto tho bottom of sidepieces, as shown, which are made of 2 b'4U inch lumber, the end ones being piuced about six inches from end of sidepieces. A board 1 inch thick and 12 inches wide is ttrmly fastened lengthwise of the rack, as shown in Fig. 2. Tlie crosspieces are mortised (4 by i inches) with a slanting mor tise to receive the supports of the side frames, as shown. These mortises are made 5! inches from inside of the side pieces. The supports of the side frame work are made of hard wood and are 3 foet long; at the bottom they are 2 by 3 inches, tapenng to 8 oy s at tue top, aim at bottom of each a tenon is cut to fit into the mortise in crosspieces. There are four of these supports or uprights on each side, as shown, and to these are bolted and nailed four boards 1 by 4, as shown in diagram. The top of the up right or post is cut at an angle, so that when the top board is fastened on it will be exactly parallel to the crosspieces at the bottom when used as a hayrack, thus furnishing a convenient footing for a man to stand upon when the rack is in position for loading hay. The top board has usually been made same width (4 inches) as the others, but Mr. Kortgers informs us that he thinks it would be better 6 inches wide. These boards are both boltod and nailed to tho uprights and spaced about as fol lows: The bottom board 7 '4 inches from the tenon, space 'i inches, second board, Bnace hi inches, third board, space inches, top board. Tne end gates aro made as shown in diagram, and are held in place by a rod same as the end gate to a wagon bed. Tho upnglit tor noiding tho lines is hinged to tho top crosspiece and may be used or removed at pleasure. Tho whole rack when completed is iu five pieces bottom, sides and ends each piece firmly made and handled sepa rately in putting together for use on the watron and separately lifted off and hung up when done using. On the outside of each sidepiece of bottom frame and di- roctlv over each crosspiece there is strong iron staple bolted through the sidepiece, which holds the bottom of the upright when used as a hograck, as shown in Fig. 1. Those staples are about 34 by V4 in the clear, so that the up rights pass readily through them, the bot tom of uprights, after passing throngh, resting ou end of crosspiece, which ex tenils about half an inch outside of frame. Garden, Flower and Grass Seeds. Purv! Aorlimfltett! rfltuWm1 fro UKO. STAKKKTT. Walla Walla Wash. In the niMdle states it i a i for the iKmtt'wife tu evrrv phows a desire to sit ;i.ui .... ui m ul Mari h. iuhA continue to do so until -ho has proviUr.. a lilwrul supply "l i-"-- for family iwe. bertMea allowing herself the privilege of selecting a Rufficieiit number of handsome pullets to take the place of superannuated old hens in the fall. By adopting this plan she will have most of ber chicka come otT in April and May, the must suitable time for them, and the work of taking care of them will bo Boon done and over with, if she keeps one of the three most popular general purpose breeds Plymonth Rocks. Wyan dottes or Houdans the young cockerels of the early hatch will be large enough to begin using them for the table by the first of June while the ' si. .-.:! begin to lay in the tali. 01 u nic) - tain a strain of Leghorn, during mid summer Every poultry keeper knows that tne earlier he can get his pullets to mature and begin laying, the greater profit will there be in his work. In tact, unless one does gets the pullets to laying well by September, I do not see now n is pos sible to keep a year round engagement for eggs, for after the moulting season i sets in adult hens lay very tew eggs, and of teu none at all for several months. Taking these facts into consideration, all keepers of fowls, whether on a large or small scale, will see at once the ad vantage of feeding young chicks liber ally from the start. Keep them grow ing straight along with no stopping long enough to get sick. A healthy, robust chick will throw olf a disease which a feeble, half starved little one will suc cumb to without h struggle. Keep good, wholosome. rich food within reach of them until two weeks old, then feed thrice daily until six weeks of age, after which a liberal meal morning and night is sufficient, compelling them to go off between whiles and forage. Scarcely any two people believe in feeding fowls alike, but the following is the most successful method 1 have tried: For the first two weeks give stale bread, one-half each of Hour bread and p.nnmieal. eir.r bread preferred, botten this in hot, tweet milk and season with bits of meat chopped fine or dripping, adding a flavoring of red pepper in cool or rainy weather. For the next four weeks prepare halt their daily ration as at first, while the other half may con sist of whole sound wheat and cracked corn boiled till soft. After this it is bettor that one-half their food shall con sist of small dry grain, and the remain der of either or both kinds of the soft cooked foods. Remember to give all their food rather stiff, and let none re main to sour or ferment. Some feed dry grain after two weeks, or, indeed, earlier than that, but there is always danger that a greedy little chick may eat more than he can man age, and 'then it will swell in his crop and kill hira. Scalding the grain over night is to some extent a prevention. Keep some sort of grit near the coop al ways; powdered eggshells will do for the little ones. Supply green food until they are old enough to gather .it for themselves, and if possible give sweet milk once a day in cool weather and twice in warm, allowing it to remain only long enough for them to drink, as much liquid is unwholesome for very young chicks. Parasites are the most troublesome of all tho little chick's foes, and so insidi ous are they in their approach that we ArATUTOriCTVORK. Evry pen-on who ! opposed to Free Trad! Slurry atM American Industrial Inde- penilence necurwl tUroiuli tlio policy of Pro tection, sh-ul.1 read the document! published by U. Amenta.. Pntccliv Tariff League. Aa a pairun ci-izen it y,.iir dm y to place tbeae document in the hmui "f Jnr friends. They are Interesting and Instructive, and embrace discussions of all phases of the Tariff question. The League publishes over 50 different docu ments, comprising nearly tWO pages of plainly printed, carefully oditod and reliable informa tion. Among the authors of these document! aro. Tton. James G. Blaine; Vm. McKlnley, .Tr-lifveni.-rot Ohio: HenatorS. M. Culhmi. of 1111 iiitm: Senator Joseph N. Dulph, of Oregon; Hfnator A. S. Paddock, of Nebraska; Senator Frye.of Maine; Senator Caaey.of North Dakota; Bermtor Justin S. Morril, of Vermont; Senator NoMon W. Aidiich, of Hliode Island; Hon. Thomas II. Dutliey.of New Jersey; Uon. Robert P. Porter, of Wanhinffton; Prof. J. R Dodge, of the Auricultural 1 leuurt mini t at Washing ton; Commodore W. II. T- Hughes; Hon-k. A. Hartshorn, of Now York ; Congressman Doliiver, of Iowa; lion. B. F. J ones: David Hall Hice, or HosLon; Kx-Congressintiii Perkins, of Kansas; lr k P.Miller.of New York; Hon. Gen. Draper, of Mass.; Hon. C. L. 1W wards, of Teias; Judge Win Lawrence, of Ohio; Hun. I). G. Harrinmn, of New York; Hon. Geo. 8. Iloiitwell, of Maas.; H-.n. K- H. Anmiidown, of New York; Enoch Ensley.uf Tennessee. This complete set of documents wilt be ent to any addas, post paid, for Fifty (50) Cents. Address, Wilbur P. Wakeman, Soc'y, No. 23 West Twenty-Third Street, New York. STOCK BRANDS. While you keep your subscription paid up yci can keep your brand in free of charge. Allyn. T. J.. lone. Or. Horaea OHi on lef Hhnuider; cattle ame on left hip, under bit on right ear, ami. upper bit on the left; range, Mor row county. Armstrong, J. O., Alpine, Or. T with bar un der ii on left shoulder of horses; cattle Baine on left hip. Allison, 0. D., Eight Mile. Or.-Oattlo brand, O D on left hip and horHes same brand on right shoulder. Hange, Eight Mile. Adkins, T C, Day y die, Or- Straight mark acrosB the thigh and two crops and a slit in the right ear; horses, J, upside down on the right shoulder, linn go in Grant county and Dear valley. P O ad drone uIbo at Hnrdmun. Adkins, J. J., Heppnor, Or. Horses, JA con neiMed on left flank: cattle, same on left hip. A verH. .Tohnnv. Lena. Or, Horses branded triangle on left hip; cuttle same on right hip; alno crop off right ear and upper hit on Bume. Blyth, Percy H,, Heppner, qr .--Horses. Human croHS on right shoulder. Hange in Morrow county. lileakman, Geo., Hardman, Or. Horses, a flag or left shoulder: cattle same on right shoulder. Hannister, J. W., Hardman, Or. t'attle brand ed H on loft bin and tliiurh: solit in each ear. Hurke, M tit O, Long t;reek. Or On cattle, MAY connected on left hip, ciop oil left ear, un dor half croD off rieht. Howes. Bame brand on letft shoulder. Range in Grant and Morrow conntv. Ilownman. A.. Mount Vernon and Burns. Or. Cuttle, A U on right hip, two crops in each ear; same on horses, on right Bhouiaer. rtange in (i rant and Harney counties. hrosman, Jerry, ljena, ur. norses orHnaea i on right shoulder; cattle B on the left aide, I rfift oar linlf croi and riizht ear uoner slope. Harton, Wm., Heppner, Or. -Horses, J B on right ting,, cattle, same on right hip; Bplit in wu'h ear. Brown. Isa, Lexington, Or. Horses IB on the right stifle; cattle same on right hip; range, Mor row roiintv. Brown, J .P., Heppner, Or. HorseB and cattle hrHiulwl H with mc-vnka above on left shoulder. Brown, J. C, Heppner, Or, Horses, circle C with dot in obi ter on left hm; cattle. Bame. Koyer, W. G., Heppner, Or. Horses, box brand or r gh hip cuttle, same, with split in liorg, P. 0., Heppner, Or. Horses, P B on left shoulder: cattle, same on left hip. Brownlee. W. J., Fox, Or t'attle, JB connected on left side; erop on lert ear and two splits ana middle piece cut out on right ear; on horses Bame brand on the left thigh; Itange in fox vaiiey. (Inint. Mimirv. Cain.E., Culeb.Or. Y D on horeeH onleft stifle: TI with anarter circle over it. on left shoulder, and on left stifle on all colts under 5 years; on left shoulder only on all horses over S years. All ruoirp in (irttnt nonnlv. I'lark, Wm. u., Lterja, ur. Horses wm; con nected, on left shoulder; cattle same on right hip. ltange Morrow and Umatilla counties. Cate, Chas. K Vinson or Lena, Or. Horses H 0 on right shoulder; cattle same on right hip. Uange Morrow and Umatilla counties. t'oehnm, Chan., Ioue. Or. Horses, HP con nected on loft shoulder: cattle, C on both left hip and stille. ltange in Morrow county. Cannon, P. B.,Long Creek, Or.Ton cattle on right side, crop off right ear and slit in lef t ear. Our horses same braud on left shoulder. Kange in Grant county. Cecil, Wm., Douglas, Or.; horses JO on lef shoulder; cattle Bame on left hip, waddles on each jaw and two bits in the right ear. Curl, T. H., John lMy, Or. Double cross on each hip on cattle, swallow fork and under bit in right ear, split in left ear. ltange in Grant county. On sheep, inverted Aal,d spear point on shoulder. Ear markou eweB, crop on left ear, , punched upper bit iu right. Wethers, crop in must 1)6 very wnw;uiui w wiKimnvin ill Grant countv. Cleanliness is the best precau- Kminr. Mike. Heppner, Or. Horeea branded KNY un left hip, cuttle same and crop off left ear; under slope on the right Keller, Itichara, manton, urani county, ur. EK insouare, cattle on left hip; horses time on left shoulder. Kange Bear vallev. lurk, J. 1., Heppner, ur. norsee db ou ieii shoulder; cattle, b9 on left hip. Kirk. J C. Hennner. Or. Horeea. 17 on either flank; eatUe 17 ou right side. Kumberland.W. G., Mount Vernon, Or. I L on cattle ou right and left sides, swallow fork in Uft ear and under ciop in right ear. Horses same brand on left shoulder, ltange in Grant countv. Keeney. Eli, Heppner, Or. Horses J L and ace of clubs on left stifle. Range in Umatilla and Morrow counties Lesley, M C, Monument, Or A triangleBJKvith all lines extending pa-t body of figure on L.I hor ses on left shoulder, ou cattle diamond on left shoulder, split iu right aoa uuder bit in left ear Range iu Grant county and to parte of John Day Leahey, J W. Heppner Or. Horses branded L N ou lei't shoulder; cattle same on left hip; wat tle over right ei't three shut in right ear. Loften, Btepnen, Fox, Or. 8 L on left hip on cattle, cron and solit on riaht ear. Horses same brand on left shoulder. Range Grant county, Lienallen, John W., Lexicon Or. Horses branded half-oircleJL connected on left shoul der. Cattle, same on left hip. Range, near Lex ington. Lord, George, Heppner, Or. Horses branded double II coi.necU Sometimes called a ewiug H, ou left shoulder. fllaxweil, M . 8.. Gooseberry, Or. Horses brand ed long link on left shoulder; cattle, same on lef J hip. Ear mark, under bit in left ear. Minor, Oscar, Heppner. Or. Cattle, M D on right hip; horse. Mou lef t shoulder. Morgan, ti. N., Heppner, Or, Horses, M) on left snouldei cattle same on left hip. McCnmber, Jas A, Echo, Or. Horses. M with bar over on right shoulder. fllann, h. ri., .Lena, Ur. Horses old mareB LL on rmht hiu: younir stuck, small zz on left shoulder. Moruan. Jhoa.. Hennner. Or. Horses, circle T on left shoulder and left thigh; cattle. Z on right thigh. Mitchell. Oscar, lone. Or. Horses. 77 on rnrhi hip; cattle, 77 on right side. Mctlaren, D. G., Brownsville, Or, Horses, Figure 5 on each shoulder; cattle, M2 on hip MeKorn.w.j. Mount Vernon. Or XI ou cattle on right hip, crop in right ear, half crop in left same brand ou horses ou left hip. Range in Grant lumy. MeCartv. David H.. Enhrt. fir. Horses branded DM connected, on the lef t shoulder; oattleBame on hip and side. McGirr, Frank, Fox Valley, Or. Mule shoe with toe-cork ou cattle on ribs and under in each ear; horses Bame brand on left stifle. JHCMaieyj u. v., Hamilton, Ur. un Horses, a with half circle under on left shoulder; on Cattle, four bars connected on top on tlie right side. rtange in urant liounty. Noal.Androw. Lone Rock, Or. Horses A N con nected on left shoulder; cattle same on both hips. Newman, W. It., Heppner, Or. Horses N with half circle over it on left shoulder. Nordvke. E.. Hilverton. Or. Horses, circle 7 on left thigh; cattle. Bame on left hip. Oliver, J oeenh. Canyon City. ur. A ' on cattle on left hip; on horses, same on left thigh, Kange in (Tram county. Oiler, Perry, Lexington, Or. P O on left ehou.dei. Olo. Herman. Frame City. Or. On cattle. O LP connected on left hiu: horses on left stifle and wartle on nose. Range in Grant county. Pearson. Olave. Eight Mile. Or. Horses, quar ter circle Bhield on left shoulder and 24 on left hip. Cuttle, fork in left ear, right cropped. 24 on left hip. Range on Eight Mile. Parker & Gluason, Hardman, Or, Horses IP on left shoulder. Piper, J. H., Lexington, Or. Horses, JE con nected oi.left shoulder; cattle, same on left hip. under bil in each ear. Patberg, Henry Lexington. Or. Horses brand ed with a Roman crous on left shoulder'; cattle branded with Roman cross, bar at bottom, on left hip. Pettys, A. C, lone, Or,; horses diamond P on shoulder; cattle, J 11 J oonnected, on the left, hip, upper slope in left ear and slip in the right. Potter, Dan, Lexington Horses branded MP connected ou left shoulder; cattle same on right hip. Powell, John T., Dayville, Or Horses, JP con necred on left shoulder. Cattle OK conuected oa left hip, two under half crops, oue on each ear. wattle under throat. Kange iu Grant county. Rickard, G. D., Canyon City, Or. F C on left shoulder, on horses only. Range Canyon creek and Hoar valley, Grant county. Rood, Andrew, Hardman, Or. Horses, square oroBK with quarter-circle over it on left stifle. Reningor, Chris, Heppner, Or. HoreeB, C R on left shoulder. Rice. Dan. Hardman. Or.: horses, three Dan el worm fence on left shoulder; cattle, DAN on right shoulder, ltange near Hardman. Rudio, Wm, Long Creek, Or. Brands horses K on right shoulder, ltange. Grant and Morrow counties. Royse, Aaron, Heppner, Or Horses, plain V on left shoulder; cuttle, same brand reversed on right hip and crop off right ear. Range in Mor row county. Fresh ! Address, I have re-opened this well known house to the nubile, and Bolieit a share of the patroimge. IVr.lHV 'J Htmrtl per wtM-lt " " " wllh ritom t iw My till,!,' 1 Hlway. .iippllwl with the lwt tho market allordii. , MKH. 1USKY DAl'UUTKR, (I7.tf.a-w l'rii. A I'l'otKtMition. If vou will pnv your sulmoriptioD to the liiizi'ttt) fii full tmi one year in it( t'dHfc, we will srnul you the following hooka ul prions HtinVil herewith: "Six Oreat Hooka for Kuriil Homes," Omenta; "Famoua Fiction by the Worhl'a Orent t Authors." ten volumes, Ml eeuta; (Jooiwr'u "LeatherBtivking Tales," 120 cents. 43-tf. Tub rATTsmtoN Ppb. Co, Rui'klt'n'a Arnh'ii Salve. The best salve in tho world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers salt niemn, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all akiu eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or do pay required. It is (fuaranteed to (jive perfect satisfaction, or money refunded, l'rioe '25 cents per box. For sale by Hloouui-Johuston Drug Co. FROM HALE'S HUHiK. Mb. Editok: As I am one of the would-be toughs of Utile's Kidge, that "Hon Ami" 6peaks of iu the "Eight Mile News Budget," I will try to say a few words in their defense. I will admit that Hale's Bulge has a few long faces, but aa for gall, Eight Mile takes the cake every time. The toughs of Hale's Ridge ehould look upon "lion Ami" with pity, for I think that he or she is shallow in the tipper story, ami below the notice of the people of our oommunity. Well, as I think it is a waste of time and pauer to write after such trash as "llou Ami" gets up, I will close. liespectdilly yours, t- J- FIG. II. After the parts are all made, first put tho bottom framework on the wagon, then place the sides in position. If to be Uiicd as a hayrack insert the euds of the uprights into the mortises or tne cross pieces so that the upright will rest on the main sidepiece of bottom frame, as in Fig. 2. Then put the upright for holding tho lines in its place, insert the bolt that holds it, and the rack is ready for use. If for hauling swine, sheep or calves lot the bottom of uprights drop into the staples, as shown in Fig. 1, then nut un and fasten tho end gates and slide in a board of the proper width on each Bide of tho main centerboard, so as to make a reasonably close lioor for the animals to stand on, and the rack is complete. Try it; any farmer can make it, aud there iu no patent on it. It may be made of any size desired, but the di mensions above given are those that are ordinarily used. The iron bolts used are all half au uich thick. Breeder's Gazette. Cotton Beetl for Hogs. During tho past winter and spring we fed cotton seed to hogs with a view of finding out whether they can be so fed without fatal results, we tea tnem until April and lost no hogs in conse quence. Tlie seod was thoroughly steamed, both with aud without tur nips, after which it was generally mixed with some bran before being fed. The hogs soon learned to eat it and seemed to become very fond of it, doing much better than before we began feeding seed, or after we quit. While we have never tried feeding roasted cotton seed, it is very doubtful if it is an improve ment oil steaming. However, we ex pect to try the roasting process and will report results later ou.J. E. Little in Texas Farm and Ranch, thejn, Uon, and when first putting out a brood dust bhe hen aud chicks with insect pow der. If this cannot be had, rub their thighs, breast and head with a bit of lard. Anointing the chicks in the same way when one or two weeks old is also advised, and if a tiny bit of lard be ap plied and the work be done at evening in clear, mild weather there is no dan ger. No matter how loudly the chicks and their mother protest, keep them in their coops out of the rain, the dew and the cold, damp weather, for from whatever causes gapes accrue, we Know mat. it seldom troubles chicks that are kept dry, warm and comfortable. To insure this, I Hnd it best to place the coops of my early chicks nuder a long shed, which is open on one side to admit the sunshine. Here their feeding coops are also placed, so in bad weather the little fellows are content with a nice dry run and their mother cluekimr in the coop near by, calling them in now and then to nestle for warmth among her soft feathers. Such a shed as this mine is 8 by 16 feet, with an overhanging roof and earthen floor may be built at very little expense, and after the season for young chicks is over it forms an excellent dust ing place and resting place, too, for the rest of the tlock. H. C. Dudley in Amer ican Cultivator. Crosby, A. A., Heppner, Or. Cattle branded (or H L connected) on the right Bhoulder. Cook, A. J. ,Leua,Or. HoreeB, 90on right shoul der, Cattle, same on right hip: ear mark square crop off left and split in right. Currin.K. i, Curriusville, Or. -Horses, on left stifle. Cochran. J n Monument. Or Horses branded T 1 A A on left shoulder. Cattle, same on right hip, swallow fork in right ear and crop off I eft. in center: horses, CE on left liip. Cupper, H. A., Monument, Or. Horses H C on It ft shoulder, cattle H C on left side, swal low fork on right ear. Cochran, R. E., Monument, Grant Co, Or. Horses branded circle with bar beneath, on left shoulder; cattle same brand on both hips, mark under slope both ears and dewlap. Chapin, H., Hardman, Or. Horses branded d on right hip. Cattle brauded the same. Cross, b Li i .Dayville, ur cattle Dranuea -f- two crops and a split in left ear; ou horses a reversed 7 on left stifle. Also have the following brands on cattle: Tl on left hip, 7 on right hip, 72 on left shoulder, two parallel bars on left shoulder. Ear marks, two crops. Doonan. Wm.. HeoDner. Or. Horses branded OO with bar over them, on left shoulder; cat tle same on left hip. DouglasB, W. M Galloway, Or. Cattle, R D on right side, swallow -fork in each ear; horses, R D on left hip. Douglas, O. T., Douglas, Or Horses TD on the right stifle; cattle same on right hip. Duncan, W. P., John Day.Or. Quarter circle V on right shoulder, both ou horses and cattle. Kanae (irant county. Driskeli, W. E Heppner, Or, K inside of O on left Bhoulder. left side or neck:. -Horses branded Cattle same on Elv. J. R. &. Sons. DouBlaa. Or. ed ELV on left shoulder, cattle same on left hi: Horses brand- hole in right ear. cattle, on right hip. Kange in The state board of live stock commis sioners has sent out a bulletin to tho ef fect that "lumpy jaw" in cattle is a dan gerously contagious disease. It is fur- ! ther declared by the board that annuals afflicted with "lumpy jaw" are mint for I food, because the disease poison is apt to ' be found in any part of the animal. Self preservation may induce butchers to re i ject such cattle, even if honesty would not. i For some reason the breeding and rearing of mules does not increase ami ! prosper iu the north wee t. Is it true, as i they used to say in the south, that the negro and the mnle flourish together? Live Stock Points. Now begins the hen setting and hatch ing season. In the southern portion of this big country it is safe to set the hens in Jauuary. A little farther north, say on a line through southern to central Ohio, it may begin the middle of Febxu- i ary. Still farther north, on a line with ! the lakes, the first to the middle of j March is a good time. The chicks j should come out just in time to escape being frozen to death. Those thus natch inar do the best. Coal cinders or fine coal dust with 6horts is good for hogs. You cannot bear it in mind too stroug ly that in breeding you must weed out all inferior and scrub stock. Never under any circumstances breed from a poor animal. It will grade your stock down instead of up. This is true of every kind of live stock. The best corncrib you can have is a fine lot of cattle, hogs and sheep. Sunol'a trainer, Marvin, to Robert Bonner, "Barring accidents, next year we will put the mark where it will be above high water mark while you and 1 live, 1 think." Some first class Shropshire lambs, raised in Indiana, were sold in the Chi cago market recently at six dollars a head. Any state swine breeders' association or any swine record association may be admitted to membership in the National Swine Breeders' association by the an nual payment of ten dollars, entitling risk. Raloh. Prairie City. Or Horses. R F on right shoulder; Grant county. Eleek, Jackson, Heppner, Or. Horses. 7F connected on right shoulder; cattle, same on right nip. Ear mark, hole in right and crop otT left. Florence, L. A., neppner, Or. Cattle, LF on right hip; horses F with bar under on right shoulder. Florence. 8. P. Heppner, Or. Horses, F on right shoulder; cattle, h on right hip or thigh. Gay, Henry, Heppner, Or. GAX on left shoulder. Goble, Frank, Heppner, Or. Horses, 7 F on left HiiHor cfirrlt flame on rinht hiD. Oilman-French, Land and Livestock Co., Fos sil, Or. Horses, anchor a on left shoulder; vent, funnn on left stifle, t'attle. same on both hiDs: ear marks, crop off right ear and underbit in left. Range in Gilliam, Grant, Crook and Morrow oounties. Gentry, Elmer, Echo, Or, Horses branded H. 8. with a quarter circle over it, on left stifle. Range in Blorrow and TJmatillaconnties. Giltwater. J.C.. Prairie City. Or. On horses. O -O on left shoulder and stifle; cattle, on right Bide. Range in G rant county. Hams. James. Hardman Or. Horses shaded 2 on left shoulder; cattle same on left hip. Range in and uhout Mamraan. Hayes. Geo., Lena, Or, Brand JH connected, with quarter circl over it, on left shoulder. Hiatt A. B., Kidge, Or. Cattle, round-top A, with quarter circle under it on the right hip, liatiifHin Morrow and Umatilla counties. Ilia ton & Jenks. Hamilton, Or Cattle, two bars on either hip; crop in right ear and split in left. Horsns. Jon riirht thigh, llantrein Grant county, Hughes, Samuel, Wagner, Or T F L on right shoulder on horses; on cattle, on ngnt nip ana on left side, swallow fork in right ear and slit in left. Kanue in Havstack district. Morrow county. Hall, Edwin, John lay,Or.-Cattle E Hon right hip; horses same on right Bhoulder. Jhangein l.r.oit ciinntv. I Hughes, Mat, Heppner, Or. Horses, shaded heart on the left shoulder. Kanife Morrow t o. Hiiiiraker, B . Wagner, Or. -Horsee, 9 on left shoulder; cattle, v on left hip. Hanlistv. Albert. Nve. Oreaon Horses. AH connected, on left shoulder; Cattle on the left Rush Bros., Henoner. Or. HoreeB branded 2 on the right shoulder; cattle, IX ou the left hip crop oil left ear and dewlap on neck. Kange in Morrow and adjoining counties. Runt, William, Pendleton, Or. Horses B oa left shoulder; cattle, R on left hip, orop oil right ear, underbit on left ear. Hneep, It on weathers, round crop off righ ear. Range Uma tilla and Morrow c aunties. Kfiimev. Andrew. ITintrtnn. fir. HorftM branded A K on right shoulder, vent quartet circle over brand; cattle same on right hip. Range Morrow county. Royse, Wm. H, Dairyville, Or HR connected with quarter circle over top on cattle on right hip and crop off right ear and split in left. Horsee, same brand on left shoulder. Range in Morrow.. Grant and Gilliam countieB. Ritter, J F, Hitter, Or Three parallel bars with bar over on horses on left hip; on cattle, left side, two smooth crops, two splits in each ear Range in Middle Fork of John Day. Rector. J. W., Heppner, Or. Horses, JO oa lef t Bhoulder. Cattle, Qod right hip. Spickuall, J. W., (Jooseberry, Or., Horses brauded 31 on left shoulder; iauge in Morrow county, Bpray, J. F., Heppner, Or. Horses branded fcl conuected oi. right shoulder; cattle same on both, hips. bailing, C C Heppner, Or Horses branded S A on left shoulder; cattle same on left hip. Bwaggart, B. F., Lexington, Or. Horses 2 with dash under it on left stifle; cattle H with dash under it on right hip, crop off right ear and waddled on right hind leg. Range in Morrow Gilliam and Umatilla counties. Bwaggart, A. L., Etia, Or. HorBes branded 3 on left shoulder; oettle same on left hip. Crop on ear, wattle on left hind leg. straight w. u., neppner, or, Horses shaded J B on left stifle; cattle J B on left hip, swallow torn m rigui ear, unueroii in lerx. HwHffurarl . L. Aloine. Or. Hnrana R ft nn riaht Bhoulder Baou. Thos.. HeDDner. Or. HnrnAii. ft A P an left hip; cattle Bame on left nip. Shirtz, James, Long Creek, Or. HorseB. 8 on left stifle and over 2 on left shoulder. Hhrier.John. fox. Or. NH nonnnriArl nn 1 horses on right hip; cattie, same on right hip, . crop off right ear and under bit in left ear. Range. ' ui urant uouuiy. Bruit h Bros,, John Day, Or H Z on cattle oft le t shoulder. Diepneus, v . a., naruman, ur-; norses Boom riaht stifle: cuttle horizontal L on rim ritrht aid . Btevenson. Mrs A. j.. HeoDner. Or. Cuttle, rt. on right hit ; swallow-fork in left ear. Hwaiotart, tr. w.. neoimer. Ur. Morses. 44 on. left shouidei ; cattle, 44 on left hip. Stewart. Geo.. Hardman. Or. Horses aircla, od left shoulder. Hlona Ira Mint ntnn Wooh 11,-ana l,rtQ . , on left shoulder. Smith, E, E. Loe Rock. Or. Horses branded crossed seven on left shoulder: cattle same on left side. Range, Gilliam county. Hnerrv. E. G.. Heimner. Or. Cattlfl W C nn ' left hiu. crop off ritrht and nnderbit in left vear. dewlap; horses W C on left shoulder. inompBon, j. a neppner, Ur. norses, e on left Bhoulder; cattle, 2 on left shoulder. Tippets, S. T., Lena, Or. Horses. C on left shoulder. Turner a. W.. HerjDner. Or. Small onmta! T left shoulder, horses; cattle same on left hip with split m both ears. lhornton. a. JVl.. lone. Or. Horses branded HT connected on left stifle; sheep Bame brand. Vandernool. H. T.. Lena. Or: Horses HV con nected on right shoulder ;cat tie, same on right nip. Wilson, John Q,, Salem or Heppner, Or. Horsos branded Jo on the left shoulder. Kantr Morrow county. w arren. w u. Caleb, or Catt e. W with Quarter circle over it, on left side, split iu right ear. norses Bame braua on ieii Shoulder, itaugem Grant couuty. w ixHi, u Ij, uayvuie, ur Heart on norses on left stine: on cattle. U on left side and under bit in left ear. Range in Grant county. B W on the right hip. square crop off right ear . hip.cnm off left ear. rtum uronhrevs. J M. Hardman, Or. Horses, H on lofl Hunt Hiatt. Wm. F.. Ridcre. Or. Horses branded bar cross ou left shoulder; cattle same on left Tlayes, J. M., Heppner. Or.-Horsee, wineglass on left shoulder cattle, earns on right hip. Ivy, Alfred. Long Creek, Or-Cattle I Don riutit hm. (M-rmnrT left, ear and bit in risrht. Horses same bnuid on left shoulder, Range n Grant ! Hum on. Luther, Eight Mile, Or. Horse Hon , . . , ., 1.1 . HIP li'H BllOUllierilUU nwin uu wir ir,v eitcu 10 icu nun any ic. u.uitj tie same on left hip. Kange in morrow cotuuy. i p.,..i K...,, i..l.;.,o n v Mr Vt.nmn.Or.-J on horeson u , V1 , - , left nhouUer; on cattle, J on left hip and t wo a member by the payment of one dollar Bm;wth croI8 on both ears. Range in Fox and annually, entitling mm to one vote. i RearvaUVis Jnukin. 8. M., Heppner, ur.nonwB, i-r shoe J on left shoulder. Cattle, the sam. Kange on Einbt Mile. Johnson. Felix. Lena. Or.-Horses. circle 1 on A fanner who writes to renew tho ! subscription to his paper says that he 1 pays for it with the money his hen earned. Good idea. left stitle; cattle, same on right hip, under half orop in right and split in left ear and snlitin left. Wallace. Francis. Mount Vernon.ur oouareon cattie on the left hip, upper slope in the left ear and under slope in right ear. Bame brand on horsee on right snoniuer. range in Harney and Grant countv. Webster, J. 1.. Heppner. Or. Horses branded with bar over J on right Bhoulder; cattle sam on right hip. crop off left ear and split in each. Range, Morrow county. Wade, Henry, Heppner. Or. Horsee branded, ace of Bpadee on left shoulder and left hip.. Cattie branded same on left side and left hip. Wells, A. B., Heppner, Or. Horses, on left shoulder; cattle same. Wolnnger, John, John Day City, Or On horss. three parallel bars ou left shoulder; 7 on sheep, bit in both ears, Uange in Grant and Malhner counties. Wyland, J H, Hardman, Or. Circle C on left thigh, Woodward, John, Heppner, Or. Horses, CP connected on left shoulder. Wat kin s, LiBhe, Heppner, Or. Horsee branded TJE connected on left stine. Wallace, Charles, Portland, Or. Cattle, W on right thigh, holt- in left ear; horses. W on right shouluer, sotn same on left shoulder. Whittier Bros.. Drewsy, Harney Bounty, Or. -Horse branded W B. connected on lefi shoulder Williams, Vasco. Hamilton. Or. Qo&rter cir cle over three bars on left hip, both cattle and herpes. Range Grant comity. Williams, J O. Long Creek, Or Horses, quar ter circle over three bars on left hip; cattle same and silt in eacn ear. nanae in ttrant county. Wten, A, A., iteppner. Or. Cattle, running A A with bar aero on right hip. Young, J. B., Gooseberry, Or. Horses branded TtionUrt right shoulder. 'n1mi.i.,,.iIl V -J .Ji i itr' -l. nth., t !,, lib