CoNllliliSSMAN-ELKCT liLLIS, tot gUCh we may venture to call hlni, received an enthusiastic greeting on his return home 'o Heppner. This indioatea that the peo ple ot Eastern Oregon will Be bim hearty support, Ijecatme he is opposed to free wool and faithful to their interests, and those of the whole oountry. Aa toriau. The Portland Dispatch, a democratio eichouge, says: "Mr. Ellia was not the choice of a majority of Eastern Oregon, but the Multnomah bosses settled the matter. A man selected by the ring vote must be pretty satisfactory to the bosses. He can hardly be said to be the Eastern Oregon oandidate. He has the ring on him." This is erroneous in every partic ular, and clearly demonstrates the faot that the Dispatch has not watched the drift of political opinion in the Inland Empire for the past few years. Two years ago the Times-Mountaineer men tioned the name of Hon. W. B. Ellis as a very eligible candidate for congress, and during the last few months no name received so many favorable comments. Mr. Ellis is absolutely free from the Portland ring, and bo open river bas a firm and steadfast friend m him. Times Mountaineer. SPLENDID WATERWORKS. Those who are in a position to know the facts say that Hillsboro's facilities for fighting fire are unsurpassed by any other town in the Willamette valley. Those interested in insurance admit that our every appliance is ample and ef ficient and that our water supply and its pressure are ample to oope with any emorfjenoy that may or could arise. Hillsboro Democrat. The owner of Hillsboro's waterworks is Mr. II. V. Oates, who is desirous of putting in Heppner's plant. A COMPLIMENT, ANYHOW. Ellis' nomination for oougress in the second congressional district was cer tainly unfortunate. In point ot ability he cannot measure length with J. 0. Leasure, and as a field worker he does not possess the foroe and the fund of political data that marked the dibit of his opponent before the convention. lie doubtleBS will make a tireless, conscien tious and earnest worker in oongress, where his district will certainly send him. Portland Mercury. Mr. Measure's address to the conven tion after his defeat made him friends, and really proved him to be 8 man of broader views than many bad oonsidered him, yet this paper fails to see where lie excels W. It. Ellis in any particular. Ellia' friends know where to find bim, and, like the Mercury, it is their opinion that he will merit the oompliment of that paper, if elected. A WRONO CONCLUSION. The East Oregonian, in commenting on the last vote in the congressional fight at tho rcpubhoan convention, says: "It is seen that J. C. Lensure, of this oily, was not so far out of the raoe. On the final ballot, without Multuouioh's 43 votes oast solid for Ellis, Leasure would have hud 28 votes to 27 for Ellis." Tho East Oregoiiian evidently was not represented on the field of aotion, or it would have arrived at different con clusions. The Inst vote originally stood: Ellis, (111; HnodgraflH, 20; Leasure, 28; Kami, 8; Hilton, I); Eddy, 1. Union county then ohanged her vote for Ellis, making him 70 votos and leaving Snod grasH with 10 votes. Ellis' vote of :3 irom Eastern Oregon and Columbia county on the third ballot was not changed on the final vote. It is quite evident, then, that Mr. Ellis did not re oeive anything liko the whole of the Multnomah delegation. Jlll.TON COUCH'S KXPHltlKNCK Willi an Klt'Hnc Doctor and How He Was Served. Knmi tlio OlvRuniiin. Mu. Editou: I have been affected will) discharging ears for 2(1 years. In 1H7U my right ear went totally deaf. Novem ber, 1H!)1 1 was almost totally deaf when I called on Dr. Dnrrin for examination, lie informed me no living man could re store my hearing perfect ngain. Alter four mouths treatment the discharging ear is perfectly cured, and I oau hear common conversation when near the person speaking, for which I am very grateful for the skillful treatment of Dr. Darriu. Electricity und medioines wero both used in the cnee. Respectfully, Milton Couou. Couvallis, Or., April 7, 18il2. Dr. Darrin's place of business in at 70.' Washington street, Portland, Or. Hours, 10 to 5, evouiugB, 7 to 8, Sunday, 10 to 12. They make a specialty of all diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, Catanrh and Deafness, Bron chitis, La Grippe, Consumption, Dyspep sia, Heart, Liver and Kidney Diseases. All Nervous, Chronio and Private Dis eases of men, such as Loss of Manhood, Wood Taints, Syphilis, arioooele. Hy drocele, Ounocr, Tumors, Gleet, Gonor rhoea, Stricture, Spermatorrhtea, Seminal Weakness, Loss of Desire of Seiual Power in Man or Woman, all Feouliar Female Troubles. Luoorrlnea, Displace ments, etc., are oonllJeutially and suc cessfully treated, and will under no oir oumstauces take a case that they cannot cure or benefit. Charges reasonable. CureH of private diseases guaranteed and never published in the papers. Moat oases can receive home treatment after a visit to the doctors' oiliee. Out of towu patients treated with unfailing success through oorrospondeuee: one visit liesir able, but not necessary. Kemedies sent safely and free from observation to any part of the country. Circulars and ques tion blanks sent free. Inquiries au swered. Consultutiou free. Fink TisiKKH. Perhaps, the besttim. ber growing in the Blue mouutiiius can be round on Rock creek, in the vicinity of Will Mnllory's saw-mill. This class of timber Mr. Mnllory is using in making lumber which he delivering in Hepp nei all the way from $15 to J.'W per thousand feet, depending on the quality, aud whether desired rough or dressed. The same oan be bought at the mill at prices rnugiug from to $25 per thous and. He has a general assortment on baud at present, and is sore to sutisfy customers. ll'7-tf. Again Caught Misrepresenting Facts. The Royal Baking Powder Company has resorted to so many tricks to force its way upon the public, that whenever any cry of fraud is raised the public instinctively turns to the Royal Baking Powder Company. Is it any wonder ? The Royal has recently printed a statement purporting to be an interview with Dr. Benjamin F. Drew, state chemist and analyst to the Food and Dairy Commission of Minnesota, to the effect that the Royal Baking Powder is all which the company asserts it to be. The statement is made that Dr. Benjamin F. Drew, state chemist and analyst to the Food and Dairy Commission, made the representations referred to be fore the legislative committee at the last session, which ex amined various baking powders. WHAT IS THE TRUTH? 1st. There is no such person as Dr. Benjamin F. Drew, state chemist and analyst to the Food and Dairy Commission of Minnesota. 2d. There is a Dr. Charles W. Drew, who is state chem ist and analyst to the said commission. 3d. He denies the statement in question of the Royal Baking Powder Company, generally, as follows: 1st. The statements in no sense represent his attitude or his utterance. 2d. There has never been, either in the published re ports of the chemist of the commission, in his testimony before the legislative committee or elsewhere, any implied endorsement of the Royal Baking Powder as superior to other brands. 3d. At the session of the legislative committee before which Dr. Drew testified, an attempt was made by the attor ney of the Royal Company to secure the statements which the Royal Company has since printed, which attempt failed. 4th. On the contrary, Dr. Drew did say there were suffi cient grounds for objection to the presence of ammonia in baking powders to justify the legislative committee in recom mending that all such powders be required to announce upon their labels the fact that Ammonia was one of the constitu ents; and Dr. Drew further expressed to the committee the following emphatic opinion: "I would not recommend such powders to my patients, nor would I use them in my own family." The Price Baking Powder Company makes a Pure Cream Tartar Baking Powder, free from ammonia, alum, lime or any taint of impurity, and feels it owes a duty to the public as well as to itself to lay bare such trickery as the Royal resorts to in trying to wheedle the consumer iuto using its Ammonia Powder. Sitb C110BKN. At a Bpeoial meeting of the school board yesterday, they decided to build the new school house near the "point," on Nols Jones' property. There may be some objections to this place, if personal interests are considered, but they must be subservient to the public good. In the first place, the directors have no money with which to buy a high- priced lot. The amount of cash in sight is 3,400; indebtedness which the dis trict will allow inourred, SK.IMMI: total limit ot expenditure, $11,100. The es timated cost of school house is not far from $10,000, leaving only $1,400 with which to buy lot, furnish house, build outhouses, etc., and therefore it was im possible for the directors to do better. The price asked tiy Mr. Jones is $3o() for a piece of land UOOittfiO feet, and consid ering looation, nmouut of money avail able, and good, spring water at band, no one has a just reason to complain . The lot near the court house would have cost muoh more; the noise of the mill would have interfered with the school, and the tl u me near bv a menace to the lives of small children. School House Loss Skttlkd. Proof of sohool house loss to the amount of $3,400, including damage on bouse aud furniture, having been made last Mon day, the State Insurance Co.'s draft to that amount was received yesterday by the directors of the district, through the First National Hank, in full payment. Also a draft for $1H, rebate on the old policy. The direotors had canvassed the matter pretty thoroughly, and are satisfied that they have reoeived all that could be exioted under this policy, ami every cent that the building was worth. Of course, the distriet met with consid erable loss on furniture, but as the pol icy only called for $250 insuranoe iu this line, they could expect uo more than that amount. Suddbn Drath. The friends of Jimmy Matlock were pained to learn, this morn ing, of his death at 11 o'clock last night, at the Good Samaritan hospital, Port laud. Although he was in a serious con dition, bis pbysiciaus did not anticipate any immediate danger. Ouly a day or so ago, his father reoeived a letter from his sister, Miss Elizabeth, who was with him, that he was improving. Hih sudden demise was quite a shook to the relatives and many frieuda here. In this hour of deep affliction, the Gazette extends its sympathy. Jimmy was a manly, bright young man, and tie will be sadly missed by both youug and old. BuccKNsxrii Tkkvi. Heppuer's high school department closed its term today. Though working under many disadvant ages since their quarters were destroyed bv fire, it has been the moat aiioooenful sohool in lleppnet's eqperieuoe, aud is but the begiuuiug of what it will be. Prof. Wier is a teacher, and no mistake. Cows roB Salk. Geo. Hwaggart has about fifty bead of flue Holsteiu heifers aud older oows, tine milkers, all gentle. It you want a good milk cow call ou bim at the Ella ranch and take your pick. Will sell reasonable. 80-3 A Warning- Don't lino liiK Words. Ill promulgating esoteric cogitations or articulating superficial sentimentalities and philosophical or psychological ob servations, beware of platitudinous pon derosity. Let your statements possess a clarified conciseness, oompaoted oompre hensibleness, ooalesceut consistency and a concentrated cogency, Esohew all conglomerations of flatulent garrulity, jejune babblement and asinine uffeota tious. In trying to impress upon others the superiority of the Wisoousin Central Lines, and why you and so uinnv others use this thoroughfare from St. lTaul and Minneapolis and Duluth and Aahlnnd to Milwaukee, Chioagu and points east and south, it is not necessarv to use jaw breakers. Let your extemporaneous deacautings and unpremeditated expa tintioiiB have intelligibility and vera oious vivacity, without rhodomoutade or thrasonical bombast. Sedulously avoid nil polysyllabic profundity, psittaceous vacuity, ventriloqual verbosity and vanililoquent vapidity, shun double eu tendres, prurient jocosity aud pestiferous profanity, obscurent or apparent In other words talk plainly, naturally, seu Bibly and truthfully say the Wisconsin Central Lines is Tim noivm, and that ends it. 405tf. Bamks' Day. On Thursday of each week will be "babies' day" at Dauner's gallery. Urmg along your babies Bncl have their pictures taken, and you will get one photo free ot charge. 58tt LIST OK l.KTTKliS nVKHTISKIl AT HKIT.NKIi rosTOFKICE April 11 lxrj: Almil. 1) 11 ArlMii klc, T (I HrHiillt'V, Wt'stley clirlmevBon. l.eUe Cautwi'll, Jolm KiTKUhon, Mlm Minnie Hand, A M 1 v U-, M M Haeltcn, Harvey Kimni'v, James Stititml, 'loin Smith,' W ait Sinltli, W S Wilson, liiohar.l Wilmarth, K K Wall, 1'li'nBe any "AdvertlHt'tl" wlii-n ertlUnirfortlu'ac li'ltiTi. A. Mai.uiky, 1'. M. mm ftcflty tfif foJIowtnij Hotlc appard in tnt Han franciscc Chronica. " Tiulfi 9 had bof n sick only about two weeks, and it was not until the lust three or fourdavs tliflt the malndvtook a seiious turn. At the beKinniiiK of his illness he sutl'ered Irom diabetes and stotmu'h disorder. letter the kidneys refused to (wi form their functions and he isaed quietly away. Thus ended the life of one of the most prominent men in Cali fornia." Like thousands of otheis his un timely death was the result oi uctjlxliug early symptom of kidney disease. IF YOU ire troubled with diabetes, gravel, or any de rangement of the kidneys or urinurv oi jiana, rltm't delay proper treatment until yuu are forced to gwe up your daily duties ; 'f waste vour money on worthless liniments and wAse piasters', but strike at the seat ot thediseaae at once by usinn the greatest of all known remedies, the celebrated Orecon Kid nev Tea. It has saved the lives of thousands. Why should it not cure you? Trv it. Turely vegetable aud plcaaaut to lake, f l.OOa pack age, e for f.voo. I iwn iawirrsTrTi mi if Gencinb Akticlb Mooba and Java, as well as other grades of tine coffees, can be found at J. Cohn's. 79-tf. Something New. C. Ruhl wishes to inform his many customers of Heppner, that be will prepare Boston baked beans, n the latest style, every Sunday morn ng during the Bummer season. 70-82 Bring Them Back. "Pap" Simons has loaned out a brace and bit, a two- men auger, a hand-saw and other tools. If the parties are through with them. they will kindly return aud oblige. Wtf The Festive Catusb. While round ing up horses near town last Monday, Bob Hart's horse fell on him, dislocating his left shoulder, and badly bruising bis face. Dr. Fox was oalled, and Bob is doing well. Gkai.v Bags for T&)2 Until further notice, we will contraot to furnish first grade Calcutta bags for August delivery at eioht and one-half cents at all points on the Heppner branch. As it is pos sible that the prioe of bags will be higher Dy nurvesi man tney were last season farmers will do well to place their orders early for at least a portion of the number they may require. Call on or address JU . Co. Li. & T. Co. 79-80. A Cumous Phenomenon. A grand sight was notioed in the southeast heavens last Tuesday evening, two "mock moons," of brilliant colors, appearing one on each side of that satellite, being at au equal distance from it, each de scribing the radius of aoirole, which was little less brilliant than the "mook nioens themselves. The sky to the northwest was grainee like a, door panel witn wnite streaks. " Died On Butter creek, yesterday, the child of Geo. Viuoent. of diphtheria. Also in the same neighborhood, on that date, the child of Johnny Ajers. LOCAL MARKET KEPOHT. Wheat, bu 6O0 Flour.bbl 5 00 lieeves, cows A two-year-olds, cwt. 2 50 " three ' 2 75 Sheep, muttons, head 4 00 " stock 3 00 Hogs, ou foot, cwt $4 50 5 00 Hogs, dressed 8 00 Horses, slow sale. Butter, roll 65 Eggs, doz VVa Chickens, doz 2 50 2 75 CAl.IFOKNIA MAIIKET. Wheat, cwt 81 40 1 55 Flour, bbl 3 00 5 15 Beeves, stall fed 7 00 (ib 7 25 Muttons, owt 9 00 12 80 Hogs, owt 3 50 5 25 Wool Eastern Oregon.. 10 17 Butter, lb 15 19 Eggs, doz 18 20 Chiokens, doz 5 50 10 00 Turkeys, lb 19 ie 21 PORTLAND MARKET. Wheat, cwt $125 1 40 Flonr, bbl 4 50 4 60 Beeves, owt 2 50 c i 00 " dressed 6 00 (a 7 00 Muttons, live sheared. .. 4 50 4 75 dressed 8 00 9 00 Hogs, on foot 6 00 6 25 " dressed 7 50 8 00 Wool Eastern Oregon... 10 17 Butter 25 30 Eggs, do. 18 ( 20 Chickens, doz 5 00 5 50 Turkeys, lb '. 14 ADDITIONAL LOCALS. Buhl, the baker. Buy your bread aud dikes and save money. Try it. a. Pnlnoe hotel, a first class hostelry, ex cellent entertainment and living rates. See J. W. Cowins for Rock Springs coal. Eenve orders at Gazette office, a Minor Bros, are now selling Hour at bed rook prices. Por cash only. See new ad. a A Hue lot of imported Shot Guns at Thompson & Co's at bargain prices, no jutiocrs pronts. a M. Lichtenthal & Co. have just re ceived a tine lot of ladies' kid, button and tie slioes. At bottom prices. a H. Blnckninn & Co. have an exolusive General Merchandise store. Stookmen cannot do better than patronize H. Blackmnu & Co., of Heppner's Pioneer Brick. a. On The Heppner Furniture Co.'s ad. next week for speoitil bnrjfilnu. Two cur loads of furnltiiru are stored In our warehouse, hook for priced next week. WANTED. rTHOSE who are interested In the Eight Mile country and Mmrow county to know that we have a few extra copies left, which can be Keen red either at tieo. Thornton's news stand or at tbe Ga.ette otlice. txS-sw. ClOMK to the "Palm-e Hotel bur for Champagne Cocktails. chiuiiiat;ne on tap. tiu-aw B1G lot of Goiisi'berry nuinber8of" the GiT etto that oiuht to b sent away. Call in, i inv est and help your country. swtf MRS;J."'V. llASMI'Swants"the people to know that ntie low opened a dressmaking shop at the liitlliiierv store of Miss Inez Voruz. (ii e her your wurkjadies. tW-sw MX) KNOW" that L lhyWl"iTlIeppiU'?s I leadingcimthirtor ami builder. Estimates Kivt'h on nil kinds of work. Office at resi dence, Hi'ppuer, Or. 71-sw. VWagoiiitiaker. uiie the best locutions in Morrow eoimty,' Must have a little capital. Call ou or write Gazette oitice for particulars, bw bitftiness; established in the midst of a good farming and stH'k-raising countrv. Reason for selliiiit. want to go on a farm. Also for nale a cood house and o lota with or with out the business iroperty. For further informa tion address Lovk He No. o, Long Creek, Oreson. 71 tf sw N v U' 1 C E -1 1 M B 10 K C f LT I' R E . Land Otlice at The Dalles, Or.. March 2S, 1S!2. Complaint ha ing been entered at this orhi by Libert D. McMillan, of Lexington, Or., HUHhmt Jiuneb Keating for failure to comply with law as to limber Culture Entrv No.v.i, dated April 11, 1-vvi, upon the NE-4 of foc m, Tp 1 s. K -' K W M, in Morrow county, Oregon, i Mum .n.. in me rnui'i-iiniiou in bhiu. euirv; ceiitt'Htant aileiung that said James Keating has failed to break or cause to be broken ten acres ot said tract, or to plant or cause to be planted v iKiton. iiii'i-i im, "twin or cuius compliance with the timber culture la' that said failure still exist, the said part hereby summoned to appear at thlsothee 'Aid da of May, We A 10 o'clock a. m.. ten acres to timber trees, seeU or cutthiKS. in eoniplmiu e with the um!er culture law. ami ties are ' on the MHMIil atul furnish ttini.)nv .aiil.irnii1'ff ai.l HlUytHl railure. Kmnk II. mIow, I". 8. i'ommis sloner, in aiithorittl tn take testimony lu this ease at his otlu e iu Lexnitttoti, Or., at lo a. m May U, Lvu. John W. Lkwis. i Kegister. KEEP M EYE NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land OBloe at The Dallei. Or., March 12, ism. Notice Is herein- Kiven that the follow tiuj-nam--....i,.- nuu rii'.-d n.itl.-rt of his intention to I make final proof In upHrt of his claim, ami , that said proof will he made before the County Clerk of Morrow County, Or, at Heppner, Or.. ou A nrll. S lslrj, viz: I lid. No 1,830, for tin! NK!4 Sec 32, Tp .3 S, R U I E UoumM the followin? WltlUfHSCB to nrOVft his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of laid land, viz: John H Inijraham, Jake S. Young. Edward if, aid ol Eight -Mile, Or. ; Joe Hayes, of Heppner, ur. John W. l.KWis, 472-12 lleuister. NOTICE OF INTENTION. bind Oilicc at The Dalles, Or., March 14, 1H02. Notice is hereby Ktven that the followiiiR named nettler has filed notice of h.H intention to make final proof in Bupport of hia claim, and that said proof will be made before County Clerk of Morrow County, Or., at Heppner, Or., onAprilin), wr, viz: - PATRICK FLANAGAN, Hd. No. 2,075, for the Nw NEJ4 aud K NWfc Her 14, Tp 2, N R 26 E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his eontiniiouB residence upon, and cultivation of, mud land, viz: Joseph M. Green, A. G. Bartholomew, Win, B. Finley, A. J. Lockard, all of Alpine, Or. John W. Lewis, 472-82 Renter. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Otlice at La Grande. Or., March 7, 1R92. Notice is hereby Riven that the following nained settler ha filed notice of his intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will lie made before W. K. Ellis, Com, U. 8. Circuit Court, at Heppner, Or., on May 2, viz.: GEORGE W. TITOMPSON. Hd. No. aaul, for the NW'-j See 34, Tp 1 S, R 27 E W M. Charles Nelson take notice. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upou, anu eumva tion ot said land, viz: H.N. Morgan, Austin Gentry, Joseph Bector mm n unam uoviimi, au oi tieppner, ur. 470-480 A. CLKaVKK, KegISTKR, NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Otlice at The Dalles, Or., March 10, '92. Notice is hereby diveu that thefollowinir-nam ed settler has tiled notice of his intention to make, nnal prool in Bupport of her claim, aud that said proof will be made before F. H. Snow, Com. U. 8. Circuit Court, at Lexington, Oregon, on April 30, viz: ELIZABETH THOMPSON. Hd 4324, for the N WW Hec 2ti. To 1 8. R 2.1 EWM 8lie names the following witnessesto prove her vTMiHiuiiouH rt!Bmenee upon, anu cultivation ti, said land, viz: David A. Porter, William C. Metier, James Leacn ana Josiah H. Boothby, all of Lexington, Oregon. John W. Lrwim, 73-83 Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Otlleeat I,a Grande, Or., April 4, 1S-.V2. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has rik-d notice of hid intttiHii. tn make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before W. It. Ellis, Commissioner U. 8. Circuit Court, at Heppner, ui( jiuy it, jm'i, viz; MIFFLIN J. DKVTN. Hd. No. 5,331, for the E'X SEk Sec 32 and SVtf HW!4 Sec 33, Tp 1 S, K 27 E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upou and cultivation ,of said land, viz: Foster Adams, W. L. Saling, S. N. Morgan, "'"" mugful, no oi neppner, ur. Frank Scholield take notice. 4"8-8. A, Cleaver, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION Land Office at The Dalles, Or., March 22,1892. Notice is herebv irlv.'ii rhiit Hip fn1tnwliifr.iinm ed settler has Hied notice of his intention to maiie unui proot in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before County Clerk of Morrow County, at Heppner, Oregon, on May 7, 1S92, yU: MAT HUGHES, Hd. No. 3,900, for the YM NWW and V NE4 Bee 15, Tp 3S, K 26 EWM. He nameB tne following witnesses to prove his w .unnuuD ivoiuynue upou, auu cultivation 01. said laud, viz: James Neville, James Leahey, George Gray and i.nutoivuiJin;ilciiiui rieppuer, ur. John W. Lewis, 4' 1-484. Kegister, NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at The Dalles, Or., March 29, 1892. Notice Is htM-fliv (rtvM iimt tiw. t,,a.n ed settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and Mini, amu pium win oe maue oeiore f . tl. hiiow, U. s Commissioner, at Lexington, Oregon, on May .14, Iy2, viz: DANIEL V. BRYANT, Hd No. 2,587, for the ' NE and E 8ec 24, Tp2H, R2i) E W M. He names tho following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, sam land, viz: Elwood P. Sine, William C. Metier, John T. Yount, Harvey L. McAlister, all of Lexington, Oregon. 477-f7 John W. Lewis, Register, NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at Tho Dalles, Or., March 29, 1892. Notice is herebv given that the followine-- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in BUpportof his claim, aud that said proof will bo made before J. W. Mor row, county clerk of Morrow county, Or., at iieppncr, ur., on aiay it, inaz, viz; ALBERT ERNEST POWELL, Hd No. 3,621, for the Stf NEJ and Nk SEJi Sec 1, Tp 1 8, R 2i) E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous resiuonce upon, anu cultivation of, said land, viz: K. . Ilyud, I. L. an winkle, of Heppner, Or.; J. L. Howard, T. l. Mathews, of Galloway, Or. JOHN v. LEWIS, 477-87 Kegister. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Ijtnd Office at The Dalles, Or., April 1, 18D2. Notice is hereby given tnat the following named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Morrow county, at Heppner, Or., on May 21, im, viz: HENRY K. HICKMAN, I). 8. No. 7,3ir, for the SE'4 SW4 Sec 23 and N YM N and N K 8ec 26, Tp 0 S, R 20 E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Win. Hendrix, James Bennett, E. Ilendrix, J. J.McGee, all of Lone Rock, Or. 477-87 John W. Lewis, Register. NOTICE. Land Office at The Dalles, Or., March 18, 1892. Complaint havintr been entered at this office by Laura Muir, of Lexington, Or., agalnat Thos. m. uouiey ror aoanaomug nis nomestead entry No. l,37o, dated December G, 188o, upon the NW and W.1 SW.V Hec 2, Tp 1 S, R 26 E W M, in Morrow county, Oregon, with a view to the cancellation of said entrv. the said uartiea are hereby summoned to appear at this office on the bith dav of Mav. 192. at 10 o'clock a. m.. to re spond and furnish testimony concerning said alleged-abandonment. F. H. Snow, U. S. com missioner, is authorized to take testimony iu this ease at his office in Lexington, Or., at 10 a. m., May 6, 18i2. John W. Lewis, 47ti-8ti Register. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF PART NERSHIP. V'OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT WE, the undersigned, have this day dissolved partnership of our bunch grass fanning inter cuts, and that Thomas Parmen, first named part ner, haB purchased the interest of George l'ar meu, the second named partner, in the follow ing property, to-wtt: Three geldings, 1 mare, 2 cows, 2 yearling calves, -rJi head of hogs, 1 reaper, 1 harrow, 2 plows, 1 Kushiord wagon, 2 sets of harness, crop of 113 acres, aud all the im provements on the farm. All owing the above partners, either by note or account, w ill please settle same with Thomas Farmen. All debts of above tirm are also to be settled bv Thomas Far men, THOMAS 'PARMEN, GEORGE FARM EN, April 1, 1S2. Signed. 47S-48,r) NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT SLAL 1 ed bids w ill be received by the county court at the regular May term, on the third judicial day, to-w it: May 4th. 1S;2, at tbe hour of 10 o'clock, a. m., for the construction of a county brtiige at Lexington, or., in accordance w ith the plans and siieeltltations on tile in the the clerk a office. JL'LIL S KKITHLY, County Judge. Heppner, Or., April 11, 1892. 7M4. JiOTlCK TO CONTRACTOH8. V'OTICE IS HEKKBY FIVES' THAT THE umiereisnett will reeeive sealeil tuls, up to am! inrhultitK April 2,"th. to bulk! pub He ik-hool buiUHug in the towu of Heppner, Morrow county, Dreijon, said buihlliijj to be eoimtrueteti aeeor!!!!! to the plans and speeitl eations now to he seen at the oiliee of the Hepp ner tiaette, in said town, the sueeessful bidder to enter Into bond with security for the faithful pertunnanee of contract, w ithin rive davs after receiving notice of the acceptance of "the bid. The bmfd reserves the right to reject any and all bids. YV. K. EU.IS, THUS. M(Kt;.N. OTIS PATTKRSOS, Board of Directors of School Dist. No. 1. DiUi, April U, InW. . 7y-!CT . K mi Mt I HI I till II II Ml I II I BOKG THE .IKWKLKlt is "in it" yet. S Htl lilit II II M M 1 1 III II 1 1 III III III dVE SUPPLY YOUR SPRING SHOES ? Our Spring Footwear is the Best and the Cheapest. As the shoemaker, a nice new shoe. The goat, the calf, ami the kangaroo, Joined by the alligator, too, All dropped in to tind out whether Twas any uf their folks that f u'nish'd the leather. M. LICHTENTHAL & CO., Mulii Street, Heppner, Or. New Warehouse ! HENRY HEPPNER IS HAVING CONSTRUCTED AT Heppner a capacious W arehouse and platform room. He will soon be ready to receive the spring clip, and attend to such other business as may be entrusted to him. Having been in this business at Arlington for some years, the public know what to expect of him, and he therefore asks for a con tinuance of patronage at his New Warehouse, AT HEPPNER, OREGON; HIGHEST Flour Exchanged for Wheat. HEPPNER FLOURING MILL COMPANY. T. W. AYBRS, Sr., Manager. Rock Springs Coal! I will keep constantly on hand the Besr Screened Rock Springs Coal, which I will deliver in any part of Heppner At a Reasonable Price. Leave your orders at the Gazette Office. J. W. COWINS, Heppner, Or. DAN OSMERS. Columbia Beer Hall! 'KEXT DOOR to M. Lichtenthal & Co.'s Shoe Store, Main i. St- HlP ll kanA a Fine Line of Liquors, n ines, Cigars, Etc, We have Reduced the Price of S Cents PerGlass, On draught, fresh and cool. LuDch of all kinds. Hope to see all their old friends and many more. mi irr h n atp i I 11 II II A HIH ri n i i i I i i The of the City. m vouiauow J. H. BAYES, J. C. HAYES BROS., gTILL HOLD DOWN the old quarters on Main Street, opposite tbe City Hotel wbere tbey keep as nsuai Harness, Saddles, Whips, Spurs, Etc. The Genuine Heppner Saddle Always in Stock ! Agents for The White Sewing Machine, Best in the Market. Rernirlg: a Specialty I II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II HMtl'l HI I f I HI 1 1 1 II II I 1 1 1 ll 1 1 1 MU MM II 1 1 1 HI I'll I II We wish that everybody knew What elegant stock we put in each shoe And keep on hand to benefit you. All grades, styles and shapes together, Fine footwear in all kinds of leather. CA3H PEICE 448 MAT HUGHES. the Buchler Beer to OSMEKS HTJQIIES. Props. Well Fur nished Rooms Rea- ( sonable. HAYES, C. J. HAYES. 0 t (