OFFICIAL gfiMl PAPER If I reach you, read and hand to ... . your neighbor . . . If I reach you, read and hand to ... . your neighbor . . . NINTH YEAR IIEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 1892. NO. 480. mmwMi SEMI-WEEKLY GAZETTE. PUBLISHED Tuesdays and Fridays BY IHE I'ATTERSON PUBLISHING COMPANY. ALVAH W. PATTERSON Bus. Manager. OT18 PATTERSON Editor" At 18.00 per year, tl.50 for bix months, 11.0(1 for three moutne; in advance. Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. The of long Creek, Grant County, Oregon, 1 published by the same com pany every Friday morning. Subscription price, S'iper year. ForadvertlBlngrateB.aiulress fcKXlSr xL rAITEESOlT, Editor and Manager, Long Creek, .Oregon, or "Gazette, Heppner, Oregon. TIIIH PAPER is kept on rile at E. C. Dake I Advertising Agency, IU and 65 Merchants Exchange Ban Francisco, California, when) C0u tracui for advertising can be made for it. T.1 C. PENTLAKI), SECRETARY Of THE 1. Oregon Press Association, Ash street, between First and Second, Portland, Oregon, is our only agent located in that place. Advertis ers should consult hiin for rates and space in the Gazette. THE GAZETTE'S AG'iNTS. Wnuner Itunsaker Arlington','.'.'. Henry Heppner liZ -:::::::V; Camas Prairie Oscar DcVaiil Matteson AllS","'wT jive Or H- c- Vt right Hardman,' Or., i; - J-A. Hainilton, Grant Co., Or., Mattle A. Kudio Imin J Prairie City,' Or R. R McHalcy Canyon City, Or., -8. L. I amah Pilot Rock, O. P. Skelton DrvvIUp Or ...J.b. WioH jX Day, , Or'.', Z. F.'l. McOallura Athena Or John hiliugtoii Pendleton, Or!,'.' Win. U- McCroskey Mount Vernon, Grant Co., Or l'o master Shelby, Or., Miss Stella 1' let Fox, Urnnt Co., Or., ......J. K Allen Eight Mile, Or Mrs. Andrew Ashbaugh Upper Rhea Creek, B. F. "ev land Douglas, Or II White Lone Rock, Or R. M. Johnson Gooseberry W. P. Snyder Condon, Oregon H:rb(;rt ?d Lexington . . W. B. McAhster AN AUKNT WANTED IN EVERY rilEONCT. Union Pacific Railway-Local card. No. 10, mixed leaveB Heppner 8 a. ra. 10, " ar. at Arlington 11, u, " leaves o -' v. " 9. " ar. at Heppner rt:50 p. ni daily except Sunday. East bound, main line ar. at Arlington 8:60 p. m. West " " " leaves " 4:H0 p. in. Hight trains are running on same time as before. CANYON AND INTERMEDIATE POMS. Stage leaves for Monument daily, except Sunday, at 6:30 a. m. Arrives daily, except Monday, at 6:00 p.m. Direct connection oan' be made at Monument with the Long Creek stage. Daily stnge between Long Creek and Canyon Citv, connecting at the latter place with the stage for Burns and Sil vias valley. iliimmor 8. Pennoyer. See! "sta'te........ V,1?","'6' Treasurer "fKj 8upt. Instruction B. Mcelroy. Judge Seventh District W. L. Brads haw Distriot Attorney . H. Wilson MORltOW COUNTY. Joint Senator Henry Blackman. Representative J wV'TJlnv Cunnty Judge Julius Keithly. ( ,ount, JjJv J. A. Thompson, H. M. Vaughn. Clerk J. W.Morrow. " Sheriff " Treasurer J.W. Matl ck. Assessor JjA,.00" ' Surveyor B. Crane. School Sup't W.L.Saling. Coroner James Danghertj. HEPPNER TOWW OFFICERS. T.J.Matlock KcuVnen'.'." O. E. Farnsworth, H I.ichtenthal. Otis Patterson, rJ. P. Garngues, The. Morgan and Frank (jilliam. Heoorder Treasurer Marshal A. A. Roberts. E. (t. Hlocum ..J. W. Rasmus. SESBSI SOCIETIES. Dorio Lodge No. 20 K. of P. meets ev ery Tuesday evening at 7.30 o clock in ineir issue nau, ........ ing. Sojourning brothers cordially in- ' T C. Aubrey, K. of H. 4 B. tf viiea to Hl.ieiiU. J .ail.J lunwi w. RAWLINS POST, NO. 81. ft. A. R. Meets at Lexington, Or., the last Saturday of each month. All veterans are Invited to join. C. C. Boon, Geo. W. Smith. Adjutant, tf Commander FSOFESSIOITAIi. A. A. ROBERTS, Real Estate, Insur ance and Collections, OtBoe in Council Chambers, Heppner, Or. swtf, J. N. BROWN, JAB. D. HAMILTON. Attorney at Lav, Brown & Hamilton. Practice in all courts of the state. Insurance, real estate collectijn and loan agents. Prompt attention given to all business entrust ed to them. . . Opposite Gazette Offlce, Heppner. tf Haiionai Bank of Hefner- WM. PENLAND. ED. E BISHOP. President. Cashier. TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS COLLECTIONS Made on Favorable Terms. EXCHANGE BOUGHT & SOLD. HEPPNER. tf OREGON irnit ni ivro A complete assort LLU.IL DLA.ift.0. ment at the Gazette office. When in Arlington, stop at the Ben - pett bouse, near the depot bl-tf Are having their land business straight erred out and shaped np. How about yours? If not in satisfactory condition it would be a good plan to see Bbout it at onoe. I am giving careful and ener- ufitin attention to entries, nnal proofs, "railroad land" and all business relating to lands in Morrow oonnty. I) It AN K 11. SNUW, U. 8. Commissioner, swtf. Lexingtou, Or. From Terminal or Interior Points the RAILEOADI Is the line to take Tt. in t.hA nininirCflr Ronto. It runs Throntth Vestibuled Train b every day in the year to St. Paul and Chicago (No Change of Cars) Composed of DINING CARS unsurpassed, PULLMAN DRAWING ROOM SLEEPERS Of Latest Equipment TouristSleepingCars Rust thnt nnn ho nrnintnirttftd and in which 8C- coin modations are both free and furnished for holders of brut or Beconu-claas ticKete, ana Elegant Day Coachs. A Continuous Line connecting with all Lines, affording Direct and Uninter rupted Service. Pullman Sleever Reservations canbe Secured in advance through any agent of the road. THROUGH TICKETS To and from all point in America, England and EuroD.i can be purchased at any Ticket otbee of this Company. Full information concerning .rates, time of trains, routes and other details furnished on application to any agent, or A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant Genera Passenger Agent. Wo. 121 First St.. Cor. Washington, tf. PORTLAND OREGON S. P. FLORENCE, STOCKRAISER ! HEPPNER, OREGON. Cattle branded and ear marked as shown above, IT ... U ..n .ink, ohf.nlfloP. Mv cattle range in Morrow and Umatilla coun ties. I will pay aiov.iju ror tne mik wu. viotion of any person stealing my mot. Where? At Abrahamsick's. In addition to b tailoring business, be has added a fine line of underwear of all kinds, negligee shirts, hosiery, et!. Also has on band nun elecaat oatteras for snita. A. Abrahamsiek, May street, Heppner, Or. Pacific No return since 1882. F. . "ALL BIGHT I ST. 9 A Year's Subscription to a Pop ular Agricultural Paper GIVEN FREE TO OUR READERS By a special arrangement with the publishers we are prepared to furnish FREE to each of our readers a year's ubsoription to the monthly grioultnrol journal, the American Farmer, published at Springfield and Cleveland, Ohio. This offer is made to any of our sub scribers who will pay up all arrearages on subscription and one year in advance, and to any new subscribers who will pay one year in auvanee. rne American Farmer enjoys a large national circula tion, and ranks among the leading grioultural papers. By this arrange ment it COSTS YOU NOTHING to re ceive the American Farmer for one year, It will be to your advantage to oall promptly, Sample copies can be seen at our office. FREETO THE BFFUCTED. All who are suffering from the effeots of Youthful Errors, Loss of Manhood, Failing Powers, Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Strioture, Syphilis and the many troubles hioh are the effects of these terrible disorders will receive, Free of Charge. full directions how to treat and cure tnemselves at name rjy writing w tne UAIjIPOBNIA JWkDICATj AND MUEGIOAIi IN FIRMARY, JU2i).1 Market Street, San Francisoo, California. 465-ly. First National Bank OF HEPPNER, A. RHEA. President. FBANK KELLOGG, Vice-President. George W. Conser, Cashier. C. I. Levis, Ass't Cashier. Transacts a Oeneral Banking Business EXCHANGE On all parte of the world- Bought and Sold, Collections made at all points on Rea sonable Terms. Surplus and Undivided profits, $23,527.10 '11 1.3 Original D1CTIQHRRY . spaas?: ? . i; BY SPECIAL ARRANGEMENT WITH THE publishers, we are able to obtain a number of th" above book, and propose to furnish a copy to each of our subscribers. 1 he iliotionary is a necessity in every nome, sehool aiKl business house. It 11 1 In a vacancy, and furnishes knouledKe which no one hun dred other vnlumeB of the choicest books could supply. Younisand old, educated and ignorant. ricn ana poor, sooiini nave 11 wmun icm.u, uuu refer to its contenls every day in the year. As some have asked ll mis is rainy me ung- inal Webster', LnabridKcd Dictionary, we are able to Btate we have learned direct from the publishers the fact, that this Is the very work complete on which about forty of the best years of the author's life were so well employed in writing. It contains the entire vocabulary of about 100,000 words, lncludlni! the correct spell ing, nerivaUUTl ail'I iicniiiiikh nmm;, a, id the regular standard size, containing about 800,0111) square Inches of printed surface, and is bound In cioin nan inorocco aim sneeu. Until further notice we will turnish this valuable Dictionary First To any new subscriber. Second To any renewal subscriber. Third To any subscriber now m arrears who oavs ud and one year in advance, at the following prices, viz: Full Cloth bound, gilt side and back stamDS. marbled edges. $i-oo. Half Mo'occo, bound, gilt side and back stamDS, marbled edges, $1.50. Full Sheep bound, leather label, marbled edges, $2.00 Fifty cents added in all cases for express age to Heppner. rty.K the publishers limit the tfme and number of books they will furnish at the low r.rice we ar vim-dl 1 who desire to avail them selves of tills great opportunity to attend t it at once: For ;ale. The hotel heretofore known as tbe Mountain Honse, one block from First National bank in Heppner, Or. Con tains parlor, dining room, baggage room, kitchen and 15 bed rooms; all rooms furnished. For farther particulars in (juire 0f 63-tf T. W. Aiebs. Unabrid loM-Wism I suffered severely with face neu ralgia, but in 15 minutes after appli cation of St. Jacods Oil was asleep ; - have not been troubled with it since. D. ADAMS, Perry, Mo. JACODS OIL DID IT." Weal Nsras or in Fain From some long-standing ailment, or feel that your constitution (nervous system) is failing, or that some affliction has taken, or is taking, permanent hold of you, wbioh you have been, and arc still, unable to throw 011 or oontroi, wuetuer in the first or last stage remember that Dr. Gregg's ELECTRIC BELTS And Appliances. and system of home treatment will cure you. No modioli, or other mode of electric treatment can at all compare with them. Thousands of women who suffer for yearn with complaints peculiar to sexf nave eeu completely ana per manently restored to health. Wo fewer men have also been enred. Electric treatment for diseases sntrecRted. pro perly applied, 1b perfect and has no xond substi tute. The Gregg Electric Belt and ApplituieeH are the only ones in existence that supply a perteet moae or application. The (iregg Electric Foot Warmer, price $1,00, keeps the feet warm and dry ami ib the only irenuine Electric Insole, People who have paid their money and been cured can tell von what has been done for them in a way that will convince you. Complete cat alogue of testimonials, prices, etc., lie. Circular free. BIG INDUCEMENTS TO GOOD AGENTS, Addrem THE GKEGG ELKOTRIC CUKE CO. 501 Inter Ooean Building, Chicago, 111. SHI LOU S CONSUMPTION CURE. The success of this Great Cough Cure fa without a parallel in the history of medicine. All druggists are authorized to sell it on a pos itive guarantee, a test that no other cure can successfully stand. That it may become known, the Proprietors, at an enormous ex pense, are placing a Sample Bottle Free into every home in the United States and Canada. If you have a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bron chitis, use it, for it will cure you. If your child has the Croup , or Whooping Cough , use it promptly, and relief is sure. If you dread that insidious disease Consumption, use it. Ask your Druggist for SIIILOH'8 CURB, Pricel0ctH..50cl3. and $1.00. If your Lungs are sore or Back lame, use Shilohs Porous Plaster. Price 25 cU. For sale by all Drug gists and Dealers. Keal Merit 1 NO!! It you take pills it is because you have neve irit'u iiiu S.B. HeafiapQe & LivBr Cure It worltB so nicely, clcanslne the Mver and Kidneys; acts as u mild physic without CHiisitiK pHin or sit knesH, and does not stop you irom eat l UK aim wonting. To try it is to become a friend to it For sale by Slocum-Johnston Drug Co., Heppner PUBLIC SALE OF- Stock Horses The undersigned will sell at Pnblio Auction at IIEPPNER, OR., Friday, May- 201, 1802 ioo HEAD too Of American Stock Horses. TERMS OF SJ1LE: One year, with approved security; in terest at 10 per cent per annum. Five per cent discount for cash. 78tf. C. I J. COCHRAN. Frank H. Snow, Commissioner U. S. Circuit Conrt at Lexington, Or., ia authorized to reoeive fees tor publication of final proofs. M M. 8 sf0!l!!fc 5 3famm 8 &si!l 4s CEREAL PRODUCTION IN OlilitiON. The oensus offlce has issued the follow ing statistics of cereal production in Ore gon for the census year ending May 31, 18U0, oompiled by Mr. Charles E. Kindt under the direotion of Mr. John Hyde, speoial agent in charge of agrioulture. In 1889 there were grown in Oregon 553,270 acres of wheat, which produoed ',268,224 bushels, being at the rate of 16.81 bushels per acre as against 445,077 acres and 7,480,010 bushels at the census of 1880, the yield per aor in 1879 being exactly the same as in 1889. The increase in the area in wheat over 1879 was 108,193 acres of 24.31 per oent and in yield ,818,214 or 24.31 per cent. The number of aores of oats grown in 1889 was 218,736, which produced 5,948,- 594 bushels, being at the rate of 27.20 bushels per aore as againt 151,624 acres and 4,385,650 bushels by the census of 1880. The yield per aore in 1879 was 28.92 bushels. The increase in the acre age of oats over 1879 was 67,112 or 44.26 per cent, and in yield 1,562,944 bushels, or 35.64 per cent. to I Cebeai,. $ g- ; S Barley 37,S0:l 87'i,0itl SUft" Corn 12,101 ais,20.-i 1I1.IW live li,H45 (twoti !i.2;t Buckwheat 2,li7. 1071 The total area devoted to oereals was 829,005 aores, as compared with 632,871 aores at the tenth census. Strength autl Health. It you are not feeling strong and healthy, try Electric Bitters. If la grippe has left you weak and weary, use Elec tric bitters. This remedy acts directly on liver, stomaoh and kidneys, gently- aiding those organs to perform their funotions. If yon are alllicted with sick headache, you will iiud speedy and per manent relief by taking Electria Hitters. One trial will convince you that this is the remedy you need. Large bottles on ly SOo at Hlocum-Johnstan Drug Oo.'s, LONE ROCK'S BON NOUS. Ed. Gazette: A faint wish has en tered my cranium to scratch a few wordB to the most enterprising and interesting paper, the Heppner Gazette. As this is my first attempt at writing for a paper I have but little hopes of seeing it in print, but nevertheless I will be pleased if it does happen to find a littie-spaceiu some unoooupied column. We have been having very severe weather in this section for some time past, all tha high hills and mpi'tutains are covered with nature's snowy garb. Al though it has not snowed for several days it has been cloudy and threatening de struction to the wee lambs, which are constantly arriving this time of the year, and oonBequently the sheepmen do not have sue li a pleasant smile as would be expected under different oircumstances. As I bad the pleasure of riding over the Eight Mile oountry a few days since, I feol it my duty to describe some of its beauties, whioh are plowed fields, bar rowed as smooth as a new swept lloor. beautiful green lanes and pastures, and sturdy farmers turning over ths green sod for next fall's use; little lambs scampering and playing, and young orchards' sprouting leaves waving in the April breezes, tell of industry, prosper ity and happiness. But I must leave Eight Mile and re turn to our own little village, which is in a bad condition, and needs a justice of the peace or somebody with great power to keep peace amorg the gentle sex, so their aching jaws may have a little rest. If there is an neuiployed peaoe-mnker about Heppner, we wonld be willing to give good wages for a short time, just to get a rest, you know, A Bthaqulino. Lone Hock, April 8, 1802. That Languid Peeling Will leave you as Boon as the kidneys are put in good working order. The cel ebrated Oregon Kidney Tea never fails to do the work. Take it according to directions. STOP MY PAPER. Ed. Gazette : Some weeks Bince a long geared individual oalled at my place, soliciting for your paper. Upon repre sentations ol fair, impartial treatment of all olasses, I was induced to subscribe for tbe Gazette. Within the last ten days, sir, you have broken faith with me, or your agent is full of guile. You recently published in your local oolumns an item wbioh does serious in justice to one of our most respected fel low-townsmen, viz: That he had recently become the father of an l.S-pound boy The party in question is not a married man at all, and it looks as though you were endeavoring to practice an old nolitioal dodge. Don't think, because we are few in number, that we will suf fer injustice at your hands, sir. You have already seen the error of your way and made partial restitution by saying it was a man of the same name and looked like him. Whom do you mean tbe baby or the man? Rectify this mistake or henceforth we will be strangers. A Hai-iielok. Goosedkhky, Or., April 10, W)'i. Fohnitokr. Korall kindsuf furniture, bedroom sets, lounges, chairs, etc., don't fail to call on Smith A Williamson, My street., Heppner, Or. The best plnce to make your purchases. 47(3tf Born On last Sunday morning, the (Hlj inst., in this city, to the wife ot John Jenkins, a girl, SCANDINAVIAN NEWS. A Swede Member of the New Zealaud Far llament. John Hjalinar Werner is the name of a young Swede, who has been living in New Zealand sinoe 1858, where he has succeeded in winning both tame and fortune. Some time ago he was elected a member ot the New Zealand parlia ment, in which be has introduced several bills for the improvement of the condi tion of the miners. Norwegian Papers Criticise Royalty. Norwegian newspapers, especially the organs of the Left, criticise the royal family because it patronized only Swed ish trade and industry wheo it bought Christmas presents. Norway, which also is contributing to the support ot King Oscar and his court, was not favored at all. Miscellaneous. A. Svenson, of Ingelsmala, Smoland, was murdered by his son. A railroad is to be bnilt between Gren ua and Tranas, Sweden. Rev. Andreas Huuge, of Skien, Nor way, died at tbe age of 76 years. Mr. Gnstaf Ericson,a prominent factory owner of Eskilstuna, Sweden, is dead. The Tinnfos paper factory atTinfossen, Norway, was burned down tbe other day. Tbe wife of farmer Niels Niergimrd, of Hnlluud, Denmnrk, was drowned in a well. Influenza is raging in nearly all small oitiea and villages on the Norwegian cast. The Norwegian steamer Siggen, was wrecked off Bergen. The orew was saved. Mrs. Anna Beata Horner died at Skuttuuge, Upland, at the age of 100 years. "Per Gynt," the famoue play by Ibsen, will be performed at tbe Christiania theatre. Diphtheria is raging epidemically in Cjovin, Norway. All the schools have been closed. It is supposed that Johau Bverdrup will be eleoted presideut of the Norweg ian Storthing. The crown nrinoe has .been appointed lieutenant general in tbe Norwegian aud Swedish army. The fourteenth convention of Scandi navian naturalists will be held in Copen hagen, July 4:9. Peter Hysing, the librarian ot the pub lio museum in Hergen, Norway, died at the age of 87 years. The fourth convention of Scandina vian philologists will take place in Cop enhagen July 18-21. Their golden wedding was oelebrated by A. Bowman, a well-known citizen of Soderbanin, and his wife. Barou Duhlernn, a young Danish soulpt or, living in Paris, committed suicide by shooting himself, the other day. Mrs. Anna Katrina JueDsson, of Torshalla, who died recently bus donated 35,000 to various benevolent institutions. Emil Opfor, the eminent Danish news paper man, nas returned to noMveu, after having mado a journey around the world. King Oscar and Queen Sophia are staying in Norway. Crown Prince Gus taf has returned to Stockholm from 8t. Petersburg. A Little Girl's Experience In a Light-house. Mr. and Mrs. Loren Tresoot are keen- era of the Gov. lighthouse at Hand Beach Mioh. and are blessed with a daughter four years old. LttHt April Bhe was tak en down with meiiHOlB, followed with a dreadful cough and turning into a fever. Doctors at home and at Detroit treated her, but in vain, she grew worse rapidly until she was a mere "handful of bones. Then she tried Dr. King's Now Discov ery, anil after the use of two and a Mall bottles, was completely cured. They say Dr. King's New Discovery is worth its weight in gold, Yet you may got a trial bottle free at Slocum-Johnston Drug Co.'s store. IONB 1TKMS. Hundreds of breaking plows are with keen edge cutting the bunehgrass prairie. Farmers roport the crops looking fine. The recent showers have done much to brighten the future prospects. Business is picking up quite a little of late. Orders are ooming in for farm machinery and the farming community is beginning to realize that J. A, Wool- ery & Co., are hero to stay aud mean to supply the needs of the oountry. Preparations are being made for the best harvest and the most extensive full seeding overseen in the history of Mor row oounty. "15-2 15-4." J. F. Willis' smiling countenance was seen with us yesterday. Highest of all in Leavening ABSOLUTELY PURE OBITUARY. DIED At his home on McKinncy creek, of diphtheria, Ksrl Albert Ashbaugh,' son of Fred aud Kllen Asiib&uuh, aed & years and six months. He was a remarkably intelligent child, and he bore his sickness with a great deal of patience, always taking his medi cine, never "refusing anything he was asked to do during his sickness of eleven days. He is sadly missed at bia home, at the home ot his grandparents, and also at the home of his other relatives, but their loss is his gain, no more siuk ness, paiu or death. He has crossed over on the evergreen shore, and he will be there at the beautiful gate, waiting and watching for loved ones, and he will know theiu. "We shall know as we are known, Uhen the miBta have cleared away." Pear Earl, thou art Rone to rest, We will not weep lor thee, For thou art now in thy happy home Where thou shalt happy be. For tliou art gone to rest, Thine is an early tomb, But Jesus summoned thee away, Thy Saviour called thee home. Ilrothcr, thou art gone to rest And this shall be our prayer: That when we reach our journey's end Thy glory wc may share. February 18H2. balely in the Jlliltt of llnuiser. This would seem a contradiction is so, iu fact, to the eye. But experi ence has proved its possibility. Take the oase of the individual who dwells in a malarious region. A robust constitu tion is no defence against the dreaded chills. What is? Recorded testimony, covering a period little short of half a century, proves thut Hoatetter's Stom ach Bitters is precisely this. This con tinent does not limit the field where tbe medicine has proved its etlioaoy. In South Amerioa, Isthmus ot Panama, Mexioo, everywhere iu fact where miasma-born disease takes on its most obBtinate and formidable types, the bit ters is a reooguized speoiflo iu illimita ble demand, aud prescribed by physioi ansol repute. Potent, too, is it in disor ders of tbestomaoh,Jiver,and bowels, and against that destroyer, la grippe. It im proves appetite and Bleep, neutralizes rhumatiBm und kidney complaint. EMHT MILE NEWS BUIWET. Sunday school next Sundav at 10 o'clock; preaching at 11. Gill Coats has just finished breaking a large tract ot sud this spring. Chas. Repass bus four teams plowing sod on bis ranch on Hale Ridge . Isaac Knighton has bought a Cassidy gang plow und is turning the sod over very rapidly. Mrs. Ella Brannon has been suffering from a severe attaok of the toothache, but is now convalescent. Ed. Kellev, of Walla Walla, is visiting relatives in this section, but will soon leave for the former plaoe. Sunday school at 10 o'clock today, preaching at 11 and at night. All were a grand success and quite largely at tended. Mr. E. B Stanton has purchased the Fred Pauly plaoe. Consideration, OT)0. He will endeavor to break out the most ot the plaoe this spring. Perrv Ham. a resident of Lone Rook. visited this section of Eight Mile last Monday. He reports everybody busily tilling the soil in that section of the country. Mr. L. P. Jones says bo does not care for the ladies taking a curt ride if they will only oall on him to aeoompnny them. However, some of the fair sex know how the cart rides. Mr. Sine, of Lexington, made a politi cal speech, alluding to the people's party ticket at Eight Mile Center, Inst Tuesday night. He will speak again next Saturday, ltith inst., at 2. p. m. He invites all to come. MesBrs. J. II. and G. R. Jones dugout a nest of coyotes a few days ago. It resulted in the capturing of nine. The little fellows did not have their eyes open, yet, however, it is one good deed done for this neighborhood. It will save a good many chickens. Bud Ingraham and Chas. Stanton have inspected the Bachelor's Club more thoroughly and have found out that the club is not lit for them to enter, and their wish was to eliminate, and that the oath which had to be taken was enough to kill a mule for sixty days. There were three young ladies seen strolling over the bunehgrass last Fri day. Being hulled they said that tliev bad agreed to meet some people at a oer tain place at li o'clock. By the move they were getting on they surely arrived at 6 o'clock, sharp. However, we oan ex ouse them, being as this is leap year. In the last lBsue of the Eight Milo news budget, mention was made of a "girl coutest, or alluire d amour (love affair . existing tietween Messrs. iiemun Caldwell, Joe Haling aud Bud Ingraham. It was true enough, at that time, iiud liigruhum was her "flame," but the weaker sex are Bubjeot to ohange. The girl, in fact, has given Bud Ingraham the "shake, and bus resolved to return to her "first love," Joe Haling. Hud In graham now consoles himself by taking quinine. Joe says he iB "incomlmstible," You might call the girls eligible, all'eo tionute, etc , but don't call them "big soled." T. Taouao. Eight Mile, April 10, Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.