SEMI-WEEKLY GAZETTE I Here and There. T. W. Ajors, Jr., for drugs. C8 sw Gazette onTboruton's cuunteru. Price 6 ceutH. W. G. Buyer Virginia soon. contemplates visiting Mrs. J N. Brown is viaitin renin in Snltm. hor pa- Tbe Gazette shop is prepared to exe cute tine job printing. Daily stage botb ways between Monu ment unci Long Creek. tf. Mrs. J.J.Roberts is prepared f" ' all kinds of pluiu sewing. 63-tt Mrs. J. K. Simons is visiting friends Bnd relatives in the valley. L. W. Lewis is buck from Illinois, and will return to Grunt couuty. Dr. Sbipley reports two oases of dipb therm out at George Viuoeut's. F. J. Hallock and mother returned from Portland Saturday evening. J. N. Brown left this morning for Can yon City, to be absent some weeks. Born, near Heppner, on the 3rd inst., to the wife of U. li. Stalter, a sou. Sum Kinsman's house and barn, in the Jones addition, are Hearing completion. Prof. T. 0. Aubrey is teaching at the Liberty sohool, in the Eight Mile conn try. H. Padberg, Felix Johnson and O. J. Cox represented outside sections yester day. Willie lihea got bonie from Vancou ver last Friday, ttbere he has beon at tending Bchool. Pap iiimous & Son still shoe borses and do general blaeksniithini; at the old stand llatiook corner. 55. "The Parlor," W. F. Rnark, prop., in the City hotel, west side of Main street. Neatest place in Heppuer. bw J. II. McKowen was here over Sunday and decided to allow the school district 83,400 on the recent loss. 0. Until has added a stock of oysters, canued and fresh fruits, all kinds of. nuts, cigars, tobaccos, eto. 09 sw The family of Johnny Keeney (not onr Johnnv) arrived on Friday's train to join Mr. Keeney at this place. Joe Williams and A. A. Roberts got in Thursday from Portland, the former greatly improved from recent illness. Married List Saturday evening, in Heppuer. Thus. J. Owens and Mrs. Mary E. Bare, Recorder Koberts officiating. Eli Keeney, while on a visit to the valley, procured a mounted Chinese pheasant, of which he is justly proud. Hiyu ketehutn whiskers. Gid Halt at the city barber shop--tlie place to get n first-class shave, Lair-out or shampoo, tl Call on Lishe Sperry, down ut the Belvedere, w heu in town. Keeps on hand a flue stock of liquors and cigars. Gltf G. W. Wells, deputy county clerk, has returned from Portland, where he left his sister, Mrs. French, iu au improved oou ditiou. Mrs. J. N. Elder returned Thursday last after a pleasant visit with her daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Ruckuuiu. T. W Ayers, Sr., and Jas. D. Hamil ton are busy on their water system. Their supply will come from the spring on A. VViight'a place. Friday's train brought home Dan Hor ner, lion. W. li Ellis. Mat Lichtenthal. Dave MoAtee, Sam Kinsman, Otis Pat terson and Geo. Conser. The Bnchlor bepr, 5 cents per glass, at the Columbia Beer Hall, Osmers & Hughes, mops., next door to M. Lioh tenthal & Co.'s shoe store. sw tf O. L. Patterson took iu Pendleton on his way home from below, arriving at Heppuer Saturlay. He depart! l this morning for his home at Long Creek. Newer and neater quarters at the Palace Hotel's north business room. Charley Jones, the huher, wants to see his old friends there. Baths in connec tion. J. R. Grover, one of our pushing cit izens, has put on a team for hauling freight and all heavy goods, moving household goods, etc. See his ad. else where. P. O. Borg has just received a $1,000 stock of jewelry. As his stock is already too large, will sell that on hand at great ly reduced prices for the next Bixty days. 79 80. Dr. Grant's Syrup of Wild Orape is made from the Oregon wild grape root, now conoeded by eminent physicians to be the most powerful alternative known. See ad. in this issue. tf A orayon picture, "The Cattle Scene," drawn by Mrs. Jas. I). Hamilton, was on exhibition at C. S. Van Duyn's for sev eral days last week, and was the snbjeot of many compliments. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hayes returned Sat urday from Portland with their little son, Olan, whom Dr. Jones pronounces suf fering with hip disease, but thinks he will reoover in the course of a year. G. W. Dart, O. W. Parrish and Frank Mclieau, the big majority of tbe jolliest delegation that ever came from Graut county, left Sunday morning borne. Henry Blackwell departed this morning. Settlers who filed timber-culture or pre-emption claims on railroad land iu 18b3 or 1887 can recover their fees by applying to Frank II. Snow, IJ. S. Com missioner, at Lexington. Bring your filing receipt. 4-tf. In the supplement this week appears a synopsis of the republican state conven tion, but not being considered complete enough, this paper has given the same in detail, except, of course, the part which appeared in Friday's issue. Died On the John Q. Wilson ranch, near Heppner, on Hiuton creek, this morning at i o'clock, Willie, baby son of Mr. find Mrs. James Brown 'lbe funeral will take place tomorrow in the M. K. Ohuich, South. The family and relatives have the sympathy of neighbors end friends in the hour of bereavement. "Take it before breakfast," because it will give you an appetite, regulate the bowels aud cleanse the system of all im puritiesDoctor Henley's English Dan delion Touio. Sold everywhere. StreDgth and Health. If yon are not feeliog strong and healtbv. try Klectrio Bitters. If la grippe baa left you weak and weary, use Eleo- trie bitters This remedy acts directly on liver, stomach aud kidneys, gently ding thoso organs ti pel form their fvM.ct ons. If you are htllicted with sick headache, yoa will find epeedy and per manent relief by taaiutf E'.ectrio Hitters. One tiial will couvmce oa ti-al this is the remedv you need. Large bottles on ly 50o at blocum-Johnston Drug Co.'s. ALLIANCE COLUMN Slake No Mistake. From the Alliance Herald. A reform party should be a true ex p uent of reform. To denounce and practice au evil at the same time, is rather inconsistent. People are so apt to judge individuals and parties, more by their practice than their profession. What is wrong In one party is just as wrong in another partv. If the incapac ity of the officials choseu by the old par ties bring disaster to the people, you mav .spect nothing better from incom petents seleoted by the people's party. It is painfully true that the industrial forces too often select candidates that have more wind than wisdom. Tbe du ties of a publio officer requires intelli gence, knowledge aud integrity. There are plenty of such men iu the reform ranks. If elected to office they become a credit to tbe party that chose them; but men of that charaoter usually have an iuato modesty that keeps them in tbe background, while tbe fellow with brag and bluster walks oil' with the honors. Don't imagine that beoause a man be longs to the alliance or.Knights of Labor or tbe people's party, he is therefore qualified for publio position. There are men in every community, nearly, who are thoroughly in sympathy with honest industry and legitimate business, who have the qualifications for a publio posi tion. See that such men are elected, and not those who have manifested a capacity for shouting cant phrases. Let us elevate, not lower, the plane of official life. Choose only tnea who are capable and honest. Put none but true men on guard. Select men who will command the respect and confidence of the voting rank aud file. PuBh for ward the men who have the ability to take care of their own reputation and that of their party, and able to perform the duties of their office. Nothing bo injures a new party as as bad candidates. The cause must be strong indeed that can sustain the cause of weak men. Go slow at your oonven tion . Pick the very best material you have. Let sense, not sentiment, control your actions. Don't waste your force on poor materiul as long as you have good. I'he man who aspires to an office should first manifest ability to fill it. Don't do in the new party what you condemned in the old party. Don't be too suspic ious, but use your best common sense, aud nominate men for whom you 03n conscientiously and enthusiastically work. Don't nominate a weak wan for any position, however humble, for just one weak candidate is like a weak link iu a chain. EDITORIAL NOTES. Kindness of Alliance Ilcrahl. Increase the volume of money and thus increase the volume of business, employ the idle laborers, give them an opportunity to seoure homes and the farmer a chance to pay off the mortgages on his farm, furnish the needy with plenty, banish disoontent, aod restore j peace. Tbe people will never be satis lied with less than this and they mean to have it if it requires force to get it. Senator Edmonds says he will convert his property into gold before he goes to Europe for fear of the woeful effeots of free silver. This disoloses the real cali bre of their ex-member f the Amerioan house of lords. It might be well to say that he comes from the only state that has lost in population during the last de cade." Economist. Let the ex-senator convert his stoleu booty into gold and leave the couutry ; it is a good riddance of bad rubbish both as to himself and his gold. Let us have money that such traitors as he cannot control, and we wilj be prosperous. John M. Thurston, of Nebraska, who presided at tbe last republican national convention, bv occupation the attorney of the Union Pacific Railroad company, has declined the ptoposed nomination for vice-preBident on the republican ticket, and adds that he is very much afraid that the strength of the allianoe will endanger republican suocess. Of oourse it will and everybody knows it. Fox Thurston is more honmt than fox Blaine in deolaring the nomination a case of sour grapes he openly admits that there is no chance. Aud when such a sharp lawyer and longheaded politi cian as Thurston concedes the strength of the people's party, then there is no use of any of the resj trying to bide their head in the Baud. A syndicate has just been formed in Chicago for tbe purpose of making in vestments in tbe United States. The name of the concern will be the Trans Atlantio Mortgage aud Securities Trust, Limited. The nominal oapital is to be ifS.OOu.OOO, but it is Biiid to have unlim ited resources behind it. The Marquis of Tweednle is said to be the head and (rout of the eoheme and among hie as sociates are Sir John Pender and GerBld Balfour and other well known capital ists of England. The board is to be purely American, which will pass upon all American investments and which will control the business of the conceru in this country. The corporation wili undertake trusts and agencies of every description, the issuing and guarantee ing of capital of companies, and the con version of industrial business into joint stock companies. The object is to se oure control of gilt edged American prooerties of all descriptions. The World Enriched. TU t. . ;i,'i ft. a r.-,,,, A -i v f,,P the production of evervthinu tbat will 00n. j duce to tbe material welfare and com-1 fort of mankind are almost unlimited, , and wbeu Hyrtip of Fi.a was first pro- j A.,nr..i tka tif..p H n-uo -nrwiliuil u-lth thai onlv perfect laxative known, as it is tbe 0uly remedy whioh is truly pleaeirg Bnd j refreshing to tbe taste and prompt and w .--- " tl.u Knrinr Hmx iir in ftmt. ut MnV tlrnf and the b-tter it ts known the more pop-, we"- 8nd bIho. sufficient land for reser ulartt becomes. j voirs and right of way thereto, as I may FntNiTCKE K'irall kinds ot furniture, bedrtAiro sets, 1 inures, chairs, etc., don't . fail to call on fimitu & Williamson, May i street., Heppuer, (Jr. The beet place to I i make your purchases. 476tf j LAST NIGHTS COUNCIL MEETING. The Water and Electric Light Subject Discussed-Mr. II. V. Gates' Proposi tion Cousldered. Counoil met in regular session last night. Mayor Matlook presiding, and Councilnren Morgan, Lichtenthal, Gnrri gues, Gilliam and Patterson present. Proposition of Mr. II. V. Gates read and discussed. The council were of the opinion that, with some corrections, it would be a good plan for Heppner to adopt. On motion of Gilliam, seconded by Liohtunthal, the committee on oruauoes were asked to draw an ordinanoe allow ing the people of Heppner to vote bonds for fire or electrio light purposes, or both, to tbe amount of $15,000, this sum not to be used in any way or in such project unless satisfactory arrangements can be made. Motion to adjourn prevailed. Tbe following is the proposition made by Mr. Gates, which, of oourse, the council are not obliged to accept, uuless such modifications are made as are satis factory to them: Heppneii, Ob., April H, 1892. To the Town Council of Heppner, Or.: The following is a proposition to furn ish and operate for tbe city of Heppner, an eleotric light and water system, and if accepted at onoe I will enter into con tract giving further and clearer details, that may be determined necessary for the protection of the interests of tbe parties thereto : 1st. The system of waterworks to consist of direct and reservoir pressure. 2d. The water to be pure, dear, pot able water for all purposes, and shall be taken from deep well or wells, free from surface drainage. 3d. Keservors to be not less than 110 feet above the level of the street at Pal ace hotel, and to consist of one reserve for fire purposes, capacity 100,000 gals., and one for commercial purposes, capaci ty 50,000 gals., the latter to be roofed over and enclosed in such a manner that it shall be free from all surface drainage, aud that water coming from same shall be pure as from the well. 4th. Pressure upon mains to be not less than fifty pounds per square inch on level of street at Palace hotel, and sup ply of water at all times sutlicient to furnish three fire streams through one iuch nozzle throwing water eighty feet high for three hours. 5th. Pump or pumps to have not less than 250,000 gallons capacity each 24 hours. 6th. Boiler and engine to be not less than fifty horse power. 7th. Pump and engine house to be sufficiently large and durable for all pur poses. Foundations for machinery to be brick, stone or ooncrete. 8th. Number of hydrants (fire) to be twelve, non-freezing and of best make, and to be located at suoh intersection of streets as the city may direct. 9th. Total amount of muina to be not less than 11,000 feet, (4000 6 in., 7000 4 in.) All exoavations for same to be not less than three .feet below the grade of street. All pipe to stand pressure of 150 lbs per square inch, and mains to be of sufficient capacity to carry out tbe provisions of this contract, (to furnish fire protection and commercial supply) aud to be locat ed upon tuch streets as parties to the contract may decide best. 10th. Electric plant to oonsist of suffi cient dynamo capacity and distribution mains to meet preaeut aud future wants of the oity and consumers, aud only tbe best appliances to be used. Lights for the city to be placed where it may direct, except that no iuoandeBoent light shall be over 400 feet or arc light over 1000 feet apart 11th. I am to keep constantly, day and night (except through unavoidable accident) all fire hydrants supplied with water ready for instant service, and in good order and efficiency during the life of my contract, and the use of same be free from all cost to the oity whatever. 12tb. I am to furnish and pay for all labor and material to make a complete plant; make snob additions, enlarge ments aod extensions from time to time, as the oity may increase iu population, to meet all requirements, as w ell then, as the projeoted system will do now. All ma chinery, material aud work to be first class in every particular, the idea being to put in a system si cond to none of its size. I am to keep tbe same in active and efficient operation, during life of contraot, am to reoeive pay therefor from consumers on tariff rates similar to those used in the cities of Pendleton and Yakima. 13th. Work to begin as soon as con tract is made and to continue actively mtil finished. Alter water is secured, 90 days is sufficient time to complete in except something beyond my control, such as strikes, riots, eto , may intervene. Details and specifications of this con tract for this syBtem to be more explicit and definite when contract is drawn aud signed by the oity and myself. The above to be done upon the follow ing conditions being complied with by the city : 1st. To issue and deliver to me us a loan, good, gold bearing bonds to amount of $10,000, payable in tw enty yearB, to draw semi annual interest at rote of 8 per cent, payable in New York. 2d. To use and pay electric street lights amounting to 8100 per month at rate of 84 per month for incandescent I lights, 32 caudle power, and $15 per month for each arc light of not less than 12u0 candle power. 3d. To raut franebiae and contract for period of IB years. ith To bRve f , d j n machinery while searohiog for andsecur : ing water ; otb. To convey by warranty deed iu use for artesian l a l th (it now select, tbe same not to be upon platted laudu. OESEHAL. The delivery of bonds to be made First. One-half upon completion of water supply and delivery of tnat.'rial in oity of Heppner. Seoond. The remaiader on comple tion of system according to specifications of contract. The amount of boudu (815,000 to re main a first lien upon the plant forever, and whenever the oity purchases the same to become the first payment upon the purchase price thereof. The city to have option to purchase plant at expiration of my franchise, or eaoh five years thereafter at u prioe whiob will prodnoe at 8 per oent interest an amount equal to the net income of plant during the year previous. My franchise and contract to be extended each five years until the oity does pur ohase. Kespeotfully submitted, H. V. Oaths. A Difference. In our last issue, C. Ruhl had inserted a looal oallicg atten tion to the fuot that he was prepared to furnish Boston baked benns every Sun day morning during tbe summer season, aud in writing up the same, his lady customers were referred to as "lady rieuds." This, Mr. Buhl ohjeots to, hough our reporter thinks that Mr. Ruhl's instructions were followed in the composition of the local. Be that as it may, be puts such a strong construction on the term "lady friends" that he stands in strong fear of the numerous husbands of Heppner, and really thinks that it is hurting his business. If such is the case, we wish to say thay Mr. Ruhl does not desire to make love to any of Hepp ner's married ladies, but to simply iu- form them, as customers, that he will hereafter have Boston baked beans, freBb, every Sunday morning during the summer season. Oum Premiums. Any new subscriber, or old subscriber renewing, cash in ad vance at the prioeof our semi-weeelv, $3, can have any of the following great papers, one year, without extra charge: New York World, Chicago Inter-Ocean, St. Louis Republic, St. Louis Globe Democrat, Louisville Courier-Journal, Cincinnati Enquirer, Cincinnati Gazette. New York Sun, New York Times, New York Tribune, Alliance Herald, Pendle ton. Or., National Economist (Alliance), Washington, D. C, or any other paper in the known world having a subscrip tion prioe of $1 per year. Should yon want any other paper in connection with the Gazette, call on us. By this arrange ment our subscribers cannot fail to keep posted on the news of the day, and from all portions of the universe. 77tfsw. Some Wondebs. Dr. Shipley saw a brood now ably taking oare of two pup pies, besides her own family, out at Geo, Vincent's the other day. This reminds us that D. Cox had a setting hen a few years ago, who, becoming disgusted with tryiug to hutch out a basaltic boulder, adopted a litter of pups, but the little fellows would persist With playing with the "old lady's" tail feathers when she would be dihgeutly scratching for worms, thereby disturbing her dignity so much that she finally gave it up as a bau job. Grain Bags fob 1892. Until fnrthei notice, we will contraot to furnish first grade Calcutta bags for August delivery at eight and one-half cents at all point on the Heppner branch. As it ie pos sible that the price of bags will be higbei by harvest than they were last season farmers will do well to place their orders early for at least a portion of the numbei they may require. Cull on or oddresi M. (Jo. L. & T. Co. 79-80. Notice to Vktkkanh. We are request ed by Commander Geo. W. Smith, o Kawlins Post, No. 31, G. A. It., of Lex iugtou, that all members of that post art expected to be present on Saturday, Apr. 30th, 1 o'clock p. m., at whioh time ar rangonients will be made for "Memorial Day," May 30th. All should be present. Mr. Smith also informs us that it is the intention of the post to meet iu Heppner Borne time in the near future. Special Council Meeting. Ou last , Saturday evening, the council met ii special session, Mayor Matlock presid ing. There were present, Patterson. Lichtenthal, Morgan and Gillain. Mr. II. V. Gates, of Hillsboro, presented bit plan for putting in eleotric lights and waterworks, which was considered fav orably by the council, lint laid over foi definite action Monday evening. His proposition, iu writing, is published else where. Homiothino New. C. lttilil wishes to inform his many customers of Heppner, that lie will prepare Boston baked beans, jn the latest style, every Sunday morn ing during the summer season. 79-82 Gkntini: AhtH'TjB Mocha aud lava, OB well as other grades of hue coffees, can be found at J. Cohn's. 70-tf. The Clydesdale Stallion 6""S.!S?V 1 Aim ra I w-9h i mill" a" ujo""Wa sired by Fear Not C.lOOjC. by old Lord Haddon (357.) C. B. B. of TEKMS s Season. P10. Will insure the mare with foal and if not with foal this sermon, w ill bread the feasou of IK8 free of charge In the mean time if 1 should hi my stallion and the mare he not with foal, I will refund tlm j5h). 'Inou breeding c m have service of stallion till October 1, "M by coming to my remdence. Will wait till Oct. 1, '92 for the mousy if customers ho deaire. I). 15. 47D-91. LOCAL MAKKLT KLl'Oltr. I Wheat. bu.... 58tt)o Flour.bbl 5 IX) Beeves, cows two-year-olds, owt. 2 50 " " three " 2 75 Sheep, muttous, bend 4 00 " stock 3 00 Hogs, on foot, cwt $1 50 ig 5 UO Hogs, dressed ti 00 Horses, slow Bale. Butter, roll C.5 Eggs, doz Chickens, doz . 2 CO M 2 75 CAl.Il'OltNU MA11KET. Wheat, cwt Si 5.". I oO Flour, bbl 3 00 fa, 5 15 Beeves, stall fed 7 00 Muttons, ow t 9 50 (U3 00 Hogs, owt 3 50 Q 5 25 Butter, lb 15 i. 19 Eggs, doz 17 H 19 Chickens, doz 5 50 (rt,1000 Turkeys, ,1b 15 (.( 19 1'OllTI.AND MAltKH. Wheat, cwt if 130 0' 1 40 Flour, bbl 4 50 U 4 CO Beeves, owt 2 50 (.f 4 00 " dressed 5 00 ( 7 no Muttons, live sheared. . . 4 50 (' 4 75 dresBed 8 00 . 9 00 Hogs, on foot ( IXI , U 2.". " dressed 7 5 8 00 Butter.... 25 (yn 30 Eggs, doz 15 (i 20 ChickenB, doz 5 00 5 50 Turkeys, lb 14 Abtists' Matebials. For all kinds of artists' materials, etc, go to Smith & Williamson, May street. The only full line iu town. 476tf,. Mrs. W. Warren wishes to annouuoe to the ladies of Heppner and vicinity that she is now prepaied to do dressmaking and would hp r,lBRHed to sea her old customers at her uew dressmaking parlors, ove- Spray Bros', butcher shop. 475-82 t. Fine Timber. Perhaps, tbe besttim. her growing iu tbe Blue mountains can be found on Kock creek, in the vicinity of Will Mallory's saw-mill. This class of timber Mr. Mallory iB using in making lumber union he delivering in Hepp nei all the way from $15 to 130 pet thousund feet, depending on the quality, and w hether desired rough or dressed. The same oau be bought at the mill ai prices ranging from '8 to 825 per thous and. He has a general assortment on hand at present, and is sure to satisfy oustoiners. 4L'7-tf. NOTICK TO CONTUACTOHS. vrOTK'K IS HKliKMY l.UVliN THAT TIIK JA inulerstKiiril will receive m'uleil bids, up to ami hielmliti,' April 2"-t ll, 1 S'.t-J, to InliM pub lic school iMiihiiuir in the town of Hcpucr, Morrow comity, Orciroit, said IjiiiIiUiik In be constructed acconlini,' to the plans Hint specifi cations unw to be seen at the ollici1 of the tlcpp ncr Gazette, in said town, the successful bidder to enter Into bond with security fur tile faithful performance of contract, wltlitn five days after receiving notice of the acceptance of the bid. The board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. W. R. EI.US, THUS. MiiKGAN, OTIS I'ATTKHSOX, lionrd of Directors of School hist. No. 1. Dated, April 11, 1st!. T'.mJT -kit ; Recently the following Notice appeared In t nan rruncisvu omu'cciu. " Tunce S had been sick onlvafioilt two Q weekH. and it was not until the last three or I ,,.. A.. ti,.,i Mic mnltutv tonk a serious turn. a nl,p UciriMiiimrdrhisill'liess ho sulTelecl IVom I Hinheles niul stomach disorder. Later the B kidneys reliiscd to perform their functions and I hp massed nuiettv awav. Tims ended the life ! of one of the most prominent men in Call fnrtOti " T ike thousands of others his un timely death was the result of uetjlcctiug curly f symptoms of kidney disease. IF- YOU are troubled with diabetes, (travel, or any de-1 raneemenl oi tne Kioneys oi umcu v ui a rfmV delay proper treatment uiilil you ure frd to eive un vour daily unties; turn ....i. w,r ninnev on worthless liniments and worse plasters, but strike at the seat of u..L.u ut once bv usine the ercatest of all known remedies, the celebrated Oregon Kid- I 'r It lias saved the lives ot thousands. Why should it not cure you ? Try it. Purely j vegetable and pleasuut to take. jl.OOa pacK- SKe, o ior o.u-.. PUBLIO SALE - OF Stock Horses ! The undersigned will sell nt l'ublio Auction at HEPPNER, OR., Friday, May 3 Ml, ioo HEAD ioo Of American Stock Horses. TERMS OF SALE; Odh ypftr, with npproved HeenrUy ; in terest ut 10 -v c'Tit pip annum. Five per cent diHcuunt for eanli, 78tf. C. 15. COCIIKAN. it ri op (ill Will Htanri the Season at th Kol!ovine I'lncfH: ; On Mondays and Tiifmhiis, Morrow S7- j hie, Hepincr; Wfitliifxilnys ami 77 -! dniH, Tom Borni t'x Sl'thli; Li:riiitloii ; ' brdttnrc of limp, id mi) much, I-:', initrx ; Honllwrikl of llcpiii:r. Yofna Top Gallant is a Dark Dappled liay, with white in face; both bind iVet white; tveiirht about S. 13. of Great liiitaiu; l)um, N..1I (KIHii, Great Britain. STALTER, HEPPNEIt, OREGON. BIG ability of not finding Bttinrtintr room In onr big More. You should frequently visit UHand be anions the many imeceHB-' fui barnHin hunttTH, sometimes we buy proKt driven and they ure sold before we can advertise them. BIGGER LI- ubility of pottiiiK "stuck" on some infer ior or buck nuniner aitirle if you innit)t on trading at hoinu foBnilized establish ment where cobweb are thick and the hide of the proprietor thicker. Moral. Trade at Minor Bios. Modern and Model General Merchandise Store. BIGGEST Ll- ability of getting left If you don't heed our wonto. We speak nought but the truth. It Is not only unfair, but unwise and unprofitable to deceive. Yours to please, MINOR BROS. Baker :: and :: Confeetioncr, MAT STREET, HEPPNKK, OH. Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes and Confectionery. WEDDING AND PARTY CAKES Madk on Suokt Notice and at Popular Prices. Bread 22 Loaves for $1.00. JHE Q1TY HOTEL, W. j. Ilc lO-.ICK, Prop. rMHIS HOSTELRY has been Eefittud and Rni'UNi.suiti throughout, and uow is oue of the most inviting places in Heppner. Mr. Leezer invitea you to stop with him, feeling that he is able to entertain you in the best of style. r Single Mepls Lbree Meals DO Cents SI 00 - Lodging K FAMMMWTU, I'm. K. 0. SIKltKV, Vice I'm. E. It. BISHOP, Trmturcr. T. . FELL, Secretary and Manager. its Morrow County Land & rJYust Company CAPITAL STOCK, $100,000.00. PA W UP, $25,000.00. Incorporated 1SSS. DEALERS IN GRAIN, LUMBER, WOOD. Operating U'mWimiscs nl Ifeppiier, lone and DmiyluK, on the. llepimer lintneii of the U. I', li. 11. TOOKIIOIjBEnS x O. RirtiHWurKh, Nt'lmm Jum'H J. A. ThnmpHon, luhvrim nay, ImI. K. ItlHlniD. Tlicron K. Kll, fc".f. H. (ajjc, J. A. Wnolery, J, K. Prick, O. T. nmiyliir;, K. i. IT IH the iJurpnHH the HtockhoMeTH of thii company to cumhict ltn biiBineH In a manner iiuitimllv julvuntrtKemiH to nil wool uml kihIii pruiturni'H uf this Huctluii, ami tu maintain thii favorable hunm iiiui kiit which It Iiun i-hIuIjIUImmI, iHirlnii tint poniImk wool neimon wi mjllclt the huHlucBH of u Ll wool growero urnl rciicHt thmn to Hend their dip to the "Wool OrowerM" VV:ti'1iouhu." HjivIiik iMihirKcil the Heppner W'itrelmnne, ami roofnl all it!iitformn, we have double tfiu hloniKe capacity ol any other wurchoime In KuMtern Oregon, well lighted for the diaphiy of wool "The Wool Growers' Warehouse." Odd Combinations.'- T T T T NAILS AND SUn A It. I TOMATO KETCHUP HAMMERS PEARL II A RLE V AND PADLOCKS. CANNED GOODS & AMMUNITION. Strange CotnhiimtioiiH to ho Found Only at The Combin ed Orooury anil Hardware Store of P. C. THOMPSON COMPANY, DKALKKH IN OrocnrieH, Hardware, Tinwaro, Confectionery Wood & Willow Wave and Agricultural Implements. Agents for NEW HOME Sewing Machines and IMPERIAL EOG FOOD. LUM1JKRMANS1 TOOLS A SPECIALTY. Table Cutlery. Shears, HciHMorH, rocket Knives, and Itazorn at Kemiirkiibly Low Prinm. (Special induoninentH to Cash Cns touierH. Oive us a trial. tf. Corner Main and Willow Streets, Heppner Or. KMlaiSj44!S2al SWEETS, FIRST IN OYSTFRS, FIRST In the Hustle with their Countrymen. Five doors Nor'l. of t!:o Fa! two Hotel, HtTpuor. Or. fine Iinjoiii f mat towns tin Cisurx ttwt Tohaceos Fresh Fruits and other Goods Iteceivcd Daily. LI- RUHILi, I Hoard per week 80 00 $7.00 1 board per week with room - - SOCeutB. mission ni Finding Agents. 1'. A. Hi-ntMi, P. C. TtioinitHon, NiLtlumli'l ubb. John L. Ayurs, JtlllK'H JOIU'H, A, li. ChaPmnii. Will. I'tMlllllHi, W. K. Klllott, N. A. Ki-lly, A nmii Wrinht, Hpyrry