POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. FUR ASSESSOR. Through the solicitation of Mends, I hereby announce ravself candidate lor the oBlce ol awemor, subject to the decision ol tho county democratic convention, Apr. H,ly2. j. j. Roberts. A flume from the mountain", to Hepp ner would pay tbe enterprising oompany who constrnot tbe same a large per oent on the inrestment. Jus think of the amount of wood, lumber, poets, railroad ties, etc, that could be laid in Heppner yearly, and at Buoh low rates that it would be sheer nonsense for outside parties to even try to compete. We could even supply many places on the outside as oheaply as from Meacham or Casoade mountains. Then, besides, the water would prove valuable for power and other uses. Milton and Walla Walla both have flumes from tbe Blues, and the revenue therflfrom is quite satisfac tory to the investors, besides being a boon to the people. AT HID HOME, How Mr. Kills Wns Received On His lleturn to Heppner. As Friday's train pulled into the depot with the republican delegates, their friends and tbe nominee of the second district republicans for congress, Hon. W. B. Ellis, they were greeted by sweet (trains from the Heppner cornet band and the happy shouts of an immense crowd of oitizens. A prooesaion was formed, headed by the band, marching up towd. Bonfires were burning all along the route, and at Gunn'sand Whet stone's blacksmith shops the anvils were trying their level best to be beard all over Morrow oounty. Arriving at the First National Bunk corner an impromptu Btand was erected, J. N. Brown presenting Mr. Ellis, who made a short speech, in which he thanked his friends, regardless of party ties, for their influenoe in his behalf. Otis Pat terson and J. N. Brown were then called upon for remarks, which they responded to as well as possible under the circum stances, A general hand-shaking wns then in dulged in, and it was noticenble that Mr. Ellis' demooratio friends were just as proud as the republicans in hnving Mor row county represented by a candidate for congress, and, too, in the person of himself. lilliHT IN ONE HUMHE. Tho candidate for congress in the second district, Hon. W. It. Ellis, of Heppner, is a very strong ono, and will uiidouliteilly be elected by a large ma jority. He is a pure man, morally and politically, and a better nomination could not lie mada The Times-Mouu- tiiineer was the first paper in Eastern Oregon to name him as a caudulute, and it can give him itH hearty support. Times-Muuiitniuter. The above paper is undoubtedly right in ils estimation of our friend, Ellis, yet we must take isBiie with him wien he Bays lie was the first to advocate Mr. EIHh' clnims for congressional honore. Loug before the second congressional diHtrict was formed, the Gazette kept to the front for the consideration of repub licans, Hon. W. K. Ellis, and we believe the lirHt in lliu state to do so. But not being siiIIIhIj in the matter, will willingly divide the honors with our brothers of the jireKs, fur without their able assist ance, Morrow county and Eastern Oregon could never have been honored by the nomination of so estimable a gentleman. Ilis friends are legion, mid are not oonliiied altogether to the republican parly. Anyone will recognize the fact that Mr. Kills will carefully look after our interests, if elected; that he is not a man who will permit himself to be drawn into questionable connections. He is n pure and able geutleman, a poor man, comparatively in this world's goods. He is a friend to the wage earn er, tho farmer, nud will in no way over look their interests. The latter, with full accord, demand the early opening of tho Columbia river, God's natural high way to the interior. Ellis is the man who will, in the event of election, and of this there is no doubt, let nothing rest till it is accomplished. a caki) to tiik rriiuu, MntHh While, ouo of the most thor ough, bright, enterprising, and practical fanners in the yicimty of Lexington, was "left out" ill your Lexington edition. It may have been the fault of the gleaner; it may have been an oversight of the printer, but what's done cannot be undone, so let ns charge it to t lie dt vil the printer's devil. Mr. White has aliue farm near Lexington, which iB yielding him a fair profit for his lalffir. He likes the country and can cheerfully recom mend it to any and all meu seeking good homes. Should any one hereafter be over looked, please do not impute any Pvtl motive to the party engaged in this task, for nearly always hiB path is in strange' ways, lie means well, but his actions and awkwiud moves may sometimes ill ehow it . Listen, Will Ymi. Tho democrats havo a good chanoe to elect their caudiilate to congress in the eecond districl. If they choose wisely there will be a democrat iu congress from Oregon. East Oregouian. This is some of Jackson's parlizan gush. The man that beats Ellis is a dandy, I'.i.ir, tiox or Oi'i u'Biis. The Galena Hill Mining nJ Milling Company have elected the following olttoers for Hie en suing year: Directors, Jacob Frazer, J. A. Howard, W. P. Lathrop, B. F. Kenu, Orin L. Patterson, Chns. F. Colesworthy Bud W. M. Folsome. These elected Jacob Friizer, Pres.; J. A. Howard, Vice Pres.; V. P. Lathrop, Sec'y; II. F. Henn, Tress. The company will at once develop their property at New Leadville, Grout oounty. New York Board of Health SITS DOWN ON A ROYAL'S State Board To John Anderson, Esq Chicago, 111 Deer Slr:- In response to yours of April 20th, In regard to the cdvertlslng of the Royal Baking Powder Company I have the honor to send you the following resolution adopted by the Board at its Quarterly mooting hold In Albany I'eb. 11th, 1885. ' Resolved That the advertisement of tha Royal Baking Powder Company, quoting the State Board of Health of New York aa recommending, through one of Its analysts, its purity, etc. Is a miarepreoentation. In no case doss the State Board of Health r Its representatives, causa such examination to oe rr.ado with a view of reoeranending any particular produsts. Very truly yours, The misrepresentation which called forth the resolution of the State Board of Health of New York, printed above, is in keep ing with the old tactics of the Royal Baking Powder Company. First it manufactured a Government Chemist out of whole cloth, and the garment was cut and made to fit Dr. Henry A. Mott, and later poor Dr. Love. Brought to a turn in this, the same company sought to use the New York Board of Health. It did not hesitate to send broadcast, the statement that the New York Board of Health had endorsed and recommended the Royal (Ammonia) Baking Powder. It did not take the New York Board of Health very long to assert itself on this misrepresentation ast will be seen from the foregoing letter. These questionable methods of advertising have never been resorted to by the Price Baking Powder Co, The old fashioned honest way of making a pure Cream Tartar Baking Powder is much to be preferred. No ammonia to conceal, nothing to bolster up. The success of Dr. Price proves honesty is the best business policy in food products, as in everything else. FItOM IONK. Thore was an interesting meeting held by the demoorats of lone prooinct yesi tbero are some deiuoornts left and they are fully alive to the issues ot the day. Uemooracy never wns ostentatious. It never spends mnob money for banners and regalia. It never toots a big horn, but when the verdict is rendered next June there will be no weeping nud wail ing and gnashing of teeth among demo crats. The meeting, we started to talk about, was held on Saturday, April Uth. The attendance was full and the meeting decidedly harmonious. The following delegates were chosen to attend the com ing demooratio county convention to be held at Heppner, Or., April 11th: Tom Carle, D. W. Lipsoomb and H. 0. Spcrry will represent our interests iu the com ing convention. Tom Carl, one of our worthy citizeue and tbepreseut postmaster, is the favor ite in this locality for the office ot coun ty assessor. Mr. Carl is a man of ster ling business qualities and has a thor ough acquaintance with the county and values, bavin? located iu this oounty nearly twenty years ago. Sheep shearing began on 0. A, lihea's ranch near here this morning. Tho wool clip will probably bring 10 cents per Hi , and under the present pro tective tariff we hope that a pair of com mon wool blankets will not cost more than a pair of good horses and an ordi nary farm wagon. "15-215-1." Ionb, Apr. 11, '!'.!. V iHilonl's Kobertine lalhe ouly preparation now used by fashionable ladies to perpetuate a beau tiful complexion. Ask your druggist for t and do not be induced to take any thing else. Frank H. Snow, Commissioner U. 3 Circuit Court at Lexington, Or., is authorized to reoeive fees tor publication of final proots. 411 tf. Kleetilc Hitter. This remedy is becoming so well known and so popular as to ueed co sie oial mention. All who have used eleo trie bitters sing the same song of praise. A purer medicine does not exist and it is guaranteed to do all that is claimed. F.leotrio bitters w ill cure nil diseases ot the liver and kidneys, will remove pim piinples, boils, salt rheum and other af fections caused by impure blood. Wilt drue malaria from the system and pre vent as well as onre all malarial fevers. For cure of headache, constipation nud indigestion try Kleoirie Hitters Kntire satisfaction guaranteed, or money re funded. Fries f0 oeuts and f 1 per bot tle at Sloouui Jobustou Drug Co.'s. BAKING POWDER CO. OLD GAME. of Health of New York. Albany.,- NY....April-2atJy'C TUB BIG PAPIiltH. The following reoeutly appeared in the Puyallup Commerce. Our readers will readily recognize the writer: COMPARATIVE CIKOLLATION Of the greatest paper on earth: (Idea imbibed from Mrs. Fink Ham's absolutely pure ads., wilhout permission of either Price or Koyal families, l'ny ill In ii nuliitiieree""""" .Sllvei'ton Appeal Heppner (itizotto Taconia IleriiUl West Khoro The OreennlHil mm Walla Walla Statesman mmmmmmm NorthweHt MaKalno Col. Cockerill's N. Y. Alvertlner N. Y. World Purls Flfraro mmmhbmh London Times HEPORT OF GOVERNMENT CHEMIST. I, the jury in the above entitled trial do find a verdict that iu the Fuynllup Com merce there is uo ammonia, alum, brim stone, saltpetre, giant powder, or much of anything else. Truth, yes, the whole truth. What think you, boys? Th.it it is a rag that cheers, but don't make drunk, and is x eel lent for lining onbius and wick e-ups. The only deletereons sulistauce I found was the dogfish oil used on its sweatpower press, and that is carefully concentrated and kicked out after ils leavening power has been xtracted. (Signed), Ik'roiiKU 8am, And 17 others, Puyallup Indians, public censois of the Nisqniilly Nation. Attest : A. F. Yorhik, County Surveyor. A Wimiintc- Don't Ve BiR WoriN. In protuulKiitiug esoteric cogitations or arficnilutitm siiporlioinl eentimentutities nud philosopbioul psyeuologioiil ul st'rviitioiifl, beware of pltitituiiinoua pon derosity. Ltt your statements possess a clarified conciseness, compacted cnmpre liersibleuesa, ootilesoetit coueistemy and a concentrated cogency, Eschew all conglomerations of flatulent Humility, jcjiHie babblement nud asiuine atlVcta tious. Iu trying to impress upon others the superiority of the Wisconsin Ceutral Lines, and why yon and so many others use this thoroughfare from St. Paul and Minneapolis and Ihiluth and Ashland to Milwaukee, Chicago aud points east and south, it is not ueeessary to use jaw breakers. Let your extemporaneous ilescantintfs and unpremeditated expa tiations have intrlliibihty aud vera cious vivacity, without rhodomontade or thrasonical bombast. Sedulously avoid all polysyllabic profundity, psittaceous i vacuity," ventnloqmd verbosity and ; vandiloquent vapidity, shun double en- j tendres, prurient jocosity aud pestiferous j profanity, obscured t or apparent. In other words talk plainly, naturally, sen- j sibly and truthfully say the Wisconsin! Central Kmee is the hottb, and that euds it. 4tMtf. Hawks 1ay. On Thursday of each week will be "babies' day" at Dauuer's gallery. Hrirnf along your babies and have their pictures taken, aud you will I get one photo free of charge. " 68tf j I 10 SK m: MS. I H7e r.eod cent rofi'ls, and need them bndlv. Farmers report seeding about nil done and a large acreage of new laud is belli); broken. The sheepmen Bre getting iendy for the spring clip wiiioh will beiu in a few days, sheep are reported in a Hood condition. J. A. Woolery & Co. ure receiving or ders daily for farm machinery, and will place a number of the Oregon lluines Headers this Beason. Business is improving rapidly. Farm ers have full assurance of an excellent crop and making arrangements for the extensive harvest "in sinlit." B. F. Gibson, a mi-cluuiio of marked ability, opened a blacksmith shop here a a few weeks since and is doing excellent work repairing, His specialty is relay ing plow points. J. A. Woolery k Co. have mude an other addition to their extensive busi ness and will hereafter supply the local demand for lumber, ehiuyles, fence posts and cord wood. The oouitng political contest bids fair to auakeu the people to a sense of their public duty and we hope that when the burly burly is doue, when the buttle lost or won that our comity will have a good, effioieut set of officials and that the balance of the candidates will then find time to woik their road and poll taxes. T. J. Oarl, our worthy postmaster, is busy with his farm ou tho hill n i dem onstrates tbe practicability of city farni iutf. It is safe to predict that Jone will soon be a pretty village where the buy farmers will build pleasant homes and enjoy social and religions advantages that never can be realized in the sparse ly settled farming country. If tbe agent ot the postal depart ment at Heppner would invert, ths mail sack and shake it vigorously our people here would not complin u of hav ing mail returned the next day that is posted at this office, for other points. We don't send out much mail and we are therefore more anxious it houlii reach i fa destination, see ? One of the special adviintasies of peo ple living in villages can be seen in the pleasant evenings "at home." "Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Carl entertained a unrulier of fneuds Tuesday evening. Among those oresent were Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Woolery, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Gibson, Miss May Violott, Mr. S. W. Adams, Mr. Jsoob McVey and a party from Arkansas. When people see tho advantage of liv ing in groups mid villages, farm lile and farm labor will net be one whit irksome. Solitude destroys the gems of advance ment. Ione, Apr. 6, '02, "15-2 15 4." A requisition. If you will pay your unbsori otion to the Gazette in f ull mid one yeau-in ad vance, we will send win the follnwing books at prices stated herewith: "Six Great Books for Kuinl H"ines." 2.oenis; "Famous Fiction by the World's (Jrenl est Authors," fl'u volumes, 50 cents; Coopers "Lenwierstoekiug Tales," 20 cents. 1 4:-tf. 1 Tie Pattkkkon Pub. Co. ADDITIONAL LOCALS. Buhl, the bilker. Buy your bread and cakes and save money. Try it. a. Pahioe hotel, a first class hostelry, ex cellent entertainment and living rjites. See J. W. Cow ins for Hock Springs coal. Leave orders at Gazette office, a Minor Bros, are now selling Hour at bed rock prices. For cash only. See new ad. " a A fine lot of imported Shot Guns at Thompson A Go's at bin gain prices, no jobbers profits. h M. Lic'litenllinl ,t Co. have just re ceived a fine lot of ladies' kid, bullon and tie shoes. At bottom prices. a EYE On The Hoppncr Furniture Co. 'a ml, next week for Hpt'i inl Imrgiiius. Two cur loads of furniture arv hUhvA in our warehouse. Look fur prlecH next week. YATIC1). ' I 'HOSK w ho mv interested in the Kitfht Mile ! country and Morrow iouulv toknowtiuu wehinea iv vv 1'xtrn copies left, m Inch cmii he ce 1 1 red t ilher nt ueo. Thornton's new stand or Ht the (nt. 'cite iuhr'. (In -km . CutMK to the I'aliii-eTriTte't imflVn-l'iian'ipii.iiue J Cocktails. Clitiiiipuuno uu tap, 0;-sw Hki lot oi UoosebeiTV uunihers of the i hf ette Hint illicit to lie sent au ay. Call in, , invest ami heip yoi.r country. swtt MUi. J. W. UASMl's wnutp "tlu" people" "to know tiim she Ims opened a dress. naklug shop at the millinery store of Miss I no Yorn. lihe hoi yoiiMU.ik, Indies. ii'.'-nw 'ID KMiW that L l, Boved is lleppuer's J lendiu.i; coniim-tor tu.d I milder. Kmi males ku eu tin all ki.nU of vort;. ufliee at resi dence. Heppner. or. 71-sw. W anon maker, .me the best locations in Morrow county. Musi h:i e a little capital all ou or w rite u.i. one oinct' for panic uiars. sw UAKNKSS-SHOl'. gtoek and lixtures Uod business; ermolished in tho midst of a j:ood lartnink; and sloek-raiMuy; country, Heason for sodi i m. m ant to i;o n:i a taiMi. AW) for sale a ood house and iw o luip w n li or wilh out the business property. I'Vr further itnornia Hon address Lock Hoi No. 6, i.on Creek, Oregon. ;i u sw NOIU'K llMiU.li i'ULll'KK. Iau Ortioeat I'lio Pa Hon. Or.. March lv:. Complaint ha lhi; t-oeu entered at thin ollico hy Klt-ert I). McMillan, of Lexington, Or., against Jaiues Kealu. for failure to comply wilh law hsU) 1 tmber rultuie Entry No. Wl, dated April 11, upon the N 1" 1 4 of .-ee tt, Tp IS. K K M, iu Morrow county, ureou, itli a few to the eaneelhittoti oi said entry; contestant ailevd'ti; that said J tunes Keatiue has failed to ht'etik or ciuise to he broken ten acres oi said tract, or to pUut or cause to ho planted ten acres to timber trees, seeds or cuttings, in compliance utih the iin.ber enltnre Uw . and tl'.at :ud latinre still ovist, the sni.l pm iies are hert b sutiiiuoitcd to appear at ihrnoitu e on the "J.'d d:i ot Mav. P :. at 10 o'clock a. in., to ro sivud and tuiiiih tesiimouN avniL.i; said Hllced lailure. fra-.k H iio , I . S. ("oimi' Kioner, i antnoireu ;o take u ;imony in this case at Ins onVe i:t Lexington, v r. . n ! a. in.. May i-, John W. I.kw-.s, i Ketfister. I KEEP 1 NOTICE OF INTENTION. LutvI OfTW nt Tho Tallt-n, Or., Mnroh 12. 102. NntW Is heirbv nKen thnt tho fcllowinc-nam-orl settler has f;l"d notice of hi intention to make final proof fn support of his claim, and tinit naM prom will le imi'le beiore the County Clerk of Morrow County, ur., at Heppner, Or., on April. 23. iz: WK.iJ.EY W. BUANNON, Hd. No 1,8-i-s, for the NE i sec J Tp 3 S, R 21 W M. Hi- names tru follmvinir witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of laid laud, viz: John rv Itipraham, Jake S Young. Edward Kooa, oi tiytu .Mile, ur. ; joe naves, oi Heppner, Or. John V. Lewi, 472-12 Keciater, NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Oflire nt The Dalles, Or., March 1 i, lff. Notice is hereby Kiveti that the foilowinf,' tiamed settlt-r lias filed notice of his intention to make final proof iu support of ids claim, and that said proof will lie made before County Clerk of Morrow County, Or., ut Heppner, Ur., on April U'.t, Iv2, vi: 1'AITilCK FLANAGAN, lid. No. 207.'., for the N"ia NE'4 and NJ NW'i See H, Tp 2, N li 2ti E W M. lie nam en the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, vi: Joseph M. Oreen, A. 'J. liarthnloincw, Win. B. Finley, A. J. Lockard, all of Alpine, Or. Juiin W. Lewis, 472-S2 Ketjister. NOTICE OF INTENTION. t Lund Oflice at La Crnnde. Or., March 7, ISM. Notice is hereby triven that the following nunieil settler has "tiled notice of Ids intention to make ttinil )roof iu support of his elaiin, and that said proof will he made before. V. It. Ellis. Cum. I'. S. Circuit Court, at Heppner, Or., on Mav iwi-j, vi.; GEoK(;E W. THOMPSON. Hd. No. :M1. for the NW , Hoc Tp 1 H, It J7 E W M. (.'harles Nelson take notice. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultlva tioti of said land, viz : ii. N. Morgan, Austin Gentry, Joseph Rector and Willium Doonan, all of Heppner, Or. 470-1 A. CLE AVE K, KEGIbTEll. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Oflice at The Dalles, Or.. March 16, '92, Notice is hereby given thut the following-named settlor has tiled notice of his intention tu make final proof in support of her claim, and that said proof will be made before F. H. Sunw, Coin. r. s. circuit Court, at Lexington, Oregon, on April ;iu. lMij, viz: KL1ZAHETII THOMPSON, lid A-.VM. lor the N V, See 2(1, Tp 1 S, R 2o RWM She names the following witnesMestoprove her continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, stud land, viz: David A. Porter, William C. Metier, James Leach and Josiah 8. Iloothby, all of Lexington, OroKon. John W. Lewis, 7,',-K) lieyister. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Otlice at La Grande, Or., March 3, 1802. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler iuis filed notice of his intention to make tinal proof iu support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Morrow county, at Heppner, Or., on April 10, lH'.Ki, viz: CHAIU.EH II. MANN, Hd. Xo. 4:5:50 for the S'i NW',, Sec ! and 8E Nr.1-., unrl lot 1 Sec Tp : S, Ii lilt E, . M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation Of, fluid land, viz; Nelson Jones, of Heppner, Oregon, Jerrv Bros nan, A. J. Cook, H. Tibbctt, of Lena, Oivp'on. Or. A. CLEAVKK, t'f-Tit. Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land ofheent La lirande, Or., April 4, 1W'2. Notice is herehv iriven that the ftiiiowiuif- numod settler has tiled notice of his intention tu make tinal pmoi in support ot his claim, and that said proof will be made before W. R. Ellis, Commissioner I'. S. circuit. Court, at Heppner, (Jr., on Mav 14, isn-j, vi.: MIFF., IN J. IE VIN, Hd. No. r,;5Hl, for the E'.j .SEC. ec 32 and &4 oW'i Sec :u. To 1 8. R 27 E W f. He nunies the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of aaiu in uu, viz : Foster Adams, W. L. Baling, 8. N, Morgan, Milton Morgan, all nf Heppner, Or, Frank achuiield take notice. 'I7t-Hs. a Cleave ii, RegiKtcr. NOTICE OF INTENTION Lund Oflice at The Dalles, Or., March 22, 18wi. Notice is hereby given that the inllowiiiL'-niim- ed settler has tiled notice of his intention to make linul prooi in support of Ins claim, and that said proof will be made before County Clerk ol .Morrow County, at Heppner, Ureuon, on May 7, i.-(.)2, viz: MAT- HUGHES, Hd. No. 3,900, for tho K'tf NW'i and ya NE!-,' .-ec I,",, Tp;SS, K 20 K 4f. 4 He uauies tne following witnesses to prove his K.uiiMiMuin leenucncu upon, tuiu ciutn atioii 01, said hind, viz: .lames Neville, James Leahev, George Gray and Earnest Cujiper, all of Heppner, or. John W. Lewis, 4. l-isi. Keglster. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Oilice at The Dalles, Or., March 20, 1R02. Notice is hereby uivon th.it rl.p n.l Inu iinr.M1,,n edsetrler has ii'led notice of ids intention to make mini pnmt m support ot his claim, aud thai said proof will be made before F. II. .-now, I. f. Commissioner, at Lexington, Oregon, uu .May 1 i, lx'-j, iz: DANIEL W. BRYANT, Hd No. 2,:.S7, for the wc; NEU ami E'i NW Sec -21 .1 n J S, li 2."i E W M. He liaioes the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, salil land, vi: Elvvood 1. sine, William C. Metier. John T. Yount, ilarvev 1j- McAlister, all of Lexington, Oregon. 17( 87 John W. Lewih, Kegister. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at The Palles, Or., March '29, ISM. Notice is hereby given that t lie followlng nauied settler lias tiled notice of his Intention to make tinal proof iu support of his claim, and that said proof will ho made before J. VY. Mor row, county clerk of Morrow county, Or., at Heppner, or., on May 14, ly2 viz: ALBERT KUNEsT POWELL, Hd No. J5.621, for the Stj NEW. and S SEU Sec 1, Tp IS, K 20 E W M. He manes the following witnesses to prove Ids continuous residence upon, aud cultivation of, said land, viz: K. F. Hynd, I. L. Van Winkle, of Heppner, Or. ; J. L. Howard, T. I), Mathew s, of Oalimvuv, Or. John V. Lkwi'h, 477-S7 Kegister. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Lund Other- at The Dalles, Or., April 1, 1892. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make ti mil proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be nitule before the County t lerk of Morrow county, at Heppner, Or,, on May 21, viz: HENRY K. HICKMAN, D. s. No. 7,:! hi, for the SE'4 sW Sec 23 and NE1-. Ni4 ami V NE'., Sec 2,, Tp 0S,R2i;EWM. Hi- names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vi.: Wm. Hendiix. James Bennett, E, Hendrix, J. J., Md.ee, all of Lone Rock. or. John V. Lewis, Register. NOTU'E. Land (Mlico at The Hidlos. Or., March lS.lwy. (. iuuphiint havinir lceu entered at this otlice hy Laura -Muir, of l.oxi i;tou. or., against TIiob. M". (iodley lor a!ittndoniii his hornet-mud entrv No, I, ,;;','), dated Heoemhc-r t, l."i, upon the C NW L4 and 1 2 SW 4 Sec 2, I p I K 2(1 h W M" in Morrow county. oreoti, with a ie to the ctinceiltitioii oi Kiiid entry, the said purlieu ure horehy Mimuiont'd to appear at this oliiee on the I. th day oi .May, lv2, t. in o'clock . in., to re spond a'nd tnrnish toctimoriy eoiioeruini: sutd tillered Hhiu.donment. F. ii Muni . I'. 5, coin miMoncr. is rtulliuri-ed to take tostitnmiv in thisciisout lusoiiice in Lexington, i ir., m "m a. m.. iity ', Im'J. John V. Lkwis, 17i' ,Mi Kegister. NOTH'K niS-iOLl'TRJN OF l'ARl'- M-IKSHIP. ;'V1'1CK IS HKKKHV OIVKN THAT WE, .i tho undersitmed. nave this dny dissolved )inrti.v'i.-ni' n our t. inch crush tttrmiiti; niter '. -ti, and tiitil I ho'ims I'tinnen, ttrst mimed part- ! nor. has pim based the interest ot tieorire I'tir- ! n.cii, tho sc. o,id i,;i:i.ed pnrtiier Iu ihe mUow- iusr pri'pi i ty. to w it ; iti roe toldincs, i nmro, j 2 cows. 2 yenrlinir cnUes. "O head oi Imts, 1 i reaper, 1 hurn.vs , 2 pln s, 1 Kuslnord Miitioii. 2 sets ot httrness. crop ot ll'i acres, and all lie im- I prnv fluents mi the farm, ov it;i the a hove ! p.utr.ei'. either by note or tu'eount, wiU please sot i ie same with l luunas t'armeu. AH debts of nl'-no nrm are albo to ho settled L-v '1 honms I'ar- I men. Trl".MA I'A KMEN, LiJtOR-iE FARMEN. 1 April 1, li'2. signed. ! i IM NOTU'K TO CUNrUAriOKS. it'F i- i;i:-;n:v i:ivi:s thvt i ai .1 I.: is uill N,. r.vviw.i !.v tli,. ,..nM it t!i( rt L-n'i.-ir M :i t.-rn on Ih,' tl'ir.'l hi tin' h.Mir .liv. ti.- ii : M:iv nh. f If v ..vt. h. m . I..r Iiw v. v liu' !;a ;,!.. ?i'ti i ! ; i , i . t , M,. in I Ik- i , ,,!., 0. J I i.ll Kill 1U.V. luumv JuJe Hi'ITSiiT, Or., April 11, 1M. ts-H. J. H. HAYES, J. v. HAYES BROS., CTILL HOLD DOWN the old quarters on Main Street, opposite the City Hotel where they keep as hsiihI Harness, Saddles, Whips, Spurs, Etc. The Genuine Heppner Saddle Always in Ski ! Agents for The White Sewing Machine, Best in the Market. Repairing tx Specialty ! CAN 1 "M YOUil SPUING SHOES ? Our Spring Footwear is the Best and the Cheapest. As the shoemaker, a nice new shoe. The Boat, the calf, and the kangaroo, Joined by the nlliuator, too, Ail dropped m to find out whether Twasunv of their folks that t'u'iiish'd the leather. M. LICHTENTHAL & CO., IVIciin Street, I leoimor, Or. New Warehouse ! HENRY HEPPNER IS HAVING CONSTRUCTED AT Heppner a capacious w urehouse and platform room. He will 6oon be ready to receive the spring clip, and attend to such other business as may be entrusted to him. Having been in this business at Arlington for some years, the public know what to expect of him, and he therefore asks for a con tinuance of patronage at his New Warehouse, AT HEPPNER, OREGON. mill Flour Exchanged for Wheat. HEPPNER FLOURING MILL COMPANY. T. W. AYERS, Sr., Manager. 448 Rock Springs Coal! I will keep constantly on hand the BesT Screened Rock Springs Coal, which I will deliver in any part of Heppner At a lleason able Price. Leave your orders at the Gazette Office. J. W. COWINS, Heppner, Or. Columbia Beer Hall! SEXT DOOR to M. LicMenfhal & Co.'s Shoe Store, Main Street. Keep on hand a Fine Line of Liquors, Wines, Cigars, Etc. We have Reduced the Price of the Buchler Beer to Cents PerGlass, On di aught, fresh and cool. Lunch of all kinds. Hope to see all their old friends aud many more. OSMEK3 &, HUGHES. Props. The Leading Hotel of the City. Special Delivery Wagons of I Heppner, Oregon. TE HAS RECENTLY added another rig and is prepared not only 1 to handle parcels of all kiuds but the heaviest freight. Moving Household Goods a Specialty. C. J. HAYES. j Wo wish that everybody knew Whfit eh'pmt stock we put in each fihoe I And keep on hand to honelit you. I All grades, stvles and shapes together, Fine footwear in all kinds of leather. mi prig MAT HUGHES. (I HAYES, Well Fur- i;fWnished jfe&M Rooms Rea dlll :l3l'Ml' sonahle. ' T 79tfT