OFFICIAL ; i If I reach you, read . i ! ; and hand to I your neighbor .... NINTH YE All HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, TUESDAY, APRIL 12, 1892. NO. 470. SEMI-WEEKLY GAZETTE. PUBLISHED TuescU ys and Fridays BY I'iiE PATTEUSON PUULIStlING COMPANY. ALVAH W. I'ATTEltSON Bus. Manager. OTIS VATTUliSON E(litor WITHOUT AN Tit n PmES A' -'3.IIO per year, $1.50 fur six months, 11.0(1 lor t ,reo moin,na; iu advance. Aduertising Rates Made Known on Application. The-EAaLB," of Long Creek, Grant County Oregon. Is published by tl ; mini- everv Friday morning. Hubscilptlon mill A.erveir tWdvertisiiisnites.address SS1 L PATTEESON, Editor and Manager, king Creek, Oregon, Heppner, Oregon. or "Gazette, .,,,. . , . i .t K. C. Hake's Tasr&rsrd 9 Fxchangi, a Francisco. llifur". w M" tracts for advertising can be made tor it. i C PESTI.AKD, SECRETARY OF THE I,, orcein Press Association, -28 Ash Street, be wecn rhX our only uncut located in that place Ai vortls era ahuiild consult htm lor rates and space in the Gazette. TUB G vZKTTF8 &G iNTS. 1 NEIGHBORS i I irk TRADE Mi? MARK TCOTTAT. JLJ CURES NEURALGIA, LUMBAGO. SCIATiCA, inNVKNTliiN NKWS. Thursday's Work at the State Re publican Convention. Moore, of Columbia, and Judge D. It. N . Blackburn, of Liuu, were placed in nom ination for supreme judge. Judge Olm stead afterwards withdrew-. The ballot resulted : Moore. Klllllnllory 17 Sprains, Bruises, Burns, SweUIrsgs, PROMPTLY AND PERMANENTLY. DAVE DONE GETS THERE AFTER ALL Morrow County Politics in the lleniccratlc Camp Everything Moving Smoothly. Other Political News. Blackburn. . Hurley 4K Willis 1- wK. V. Boise 1 OCR CANDIDATE FOK CONGBKHS. A Sflf-Macl. Msn is W. It. Kllis His Life. -A Sketch in A Year's Subscription to a Pop ular Agricultural Paper GIVEN FREE TO OUR READERS Warner. Arlington, Long Creek Echo, Camas l'raivie, Matteaou, Nve., or., Ilurdman, Or...... Hamilton, Grant Co., Or., lone, Prairie City, Or Canyon City, Or., l'ilot Rock, bnvville, Or., John Day, Or., Athena, Or iJ,nton Or Mount Vernon, Grant Co., Or.. Khelby, Or., fox. Giant 1,0., w., A8hbau,.i, - Eight .une, ur., Hovlii id Upper Rhea Creek, . 1 i10.1;!1" Jougltis, or -. K. M. Johnson LnneKock.Oi. "w j, Sus,dL.r Gooseberry Herbert Hnlstead Condon, Oregon Herbeit "au aTaUKNT WANTED IN EVEBY fWtClKCT. . It. A. IltiiiBiiker . .Henry Heppner The Eagle . . Bob Siiaw Oscar Be Vnul ...Allen McFerrin II. C. Wright . .J. A. Woolery '"'.Mattie A. Hudio T. J. Carl " . , R. R. Mclialey S. L. l'arrish .'. .G. 1'. Skelton J. K. Snow F. I. MeCallum "' ...John Ellington Win. G. McCroskey i'ostiuasier b Stella Flett J. F. Allen .Mil In, wine their land business straight ..o out nnrl nlmned ud. How about yours? If not in satisfactory condition it would be a good plan to see about it. at onoe. I am giving caremi anu rue iretio attention to entries, final proofs, 'railroad land" and all business relating to lands in Morrow ooiinty. FRANK H. SNOW, U. S. Commissioner, BWt. Lexingtou, Or. Union Pacific Railway-Local card. daily No. 10, mixed leaves Heppner 8 a. m. " u " ar. at Arlington 1100 a.m. " V " leaves " 8:M p. m. a " ur. at Heppner tlaO p. m. except Sunday. Fast bound, main line ar, at Arlington IsO p. m. West leavos 4 "7 p; Night trains are running on Bame time bb before. By a special arrangement with the publishers we are prepared to furnish FEEE to each of onr readers a year's aubsoription to the popular monthly grionltural journal, the American armer, published at Springfield and Cleveland, Ohio. This offer is made to any of our sub. scribers who will pay np all arrearages on subscription and one year in advanoe, and to any new subscribers who will pay one year in advance. The American Farmer enjoyB a large national circula tion, and ranks amoDg the leading agricultural papers. By this arrange ment it COSTS YOU NOTHING to re oeive the American Farmer for one year, It will be to yonr advantage to oall promptly. Sample copies can be aen at our office . CANYON AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS. daily, Monday, at Stage leaves for Monument V r. -. c .on . M r. Min liiv. ttiu.uv Arrives daily, except 5:011 P.M. . . Direct connection can be made at Monument with the Long Cre-lr. stage. Diuly stage between Long Creek ana Canyon Oily, connecting at the latter pi, ice with the stage for Burns and bil vies valley. S, Pennoyer. (1. W. lUclinae. Phil Metscliau. E rl. MeElroy. W.L. Hradfhuw W. H. Wilson From Terminal or Interior Points the Northern Pacific COUNTY. ....Henry Ulackman. J. C. Thompson. ', . Julius Keiihly. "' ...J. A. Thompson, J. W. Morrow. ...Geo. Noble. '"..J.W. Matlock. J. J. McUee. " C. B. Oane. w. L. Saline. .ViameB Daugherty. iovernor Sec of State I rehPiuer Supt. Instruction........ Judge Seventh District.. Oislrict Attorney MORROW lointSenator... liopreseutative t 'ounty Judge ' Commissioners H. M. Vunghn. Clerk " Sheriff " Treasurer Assessor Surveyor... School ttup t Corouer HEPPNER TOWN OFFICERS. T. J. Matlock Mayoi.. f, i;.' Farnsworth, M. Uouncdnien . . -a" ; rt p. Garnguea, l.ichtontnai, uns ,Vi :i Thos. uurgan and rank Gillian BobertB. Hecorder G. alocurn Treasurei 'j v. Basmus. Marshal SECEET SOCIETIES lS& LCIIiUl National Bank build- -J "J , v.-...!. ewiW - ? i ... ;,..o.i. emil vokuz. c. t vS.y T II. ADBUEV, K-. of K. & S. t KAWUMB POST, N J. 81 a. A. R. Moots at Lexington. Or., the last Saturday of .oh month. All veterans are invuei. ui ;u.u. C. C. Boon, Adjutant, ' Quo. VV . Smith. Commander. RAILEOAD Is the line to take roallPointsEasta It is the Dinin g Car Route. It rnns Through Veetibuled Trains every day in the year to St. Paul and Chicago (No Change of Cars) Comnased of DINING CARS uusur PULLMAN DRAWING ROOM SLEEPERS Of Latest Equipment TouristSleepingCars n u atmMaii nnrl in which RC- couimodBlior.B are both free ana lurniBimu iur holdera oi iirBt or seuuuu-uitwo m, Elegant Day Coachs. A Continuous Line connecting with all LineB, affording Direct and Uninter rupted Service. Pullman Sleeper Reservations canbe Secured in advance through any agent of the road. TH R OTTGrll TICKETS rr. a .1 nn;nia In America. England ,i l.'r.,i can be oarchased at any Ticket office of this Company. NEW TYPEWRITERS ! THE- INTERNATIONAL! Nos. 1 and 2. mm- Warranted Imlestrnctable Alignment. No. 1 has cayittnl shift and key-lirainl nearly like the Remington No. 2. The New No. 2 is a double key-board machine These machines are tho most beautiful in ap pearance, and efficient in execution of all the nninerous competitors in the typewriting held. PRICE. Either Style Keyboard, - $100.00. A beautiful line of Cabinets always on hand. Secondhand machines taken in exchange, and for sale. WANTED A good, smart, man in every city, town and hamlet throughout the entire world, to act as our local agent; our Icrms to agents are the most liberal of any In trie typewriting field. Manufactured by the FREE TO THE BFFLIGTED. All who are suffering from the effects of Youthful Errors, Loss o Manhood, Failing Powers, Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Strioture, Syphilis and the many troubles which are the effects of these terrible borders will receive. Free of Charge, full directions how to treat and cure themselves at noma vy nuu " California Memcaij and Buboicaij In firmart, 1H29H Market Street, San Francisco, Ualitornm. wo-iy. M mi eo., Parish, - - - New York. Address all correspondence to W. T. BROWN RIDGE & CO., Supervisors of, S I 1 1'lC f-i t J l II 1 l'O, BOSTON. - .MASS. First National -OF HEPPNEK,- Bank C. A. RHEA, President. FRANK KELLOGG, Vice-President. George W. Conser, Cashier. C. I. Levis, Ass t vasmer. Transacts a General Banking Business EXCHANGE On all parts of the world Bought and Sold, Collections made at all points on Rea sonable Terms. Surplus and Undivided profits. $23,527.10 The U started Fiaich urc, "uir "APHftODITlUE" ?e Is Sold on a POSITIVE GUARANTEE to cure any form of nervous disease, or any disorder of the BEFORE generative or- Ar I tH gang of cither sex whether arising from th iceslve use of Stimulants, Tobacco or Opium, or through youthful indiscretion, over indul ucc, ic such as Loss of Bram Power, Wakolnl ness, Bearing down Pains iu the Back, Seminal Weakness, Hysteria, Nervous Prostration Nocturn al Emission; , Leucorrhoea, Dizziness, Weak Mem. ory, Loss of Power and Impotency, which if ne glected often lead to premature old age and insan. lty. Price $1.00 a box, 6 boxes for 15.00 Sent by mail on receipt of price. A WRITTEN GUARANTEE for every J5.00 The Original '.OrESSIOlTAIJ. A A. HUBERTS, Real Estate, Insnr- and Collections. Office in Connoil Chambers, Heppner, Or. swtf. 11T 1 I Unabnd n DlCIlOPEj. Portland, April 7. When the con vention reassembled this morning, the declination of W. D. Hare, for presi dential eleotor, wag read, and on motion, David M. Dunne, of Portland, who had reoeived the highest number of votes yesterday o the defeated candidates, was unanimously chosen in the plaoe of Mr. Hare. A recess of thirty minutes was given for the various districts to sweot their candidates for joint senators and repre sentatives. With the exception of Wasoo and Sherman, they were but few moments in lixius their states. The following is the result: joint senators. Coos, Curry and Josephine Walter Sinclair, of Coos, the present incumbent. Columbia, Tillamook and Washington J. W. Maxwell, of Tillamook. He represented his county iu the bouse in the session of 1889. Gilliam. Sherman and Wasco W. W. Steiwer, of Gilliam. He is a general merchandise dealer at Fossil. Sherman and Wasco H. S. McDan iels, of Sherman . Umatilla and Union George V. Ham ilton, of Umatilla. Union and Wallowa M. B. Kees, of Union. Crook, Klamath and Lake A. Snider, of Lake. He represented Lake in the nonse. state board of equalization. First Judioinl District George W. Dunn, of Jackson. Seoond A. C. Woodcook, of Lane. Third Samuel Gibson, of Polk. Fourth J. P. O. Lownsdale, of Port land. Fifth G. W. Wiugate, of Clatsop. Sixth William Morfitt. of Malheur Seventh J. L. Lnokey, of Crook. . JOINT REPRESENTATIVEF. Coos and Curry J. B. Yeagley, of Curry. Yamhill and Tillamook H. W. Lam sou, of Yamhill. Grant and Harney Charles A. Rich ardson, of Harney. Klamath and Lake O. A. Stearns, of Klamath. Wasoo and Shennan E. N. Chandler and T. R. Coon, both of Wasco. THE WORLD 3 FAIR . While the convention was waiting for the Sherman, Wasoo and Gilliam Uelt gations, Magers, of Yamhill, offered the following resolution, which was adopted: Resolved, We, the representatives of the reuublioau party of Oregon, in ctm- ATTORNEY-GENERAL. The oontest for the attorney-generalship was a stubborn one. Apperson, of Clackamas, nomiualed Lydell Baker, of Portland, and Vawter, of Jackson, Judge Lionel Ii. Webster, of Jacksonville, and the fight began. It was apparent that Multnomah county was divided when MnCsmant seconded Webster. "Mult nomah needs no representative on this ticket," be declared. "No matter who is nominated the county will roll up its usual majority. Our majority is not counted by fifties, or hundreds, but by thousands," Multnomah showed another split when Moreland nominated Granville G. Ames. of Portland. Baker was seconded by Tanner, of Multnomah, and Webster by Sehlbrede, of Douglas. Miller, of Josephine, argued that it would be tho best policy to nom inate Webster, as he came from a sec tion which had never been honored by a state office, and besides had helped to redeem Southern Oregon from tho dem ocracy. Jayue, of Gilliam, replied that that was no reason why the convention should nominate Webster, as it had not been shown that the advancement in the party in Southern Oregon was not due solely to Webster's efforts. Miller retorted that Webster was the repuLlioan leader in Southern Oregon. Nevius, of Multnomah, closed the argu ment in a pretty speech favoring Baker, who is a nephew of Oregon's " immortal United States senator, 12. D. Baker, who was killed at Pall's Bluff. Nevius saw the dead body of the senator after the battle, tie reviewed Col. Baker's glori ous oareer, and referred to the splendid work Lydell Baker did lor the party in tile naniDaien of 1890. "We have with us a chip off the old block and should honor him," he conoluded. The ballot resulted in a victory for Webster, bv the following vote: WohBter U7!IlnUcr 107 Ames H STATE COMMITTEE. The state oommittee ware selected as follows: Raker ...EM Van Slyke.Lano W II Abrams Denton R A BelisaUjlanu J W Cusick ,,m H H.lnnuHnii'Malhetir G S King (juumip J v Wclcullai'lon..K P McCornaek From the Orcgoniail. W, R, Ellis, nominee for congress for the seoond congressional district, was born iu Montgomery county, Indiana, April 23, 1850. At 18 months of age he was left fatherless, aud with his family resided on the home farm until reaohing his majority, at times teaching school and also working on the farm. At 21 years of age he entered the Iowa Agri cultural oollege, graduating from the law department of the state university in 1874. While in Iowa he made his home in the town of Hamburg, and while there held several municipal offices, including that of mayor. In 1883 he came to Heppner, Morrow oounty, where ha has since resided, fol lowing his profession as a lawyer. Iu 1885 he was appointed as prosecuting attorney of the seventh judicial district by Governor Moody, and in 1886 wbn elcoted again to that olfioe, and again in 1888 was re-elected to( the same position by a handsome majority, retiring from offioial duties on the expiration of his term of office. Two yoare ago the name of Mr. Ellis was favorably mentioned as a oaudidate for congress, wheu the state was allowed but one representative in the lower house of the uatiouul legisla ture. Being a warm friend of Hon. Din ger Hermauu he did not wish to oppose that gentleman, and refused to allow his name to be used. Ho was early men tioned for the nomination in the second district this year, and has bofu iu the lend during nil the time up to his nomi nation last night. Mr. Ellis is in accord with the admin istration and the republican majority in congress on silver and the tarilf. He has always been a Blaine man, as long as the man from Maine was in the field, but now favors the reuomiuation of Harri bou. He will devote his time aud en ergy to the campaign, going into every part of the diatriot, even interior places. IIKHOOUATIC PnlMARIHH. Reports From Heppner. Mount Vernom, Gen try and Other Precincts. veution assembled, express our decided nnininn that the best interests of our i-im.inl M Pomemv .vtuitnomuh. ,V I. Boise Coos . .nfobeit VValkerlMc'lTow T 1! Fell ,',...,,1, Not selected Polk J H Cooper Curry ..... A II crooksherman . . . W H Moore llonelas K Ii Dixoi. Tillamook. .W Fl) Jones ,in.,,., a A .Invne I'liitiillla .II L Murwton Grant G W liart Union I N Sanders Unniey A V GowanlVYiillowa. ..F DMcCillly .lockso'n W I VawterVncn N T Nohuiil Josephine. II B Miller' Washington Til Tongue Klaiuiith. T C HrowiielllValiihill I' I' Gales Lake I'll Hnyderl Ou motion of Tongue, of Washington, order, to refund the money if a rermauient tHte require that its varied resources anr) cure is not effected. Thousands oi testimonial productions be properly exhibited at the imm nM nnd vnnnir. of both sexes, permanently anDroaohinir World's Columbian Exposi- i nired by aphroditinb. Circular free. Addresi tion, and to this end we urge upon the Full information concerning rates, time ,,f trains, routes and other details furnished on application to any . agent, or A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent. No. M First St., Cor. Washington, tf. PORTLAND OREGON THE APHRO MEDICINE CO. WESTIRN BRANCH, BOX 27 PORTLAND, OR Sold In Heppner by Hlocum-Johnston Drug Co. iatloml la 5! itwi. WJl. FEN LA Nil, ED. R BISHOP. President. Cashier. TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS COLLECTIONS Made on Favorable Terms. EXCHANGE BOUGHT & SOLD. HEPPNER. tf OREGON. S. P. FLORENCE, LEGAL BLANKS, A COMPLETE ASSORT - ment at the Gazette ottiee. Roofing (ifM-FL STIC IliM FING c,"frt,!' vMt-s. a;i;i a"? ol,p l'rtU V lor 8aiiir"e ' ': ,,,,..,. rn it on. nl lull pfirtiiiftrn. i w Kl.v-tu' tiouns ei)fl o:ilv f fnV tnutp STOCKRAISER ! HEPPNER, OREGON. Cattle branded and ear marked as shown above. Horses F on right shoulder. Mv cattle range in Morrow and Umatilla coun ti.s. I will pay tlW.OO for the arrest and con viction ol any peraon stealing my stock. BY SPECIAL ARRANUKMENT WITH THE publishers, we are able to obtain a nuinoer of th above book, and propose to inrnish a copy to each of our subscribe. The dictionary is a necessity In every home, school and business house. It tills a vacancy, and furnishes knowledge which no one hun a.a ,har vnliiiiu.s of the choicest books could supply Young and old, educated and ignorant, -i,.h ,ir,'d r,onr. should have it within reach, and .r.r ttu ronton I everv dav iu the year. As some have asked if this Is really the Orig inal Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, we are able to state we have learned direct from the publishers the fact, that this Is the very work complete on which about forty of the best years ot the author's life were so well employed In writing. It contain) the entire vocabulary of about 100,000 words, including the correct spell ing derivation and delinitlon of Bame, and is the' regular standard size, containing about 3011,000 square inches of printed surface, and is bound in cloth half morocco and sheen. Until further notice we will furnish this valuable Dictionary First To any new subscriber. Second To any renewal subscriber. Thd To any subscriber now in arrears who navs ud and one year in advance, at the following prices, viz: Full Cloth bound, gilt side and back stamps marbled edges $i-oo. Half Mo-occo, bound, gilt side and back stamps, marbled edges, $1.50. Full Sheep bound, leather label, marbled edges, $2.oo Fifty cents added in all cases for express age to Heppner. rr-As the publishers limit the time and numher of books they will iurnlsh at the low nriuo wendvlBeall who desire to avail them selves of mis greatopportunity to attend to it OVER-WORK. 1 ng of yourmedlcine had on my health. I w aa troubled by nervousness brought on by over work Your Nerve Tonio almost Immediately topped that peculiar tremor that, I presume, '1 Tevfcnce of nervousness. I am now well. My head troubled me, could not sleep, head hot, dreams of acoidents, etc. Oneapoouful of vonr medicine removed the cause of my dreams; have not had them since; took seven weigh t bottles of yar 'medicine. Keep some In my house; always take some occasionally: would not be without It; have recommended It to myfrienda. If I am not m stakeu. your medicine will prove a .great ; b easing to thi. over-wurked naU. Tou-J H. c. E. legislature of the state of Oregon at the next session to make an early, liberal and suHioient appropriation therefor. NICARAGUA CANAL. Chairman Mallory offered the sub. joined resolution, which met with the approval of all and wan unanimously adopted: WiiiiREAN. This convention recognizes tho vast importance to the commerce ot this coast of the opening of tho Nic aragua canal, First By shortening tne instance 01 water bv transportation to the Atlantic and gulf Btutos and to Europe many thousands of miles, thereby lessening its expense and bringing our producers cor respondingly near tno great mri u the world; Kennnd Bv preventing exorbitant rates on transcontinental freights by the bininir of railroad companies, as water transportation always acts 1 rix.nlntirin nf frpudlt I'llteS '. Third Enabling the quick and cheap truiiarwirtutiotl of BllCh DrOllllCtB 88 Will not. hoar the heat twice crossing the FREE the committee organized by the eleotion of W. L. Boise, of Multnomah, us chair man. H. B. Miller, of Josephine, was oboseu temporary seoretary. Ou motiou of (iowan, of Harney, a committee of five was elected, with the chairman of the central committee as chairman, to select a socretary and assistant secretary. The chair appointed ou tho committee Un wnn, of Harney; Tongue, of Washing ton; McCorunck, of Marion, nnd Weloh, nf Olatsop. It was voted to request tne Crook delegation to send iu the name uf a committeeman !mm that county. FIRST DIHTR10T COMMITTEE. The central committee ot the first cou gressional district met yesterday morn ing. J. T. Appersou, of Claokamas, was chosen temporary chairman, and C. A Sehlbrede, of Douglas, temporary secre tary. ThomBs 11, Tongue, oi Washing ton, was elected permanent chairman and Sehlbrede seoretary. An executive committee was appointed, consisting of the chairman and secretary, W. I. Vaw ter, of Jackson; A. E. Gallagher, of Lane, and 8. A. Dawson, of Linn. The general committee has been filled by the following appointments: Lane, A. O, Woodcook; Jackson, W. L. Vawter; Klamath, Geo. H. Nickorson. SECOND OoNGllEMHIONAIi DISTRICT. The central committee of the neoond nngreHsioiial district organized by the election of O. II. Carey, of Multnomah, chairman, and J. u. Leasnre, or Uma tilla, as temporary secretary, lis repre sentation is as follows: linker L F Cook, Multnomah ! II Carey A Valuable hook on nerymn llsen.eii sent ll-ee to any addn Sri. and poor PHtiii.i can also obtain tlXlIBWMt"o..w-'. This remedy has been piwa by the lurrer- enuPastorKoenig.ofFc- ,ne,ind.. since i, andis now prepare-i .arliis direction by tho KOENIC MED. CO., Chicago, III. Bold by DruBSlsta at 81 por Bottle. 6 for iH. Larue Slae.UI.M. 0 Hottloa for WO. Sold In I'ortlnnil. Oregon, by Bnell, lleit-hii Weeilard. Html I The democrats of Heppner precinct met at the oourt house in goodly num ber last Saturday afternoon, with W. A. Kirk as chairman and Willie Spenoer seoretary. Ohas. Lewis an3 T. W. Ayers, Sr., were tellers. They elected the following as delegates: Wm. Hughes, D. A. Herren, W. J. McAtee, N. MaBee , and Thos. Qnaid ; T. W. Ayers, Sr., cen tral committeeman. Mount Vernon met at the engine house with Thos. Morgan, chairman, and Chas. Royse, secretary. The following dele gates were ohosen: O. A. Rhea, E. L. Matlock, H. Blaokman, John Hughes and J. A. Thompson ; Thos. Morgan, central committeeman. Gentry met in the opera house with Frank Kellogg, ohairman, and H. W. Turner, seoretary. The delegates elocted are: E. G. Sloan, W. A. Johnston, J. J. Roberts, Frank Gentry nud W. G. Mu- Carty; central committeeman, J, W. Morrow. COUNTRY l'RICl.TNOTH. Mutteson sends iu Ohas. Kirk aud Ben Mattcsou. Lena comes to the front with Jus. Pear sou, Andy Tillard and Towns Mathews. Eight Mile ouose Luther Huston, JaB. Inskeep and Perry Snyder. Cecil's delegates are Hobt. Hayer and Ed. Holloway. lone will send to the convention as delegates Thos. Carl, Dave Lipsoomb and Reub Sperry. Hardman Beleoted J.J. McGoe, Bon Luelling, Hi TubIi and Sam Meadows. YVh.n in Arlington, stop at nett house, near the depot the Ben-61-tf Where? At Abratiamsick'e. In addition to his tailoring business, he has added a fine line of underwear of all kinds, regligee shirts, hosiery, etc. Also has on hand snme elegBt patterns for snits. A. Abrahamsick. May street, Heppner, Or. For Sale. The hotel heretofore known as the Mountain House, one block from Fir'd National bank in lieppner, Or. Con tains parlor, dining room, baggage room. kitchen and 15 bed rooms; all rooms furniMbed. For farther particulars in quire of 63-tf T. W. Atekh, T have re-opened this wen romn i use to the public; and solicit a share of the patronage Ferday Board per week. . ti- ff ()(t 1 with the best the My table Is market ailbi-' ilways so. plf "sua. J) ,t DAt'GHTKH, Flops. ?i fulfil AAS-fc TiF.ST IV HIE ffOBlD. 'wrloBf,uai,.l-re''1t5tu? tlastiaa- two bcM ".""''r.i'J.i -V 'f t ft :zA by hi4t. t-, KT 1 II t - J- H FOR SALE BY DEALERS GHNERALLY. lyr equator and the cold of the frigid zone, milled to benefits accruing to commnroe, nrA mnttnra of ureat riatiotial importance in wliicu tne people oi uur n'anm vitally interested; Resolved, That we luvor sucu ineuuij legislation by congress to this great en ternrise as is consistent with the public irnod . an d ask our nresent delegation in prinirnsR to use their utmost endeavors in its behalf, and pledging the nominees of this convention to do the same. THE HEOI LAR NOMINEES. The appended resolution was offered by Apperson, of Clackamas, for the pur pose of preventing nominations by dis trict conventions. It was ndupted with out objection, tho necessity for it being obvious : Resolved, That the persous selected by the various district delegations mid re ported by them lo this convention as nominees for the following offices: Mem bers of congress, ciicuit jinlt;e, prose cuting attorney, members of tn state board of PquallZHtlon. joint senamrn nun j joint pipn-HPiitutivtH arc hereby ilmbi-ed j to be the ooinineo of ''" '''' 11111 '"r , the vnrions positions for which ihe.v I have been so m-iec,J, end the pieshlent and the sect tary of tlii.'i ..nv.-i-i i -n ni" ; hereby directed to eertifv timir o-e'lut tioriH accordingly. Judge M. L. Olmsted, of Buker county; Hartwcll Harli-y, of Multiifiual; W. K. Willis, of Douglas; Judge F. A. Cliilsop. II C 1 homi'B'iul.Morrow ueorge i.iiMser ijoliiiiihia. . 1 rouieniyiSlierinau A li Melloimlil Crook No Bcleclloii.Unmlilla ...J C Leasnre llllliHin A A Jnyiie l'iilon I N Hamlers .! I! W H.rrlh Wallow -FHMcCllllv Harney'.. A W (iowanitVasco M A Moody Malheur A 11 Moure The obiiirmnii was authorized to select assistant aeoretiiry, and It is content a secretary and to open headquarters. plated to co-operate with tho state Ceti- 1 tral committee by using a common hem rniiirters. arid by having tlie B'rinretary and assistant secretary of tho state com mittee act respectively as aHiw!ant sccre tary and secrelary of the oougrfssiouul committee. Are You Troubled With gravel, diabetes or any derange ment of the kidneys or urinary organs t Oregon Kidney Tea is a safe, suro and speedy remedy for all such troubles. You have no appetite for breakfast. A few doses of Dr. Henley's English Dandelion Tonic is what you need. 'God's blesBiug to mankind," say thousands who have been onred by the colcbraled Oregon Kidney lea, Important Decision. The docisiou has been arrived at by the manager ot P. 0. Thompson Company that be cannot do business without money. All persons whose accounts ..ll 1 are in arrears ar noiuieu io uuu uuu settle immediately aa we wih have money. 70-80. L. S. Kidd, of I'endh'tou, uocompaii ied by Mayor Matlock, called Saturday lust. Mr. Kidd is introducing snme flue cuttle in this country, of which we may have something to say in the near future. D. ii. Stalter advertises in this issue his line stailion, Young Top Gullunt. If yon will take the pains to see this horse y u will like him. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. Bl ABSOUUTELY PURE