Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, April 05, 1892, Image 2

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Throueh the solicitation of friends. I hereby
announce myself a candidate lor the office of
assessor, subject to the decision of the county
democratic convention, Apr. II, 1W3.
J. J. Roberts.
Alii signs point to the nomination of
W. 11. Eliis f r congress.
It is said that a "genuine counterfeit"
half dollar bas appeared, which contains
the proper amount of coin silver, and in
every respect is equal to those ooined at
the mints. This is a new departure in
that line.
The Marion County Democrat is the
latest addition to our list. There being
no democratic paper in Salem, it should
have a good support from that source
alone, and as it is an Al news disseui'
nator, will, no doubt, be well reoeived
by all.
The problem of water works for Hepp-
ner is still unsolved. It would seem ad
visable that the town counoil take action
immediately and prepare for a special
election to vote bonds to the full amount
allowed by the charter. A few weeks'
delay may prove disastrous a little too
late to save the town.
Hei'Pneii's business men would save
money if they could use electric lights
instead of coal oil, and it would certainly
be much more satisfactory. But quality
enters into the electric light business
fully as niuoh as in anything else.
In putting in a plant, the best is none
too good, and those who take the matter
in hand should see that they have no
other Jcind, else the project may not
prove remunerative. A poor quality of
anything is much less in demand than
the best .
Tub Heppner Gazette says it ia gener
ally understood that W. B. Ellis has the
entire delegation from the seventh judi
cial district on his side for nomination for
congress from this district. The friends
of Mr. Ellis also olaim that he has prao
tioally the whole of the sixth judicial
district and that he will be the second
choioe of the majority of delegates from
other seotions. This should Becure his
nomination if the valley counties carry
out their pretention of oonceding the
nomination to an Eastern Oregon man
Dalles Chroniole.
Ablinoton's board of trade is turning
over the dry leaves of Gilliam oounty
and Arlington, and in the course of a
very few weeks bids fair to accomplish
much good. This organization solicits
the kind assistance of the siBter oounties
of Sherman and Morrow, iu Oregon, and
Kliokitut, in Washington, believing in
the old maxim, "Iu union there is
strength." And now, while the Gazette
ia doing some hard Work to attract new
settlers, and otherwise build up the
oouuly, wouldn't it he well to organize a
board of trade at Heppner to assist in
the good work? A board of trado would
bring ubout better organization, and
therefore more satisfactory results.
Every practical farmer added to this
county, or other producer, is that muoh
gained for the oommunity at large.
When sottlcrs arrive there should be
some means at hand, either at Lexington
or Heppner, or both, to assist in iiudiug
new and suitable homes, and who could
do this work bettor than a board of trade?
A ".tints' Matkiiialh. For all kinds of
Artists' materials, etc., go to Hmith &
Williamson, May street. The only full
line in town. 47(itf
MoTitm to Hiirkpmkn. A. A. Wren
has good corral, water and pasture to ac
commodate those di'Hiniig to shear sheep,
at ins place, rutir miles west or Heppner.
Will let cheap. (j'J-78 bw
(Javat.hy Hohheh Wanted. Those
who have sound horses, weighing from
1,(100 to l.L'OO pounds, ill color black.
brown or gray, can find sale for them by
calling on 14. O. Hperry ut the Belvedere
Bullion. Fifty head wanted immedi
ately, oi. tf.
Union's Dhmkiatbm. The following
are the delegatus from Union oounty to
the state convention: M. B. llees, U. F
Burleigh, Charles Uciodnough, F. 8.
Stanley, 8. O. Swaokliamer, J. L. line.
8. It. Uneven, I. N. Sunders, W. T,
Wright nud J. A. Wright. Although
they go uniiiHtriioteil, yet wo predict that
Ellis will have a following among them.
Joe EHkelsiin reports that his grain
sown on sod is somewhat damaged by
being frozen out, though it is often no
ticed in this section that grain thought
to be badly damaged iu the early spring
yields the lnigest crop iu harvest time.
Johnny Woodard came up from Port
land Saturday eve, where ho bad been
visiting Blythe Brothers. Ho reports a
great deal of raiu down thero at present.
N. 1'. and 8. I. Clerking, two of our
Fight Milo friends, report that their crops
look well. However, a neighbor, Mr. T.
11. Tolle, has discovered a worm working
on wheat sown on soil, though they
think that it will not damage it much.
Wheat, bu fit
Beeves, cowa & two-yenr-olde, owt.
Sheep, muttons, head
" Btock
Hogs, on loot, ewt $4 &0 Q$
llogn, dressed
Homes, slow sale.
Butter, roll
Eggs, doz
Chii'keus. doz 12 60 y)
2 60
2 7ft
4 00
8 00
6 00
0 00
2 76
Wheat, ewt Jfl 5o ( 1 (0
Flour, bbl 9 (M (,e 6 15
Beeves, stall fed 7 00
Muttons, ewt 0 (10 (rill 00
Hot;H, owt 5(1 (i 6 ffi
Butler, lb 1L' (.f L'O
Eggs, doz 17 it 10
Chickens, doz 0 50 M 10 00
Turkevs, tti.
14 (' 18
Wheat, owt $1 40 (y 1 45
Flour, bbl 4 60 Hi 4 00
Beeves, owt 2 50 (C4 00
" dressed 5 00 of 7 00
Muttons, live sheared. . . 4 60 (if 4 75
" dressed 8 00 U 9 00
Hogs, on foot 6 50 ut H 00
' dressed 7 25(; 7 50
Butter 1'5 M'ilO
Eggs, doz 15 (!' 20
Chickens, doz 0 00 t? 5 60
Turkey, lb 14
It pays to make honest, pure good-;. Take the success of Dr. Price's
Cream Baking Powder that lias maintained its standard for purity and
excellence for the past forty years. It is the oldest and now the only
Pure Cream Tartar Powder to be obtained. Dr. Price has spent almost
his whole life perfecting it, and enjoys the distinction of being the only
physician that has devoted hi ; time entirely to perfecting the articles
of human food that bear his nnnie a name and a reputation synony
mous with pure food preparations throughout the land.
Here are the indorsements of the United Cooks and the Pastry
Cooks' Association of the United States. What higher praise. Its
officers, whose signature.- are given, are all men who have given
dignity accT character to their profession. Members of these associa
tions are the chefs and cooks of the leading hotels, restaurants, clubs
and private families, and certainly no higher commendation could be
found for an article of daiiy '.i.-o in th-j piaotical culinary art, like that
of baking powder. Mew is vfcstc tuey say:
This is to Certify, That the Coots of this Associa
tion, and its members, have used Dr. Price's Cream Baking
Powder and recommend its use in preference to all others.
For quick
It is free
feet Baking
Abo Greenwood, a Sheepherder, the Unfor-tnnate-riesaltB
of the Coroner's Jnry.
Early Sunday morning the following
telegram was reoeived at Heppner:
Coyotb Station, April 3, 1802.
Coroner, Heppner, Or.:
Found man dead. Come at onoe to
Castle Rook. J. H. Timms.
T.J. Carle, aoting oorouer, summoned
the following as jurymen: T.J.Allen,
M. E. Smith, Dave Lipscomb, Frank
Lyons, Jas. Callahan and T. J. Teeters.
These gentlemen ascertained the follow
ing foots oonoerning the death of the
stranger: On Wednesday he was found
siok on the range, where he was herding
sheep for Mr. J. II. Timms, and soon
aftorward was removed to the lalter's
barn at Castle Rock. He grew worBe,
and died on Friday night.
From papers found on his person, bis
mime is supposed to he Abe Greenwood,
and that he worked on railroad con
struction iu lHllO at Astoria. He was
from ii,r to .'iH years of nre and 5 feut 3
inches in height. Dr. Hhiploy examined
the remains oareftilly, aud found that
death resulted from the rupturing of a
blood vessel. It is said that Greenwood
has some relations living at Alhina.
M. E. Smith went down to Arlington
on Monday's brauoh train to procure a
coffin, returning on the up train the same
day. Unless word ia reoeived from his
relatives, the interment will take place
at Castle Rock.
The strees have been crowded lately
by farmers, who are rapidly seeing the
advautage of Lexington bargains.
There is an active measure being
pushed now for the construction of a
new school building that will cost $4,000.
Lexington's enterprising oitizens never do
anything by halves and will construct a
building that will be an ornament as well
as a great convenience to the growing
town. The school is progressing lluely nu-
der the oare of Miss Maltie Voruz, recent
ly from Denver, Colo. Many people liv
ing in the country near here are taking
advantage of the most excellent school,
and some who dwell remote ride in.
The other day the writer saw no less
than three girls riding one cnyuse and if
the oayuse oau be utilized for this
worthy purpose, he may stay.
The seeding is pretty much all done,
aud the recent rains have brightened up
the crop prospect and the countenance
of the hardy farmer.
Local dealers are placing headers for
the coming harvest, whioh bids fair to be
the largest ever kuowu.
Closed meeting of the alliance yester
day. The boys keep "mum" about their
meetiugs, hut are evideutly wide awake
and determined to take a hand in the
alT.iirs of the country that have through
all time beeu intrusted to others. Is it
any Wonder that people cry out against
the oppression of monopolies. Here, for
example, is one point. It only costs 65
cents a hundred I mm Portland to Hepp
ner ou first class freight, and we would
like to have those who disoountenaiioe
the etlorts mnde ou the part of the farm
ers compare this with the rate on the
same class of freight from New York
City to Denver, Colo.
Some recent additions have beeu made
to the membership of the Melancholy
Club. We regret that auy one in our
midst should sillier misfortune, if such it
he oalled, but law aud order must pre
vail. And if the boys will only heed the
lesson of the past and try to do better iu
(fif DQ jll
raising - and fine cakes, pastry,
from nmuionia, lime or
Powder made.
C7 . Cau--tgie
the future, they will merit and reoeive
the good will and support of the com
munity. Ubet.
Lexington, Or., April 3, 1892.
It seems as though we are going to
have another winter. It snowed seven
inches here last Sunday.
Misa Nettie and Bertha Oopple were
in our neighborhood last Thursday.
Mr. Smith Biroh has commenced
plowing this spring.
Mr. Sam Creesom made a flying trip
down to Black Horse a short time ago.
I should judge from his appearance
since he came home that some other fel
low had been there, too.
Jim Young made a trip to our part of
the country today.
Fred Thomas has just returned home
after an abseuce of a week.
Wm. Penland was dipping sheep last
The Six Dollar school is going to start,
the first Monday in April.
We are sorry to hear that Mrs. James
Talhert is on the siok list.
March 30, 1892. C. H,
"The Qneeu's" Prize Problem.
Mr. A. and Mr. B. have to cut down
a mighty tree. The time 'twill take for
Mr. A. this mighty tree alone to
slay, is sixty minutes standard time.
Beneath B's blow, the bulk sublime
goes to the ground in halt that time.
The question now we ask of thee is,
how long 'twill take to cut this tree if
both begin one on eaoh side and thus
their labor do divide?
The Queen will give an elegant Ma
son & liisch or Steinway line toned up
right piano to the first person answering
the above problem correctly ; an elegant
gold watch for the seoond correct an
swer; a china dinner set for the third
oorreot answer; an elegant silk dress
pattern for the fourth correct answer;
and many other valuable prizes. Val
uable speoial prizes will be giveu to the
first oorrect answer from enoh state.
Each person answering must enolose
fifteen U. S. stamps for "The Canadian
Queen Galop," the latest and most pop
ular piece of fifty cent copyrighted mu
sio issued during the last vear, just out,
together with copy of The Queen, which
already is the largest of any publication
in Canada. By sending today you may
sea ure a valuable prize. Address The
Canadian Queen, "X," Toronto, Can.
A Warning- Don't I'se Dig Words.
Ill promulgating esoteric oogitatious or
artioulating superficial sentimentalities
and philosophical or psychological ob
servations, beware of platitudinous pon
derosity. Let your statements possess a
clarified conciseness, compaoted compre
hensiveness, ooalescent consistency and
concentrated cogency, Esohew all
conglomerations of flatulent garrulity,
jejune babblement nod asinine affecta
tions. In tryiug to impress upon others
the superiority of the Wisconsin Central
Lines, and why you and so mauv others
use this thoroughfare from St. Paul and
Minneapolis mid Duluth and Ashland to
Milwaukee, Chicago and points east and
south, it is not necessary to use jaw
breakers. Let your extern poraneous
deseautiuga aud unpremeditated expa-
tiations nave intelligibility aud vera
cious vivacity, without rhodomontade or
thrasonical bombast. Sedulously avoid
all polysyllabic profundity, psittaceous
vacuity, yentriloqual verbosity aud
vandiloquent vapidity, shun double en
teudres, prurient jocosity aud pestiferous
profanity, obscnreiit or apparent. In
other words talk plaiuly, naturally, sen
sibly and truthfully say the Wisconsin
Central Lines is the kocte, and that
ends it. 4ti5tf.
etc., it has no
aluin. ihe most
Finb Timkeb. Perhaps, the best tim.
ber growing in the Blue mountains can
be found ou Rock creek, in the vicinity
of Will Mallory's saw-mill. This class
of timber Mr. Mallory is using in making
lumber whioh he delivering in Hepp
nei all the way from $15 to $30 per
thousand feet, depending on the quality,
and whether desired rough or dressed.
The same can be bought at the mill at
prioes ranging from $8 to $25 per thous
and. He has a general assortment on
hand at present, and is sure to satisfy
onstomers. 427-tf.
tTATjLirijn sale. 1 nave for sale a
graded Cl5"Ksdale messenger stallion,
seven years old, hands high, weight
1575 lbs., dark chestnut oolor, of a kind
disposition, very gentle and broke to ride
aud drive. Will sell on easy terms. The
horse may be found at Chas. Anderson's
ranch, head of Eight Mile. Any one do
siring further information will please
oall on or address Frank Anderson,
Eight Mile, Or. . 475-78 s. w.
DiiEssMAKiNa. Mrs. W. Warren
wishes to announoe to the ladies of
Heppner and vicinity that she is now
prepared to do dressmaking and would
be pleased to see her old customers at
her new dressmaking parlors, ove-Spray
Bros', butcher shop. 475 82 t.
Fdhniture. for all kinds of furniture,
bedroom sets, lounges, chairs, etc., don't
fail to call on Smith & Williamson, May
street., Heppner, Or. The best place to
make your purchases. 476tf
A Pro ositlon.
If you will pay your subsoription to
the Gazette in full and one year in ad
vance, we will send you the following
hooks at prices stated herewith: "Six
Great Books for Rural Homes," 25 cents;
"Famous Fiotion by the World's Great
est Authors," ten volumes, 50 cents;
Cooper's "Leatherstocking Tales," 20
43-tf. The Patterson Pub. Co.
(ilUl.or worn tin to ilo general housework
out experienced persons need
Cull ut Gazette otliee. tf v
'"ptlOSK who arc interested In the Kltfht Mile
J country au.l Morrow eountv to know that
we have a few extra copies left, which can
le secured either at Geo. Thornton's news stand
oral theGaette olllco. IvS-bw.
(M'MK to the I'alaee Hotel barfor I'hanuTmnte
-Cocktails, i liaiujiayne on tap. ii'.t-sw
VlUli lot of (iooseberry numbers of the Ga
zette that ouiiht to b sent away, rail iu,
IL 1 U''i J imr loumry. sw u
lis. J. W. kasMY'S wants' ""people to
know that she has opened a dressmaking
shun nt the mllHm.ri-nnir. itf Hk ln.iv
Voruz.ui e her your work, ladies. W'-sw
ryO KNOV"li),itn7DBoved7rneH,
1 leading contractor aud builder. Ksiimates
Kiven on all kinds of work. Otliee at resi
dence. Heppner. Or. Tl sw.
Morrow eon
Call on or w rite
one the best locations iu
v. Must have a little capital,
uette office for particulars, sw
AKNKSS-SUOi', stock and fixtures. Good
business; established iu the midst oi a
kliH'd lurmiiur u,i,l tiNu'lf-rn i mi tiii i-nnnirv.
Reason tor Bellini;, want to go on a farm. Also
'or sale a good house and i o bus with or w ith
out the business iroperty. For further informa
tion address Lock Box No. o, Long freek,
Oregon. 71 tf sw
Wbfu in Arlington, stop at tbe Ben
nett house, near the depot. ll-tf
Land Office at The Daiies, Or., March 12, 1692.
Notice is hereby given that the followirjR-nain-ed
settler has tiled notice of his intention to
make Dual proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof wilt be made before the County
Clerk of Morrow County, Or., at Heppner, Or.,
ou April, at, lrj, viz:
Hd. No 1,8, for the Seu &, Tp 3 8. R 24
E W M.
He names the following witnesses tn prove his
continuous residence upon, and cultivation of
iaia ianu, viz:
John 3. Ingraham, Jake 8. Young, Edward
Rood, of Eight Mile, Or.; Joe Hayes, of Heppner,
Or. John W. Lewis,
472-S2 Register.
Land Office at The Dalles, Or., Feb. 27, isr2.
Notice is hercbv eiven that the followine-nam
ed settler has nled notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his claim, and
mm oiiiu pium wm u maue oeiore me uouuiy
Clerk of Morrow County, Oregon, at Heppner,
Oregon, on April 15. I8t2, viz:
D. S. No. 4;00 for the NE'- NWU, VU XEJ.
KWU HEM. Sec 12. Tn 1 S. K 23 E. W. M.
He names the following w itnesses to prove his
euiiiiNuims resilience upon, ana cultivation oi,
said land, viz:
George W. Miller, Charles B. Cochran, Hiram M,
Thornton. James W, Kedford, all of lone, Mor
row Co. Or.
John V. Lewis,
408-478 Register.
Land Office at The Dalles. Or.. March 14. 1H92.
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has tiled notice of his intention to
make final proof In support of his claim, and
Clerk of Morrow County, Or., at Heppner, Or.,
on April 2y, Witt, viz:
Hd. No. 2,075, for the N"a NE'-i and NW NWU
Sec 14, Tp 2, NR2tEWM. ,
He names the follow intr witnesses to Drove
his continuous residence upon, and cultivation
ut, ottiti ianu, viz:
Joseph M. Green, A. G. Bartholomew, Win. B,
Fhiley, A. J. Lockard, all oi Alpine, Or.
John W. Lewis,
472-82 KeyiKter.
Land Office at La Grande. Or., March 7, 1S1J2.
Notice is hereby giveu that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim, and
mat Ham prooi win oe maue oetore . k.
Ellis, Com. U. y, Circuit Court, at Heppner, Or.,
on May 2, WI2, viz.:
Hd. No. 3801, for the NYY'14 See 34, Tp 1 S, R 2',
E W M. Charles Nelson take iiutiee.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon, and cultiva tion of
Baid land, viz:
S. N. Morgan, Austin Gentry, Joseph Rector
aim vviuiaiu uoomin, an 01 Heppner, or.
470-lfso A. Cleavkk. Register.
Land Office at The Dalles, Or., March 10, '92.
Notice is hereby given that the followIiiLr-nam
ed settler has filed notice of his intention to
mane final proot in support of her claim, and
inai mua prooi win oe made oetore jr. H. snow,
Com. U. S. Circuit Court, at Lexington, Oregon,
011 April 30, 1S92, viz:
Hd 4IJ24, for the NWH Bee 2ii, Tp 1 S, R 25 EWM
Hhe names the following witnessesto prove her
wiiuiiuiMiB icHioeucc upon, ana cuiiivtuion ot,
said land, viz:
David A. Porter, William C. Metier, James
Leach and Josiah tf, Boothby. all of Lexington,
7"-&J Register.
Land Office at La Grande, Of., March 3, 18!'2.
Notice is herebv given that. thH fnllnwini?.
named settler has filed notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before the County
Clerk of Morrow county, at Heppner, Or., on
Hd. No. 4339 for the H4 NW'4 Sec 4 and HE'i
NE4 and lot 1 See o, Tp 3 S, R 2 E, W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
ui, ntnu ittnu, viz:
Nelson Jones, of Heppner, Oregon, Jerry Bros
nan, A. J. Cook, II. Tihbett, of Lena, Oregon.
Or. A. Ci-eaver.
W-71. Register.
Land Office at The Dalles, Or., Feb, 23, 18)2.
Notice is herebv triveu that the followinu-nH.ni.
ed settler has filed notice of his intention to
mane mini proot in support of his chain, and
uiiti buiu prum win ue mane nciore tue county
uH-iaunuuiiuH wuiuv. ui lie timer, ur
on April y, 1892, viz:
He names the following witnesses to prove his
iuiiLiiiuuiiB lUMuuuctj upon, uuu cultivation 01,
Cyrus Fuqna, J. II. Allen, Ed Ashbaugh and
00-70 John W. Lewis, Register.
Land Office at The Dalles, Or., Feb. 25, 1802.
Notice is herebv riven thnt. Hip fnllnwlno-.
named settler has filed notice of his intention to
make final proot iu support of his claim, aud that
naiM pium win ue niaue oetore tne county
...it., nui njimw v,uinuy, uregou, at neppner,
Oregon, ou April it, wm, viz:
Hd. No. 2014, for the HE34 See 34, Tp 2 S, R 24 E,
He names the following witnesses to prove his
i(Miuiiuuiia leniueuuu upon aim oiutivattou ot,
said land, viz:
Samuel N. Warfield, Wm. Ilaguewood. Wesley
McNabb, Thomas Merrill, all of Eight Mile, Or.
John U. Lewis, Register
Land Office at The Dalles, Or., March 22,1802.
Notice is herebv given that the following-nam.
ed settler has filed notice of his intention to
mako final proof in BUpport of hiB claim, and
that said proof will be made before County Clerk
of Morrow County, at Heppner, Oregon, on
Hd. No. 3,906, for the NW34 and Wij
He names the following wUiipshpr tn mw iiio
" P'JO, E li r.i 11 Al.
continuous residence upon, and cultivation of,
said laud, viz:
James Neville, James Leahev, George Gray and
Earnest Cupper, all of heppner, Or.
John W. Lewis,
'4-tR4. Register.
Laud Office at The Dalles, Or., March 29, 1S02.
Notice is hereby given that the tollowing-nam-ed
settler haB filed notice of hiB intention to
make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before F. H. enow,
l . S. Commissioner, at Lexington, Oregon, on
May 14, 1SH2, viz:
Hd No. 2.587, for the W' KEJ4 and Ei ftW'u
See 24, Tp 2 tf, R 25 E W M.
He names the following witnesses to prove hiB
continuous reaideuce upon, and cultivation of,
said land, viz:
Etwood P. Sine, William C. Metier, John T.
Yount, Harvey L. McAlister, all of Lexington,
477-vS7 John W. Lewis, Register.
Land Office at The Dalles, Or., March 29, 1S92.
Notice is hereby given that the followimr-
named settler has filed notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before J. W. Mor
row, county clerk of Morrow county, Or., at
Heppuer, Or., on May 14, lsJ2, viz:
Hd No. 3,021, for the S4 NE and NU SEW Sec
"p I S. K 2H E Y M.
e names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon, and cultivation of,
said land, viz:
It, 1. Itynd. I. L. an inkle. of Heimner.Or
J. L. Howard, T. D. Mathew s, of Galloway, Or.
j oh a . lEWIS,
477-S7 Register.
I-and Office at The Dalles, Or., April 1, 1S92.
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has tiled notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim, aud
that said proof will be made before the Countv
Clerk of Morrow county, at Heppner, Or,, oil
May -1, i-, vu:
D. S. No. 7,215. for the SE'4 SW. Sec 23 and NK1.
NW4 and V2 NEL4 See 2ti, Tp ti S, R 2u E V M.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land, viz:
Wm. Hendrix. James Bennett, K. Hemlrix, J.
JJMcGee, all oi Lone Koek. Or.
177-sT John W. Lewis. Register.
Land Office at The Dalle. Or.. March is, pi
Cotuiilaint haviutr beeu entered at this ottict
bv Laura Muir, of Lexington, Or., against Thos.
M. Oodiey for abandoning his homestead eutrv
No. I,;i73. dated December t, upon the 1
N N and W, SW Sec 2, Tp 1 S, K 26 t W M, I
in Morrow county, I'rcyon, with a view to the;
cancellation of said entry, the said parties are)
hereby summoned to appear at this otliee on the j
lsth day of May, Ly2, at 10 o'ehck a. m., to re-
spend and furnish testimony concerning said j
adeired abandonment. K, H. Snow. P. coin-
misiiioner. is authorized to take testimony in ,
this case at his office in Lexington. Or., at lu a. j
m.. May 6, 1m2. John W. Lewes,
47ii-Ni Register. (
J. V.
CTILti HOLD DOWN the old quarters on Main Street, opposite the City Hotel
where tbey keep as nsual
Harness, Saddles, Whips, Spurs, Etc.
The Genuine Heppner Saddle Always in Stock !
Agents for The White Sewing Machine,
Best in the Market.
Repairing Specialty !
Our Spring Footwear is the Best and
the Cheapest.
As the shoemaker, a nice new shoe, I We wish that everybody knew
The sroRt, the ealf, ami the kanguroo, What elegant stock we put in each shoe
Joined by the ullisator, too, I And keep on hand to benefit you.
All dropped in to Bud out whether I All grades, styles and shapes together,
Twas any of their folks that fu'nish'd the leather. i'ine footwear in all kinds of leather.
-VU 1 1 1 1 street, 1 1 3iii 10 r, or.
New Warehouse !
Heppner a capacious Warehouse and platform room.
rHe will soon be ready to receive the spring clip, and attend
to such other business as may be entrusted to him. Having
ben in this business at Arlington for some years, the public
know what to expect of him, and he therefore asks for a con
tinuance of patronage at his
ew Warehouse,
Flour Exchanged for Wheat.
T. V. AYERS, Sr., Manager.
Rock Springs Coal!
I will keep constantly on hand the BesT
Screened Rock Springs Coal, which I will
deliver in any part of Heppner
At a Reasonable Price.
Leave your orders at the Gazette Office.
J. W. COWINS, Heppner, Or.
Columbia Beer Hall!
EXT DOOR io M. Lichtenihal & Co.'s Shoe Store, Main
Street. Keep on. hand a Fine Line of Liquors
Wines, Cigars, Etc. We have
Reduced the Price of
" Cents PerGlass,
On draught, fresh and cool. Lunch of all kinds. Hope
to see all their old friends and many more.
pedigree certificate
For Animals Exported from the United Kingdom.
The Shire Horse Society,
Established to promote the old Engluh Breed of Cart Horses.)
11 Chandoa Street, Cavendish Square, London, W.
Name of Ammal, Saudy-o'er-tbe-Lea, 8161, Vol. X- Sex
Stallion; Colour, Chestnut; Foaled May, 1S85; Bred by Thos!
Dewnurst, Whittingham, Preston; Sold to John MoHattie
Aberdeen, Sootland; Sold to W. B. Cuninghame; Sold to T. E.'
Fell and Nelson Jones, present owners. Got by Koyal Sandy'
3993; Dam by Sir Colin, 2022; Grand-dam by Plonghboy, 1745!
, I hereby declare that the ahove-named animal was bred
by Thos. Pewhurst. and that the forepiini particulars Are
the best of my knowledge and belief, true MIteS '
Dated reb. lsw. JaMKS fORSHAW
Seller of the above-named animal
1 hereby certify that the foreeoine pedieree has been ex
amlned by the Kditiw Cmmittee of the shire Horse Society
has been jiassed by them as correct. '"!'
Certiried by order of the Editing Committee this ?th dav of
reo.. l-v-y. j wIINiiHVME"
Secretary of the Shire Horse Society of Great Britain aud Ireland.
This Stallion May lie Seen at Sargent
c. J. Hayes.
I 01 II
the Buchler Beer to
k Driskell's Stable, Heppoer, Or.