Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, March 29, 1892, Image 5

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Here and There.
"The People,"
Tbey must be respected.
Will Kirk in on the sick list.
Mat Mosg-rove is in Heppner.
I. N. Basey is over from Koho.
Ben Parker is in to atteod court.
T. W. Ayers, Jr., for drags. 68 aw
A. T. King, of lone, is attending
First class job printing at the Gazette
The oldest twine oombine the boy's
Wasoo bas organized a K. of P.
Clias, Maokey was in tba city yes-
leru ay .
Att'y W. H. Wilson and wife arrived
last nigut.
Bobt. Sayer was up from Douglas Sat
urday last.
Frank Anderson's stallion, a chance for
a bargain. tf
Gazette onThornton's oounters. Prioe
5 cents. If.
James J. Adkins was seen on our
Btreets yesterday.
Minor Bros, keep Spray Bros.' hams,
bocon and lard. QO-tf.
Lige and Bill Hendrix are here on
court matters .
The moat expensive grinder of oow
feed is the oow.
Flor de Madrid and Gen. Arthur
cigars at Thornton's. 68-75
Mr. S. E. Jones and Mr. Smith, of lone,
were up yesterday.
The Gazette shop is prepared to exe
cute fine job printing.
Beujamin Ltelling is down from
Hardman on jury duty.
Mastiff and Sterling plug out smoking
tobaooo at Thornton's. 68-75
Dave Hamilton and Bob Watkins
were in town yesterday.
Joe Masterson is back at his old place
in Pap Sinvms & Son's shop.
Spray Bros, pay the top price for all
kindi of hides and furs. 68 tf
Daily Btage both ways between Monu
ment and Long Creek. tf.
. Mrs. J. J. Roberts is prepared to do
all kinds of plain sewing. 65-tf
Nicest hams, breakfast baoon and
fresh lard at Spray Bro. 90.tf.
When in Arlington, Btop at the Ben
nett bouse, near the depot. 61-tf
Joe Luokmnn says hve inches ot snow
fell in his neighborhood Sunday.
Lewis J. Schewrioh, of Lexington,
dropped in Saturday while in town.
A goodly number of the republican
deligates are expected in this evening.
Mrs. J. W. Morrow and children went
below jesttrday to visit "Uuole" Jack.
Wall paper, notions, patent medicines,
drugs, chemicals, etc., go to Ayers. 68aw
Ton can send for any newspaper pub
lication or magazine at Thornton's. 68-75
Andrew Neal and wile got In yesterday
from Lone Bock and will remain a fen
day a.
A lively scrap at the brewery saloon
Sunday relieved the monotony of that
Don't let your beef bides spoil on tbe
fence. Spray Bros, will pay you tr
oash for tbem. 68 tl
Dave Porter, president of Lexington's
Melanoboly Club, graced Heppner by
his presence Saturday.
Pap Simons & Son still shoe horses
and do general blacksmithing at the old
stand, Matiock corner. 55.
Mr. Will Young and wife, of Eight
Mile, were in Heppner Saturday visiting
Tbeo. Danner and family.
"The Parlor," W. F. Ruark, prop., in
the City hotel, west side of Main street.
Neatest place in Heppner. sw
Hiyu ketchum whiskers. GidHattat
the oity barber shop the place to get a
first-class shave, hair-out or shampoo, tt
Jas. Doherty purchased several of the
Mann horses at tbe sale lust Friday.
Tbe stock were all first class and sold
Call on Lishe Sperry, down at the
Belvedere, when in town. Keeps ou
hand a fine stock of liquors and cigars.
The onlv and invincible Bill lucrum.
Eight Mile's Blaokstone, was in Satur
day to see bow tbe g. o. p. did their
The average prioe paid for bones at
tbe Mann sale last Fridav and Saturday
was about $33, which iuclndes all ages,
from yearlings up.
The cirouit court bailiffs are: J. J.
Boberts, general bailiff; Jbb. Depuy.
jury bailiff; Jbs. Leaoh, of Lexington,
grand jury bailiff.
Eb. Dickens and Joe Bannister Bre in
from Hardman attending court. Tbey
reportel four inohes of snow in their
seotion late Sunday.
Dave Porter was up from Lexington
yesterday. Dave reports Lexington's
Melancholy Club prosperous with an in
creasing membership.
Mr. F. M. Holmes, August Charlston
and I. R. Esteb, three of Gooseberry's
solid residents, favored our office with a
oall Friday evening.
We print your stationery, furnishing
better stock, at a lower price than it is
usually bought in any looal market.
Drop in and see our samples.
H. M. Cullum, representing M. C.
Lilly & Co., o Columbia, Ohio, is here
to fit ont our Uniform Rnnk, K. ot P.,
bould they decide to organize.
Mrs. Annie Crump and William Bar
rett were in from their Sand Hollow
possessions Saturday. William reports
his flocks in splendid oondition.
E. C. Wills and family have departed
for Rena, Nevada, where tbey will likely
locate, though the Gazette hopes they
may yet oonolude to return to Morrow.
- Newer and neater quarters at the
Palace Hotel's north business room.
Charley Jones, the baher, wants to see
hie old fnenda there. Baths in connec
tion. Besides the usual officers of the court,
the following attorneys are in attend
ance: J. N. Brown, W. R. Ellis, G. W.
Kea, Frank Kellogg and Judge
Dr. Grant's Syrup of Wild Grape is
made from tbe Oregon wild grape root,
now conoeded by eminent pbysioians to
be the most powerful alternative known.
See ad. in this issue. tf
Heppner will shortly organize a divis
ion of tbe Uniform Rank, K. of P., having
secured enough members for that pur.
pose. This rank is a wonderful auxiliary
to the subordinate body.
Cecil's delegates, Geo. Ely and E. L.
Probst, while in town Saturday, wore
interviewed bv a Onzette reporter to
whom they gave flattering reports of
the crop prospects for their neighbor
Cass Matlock was over yesterday from
MoDonuld oanyon. He says tbe snow
fell four inches deep at bis ranch, and
that he anticipated a small loss among
Iambi, though ha bad not beard when
our reporter last saw dim.
Onr reporter learns that the reoubli
onus of Gilliam eonntv have nnininntod
Knhnrf T T..lr.u..n 1 I.,-.1.
Buentj. We presume that Jav Lucas is
still "in it" for clerk, though nothing
has been beard over here in regard to
ine nomination ror that omce. Later
Jay is atriotly "in it."
Eagle: Hon. J. P. Wager, formerly one
of the brightest legal lights in Eastern
Oregon, has decided to locate in Condon,
Gilliam oouuty, where he expects to re
sume the practice of law. Mr. Wager
has been connected with the editorial
department- of the Portland Telegram
for tbe past year.
Judge W. L. Bradshaw arrived Sat
urday evening and is rushing matters in
our circuit court with a master hand.
Tbe judge has the reputation in Morrow
county ot being a bard worker, and one
whose opiuions, iu his offioial capacity,
are always backed by sound law
Misses Dolia Parsons and Lena Pat
terson, of Hendricks county, Iod., Brriv
ed hist evening to visit their relatives here
and at Long Creek. Miss Parsons is a
sister ot Mrs. O. L. Patterson at the lat
ter place and Miss Patterson of the Pat
terson Bros.
Mr. J. P. Frazer, of Trail Fork, Gil
liam oouuty, is expeoting to leave soon
for the Weston country. His frieudB
here are under t :e impression that the
attraction in that section is more than
ordinary, and may keep him there sev
eral days.
The May ville and Thirty Mile country
over in Gilliam county is rapidly chang
ing from a stook to a grain-raising ooun
try. This spring much land is being
sown, and with an average season a
large quantity of wheat will be raised.
J. W, Hilton, of Kentucky, a rising
young sohool teacher, has located in
Morrow county, and was a visitor to
Heppner last Saturday. He will begin
bis school Apr. 4th.
W. G. Scott was In from upper Wil
low creek last Saturday and reports
286 feet of the Little Laura tunnel com
pleted, and work progressing as rapidly
as possible.
Miss Jones, the courageous young
teacher at Hardman, is proving to tbe
big boys that she is master, and as a
result the sohool is moving a'ong nicely.
R. H. Mahone, of California, is stop
ping at the City hotel, and hopes to buy
a few sheep in this looality.
J. O. Magirs, one of the jurors and a
resident of Eight Mile, made us a pleas
ant oall yesterday.
Tbe jurymen were dismissed yesterday
morning till this a. m. at 9 o'clock.
W. J. Leezer has recen.ly purchased a
brand new piano for bis hotel.
Frank Anderson, of Eight Mile, was
seen on our streets yesterday.
J. H. Allen, of Eight Mile, was in town
Frank Troutman is in to attend court.
Mrs. Joe Luckman ia quite ill.
The Norwegian Exhibition at ths World's Fair
The oommittee on the question of
Norway's participation iu the Columbian
Exposition bas unanimously decided and
reported to the government that Norway
ought to be represented at tbe world's
fair. The committee asks for an appro
priation of 164,000 orowns to be used for
the Norwegian exhibition, and also an
extra appropriation of 50,000 crowns to
go for traveling expenses. Both appro
priations will without doubt be granted.
In Fayor of Mutual Representation.
During a debate in the uuDer house o
the Swedish Riksdag. Governor Berir-
strom referred to the report of tbe cabi
net nieetiue. held January 1.1th. He de
clared himself to be fully convinced that
a mutual foreign minister and mutual
ambassadors were absolutely necessary
for the national representation of Norway
and Sweden and for a further existence
ot the union between the two countries.
This speech was received with great an-
plause and cries of "Bravo!" Repre
sentative Lyttkene and Danielson spoke
in tbe lower house at tbe Bume time, and
took a similar stand.
It goes without saying that the major
ity of tbe Swedish ueoule and the news
papers, with very few exceptions, hold
tbe same opiuion. As the government
and people of Sweden do not seem to be
willing to yield anything more to Nor
way, and tbe radical party of that coun
try will not even hear of a oompromise,
tbe present outlook is a very bad one.
An amicable settlement of the Question
of national representation is tberefore
hardly to be expected.
Janson's Criticism.
Kristofer Janson, the well-known
author and Unitarian clergyman of Min
neapolis, writes in a private letter to a
oitizen of Christiania the following con
cerning Norwegian literature in America:
"It is impossible to find any publisher
here who iil pay one cent for a manu
script. Even I myeelf have been obliged
to pay oash for every book I have had
published. , . . Besides all the book
denials live by menus of robbery. Tbey
copy all the new books to which tbey
take a liking, and pay neither author nor
publisher a cent, and of course do not
under such circumstances, care to buy a
mauuscript. . . As to their literary
taste, you may regard in general tbe
Scandinavians as a crowd of peasants
from the o'd oountry. Many of them are
not able to read books printed in Latin
letters." (Mr. Janson is evidently adisap-
pointed author, and is giving vent to bie
feelings by abusing a class of people who
form one of the best elements of our
Amerioan citizenship. Ed. J
It in Held Under the Auspices of Heppner's
Republican Clnb.
Tbe members of Heppner's Republican
Club met in tbe court house last Satur
day evening to attend to regular busi
ness and ratify tbe results of Saturday's
convention. Tbe chairman, A. W. Pat
terson, called the meeting to order,
after whcb tbe newly adopted oousti
tution and bylaws were read.
A general invitation was given those
present to become members, wbioh was
liberally responded to.
Tbe general routine of business having
been completed, the successful candi
dates, as well as others, were called upon
for remarks, responding in a manner be
fitting the occasion.
Tbe club adjourned to meet Saturday,
Apr. 9th. at 2 o'clock p m.
A fine lot of imported Shot Onus at
Thompson k Co'a at bargain prioea, do
jobber profit.
Babies' Dai. On Thursday of each
week will be "babies' dav" at Danner'a
gallery. Bring along your babies and
have their pictures taken, and you will
get one photo free of obarge. 58tf
Noticb to Sheepmen. A. A. Wren
has good corral, water and pasture to ac
commodate those desiring to shear sheep,
at bis place, four miles west of Heppner.
Will let cheap. 69-76 sw
Dressmaking;. MrB. W. Warren
wishes to annonnoe to tbe ladies o'
Heppner and vicinity that she is now
prepaiedtodo dressmaking and would
be pleased to see her old customers at
her new dressmaking parlors, ove- Spray
Bros', butcher shop. 475-82 t.
Stallion fob !sale. I have for sale a
graded Clydesdale messenger stallion,
seven years old, V hands high, weight
1575 lbs., dark ohestnut oolor, of a kind
disposition, very gentle and broke to ride
and drive. Will sell on easy terms. The
horse may be found at Cbas. Anderson's
ranch, head of Eight Mile. Any one do
siring further information will please
oall on or address f rank Anderson,
Eight Mile, Or. 475-78 s. w.
A New Firm. J. H. and C. J. Hayes
have purchased tbe interest ot W. A.
Kirk in the harness and saddlery busi
ness, the firm now being composed of the
above-named gentlemen and their
brother, J. O. Hayes, doing business
under the name of Hayes Bros. The
boys are so well known that recom
mendations are unnecessary. There is
one thing sure, their ligbt is not hid
under a bushel, for it shines forth in this
issue in tbe shape ot a nice, neat ad., in
which they ask for a continuation of pat
ronage at the old stand.
Gilliam Republicans The republi
cans of Gilliam oouuty made the follow
ing nominations last Saturday: Repre
sentative, L. J. Goodrich; Sheriff, R. M.
Johnson ; Clerk, Jay P. Lucas; commis
sioner, P. O. Martin; Treasurer, Herbert
Halstead ; School Supt., W. W.Kennedy;
Assessor, H. C. Dodson; Delegates to
tbe state convention, W. W. Steiver,
Jay P. Lucas, F. W. Royal, and A. A.
Jayne, who are instructed for Hon. W.
d. Jams hrst ohoioe for oongress, sec
ond district.
Fine Timber. Perhaps, the best tim.
ber growing in tbe Blue mountains can
be found ou Rock creek, in tbe vicinity
of Will Mallory's saw-mill. This class
of timber Mr. Mallory is using iu making
lumber biob he delivering in Hepp
net all tbe way from $15 to $30 per
thousand feet, depending on the quality,
and bether desired rough or dressed.
The same oan be bought at the mill at
pnoes ranging from $8 to $25 per thous
and. He has a general assortment on
band at present, and is sure to satisfy
customers. 427-tf.
Moisture and Other Weather.
The farmers are almost tickled to death
over a general fall ot snow and rain
which fell to the lot of Morrow oounty
Sunday. Down near Lexington it fell
in tbe form of rain, but up on the ad
joining ridges, a mantle of snow greeted
tbe happy denizens who are depend
ing much on the coming crop. In
Heppner tbe ground was considerably
whitened but it melted almost as soon
as it fell, while on adjoining peaks it
remained till late yesterday. .Snow,
hail, rain and seven other sorts of
weather greeted this part of the ooun
try yesterday. It was all water on tbe
farmer's "wheel," but sheepmen are not
taking so kindly to it, for at this season
of tbe year the orop ot lambs is about
ready to be harvested, and the freezing
weather Sunday night, no doubt, was
disaxtrous to many a one, though we
hope the loss may be small. The fruit
orop, it not damaged, had a close call.
C. E. Fell vb. Thomas Quaid dis
missed .
Arlington National Bank vs. T. A.
Ransier and Frank Ceoil oontinued.
Heirs of estate of J L. Fuller vs.
Swinburne & Jones oontinued.
E. HendrickB vs. W. H. Royse motion
to strike out sustained.
Jonas Livermore vs. E. G. Sperry
Johnson & Shelton vs. T. J. Merrill
dismissed. J. K. Ken worthy vs. E. A. Pedigo
dismissed .
Chas. E. Kirk vs. C. 0. Haines oon
tinued. P. P. Hooker vs. J. A. Fristoe dis
missed .
Jfl. B. McFarland vs. G. W. Smith
dismissed .
P. S. Wilson vs. E. J. Keeney dis
missed .
Beubam, Trumbull & Co. vs. E. J.
Keeney default and judgment.
W. F. Matlock vs. Tims. Bradley
demurrer overruled; answer filed.
Foster Adams vs. Ellar Adams con
tinued for term.
R. L. Hngbes vs. G. W. Thomas
Sarah J. Basey vs. Isaao Basey de
fault entered .
Lewis A. Smith vs. Isaphene Smith
demurrer overruled; Wednesday to an
swer. T. J. Owens vs. M. E. Owens de
murrer withdrawn and default.
E. A. Chapel vs. Ann Chapel de
murrer overruled ; Wednesday to answer.
State of Oregon va. Sylveater Ray Bet
for trial today; J. N. Brown appointed
attorney .
Buhl, tbe baker. Buy your bread and
cakes and save money. Try it. a.
Hardware? Yen, at Gilliam & Bis
bee's, Main St., HeppDer, Or. a.
See J. W. Cow ins for Bock Springs
coal. Leave orders at Gazette office, a
Minor Bros, are now selling Hour at
bed rook prices. For oash only. See
new ad. a
M. Licbtenthal & Co. have just re
ceived a fine lot of ladies' kid, button
and tie shoes. At bottom prices. a
For all kinds of artists' materials,
paints, oils, varnishes, studies, crayons
etc , go to S. C. Smith's, May at reel.
The only full Hue in town. GO-tf.
H. Blackman & Co. have an exclusive
Qeneral Merchandise store. Stockmen
cannot do better than patronize II.
Blackman k Co., of Heppner's Pioneer
Bnk. a.
"The Queen's" Prlie Problem.-
Mr. A. and Mr. B. have to out down
a mighty tree. Tbe time 'twill take for
Mr. A. this mighty tree alone to
slay, is sixty minutes standard time.
Beneath B's blow, tbe bulk sublime
goes to the ground in half that time.
Tbe question now we ask of thee is,
how long 'twill take to cut this tree if
both begin one on each side and thus
their labor do divide?
The Queen will give an elegant Ma
son & Riscb or Steinway fine toned up.
right piano to the first person answering
the above problem correctly ; an elegant
gold watch for the second oorrect an
swer; a ohina dinner Bet for the third
correot answer ; an elegant Bilk dress
pattern for the fourth oorrect answer;
and many other valuable prizes. Val
uable speoial prizes will be given to the
first oorrect answer from caoh state.
Each person answering must enolose
fifteen U. S. stamps for "The Canadian
Queen Galop," tbe latest and most pop
ular piece of fifty cent oopyrighted mu
eio issued during tbe last vear, just out,
together with copy of The Queen, which
already is the birgest of any publication
in Canada. By sending today you may
seoure a valuable prize. Address Tbe
Canadian Queen, "X," Toronto, Can.
A Fro os it ion.
If you will pay your subscription to
the Gazette in full and one year in ad
vance, we will send you tbe following
books at prices stated herewith: "Mix
Great Books for Kural Homes." 25 cents;
"Famous Fiotioo by tbe World's Great
est Authors," tea volumes, 50 cents ;
Cooper's "Leatherstocking Tales," 20
43-tf. The Patterson Pub. Co.
Mr. G. A. Benedict, representing L.
B. Soutbwick, of Denver, Colorado, is in
Heppner to purchase a beep
A. M. Mitchell, of St. Paul, Minn., an
old acquaintance of our T. K. Roberta, is
in Heppner.
Mr. Grimshaw, of California, is bere
to buy sheep.
A GIRL or woman to do general housework
none but experienced persons need
apply. Call at Gazette olli ce. tf sw
WANTED More patrons for my hotel. Neat
rooms, a splendid table and living rates.
Palace Hotel, corner Mainand May streets,
Heppner, Oregon,
ivs-sw. Mits. Makgabet Von Cadow.
THOSE who owe us either by account or note,
the same beinp due, to come in and settle
at once We are in need of money, and ex
pect that you will accommodate ns as we have
you. 68-sw. Kirk & Hayek.
THOSE who are interested in the Eight Mile
country and Morrow county to know that
we have a few extra copies left, which can
be secured either at (ieo. Thornton s news stand
or at the Gazette oilice. liK-sw.
(OME to the Palace notel bar for Champagne
J Cocktails. Champagne on tap. 69-sw
B1U lot of Gooseberry numbers of the Ga
zette that ought to be sent away. Call in,
invest and help your country. swtf
MKS. J. W. KAUMU8 wants the people to
know that she has opened a dressmaking
shop at the millinery store of Miss Inez
Voruz. Give her your work, ladies. 09-bw
"pU KNOW that h. D. Boyed is Heppner's
I leading contractor and builder. Estimates
given on all kinds of work. Oilice at resi
dence, Heppner, Or. 71-sw.
A Wagon maker, one the best locations in
Morrow county. Must have a little capital.
Call on or write Gazette oltiee for particulars, sw
r1 wood farm on Columbia river. Klickitat
Co., Wash., opposite Coyote station u. P. It.
R. Well improved, rich soil, good orchard and
extensive stock range. Address
bi)-75. C. B kin ton, Portland, Or,
T T ARNESS-HHOP. stock and fixtures. Good
r l business; established in the midst of a
eood iurminir and stock-raising country.
Reason for selling, want to go on a farm. Also
for sale a good house and iwo lots with or with
out the business property. For further informa
tion address Lock Box No. 5, Long Creek,
Oregon. 71 tf sw
Land Office at The Dalles, Or., March 22,1892.
Notice is hereby given that the followiug-nam
ed settler has filed notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of liis claim, and
that said proof will he made before County Clerk
of Morrow County, at Heppner, Oregon, on
May 7, 18'J2, viz:
Hd. No. 3,906, for the YM Hl4 and Wf NE
Sec 15, Tp 3 8, K h E W SI.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon, and cultivation of,
said land, viz:
James Neville, James Letihey, George Gray and
Earnest Cupper, all of Heppner, Or.
John W. Lewis,
474-484. Kegister.
Rtcently the following Notlet apneartd in th
dun rrancisw unrumw
" Judge S had been sick only about two
weeks, and it was not until the last three or
four dayB that the malady took a serious turn.
At the beginning of his illness he suffered from
diabetes and stomach disorder. Later the
kidneys refused to perform their functions and
he passed quietly away. ThuB ended the life
of one of the most prominent men in Cali
fornia." Like thousands of others his un
timely death.was the result of neglecting early
symptoms of kidney disease,
are troubled with diabetes, gravel, or any de
rangement of the kidneys or urinary organs,
don't delay proper treatment until you are
forced to give up your daily duties ; don't
waste your money on worthless liniments
and worse plasters, but strike at the seat of
the disease at once by using the greatest of all
known remedies, the celebrated Oregon Kid
ney Tea. It has saved the lives of thousands.
Why should it not cure you? Try it. Purely
vegetable and pleasant to take. $1.00 a pack
age, 6 for $5.00.
.1 1 lull 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II I . l' .1 1'l'i I 1
ill "in it" yet.
Si. I t'lil 1111111.1(111 III I I, Ml II, 1
w. j. zicisasisH, prop.
rpHIS HOSTELKY has been Befitted and Refdnibhed throughout, and now
is one of the most invitiog plaoea iu Heppner. Mr. Leezer invites you to stop
with him, (eeling that he is nWe to entertain yon in the beet of Btyle.
Single Meela - SO Cents
Three Meals - - - - 81.00
lxraamK -
Land Office at The Dalles, Or., March 12, 1892.
Notice is hereby civen that the follow in sT-mm
ed settler has tiled notice of hit intention to
make final proof In support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before the County
Clerk of Slorrow County, Or., at Heppner, Or.,
on April. 23, 1H92, viz:
Hd. No 1,838, for the XEJ Sec 32, Tp 3 S, R 24
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon, and cultivation of
laid land, viz:
John S. Ingraham, Jake 8. Young, Edward
Rood, of Eight Mile, Or.; Joe Hayes, of Heppner,
Or. John VV. Lewis,
472-482 Register.
Land Office at The Dalles, Or., Feb. 27, 1892.
Notice is herebv eiven that the followine-nam-
ed settler has filed notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before the County
Clerk of Morrow County, Oregon, at Heppner,
Oregon, on April 15. 1892, viz:
D. 8. No. 45i0 for the NE'-i NWU, WW NKJa,
NVf4 8E!4, Sec 12, Tp 1 8, R 28 E, W. M.
He names the following witnesses to Drove Mb
continuous residence upon, and cultivation of,
said land, viz:
George W. Miller, Charles B.Cochran, Hfram M.
Thornton, James W. Redford, all of lone, Mor
row Co. Or.
John w. Lewis,
468-478 Register.
Land Office at The Dalles, Or., March 14, 1892.
Notice iB hereby given that the following
named settler hae filed notice of his intention to
imike final proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before County
Clerk of Morrow County, Or., at Heppner, Or.,
on April 2, 1812, viz:
Hd. No. 2.075. for the NW NK and NWU
8ec 14, Tp 2, N R 2t E W M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon, and cultivation
of, said land, viz:
Joseph M. Green, A. Q. Bartholomew, Wm. B.
Pinley, A, J. Lockard, all of Alpine, Or.
472-82 Register.
Land Office at I .a Grande. Or., March 7, 1892.
Notice is hereby riven that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to mako final proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before V. R.
Ellis, Com. U. 8. Circuit Court, at Heppner. Or.,
on May 2, 18i2, viz.:
Hd. No. 3H01. for the NW1 See 34. To 1 8. R 27
E W M. Charles Nelson take notice.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon, and cultiva tion of
said land, viz:
8. N. Morgan, Austin Gentry, Joseph Rector
and William Doonan, all of Heppner, Or.
470-480 A, Cleavkb, Register.
Land Office at The Dalles, Or., March 16, '92.
WtHm U hro)v irit-nit Hint thnfnllmiHiir-nU.n.
ed settler has filed notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of her claim, and
that said uroof will be made before F. H. Hnow.
Com. U. 8. CircuiL, Court, at Lexington, Oregon,
on April 30, 1MI2, viz:
Hd 4824, for the N VJ4 See 2li, Tp 1 8, R 25 EWM
She names the following witnesseBto prove her
continuous residence upon, and cultivation of,
said land, viz:
David A. l'orter, William C. Metier, JameB
each and Josiah 8. Boothby. all of Lexington..
Oregon. John W. Lkwih,
7;i-H3 Kegister.
Land Office at La Grande, Or., March 3, 1892.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his Intention to
make final proof In support of his claim, and
MliitNHld nrrmf will hp mtatlo hcffirn t.hn Cminfv
Clerk of Morrow county, at Heppner, Or., on
April 10, laws, viz:
Hd. No. 4339 for the 814 NW4 Sec 4 and 8EV
NliVi and lot 1 Wee 5, Tp 3 8, R 29 E, W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of, Baid land, viz:
Nelson Jones, of Heppner, Oregdn, Jerry Bros
nau, A. J. Cook, II. Tibbett, of Lena, Oregon.
69-79, Register.
Land Office at The Dalles, Or., Feb. 23, 1892.
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has Jiled notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his claim, and
that Bald proof will be made before the County
Clerk of Morrow county, Or., at Heppner, Or.,
ou April 9, 1W(2, viz:
Hd. No. 4279, for the SISU Sec 25. Tp 3 S. R 24 E
V M.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon, and cultivation ot,
said land, viz:
Cyrus Fuqua, J. H. Allen, Ed Ashbaugh and
E. B. Stanton, all of Eight Mile, Or.
(Hi-7ti John W. Lewis, Register.
Land Office at The Dalles, Or., Feb. 25, 1892.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of hisclaim, and that
said proof will be made before the County
Clerk of Morrow County. Oregon, at Heppner,
Oregon, on April 9, 1892, viz:
Hd. No. 2011, for the 8EJ4 Sec 34, Tp 2 8, R 24 E,
W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of,
said land, viz:
Samuel N. Warfield, Wm. Haguewood, Wesley
McNabb, Thomas Merrill, all of Eight Mile, Or.
467-478. John W, Lewis, Register.
On Tho Heppner Furnituro Co.'b ad. npxt
week for Bpecial burgnliiH. Two car loadu
of furniture are stored in our warehouse.
Look for prices next week.
Cavalht Houses Wanted. Those
who have simmd horses, weighing from
1,000 to 1,200 pounds, in color black,
brown or Bray, can finii sale for them by
nillinil on E. O. Hperry at the Belvedere
alnon. Jnrty hem wanted lmmeai-
itely. 61-tf
Wanted 10,000 sheep pelts at 8 pray
Bros.' meat market. 68 tf
0. Kuhl has added a stook of oysters,
onnned and freph fruits, all kinds of nuts,
oignrs, tobaoooH, eto. 69 sw
1 1 II I II I inn mnii'iiiiM,, mi in 1 1 rut'.
. .
1 Ml Ml 1:1 1,,( M, , i((iM II II. I II
I Board per week - $5 00
1 Board per week with room - 87.00
- - SU (Junta.
ability of not finding standing room in
tOur big store. You should frequently
visit ub and be among the many success
ful bargain hunters, sometimes we buy
great drives and they are sold before wo
can advertise them.
ability of getting "stuck" on some infer
ior or back number article if you insiBt
on trading at some fossilized establish
ment where cobwebs are thick and the
hide of the proprietor thicker. Moral.
Trade at Minor Bros. Modern and Model
Qeneral Merchandise Htore.
ability of getting left if you don't heed
our words. We speak nought but the
truth. It is not only unfair, but unwise
and unprofitable to deceive.
Yours to please,
Baker :: and :: Confectioner,
Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes and Confectionery.
Made on Short Notice
Bread 22 Loaves for $1.00.
rm .-4- 1.
The People Cigar, Best
in the Market, at
68-74 JSWAt i t3V liT'W I ) I I STAND.
0. B. FARSSWORTII, I'm. E. O. SPERRY, Vice Pres. E. R. BISHOP, Treanurer.
T. E. FELL, Secretary and Manager,
The Morrow County Land Trust Company
CAPITAL STOCK, $100,000.00. PAID UP, $25,000.00.
Incorporated 1888.
General Commission and Forwarding Agents.
Operating Warehouses at Heppner, lone and Douglast on the
Heppner Branch of the U P R. R
O. E. Farnswondi, J. A. Thompson,
Nelson Jonei Edward Day,
Ed. K. Bishop, Theron K. Foil,
Ed. 8. Cox, J. A. Woolery,
J, E. Frick, O. T. Douglus, E. G, flporry,
IT 18 the purpose of the stockholders of thin company to conduct Its biminesff In n manner
mutually advtuittiKeouH to all wool and smlti producers of this section, and to maintain the
favorable homo market which it has established. DuriiiR the coming wool season we solicit
tbe business of all wool growers and request them to semi their clip to tho "Wool Growers'
Having enlarged tho Heppner Warehouse, and roofed all nlatforms. we have double the
storage capacity of any other warehouse In Eastern Oregon, well lighted tor the diBplay of wool
"The Wool Growers' Warehouse."
Odd Combinations.
Strange Combinations to be
ed lirocery anil Hardware Htore of
Groceries, Hardware, Tinware, Confectionery Wood &
Willow Ware and Agricultural Implements. Agents
' for NEW HOME Sewing Machines and IMPERIAL
Table Cutlery, Bhears, Scissors, Pneket Knives, and Razors at
Remarkably Low Prices. Hpeoial inducements to Cash Ciis
tomerg. Give us a trial.
tf. Corner Main and Willow Streets, Heppner Or.
In the Hustle with their Countrymen.
The E3CeiEML:f
Candy Pactorv
Five doors North of the Talnce Hotel, Heppner, Or.
Fine Imported and Domestic Cigars and 'JTobaccos
Fresh Fruits and other Goods Received DaUy.
and at Popular Pricks.
1) ,1
D. A. Herron,
Wm. 1'enland,
W. E. Elliott,
N. A. Kelly,
Anson Wright,
I. C. Thompson,
Nathaniel Webb,
John L. Ayers,
James Jones,
A. B. CbuPman.
Found Only at The Combin