The Heppner Gazette. NEWS Ot THE WKEK. Baker City scrip is Belling at 70 cents. A project is on foot to build a railroad to the 8even Devils mining district. The8pencer house at Niagara Falls was destroyed by fire Wednesday night. TJh Burton block, a six-story structure in Chicago, was burned Sunday night, causing a loss of $100,000. The prohibitionists of Michigan will not fuBe with with the people's parry but will run a straight ticket. Isaac Stone was drowned in Muddy Cvrefk' Liua C0Ul"ty, Wednesday. His body has not been recovered. John Morrity, a laborer of Boise City, while working on a bridge Saturday, fell into the river and was drowned. Hank Cline, who has been running a variety theatre in Tacoma, has skipped, leaving sundry creditors in the luicn, Madam Clemencean, American wife of the well-known French deputy, has been granted a divorce from her hus band. A fire in the folding room of the cap ital at Washington, TueBdiy, destroyed many public documents and did $16,000 Beriot Devilliers, of Paris, was mur dered Thursday by Hecter Jaqnes, a sculptor. The men had quarreled over money affairs. James R. Diller, of San Diego, com mitted suicide by shooting himself through the head. Financial troubles caused the act. A skiff manned by three men, capsized in the Missouri river at Nebraska City, Nebraska, Saturday, and the occupants were drowned. Fire at Alto, Tex., Tuesday morning destroyed twenty-eight buildings in the business portion of the town, causirjg a loss of $106,000. Tuesday afternoon, at the Vulcan iron works, San Francisco, while men were moving a heavy casting, it fell, crushing John Cronln to death. Albert Schaefer, employed in a San Francisco brewery, walked out of a second story window while asleep Tues day night and was killed. W. H. Babcock, the grain monarch of Eureka Flat, has 3000 acres in wheat, and will plow over 4500 acres more. He reportB grain looking finely. David Butoher, a 13-year old boy of Seattle, was drowned Saturday while crossing a ford in a wagon. The vehicle was overturned in deep water. The street car line at Baker Citv is to resume operations, and the reduction plarjt, machine shops and foundry will soon start np, says the Democrat. Bert Davidson, a 9-year-old lad living on Howell Prairie, had his skull crushed Tuesday evening by the sweep of a atump puller. It is thought he will survive. A man calling himself Joseph, who claimed to ne a newspaper man, has been victimizing people in the vicinity of Pe-EII, by means of forged checks. Frank Harrington, while stealing a ride on a freight train going into Taoorra, was jolted off Sunday and both his leg were cut off. He died in a Bhort time. John Fritz, of Decatur, Ala., while drunk, shot and killed Mrs. Thomas Walcott, seriously wounded Mrs. Ed Whitten, and then blew his brains out. Assessor McPherson has completed the census of Eugene. He finds in Eugene and additions 1828 male residents'and - 1680 females ; total 3,5(M, exclusive of Chinamen. Frank Ingram, of Albanv, Or., who murdered his brother last October, hat been found guilty of murder in the second degree, and will no to the neni- tontuary for life. A fire broke out in a livery stable at Butte, Mont, Wednesday morning and destroyed $8000 worth of property. Ben Irby, a teamster, who was Bleeping in me oarn, was rmineu ta death. In Berlin Saturday quite a serious en counte took place between unemployed workmen and the German police. The olhcers used their sabres freely, and many persona were severly cut. Monday morning. Andrew Hacker, familiarly known as "Tony," was found dead in a saloon at Walla Walla where he was employed as bartender, from ex cessive dringing and heart failure. The Chicago Times Washington cor respondent revives the rumor that Sec retary Blaine has sent in his resignation, and says the continued ill health ol Mr. Blaine lends color to the report. The first territorial democratic conven tion held in Indian territory, met Satnr day and elected delegates to the Chicago convention. The object is to secure rec ognition from the national democratic convention. Abe Hansbrough and Kick Jones were drunk in Koseburg, Or., Thursday, and got into a row, in which Hansbrough was raiaiiy BtaDoea, (lying in a lew hours. He was a brother of Senator Hansbrough, ui norm uaicota. Clifton Wright, of Akron, Ohio walked into a saloon and called for a glass of seltzer. Into this he poured chloral hydrate and then announced he would be dead in five minutes. He died in about an hour. At Walla Walla, Friday, Mrs. Latham, a lady 65 years old, was struck by an O. & Wj T. engine and knocked down an embankment. She was severely injured, but as the engine was running slowly, she escaped death. Ex-Street Superintendent Clinton, of Tacoma, attempted to commit suicide Wednesday by taking poison, but prompt action saved him. He resigned his po sition a short time ago, and has been drinking heavily ever since. William Armstrong, a jeweler of Spo kane, while Bitting in a music store lis tening to a piano player, took a dose of strychinine and died in a few minutes. He leaves a wife and two children. No cause is assigned for the act. Sam Oland and wife have skipped out from Walla Walla, leaving sundry debts. O. W. Hartness is loser to the extent of a note be indorsed for $70, and $50 cash. James Demaris, a farmer, loses $174. These are the principal victims. At Coulee City, Wash., Monday night John Corley, a gambler, got on a spree and amused himself by shooting reck lessly into a building. The next morn ing the dead body of Charles Patcoe was found with a bullet hole in bis breast. Four well-known citizens were sen tenced at the term of court for Choteau county, Mont., which closed at Great Falls Friday, to the penitentiary, for obtaining bounties on coyote and wolf scalps illegally, and others are suspected of complicity. A reported rich gold strike comes from Sparta, and the location is the Crystal Palace mine near the old Gem mine. The discoverers are Messrs. Tarter and Jones, and it is said that the find rivals In richness the now famous White Swan, near Baker City. Several members of a mob who hanged a man at Darlington, Wis., last Septem ber, have just been tried. They pleaded .iaaanity, and Euesdaythe jury brought in a verdict that they were insane at the time of the lynching, and that three of the number have not yet recovered. The remains of a German named Nick Tramport were found in the brush on the Touchet river, near Dayton. He had Bonin money in his possession when last seen eome three weeks ago and is believed to have been murdered. In dications are that he was shot in the back of the head. While a republican caucus was in ses sion at Ashland, Wis., Saturday night, a fire occurred in the room. One of ihe men threw what he supposed was a bucket of water on the flames. It proved to be coal oil, and an explosion followed, by which several men were seriously injuied. For some weeks there has been trouble in the family of William Thurman, of Roi kford, Wash., from the attentions of A. L. Kichards to Mrs. Thnrman. They have all disappeared anil it is feared Thurman ban been mmdered by the woman. and Richards. A posse is now out hunting theui. William Thompson, aged 33, W8S run over by a train and killed at Paeco Mon day night. Ho had been drinking all day, and started to go home on a special freight train. Ab the train started he caught at the car and swung under in front of the wheels, lost hie hold, and the wheels passed over his stomach. D. W. MeDannald informs a Milton Eagle reporter that the people of the Mud creek neighborhood have determined to solve the irrigation problem by construct ing three large reservoirs, which will hold in the aggregate upwards of twenty millions ol gallons ol water. Work will be commenced in about one wcol, pushed to a rapid completion. The finances of San Antonio, Texas ate in a critical condition. For the first time in her history, the city was Satur day unable to pay an;' of her employes their salary for the past month. The 8an Antonio National bank has refused t3 honor any more city requisitions as the city already owes tlie bank $300,000. A singular casualty attended the sui cide of an artilleryman in ttie barracks at Vienna, Saturday. A man Bhot himself with a ritle. The fatal bullet, after pass ing through the Buicide's breast, plowed through the head of a second soldier, killing him, and then imbedded itself in the arm of a third soldier, inflicting a serious injury, A rich find in gravel diggings has been made at Auburn, Baker county, Oregon. Che lucky discoverers are the Murray Urns, and a Mr. Grant. They sunk a shaft in Old French gulch at a depth of eighty feet after breaking through what was Bupposed to be a heavy deposit of gravel which prospects wonderfully rich in gold. The finders intend operating their claims quite extensively. Deputy Sheriff Dilley, of North Yak ima, Wash., while giving the prisoners in jail their supper Sunday niuht. was sat upon by two of th&ra and was badly beaten betore he could get hie revolver out. One of them had a slungshot and struck him across the head several times. Dilley tired one shot without hitting anybody, and then succeeded in driving the prisoners into their cells. THK NKW ELECTION LAW. A Few 1 nlnU That Might Prove of lute-r ent to Vote. Notices of election shall be posted within 30 days after January term of court. In case judges of election are absent, voters may choose judgee. If clerks appointed are not present, the judges select clerks. Polls will be open ut 8 a. m. and close at 6 p. in., though judges ! place," but a residence for persons of j HNition but of limited means. From I mis met me palace was Known aM "The I Quality Poor House." I One verv hot Sunday a vouni! ladv. not a resident of tho palace, biit living in the vicinity, fainted in the chapel during ser vice. Sir Horace Seymour, a widower, a Wate-loo hero, of commanding presence and strikingly good looks, raised the prostrate lady in his arms, carried her to his apartments, deposited her on a sofa PAltW mUCB AND (.AKIIKN. bi:et St OAK. From the Arid Region: Theie has been sufficient interest aroused in beet sugar to set people talking, and the fall of 18H2 will find at least one factory established in Colorado. The farmers are interested in this, liecauso thousands i cleaned oi oi users must, e assured in or der to make a factory successful. Kstab- usneu lactones preier to contract lor a relieved distress. He had the art of dis. posing of bis time in such a wav that he never went wrong, except when set a going by persons who did not know his key, and even then was easily sot right again. He departed this life 'November 17, 1811, wound up iu the hope of being iud in imuu y ins maxer. ttiorouch v regulated, and repaired and set agoing in the world to come.' llurke's Sarcasm. From (he New York Ledger. On March 22, 1775, Bnrke delivered a powerful and eloquent speech in behalf if ttie Americans, wherein he handled the policy of the government rather se verely, nor had he spared tho king. Upon taking his seat on this occasion one of his majesty's ministers of finance arose to take him to task for having cast contempt upon the king. Burke listened until tho gentleman had concluded, and then, addressing the speaker in a very quiet and subdued manner, as though the opposition he had called up was of but slight consequence, he Baid : , "Sir, the honorable gentleman has exhibited much ardor, though but very little dis crimination. He should know that however much I may reverence the king, I am not at all inclined to extend that reverence to his ministers. I may honor his majesty, but, sir, I can see no possible reason for honoring his majesty's man servant, his maid-servant, nor his ox (a peculiar glance at his opponent) nor his lies!" he place where a married man's fain ily resides, and the place where a single man sleeps shall be considered his resi dence. In coiporated cities no one is allowed to loiter within fifty feet of the polls, ex cept peace officers and challengers, and only ten persons may approach to vote at one time. Judges of election may have power of justice of peace, and may inflict a fine of $50 or imprisonment for 26 days, for any violation of election law, or disorder at polls. They may appoint special constables in absence of regularly appointed peace officers. Within an hour alter polls close count ing shall begin. Only white ballots, furnished according to law, shall be counted. Certificates of nomination, signed by the secretary and chairman of the con vention, are necessary, and for state offi cers must be tiled with secretary of state not less than 45 days before election, and ,;,! ! for district, county and precinct officers' ii uiunb no men Willi couuiy clerk 30 days before election. Candi dates must tile acceptance of nomination for state otlices with secretary of state 30 days before election, and for county nom inations 15 days before election, if at all, in writing, with county clerk. The county clerk shall cause ballots to ne printed, as prescribed by law, entitled 'Official Ballot," and no others shall be used, circulated and cast. There shall be four ballots printed fur every vote cast at a proceeding election on whito paper, and a like number of ballots on colored paper, for samples, and not to no voted or counted if voted. When a vacancy occurs, by death or withdrawal, after tickets are printed, notices Bhall be posted at polling place, and in all cases blank lines are left on ballots so voters can vote for whom they please, whether or not tno nominees ot any party, Not less than live days before election, the sheriff shall deliver ballots to elec tion precincts, prepare election booths and appoint deputies to take charge of election in eacn precinct. Three booths where voters can make out their tickets in secrecy shall Le pre pared, though in a position that judges can see that only ouo man is allowed in a booth at one time. Those who cannot read or write can have the assistance of two of the judges. The mimes on the ticket not voted for must be scratched out with an indellible pencil, vhich is left on the table in the bo th. and the tickets are folded so that the judges can not see how the voter voted. The clerk of election hands out the tickets to be voted, tearing on" one stub on which he writes a voter. The voter retires to a booth and prepares his ticket, anu on presenting it, tne remaining Btub is torn off before the ticket is deposited in tlie box. For all violations of the law, any disor derly conduct, obstructing polls, illegal voting, intimidation, etc., the law pro vides vigorous fines and penalties. Cut this out and post it up for reference. I'l'ettli Air for Children. From the Ladles Home Journal. An ailing child should be kept in a pure atmosphere and have fresh air to breathe. Ihe temperature of a nursery should never fall below sixty-eight de grees, and in illness be kept at from sixty-eight to seventy degrees. Fresh air must be admitted and enough artifi cial heat supplied to keep the tempera ture uniform. Of course, in exlremelv cold weather the window must be closed and the room aired when the child is aBleop. At this timo it can be covered from head to foot with a blanket, the face protected, and the window opened for a few minutes. The extra covering must be left on until the thermometer again registers sixty-eisht decrees. In ordinarily mild weather the window may ue lowered irom me top auont two inches and a strip of flannel tacked over the opening to prevent a draught. If the window does not open at. the top a strip of board two inches wide and exactly fitting the window frame can be put under the lower sash. The child should be kept away from the window The KilVctlveuess ol Modern tiuus. The prominence riven to a lectura hu the German doctor, Dr. Billroth, on the woiinuea in war, has induced Mr. Archi bald Forbes to write on the subject. Dr. Billroth estimates that the casualties at vveissenberg and Worth during the Franco-German war, 80 per cent of all the wounded were caused by rifles, about 15 per cent by the large gunH, and not quite 5 per cent by the lance and sword. Mr. Forbes, however, says that the sta tistics for the whole of the war ou the German side prove that over 90 per cent were due to rille fire, about 9 ner cent to artillery, and about 1 per cent to cold steel. Tlie sinallness to the mortality from the French artillery is explained by the fact that their artillery was notoriouslv badly served. Dr. Bilroth believes that the future will see a still greater propor tion of deaths resulting from rifle fire than from shell. Mr. Furbes points out mac, in aoing so, no account has been taken of the probable use of highly de structive explosives in the shells of the future. A Colli Itoom. From the Chicago Post. "You know that our Mr. Rector here the best hotel clerk in the business once owned a hotel in Denver. Well, one fall they were putting an addition to the house, and before they got the heating apparatus in order a cold snap came. Rector did the beBt he could to warm me piace np, out a genial man ner won't take the nlace of steam heat and the guests began to kick. One man came down, blue and shivering, and said: " 'See here, Rector, I'll have to have some other room . I'd freeze to death up there in another hour.' ' 'Cold, is it? said Rector, as thonch he didn't know there was a room in the house cooler than summer heat. " 'Cold, I should say so,' said the man. 'Why, all the room needs to make it a first-class cold storage ware house and ice-honse is a little sawdust on the floor.' " One Way to Unit the diatom Laws. From 1 lie Philadelphia Record. An Englishman who holds a clerk ship in one of the prominent shipping houses of this city has for years imported his clothes from London, yet has never paid any duty and never smuggled them in. At least he never smuggled them in the usual way adopted by those who don't see the point of paying Uncle Samuel for the privilege of wearing English clothing. His plan is a simple one, but it is nol likely to he followed by many imitators. ne nan a lriend on the other side who is a tailor, and he mails as a samnlo of cloth one leg of a pair of troursers, half oi a waistcoat, tne s eeve ot a coat or half the back, and the parcel is marked "sample," and comes wrapped in thick brown paper, open at one end. Some times it takes a month or six weeks for a full suit to arrive, part coming via Now York and occasionally a part ny Boston. The parts are then sewed together by a tailor here and the suit is complete. Only once in six years haH a parcel been lost in transit, and it was half the back of a coat made of a peculiar shade of blue cloth which the English clerk could not match. He had the rest dyed black and got Btillicient black from a local dealer to finish the garment. Iiifferflotl Kuloglze Tom Paine. From the New York Hun, "Tom Paine delved down to the fonn- dation of the religion of the churches and found nothing, loin Paine was not miicli of an infidel, as infidels go nowadays. If he were alive tonight I lielieve he would cut me dead. I believe if he were alive tonight he would paBS me by and go over ro tne conservative wing ot the I ni tarians." Then Mr. IngerKoll became impressive Slowly advancing to the edge of the stage and shaking his finger at the audience. he said : "Ladies and gentlemen, I cannot har monize (rod and Siberia. All that Thomas Paine tried to do was to make this world fit to live in. I would do nothing by word or in any way to take from the sky tlie smallest "hope that ever shed a ray of light in the human heart Nothing would give me greater delight than to know that for every sorrow suf fered here there will be a joy somewhere. Nothing would give me greater delight than to know that every tear we Bhed will become prismatic on the brow nf death. If there be such a world, in its ebining streets or winding streams of lov you will never meet a grander sou! than once inhabited the clay of Thomas Paine. And yet tho chinches have lain like a coiled viper on the grave of ThomaB Paine since lKufi." I days a young lady, each timo a different one, tainted ; anil ou each occasion the same gallant knight performed the same kind ollico for the sufferer and then re turned to his post." On the last of these three fainting Sun days Lady Seymour, the aunt of Sir Hor ace, said to the chaplain after service, "I say, Mr. Young, this fashion of fainting will degenerate into an epidemic if it is not put a stop to. w Kb your permissien I will allix before next Sunday this notice in the cloister, at the door of enl ranee: "Notice! Whereas, a tendency to faint is becoming a prevalent infirmity among young ladies frequenting this chapel, notice is hereby given that, for tho future, ladies so affected will not be carried out by Sir Horace Seymour, but. by Branscombe, the dust man." This warning produced the desired ef fect, and the plague of fainting beauties was stayed. in u Philadelphia i.iun ii-i:, leu,. From the Philadelphia Record. There is a small lunch-room not far from tho postollice where the midday trade is exceptionally brisk and the counters around the sides of the estab l.shinent are for an houror more crowded with customers, seated upon stools, while they make valiant efforts to break the lunch eating speed records. The room is not mure than twenty feet square, and nil the hot dishes come up from the base ment, where the one cook employed is located. There are three attendants to wait on the customers. and they bawl out their orders loud enough to be heard sev eral blocks away. A customer will re mark, "three fried an' a glass of milk," and the waiter will reply "thres fried one milk." The cook is supposed to heat and make note of the oyster end of the order, and another waiter, six feet away, who is in attendance on the milk can, jeplies' "One milk right." Yesterday all three of the waiters re ceived several orders in quick succession, and poured iuto tho basement a broad side of vocal bombshells. "Noodle soup; buckwheats; polpiefoi two; Irish slew; liamane.ggs !" At this point a very red-faced man stuck his head through the trap-door and said : "Say, you'ee people, I'm no short hand sharp; I'm cook, see? You'se kin let them orders come slower, or you'se kin send me down a private secretary. You hear me?" and he disappeared he low with a gtunt of indignation. HnohhlHli Hoelely. Thackeray. I can bear it no longer this diabolical invention of gentility which kills natural kindness and honest friendship. Rank and precedence, forsooth ! The table of ranks and degrees is a lie and hIiouM be flung into the fire. Organize rank and precedence 1 That was well for the mas ters of ceremonies of former ages. Come forward some great marshal, and organ ize equality in society and vour rod shall swallow up all the juggling old court sticks. Jf this is not iwsnel truth if the world docs not lend to this, if hereditary man worship is not a liumbti" and an idolatry let us have the Stuarts back again and crop a tree press' ears in the Pillory.' 1 loath haul ton InteHiimniw. 1 believe such words as fashionable, exclu sive, aristocratic, anil the I ke to he wirkei, unchriotian epithets that oiiffht to be banished from honest vocabularies. A court system that sends men of rcnins to the second table I hold to be a snob bish society. You who desnise vour neighbors are a snob ; vou who foruet your friends meanly to follow after those of a higher degree are a snob ; yon who aro ashamed of your poverty and blush for your calling area snob; as are also you wl io boast of your pedigree or are proud of your wealth. mg to me care wnicn tne tanners give to the crop in cultivation. In effect it Will Iiav llHmlnOlll('!v to lirodiioR o. cellent results, and, as the farmers in Montana, lliilililts aml Haliim. a Gazette. Z Went 111) the Hut Do. snake yesterday to examine his bear traps, and on returning saw atrmulin the snow some distance from him what he took to be a deer. As the open season in'.- i , , . . . 1" . arid regions are the peers of any in the ! u' .Th ", x!'. nd not wishing to tne animal Honnder its oi tne drift; on second thought he decided to capture, if he could, tho thing alive. Tightening his belt, grasping his pole with a firmer grip and directing his hounds to circle, he sped over the snow on his snow Bhoes; his dogs closed in and tho struggling creatine was captured. It wasn't a deer but a jack rabit, the largest ever cap tured in Montana. Its ears are as long as those of a young burro, and its skin will be sufficiently large to wrap a Missoula baby in, and Missoula babies, as all know, are the largest and finest in the State. The quarry was placed on a wood sled, hauled to town and placed on exhibition at the Capitol on Front Street, where it attracts much attention from its enormous size. It will weigh forty-two pounds dressedif the shot with which it is stuffed are not removed. ORIGIN4LITV. There is Nothing New Cutler the Ron Truth I Kternal, rrora Harper's Weekly. Emerson says that "Pluto has made havoc with our originality." Hut before Plato taught, Solomon declared : "There is nothing new ui.der the sun !" Now he-e is an array to daunt the boldest. Who dare speak when such authorities declare it useless? If every thing has been said, what is there left to r f world in intelligence, it is only to be ex-, pecteu mat tney will liirnisln some n.nimifieent crop figures. The results in Nebraska shows that beets can be grown and harvested at a coRt of $13 75 per aero. It costs there $1 per ton to haul to the factory. If the yield is twelve- totiB per acre, the total cost is $25.75. It these beets yield four teen per cent of sugar, tlie farmer re ceives 12 for his twelve tons, a profit of $16 25 per acre. If the yield reaches fifteen tons, the net profits are $23.75 per acre. One Nebraska farmer on an acre and a half raised u crop which netted him $81.34, or $52.22 per aero. What root crop will pay better, with in telligent culture. At Anheim, Cal., a co-operative beet Biigur rolinery has been organized. The farmers who took part in it contracted to furnish beets from 2,500 aerps, with a prospect of increasing this amount soon to 3,000 acres. Beet pulp, after the sugar is extracted, is excellent feed for cattle. Tlie beef is as juicy and tender as any stall-fed, and is in demand at San Diego, Cal. At Watsonville, thousands of tons of pulp have been bought by one firm, who ship it to Oilroy, wheie they fatten (heir cattle. They consider it, tlie best feed they can get. This will be of interest at Fort t'ollins and other places where beet sugar works aro contemplated. It will rival corn-fed beef, it may add an other industry to those now comim; to the front. Olio Mn'i Point of View, From the New York Keeorder. Why, oh why, will women, nice, neat, cleanly women, persist in following bo unn ice, unneat and uncleanly u fashion as the present one of wearing a trailing skirt on the street ? Walking behind one nf thorn is almost as unpleasant as walking in the wnke of one of our .' street sweeping machines. Their gathering in of refuse would be bad enough were they always of plain, heavy cloth, with tho possibility of be- in oriiMieu out, anil cleaned, but when those skirts arc trimmed with a bund nf fur, which poon becomes like unto an over used whisk broom, then, indeed, is a combination achieved, the powers of wuicn as a inn accumulator are un-equaled. Ol coins 9, a man doesn't know much about these things, but I can't help thinking that if the averaue man went. about witli aB much dirt on his clothes as the average woman in a fashionable street gown carries about with her, he would beneroimted a verv dirtv fellow indeed. ui iv viti uiri.iMi's un r. A rescript ion of the Ameiit uu (llil Who Cltared the KugllRhmairii Heurt. From tho lllmtrntprt American Very natural, indeed, is the curiosity aroused and now centering about the young American woman lately wooed and won by the youthful and wonderful short-story writer. "Is she beautiful, gifted or great ?" "By what particular charm was Kipling attracted to the daughter of a nation he chooses alwavs to criticize so severely?" These are some of the interested queries of those who admire the novelist and are so un fortunate as never to have met the lady now his wife. "Well, I would not call her exactly beautiful, and I have never heard that she possessed any serious talcntB." volunteers a woman who at one time en joyed at least the pleasure of an acquain tance with Mrs. Kipling, "but I quite understand the attraction she had for Mr. Kiplinsr, for when 1 met boras Miss Balestier, I own to having felt no email degree of interest iu her. She is tall, very Blonder wonderfully so ami a pronounced brunette. Her long, dark hair is combed striiigbt back fiom a handsome forehead and smoothly banded about an exceed ingly well-shaped head. Her eyes are superb, large, dark and lustrous, with intelligent fires of expression that never fail to charm and interest thoso she intets. Perhaps it is her slender height, dark coloring and great eyes that com mand one's attention always when meet ing or seeing her, for those who have only caught a glimpse of, or bad the privilege of an introduction to this young woman never fail to be doeply impressed "Though a room be filled with women of fur more boauty and apparent charm, she, on entering quietly, instantly ex cites attention and holds for every one present a curious, half magnetic attrac tion, potent and inexplicable. One seems at first to feel rather than see or hear her too Judge Wfttem'a Pollticnl Philosophy. From the Detroit Free Press. When a defeated candidal bauds with a sucsesful one, tain't no sine no i" i cussin to nimsett. Pohtiklo parties air like boys a good uiiasiim now ami men is pawertul im provin'. the man who gila an ollis without tiustnn' lor it is a naxulent. 'loo mulch money in politiks makes Bin nmeii oau. It's agin a statesman to dress np iuie. A congressman don't ack miclieral with too much edication, Politikle campanes is lit mosdv on the past. Wimmin in poli'iks air like lienn in swinimin'. It's mighty hard nowaday to say hat is the acchual paladium of liberties. An i:xpected Answer. Itosioii Letter. Tho number of clubs in Boston was unfortunately chosen na a subject for an attempted witticism by a man who poses as a sort of modern Sidney Smith, and he propounded to a man from Baltimore the conundrum : "Whv in Boston like a Koman fasces?" The answer which he himself designed for the nucstion wna t.lm somewhat far-fetched one that it was "a Dtinille ot elulis," and irrent was his dis gust when Ihe Ballimorean, who found things here too slow for his rather rapid taBteB, answered with cheerful alacrity: "Oh, that is easy. It is because Huston' Is such a bundle of sticks!" The answer was hardly iiiir, but it was certainly fun nier than the one intended. lunlel v liieluiled. llenvenuto Cellini hud just finished a beautiful hanap when Lucietia liorgia entered his studio. This gentle lady admired the work in silver, but failed to grasp the meaning of the design. "The design appears to me to illustrate eome biblical episode," said slie. "It, docs," returned Cellini: "Daniel in the lion's den ia the subject." "Ah ! hut I see only Ihe lions." "Undoubtedly, however, you notice a slight dislention of tho lions' bodies?" "Weii, that's Daniel." India Itulilier Pavement. A German engineer has paved a bridge with India rubber, and the result has been so satisfactory that it is to be ap plied on a larger Eeale. If is found to be more durable than asphalt and not so slippery. "Asiction of roadway," says the Railway Review, "under tho gate Early in the woild's history rneu dis covered a few great truths. And they found out that mankind being always and everywhere the, same, there would be no more to discover. Ami u-1 decided to" let 1 'rll".1B hJ heen preached and eungand is wav oiiti.K"1 a.wlll'e. the listeners, who could i . . not lln,fi.,alun.l H. ..-2 i . -- .. ,- umiu, got ureu anil timed, as the Athenians did, to hear and to tell some new thing. Yet the Atheni ans never heard or told a new truth. It was all as old as the foundations of the world. The few who have declared these truths in words which catinot die have at tlie same time declared them old. their names Btand out like great towers in the land. We who listen and under stand and long to grasp them, concede that the words or wisdom have all been spoken, that tbe sage of to-day can tell us nothing more, and that the last living philosopher can but give his testimony to what has been already said, "l'here is one truth," they all cry. "But origin ality It died long before the wisest man was born." To each mind that strives to see clearly, truth although ever the same truth, presents itself in original forms, and in endless combination. It is new to whoever perceives it newly. As the morning, which is alwavs breaking since the first morning broke, seems dewy and glittering, and freshly descended from heaven to just opened eves, so to the mind awakened to perceive truth it conies as strong and pure as ever it came to the first mind that gladlv opened to receive it. Nature is not old. She is forever new. Truth is not old. It is boru to day in every young heart. To find an original thought would be a vain hope indeed. Yet the words of the weakeBt need not be silenced for that reason, tor, with sages and philosophers, they may bear witness in whatever way is given them to testify. Only expression can be new. The truth itself is eternal. iresenec, although by her simple, irrace un nun uuiut-iy cuiiipuHcu uiuiiucr bii is i0.i:.w. , , i i . i , , ; evidently quite unconscious of the !f. 1 . departure plalform of the strange quality she possesses for Bold B.ilihery at Jiorlh Podr. A few evening? ago, while II . Roth child, a merchant of North Powder, was quietly conversing in the store with Mr. liarr, the school teacher, two masked men entered the store and demanded all the available coin on hand. Mr. Uarr. who objected to the proceeding, was sud denly silenced by a blow Irom a revolver in the hands of one of the robbers, ren dering him unconBcicus and nut nf the right. lliey then compelled Mr. itoth- child to Ofien the safe and helped them selves to $ii, ail the money in eight. Fortunately, a large draft had been paid that day. Some $200 on the person of the proprietor was not molested. Mr. Itntb. child was then marched at the muzzle of Prayers, rrPKi'liliiK mid I'oker. Creede Amethyst,. Through the courtesy of Wat raits t Bannigan, of tho Denver exchange, ihe games in the clubroom were stopped last night to allow a minister of the goHpcl to address a crowd which had gathered to hear him. Tho sight was most curious a crowd of Biich men as are fuund only in a Colorado mining camp, listening with close attention to prayers to the throne of grace, meanwhile clinking to gether in their palms the rod and white chins left over in their interrupted game. When the minister had finished the keno table, which had done duty as a pulpit, was again surrounded by the players, and "Keno!" "Oh!" and the rest of the players' exclamations con trasted with the monotonous voice of the roulette man, crying, "Twenty-one black, high, nobody there!" and then the chips rattled into his box. both men and women. This subtle, forceful charm, I have no doubt. was keenly felt, and appreciated by so sensitive a mind as Kipling's, and must have augmented his admiration (or a woman of her line character and in telligence. Miss Balestier was always deeply interested in and enthusiastic over Kipling's literary achievements, her brother's connection with the Eng lish author brought them together, and from their friends I hear it in a most suitable and happy marriage." Iluntnirtii's f0.. From the St. Louis Itepiihllc. There is in St. Louis a firm of rope makers and dealers, doing business on North Main street, that has a m,I lin. that it does not advertise, ft is the manufacture and preparation of hang man's ropes. The fir in sells as many as Interim In the PreHldiiney. From Ante! lean Notes and Uuerles. According to tho official announcement Gen. William Henry Harrison died al the White If juee, or presidential man sion, in Washington, on Sunday, the lth day of April, A. D. 1811, at three min utes past one in the morning. The Vice-President was at this lime in WillianiBburg, Va. An ofliciul letter in forming him of tbe president's decease raving been dispatched at the earliest possible moment, it was expected that, with the utmost endeavor, he might reach Washington by Wednesday or Thursday of the same week. But, much to the satisfaction of all concerned, he arrived ut the scat of government at 5 o'clock ou Tuesday morning, April 6. Having taken a lew bouts ol repose, Mr. Tyler met the membera of the cab inet at 12 o'clock. Shortly after the oath of office was administered to him, the ceremony of the inauguration being entirely private, as congress was not at this time in session. Thus occurred an interim of two days and a teiv hours in the Hailed States presidency. It was the first time in the history of our government that the vice prcsidem was called upon to assume the presi dential office. A KeiiHirky Word. j In a conversation with a gentleman ! from the mountains of Eastern Kentucky ; the Bourbon News caught on to a new I word, one not in Webster's latest edition. I It is the word "urn." When a man I speaks of his wife to a Ihiid peibon he St. Pancras terminus, London, has for some years past neen paved with India rubber, and many people must have oeen pleasantly surpmed at tho deaden ing of sound when passing over it on wheels, and ut tbe gntful elasticity to the tread when traversing it on foot." How to Take Cod Llier Oil. From the New York 'l imes "You don't look happy," said one wo man meeting another recently. "I'm not. Life is a burden," was the prompt reply. "I'm taking cod liver oil three times n day. it's vile tasto is never absent from me, tbe honors of the dose past, aro not forgotten before the dread of the doso future is upon me." Tho unhappy condition thus lugu briously recited might, have been much mitigated by takimr the nhicclinnahln medicine in t iinnto catsup, or by eating a im, oi iresn orange peel lielore and after the dose. Tlie Point Well Tilke from Hie flileiuo Trflinue. Playwright Your tragedy to a very impressive climax. works up 'Ihe hero of the p!nv is one of the most singularly gifted mid altogether remarkable i-lmrne. teis I lutve met with in the whole range of 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 : 1 1 i i literature. Author, highly dclighted-I tried to make him an exceptional stage hero. Playwright You have succeeded. He is the only mun I ever read of who was capable of hissing the words ' foiled again!" between his set teeth. A Klver or itiml Ink. In Algeria there ia a small river which is really and truly writing ink. Two streams one strongly impreg nated with iron, the other, (lowing through the peat moss, contains a oln. tion of gallic acid, and when they unite they form the river of ink. Unfortunately, the river is running to waste, because the imtives do not write, and can't diink it. The Deadly dollar llulton. Sew a plain pearl button on the buck of your shirt and lie happy. At anv rate HIIUSKS NOT NlCKIIttll. A lloslon nan tla Invented a Novel Thing In tlie llngK)' Mne. From tlie Boston Ulobr. There will soon be exhibited in the streets of Boston an electric carriage which is decidedly novel and useful. The vehicle, which is illustrated here with, is a Uriel on nroduetinn. K. IV Chaplin is the inventor nf the motor, and nr. urazio Liiim is the inventor nl the unique Htorage cells which furnsh the power. The motor is mounted ceW rally on the front axle, with tho armature ntmv and parallel wilii the axle; on each end of the armature shaft is a crank disk from which extends to connecting rods to clutches below the axle, these clutches being mounted upon short shafts, ar ranged to revolve beneath the axle, with pinionB mounted upon the outer end and set to mesh into gears mounted upon the ntios ui uie wneeis. The motor is oi a closed-field type, working at 1100 revolutions per minute. with a potentiality ot forty volts. Upon level grade a speed of from ten to fifteen miles an hour can be accomplished. The eteeriug apparatus and brake are ingen ious and readily operate bv the person in charge of the vehicle. 'Relying upon these auxiliary attachments, the steeliest hills may be climbed. The vehicle can not go backward unless so directed. Should the motor fail to act, a connection break, or an accident of any kind occur, tho carriage will stop and this irreapeo tive ot the brake. Incidentally it may be mentioned that the storage cells with which the carriage is fitted will also furnish light and heat, if requisite, at but slight increase in cost of running. Taken as a whole, Ihe combination is decidedly in the line of progress. A careful investigation and test disclose na defects that cannot be easily remedied. For the transportation of naBsenirers nn.t boggage over roulcs where travel is in sufficient to jiiBtify the laying of raila, or over bill v or otherwise difficult rna,t coaches could thus lie run with snccess. He Couldn't ICeinemhei-. From tlie Detroit Free Press. He came home last night a bit tired from a busy day's work and his wife waited until ho had got oil' his overcoat and sat down. "Did you get that piece of silk I asked yon to bring up tonight?" she inquired, steing that he had not laid it before her "Yes, dear, left It out there in the hall." "Did you get the pins?" 1 es, dear." "And Ihe ribbon?" "Yea." "And Bobbie's shoes?" "Yes." "And a wisp broom?" "Yes." "And a wick for the kitchen lamp'"' "Yob." "And some matches?" "Yhb; they are with tho other bundles" "And did you see the man about the ul ''" get a forgot exclaimed. You know I told vou wneu you alls her "uni." Or when :i wife speaks i there is no torture undera coat collar tbui of her husband she calls him "uni." ! is harder to bear than a collar button nn. For instance, " 'Vm' is going to Saylers-1 der a winter overcoat's extra weight ville tomorrow," or "'L'tu' shot a bear digging iu the very zenith and fiinnybone Physicians say county, in., had a man to a pistol to the suburbs of the town and ; rope that be thought would aniwar th released. purpose. Ihe tying of the knot he Fill IVfti-a lli.l ,,l Or.l.p ' .. . '. " ilium UllllCIUl rue ere lint ol Order. matter than lit. mir,.l ...i 1.. From ihe Youths Companion. tn tt I ,,; , l"?" .1 , i,i ,.-. . j 55? "uis to have the noose made. ( i am gum yj inim support nip, atr. I ine roapmaker charged him $2.5 ) for tuning vxui.uiuB, i inn ine Knot. Vffalerilav " '! Iim u-nrd is Ui4wl to liuvo ! ftf 1'Oop utitriul .r.liim loooiinese ropes annua v. I lie in minmix Hi ivnnini i.nn w in k r : it 1 111111 i,, i.,. ii,. .;,, . .i:. i .i ' of the rope with the noose ready for use j KXI years auo, who were too diffident to i collar stud and sew on a button is$. 1 he roaps are handmade and of use the phrase "mv wife" or "mv litis-1 hemp, and one of the employes of the band." While at the table, before j '1 he More the Merrier, firm North St. Louis rope-walk ties the strangers, the husband, who desired his MarieSo you are enga"cd to Charlie knot. A few weeks eince the sheriff nf I wife in onus tl.n bread or aorubnin if:bter ' would attract tlie attention of Ins wife by Claire (care ess v) Yes. wearing histnroat, ahem," oonuui, and finally degenerating the phrase to "urn." which was tbe final understand ing when each was addressed. -Madison hang at. "Isn't he the fourth Charlie to whom you are engaged ?" "I lielieve so." "Oood gracious, Claire, how ever tell them apart?" "I dont." do you '."the heroine oi whenever there is an eligible gentleman near into whose arms she may fall. That for a certain class of women tbe dramatist "holds the mirror up Jto nature" is here apparent by a story of "fainting beauties," told in the memo ries of the Kev. Julian Youne. sub- No CoDtettXeceNfeiy. From tbe Btizleton Sen.lnel. A Kentucky man wrote his will on the head of a whisky barrel and it was held j chaplain of Hampton Court Palace! to be valid. The palace was not only a "idinw ! be one to me, years ago." A Welsh Upltaph. t rorn the Jeweler'M Circular. The following epitaph is reproduced "'.".""" i from a tombstone in the cemetery iu A 1-riiiu U. r i tn.. t ii . i. 1 1. i. i i ' . i ,.. i . ,,, , ,, ., , Liiwauiiwiwiu: jiere nes in a nonzon-; erny viuieroon is Fecretlv i Shall ITO rildlt home to r.,-,ll.A :ta ,uiii,n ll.a .. i.llluir,n ' v:., VI...1.1..1 H. ... , "'""I, -Jl, Vl "n,vVI UI ..tll . I ' II H "IIIIWIJ, llHttAn llll.lll I.' I Ii .1 , I I . .1 ii ii i yuu KiMing mrs. 1 uuueigu, watcnmaKer, whose anilines llabberton-Browae in the conservatory." in that line were au honor to his profes i, .', was on y a sisterly kiss, my dear." sion. Integrity was the mainspring and She is not your srter." prudence tbe regulator of all the actions " uo ' i". sue promised to 1 01 tin hie. Humane, honest, Industrious, I his hands never stopped until they had It's a dead secret. A Woman's Way. Lucy I'M tell you the news! Weth- engaged to iniy : MamieHow do von know? Lucy Well, Nina told Florence, Flor ence toid Margery, Margery told Sadie, Sadie told Georgie and Georgia told me. ow ue sure ami don't te anvhodv. coal "Yes; it will bo up Monday." "And the man to fix tbe grate in the dining room ?" "Yes; he's coming as soon sh lie can." "Did you Bee Mrs. Smith about the eewing society meeting?" "She said she'd coino." And and, oh, yes, did you now suovei ror tne xicnun stove? "N- n no," he hesitated, "I it." 'Good gracious!" she "What did you do that for? we needed that shovel, and about it the verv lirHt thint: went down town tins morning. I do think you men are the most forgetful and carelessos creatures that ever lived." And she Hopped out to see about supper. No Inducement. j "1 do not know," she said in answer to his proposal. "I do not know what to say. "If I could be sure you cared for me" "Care for you? I would die for you. Nay 1 will do more, for living is nothing After our marriage I will always, let vou have the last wunl." "Pshaw!" she exclaimed, turning away fmm him in anger, "that's nothing, I would l.iive that anyway." A Pulled Widower. .Jones I want to ask you a question Smith All right. Ask away. Jones I'm thinking of getting married again. Now you have lieen married three tunes; tell me which wife vou liked the most. Smith You bite ihree, sour applet! one after auother, and then tell me which, is tho sweetest. Keeping Tkeiu Out or the Soup,.. From the Fraukllu, Fa., News, The other day the Meadville Tribune won a suit in which it was defendant iu a claim of $100,000 for libel, and on the same day received a gl.'t of two bushels of apples. Seems us if some fellows' platters aie alwavs np when it rains por ridge. r