Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, March 29, 1892, Image 2

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Thmnsh the solicitation of friends, I hereby
candidate for the office of
M.Subtto the decision of the county
democratic convention, Apr. "'Roberts.
Next Friday's issue will be devoted
chiefly to the interests of Lexington and
vicinity, and will be an edition of quite
5,000 copies. It was the intention to
get it out much sooner, bat there was
too mach work for the short space of
time allotted for this important tusk.
It is generally understood that Hon.
W. B. Ellis has the entire delegation
from the seventh judicial district on his
side, for nomination for congress, second
district. This we understand, is back
ed up by other counties. Ellis will no
into the convention with the strongest
following of any of the Eastern Oregon
Wk acknowledge the receipt of a pho
tograph representing the whaleback
steamer, G . W. Wetmore and others, pass
ing the Sault 8t. Marie locks, between
Lake Superior and Huron. Linue Hub
bard, to whom we are indebted for this
picture, adds as a "Propheoy of the
"Quick as the Cascade Locks are done
We will carry the INLAND products
Of OreKon, Idaho and Washington
To every seaport under thesun."
The friends of Hon W. R. Ellis, of
Hummer. Bre confident that he will
draw the winning card ii the congres
sional shuffle at the Portland convention
Tim RHRpr' that he will have the del
egntns from the sixth judicial district
practically solid behind him, and that
he will be the second choioe of the ma
jority of delegates from other seclious
The judge is a clean man, an uuswerving
republican, and will be handsomely
eleoted if the convention oonfers the
nomination upon him. Pendleton Trib
nne. There will be no lack of congression
al candidates in Eastern Oregon who
hope to capture the first prize of the
republican Btate convention. Baker
comity for a while led the van in the
number of aspirants, but now takes Bec
ond plaoe, giving way to Umatilla coun
ty, which has four candidates.
Meanwhile the seventh judicial district
holds to its first choice and will stand
solidly for Ellis as its candidate. Sen
ator Norval, of Union counly, is being
frequently spoken of ub a possible nom
inee, and the faot that be is the only
farmer among all the aspirants seems
to be greatly in his favor. Times
In the second congressional distriot
in this stute there are two prominent re.
puhlioan candidates, either of whom
would ably represent this region, in I lie
lower house and who are men of sue
exceptional good characters politically
and socially, that no opposition need be
feared in the ranks of the party. We
refer to Hon. W. B- Ellis, of Heppuer,
and Hon. J. B. Eddy, of Pendleton
These gentlemen are interested in the
growth and prosperity of that portion of
Oregon eist of the Cascade mountains.
and if either is fuvored by being eleoted
to congress, be would ably advooatc the
measures so much needed for the (level
opment of the boundless resources of this
portion f the northwest. Timea-Mutm
Of Morrow Comity Showing No. of District,
Directors. Clerks, Addresses, Etc
Two bills passed thesennte last week
Dolph's appropriating sulllaient to com
plete the cunul and locks at the Cas
cades, not exceeding one million seven
hundred and forty five thousand
dollars, and Mitchell's bill ap
propriating eight million two hun
dred and sixty thousand three
hundred dollars, the full luiioiint of esti
mate for the completion of a bout-railway
at The Dulles, alliuiinediiitely uvtiil
able. Judging from the actions of the
lower house during the session, 10 far,
this will hardly meet with their approval.
The portage at the Cascades is proving
Btiuh a boon to our people up here that
we would be oonteut with such a pro
vision at Oelilo, winch would give im
mediate relief. There is no telling how
long it will take to complete the Cas
cade locks, and we fear the ship rail
way is more theoretical than pructioal.
Passed by the Umatilla County Al
liance in session at Pendleton, January
6, 1892:
Whereas, the republican and demo
cratic parties have bad control of tne
municipal, couoty, state and national
elections tor mure than a quarter of a i
century, find during this whole period
have abused the powers and privileges
entrusted to their bands and have crim
inally wasted our public domain, be
stowing the same with a lavish hand up
on the corporations of the wealthy
olasses, thus centralizing and tutting
into the hands of the favored few that
which of right belonged to the many,
thus riving the few the power to op
press and take undue advantage of the
many, and
Whkheas, unjust discriminations have
been praoticed against the farmer and
laboring man in favor of corporations,
and the ballot has been so manipulated
by politioal bosses aod rings in the in
terest of the bondholders and curpora
tions generally UDd the voioe of the peo
ple who produce the wealth is no longer
beard only as vassals and slaves to the
political bosses, and
Whekeas, there has been several re
form organizations having in view es
sentially the same object, that is the
correction of the ballot box and in our
law making departments, the above and
many other orjing evils which ore en
dangering the very existence of our free
institutions. Therefore we, the mem
bers of Umatilla County Alliunoe, for
the love of our homes and country, do
propose to join in with the general up
rising of Americans which is taking
place all over our land to preserve iu-
tuot our free institutions, and to this
end be it resolved:
1. We demand the abolition of na
tional banks; we demand that the gov
ernment sbull establish Bub-treasuries
or depositories in the Beveral states
which shall issue money direot to the
people at a low ruto of tax not to
exceed 2 per cont. per nnnuni on non-
perishable farm products and olso upon
real estate, with proper limitations upon
the quality of land and amount ol
money ; we demand that the amount of
the circulating medium be speedily in
creased to not less than $50 per capita.
2. We demand that congress shall pass
such laws as shall effectually prevent the
deuling in futures on all agricultural and
meohuuical productions, preserving a
stringent system of procedure in trials
such as shall Beoure the prompt convio
tion and imposition of such penalties as
shall SHOure the most perfect compliance
with the law.
3. We cundemn the silver bill recent)
passed by congress, and demand in lieu
thereof the free and unlimited coinage ol
silver; the coin to be a legal tender foi
all debts, public and privnte.
4. We demand the passage of lawf
prohibiting alieu ownership of laud, and
that congress take prompt action to do
vise some plan to obtain nil lauds non
ow ned by uliens and foreign syndicates,
and that all lauds now held by railroade
and other corporations in excess of such
as is actually used and needed by then
be reclaimed by the government and held
for actual Bettlers onlv
5. Behoving in the doctrine of equu
rights to all and special privileges I
none, we demand that our national legis
lation shall be so framed in the future
as not to build up one industry at the
expense of another. We further demand
a removal of the existing heavy turilTtux
from the necessaries of life that the poo
of our laud must have. We further de
mand a just and equitable ByBtem
graduated tax
believe that the
try should be kept as much ns possible in
the bunds of the people, aud hence wt
demand that all national and state rev
enues shall be limited to the necessary
expciiBCB of tho government eoeuomi
ou 1 1 y and honestly administered,
0. To own and oporute the railroads
telegrnphB and other arteries of trans
portutiou uud communication by the
government, with due regard for the
rights of the people.
The following is a list of the school
officers of the various districts of Mor
row county, as furnished by Supt. Baling:
Dist. No. 1-J. J. Rooerts, clerk; W.B.
Ellis, Tbos. Morgan, O. Patterson, di
rectors; Heppner.
No 2-A. B. Hiatt, clerk ; S. D. Frenob,
H. Tippett, C. B. Cute, directors,; Lena.
No. 3. 0. A. Hales, clerk ; L. M. Hales.
B. P. Caugberty, Luoindy Hales, direct
ors; Uullowoy.
No. 4J. 0. Kirk, clerk; J. T. Kirk,
Jas. Tolbert, Jno. Bush, directors:
No. 5 Joseph Luckman, clerk; Jake
Pearson, B. Lang, Jerry BroBnan, direct
ors; Lena.
No. 6 A. 0. Pettys, olerk; Joe Hauey,
Oscar Mitchell, T. J. Allyn, directors;
No. 8 Paul Beitman, clerk; A. W,
Balsiger, R. C. Bpeiry, W. A. Allyn; lone.
No. 9 Ed Holloway, clerk; Geo. Ely,
S. White, Henry Silver, directors;
No. 11 H. C. Gay, olerk; W. O. Alli
son, J. W. Becket, J. J. Akkins, direct
ors; Eight Mile.
No. 12-Wm. Blair, clerk; R. Lieual-
len, Jos. Leach, W. J. Davis, directors;
No. 13 Austin Yocom, clerk; T. R.
Howard, J. S. Tower, Chas. Benefiel,
directors; Lexington.
No. 14 Jno. Q. Crafts, clerk; C. T.
Walker, director; lone.
No. 15 A. M. Markham, clerk; S.
Stone, Geo. Shick, A. Crobtree, directors;
No. 16 G. S. Crane, olerk; Jno.
Handy, W. B. Parsons, Mrs. McClaren,
directors; Ella.
No. 17 Wm. Duran, clerk; W. G.
Sweetzer, F. M. Gentry, J. P. Brown, di
rectors; Heppner.
No 18 H. F. Roller, olerk; W. H.
Cecil, Wm. Cecil, W. B. Ewing, direct
on incomes. W
money of the conn
Wheat, bu 05nfiHo
Floiir.bbl D (HI
Beeves, cons & two-year-olds, owt. 2 50
" three " 2 76
Sheep, muttons, head i 1)0
" Block 3 00
Hogs, ou foot, cwt $4 60 6 IK)
Hogs, dressed b 00
Horses, slow sale.
Butter, roll t5
Eggs, doz 12Vi
Chickens, doz 2 60 (( 2 76
Wheat, cwt 1 (10 (it 1 8
Flour, bbl 3 00 m i 5 25
Beeves, stall fed 7 00
Muttons, owt 10 00 (rill 00
Hons, owt 3 60 tt 8 25
Butter, lb 12 of 21)
Eggs, doz 17 it It)
Clnokens, doz 5 f)0 (fi 10 IX)
Tuikeys, lb 15 (if 18
Wheat, cwt 65 (if 1 60
Flour, bbl 4 K0 4 IK)
Beeves, owt 2 60
" dressed 6 00
Muttons, live sheared .. 4 75
" dressed 8 IK)
Hogs, on foot 5 60
" dressed 7 50
Butter 80
Eggs, doz 15
Chickens, doz 4 50
Turkeys, lb 12
4 00
& 7 00
Oi 5 (XI
it 9 00
5 75
8 (K)
Kt 35
(u 20
(if 6 00
Misnaming Things.
The experienced huntsman in the woods never wastes
time looking for bear in Bear Hollow, nor deer along Deer
Creek, nor would he hope to shoot any great number of ducks
on Duck Lake, for his experience has taught him that such
points are always misnamed, and this lesson holds good with
almost everything in life. For instance, in the case of the
brands on articles of food, spices and other ground food
products, the things branded or labeled "pure", "strictly
pure" or "absolutely pure," are without exception the most
villainously adulterated. 'T is the wolf in sheep's clothing
The most brazen case is that of the Royal Baking
Powder. This article is branded and paraded before the people
as "absolutely pure" when it contains ammonia. You can
smell it in the can and often in the biscuit while hot.
What woman would use an ammonia or alum baking
powder if she knew it ? They not only destroy the stomach,
but ammonia will destroy the complexion.
Not so with Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder, the
only pure cream tartar powder to be obtained, and the
only baking powder made by a physician. Dr. Price has
devoted a life-time to perfecting this old-fashioned, in
dispensable article of the culinary art that has stood all the
tests and remained the standard for forty years.
Flour Exchanged for Wheat.
From NvbniHka.
Ex-Senator Van Wyck, of Nebraska,
who is a member of the Fanners' Alii
ance, urges agitatiou along hues whic
he Bays "will not provoke opposition or
oritioiem." Among his propositions Bre
To declare illegal all syndicates, trusts
aud combinations preventing competi
tion, aud then such penalties as will sup
press them; for un increase of circulation
by the free coinage of silver for postal
savings banks ; fur government owner
ship of postal telegraphs; for loans to
the people ou such Beourity and rate of
interest us congress may determine, and
(or legislation providing au amendment
of the constitution requiring the election
of United States senators by vote of the
Nails by the oar load at Gilliam & Bis
bee's. Grunt oouuty people will do well
to call on them. a.
Saginaw, Michigan, noted as a salt
producing oity, is constructing in minn
ture a complete salt plant for eihibition
at the World's fair.
Settlers who filed timber-culture or
pre-emption claims on railroad laud in
18H8 or 1W cau reoover their fees by
applying to Frauk II. Snow, U. 8. Com
missioner, at Lexington. Bring your
filing receipt 4U.-U.
A Wiu'iilnic- Oou't lino Him Wurils.
Ill prom ul gating esoteric cogitations or
articulating superficial sentimentalities
and philosophical or psychological ob
servations, beware of plutitudiuous pon
derosity. Let your statements possess a
clarified conciseness, compacted oompre
hersibleiiess, ooalesceut consistency and
a concentrated cogency. Eschew all
conglomerations of thitnlent gurrulity,
ji jiiue babblement nud usitiine affeota
turns, in trying to impress upon ouiers
the superiority of the Wisconsin Ceutral
Lilies, nud why you and so uianv others
use this thoroughfare from St. Paul and
Minneapolis and Duluth and Ajhlaud to
Milwaukee, Chiougo and points east aud
south, it is not nwessarv to use jaw
breakers. Let your extemporaneous
desoHiitings and unpremeditated exps
tiatious have intelligibility and vera
cious vivacity, without rhodomontade or
thrasonical bombast. Sedulously avoid
all polysyllabic profundity, psittaoeoiiB
vacuity, ventriloqual verbosity aud
vaudiloqucnt vapidity, shun double en-
teudres, prurient Jocosny ana pesmerous
profanity, obsenrent or apparent. In
other words talk plainly, naturally, sen-
Bibly and truthlully suy the Wisconsin
Central Lines is the hoctk. and that
ndsit. 4ti5tf.
b; lone.
No. 19 J. H. Allen, olerk; J. C. Keith-
ley, V. A. Stevens, Hiram Tash, direct
ors; Ilardman.
No. 20-J. F. Deos, olerk; W. T. Shaw,
. M. Vuneleve, J. O. Warmoth, direct-
irs; Ellu. .
No. 22 S. F. Burnside, clerk; J. L,
Bevmer, Fred Ashbaugh, J. Williams,
directors; Eight Mile.
No. 23 J. C. Armstrong, olerk; M. JJ.
Long, A. Andrews, O. C. Coonse, direct
ors; Alpine.
No. 24-W. C. Metier, clerk; J. T,
Benefiel, B. M. Booher, M. Evans, di
rectors; Lexington. .
No. 25 Wm. Mellis, clerk; T. J. Teet
ers, Jas. uaitalian, J. a. umm, direct
ors; Castle Rock.
No. 26 Jno. Barker, olerk; Wm'
Ayers, J. L. Howard, Thos. Mathews,
lirectors; lone.
No. 27 A. Q. Bartholomew, olerk; A.
B. Maokey, H. 0. Moore, W. B. Finley,
directors; Alpine.
No. 28-Chas. W. Reed, clerk; Wm.
MoOormack, Chas, Filkins, 8. Troedson,
director's; lone.
No. 29 -Luthur Huston, clerk; G. W-
Juukin, F. Brenner, Chas. Anderson, di
rectors; Eight Mile.
No. 30 A. T. King, olerk; D. H. Gra-
bill, A. II. Smith, J. A. Hughes, direct
ors; lone.
No. 31 Heman Caldwell, clerk; S.
Uoberts, Ira Miller, M. O. Fuqua, direct
ors ; Eight Mile.
No. 32-Q. W. Smith, clerk; C. A.
Ilhefi, J. F. lthea, directors; Heppner.
No. 83-Isa Brown, olerk; W. 0.
0eus, T E. Bennison, directors; Ella.
No. 35-T. J. Carl, clerk ; H. M. Thorn
ton, director; lone.
No. 36-A. H. Akers, clerk; J. D. Ball,
Wm. Biddle, Thos. Graham, directors;
No. !57 J. M. Baker, olerk ; John Bise,
T. L. Dormau, R. McElligott, directors;
No. 38 Cyrus Leyde, olerk; John
HugheB, John Her, S. Lulande, directors;
No. 40-W. E. Kahler, clerk ; J. W.
BaniBter, J. E. Scrivner, E. S. Cox, di
rectors; Ilardman.
No. 41-3. N. Morgan, clerk; M. F.
Morgan, J. T. Galloway, M, J. Devin, di
rectors; Heppner.
No. 42 Luther Hamilton, olerk; W.
W. Gosuey, H. L. Copple, W. R. Casey,
directors; Heppner.
No. 44-J. M. Green, olerk; H. C.
Thompson, J. H. Wattenburger, M. S.
Carrigal, directors; Galloway.
No. 45-W. H. Wilmot, olerk; E. L-
Probst, D. C. Ely, R- F. Wilmot, direct
ors; Douglas.
No. 4(i J. L. Swift, clerk; E. S. Sal
iug, J. H. Edwards, W. G. MoCarty, di
rectors; Heppner.
No. 48-W. F. Allyn, olerk; Geo. Male,
B. Lipsoomb, directors; Ella.
No. 49 J. H. Inskeep, clerk, A. H.
Hooker, J. W. Cradick, Jacob Jobuson,
directors; Gooseberry.
No. 50 J. P. MaAlister, olerk; B. F.
Swnggurt, J. H. Piper, directors; Lex
ington. No. 61-C. L. Reed, clerk; C. H.Hams,
G. T. Robinson, G. W.Chapin, directors;
No. 52-J. W. Osborn, clerk ; A. 1
Douglas, E. B. Gorston, J. L. Logan,
direotors; Arlington.
No. 53-C. N. Peek, olerk; J. F. Willis,
Joe Eskelsou, direotors; Lexington.
No. 54 Homer Gray, olerk; J. 1).
Browu, Sprols,S. D.Tyler, directs;
No. 55 W. M. Douglass, olerk; M.
Keuuy, Felix Johnson, J. L. Ayers, di
rectors; Lena.
No. Dti Geo. A. Browu, olerk; ft. Al
len, T. J. Merrill, N. Cumpton,; directors;
No. 57 Elmer Beaman, olerk; J. M.
Beaman, J. H. Gentry, Wm. Bartou, di
rectors, Heppner.
No. 58-Geo. Miller, clerk; A. T. Wood
J. W. liedtord.C. B. Coohran, directors;
The "wooded island" in the Exposi
tion grounds is beginuing to assume the
character which in great part it will
have during the fair that of a giganlio
flower garden. Already the rlnriciilturnl
department has received 27 000 rose
bushes and other plants, several thou
sand of which came from abroad. These
are being transplanted on the island.
A California "big tree" has been se
lected in Tulare county to be shown at
the Exposition. A oommittee of the
board of trade, after an extended tour of
inspection, picked out a tree measuring
87 feet 9 inches in circumference at the
base, 85 feet five feet above the gronnd
and 65 feet at a height of sixteen feet
T. W. AYERS. Sr., Manager.
wis corneal
It can see the Grand Rush for Bar
gains down at
Smith & Williamson's
Successor to S. C. 8mlth.
They have more room, more goods and consequently
More Business than Ever Before.
8 Of-
B W tf.
Eub your peepers ;
Open wide each eye.
Hardware seekers,
Bargain reapers
Now's the time to bay
Hardware, Stoves and Heaters.
Don't be backward in coming forward and don't fall over
yourselves in the rush. We are not robbers, so we
won't hold you up, but don't let others hold you
down with their "trust."
Come'in 1 Come in t for we are in the swim by thunder.
Give us your patronage and you will never go under.
A lull stock of Hardware. Tinware, 8toves, Pumps, Gas Pipe, Steam Fixtures, Gum
aud Ammunition, Blacksmiths Coal, Iron and Steel, Agricultural Imple
ments, Wagons, Hacks, Buggits, Buckboards, CartB, Etc., Etc.
Will positively cure Dyspepsia and all Its kindred ailments.
Every bottle Bold on a Positive Guarantee to erlect a
cure or money refunded. Ketall price, 11.00.
Dr. Grant's Kidney and Livsa Curk. For
the cure of Brlght's Disease, Diabetes, Bilious
ness, Sick-Headache, and all Kidney troubles
Dr. Grant's Byrup op Wild Grape Root.
The great blood purifier and system tonic.
Purely vegetable, and is the product of Oregon
Boll. Retail price, ?1.00.
Dr. Grant's
roatic cure.
Wonder Oil. The (treat rheu
Retail price, 50c.
Dr. Grant's Cholera and Diarrhoea Core.
Retail price, 50c.
Dr. Grant's Maoic Pain Cure. The great
household remedy ; an internal and external
remedy. Retail price, eta.
f.' The, Great Ipemale Remedy ! ,
For the cure of diseases and complaints pfcullar to females. Re.
tail price, one dollar.
Prepared By The O. W. R. Manf. Co.,
aiB Front Street, Foitland. Oregon.
For Sale by all Druggists.
ColU i) & McParland can give you bargains in
anything. Say, a car load of Oliver Chilled
Plows, consiHting of Gangs, Sulkcy and Walking
Plows, to arrive soon. But don't forget that
we can supply you with anything you want,
in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware and Tin
ware, at wholesale and retail.
In the National Bank Building,
Talks Across the Fence.
The Peking is the best dry land duck.
Both sheep and powder need to be kept
Salt is as essential to porkers as to
Milk and bran for growth; milk and
cornineal for fat.
Keeping pork hogs through the wintei
costs more than it comes to.
Hogs with heads large in proportion
to their bodies, never mature early.
Three distinctly American breeds 0f
swine will be recognized at the Colum
bian show in 1893, viz., Chester-White,
Duroc-Jersey and Poland-China.
The wool grower has to compete not
only with his neighbors, but with all the
world besides: the mutton grower meets
only his fellow citizens as competitor.
Jersey Bulletin.
We commend this remark of an ex
change to American dairymen: There
are 16.000.000 cows in the country and it
does look as if there should be milk
enough to go around without having to
wear out so many pumps.
(Opposite Palace Hotel,)
CTILL HOLD DOWN the old quarters on Main Street, opposite the City Hotel
where tney keep as usual
Harness, Saddles, Whips, Spurs, Etc.
The Genuine Heppner Saddle Always in Ski
AgentfpfThe White Sewing Machine,
Best in the Market
Repairing a Specialty !
Our Spring Footwear is the Best and
the Cheapest.
Ah the BhoemaVcr, a nice new shoe, I
The goat, the calf, and the kangaroo,
Joined by the alligator, too,
All dropped in to iind out whether j
Twas any 01 tueir io.icb mat iu man a tne leatner. ;
We Winn that everybody knew
What elegant stock we put In each shoe
And keep on hand to benefit you.
All grades, styles and shapes together,
Fine footwear in all kinds of leather.
Main Street, Hepixnex, Or.
New Warehouse !
Corn Meal
Jamea Hums, of Uardman, came in
this moruiug. He reports five inches of
now on tu foothills, and (till mowing
this morning.
HAVING mirchaaed machinery tor grinding
Corn Meal, Invite all our patrons to
brin In their com and get In return a auperlor
65-tl. T. W. AYM. Sr., Manager.
In it (or the year '92. No
Post Hay or Wooden Barley
here. All horses groomed
and (ed in the proper man
ner. Feed (or sale. Good
eonal and Free camp bouse.
Horses to hay 75o per span
per day. 'Bus ruos to and
(torn trains night or day.
C. O. Sargent,
lower riiD yard
Main street, - Heppner.
Heppner a capacious warehouse and platform room.
He will soon be ready to receive the spring clip, and attend
to such other business as may be entrusted to him. Having
been in this business at Arlington for some years, the public
know what to expect of him, and he therefore asks for a con
tinuance of patronage at his
New Warehouse,
Rock Springs Coal!
I will keep constantly on hand the BesT
Screened Rock Springs Coal, which I will
deliver in any part of Heppner
At a Reasonable Price.
Leave your orders at the Gazette Office.
J. W. COWINS, H eppner, Or.