OFFICIAL S113 V PAPER. -3 advertise In The Semi-Weekly to reach tar New and Desirable GAZETTE. BUSINESS, IfMttet NINTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, TUESDAY, MARCH 29, 1892. NO. 475. a , a , A a a. i . - - - - - - mmtm : : r II l?l lITIll Til I Mil lilW li 1, SEMI-WEEKLY GAZETTE Tuesdays and Fridays BY THE PATTERSON PUBLISHING COJIPASY. ALVAH W. PATTERSON Bus. Manager. OTIS PATIISRSON Editor K tSOO per rear, 1.50for six months, $1.00 for three muuLns; in advance. Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. . The TA0IJS," of Long Creek, Grant County Oregon, Is published by the tame com pany every Friday morning. Subscription price, I'iper year. For advertising rates, address CKXir I. PA.TTBESOiT, Editor and Manager, I,ong Creek, Oregon, or t'Uazettc," Heppner, Oregon. VV . nHIS PAPER is kept on file at E. C. Dake e 1 Advertising Agency, tU and 85 Merchants ExrthanRS, Ban FranclBCO. California, where con tracts for advertising can be made for U. F C. PENTLAND, SECRETARY OF THE J. Oregon Press Association, 26 Ash Street, between Firt and Second, Portland, Oregon, is our only agent located in that place. Advertis ers should consult Witt lor rates and .space in the Gazette. . . , THE GAZETTE'S & iNTS. Warmer B. A. Hunsaker Arlington Henry Heppner Long Creek Ih?!le gc.n0 Bob gnaw Camas Prairie .?,st'arx,U. Va!'' u". Allen McFerrln Kv..r...'::::: h.c. wnght uT.l.nan iW J. A. WOOlcrV Hamilton', Grant Co., Or. Mattie A. Kudlo I0e T. J. Carl Prairie City, Or R. R. McHalev Canyon City, Or 8. L. 1'arrish Knot. G. P. Skelton n.,, nin l r J. E. SHOW Jolin Dav, Or.',! F. I. MeUalliim Athena, Or John tdington i,.,.n. nr Wm. G. McOroskey Mount Vernon, Grant Co., Or., . . ... Postmaster Shelby, Or., MIsb Stella Hett Eight Mile, Or Mrs. Andrew AshbiuiKh fi.?.,..- ui,n rvonlr B. F. Hevland Douglas, Or '. 8. White Lone Kock, Or K M. Johnson lirviuphei-rv W. P. Snyder rv..,.i iranr.n Herbert Halstead Ixiiigt'on . ... W. B. MiAlister AN AUSNT WANTED IN EVKBY PBEC1NCT. Union Pacific Railway-Local card. No, 10, mixed leaves Hepnner8 a. m. ". ;o, " ar. at Arlington 1100 a.m. " y, " leaves o - p. " (i, ' ar. at Heppner llffl) p. m, daily exoept ounaay. Kast bound, main line ar. at Arlington 8:50 p. m. West " ' " leaves 4:30 p. m. Night trains are running on same time as before. QANYON AND INTERMEDIATE PoiNiS . ' State ' leaves (or Monument daily, oicei t Sunday, atB:30 A. M. put Monday, at K .1 U n u Direct connection oan be made at Monument with the Long Creek stage, n-iiu oiHfra hpLwpAn Tamil Creek and Canyon City, connecting at the hitter place with the stage lor earns anu ou vies valley. - S. Pennover. Sec of State (t'v.',iwBh(l6' rreasurer Vhil Mybwhan. Bupt. Instruction H. Mcfclroy. Jmlge Seventh Distriot W. L. Hradshaw District Attorney... MORROW COUNTY, Joint Senator Henry Blackman j. C. Thomosou . ..Julius Keuhly, .J. A. Thompson, Reoreaentative. County Judge. Commissioners... LI M Vnnuhn Clerk..." J. W. Morrow. " Sheriff vi ,rf " Treasurer J.W. Ma tlock. AHHesaor v. J. Mcuee. Surveyor. . .C. B. Cnine, Are having their land business straight ened out and shaped np. How about vonrs? If not m Batisraotory oonamon it would be a good plan to see about it at once. I nm giving careful ana ene'- p-ptin attention 'to entries. Hnal proofs, railroad land" and all business relating to lands in Morrow oonnty IBANK, ti. SNUW, U. S. Commissioner, swtf. Lexiugtou, Or. LOST TIME. . Newton, 111. From 1863 to 18S5 -about 22 years I suffered with rheu- : matism of the hip. I was cured by the use of ; St. Jacobs Oil. T. C. DODD. O "ALL RIGHT I ST. JACOBS OIL DID IT." The Delegates From the Various Precincts of Morrow County Meet in Harmony and NOMINATE A FULL TICKET TilROCGIlOCT. Perfect Harmony Attended That Body- Mate Delegate Instructed for EUia. VALUABLE PRESENT. A Year's Subscription to a Pop ular Agricultural Paper GIVEN FREE TO OUR READERS By a special arrangement with the publishers we are prepared to furnish FEEE to each of our readers a year's subscription to the popular monthly agricultural journal, the American Farmer, published at Springfield and Cleveland, Ohio. This offer is made to any of our sub scribers who will pay up all arrearages on subscription and one year in advance, and to any new subscribers who will pay one year in advance. The American Farmer enjoys a large nntional oiroula- tion, and ranks among the leading agricultural papers. By this arrange ment it COSTS YOU NOTHING to re oeive the American Farmer for one year, It will be to your advantage to oall promptly. Sample oopies oan be jen at our office. NEW TYPEWEITERS ! the,. INTERNATIONAL! Nos. 1 and 2. 11111,11 T1 FBEETO THE BFRIDTED. All who are suffering from the effects of Youthful Errors, Loss of Manhood, Failing . Powers, Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Stricture, Syphilis and tne mUDy troubles which are the ettects of these terrmie disorders wiil receive, Free op Charge, full directions how to treat and cure tlieniseives ax nomt uy nnnj iu iu California Mudioal and mi'roiioaii in fiumary. liW-A Market Strent, San FraDCisco, Cnlilornia. 400-j.y. From Terminal or Interior Points the irta Paeifie RAI LROAD! Is the line to take " School Bup't W.L.Haling, l.oroner womop HEPPNER TOWN OFFICERS. Mavoi .....T.J. Matlock L'ouncilinen O. E. larnsworth, 01 Lichtenthal. Otis Patterson, 6. P. Gamgues, ThoB. uurgan and H'rank tiilliam. Recorder A,'w!R ui Treasurer K. O. Blocum Marslial J. W. HaBmus. SrCBEI SOCIETIES. Doric Lodge No. 20 K. of P. meeta ey. ery Tnesday evening at 7. SO o'clock in their Castle Hall, National Bank build ing. Sojourning brothers cordially in vited to attend. Kmil VoRDZ, C. ('. T C. AUBBEY. K. of It. A S. tf RAWUNS POST, NO. 81. G. A. R. Meet at Lexington, Or., the last Saturday of each month. All veterans are invited to join. C.C. Boon, Gno. W. Smith. Adjutant, tf Commander. FSOFE&SIOITA. A A. EOBERTS, Real Estate, Iosur- ance and Collections. Office in Counoil Chambers, Heppner, Or. swtf. It is the Binin g Car nVute. It mna Through Vestibuled Train a every day In the year to St. Paul and Chicago (No Change of Cars) Composed of DINING CARS unsurpassed, PULLMAN DRAWING ROOM SLEEPERS Of Latest Equipmen TouristSleepingCars nDi nan Ko onri ntnifltiv. And in which ac commodations are both tree and furnished for holders ol first or secona-ciasB uciteis, ana Elegant Day Coachs. A Continuous Line connecting with all Lines, affording Direct and Uninter rupted Service. Pullman Sleever Reservations can be r, t J OeCttrec 171 uuuimce ifiruKjr any agent of the road. THROUGH TICK TS T Bn from nl nninta in America. Kllffla and Kurop can be purchased at, any 1 lcket omce of this Company. Fall information concerning rates, time of traios, routes and other details furnished on application to any agent, or A. D. CHARLTON, AsRistant General Passenger Agent No. 121 First St.. Cor. Washington, tf. PORTLAND OREGON WULii) EATHEBBE WirnOUT BREAD. (Bishop's Rmtdtkoi, II ( Marquette, Mich., OT. 7, 1689. The Tev. J. KuBsbiel of above lace wrileB: I Uave ttuffred a great d al, and whenever I feel now a i errus attack c-otnlnr, 1 Inke a dose of Fator Koeniit a Nerve Tonic and fel relieved. I think a rreat deal (f it, and would rather b without tread lhaa without the Tonic. Tokawakda. Em Co., N. T., Febr B8fl. My daughter hud lit from fright since 12 rears, sometimes 8 to 4 attacks within 4 hours without any warning; during these tpel s her thumbs would be cramped toward the Inside of her hands, her mouth be drawn Sideways, her lieck would sweii up, j nd her face assumed a bluettsh color ; this would last from 10 to is minutes; after Ihut she sltpt; was drowsy for about 8 hours. We tried many remedies without anr imjwovement, but 6 bottles of Pnat.r Koenif's erve 'i onic enred her st last, w therefore mommend - to pm nfT'rprs. JOHN KttlN. A TftttUihle Rook on Nmrona Diseases s"t free to anviddrSb. Did poor pnneTiU can uho obtna uui meiiviiie r- cuarite This remedy has been pr- -d by the Bewr endPa8torKoenig.otF" ' ue.lnd., since 1R76. and is bow prepare or his direction by the KOEN1C MED. CO., Chicago, III. Sold by Droffglsts at SI per Bottle. 6 for 15. XArw8lae.ei.78. 6 Bottles for W9. Sold la Portlaad, Oregon, hf Baell, Heltaho A Wooaard. FREE Kaiionai Bank o Heppner WM. PEN L. A NO, ED. B BISHOP. President. Caahler. TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS COLLECTIONS Made on Favorable Terms. EXCHANGE BOUGHT k SOLD, HEPPNER. tf OREGON, LUMBER! VI7E HAVE FOR SALE ALL KINDS OF I'M. what U known u the SCOTT SAWMIIilJ PER 1.000 FEET, ROUGH, CLEAR. First National -OF HEPPNER,- Bank C. A.RHEA. President. FRANK KKLL0G8, Vice-President. George W. Conser, Cashier. C. I. Lewis, Ass t Cashier. Transaots a General Banking Business EXCHANGE On all parte of the world Bought and Sold, Collections made at all points on Rea sonable Terms. Snrnlns and Undivided profits, $23,527.10 lib. II : : 1W St. '. Warranted Indestructable Alignment. No. 1 has capital shift and key-board nearly like the Remington No. 2. The New No. 2 is a double key-board machine. These machines are the most beautiful in ap pearance, and efficient in execution of all the numerous competitors injthe typewriting iield. PRICE, Either Style Keyboard, - $100.00. A beautiful line of Cabinets aHvaj'B on hand. Second hand machines taken in exchange, and for sale. , WANTED A good, smart man in every city, town arid hamlet throughout the entire world, to act as our local agent; our terms to agents are the most liberal of any in the typewriting field. Manufactured by the PfiRlSH ill. CO., Parish, - - - TSTew York. Address all corresponde nje to t W. T. BROWNRIVGE-ji:. CO. " t '-rl SuneryisoreAgonts, I . a lt Square, BOSTON. - MASS. The GoloErated French Sure, "APHRODITINE" The !! i 1 x I Webster's Unabridged D1CTI0HW. Is Solo on a P08ITIVE GUARANTEE to euro any formofuervous disease, or any disorder of the BEFORE geuerative or AFTER gaut ol either sex whettier arising from the xcessive use of Stimulants, Tobacco or Opium, or through youthful iudiscretlon, over indulr ncc, !tc., such as Iiss of Brau Power, Wakeful ness, Bearing down Talus iu the Back, Seminal YYeakuess, Hysteria, Nervous Prostratiou Nocturn al Emission. , Leucorrhcea, Dizziness, Weak Mem, ory, Loss of Power and I m potency, which If ne glected often lead to prematureoldageand Insan ity. Price 11.00 a box, 6 boxes for 15.00 Bent by mail ou receipt of price. A WRITTEN OU AH ANTEE for eyery 15.00 order, to refund the mouey if a Permaueut cure is not effected. Thousands of testimonial! from old and young, of both sexes, permanently iciredbyAPMRonmNX. Circular free. Address THE APHRO MEDICINE CO. WISTIBH BR1NCH, BOX 11 PORTLAND, OR Sold in Heppner by Blocuin-Johnston Drug Co. HEPPNER. lO.ou per 1,UU) iect, additionsl. TF DELIVERED IV f 10 00 17 50 WILL ADD I) Dublishers, we are able 10 obtain a number of th altove bor,k, and propose to furnish nv tn Mi-h of our silbscriljers. The dictionary is a necessity in every home, school and business house. It fills a vacancy, and furnishes knowledge which no one hun dred other volumes of the choicest books could supply. YouNgand old, educated and ignorant. rich ailO POOr, HIIOUIU IIU.C ll v mini lt:ut;u, ttliu refer to its contenls every day In the j'car have Rsked if this is really the Orle- lnal Webster's I ..H.-rnlgerl Dictionary, we are able to state we have learned direct from the publishers the fart, that this is the very work complete on which about forty of the bent years oi tri author's life wprenowcll employed in writing. It contHins the entire vocabulary of about lOn.CHiO wonis, inelndiiiK the correct itpell lug, derivution aiil denitition of same, anti in the regular stanrtanl size, t'ontiiiuing about :Xj,(XHi square inchi-s of printed surface, and is bound lu cluth, half morocco and sheep. Until further notice we will furnish this valuable Dict onary First To any new subscriber. Second To any renewal subscriber. Third To any subscriber now in arrears who pays up and one year in advance, at the following prices, viz: FuH Cloth bound, gilt side and back stamps marbled edges $:-oo. Hal Mo occo, bound, gilt side and back stamps, marbled edges, $1.50. Full Sheep bound, leather label, marbled edges, $2.00 Fifty cents added in all cases for express age to Heppner. r-As the publishers limit the time and number of buoka they will furnish at the low prices, we advise all who desire in avail them selves of thta great opportunity to atteud to it at once. SICK JV3EM Inffer nnneeespsry. Don't yorj know that e.thsuBtion, debility, failing manhood, and general weakness, hrnugiit on by early follies, dissipation and excesses, can be cured. Don't get discour aged. Wo have cured hundreds at their homes by ranll treatment, Yonr case will be diagnosed free. Write to-day. No cost to learn your condition. Ur(. Stockton and Ellis Sta, FRANCISCO CAL L HAMILTON, Prop. r. a. Hatnlittm. Mtva'K For Hale. The botPl heretofore known br the Mountain Hoiihp, one block from Firat NatiouHl bDk in Heppner, Or. Con tHinf parlor, rliningrnom, bHKai;e rnom. kitchen sod IS bed rooms: all rooms furnished. For further particulars in, qoire f -t T. W. Atb. S. P. FLORENCE, STOCKRAISER ! HEPPNKB, OI'.KOON. Cnttle brandwland earmarked as shown hlwvo, HrirMes K on riiiht siioulilf-r. Mv cattle rariKP in Morrow and Lmatilla cmin tiw,. 1 will pay J ll'.WJ f"r the arrt and cn viction of any prwiri ,1e(tlir,g my flock. W here? At AhrRhBrnoick'i. In addition to bin tailorinK biisinesa, tie baa ndded a fine line of underwear of nil kind, rieKliifee shirta, hosiery, etc. Also has on hand some elegant patterns for suits. A. Abrahamsiok, May street, Heppner, Or. HE DELEGATES to Morrow's re publican convention met at the court house last Saturday moroioe at 10:30, and were called to order by O. E. Farnsworth, obairuian of tbe county oentral oommittee. 8. N. Morgan was ohoaen temporary chairman and A. W. Patterson temporary secretary. The delegates from various preoinots were called tor tbnt the chairman might appoint bis committees. From tbe rep resentation he made the following selec tions: PermanoBt organization, S. P. GarriKues, F. J. Hallook and G. V. Lord; order of business, Feter Brenner, E. S. Cox and F. M. Holmes; credentials, i J. S. Bootbby, Geo. Ely and J. 8 Royse; resolutions, T. E. Fell, A. G. Bartbolo. mew and Geo. Conser. These were in structed to bring in their reports at 1:30 p. m., after whioh convention adjourned. AFTERNOON. The body was oalled to order by Chairman Mi rgan and in tbe absenoe of A. W. Patterson Geo. Thornton, acted as secretary. The committee on credentials reported the representation as correot from the various precincts. Pine city and Castle Rock held uo primaries and consequent ly had no representation. The delegaieb were as follows: Heppner, Geo. Conser, T. R. Howard, Frank Gilliam, T. W. Ayers, Jr., and 8. P. Garrigues; Mount Vernon, F. J. Hallock, Steve Lalande and Dan Horuor witb a full vote eaob, and T. E. Fell, W. P. Dutton, Mat Lich tenthal and M. Beaman eaob with a half vote; Gentry, W. B. Potter, Jay Devio, 8. N. Morgan and JoeJ Reotor, with Johnny Elder's proxy; Dairy, J. 8. Boyse, Jas. Wyland, W. E.Kauler, E. S. Cox and. Geo. Robinson; Eight Mile, Peter,Br.enner J. iLSouufe, U..Hoel er and Jiicl. xvoocu jjexiagiou, u.-jm. Peck, John Ca-rmiohael, iT'H Boothljy, E. D. Palmer: lone. Paul Reitmau, H. M. Thornton and A. W. Balsiger : Lena, A. J. Cook, with Jerry Brosuan's proxy; Dry Fork, N. R. MoNey and Frank Holmes: Alpine, A. G. Bartholomew and A. Andrews; Matteson, Wesley Baird, with Jas.Talbert's proxy; Wells Springs, Geo. Lord and Isa Brown ; Cecil, Geo. Ely and E. L. Probst. The report of the oommittee was adopted. The committee on permanent organ ization reoommendett a. Si. Morgan as permanent chairman and T. W. Ayers, Jr., as permanent secretary. Hon. T. E. Fell was afterwards chosen as assistant secretary. Report adopted. The oommittee on order of business recommeudod that nominations be made in the following order: representative. county judge, clerk, sheriff, commission er full term, commissioner for vacancy, HOhool superintendent, treasurer, county surveyor, assessor, oorouer, delegates and alternates to the state convention Report adopted. The oommittee on resolutions present ed the following: Resolved, That tbe delegates from Morrow county to the republican con gressional oouveution use all honorable means to secure the nomination of VV. R Ellis as candidate for aongress from the second district of Oregon. T. E. Feu,, 1 Geo. Conskb, Com. A. G. Baktiiolomkw, ) Tbe report was adopted uuauiinotiely. On motion it was decided to ballot in formally as a means of bringing out the various candidates. Also that the vote be collected by preoinots. W. B. Potter and F. J. Hallock were appointed tellers. The convention then proceeded to ballot for REPRESENTATIVE. Tho informal ballot showed J. N. Brown 22', J. F. Willis 10'$ and A. M Guun 8. Mr. Gunn withdrew in favor of Mr. Willis. The formal ballot showed 2G for Brown and 17 for Willis. Mr. Brown was declared the nominee for representative. coun ry JUDGE. The informal ballot placed the follow ing peraons in tbe field: Wm. Rlair 8, Andrew Rood H, A; O. Bartholomew 5, J. B. Ely lij and John Handy 1. The first formal bullot gave Hood 20, Ely 19' and Blair 3. There being no oboice a second bullot was taken resulting as follows: Hood 23, Ely 19 and blank 1. Hood declared the nominee. CLERK. The informal ballot showed blank 5, Prof. T. C. Aubrey Jan. Wyland 3 and Hallock 1. On motion the ballot was made formal, Mr. Aubrey being the nominee. HHERIVF. On the informal ballot N. H. MoVey received 23; Harrington II) and blank 1. Tbe result of tbe formal ballot was: McVey 21, Harrington and blank 1. Mr. Harrington' withdrew and Mr McVey was declared the choice of tbe convention. OOMMISHIONKIl (FULL TERM). The informal ballot for commissioner, resulted as follows: F. M. Ciurter, 3; John Handy, 18; D. N. Hardman, 20; Peter BrenDer, 1. The formal ballot re sulted in the choosing of Mr. Hardman by a vote of 29 to Mr. Handy's 14. Ou motion Mr, Handy was chosen unani mously for the SHORT TERM COMMISSIONER, Caused by the resignation of H. M. Vaughn. It seemed to be the general desire of the convention to have a com missioner at eaob end of theoounty. SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT. On informal ballot, W. L. SBling re ceived 29 votes, Sfiss Inez Voruz, 12, blank, 2. On motion the ballot was made formal and Mr. Saling declared the Dominee. TREASURER. The informal ballot showed the follow ing vote: W. J. Leezsr, 23; S. Van Duyn. 3; Henry Soherzinger, 11. The regular ballot resulted as follows: Leezer, 28; Van Dayn, 1; Soherzinger, 14. Leezer declared tbe nominee. SURVEYOR. Isa Brown was really the only candi date, so, after an informal ballot, whioh showed his Btrength to be 33 out of a total of 43 votes, the ballot was made regular, and Mr. Brown declared the nominee. ASSESSOR. This was a horse of another oolor, and was stubbornly contested to a finish. The informal vote showed: J. S. Young. 20; Cook, 2; W. W. Smead, 18; blank. 3. The first formal ballot showed : Young, 21; Smead, 21; blank, 1, The next, and decisive vote resulted in Young gettiug 20 votes, while Smead received 23, and was declared the nominee. CORONER. ' There was some fun over the selection of a ouudidate to this ollice. The in formal ballot showed Tom Morgan, vote; A. G. Bartholomew, 2; T. W. Ayers,Jr.,12;I R. Esteb, 1; S.P. Garri gues, 1; Geo. Conser, 1; Hou. T. E. Fell, 11; C. Burnett, 1; W. P. Dutton, 5; A. M. Gunn, 1; E. J. Slooum, 2; Dr. Shipley, 2 ; Dr. Blalock, 1. The woods was apparently full of candidates, but all, with the exception of Tom Morgan aDd Dr. Blalock, were desirous of mukiDg the vote formal, declaring T. W. Ayors, Jr., the nominee. STATE DELEGATES AND ALTERNATES. The informal vote was as follows: O. E. Farnsworth, 2G4; Geo. Conser, 32 Peler Brenner, lbK; Hon. T. E. Fell, 24Ki Horner, 9; F. J. Hallock, Uri ''ft jRjoatrjjijs; y"B "wi E". k.'iiox.i'&ifAj; A. Roberts, 2; blank, 1; J-.'"N.". Brown, 6J; W. R.-Ellis, 1." On motion the four persons having tbe highest number of voles were declared delegates to the state convention, and the four next highest alternates. The delegates are: 0. E. FainBworth, Geo. Conser, T. E. Fell and Peter Bren ner; alternates D. W. Hornor, F. J. Halluck, Otis Patterson nni E. J Hloottm. Mr. Brown was, by vote chosen, but as he could not altcnd, resigned in favor of the neit highest man, Ed. 8. Cox, who in turn resigned iu favor of E. J. rilooum. CENTRAL COMMITTEE. The delegates of the various precincts weie requested to name their committee men. They stand as follows: Heppner, O. E. Farnsworth; Mount Vernon, Steve Lalunde; Gentry, 8. N. Morgan ; Lena, Joe Luckman; Matteaon, I. C. Large; Dairy, W. E. Knhler; Eight Mile, A. H. Hooker ; Lexington, J. 8. Bootbby ; lone, H. M.Thornton; Ceoil, ; Dry Fork. I. R. Esteb: Wells Springs, G. W. THE "NEW" CITY HOTEL. The Model Hostelry ot W. J. Leezer On Main btreet. REFITTED AND REFURNISHED THROUGHOUT Those to Whom is Entrusted the Various Departments - Mr. Leezer a Gracious Host. '"THERE are but few in Morrow oounty, or, in faot, in Eastern Oregon, who have ever passed through Heppner that are not familiar with the City hotel stand, so long run by E. Minor, of this place, and otherB. For years it was the leading hotel of the town. Recently, Mr. W. J. Leezer, o( this place, took oharge of the business, and at & great expense baa placed it, pre-eminently, and to the ex ception of none, in the list of Heppner's best hotels. To be sure, it is a frame building, but from cellar to garret and office to kitchen, the oarpenter, painter, paper-baDger and house furnisher have most liberally applied the tools of their respective trades till it shines like the new dollar of our daddies, fresh from the mint. The offioe, parlors, bedrooms, kitchen, dining-room, etc, are models of neatness, spaciousness and oomtort. Every part has received that attention neoessary to render it what one would expect in a first-class hotel. Mr. W. J. Leezer, the graoious and accommodating host, is uo stranger in these parts, having located at Umatilla Jun. 6, 1871. Mr. Leezer came directly from his old home in Riishville, Sohuvler oounty, 111., and immediately embarked in the tinware and Btove business, con tinuing up to Jan. 1, 1880, when he oame to Heppner, resuming his former busi ness, adding shortly afterward a stock of hardware. Last June he sold out to bis partner, P. C. Thompson, and shortly afterward completed arrangements to take oharge of the city hotel . Mr. Leezer was the first treasurer ot Morrow connty, receiving the appoint- uieut under Gov. Moody in 1885, whin the county was first formed He re cently received another evidence of the faith of the republicans, at least, by b mg otitjaeu .the nominee for the same, olhce. Mrs. Leezer superintends, in person, tho oare of rooms, and every little detail is oarefully looked after with that neat nesB and nicety charncterintioof a modal housewife. She has in her employ Miss Ella Gibbs, of this oounty, a moat com petent person. The diniDg room is under the CBreof Messrs. Art Ammerman and Frank Holt, who are ever alert that no guest shall leave their department until tbe "inner man" has bad satisfactory attention. Mr. Sam Leezer, a brother of W. J.'s, is the day olerk, while "Uncle" Jas. De pew attends to wants of night customers. We bespeak for Mr. Leezer a liberal patronage, as he deserves, from his neighbors and friends of long standing, as well as the general traveling public Lord; Alpine, A. G. Bartholomew; Pine City, ; Castle Rock, . The meeting adjourned sine die after a harmonious session. The ticket selected seems to be giving general satisfaction among the republicans. Tlionsands of Buttering Women. Delicate women who complain of a tired feeling, pains in the baok and loins, desire to sleep, painful or imp Dressed menstruation, will find in Ore- goD Kidney Tea a faithful friend. It can be relied on in every instance to give immediate relief in kidney and urinary troubles. Thousands of Wo men are sulleriug every day from somo disorder of the kidneys or liver, who might be permanently cured by nsing Oregon.Kidney Tea. EIGHT MILE ITKMH. Hon. T. J. Matlock returned from Port land last Friday night, leaving bis son, Jimmie, in au improved condition, Mr. Matlock says that Joe Williams and "Uncle" Jack Morrow are almost well, and will be home before long. The wenlherwiiH somewhat blustery during his stay there typical Wehfoot mists, etc. LIST OF LKTTKKS ADVF.KTISBfi AT HKl'I'NIill I'OSTOl'FN.'K March at, !!: RlminmiH, Mary E -rtlcepcr, II K I Ilrsntley, John VV Hlmlnotis. George Ward, Bun Roberts, Lee VV A. MALLOaY, 1 M. James Key n olds, from School P.O., 'way baok in Missouri, writes out that he wants tba Gazette, He is desirous of knowing more about our oountrv. The Gazette is undor the impression that Mr. Reynold's first authentic information concerning this oountrv was gleaned through a oopy of the paper containing one of the county write-ups. Wm. Ingram has rented tho Staoe Roberts plaoe for two years. School begins in the MoBee distriot Mouduy, with Miss Thomas as teacher. The girls are pleased to hear of W. U MoKimmey. He is in Wttterbury, Conn. The bills are oovered with the beauti ful buueh-grass aud stook are doing well. Luther Huston has sown thirty aorcs of Bod witb barloy that wits broken this spring. Mr, Andrew Hum is giving good satis faction teaching school at Eight Mile Center. Chas. Haines is visiting friends in Eight Mile, and will soon leave for Hpukaiie. A. W. Saling has bought a gang plow aud is turning tbe bunchgrass over with great rapidity. I think tbe oharges against Bud Ingra hntu and Clias. hi an toll in the Bachelors' Club wero unjust and should be rejected. Chas. ltepuas has quit blacksmitbing and is now engaged in farming. He thinks there ib more profit in the latter than in tbe former. Mr. J. M. Saling has filed Buit against Ueman Caldwell for "knocking his ear oil'." The Bachelors' Club will act on the ouse next Saturday. The people awoke this morning after a pleasant rest and found mother earth enrobed in a pure, snow-white garment, emblematic of the robe we shall wear alter this lifo is over, if we but obey the conituaiidinwits of our Savior. Our preacher is doiug much good for ns, ami it is hoped the good work may Btill continue. The people ought to ap-preclude- a church and beip witb all their might to eKtablish one. T. Taouao. Eioiit Mile, March 27, 18112. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S, Gov't Report. mm Baking Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE