SEMI-WEEKLY GAZETTE Here and There. SCANDINAVIAN NEWS. ; A Serious Socialist Hiot In Stockholm flue Police Uuakie to ('ope witli Theia. 68-' riiorniou's. " 1'be People," They must be respected. Political straws rye. T. W. Ayers, Jr., for drugs. 68 sw Ciiouit court oonvenes Monday. See M. Licbtenthal & Co.'s new ad. First class job priuting at the Gazette office. C. A. Hales was in this morning from Galloway. J. N. Thompson was in from the Bush ranch yesterday. Minor Bros, keep Spray Bros.' hams, bocon and lurd. 60-tf. Flor de Madrid and Gen. Arthur cigars ut Tlioi uton's. 68 7d Some travelling musicians enteitaiued our people last night. The Gazette shop is prepared to exe cute tine job printiug. Mastiff and Sterling plug cut smoking tobaoou at Thornton's. 68-75 Tomorrow's convention promises to be thoioughly harmonious. Spray Bros, pay the top price for all kinds of hides and furs. 68 tt Daily stage both ways between Monu ment and Long Creek. tf. Mrs. J. J. RobertB is prepared to do .'ai' kinds of plain sewing. 65-tt Vceat hams, breakfast baoou and fresh lard at Spray Bro. 90. tt. When in Arlington, stop at the Ben nett house, near the depot. 61-tf Dan Zeller, the oarpenter, departed (hie muruing for Portland. Chas. Lewis, assistant cashier of the Fi st National Bank, is quite ill. School will commence in the Kirk district on ilbea oreek, Apr. i, '92. A goodly n umbei of the republican dtligates aie txpected in this evening. Wall paper, notions, patent medicines, drugs, chemicals, etc . go to Ayers. 68w You can Bend for any newspaper pub licttlion or niHguziue at Thornton's. 68 75 Htnry Welch is yet in a serious con dition, though reported better last eveu iug. A. P. Lnvegren and Theo. Anderson, residents oi Gooseberry, were lu town today Mis Mattie Voruz, sister of Emil aud Inez Voruz, arrived last evening from the East. D. W. Bryant, oueof IVforrow'sstan nch alliance men, called on us this morning in the city. Don't let your beef hides spoil on the fence. Spray Bros, will pay You the oash for them. 68 tf The delegates to the convention to. morrow from Mattesou are Wealey Baird and Jas. Talbeit. Norman Kelly reports that the ground was frozen considerably up Willow creek last night. Will Mallory oame in yesterday from the sawmill tor supplies, leaving for home this uiorutrjg. Pud Liimons & Son still shoe horses and do general blacksmithing at the old stand, Matiock corner. 55. Turee jolly souls, W. A. Biddle. 8. L Akers and Jake Brown, Gooseberry res idents, called yesterday. ' Parlor," W. F. Ruark, prop., in the City hotel, west side of Main street. NeateHt place in Heppner. sw The B. B. Mann sale of horses in Heppner today was largely attended, the horses bringing a fair figure. The Ladies Guild met at the home of Mrs Otis Pattdrson yesterday afternoon, with quite a number present. Mart Rio hardson, formerly of Morrow County, but more recently of Spokune, is here looking us natural as ever. Hiyu ketchum whiskers. GidHattat the oity barber shop the place to get a first-class shave, hair-out or shampoo, tt Eph Eskelsou, G. W. Smith sod Theo. Cork, of the Lexington country, graced our office with their presence yesterday. Call on Lishe Sperry, down at the Belvedere, wheu in town. Keeps on hand a fine stock of liquors and ciuors. 61-tf "Crookston," a voung thoroughbred Clydesdale, was purchased yesterday from Johnny Woodward by E. L. Matlock. Mr. W. J. Leezer gave his opening dinuer today an elegant repB3t as mauy, of Heppner's residents can most sub stantially testify. Fred Zoin, the Umatilla county mur derer, has been granted a stay of execu tion by Judge Clifloid. This saves his neck until July, anyway. Mr. Robert E Fuller, of Tacoma, a compeient Job and news printer, as well as a journalist of some note, has accept ed a position on the Gazette. R. A. Ford is doing a neat job oj graiuing aud decorating at Dan Gamers' new saloon. Those wanting such work will do well to call and see his work. It Newer aud neater quarters at the Palace Hotel's north business room. Charley Jones, the baber, wants to see bis old friends there. Baths in connec tion. Dr. Grant's Syrup of Wild Grape is made Irom the Oregon wild grape root, now conoeded by eminent physicians to be the most poerful alternative known. See ad. in this issue. tf J. B. Huntington and J. A. Sparrow, delegates to the republican Btate conven tion from Harney oountv, arrived last evening "n their way below, leaving tbtB morning for their destination. The City hotel ad. in our semi-weekly shows the spirit of the proprietor, Mr J. Leezer. In our next the Gazette will give the puhlio a neat description of this hostelry us it now appears, and refitted throughout. A riot similar to that wLioh lately oc curred in Berlin took plaoo in Stock holm the other tveuiug. By advertise ments in the Social Demokraten, the un employed workmen iu Stockholm were invited by the Socialist leaders to meet on the Stortorget and make some kind of a demonstration. The Stortorget is a public square; near by is the royal castle and fronting the square rises the big board of trade building, in w hich the city council is accustomed to meet. The workmen collected at different places in the oity and marched iu good order to the square where they baited in front of the board of trade. The police did not interfere ut first, but soon the cries "Give us bread! Give us work!" were heard from the swelling, shouting orowd, aud several of the sooiulist agita tors began to denounce the counoil be cause it did not take steps to protect the interests of the working classes. The orowd, now several thousand strong, was being cheered by ou-lookers aud cu riosity seekers. The chief of police, who was personally leading tho officers ot the law, suddenly gave orders to dis perse the crowd. With their drawn sa bres the policemen made a determined charge upon the workingmeu's oolumn, but they Btubburnly withstood the at tack, and succeeded in beating back the polioe detaahmeut. The chief of police, by the way a very unpopular Jew named Rubenson, was mad with fury, and in vain shouted to his men: "Kill the dogs!" It was apparent that the officers were unable to cope with the big orowd, and for this reason the mounted police aud the militia on guard at the roval cabtle were o"dered out. At the first charge theciowd began to beat a retreat which soon developed into a flight. Fifty people were arrested. The remainder were chimed down toe sioe streets und dispensed, beverul o. ihe policemeu uud many of the workmen were wouudtd, but, us lur as known, no body whs killed. The. demonstration oannot be called a failure, as it was noticed 1 hrouutiout the whole liot that the b uipulby ot the people ot which mauy belonged to the upper uud middle classes, was with the crowd. It is supposed that only two or three of the leaders will be ptiuistied, and the other prisoners will be liberated. The txoitement throughout the oiiy du ring the riot was very great but ut pres ent everything is quiet uud the demjn strutiou almost tuigotteu. I Wedding Hulls. Wednesday evening occurred the marriage of Mr. Chas. ! Mitchell and Mrs. Clara Lively, at this place, Recorder A. A. Roberts officiating. Both are well aud favorably known, hating resided here for years. The Ga zette extends congratulations. School House Matteus The board of directors have not ns yet decided the site for the new sohool bouse, hut are in clined to thiuk that it should be looated somewhere between the court house and the point of the hill, opposite Johnny Elder's and Frank Kellogg'a residences It should be located with an eye to a good water supply. From Ella. A note from Ella states that a fine rain full in that vicinity last Friday eve. Crops are looking first olats: peach trees in full bloom; grass four inches high. The Ella neighbor hood ought to be, aud no doubt iB, one of the beBt fruit sections in Morrow county. It is the intention of our rep resentative to visit that looaiitv soon to learn all he can of that neighborhood for the benefit of the outside world. Fin a Timber. Perhaps, toe best tim ber growing in the Blue mountains can be found ou Rock creek, in the vioinity of Will Mallory's saw-mill. This class of timber Mr. Mallory is using in making lumber whioh he delivering in Hepp- nei all the way from $15 to 8d0 per thousand feet, depending on the quality, and whether desired rough or dressed The same oan be bought at the mill at prices ranging from $8 to 825 per thous- and. He has a general assortment on band at present, and is sure to satisfy customers. 427-tf. Now Try This. It will cost Jem nothing and will surely do you good, if you have aoough, cold, or any trouble with throat, chest or lungs. Dr. King's New Dioa.ivery for Consumption, Coughs aud Colds is guaranteed to give relief or money will Ob paid back. Sufferers from la grippe found it just the thing and under its use hud a speedy Bnd perfect recovery. Try a sample bottle at our expense aud learn fur yourself just how good a thiug it is. Trial bottles free at Slocum John son Drug Co.'s. Large size &Uc. und $1.00. Modest. A modest young lady, who wished to pnrohase a pair of garters, ad. dressed the voting roan behind the coun ter thus: "It is my desire to obtaio pair of circular, elastic appendages, oa puhle of being contracted and expanded by means of oscillating, burning steel appliances that sparkle like particles of gold leaf Bet with Alaska diamonds, and whioh are utilized for retaining in proper position the hubiliments of the lower extremities, which innate dehoaoy forbids me to mention." The young man fainted. H.BIackman&Co., DEADERS IN General Merchandise ! 1T7-E AIJE STILL SELLING OUT our stock of Gener al merchandise, but to make it more complete, we have purchased a stock consisting of Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Furn ishing Apparel, Etc., That will be sold at greatly reduced prices for cash only. Call and investigate and wo will be pleased to wait on you. No trouble to show goods. nop Met stun, Plain stint mpjw. NKW TO-DAY. 0 UR ONDERFUL REMEDIES Xr. CHl-A.3rT'S CXiOAUO. J5- TTJR GREAT DYSPEPSIA CUNUUEKUIi. Will poBltlvely cure Dyspepsia and all Its kindred ailments. Every buttle sold on a Positive Guarantee to eitect a cure or money refunded. Ketail price, 11.00. BIG LI- ability of not finding standing room in our big store. You should frequently visit us and be among the many success ful bargain hunters, sometimes we buy great drives and they are sold before we can advertise them. BIGGER LI- ability of getting "stuck" on some infer ior or back number article if you insist on trading at some fossilized establish meat where cobwebB are thick and the hide of the proprietor thicker. Moral. Trade at Minor Bros. Modern aud Model General Merchandise titore. BIGGEST LI- ability of fretting left tf you don't heed our words. We Bpeak nought but the truth. It is not only unfair, but unwisa and unprofitable to deceive. Yours to please, MINOR BROS. Dr. Grant's Kidkiuy and Liver CURB.-For the cure ot Brlpht s Disease. uiHneics, duumig uess, Sick-Headache, and all Kidney troubles ItETJL PEICB, SLOO. Dr. Grant's syrup or Wn.n Orai'r Root. The ercat blood purifier and system tonic. Purely veEetHlilc, and is the product of Oregon Soil. Retail price, ?l.uo. Dh. Grant's Wonder Oil. The great rheu matic cure. Retell price, 50c. Dr. Grant's Choi.kra and Diarrhoea coke. Retail price, 50c. Da. Grant's Maoic Pain Cure. The great household remedy; an Internal and external remedy. Retail price, "JO cts. DR. GUAM'S NATIVE DISCOVERY. The Great Female Remedy ! For the cure of diseases and complaints peculiar to females. Re tail price, one dollar. SOLI) UNDKIt A POSITIVE GUARANTEE. Prepared By The O. W. R. Manf. Co., THIS DOCKETS For the March Term of the Circuit Court, Lexington's Stallion Show. Ou reporter noticed the following Btalliom at the horse show at Lexington last Sat urday: "Sand)'," weiKbt M50, owned by George Lor I, a good draft and driving horse, thoroughbred Shire; D W. Lips comb's "Don Jtian," English Shire. druft. weight 1,600; O. W. Valentino' "Red Kover," Clvdesdale, 4 years old, weight 1,800; B. W. Carrington's "Billy Reed," a well bred trotter, with record or a.n. "VmniTmi Anllnm'' 6 years old, weight 2,000, Clydesdale; Thos. Reaney's Percherou stallion, "Va- Si-TuPeux," imported from Franoe, 17 hands high, weighs 1,700, 6 years old. It was a good show of flue stock, and well appreciated. Barnett Bros, deserve credit for their enterprise in getting up suoh an exhibit for the benefit ot our breeders. 315 Front Street, For Sale by all Drvggisls. For tlXicl, Oregon. 474-lyr-f. C5. KI7HIj9 Baker :: and :: Confectioner, MAY STREET, HEPPNER, OR. Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes and Confectionery. T. A. LAW. C. E. Fell vs. Thos. Quaid. Arlington National K.iuk vs. Rausier uud Frank Cecil. Heirs of the estate of J. L. Fuller vs. E. It Swiuourne und Nelson Jones. E. Hendricks vs. VV. H. Knyse. Juuas Livcrniore vs. E. Ut. Sperry. Johnson aud cueltou vs. T. J. Merrill et al. John K. Kenworthy vs. E. A. Pedigo et al. Chas. E. Kirk vs. O. O. Haines. The Town ot Heppner va. The Empire Well Auger Co. G. W. ciwaggart vs. Graham Hewisou. P. P. Hooker vs. J. A. Fristoe E B. McFarland vs. G. VV. bmith. l . b. Wilson vs. E. J. Keeuey. Benhain, Trumbull & Co. vs. E. J. Keeney. F. P. Mays vs. Lanes Penland. t. Jr. MajB vs. U. A. forter. W. F. Matluek vs. Thomas Bradley. W. O. Minor vs. A. J. and M. E. Lockard. EQUITY. K. F. Hughes vs. A. F., Bolle aud J. M. Shelton. C. Foster vs. John Foster. Foster Adams vs. Ellar Adams. K. F. Hughes vs. O. W. aud Henrietta Decker. R. L. Hushes vs. G. W. Thomas. Johu G. Neulan vs. R. VV. Carter et al. G. W. Rta vs. the county oourt ot Morrow oouuty. Sarah J. Busey vs. I N. Basey Lewis A. Hunth vs Isupbeue Smith, Ttie American Mori gage Co., of Soot land, Ltd., vs. W. L. Donaldson, Mary Doualdsuu et al. T. J. Owens vs. M. E. Owens, C. A. Rhea vs. Audrew Geiuger et al. E. H. Diukeus vs. Delia Dickeus. Eugene A. Chapel vs. Anu Chapel. W. O. Minor vs. G. VV. ltea and S. P. Ganigues Cora Swinburne vs. it. Sjvvinourne. CRIMINAL. State of Oregon vs. by Wester Ray. btate of Oiegon vs. Chas. Kimsey. CAN WE SUPPLY YOUR SPRING SHOES ? Our Spring Footwear is the Best and the Cheapest. As the shoemaker, a nice new shoe. The KORt, the calf, and the kangaroo, Joined by the alligator, too, AH dropped In to lind out whether "Twas any of their (oiks that fu'nish'd the leather. We wish that everybody knew What elegant stock we put In each Bhoe And keep on hand to benefit you. All grades, styles and nhnpeu together, Fine footwear In all kinds of leather. M. LICHTENTHAL & CO., Main street, I Or. refurnished Council Meeting. Crjnnoil met in regular session Monday eveniug, Re corder Roberts, acting mayor in absenoe of Mayor Matlock. Councilnien ureseut, Gnrrigties, Liohtenthal, Gilliam and Patterson. Minutes of regular and special meetings rend and approved. Charter granted the Heppner Hook and Ladder Co. On motion ot Gilliam, sec onded by Liohtenthal, a lamp was or dered placed in front of the engine house, to be lighted at the expenie ot the town. On motion of Patterson, seconded by Gilliam, grade ordered established in the T. R. Howard distriot of Heppner, and referred to the committee for immediate action. Bills allowed: 8. P. Garrigues, $2G.!iG; J. W. Rasmus, S2; Multnomah Printiug Co., $7.50; J. R. Grover. $25 50; Gilliam & Bisbee, 86.60; Emery Oiiver, 8172 55 Letter and specifications from Emery Oliver reBd and ordered filed. It was the opinion of the cnnncil that a upwial election for voting bonds Bhould be held at the earliest possible date. Ou motion of Lichteuthiil, seconded by Gil liam, the liuauce committee was ordered to examine reports of reoordei, treasurer and marshul and report at the next meeting. The World Enriched. The facilities of the present day lor the production of evervthing that will oou- duce to the material welfare and com fort of mankind are almost unlimited, and when Syrup ot Figs was first pro duced the world was enriched with the only perfect laxative known, as it is the only remedy whioh is truly pleaBi' g and refreshing to the taste and prompt and effectual to cleanse the system gently in the spring time or, iu faot, at any time and the better it in known the more pop ular it becomes. JHE Q1TY HOTEL, W. J. 1CZI5K, Prop, rilHIS HOSTELRY has been RitrnrHD and Risfdnisiied throughout, and now is one of the most inviting places iu Heppner. Mr. Leezer invites you to stop with him, feeling that he is able to entertain you in the best of style. Single Meels Three Meals - r Lodging 50 Cents I Board per week 81 00 1 Board per week with room 50 Cents. 85 00 87.00 WEDDING AND PARTY CAKES Madk on Short Notice and it Poeoua Pricks. Bread 22 Loaves for $1.00. "THE people; They must be Ilespected. The People Cigar, Best in the Market, at TEDROWE& WILLIAM'S Arcade, 68-74 MWAUtiAUT'S OLD STAND. O. E. FAKNSWORTir, Fret. T. E. . O. SPERRY, Vice Pru. E. FELL, Secretary and Manager. R. BISHOP, Treasurer. Tie Morrow County Land (6 Trust Company flHK PLACK TO 11UY IS AT J- COFFIN & McFARLAND'S ! Collin & MeKarland can give you bargains In anything. Say, a cur load of Oliver Chilled Plows, consisting of Gangs, Sulkey and Walking Plows, to arrive soon. But don't forget that we can supply you with anything you want, in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware and Tin ware, at wholesale and retail. COFFIN & McFARLAND, Iu tho National Bank Building, CAPITAL STOCK, $100,000.00. PAID VP, $25,000.00. Incorporated 1888. 1 ua m mmm DEALERS IN GRAIN, LUMBER, WOOD. Operating Warehouses al Heppner, lone and Douglas, on the Heppner Uranch of the U. P. R. R. km IS T O O 151 XX OIiDBUS I O. E. Farmwonh, J. A. Thompson, P. A. Herren, Nelnon Jones Kdwarrt Day, "m Pen land, Kit. K. Wallop, Theron K. Fell, . K. hlllott, Ed. H. Cox, J. A. Woolcry, N. A. Kelly, 3. E. Friek, O. T. Douglas, K. (1. Bpisrry, Auson Wright, P. C. Thompson, Nathaniel YVebb, John L. Ayers, James Jones, A. II. ChaPman. IT IS the purpose of the stockholders of this company to conduct Its business in a manner mutualW advantageous to all wool and Krnln producers of Mils sec ion, and to maintain the favoralVle honie market which It has established. During the coming wool season we solicit the business of all wool growers and request them to send their clip to Uw "Wool Orowers' Having enlarged tho Heppner Warehouse, and roofed 1! platforms we have double the storage capacity of any other warehouse in Eastern Oregon, well lighted tor the display of wool "The Wool Growers' Warehouse.' Thousands of Suffering Women Toliintft women who oomplain ot tid fenlincr. tains id the back and loins, desire to sleep, painful or sup nrusu0t monQtmKiinn. will find in Ore- rod Kidney Tea a faithful friend. It can be relied on in every inetance to cive immediate relief iu kidney and urinary troubles. Thousands of Wo men are sufferiuf? every day from some disorder of the kidneys or liver, ho might be permanently cured by UBing Oregon Kidney Tea. Dr. J. Paul Grant, representing bis fine line of remedies uuder the trade mark, "O. VV. B," spent several days in the city this week, aud we are happy to say that the Gazette will hereafter tell you weekly something about his medicines. The doctor is a retired physi oiao, ai d knows his business. His rem edies (or sale bv all druggists. Gazette onThorDton'soounters. Prioe 6 eeDts. LOCAL MARKET KEPOltT. Wheat, bu 0 B8 Floiir.bbl 5 J Beeves, cows & two-year-olds, owt. 'I 00 " " tbree ' 2 60 Sheep, muttons, head 3 00 ' stock 2 60 Hogs, ou foot, cwt $4 50 6 00 Hokh, dressed 6 00 Horses, slow gale. Butter, roll 65 Eggs, doz 120 Chickens, doz 2 60 2 75 CALIFORNIA MARKET. Wheat, cwt 81 66 1 68 flour, bbl 3 00 5 25 Beeves, stall fed 7 00 Mnttons, cwt 10 00 11 00 Hoks, cwt 3 50 5 25 Butter, & 12 ($ 20 Eggs, doz 17 19 Chickens, d.. z 5 60(1000 Turkeys, lb 15 (is 18 NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office ot The Dalles, Or., March n, 18M. Notice Is hereby given that the following-named settler has tiled notice of his lutentiou to make tlnal proof in support of liiB claim, and that said proof will be made before County Clerk of Morrow County, at Heppner, Oregon, on May 7, Wsl, Viz: MAT HUGHES, Hd. No. 3,900, for the YM NW4 and NEli Sec 15, TpilB, K1SKWM. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said laud, viz; James Neville, James Leahey, George Gray and Earnest Cupper, all of Heppner, Or. John W. Ltwis, 471-UM. Keglster. PORTLAND MABKKT. Wheat, cwt 1 65 1 CO Flour, bbl 4 HO fo4 90 Beeves, ct 2 50 4 00 dreBsed 6 00 (3.. 7 00 Muttons, live sheared . . 4 50 4 75 dressed 8 00 9 00 Hogs, on foot 6 50 H 5 75 " dressed 7 25 Butter 25 35 Eufffl. doz to Nails by the car load at Gilliam & Bis-1 c """".V, 4 50 bw's. Grant oounty people v. 111 ao wen to call on them, Notick TO Sheepmen. A. A. Wren t,c. nnH corral, water and paRture o ac commodate those desiriug to shear sheep, at bis place, four miles west of Heppner. JViU Utohesp. -76iw Turkeys, lb. 12 A fine 1ft of imported Shot Gnns at ,.l Thompson k Co's at bargain prices, do jobbers prnnts. n A. B. Nilea, of Nilea k Vinson, the Walla Walla msrble dealers, is ia lh city. " Judge ! elts. a Hicintly the followtne Notlct appeantl a had hen sick only about two A it was not until the la- t three or four dav that the maladv a serious turn At the beginning of his Ufness he suffered from diabetes and stomach disorder Later the kidneys refuw) to periorminra ,,,,..-..-he passed quietly away. Thus ended the life of one of the most prominent mcu iu fornia." Like tnousanos wi - - timely death wai the result of ntgiecUng early symptoms of kidney disease. sre tnwnrea "n manors, B,a, . ..7 ranaenient of the kidneys or urinary organs, don't delay proper treatm-nt unul you are forced to give up your dally duties ; oi waste your money on worthless liniments and worse plasters, but strike at the seat of the disease at once by using the greatest of all known remedies, the celebrated Oregon Kid ney Tea. It ha saved the lives 01 inousanas. Why should it not cure you r try 11 e-Juble and pleasant to take. $1.0 u, 8 lot tS-OO, PEDIGREE OF SBPT. PEDIGREE CERTIFICATE For Animals Exported from the United Kingdom. The Shire Horse Society, Fdabtiehed topromitte the old Eiiflinh lined of Cart Iloreee.) 11 Chandos Sttet, Cavendish Squaro, London, W. Name of Animal, iSaody-o'er-the-Lea, 8161, Vol. X; Sex, Stallion; Colour, Chtstutit; Foaled May, 1885; Bred by Thos. Dewhurst, Whittingham, Preston; Sold to John MoIIattie, Aberdeen, Hoolland; Sold to W. B. Cuninghame; Sold toT. E. Fell and Nelson Jones, present owners. Got by Royal Sandy, 8093; Dam by Sir Colin, 2022; Grand-dam by Ploughboy, 1745. I HBKKBV declare that the above-named animal was bred by Thos. Dewlinrst, and ihat the foregoing particulars are, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true as stated. Liated Feb. ", l'J. JAM Ktf KOltSH A W. Heller of the above-named animal. 1 hkrkhy certify that the foregoing pedigree has been ex amined by the Kdlting Oinrr.lttee of the bhire Horse Boelety. has been pawsed by lliein as correct. Certified by order of the Kdlting Committee this 9th day of Feb.. Wan. I. W.INOIIYMK. Hecretary of the Bhire Horse. Society of Great Britain and Ireland. Odd Combinations. NAILS AND SUGAR. PEARL BARLEY AND PADLOCK. I TOMATO KETCHUP 4 HAMMERS CANNED OOODS & AMMUNITION. Strange Combinations to be Found Only at The Combin ed Grocery and Hardware Store of P. C. THOMPSON COMPANY, -DEALERS IN- Groceries, Hardware, Tinware, Confectionery Wood & Willow Ware and Agricultural Implements. AgenU for NEW HOME Sewing Machines and IMPERIAL EGG FOOD. LUMBERMAN TOOLS A SPECIALTY. Table Cutlery, Shears, Scissors, Pocket Knives, and Razors at Remarkably Low I'riees. Hpecial inducements to Cash Cus tomers, dive us a trial. tf. Corner Main aud Willow Streets, Heppner Or. This Stallion May be Seen ut Sargent 4 DriMs Stable, Heppner, Or- Babies' Dat.--On Thnrwlay of each week will ho "baliiis' day" ot Damier's Ifallery. Bring aloriif your babies and have their nict'ires taken, and you will lie one photo tree of obii'if. u8tf Purely i OOapack-1 i 0. Rnhl has added a stock of oysters, canned and (refh fruits.all kinds of nuts, oigars, tobaccos, eto. "9 w Cavalry Horskh Wasted. Those who have annnd horses, weiihintf from 1,000 to l.'JOO pounds, in color black, brown or ((ray, can find sale (or them by CKllinif on E. O Hperry at the Belvedere saloon. Fifty bead wanted immedi ately. 61-tf Wanted-10,000 sheep pells at Hpray Bros.' meat market. fi8 tf SWEETS, FIRST IN OYSTERS, FIRST In the Hustle with their Countrymen. Five doors North of the I'nlacp Hotel, Heppner, Or. Fine Imported and Jioine.sU: Cigars and Tobaccos Fresh Fruits ami. alutr Gnods Jlrcrired, fiailtj.