Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, March 25, 1892, Image 4

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The Haogtity Caprivl Consents
Withdraw His Resignation
0- relations might he an cicely united us
i they are between t lie stales of North
AT THE COMMAND OF HIS SOVEREIGN American republics haa received a seri
ous setback. All went along swimmingly
But Insists Upon Resigning tlifi Premiership
of Prussia He Cannot Retract
Formfr Utterances.
Bkiu.in, Mar. '2. ict.ei nl Capri vi has
returned from a visit to HiihuiBtURtock
in answer to the summons of the em
peror. The chancellor m reticent an to
the facts of the interview, except that at
the command of his sovereign he has
consented to withdraw his resignation
and remain at the head of the cabinet.
Hut, while consenting to remain chan
cellor, General Caprivi insisted upon
the kaiser's accepting his resignation
of the otlice of 1 russiuii premier. lie
pointed unt that ho would he the lauh-
ing-stock of the landla!, thut his in-
tluenre theie was irredeemably damaged,
and that he cotild not for a moment
think of retracing his utterances on the
subject of the education hill, utterances
into which he had been led by his de
sire to serve the views and carry out
the policy of his sovereign. The kaiser
was obliged therefore, in order to keep
(,'aprivi as chancellor, to accept his re
signation as premier. This will, in
name at least, divorce Capri vi entirely
(ruin l'rusaian allairs and relieve him
from the obligation of appearing in the
landtag. Kroni the time of the founda
tion of the present ( ierninn empire the
chancel'orship of the rei.-hstag and the
premiership of Prussia have gone to-
geiuei aim nave ....... .....'uiul-.i v.tL.miiY ,,
as inseparable This has kept the polit-,
..Till ..u... so Ul 1 I.mH. I.I Jllll? n.Lll inc
policy of the empire, and has greatly
strengthened the intluence of Prussia in
imperial allairs. It is believed that the
icparation of the two oflires wilt be gen
erally satisfactory to the smaller sUtes,
and especially to Havaiin, where jeal
ously n! 1'rnsf.inn predominance has of
late increased. Ituvaria is not alone in
particularism, and the feeling is especi
ally strong in some ol the lesser (liiclnes,
including Meckleusburg Strelitz and i it.iri.ai iii.- inilKtm I p.... ii... iiu. .t
Mecklenburg-Schwerin, in the latter of ' i!et".ra..iiu.v.
which Kt. Petersburg connections are; I'iiii..ui;i.i-iiia, Mar. 22 When the
very influential. So soibus has this ; slate board of charities meets tomorrow,
following grown in some .piarleis that in! the most startling information will be
Mecklenhurg-Stielil. the lo.-al aiilhoritiea lui.l before it bearing upon the cruelties
ignored the last and previous birthday of j and barbaiitits indicted upon the inmates
the kaiser. It is helievdd the Heparin ion j of the Pennsylvania Industrial refornia
uf the chancellorship from the Pruseian i lory. rlh nauiesof eightv-lhreo boys
i.reniieislnp Kill go tar toward allaying I
ill is jealousy.
NOW INK llll, I, l'ASw:n.
Nm-li.Hft :ll.ll'K-K ol' lt.-lla.iy Again! the
Hea.llnir (,'omI (,'t.inlilni.
Pun Ain.i.i'iti , Mar. 22. There was
bribery, and enormous bribery at thut,
tosecuic the passage by the New Jersey
legislature of the bill legalizing the
gigantic coal combination of the Head
ing railroad with the New Jersey Cen
tral, lhigh Valley and Lackawanna.
Proof of it is furnished on the word of
State Senator Maurice Alexander Kogers,
of Camden comity, and bis word will be
accepted unipiestioningly from one end
of the slate to the oilier. The senator
declares that on the morning of final
passage of the bill, when an eleventh
vote was needed to make it majority of
the senate, he waa approached by peo
ple whom he knows well, and who in
behalf of a syndicate of bribers offered
him xin,(X)i) hi vole for llie bill. He in
dignantly replied to the man, who, by
the way, happens to be a close acquain
tance. Afterward the iiiiin came to him
and said that he had reunited to his
superiors that Sena'or Rogers could not '
be approached. They told him to try I
again, and named an enormous sum. lie 'ii power io ucr, nut. uie employes seem
eaid there wiih no use Io try any more, strongly in favor of an amicable dottle
so they resumed their cH'orls on thci'muit. The local maimgcr of the com
other meniliois who had not. pledged j pnny states that should a strike occur all
themselves to support the hill. Senator I the shops and freight sheds will inune
Kogers refused to luinie the iimoiiiit of ! dialely close down, throwing IDOO men
the second oiler, but Baid that it, was so ! out ol work. He says the company is
large that if put at (i per cent interest be J fully prepared for any emergency.
need not have worked any more. lie' -
refused to name the person who ap- 1 "'"' Want to iim. nun.
I uoclioi I linn, saying il, wuul.l cause i
greater pain to bis friends ii he told it
than any public praise could nesmigo.
Senator Rogers says be was stunned as
he sat in the senate that morning and
saw Ihe bill pass. lie had expected
bribery before, but then he knew it. lie
also said that as soon ns he had an oppor
tunity he told his friends, and immedi
ately on his return home told the mem
bers of his family. Senator Rogers'
statement, will create a sensation.
Though there buve been many rumors
that an enormous amount ol boodle was
said to have been paid Io pass the bill,
Kiev could not he traced to any definite
somce. The matter is not likely to be
STAMllltll OH. I'llMI'ANV.
II Han Call soil I he Hitln ol the Small Mi-.i.h
Which OppoHi-il It.
Pirrsiu'iiii, Mar. 22. There is n gen
eral feeling of alarm throughout Ihe oil
districts ol Pennsylvania about, the fail -uie
of the independent producers.
Flnaiici.il embarrassment bus ruled in
the region during the pint six mouths,
and the Standard Oil Company is blamed
for the had state of affairs. The Amer
ican Cilizen, of Titiisvillo, has takon up
the cause of the producers. "On the
2ilth of February," it savs, "news ot a
gift by John D Rockefeller, to (he
umversitvoi i-iiu-ago 01 i,uoii,ihiii was :
Mi.V,'l,,0"'e,,"'l,lil'. """l'?1"', "1 ""'.!
(Khl.lKK) people, and comparatively lew of ,
them know that every dollar of this
'thank offering' to ( od lias been wrung
from Ihe reeking ruin of Rockefeller's
men engaged in Ihe petroleum industry.
Here are families left to struggle with
poverty because their heads have been
driven to suicide by hopeless losses in
their business of producing petroleum.
Here are proHrties which n lew months '
since were north hundreds ot thousands j
ot dollars, now being sold by Ihe sheriff i
at from 10 to 20 cents on the dollar. For !
these things the Standard Oil trust, of
which Rockefeller is at Ihe head, is
directly responsible. Last August the
trust lowered the price ol oil in every I
producing Hel l in Pennsylvania from
lu .u i rum u if, il I it. . lien 1 1 ie
producers have not been able to get more '
than il.". cent per barrel, and the average i
1.. OA ...... tu .. 1 C ...... 1 1 1...
price less than tit) cents. Oil proper
ties are now unsalable, and producers
can not gt the cost out ot their pro
duction." ,n 1 HfwrtHttHi Hlvtliit rim'!.
tungen, a Herman baker, fell overboard
Irom the steamer San Rafael yelerday
anil was drowned, in dill view of the
several hundred passengers thai crowded
the boat. While (ho accident was un
avoidable in a measure, tin. drowning
was the result of tbe lack of dincipline
alioitrd the boat. Yiiilfiiiigcn went for
ward on the loner dock and took a seat
on the starlxmi .1 rail, throwing an arm
around one of the iron limits which
swing the lifeboat, fo steady hiiiiaett. In
this (Hition bo went to' sleep. The
sleeping man turned suddenly buck ward,
us one does when nodding, lost bis bal
ance and went over Into tbe water.
KKnrltOt.-ITY MINfi HIT.
The Chilian Muddle Uiua the Srheuie
I Sertoua Setback.
Washington, Mar. '.22. Mr. Blaine's
(0 : beautiful dream of a sisterhood of North
and South American repul.li.-H iH rapidly
Incoming a nightmare. The plan
n horny their commercial and fraternal
i up to the time of the Chilian troilulcs
correspondent says: "I was told today
by a South American diplomat, somewhat
regretfully, because he grieved over the
fact, that our ultimatum to Chili and our
treatment of that little republic: in conse
quence of the Baltimore incident has
wrought a wonderful change in the ami
cable feeling of the Smith American
republics. To niv astonishment, he told
me neany every one oi toe reptinncs
nas reiuseu longer io commune to tne i(.ame to light this morning, and re
maintenanee of the bureiii ul American veals a remarkable i-ws of depravity that
repu.ilc-s." I he bureau is the outgrowth has existed among the inmates for two
of the late pan American congress. It
whs established for the collet-lion and
distribution of commercial information
relating to the several countries. It. was
agreed at the conference that the United
. States was to pay one-half of theexpenses
of conducting the bureau, and the other
countries represented by the conference
the remainder. Mexico, it is snid, is the
only country that has paid up in full for
two years.
',N TIMS UK 'i it t; t-:-.
11.11 l.il'.ir.i.H a llpU'iillnti Tl.iit 11 1
Nut a ('tti..ll(lHt for (he i'ruNifleiicy.
' llKruorr, Mar. The Tribune, n-
1 publican, says that a Michigan demo
Iclegal.ion visited' Senator lavid
traMo .
It. Hill, and asked him for a definition
of his position lie said :
"My friends, I am not a candidate for
the presidency. I am ambitious to
attain that high honor, but 1 am fully
aware, while 1 might secure the nomina
tion, I should inevitably be defeated at
wire nhaat. "P.ut
what do you want your friends in Michi
gan to do," they demanded. ' Send an
iininstructed delegation that will vote
with New York," replied Hill; "New
York always named the winner and it
will do it thie time. Mii-higan cannot
all'ord to be elsew here than in the camp
of victory."
iiiiitltiiii.f: cm i i.iiks.
will be presented, all ol whom have been
victims of long confinements in solitary
cells and in most, cases whipped wilh
water e.iakcd leather Straus, and chained
to iron bars above their heads, or to the
floor. Home of I he victims, it is charged,
have been driven to insanity and at
tempted suicide.
I'll K
ItKtlllNti .SCAN 11.11,.
Nearly MClllO.Ono alil t
II. .Ik. the lllll
Nkw Yoiik, Mar. 22. According to a
Trenton, N. J., dispatch a scandal con-,
necting the names ol Blale senators and:
assemblymen w ith alleged bribery in :
uie passing oi a mil, legalizing tne I. can
ing deal, has grown to such an extent
that the executive may be forced to
action, (lossip, which is so (ar uncon
tradicted, says it cost the combine ifivt,
UIKI cash to pass, the bill through the
hoiue, and f2i I'J.diH) through the senate.
Co.iailiiiu Itfillnny Ti-oi.lis.
TuiioNT ), Mar. 22.- The threatened
trouble between the (irand Trunk mid
its employes i exciting much interest
here. Several trainmen's assemblies
yesterday discussed the situation,
Hates were sent back to Montreal
with London, M:-u
The police have
ceived information which led then-, today
Io recommence digging at Kninhill, oil
the theory hat other victims of Williams,
alias Deeming, may he buried there.
Among the various fraudulent methods
by which Williams made a living, it ap
pears he was at one time a welcher on
the racecourse under the alias of Wilson.
II is suggested that Williams should bo
brought back to F.ngland (or trial for the i
Raiuhill murders, lor the reason that !
these minders antedated the Melbourne i
tragedy. It, k not. probable, however, i
that, the Australians will he satisfied
short of his trial and execution there.
Natives oi Aii-n-i, in Ken.it.
I MozAMiinici:, Mar. 22. A dispatch 1
says tjuiliiuane is besieged by ('.(Kill na- :
lives. It states that Ihe blacks have
.assumed the most menacing attitude,
hind momentarily threaten an attack.
I every man anil hoy in quiinnano capa-
hie ot handling a gun is armed. The
I British torpedo cruiser .Mohawk has
I been ordered to IJuiliiiiane from Mozam
j bique. A gunboat wilh 100 soldiers on
I board has been already dispatched,
Hunger M an Them llfupei-nio.
i Be n.i Pkstii, Mar. 22. Ureal diMiees
sun prevails in .Nurlliern Hungary in
spue ol relict measures by Ihe govern
ment. At Oreolie peasants dissatisfied
... i . n,, ,ii ,.,,,,; ( .,i;.,t , ,,.i
the house of the burgomaster, and' set
;,,.,,: ,,' ,,
family. They w ere rescued on I v
lesperate contlict.
1. on lMlui.il Itetnoci-ilU,
; Ntw Ohi.h ins, Mar. 22. Dcmocatic
1 white primaries to determine wlie'iicr tbe
I democratic elate ticket headed by Mc
jKiiry orlhat beaded by Foster shall be
i considered the choice ol Ihe parly at tbe
I election on April l'.l, arc lieing held.
! Voting is progressing quietly throughout
1 the s ate.
For Coin nt hi r Klver I in pro. extents.
Wasius.iton, Mar. 22. - The senate has
passed the bill appropriating if 1 ,7-li SIti
for Ihe cascades ot the Columbia river :
, , i ti , i n ... . . .
Mitchell s bill appropriating 2,M,0,-,
J1.''' '"r'1 riV '"', 'lt H'e lhillea. (,e-1
mo runs aim len-Aine rapids on
(iliiniiiiii riutr uml fiYi- tlm !iiihioi',ii.i,n.t I i
and I
irec-Mile rapids.
Mftiuiiri k In 111,
Ukhi.in', Mar. L'-V Hismarok if HullVr
in;' fiom a BinUlon illncea. It w ;in his in-
tenllon to proceed to Utmihiirg tomor
row to attend a meeting of the district
assembly, but illness compelled an aban
donment. Hat FIimI to Alltel lea.
Puns, Mar. 22. It is leported that
Mullien, llerrard and Uiieyeraud, direct
ors of the Banque des Cheinins de Fer et
Industrie, which failed Saturday, have
lied to America.
An Option iiiii i.eteaieit.
Di s Moinks, la., Mar. 22,-The Hatch
county option bill is indefinitely hisi-
)ned by a strict vole ot republicans for,
and democrats ugainsl it.
uuu uuiiii'uuuu lliu vitllUU.'hv the infant daughter also lav dead
j The C&USfl Of tDB Bfg Fire III tOB In
i 0
dianspoKs Reformatory.
Had Been Separated From a Com
panion and Took This Means of
Obtaining Revenge.
IsniASAiiins. Mar 3 -The (
tbBorii.inr,fthf;rl,;.., ,i,im,i h,.i
female reformatory on the nightof March
Little Anna Tapn. a child of fix
who bad been under the care of
the institutior., died this morning as the
an iirni unun trie fA(ui
rOUM f nir.in Uvruuilrn . in nn.lil ... .....
Hre. Mrs. Klmira Johnson, the assistant
snneriiitendent now in ehmp nt
. depRrtmeut of prisoners housed at the
Workhouse, made this .i.'.itl. the neenninti
of a tall: to the assembled girls. She
said she had reason to know that one of
the girls had set tire to the institution,
and that tbi.'i v.irl had not only this crime
but also the d.'ath of little Anna Tapp on
her head. Most of the inmates hurst in -
lo tears, for the child had won the hearts
of even the criminal women in the
prison. A little later .Minnie Johnson.
! one tiln Bir". w'" had been sus-
pccte.l of starting the lire, sent for .Mrs.
Johnson. The latter went to her cell.
and she there confessed that she had set
lire to the building. Minnie Johnson is
rather a pretly girl of 17, who was sent
up from liii.-li motid two years ago on con
yiction of theft. She had been working
in the launui-y ti.e .lav ot the lire, and
had lingered behind '.he rest. When
they were gone she ignited an ironing
cloth at a gas jet, and threw it upon a
shell under a stairway. From this
Blurted the lire which wrecked tbe build
ing. In her confession the Johnson girl
said she had not intended to lire the
building, but simply to orate a scare to'
get even because Patsy William, a col
ored girl, had been separated from her.
Between them an unnatural intimacy
had existed.
no iili-.i in i.ovc.
Ai.vai.aro, Cal., Mar. 22 -Joseph
Fairers, 211 years old committed suicide"
last, night by taking strychnine. Friends
of Ihe vnnnir man sav be . ;.. lm
but his attentions were not acceptable.
A Sleau.er Wrecked,
n r it am-ihco, Aiar. A (list.atc i
was received today by the Merchants
exchange stating that the British steamer
West Indian, Captain Scolt, went ashore
at Aeaiulta vt,.r,l,. .......IH lu.
tolal loss.
.11 r, (tMtiorit Ih I'pj-y III.
London, Alar. Airs, florenco
Kthel Odhorne. serving nine mouths'
imprisonment in connection with the
pearl robbery case, is reported to be in a
comaloiic etate.
Aims Kioitui Senator.
W.isiiia.iton, Mar. 22. In the midst
of the silver debate today Tracv of New
, . . . ,i , , , - - . mil. ..i.ricoei. lii.t,
elicited loud applause by announcing the ,. ,,. , . , ,
unanimous election ofliogcr .J. Mills,', f' l''co, Mar, l i.-bate Auek-
as rniled States senator from Texas. ! ",lv,'r r(''l J1'0 . 1"3R , ' i ,e
i bngantme Ityno, oil Flint island. The
Apportionment I'.iti I tioiiii.iiii.tiontii.
! Maiusos. Wis., Mar. 22. The supreme
' court nas .leciuen tne congressional and'
legislative iiiq.ortioi.nienl by the inst leg-
ishiture as niiconstitutional.
The Yorktowl. Arrives.
San Dikoo, Mar. 22. The
Yoiklown, commander Kvans, ar
the harbor this morning.
ived in
.1 uili;e Tyler's Opinion of the Shout hiy anil
1'afil AstasKlnit.
Skaiti.i:, Mar. lu. Judge W. B. Tyler,
formerly attorney lor Sarah Althea ferry
in her noted case against millionaire
Sharon, was asked today if he thought
there was any truth in the recent publi
cation of the story to the ell. ct thnt a
letter has been found among Judge Ter
ry's effects purporting to he Iron, an ex
shcriU'of some county in California, stat
ing I hat he bad been ollered $2.j,lKM) by
certain parlies to murder Judge Terry.
said : f
"It is very common in all noted cases
for lawyers and principals to be con-1
siantiy receiving communications Iroin
individuals making all kinds of foolish
propositions, and telling various stories
alx.ul ll
ie case. I do not doubt for a
moment, tiiougn, tiiat largo oilers were j
made tn parties to kill Judge Terry. It!
is well known that the deputy marshal
was instructed to kill Judge Terry on the !
slightest provocation. A good' deal is ;
said about the insanity ot Mrs. Terry:
now, and I do not doubt thai the stories !
are true. I used to see her every day I
prior to and during the trial, and did not
then have a possible doiihl that she was :
mentally unbalanced. Mrs. Terry was a I
woman with an one jntrolhible temper.!
" nen one ol uiese tits would come on
she was altogether unmanageable, and 1
am not surprised at all to hear of Sarah
Althea leriy s insanity," j
It ivaa Nut Tom iieiuiionii. ,
IH 111
i', Iowa, Alar, in. A disnatch
sent out from here stated that Tom Des
mond, cx-sbcriff ot San Francisco coun
ty, was believed to lie the former Cali
fornia sheriff who wrote Mrs. Terry that
he had been ollered J2,,,lX.O to kill Judge
Terry. Desmond has not been here since
ISM, and cannot be the man unless the
biter was written at that time. He was
Fast three years ago, and until a year
ago last fall, when lie returned toCali-
lornia. He was suspected, but pioved he
j was in Wacl ingtoii until the murder was
: committed,
i I' ui.i-: it kii
The tlor.-lt.lo Crime ol a Ala..
With ICeltKloil l-'reny.
San Fuaxcisco, Mar. l'.l. The steam
ship .Moiiowai arrived yesterday twenty
live days from Sydney, Australia, aii.l
seven from Honolulu. The whole of
Tmiranga, Auckland, was thrown into a
state ol excitement February !), owing hi
tne murder ol
his wile and four little '
children by Duncan Mimro, stepson uf
James Br dell, late mayor of'that town, i
" luivui.im uiiiuu umu,
M,m, 1Hll lH,on i,lnmtB of , Wmn ;
insane asylum about three years ago, ;
ing alllicted with religious mania, lie
bad recently been acting strangely and
talking ot offering a sacrifice to the most
high, but his relatives feared no harm
from him. On the night ol February
r M Hiiro's brother spent some bout's
with the family before taking leave.
When the milkman called at the house
in the morning, be was unable Io arouse
the family. He oftened the kitchen
door and found Mrs. Alunro and the old
est boy, ii years old, on Ihe floor in a
pool of blood, the. r beads battered in.
The milkman saw Munro ou tbe beach
at Ihe back of the bouse, attired onlv in
bis night clothes. I'lte police were called
and Munro was Vcim-d. It was then
found that tbe wile and children still
breathed, l n.hr them were found a
tUtiron and a rolling pin covered with
blood. Iu the front bedioom the bodies
'of two little boys, 3 and ft v ears of age,
j rt"eclivcly, were found in bed wilh
th.-ir heads crushed, and in a cot near
'wilh her hpttf Iwumti in Ml flip vie- !
.. i I l ,11.1.....:,.
tims were alive when found, but soon
died, with the exception of the youngest !
- 1 toy who bids fair to recover. The jury
at the inquest hwnd a verdict of willful
murder, arid also that Munro should not
have been released from the asylum.
INYfcSTMiitTlUN VNllFli.
A Itepnrl That King Control Const Sur
vey Matters.
Washington, Mar. 21.- In the house,
today Knloe, of Tennessee, offered a res- j
oUUinn calling on the Becretarv of the
treasury for a list of all persons employed !
in the coast and geodetic survey, whose i
j ing 1v.ii), also for a list of those dismissed
f ; or who resigned during that year. Knloe
lie '"id information from a dia -
ZM'1!0',r" 1 "
lion was adopted.
' J J 'rmbn'i r('",r,m''1 m
Id Iro . TfTV.r'iii"
Hinnal record of tho 1 rh a hat nortion
, . i
" Pee " "?'Ker. -v)ais:
muinKcu ...
but which was not delivered.
rW house
them went into a committee of the w hole
cn "ie ar,"y appropnatioi i hi II
'"" I'l'erHhil llarlior Hill.
Washisuto.v, Mar. 21. The river and
, harbor bill will be reiiort".! to the house
tome time this week. The committee
Jmt tll') K1'011 lakes, the deep water
I channel of the Mississippi and some
' otima under contract. The appropria-
tiou for the Columbia river at the Cafl'
cades is $-i;;,"),(WO. The Dalles and the
boat railway project are not included
the committee being unwilling to in
clude both projects.
Morrison Klocte.l Cln.lr.iniii.
V) asiiixoton, Mar. 21. At a meeting
: of the inter state commerce commission
W. It. Morrison was e'eoted chairman to
: fill the vacancy made by Jiid-e Cooley's
' resignation.
T. rrlhly Iti-utul Si'fli.es at n
i.verutlnn 1.1 i
Viknx.i, Mar. IS. The execution of
Franz Schneider, for the murder of a
rc.i.im K1ri, won p.:ce cany hum morn-.
ing. But little interest was taken in the ,
anair. 1 he approaches to the law court
in Landisgeoicht Strasse. where the exe- j
cm on toon piace, were strongly guar.le.l j
and but eighty Sectators were permitted !
in v trw me execiu mil, ueri . nneiuer
npproaciieu tne gallows shortly alter 7,
i his 8tr?n,? I"1""; trenibled and his face
Kf'1' pale. It was evident that
i im ,mltal ua,me wa8 W"cd and that
: he was hi agony, and fear ol the fate
awShir'w, Cloned to !
i ihe gallows he struggled and shrieked
''Oh, no! In Hod's name, I'll say anv
thing." The noose was quickly thrown
,,- , , , -
! ;r0,,nJ.1'19 f. '"'. I swung free,
K.fPO'l Hie hanging man
b-v tl,'u ils,,?,'1 i' An '",lif,'1, 'hu'
: "" . " Btreiigut. r-cnneiiier
ward with al
j was strangled to deaf h in lour minutes.
No cap was used, and every expression
I and. change of eolor in the man's face
was discernible. It was so horrible that i
I the spectators were compelled to turn
i Bwa-V' '0Balie Schneider, the wile of
j r'""lz "ml a partner in his crimes, is
serving a sentence of life imprisonment.
I'esHtfU Wroclce'l hy the ltr.re.it
storm,, :
i vessel was owned in A isV'and and
!,e,ni?ed in trading among the islands.
w ii-mm upaner a
1 nanisnip.
The bark Shir of lirin, Captain I Ion- 1
kins, hound fcr London with a cargo of
oats, wool and tallow, went ashore on j
Waipapa reef, and is a .total wreck. The :
. rnr.u. uie . . n i i.u ih-ii: .allien ill rju.'lilll.
The crew were saved
Karl of Onslow, governor of New Zea
land, has been succeeded in otlice by
Lord (ilasgow, who is expected to arrive
at Wellington about .May. As Lord
Onslow has left for Kngland, Chief Jus
tice Lrendergast has hc.-n sworn in
as j
acting governor.
Considerable speculation has been in
dulged in by colonists as to the policy
of the recent changes in the New Zea
land ministry and the transfer of Hon.
A. J. Cadman from the o'i'ce of native
minister, which it is proposed to abolish,
to the office of miuister of marine. It
has caused some dissatisfaction.
1 11, hint rifll rit:itikii-g ni I), A ro),m.r ulirtti
i ,rnn.l r:ilo 1 ,f .ri ..n-oaa ilni-inii lii.i t.aat
five years,
Tii i ;t,i jiuioa ,.-!. a ..,.,.
Cisco and the frigate Pensacol.i were in i r
the harbor at Honolulu w hen the Mono
wai left there March 11.
The whaling bark California, from
New Bedford, which has been out eleven
months, discharged -".IK) barrels of sperm
on al Honolulu on the llith.
Mr toward Arnold, who was a pas
senger on the Belgic, was presented to
(Jueeii Liliuokalani during the stop
Uie Belgic en route to l'onohama.
, j
01 1
A Ml ltl.l KKIt lOSCAI'KS.
He lhg Through K lli-li k ll nll Tw o l-'eet
In TltlckneMfi.
Mauysvii.i.h, Cal.. Mar. 1!). Kdward
j'lhiyinond, who shot and killed Thomas
! Briee on the levee in this city Christmas
morning, anil who was found guilty ol
murder in the tirst degree Willi imprison-
ment for life escaped Irom the county
jail last night. Raymond was confined
in an iron cell, and" made his escape by
cutting through the Urge bars ot the
same, (iaining admittance into the
main jail, he dug through a brie wall
two feet in thickness. Reaching the jait
yard, he had assistance from tbe outside
in an alley, as the wall around the jail is
twenty-five feet high, it beiiiir iuinos-
sihie to reach the top without aid. The I
ground in Uie alley was considerably ! laRl night, nine additional ones put up
disturlK'd by horses' feet. Last nigh't ! their shutters today. This makes four
was a g Kid night (or escaping as it was! teen in all. There are still twenty-six
very dark and looked like rain. Officers shops cqwn. The shaky venders are
are scouring the country for the fugitive. I cheered up w ith promises ol protection
-ciiienie an pi nave neen pronounced i
i.n il... ..l, ;,,.,
on the
L'Sth inst.
1. IIOIIIlK.ltS.
I'l.ey .Make
M ..meruit Attiirk Lpim a
I'rlent nt Albany.
Ai.nvNv, Oregon, Mar. 111. At an early
hour this morning Rev. K'nil
,w'18 l,'"e', lr0!n Ul3 ,,e'1 a knockinK at
his chamber door.
On opening the door
lu, wf, 9-'u' h
two young men who
, ii- . , 1. ........ u
asked him to hind over last night's col-
l"'"ol- At relusing one of tliem took ;
up an unloaded shotgun anil struck the j lt6 the cabinet ministers. President
priest over the eve inflicting p slight in- Pelligrini, his cabinet, the secretary of
jury. At this point the young robbers Buenos Ayres province, Admiral Co'rdo
were frightened off by the priest's cries ! Rn't Lieutenant General I.evalle visited
for help and the priest ran to the Depot 1 the squadron today. They were accom
Hotel in bis night-dress to give u,,. ; panied by Minister Pitkin. Admiral
alarm. Alter a snort search the marshal Walker, Captain Miller and his officers
iouu.1 me would he robbers in a box car
o.... ...n-eicu .iii-ni. tsoiti are under
t. .' T ,r V'. -y eded m ;
tlitimiii . I' ' Meta.er s pocket-book ;
containing aUiiit ten dollars, a watch
an,! several minor articles.
Ttto Mole II 1 I f M i
l.ivi. , M ,
"',"' IS. llie appeals made
wit ... r .'i' Krailt reprieve
ri"k i "L-t..,, .a,Je I K"-vn,or a'"1 i'7l-
I'e'iilt f ii L ir ?l "er8 condemned to
William ii" iins i J;'6,,l"1 t.n.we' and
l'i u ?. L.Ii 1 ia Knle-;il ou
e-,,,r,.fo ,1 e'weo( 004 vai1' aui !"'
( o i t? ,c f i ie,mVn were "K' t Ox-;
loin at s u clock this morning. j
, U1U I till IU HUH lllU 1 U1HU
f TtlB OUCStiOn at LdSt CODieS UD Before
the Rouse,
IurffcaUons Point 10 a PrOlraCted Struggle,
, ,
and Rumors 01 Filibustering
faq JnduljlPd in.
j ,., ,,. .... Ti. .:wr
i, .-.,
Chairman Binr.d. of the oommitfee on
m un(, mi.a(ir ,e
: author of the bill, opened the discii-siou
i i behalf of free coinage. Williams, of
, , i J...
.llilSiUTIillBeil.S, 'All HUU t'OlIKlifr UH1-
ocrat, made the opening speech for the
"':Tck iZa:L
lesigns on the i
part of the anti-dec? coinage peoi.ie, but:
if such designs exist, they arc evidently j
not to be carried into execution until i
after the three days' debate.
' The ir-iilcr
,:, Z n
reso hit ion o :
ieB were crowded when at 1
the committee on rules. Tracv, of New j
York, raised a point of order against the !
bill being considered in the house, hold-
ing that, as the preparation of coin notes
by the treasury for exchango of bullion :
involved an expenditure by ihe treasury, ;
the hill should he considered in a com-I
niitlee of the whole. The speaker held ;
that as the bill did not make specific ap- j
propriations it should not be considered !
m committee of the whole. It was
agreed that an evening session i would be i !
held today and tomorrow. "I his bill," j
said Bland, in opening the discussion, I
"proposes to go back a hundred I
years in the matter of coinages ,
It is just one hundred year- ,
ago tout tne wise louniiers ot this gov. ; follows : Minister ltvan was instructed
eminent adopted a double standar.l i to confer with the Mexican government,
They brovided lor the coinage of gold which in turn apjioiii'ed Jose I. I.iman
iin.l silver without limit at the mints of tour to condnct;nei;otiationa. The neirnti-
t( !-njtPA states "
1 raIes-
A ,.-rPrh ,le .,.,lt tlllllB yrnr Tlllllmt
jus Family.
Pa ins, Mar. IS,
Tbe MarijUis do Mores 1
and -M. Isaac, sub-prefect
ol l-ouimies, 1
fought a duel yesterday in which the j
inner w as ciKDgerousiy wounue.l. I tie
due! seems to have been deliberately
ulaiity with the socialists by drawing
challer-ge from the man charged with
having their comrades shot down at
1'oiii uiies. Tiie marquis w rote a letter
anaigning Isaac for the Fourniiss all'air,
whereupon Isaac sent a friend to chal
lenge him. "Monsieur le niaiquis," be
gan the messenger. "Do not call me
marquis," exclaimed the newly-fledged
Jacobin. "I am a citizen one of the
people." The messenger then delivered
the challenge' "Tell Isaac," replied the
I marquis, "that one of the people is ready
to meet the man who slaughtered bis
brethren, that he chooses swords for
weapons, and the duel to be fought to the
death," From the first tbe marquis
pressed the fighting. Isaac held his own
hravely, but was no match for the skill
and impetuosity of his antagonist. The
marquis evidently meant to kill and Isaac
knew it. Ii was by a skillful feint that
the marquis succeeded in disabling his j
man. He made a thrust as if at the left
breast, and as Isaac made a motion to i
week's , parry the blow, tbe marquis, with almost i a leal estale dealer, tried to commit sui
; inconceivable swiftness, struck fiercely to cide 1 .ere vpsterdnv Tnosi1.iv l.o naaoo.l
the rignt, plunging Ihe weapon into the ,
breast of Isaac. The latter staggered, i
hi md pouring from the wound. He held !
on to his sword and mails a motion as if '
1111,1. iuc 111 n. ...in nuaui. I lie latter
fctood calm, and turning to his second
aeked fur a cigar. This was handed him,
and lighting it, he quietly smoked while
the condition of Isaac was being exam
ined. The attending physician pro
nounced the wound dangerous, possibly
fatal if not speedily attended to. They
sraucneu me mood and advised that Isaac
be conveyed at once to some n ace for i
treatment. Isaac staggered to his feet I
and insisted on continnin;
the tight. "It
was to be a duel to llie death," he said.
"and must go on." The seconds held a
consultation and decided to stop the fight,
evidently to De Mores' disappointment.
Tire socialists are making a hero of the
marquis. Isaac is said to be in a critical
roucy-siior oamiu.i no
l.Uv.lle Authorities Have IteHolved to
rtreuk It up.
I-orisvn.i.ii, Ky., Mar. IS. The ex
citement among the lottery venders con
tinues unabated, and those who have
not closed are not by any means feelimr
I easy even if they are keeping open and
; oenuig iicKeis. i.asi nignt live venders
elna.wl tl.,i'r roll. ...a ,,.,.1 .l.,...l...l ..... ...
,.i, umo unit .ll". lUCtl I.UL LU
risk going to prison for the small amount
ol money they would probably take in.
The owners of the buildings occupied
are becomiug anxious too, since they
have discovered that they are liable to a
line of from ifr.00 to $rniJO, and imprison
ment lor one year, (or renting their prem
ises for lottery purposes. A number
have notified the venders that they must
see oiner quarters, uiiiers have for
.i.icn l ine m , to open at till, and insist
T - . ",'i8 "i!nK "l0flcit at 0l,,;e-1
Ihe elleetot the lottery scare upon the
vendors' receipts today was manifest.
One man said that their receipts all over
the city will be cut down fully one-half.
The absence ot the usual ' crowds of
negroes aliont the offices was noticeuble.
They are probably frightened by the
prospect of arrept and punishment, and
lew cared to run a risk bv nlavimr. Be-
s'des the live policy shops
which closed
. " noun drawing, nut several more
n.am, il,u.,;n..r,.:..:. .i. i..
( ..... mo , win. in giving up uie rinsi-
Hi lied W ith HlRh lienor,. I.y South
Anierii-an Oali-lnU.
New Yohk, Mar. IS A special fiom
Kneenada, Argentina, says: "Admiral
Walker and his stall', with I'nited States
Minister Pitkin, were received bv 1'resi-
Hani I'fllliV.;.,! uf tf.a ,.ar..,n..". 1
,, ,, . . . ' .
dent Pelligrmi at the go
Monday. The party
afterwar la vis-
ipicneil ie 11 O! D'llir.l I to I ilea,.,!
'."ey hiso visueu me Atlanta an.l Hen-1
V'i '' "'f'' . ' " 1
ra 1 in the cab,,, f ,e Chicago Ti e
health ot President Han ison and Pe -
grini was toasted. In honor o( the guests
.).. ...). ...l .1... . , :
.'oion ui i.u mo euips IU Uie S-.piail- I
ron werr manned and a salute of twenty-.
one guns was fired. The visitors were '
surprised at the squadron, and were
most enthusiastic iui.raise of even thing
connected wilh it. The Argentine war-
ships Almitatite Brown and "Twenty-
hfth of May" have just tired twenty one ,
guns, which have been answered ' bv a
similar salute from the Chicago. The
squadron will return to Montevideo soon, i
T 10 American (diips am crowded with ,
: wsitors daily. Hie behavior of the
American sailors on liberty hero is ex
cellent, an it was at Montevideo. The
! health of the officers and men is good.
A Wealthy (llrl Ulvefl ui Her ll.tme to
Wt a Poor Man.
li.'Siox, Mar. 18. Miss Belle Davis,
daughter of it. FranK Davis, a leading
citi.pn of Ware, JIubs., and a niece of
W. It. Davis, the ex-oongressman of C'hi-
ago and governor general of the world'
against the wishes of her father. IJis ;
name is Frank h. Booth, of Northnnip- ;
ton, who worked on the Davis farm for j
about two months for ifl per day and his !
board, lie is a plain individual, not
one that a handsome, accomplished
i young woman ol
i. summers would be
fall in love with at first siirht.
hut such appears to be the fact, and the
love w.is mutual. The father of .Miss
Davis became so enraged at hisdaughter.
who was his favorite, and on whom he
had ex peuded large sums of money in
the past years in giving her a h!gh-'class
musical education at Worcester, that he
told her to give up Ilooth or leave his
house forever. Miss Davischo.se the lat
ter course. She left (own alone and
went, to orthainpton, where she met
I"-'"L"- 1 ,le :,-p.e were ipueiiv married
after which they started for ' Chicago,
,v,lf r.a ",ey in,ei1'' to look for wlmt """V
l.ooth. I he couple were ouietlv marr ied
nlh'f, kin',fir treatment from the girl's
"nr!e' ( livm.
tiikatv with iikxico.
1'r'"lll'1" inn. Tell Ahn.it n.e I'miiing
Cn v or Mtxico, .Mar. 18. President
Diaz, when asked yesterday to state Mex-
.co's attitude toward recipr city with the '
United States, spoke of the (iraut-Komero
treaty negctiute.1 some years ago, but
which failed of ratification in congress,
and said that was the reason no reciproc-
ity treaty was now in force between the
two countries As to the proposed reci-
procity treaty based on the MeKinley i
tarit!','the president said the facts were as '
at ions continued about two months, when
the commissioners reached, or seemed to
reach, an agreement. When the time for
signing came, however, Mr. Ityan an
nounced that he would first have to con
sult his government. That, was About
the end of December. Kince then the
Mexican government has heard not bin?
from Mr. Hyan on the subject.
WIl.l lit) OUT OP Itl'MNKSS.
The Slal.ilai-il Oil Tr.mt I.H-I.I..K to Win.l
up Itrt AlValrs.
Ni:w Yoiik, Mar. 21. At a meeting of
the Standard Oil trUBt it was decided to
terminate the trust. All property held
by the trust except slocks of corporations
will be sold by tbe trustees at private
sale. John D. Knckefeller, Henry M.
Flager, Win. Rockefeller, John I). Arclii
Ik.UI, lienj. Brewster, TIenrv II. Rogers,
Wesley 11. Tilfonl and 0. It. Jennings
have been appointed trustees to wind up
the trust's alliiirs. The money received
from the sale of its effects will be dis
tributed pro rata among the holders of
trust certificates. All stocks of corpora
tions held by the trust are to be distri
buted pro rata to trust certificate holders
upon surrender of certificates for can
cellation. A DOSI-; tit- HOIU IIINK-.
A t'liieaito
It. Nil tislnte Dealer Attempts
sal. hie.
Mar. IS W W Hfiulnrann
the day in a Turkish biih-l.nnao nunitm
a novel all night. Yesterday morning he
ate breakfast, then went to sleep. At 3
o'clock the attendant ire.it in u-alro him
and he was nearly dead. A physician
was summoned and said he could not re
cover except by a miracle. He had
taken a large dose of morphine. The
would-be suicide was brought into prom
inence by his connection with the recent
mortgage fraud, and he had been indicted
by the grand jury for complicity in those
frauds, lie was married, but the where-
a muts of Ins wife am nnt knnm si.o
is thought to be in California. Those
who know him say Henderson has negro
0100.1 in 111s veins. Me is in tiie county
and it is thought be can re-
A lliuli (Mil Dmue on the Wind Itlver
CiicVKNNi:, Wyo., Mar. 18. The
Omaha dance was given by Shavehead,
an Arapahoe sub-chief, at his ranch on
the Wind Kiver reservation, this state,
yesterday. Tbe soiree was held in a
log cabin oOx.'IO feet in size. It lasted
from daylight until sundown, and was
participated in by forty young and middle-aged
bucks. The dancers wore
breech-clouts and were elaborately dec
orated with paints and feathers. Squaws
were in attendance furnishing music on
toni-toiiis and preparing Hup-jacks and
meat for the warriois. The dance was a
sort of walk-around, with much yelling.
Its purpose was to propitiate the Great
Spirit, to the end that the coming season
may be prosperous. After the dance the
Indians devoured enough flap-jacks to
shingle thirteen squares of tenement
bouses. hen the older men had tin-
iaie, the young men and bovs did some
el'outiug and jumping. It isnow nearly
time lor the barbarous sun dance, but
ii, on, n.iu. .:n
Illll'ereiM-es ou the OiteriUnli Among; Dem
iieratu Iti-nilur Tw o TlckeU Probable.
Nkw York, Mar. IS. A Washington
special raises the question as to whether
there may not be two democratic candi
dates this year for the presidency, owing
to the dill'ereuce on the silver and tariff
questions. During the interval lietween
now and the meeting of the national
convention at Chicago, a proposition will
be quietly discussed and letters and cir
culars will be sent out to sound money
democrats, particularly in New F.ngland,
tbe middle and western states, inviting
co-ojieration with a movement in thj
event, by the action of the Chicago con
vention, it shall become necessary.
The Tribune I'ulillaliea a Lint of Their
Ciin .uio Mar. 1!). The Tribune gives a
list of alleged lioodle transactions by
the city council. It includes $2t'.0,0(jb
for the Northern Pacific franchise, $150,
Otk) for the economic gas ordinance;
$l:iO,lHX) for the compressed air com
pany franchise, ' and also includes a
number of smaller amounts for other
il tk-l-v 1 il.-t- . n.-vi n
Sr. Pai l Mar. 19. President Oakes '
of the Northern Pacific denies tbat his;
roait ;3 in anvwav connected with tbe
Chica-o "boodling" scandal "
" Doodling s. anaal.
.-..I n,.i ... .. ... .
ri..m ... dhh.ii.vu.
Nkw York, Mar. 19. A Valparaiso
special save: "Fiscal KivaR has sent in
the findings in the case of tbeBalmace-i
dan generaj, Velasquez. In Kivas' opin-1
ion, Velasquez deserves the death penalty
for usurpation of power, conspiracy, etc.
He recommends that if the death sen-
tence be commuted, Velasquez be de -
prived ot bis civil rights. It is probable
that he will be banished "
Salisbury Replies to President Harri
son's Recent Rote.
Kany Congressmen Believe Tbat It Is Not
Satisfactory to tbe President.
AsniNGTos, Mar. 21. The nature of
the reply of Lord Salisbury to the last
note from the state department relative
to a renewal of the Jmodus vivendi in
the conduct of the seal fisheries in
Bearing Sea, is known to nobody in
Washington, except the president, the
British minister, and a very few officials
of the department of state. Kven the
senate committee on foreign relations and
the house committee on foreign affaire,
who are usually informed promptly of
any new phases in the negotiations, are
in ignorance of its contents. The con
clusion is drawn from this omission on
the part of the administration to inform
them upon the subject, is that the note
is conclusive as to the main point of con
troversy, namely, the etent of protec
tion to be afforded to seal life in Bebring
Sea. It is believed that if Salisbury had
acceded to the request of the President
for a renewal of the modus vivendi, the
fact would have been immediately com
municated to the senate. The belief of
many senators is that he has made the
; note a vehicle for an extension of bis
argument regarding tbe thirty-mile
; limit of the protection area proposed by
him as amply sufficient to meet all the
necessities ol the case
A K.oiol.iee ot llie Ore.lt Flood at Jnt.ua.
town, Pennsylvania.
I.opibvim.k, Ky., Mar. 19. Among
the residents of Johnstown, Pa , at the
time of the Hood disaster was James
Agnew, his wife and three children. On
the day of the Hood Agnew was at work
in the Cambria iron mills, while his
family was at home two miles down the
valley. The flood came, many in the
mills were drowned, and the house of
Agnew was destroyed and his family
scattered. The husband anit wife made
an unsuccessful search for each other,
and finally gave the other up for dead.
Mrs. Agnov, was sinking in despair
when there came a letter from this city.
It was from her brother, John Pritch
ard, a machinist at the Louisville &
Nashville railroad shops. He bade his
sister come to him, and her mother
sent her the means to come. Here she
lived quietly, grieving for her lost hus
band. A few days ago a letter reached
the Pritchard house and it bore the
stamp of Allentown, Pa., and it told Mrs.
Agnew that her husband was alive.
Whon the flood swept over the iron
works Agnew was carried away in the
wreck. Down the river he floated until
he lost consciousness for a time. When
he revived rescuers were lilting him
from a tangle of wreckage and dead
bodies. He lay in a Red Cross Society
tent for many days unconscious, shat
tered in mind and in body. When lie
recovered he could find no ' trace of his
family. Finally, through inquiries of a
priest, it was learned that the Pritehards
iived in Louisville, and Agnew is now
restored to his family.
KrietM of tiie Kecent Illl.nr.l In Texan
and Colomito.
Four Worth, Tex., Mar. 18. The
snow and wind storm which has raged
several days from Wyoming to Central
Texas, has been exceedingly severe upon
live stock. In Southern Colorado the
loss of cattle and sheep will.be very great.
Thousands have been frozen to death in
New Mexico and Northern Texas. It is
estimated that 20,000 cattle eriBhed
along the line of the Denver, Texas &
Gulf road between Trinidad, Col., and
Fort Worth, and as many more north
and east of Trin dad. The storm, how
ever, has been the salvation of the wheat
crop in Northern Texas, which looks
finer than at any time during several
The Crew of a Steamer Are NeArly irrlveu.
to Cauulbalbiui.
PiiiNCKTOwN, Mass., Mar. 1!). A letter
from Captain Mcltitchie, of the schooner
Winnie Ijmrie, at Tarpaulin Cove, says:
"Five wteke ago I was in sight of land
off Delaware, and three weeks ago oft
New York, but each time was blown to
Bermuda. We got out of provisions four
weeks ago, and nearly starved. The
sailors became crazed with fever and
hunger, and planned to eat one of their
number. The last thing they got hold of
was my dog, eating every scrap of him,
and threatened to eat me next day, but
but next day we came across a
schooner and obtained food."
Uncle Sain Has Everything to tiolu and
Nothlug: to Lose hy the Mew Surrey.
Aboquehqi r, N. M.. Mar. 19. An
officer ot the United (States army, just
returned Irom a visit to the joint com
missioners determining the boundary be
tween the United States and Mexico
says, on authority, that Uncle Sam haa
everything to gain and nothing to lose.
Southern California, Arizona and New
Mexico will remain intact and possibly
many thousand acres of valuable land
will have to lie ceded by Mexico.
Ample Money on Uand to Meet All Obll.
Nkw Yohk, Mar. 19. Secretary Foster
this afternoon, in reference to a dispatch
from Washington to the effect that pay
ments of money are being withheld owing
to an exhaustion of the treasury surplus
and that there was clanger tbat the
$100,000,000 gold reserve would have to
be drawn on to tide over tbe present
emergency, said : "It is known that there
are ample funds to meet all obligations,
and the treasury is in a healthy condi
And aa a lleault the Price of Coat In F.n
gland Declines.
Iainuon, Mar. 21. The Nottingham
miners, numbering 23,000, resumed work
at the usual hour this morning, and as a
result tbe price of coal in the district has
declined three shillings per ton. Miners
in tbe other districts, excepting Durham,
have !so returned to work. Ninety-two
thousand men are still out in the Dur
ham districts.
: And Fire Men Loat Their Ll la the Es-
i plo.lon.
East Jordan, Mich., Mar. 21.-The
boiler ot the East Jordan mill exploded
i this morning, instantly killing Simon
i Carney, Peter Sheldon, John Brown,
j Bert (Took, Emanuel Hunt, and seriously
! injuring four others and more or less
badly hurting a score more. The mill is
i a total wreck. Loss $19,000.