Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, March 25, 1892, Image 2

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At th? reqwiit of frlomln. I hereby aimonnre
Al . , ' .M. .n..,... .,.r r-.iiiiniln.ioner. BiiMtM-t
com emloii. bxkh.
Having been lmportum d to run lor commit
loS"y.eir .".bject the detl.lou of the
republican w"' R N. Hardman
ihonrnent nolleitatlon of many friend", I
hereby minonliee niyselt ub a cftiididftte for reu
resentatlve, mibjert to the decleion of the repub
Mean nominating convention.
J. F . " ILLI8.
At the request of many friends, I announce
in)BeiI aS a IMUUluaiO lui tuc uu6, yAy
Throueh the solicitation of friends, I hereby
announce myself a candidate for the office of
assessor, subject to the decision of the county
democratic couveution, Apr. 14, WW.
1 nereuy Bnimuiimtr injBr,, an tn.,.... ....
countv Assessor, subject to the decision of the
T C. Aubrey respectfully asks the people of
the county for the auperlntendeucy.
Tillamook is to have electric liiihtH.
What's the mutter with Heppuer, now?
The seventh judicial distriot demo
crats will likely nominate Hon. Wm
Hughes for a member of the state board
of equalization.
Mh. J. N. Browu, a rising ynnnu lw
yer of turn cHy. Iin. at the nolicimtiriti n
friends', decided to lieomp cuinlid i
fin itiMi'i!:nlive, Hiihj. cl of einw, i,
the decision of the O'.uveutiuii lumorrow
An editor is a a man. He onu bear
more ridicule than any other man ulivi
or dead, and he never dies in a lunatii
atiylnni. There are many kinds of edi
tors rich, poor, bundsnnia, honnly.
long, short, kuock-knerded, piemi tned.
good, bad, iudiiT.reiit, biiuip-hiiokrd,
lazy, lousy, crnHS-eed, lying, and ever
oilier kind except tnnhftil, Wo helium
to the olasa that a poor and uuudsoiueC;').
GoosnHKimY, one of the imporlHnl
Boolio.,B o( Alorrow ooiluly, lias no ail
v.mlni'K at all in the UMitr of mull w
Vice. As baa been stated bi f"re in them
Ooluuins, Gooseberry (lo-shit reoeive I In
Heppuer papers till they are seven!)
hours old, suflloient time for the bt.
Louis or Omaha papers to reach Mor
row county. Such a atute of iiiiuirc
should not be allowed to exist longer,
being a great injustice to this vnluuble
and rapidly growing seolion, uh it i to
the whole county. Our interesia are
mutual; what aasuta one h.oalily uidn
the entire county, and therefore we
should all join together to remove tbia se
rious obstacle to the growth of our neigh
boring section. Let someone directly in
terested, start a petition iuiniediutely.
Tim horticultural committee to se
enre an exhibit to the World's Fair pro
dobcs to nut un during the coming sea
son at the rooms of the State lioard ol
Horticulture, at No. 79 Htark Htreet,
several hundred jars of fruit, molding all
varieties jrrown in the state; and all
fruit sent E. W. Allen at the above "ad
dress that shall be deemed worthy, will
be put up, and the name of the grower,
together with the name of the fruit and
any item of iutereat, will he placed upon
thejnr. The oouiuiittee, therefore, re-
quests every person in Oregou mini
woman or child interested iu having
this exhibit one that shall he a credit li
the slate, to render aid by every mesne
possible, bubaoriptions for money will
be received by any member of the
oommittee and can lie paid i.ny time be
fore October 1st. 18U2. Hut all BiibRcrip
tions should be made at once so that the
oommittee will know the amoiin'
which they will have to do with and
govern themselves aacoidingly. If it is
not oonvenieut lo see a member of the
oommittee personally, send your sub
scription to K W. Allen, 7U Stark Htreet,
Vorthind, and if you are not able to
end Ibe amount o your snimnription iu
cash, give your name, post otliue address
and the time wben you will pay it.
From the Uregoutan.
When we consider the inestimable
blessing of health and the horrore of
wasting disease and impaired vitality, we
must accord to Dr. Darrin the distin
guished honor that belongs only to the
noblest benefactors of our race, lly
this disoovery, which enables bim to
vitalize his medicines by moans of elec
tricity and to send the life-currents of
that great agent through the debilitated
frame, he allays pain, restores the
strength ami tiornl bloom of glorioiiH
health and the eluxtictity and jo.voiiHiioHB
of spirit that are lost when siitTcring
from disease of the organs or disar
rangement of the uervous centers. A
few iustances of cure wo give as a proof
positive of the superiority of electricity
over other mothods of cure.
Mr. Issao Wingard, Oentralia, Wash.
Asthma of eighteen years' standing, re
stored. Jos. Moore, St. Charles lintel Res
taurant, I'ortlaud l'olypua in the uohc
fifteen years, cured.
Miss Lucy .Mot an. Monmouth, Or
Crosi eye, Mruit;htened in one miiiiiie.
S. I. Whitmaii, Monmouth, Or. Deaf
ness and ringing noises in the ours,
twelve years, restored.
E. E. JoBlin, The Dalles, Or. Dis
charging ear twenty oue years, cured.
Dr. Darriu treats all curable private,
chrouio and nervous disoaaes, secret
blood and skin disemeH, sores aud swel
lings, uervous debility, impotence and
other weaknesses of manhood. He cor
rects the secret errors of youth and their
terrible effeots, loss of vitality, palpitn
tion of Ihe heait, loss of memory, de
pondency aud other troubles of mind
and body. Preveute consumption, heart
disease, softening of the bruin and spine,
insanity aud other atlltctious caused by
the errors, t loesses and diseases of boys
Bind meu. Ho restores ioat vmor and
manly powers, removes deformities aud
restores the organs to health. He a'so
oures diseases caused by mercury and
other poisonous drugs used iu the im
proper treatment of private diseases.
Oflloe 70; Washington street, Port
land, Or. Houia 10 a. m. to 8 p. tu.
daily. Elimination tree and contideu
tial, question blanks aud circulars sent
3 rat lb to any aodress; patients from a
istance cured at home alter oue visit at
the Doctor's uHice.
Their Machine Built By the
Waterous Engine Works.
The Members of Heppner's Company
An Effective Organization It
Has Been Tried.
The council's committee on tire and
water expect to fix the grades for side
walks iu the T. K Howard district of
Heppnsr, next Monday.
QUR READERS are perhaps aware
that Heppuer has organized a hooK
and ladder company, aud more, that the
organization is called Heppuer Hook &
Ladder Co., No. 1, but we doubt that
many of them have taken the trouble to
examine the apparatus with which
this company is equipped. It is there
fore the purpose of this article to fully
inform the people on this suhjeot, know
ing I hut growing towns adjacent will ere
j long desire to add like apparatus, and
I in buying, like everything else, the best
is none too good, but after perusing our
! description of the outfit purchased by
the Heppner oouuoil, we believe that
the most skeptical will conclude that it
is the most perfect aud efficient piece of
apparatus made for protection against
fire m towns where waterworks have not
been provided; and even in conjunction
with the powerful fire engine or hose
companv, the Waterous Hook and Lad
der outfit becomes a wonderful auxil
iary iu subduing the flames.
Heppner's outfit was purchased from
Messrs. Long and Scott, of Portland, rep
resenting the Waterous Engine Works
Co., and they should certainly feel
proud to be permitted to represent suob
elegant lines of fire machinery. And
too, in justice to these gentlemen, we
will say that every assertion, guarantee,
etc., regarding the effectiveness and du
rability of their lines, are as good as
Apropos the subject proper, we will
stale thut heretofore the only style of
hook and ladder track, available for the
use of the smaller cities and towns, has
been a plain wagon with a supply of
"jnckleg" ladders, wbioh had to be
taken off aud raised by hand, but we are
happy to say that this class of rigging,
like the old hand engine, is rapidly pass
ing out of date. However there are few
companies manufacturing really first
class apparatus for small towns. The
Waterous Engine Works Co , are the
only manufacturers who build a book
and ladder truck with a 40 ft. extension
ladder, on the city pattern, being a size
suitable for the use of smaller towns;
thut is to say, with screw power elevat
ing apparatus. Towns purchasing the
Waterous truck therefore have the
same advantages in bundling their lad
ders which the oity departments have.
The liberality of the Waterous people
in this respect iu putting the patent de
vioe upon their trucks for the small
towns without charging any royalty or
premium is duly appreciated, and re
sults in them receiving almost the en
tire trade of the smaller towns in their
The ''Waterous" truck is a model
of strength combined with the light
est possible weight, the gears being
A grade throughout, with full plat
form springs in front, half elleptio in
rear, the front wheels turning com
pletely under the truok. The entire
truck frame is made of steel tubing,
stayed and braced in such a manner as
to give it great stength. The ladders
are made of the finest fire ladder stock
and the equipment throughout is first
The Waterous people are old manufac
turers and make everything in the line
of fire apparatus, and of the whole they
recommend a well-equipped book and
ladder truck as the very best piece of
apparatus which any town cau purchase.
It has many advantages. With a full
equipment of eighty-two rubber buckets,
a great amount of water can be handled,
and with the screw power ladders and
the additional single ladders the water
can be made most available and handled
most rapidly and efficiently at a fire. In
addition to this an equipment of f ur
Babcock chemical extinguishers are a
very valuable adjunct. Furthermore the
pull down hooks, chain and ropes, pike
pules, fire axes, etc., all npon the truck
anil included in this equipment are most
serviceable in case of fire.
Heppner has all this apparatus, and
the benefits arising therefrom are not
spoken of in a theoretical sense only, for
but a few dnye ago at the bti-ning of the
Heppner school house, a practicul illus
tration of its workings was seen.
We find that since our city council
has purchased the new truok, our young
men have organized a fire company of
something like thirty active and sev
eral contributing members, and it is their j
intention to drill regularly with the
truck and become proficient in handling
it. Also in handling the ladders, buck- '
ets, Babcocks. and pull down hooks, drill-:
ing each man to his particular part of
the work. In our opinion this is a very
valuable feature, as organized and well
drilled effort is invaluable in case of fire. !
The provision of this fine piece of ap-
parittua will result in our town having a
well orgnnized aud thoroughly efficient
fire oompaoy whose services may prove
invaluable at any time.
There are a great many of these truoks
in use throughout the United States, and
Messrs. Long & Scott, who are the agents
for the entire Pacific ooast for the Water
ous Engitie Works Co., are receiving
numerous offers for them throughout
their territoryi,.
Our town it on the eve of putting in
waterworks for fire protection, and will
ere long give our people an opportunity
to vote on this important subject. When
this is aooomplisbed, which, knowing the
progressive oharacter of our citizens,
assures early consummation of the pro-
jeot, and with the splendid book and
ladder outfit, with auxiliaries already
mentioned, Henpner will be one of tbe
best proteoted towns in the Northwest.
The organization of the oompany baa
been effected but a few weoks, but is al
ready iu good working shape.
The ollioers are as follows: Geo. Con
ner, Pres.; A. A. Roberts, Vioo Pros ;
George Thornton, Seo'y; Frank Gilliam,
Trous.; Homer MoForland, Foreman;
, FirBt Asst.; W. B.
Potter, Second Asst. i'lie rank and file
are: T. 0. Aubrey. Otis Putlor.-jon. J. W.
Rasmus, A. W. Patterson, Chus. Royse,
L. D. Boyed, Henry Schsizingor, A. M.
Slocnm, L. W. llriggs, E. G. Sioeum.
Harry Ilayman, V. H. Thomt-s, E. II
.Slocum, E. P. Voruz, T. E Fell, E L.
Viieland, Jeff Hayes, Eugene Noble,
George Noble, T. J. Mullock and W. L.
Matlock. The contributing members
arc: Bon L. Lelnnd, Oregonia i Pub.
Co., John H. Hayes, Phill Cohu and
Henry Blnckman.
New members are constantly being
added, arid the
ranks will be full
enough in the coursj
of a few weeks.
At the meeting of the
ownpany on Thiirsdav niuhl of
last week, a constitution and liv-
laws were adopted, aud on Monday
eveninff. (it the reunlnr npaainn ,if tti.
town council, a oharter was grntoil to
Ihe oomnunv. This organization linn in it a
rnuka roprpHentiitive men of the town who nra Mrn
estly devoting their time for its welfare.
Mr. Leo Matlnnlc whh nlmnun nt tlia fi.immnw'o n..
. " - vviuu.uj a Liint UlCOLiUja;
as first assistant, but as he will shortly leave Heppner, bus resigned
mo pouiiiou, wuiou vaouuey uas not yet neon tilled.
Nothing has so much retarded the pro
gress of Eastern Oregon as the lack of
meauu for freight transportation to and
from that section. Aud while we are
urging Ihe merits of Morrow county and
Kitsteru Oregon for settlers, ill ill ho put
in a plea (or au open river, line it we
depend tipou oongreBs to aid us there
must he an Eastern Oregon man there
to look after these muttns. Tlie Onzetti
is convinced that congress is the bo.!)
from which we should expect aid, though
if it should oouie from the state, ver.i
well. If it be possible tu build u per
tage aloug the bunks of the Columbia on
iheOiegou side, our state could under
take the work and successfully o .rry it
to completion, but iuatuniiul) as thi
ll n ion 1'niMtlo has the right-of-way,
would deem it it a dinlciilt matter, for our
slate to build it on ttie Washingou side
would bo impossible. However, the Ga
zette has been of the opinion that the
state should do the work, and has so ex
pressed itself ou numerous occasions.
but it was not then aware of the ditli
cullies to be euoouutercd, if suah was
Our merchants are patronizing the
river as far as The Dalles, aud are sav
ing money thereby, and could the ob
structions be removed at Cehlo, ihe farm
ers would not have to pay Hindi enor
mous rates to get their wheat to market;
the merchant could sell cheaper. Iu
fact every body would be benefited.
II being generally conceded that oou-
gregs should do this work, naturally
leads every voter to cast around for the
rigid man to represeut them, aud in thi
extremity all eyes are turned un one
man, a man of the people, a man of abil
ity aud with a oleau record, Hou. W. R.
Settlers who filed timber-culture or
pre-emption claims ou railroad laud iu
1BNB or 18.H7 cau reouver their fees by
applying to Frank II. Snow, U. S. Com
missioner, at i.enugtou. Bung your
filing receipt 43e-tf.
J ANTKD More patrons (or my hotel. Nest
V rooms, a sp Ion. Itil tnl,le niiil living rittcs.
I'sliu-f Hotel, corner Miduainl May sheets.
Ileppner, Oregon.
sw Mlts. Mauoaiiut Von C.inow.
'IMIOSE who owenseltherliv turnout or note
I the same lieliijt ilue, lo co'me In and sellle
ill once We tire lu need oi money, hihI ex
pect Unit you w ill tu-coiiniiodute us as we have
you. lis w. KlliK A Havks.
"JMIOSK who tire interested iu the Klirht Mile
country nml Morrow eouutv to know (hat
we iiae h tew evlrti copies 'lel'l. liteii enli
be secured either si Oeo. Thornton's new stand
or hi Ihe Oiuelle olilee. Ii,vsv.
CMOIK to the I'nlnee otel liiiTi'iuTc'hHmpitt;iie
Cock l ui in. I'litiinpiijiiie ou tup. t'.y-sw
VII I lot ol (iooselierrv uuinhers of the (Ih
zette that oiiejit to lis sent away, fall in,
invest and help your eouulrv. swtf
MUS. J. N. KASMt'H wants the people to
know that she has opened a dressniskhiK
shop at t lie milliiierv store o( Miss Inez
Voruz. tllve her your work, ladies. till-sw
1H) "KNOW that 1.. "IV Hove.! is lleppner's
leHdliiitcontrnrtor and builder, (estimates
given ou oil kinds ol work. OlIKe at rest
deuce, Heppuer, Or. 71-sw.
4 WHConniRker. one-riu7hest loeHiiWsln
Morrow county. Must have a little capital.
Call oil or write Gazette oiliee tor particulars, sw
On The Heppner Furniture Co.'s ad. next
week for special bArains. Two car loads
of furniture are stored In our warehouse.
Look for prices next week.
' wood farm on Columbia river, Klickitat
Co., W ash., opioaiie Covote station C. 1'. K
R. Well improved, rich soil. Rood orchard inui
extensive slock ranue. Aii.ltvss
ell-7;. c. Hni.vroN, Portland, Or,
HAKNKSS-SIIOP, stock and tUlnrea. Hood
bimtuesB; established in the midst of a
Rood larmiiiR Ami slock-raisln eountrv.
Reason lor selling, waul to no on a tarm. Also
for side a roihI house an,) two lois w lth or with
out the business property. For further intorma
tton Address Lock liox No. j, Long Creek
Oregon. 71 tf w
Kuhl, the baker. Buy your bread and
cakes aud save money. Try it. a.
Hardware? Yes, at Gilliam Bis
bee's, Main St., Ileppner, Or. a.
See J. V. Cow ins for Hock Springs
coal. Leave orders at Uazette office, a
Minor Bros, are now selling Boor at
bed rook pnoes. For oath only. See
new ad. a
Corn Meal
HAVING purehawct tnnohtnery for gnndinK
Corn Meal, wo Invite all our patron to
hritip in tiu'ir corn aud get in return a superior
lo-tf. T. V. Ayrrs, Sr., Manager.
M. Lielitenthal A Co. have just re
ceived a flue lot of ladies' kid, button
and tie shoes. At bottom prices. a
For all kinds of artists' materials,
pniuta, oils, varnishes, studies, crayons
eio , go to S. 0. Smith's, May street.
The only full line iu town. 60-tf.
H. Blnckman k Co. have an exolus've
General Merchandise store. Stockmen
cannot do better than patronise H.
Blackman A Co., ot Heppner's Pioneer
Bnok. a.
In it for the year '92. No
Post Hay or Wooden Barley
here. All horses groomed
and fed in the proper man
ner. Feed for sale. Good
oorial and Freeoamp bonse.
Horses to hay 75o per span
per day. 'Bus runs to and
from trains night or day.
C C Sargent,
Maia itreet, . Heppner.
Flour Exchanged for Wheat.
T. W. AYERS, Sr., Manager.
It can see the Grand Rush for Bar
gains down at
W Smith & Williamson's
Successor to 8. C. Smith.
They have more room, more goods and consequently
More Business than Ever Before.
8-W tf.
Eub your peepers ;
Open wide each eye.
Hardware seekers,
.Bargain reapers
Now's the time to buy
Hardware, Stoves and Heaters.
Don't be backward in coming forward and don't fall over
yourselves in tbe rush. We are not robbers, eo we
won't hold you up, but don't let others hold you
down with their "trust."
Come in ! Come in ! for ire are in (lie swim by thunder.
Give us your putronaae and you will never go under.
A mil stock of Hardware, Tinn-nre, Proves, Pumps, GnR Pipe, Btenm Fixtures, Giuii
and Ammunition, Blacksmiths Conl, Iron and Bteel, Acrk-ulturnl Imple
ments, Wagons, Hacks, Buggies, Buck boards, Carts, Etc., Ktc,
(Oppoaite Falace Hotel,)
Saddles, Harness, Whips, Spurs, and every Conceivable
. Article kept in a FirBt Class Harness Shop.
Repairing; a Specialty !
tantly on
Go to their store for the Improved WHITE SEWING MACHINE. Warranted for
five years. Don't buy elsewhere till you examine their maobines and
get oash prices.
Spring Opening!
Ladies to my Spring Opening, Thursday,
ir o, ild'Jy Wd SaturdaV, March 24, 25 and 26
and wUL not fail to please. Don't fail to call.
Thompson Building, Main St., Heppner, Oregon.
72 74 sw..
New Warehouse !
"eppner a capacious warehouse and platform room.
He will soon be ready to receive the spring clip, and attend
to such other business as may be entrusted to bim. Having
been m this business at Arlington for some years, the public
uZsxp:.1.'..' -d " """"' " fo" -
New Warehouse,
Rock Springs Coal!
I will keep constantly on hand the rW
Screened Rock Springs Coal, which I will
deliver in any part of Heppner
At a Reasonable Price.
Leave your orders at the Gazette Office.
J. W. COWINS, Heppner, Or.