1 ': OFFICIAL s1"5'" PAPEK. TO REACH DT ADVERTISE New and Desirable I In The Semi-Weekly business, GAZETTE. NINTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 25, 1892. NO. 474. SEMI-WEEKLY GAZETTE. PUBLISHED Tuesdays and Fiidays BY fUE PATTERSON PUBLISHING COMPANY. ALVAH W. PATTE1180N Bub. Manager. OTIS PATTERSON Editor A 3.110 per year, 1.50 for six muuths, tl.GU for t tree luumns; ui advance. Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. I'M " EA-GeXjE, " of Long Creek, Orant County Oregon, iB published by the mime cora oany every Friday morning. Subscription iv"-)rice, f-iper year. Foradvertlsfngrates, address ' tXLXjXf X. PATTEESOiT, Editor and Manager, Long Creek, Oregon, or "Uazette," Heppner, Oregon. THIS PAPER is kept on file at E. C-, Pake's 1 Advertising Agency, HI and 65 Merchants Kxchangs, Ban 1 ranciBCO, California, where con tracts for advertising can be made for it. T7 C. PENTLAND, SECRETARY OF THE Oregon PreBB Association, JG ABh Street, between First and Second, Portland, Oregon, is our only agent located in that place. Advertis ers should consult him for rates and space in the Gazette. THE GAZETTE'S AG SNTS. Wagner B. A. Hunsaker Arlington, Henry llcmmcr Long Creek lhekjwle Uchb Bob Shaw Camas Prairie, .,scar,,1)?, Va!'1 MatteBon, Allen Mcjerrin Kve or H. C. Wright H'ardman, Or., ;;:,Ai AVVo,oi'iliy Hamilton, Grant Co., Or Mattie A. Kudio I0,le T. J. Carl Prairie City, Or R. R. McHaley Canyon City, Or., H. L. Pamsfi Pilot Kock, G. P. Skelton Dayville, Or., - il-H'.1! 8,V0W John Day. Or., Mctallum Athena, Or John Ellington Pendleton, Or., Wm. G. McCroskey Mount Vernou, Grant Co., Or., . ... Pos master Shelby, Or Miss Stella Mett Fox, Grant Co., Or J; vAlle" Eight Mile, Or Mrs. Andrew Ashbaugh Upper Rhea Creek B. F- Hevland Diliglas, Or Lone Kock, Or Jl,vM,'Jh",0" Gooseberry vwvp:,b,,1'deJ Condon, Oregon H.bert,fltt.1f,te.lld Lexington . B. McAllster AN AUBMT WANTED IN EVERY l'BECINCT. Union Pacific Railway-Local card. No. 10, mixed leaves Hepnner 8 a. m. ' :o. " ar. at Arlington ll itO a.m. " 9, ' leaves " 3:51 p. m. " , " ar. at Heppner tl:5U p. m. daily except Sunday. East bonnd, main line ar. at Arlington 8:50 p. m. West " ' " leaves " 4:'J0 p. in. Night trains are running on same time bb before. CANYON AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS. Stage leaves for Monument daily, vnce t Snndaj, at6:30 a. m." Arrivea-laily, except Monday, at 5:00 p.m. Direct connection am be made at Monunieut with the Long Creek stage. Dally stone between Long Creek and Canyon Cily, connecting at the hitter place with the Btage for Burns and Sil vies valley. .iovtmor ;,-?,-,Pl'5nS0r- See of State (,yvf'?Br,.,de- Treasurer Phil Metaohan. Supt. Instruction .E rf. McKlroy. fudge Seventh District W. L. lira; shaw District Attorney W. H. Wilson MOBltOW COUNTY. Joint Senator Henry Blackman. Kopresentati ve J A horn psou. i l.mntv J udge i-J?lSS Kral h'y- ' Commissioners J. A. ihompsou, H. M. Vaughn. Clerk J-'M?,rrSr " Sheriff v?e't, bl- " Treasurer J. W. Matliwk. Assessor J- J. Mct.ee. Surveyor C. B. Crane. - School Sup't W.L. Baling. Coroner James Daughorty. HEFPNEB TOWN OFFICERS. T.J.Matlock i'ounci'im'nn O. E. Farnsworth. M l.ichtenthal. Otis Patterson, S. P. (larriguee, Thos. uurgan and Frank liilliain. iteconier RJ! t Treaemer E. G-Slocum Marshal J. W. Rasmus. SECBET BOGIBTIES. Doric Lodge No. 20 K. of P. meets ev ery Tuesday evening at 7.80 o'clock in their Castle Hall, National Bank build ing. Sojourning brothers cordiallv iu--:.A .. u,,an,l Vmit. Vnnrtz. C. I',. 'T C. Aobbey. K. ofH. 4 8. tf RAWLINS POST, N J. 31. O. A. R. Meets at Lexington, Or., the last Saturday of each month. All veterans are invited to join. C. C. Boon, Geo. W. Smith. Adjutant, tf Commander. FSOrESSIOITAIi. A A. ROBERTS, Real Estate, Insnr ' ance and Collections. Office in Counoil Chambers, Heppner, Or. swtf. I. N. BROWN, JAS. D. HAMILTON. Attorney at Law. Brown & Hamilton, Practioe in all conrts of the state. Insurance, real estate collecti.in a'id loan asrsats. Prompt attention given to all business entrust ed to thorn. r, Opposite Gazette Office, Heppner. tf STARRETT'S Garden Seeds ! Have been used all over the Pacific North west (or the past 18 yean. None better. Few o good. Garden, Flower and Grass Seeds. Fresh! Purel Acclimated! Catalogue free Address, GEO. 8TAKRETT, 462-75. Walla Walla Wash. IjIBERTY Meat Market Keeps constantly on hand Fresh and Salt Meats, Fish and Poultry. Highest Cash PriM paid for all kinds of Fat Stock. SPRAT aippisi. OBSGO. m mis Are bavins their land business straight ened out and shaped np. How about yours? If not in satisfactory condition it would be a good plan to see about it at onoe. I am giving careful and ene getio attention to entries, final proofs, "railroad land" and all business relating to lands in Morrow oonnly FEANK H. SNOW, U. S. Commissioner, swtf. Lexiugtou, Or. From Terminal or Interior Points the Northern Parific RAI LEOAD ! Is the l'ue to take To all Points Eastand South. It is the Dinin(?Car Route. It rnns Through Veuti billed Train e every day in the year to St. Paul and Chicago (No Change of Cars) Composed of DINING CARS unsurpassed, TOLLMAN DRAWING ROOM SLEEPERS Of Latest Equipment Tourist Sleeping Cars Bent that can be constructed and in which ac coinniodatior.B art both iree and furnished for holders of first or second-class tickets, and Elegant Day Coachs. A Continuous Line connecting with all Lines, affording Direct Bad Uninter rupted Service. Pullman Sleeper Reservations can be Secured in advance through any agent of the road. THROUGH TICKETS Jo and from al poinu in Amenca, iliikib m and Europ can be purchased at any Ticket onice of this Company. Full information concerning rates, time of trains, routes and other details furnished on application to any agent, or A. D. CHABLTON, Assiatant Oeneral PaRsenirer Aaent. No. 121 First St., Cor. Washington, tf. PORTLAND OREGON QUICK TX3VT E TO San Francisco id all points in California, via the lit. tihasta route of the Southern Pacific Co. The great highway through California to all points East and South. Grand Bcentc Route of the Pacific Coast. Pullman Buffet Sleepers. Second-class Sleepers Attached to express trains, affording superior accommodations for second-class passengers. For rates, tickets, sleeping car reservations, etc., call upon or address R. KOEHLER, Manager, E. P. ROGER8, Asst. Geu. F. & P. Agt., Portland, Oregon. national Bank of Hepier. WM. PENLAND, ED. R BISHOP. President. Cashier. TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS COLLECTIONS Made on Favorable Terms. EXCHANGE BOUGHT & SOLD. HEPPNE& tf OREOOS. HELPLESS. bottles of ST. JACOBS Oil cured me. No return in 5 years. FRANCIS MAURER. Q "ALL RIGHT I ST. JACOBS OIL DID IT.' A Year's Subscription to a Pop ular Agricultural Paper GIVEN FREE TO OUR READERS By a special arrangement with the publishers we are prepared to furnish FEEE to each of our readers n year's subscription to the popular monthly agricultural journal, the American Fabmer, published at Springfield and Clevelhnd, Ohio. This offer is made to any of our sub scribers who will pay up all arrearages on subscription and one year in advance, and to any new subscribers who will pay one year In advance. The American Farmer enjoys a large national circula tion, and ranks among the leading agricultural papers. By this arrange ment it COSTS YOU NOTHING to re ceive the American Farmer for one year, It will be to your advantage to oail promptly. Sample copies can be s 'en at our office. FBEE TO THE BFFLIGTED. All who are suffering from the effectB of Youthful Errors, Loss of Manhood, Failing Powers, Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Strioture, Syphilis and the many troubles which are the effects of these terrible disorders will receive, Free of Charob. full directions how to treat and cure themselves at home by writing to the California Medical and Surgical In firmaht, 1ii20 Market Street, San Francisco. California. 465-ly. First National Bank OF HEPPNER, C. A, ItHEA, FKANK KKLLOOO, PreBidont. Vice-President. George W. Conser, Cashier. C. I. Levris, Ass't Cashier. Transacts a General Banking Business EXCHANGE On all parla of the world Bough t and Sold, Collections made at all points on Rea sonable Terms. Burrltis and Undivided profits, $23,527.10 The Original I elster's Unabridged DIGT10HHR Y - BY SPECIAL ARRANGEMENT WITH THE publishers, we are able to obtuin a nurnbtr of tf above book, and propose to furnish a copy to em-h of our subscribers. The dictionary Is a necessity In every home, school and business house. It tills a vacancy, and furnishes knowledge which no one hun dred other volumes of the choicest books could supply. Youngand old, educated and ignorant, rich and poor, should have it within reach, and refer to its conteuls every day In the year As some have aked if this Ib really the Orig inal Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, we are able to state we have learned direct from the publishers the fact, that this is the very work complete on which about forty of the best years ot the author's life were ho well employed in writing. It contains the entire vocabulary of about luO.fHiQ words, including the correct spell ing, derivation and detinition of same, and is the regular standard size, containing about :i00,000 square incheB of printed surfucc, and is bound lu cloth, half morocco and sheep. Until further notice we will furnish this valuable Dict;onary First To any new subscriber.. Second To any renewal subscriber. Third To any subscriber now in arrears who pays up and one year in advance, at the following prices, viz: Full Cloth bound, gilt side and back stamps marbled edges $i-oo. Half Mo occo, bound, gfilt side and back stamps, marbled edges, $1.50. Full Sheep bound, leather label, marked edges, $2.00 Fifty cents added in all cases for express age to Heppner. -As the publiihcrs limit the time and nunioer of books they will furniNh at the low prices, we advise all who desire to Mvail th'-in-lelves of this greatopportunity to attend to it at once. For Sale. The hotel beretofoie known ri the Mountain HotiHP, oil? block from FiM Khtional bank in Heppupr, Or. (,'un ttmi parlor, dininjr room, hnnna iuouj, kitchen nod 15 bed room"; all rooms fnrnitibed. For further partiaulum in qair9f 6ft-tf T. W. Atjcsu. Chicago, IIL I was confined to bed ; could not walk from lame back; suffered 5 months: doctors did not help; 2 TTtttTT Mil, Hems or in Pain From some lone standing ailment, or feel that yom constitution (nervous system) is failing, or that some affliction his taken, or is taking, permanent hold ol yon, whioh you have been, and aro still, unable to throw off or control, whether in the first or last stuge remember that Dr. Gregg's ELECTRIC BELTS And Appliances. and system of home treatment will cure you. No medical or othermodeof electric treatment can at all compare with them. Thousands of women who stiii'er for years with complaints peculiar to sex. have been completely and per manently restored to health. No fewer men have also been cured. Electric treatment for diseases suggested, pro perly applied, is perfect and has 110 good substi tute. The Gregg Elentrie Pelt and Appliances are the only ones in existence that supply a perfect mode of application. The Gregg Eh-ctric Foot Warmer, pvice f 1.00. keeps the feet warm and -dry and is the only genuine Electric Insole. People who have paid thoir money and been cured can tell you what has been done for them in a way that will convince you. Complete cat alogue of testimonials, p.,i,o, etc., tie. Circular free. BIG INDUCEMENTS TO MOD AGENTS, Addrafi THE GEEGG P.USCTSVrV? ODKE CO. 501 Inter aeraMuild pOblicaijo. 111. forest Grove Poultry Yards. ESTABLISHED IN 1877. Wyandottes, Plymouth Rooks, Liubt Braninhs, Rose and Single Oomb Brown Lejihorns, Partridge Cochins, Hondans and Sil ver Spangled Hambnrgs. 1.000 mu FOWLS Ready for Delivery. BOOK YOUR ORDERS FOR CHOICE SELECTIONS. fl9ftwM9Sip!). In America, and are the best on thiscoant by a great difference. I GUARANT E SATISFACTION TO EVEHY CUSTOMER. Send for Catalogue. Address J. M. GARRISON, Box 55. com.396. Forest Grove, Or S. P. FLORENCE, STOCKRAISER ! HEPPNER, OREGON. Cfit'le hrandptland earmarked aa shown above. Horaes K on riht shoulder. Mv cattle raiiKe in Mnrrow and Umatilla coun ties. I will pay $lt0l for the arrHHt and con viction of any pursun htealiiig my stock. II i i Grippe ClJ 11 K D By using S. B. Headache and Liv er Cure find S. B, Cough Cure ns directed for colds. Thev were SUCCESSFULLY used two years ago during the La Grip epidemic, and very flattering testimonials of their power over that disease are at hand. Slice 75 & 50 Ctj. fit C&ittk. For ale hy Bloi-um- Johnston DrtiK f,'o, ,jre;;,ner At AhrahnrriKicl.'s. In addition to his tailoring ImHirifHS, he ha added a fine line of nnd"rw( ar ol all !'iniin, f-tfiiMf. shirtn, hosiery, etc. Aleo has on I -and otce eleeant patterns or suits. A. Abrahamsick. May treet, Heppner, Or. 3 1 ALLIANCP; COLUMN STATE ORGANIZATION. The Plan Adopted By the Alliance at Their Recent Meeting at Oregon City. The plan ot organization adopted is as follows: Eaoh precinct organization to have permanent executive committee of five, which oommittee to select one of its number who is to act as a member of the county central committee. Each oounty central committee to be composed ot one member from each precinot or ward. They will Belect at a regular meeting five of their number to constitute thejexecu- tive oommittee of said county central committee, the present three delegates at large to hold over until next reorgan ization. The state central committee shall be composed of three members, who are on the national executive committee, and of one member from each county executive oommittee. The state execu tive oommittee shall consist of five mem bers of the state central committee, who are to have charge of the affairs of the people's party, unless the same is assured by the entire central committee. The state executive committee is to direct the actions of those elected to office, in ac cordance with the generally prevailing wishes of the members of the people's party throughout the state, or using its own judgment in cases when their are no speoial preferences on the part ot the membership at large. During sessions of the legislature, the state executive committee shall establish headquarters at Salem and direct the action ot the members of the legislature, eachot whom is to be pledged to abide by the deoiaion of the committee. And so are auy and all accepting a nomination from the peo ple's party pledged to abide by the de cision of the slate executive oommittee on all politioal matters affecting the honor of the party and the interests of the oitizens. The committee whenever and wher ever possible sLiull consist of one dele gate from each county, appointed by the oliair, unless otherwise divided oy the body when in session. Each preoiuot exeoutive committee to oompile a list of voters of its respective preoincts, a oopy of whioh is to be transmitted to the county exeoutive oommittee and one to the state executive committee, the list to give the postolliaa address and party af filiations, if any. On election days, the committee in each preoiuot is to be at the voting place, and try to impress each voter with the importance of the occa sion and use all honorable means to get such votes favorably iuolined to the oause of the people by supporting ilB candidates. RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED. The following resolutions were adopted: Resolved, Tunt we adopt the referen dum and initiative, to-wil: That all laws -ttiall be submitted to the people for re jeotion or approval, and that the people iliull have un equal right with the legis lator, s and congress to initiate measures for enactment into law, and that they shall have the right to recall their legis lators and congressmen for cause. Resolved, That our 9,000,000 farm moitgages, the condition of the thou sands of unen-ployed and of the world's starving millions shall be to ns both a warning and a spur to uutiriug, uuitcd aotion. VVhekbas, This convention is com posed ot wealth producers; therefore, be it Resolved, Tbnt we recognize in the money power of the world the common enemy of all wealth producers, regard less of nationality; that we recognize the universal brotherhood of bumanity and extend our hearty sympathy to the down trodden masses of every nation in their struggle for better conditions. Resolved, That we demand a law pro uitnting the confirmation of mortgage sules, unless such sale shall equal till per cent ot the assessed. A resolution thanking the people of Oregon City for their hospitality and the officers of the convention for their earn est work, was passed, and the conven rion adjourned. Dlhll March Ulti, tliuiiiluiitHou of bueneand hiirah MuttcNon, ugca lu nioiittiK and 2 duB, The little fellow had been ill for nearly six weeks, and the parents and relations thought for a wbile that he was improv ing. But the ohange was only for the worse. Tbe remains was followed to the Rhea Creek cemetery by a host of sor rowing relatives, where it was quietly laid to rest. Tbe bereaved parents have the deep symputiiy of the entire neigh borhood. Little Clarence is gone: His darling voice is stilled ; A vacant place tsin our homy Tliat never can be filled. Yet again we hope to meet thee When the day of life is Bed, And In heaven with Joy to greet thee, Where uo farewell tear is shed. J. N. II. Her Kce Her Fortune, Is commonly said of famous beauties. She who uses with artistio taste Wis dom's Famous Robertine has fortune in the posseHsing of a complexion to which nothing but the hluhb ot the rose or the frestineisB of the lily can be compared. Tins preparation ia juat what it is claimed to be the most delightful toilet article and the only perfect bemi lifier known. Rend the tentim'-nifiln fr.iin fumoiiH ariiH'es, celebrated clieiu iiita and eminent phynicinns. Ihe Oazetti i-lioti h'.H some sample Anj-tmliitu bulbils, from fmli.ina, but as tlx y are o ilillerent fiom these used here, have little value, but are curiosi ties, at any rute. ARLINGTON MaTTKRS. The demoorats will hold their primary April 2nd. J. W. Smith made a flying trip to The Dalles Friday. Pay oar No. 12 was a welcome visitor at the depot Monday. We understand that a joint stock com pany has been formed, whose object is to operate a ferry between the Washington and Oregon side. The republican nominee for justice of tbe peaoeisW. O. Zeialer, who was far ahead of any of his opponents. It would have been difficult to have selected a better man for J. P. Tbe republicans held their primary in the Rodkey hall, and the following were appointed to represent their party at the forthcoming convention at Condon: A. B. Vaughn, J. A. Thomas, L. A. Ralston and three others, whose names I did not get. The body of John Jordan, Jr., arrived hare from Monmouth early Saturday morning acoompanied by the grief stricken family, and whs interred at Lex ington Briday. The deoeased was well and favorably known here, baviug long been a resident. Ilia untimely end de prives a heart-broken mother of a duti ful son, the sorrowing father of his right hand man, the brother and eistcr a willing helpmate, and bis classmates a faithful comrade. Deceased would have been 19 years old April 6th. Friday night a gale of unparalleled severity struck the town, blowing the sand from the adjacent hills in a solid phalanx. It wns impossible for a few minutes to see across the street. The U'Uuoky mortal who was compelled to face it went home feeling gritty. The orly damage doue was the washing awny of the ferry wharf on tbe Washington side from its position. However, it did uot succeed in losing itself, as the ferry boat, Alkali, was attaohed to it, and Ed. Wilson was on board, preparing to bed, and seeing the state of affairs, he tired up with a bucket ot pitch and soon had 80 pounds of steam pressure, and alter considerable difficulty, in great peril of being swamped by the torn tic waves, he managed to strike tbe Oregon sideband with the assistance ot several of our oit izens, seoured the boat and wharf. The speoial eleotion held for the pur pose of ascertaining the wishes of the people regarding the question nt issuing bonds to tne imiinint of $10,000 for tbe purchase of water works and eleotrio lights was deoided favorably. (iOOSEBKKRV ITEMS. We are having fine weather. Stock ot all kinds are getting fat. Mr. McGonagill's band ot ewes begau dropping lambs on the 15th iust. Many of our farmers hove sowu from 100 to 200 acres of spring grain, in addi tion to their fall-sown orops. One of the reasons why our people are happy is that they are free from debt, which alone speaks well for Gooseberry. We don't bear any one complaining of hard times. This snotion, as well ns other parts of Enstern Oregou is sadly in need of better public roads. Too mauy farmers devote nearly all of their time to planting large crops, not thinking about the enormous expense incurred in marketii g their grain, whioh oould be muterially re duced by a little work being done on the roads at the light time and places. It is well known that a team can draw from one-fourth to one-third more over a good road than an inferior one. We should have better mail service, ns it takes about 70 hours for mail sent from Heppner to reach its destination at this place, a distance of 20 miles. So, if we would unite in sending a vigorous kick to the postal department at Wash ington, we might expect some better treatment at the hunda of the department, hut so long us we wait for some one else to do the complaining, we can do with out our mull until it has become stale. Old Baoiiklob. MONMOUTH O. 8. N. S. NOTES. Weuther, fine. Miss Patberg, from lthea creek, is im proving. The cadets will get the stnte gnns in about a week, with which to drill. The district, institute commences Tues day, March 2!l, and lasts three days. Tbe faculty is oonstnntlv adding new apparatus, and have ou hand about SHOO to be expended fur this purpose. A summer term of four weeks com mences July 18th, for the purpose of im proving the teachers' cause. The same faculty has been reinstated, with the addition of Prof, (ietz, formerly from tbe Alillersville Normal Hchool, of Philadelphia, and two regular assistants will be added. The Library Association will give an entertainment April 3d. Three prizes will be given to the societies which render the best essay or recitation, Mr. John Jordan, of Arlington, who was attending school hero, died Thurs day. Mr. Jordan was one whom all liked. His remauiB was removed to his former home. XX The PruiBVille stage was neiu up re oently by fix masked men. John Miller, the driver, did what any other man would have doue with six pistols in his face stopped short till ordered to go on. Ah Doon, a Chinaman, was the object of their wrath, culling off bis cue and oth erwise maltreating him. He wusordeied to leave tbe country. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report AEVSOUiTELY PURE BLlfE RIVER JOTTINGS. Ed. Gazktte I seize the opportunity and take advantage of spare moments to write a few items to your most valuable paper. One would scarce expect much news from this out-of-the-way place, al though the sound of a sledge or the hum of a saw are every day events. The wood choppers have finished tha contract for James Young. Enoch Cove is making several thou sand pickets and clapboards for Iku Large. Mr. Large baa the nicest plaoe ou upper Hhoa creek, and from the im provements he is making one would nat urally stii'pose that he expects to remain here for many years. The lambing season is close at hand, and we are informed that Hardy Long and Milt Brown have come nobly to the front and announced themselves as ex perienced hands, and will assist Jim Hayes during tbe campaign. We hear that Mr. J. J. Roberts, of Heppner, is mentioned as a oandidate on the democratic ticket for assessor. Mr. Roberts is well acquainted in the oounty and is a man that iB willing to earn big living by honest industry, and is well qualified for the office. If he is nomi nated Matteson precinct will give him a large majority. The people in this section are most through putting in their otops. Planting gardens will be the next thing in order. Tamakaok. Blub River, March 20, '92. Specimen Cases. S H. Clifford, New Cassel, Wis., was troubled with neuralgia and rheumatism, his stomach was disordered, his ltVer was affected to an alarming degree ap petite fell ttwoy, and he was terribly re duced in health and strength. Three bottles of Electric Bitters oured him. Edward Hhepherd, Hnrrisburg, 111., hud a running sore on bis leg of eight years' standing. Used three bottles of Electric Bitters and seven boxes Buok len's Arnica Salve, and his leg is Bound and well. John Speaker, Catawba, O , had five large fever sores on bis leg, doctors said he was incurable. One bot tle of Electrio Bitters and one box Bucklen's Aruioa Sulve cured him en tirely. Kold by Hlooum-Johnson Drug Co. UPPER KHEA CREEK. M. Fied Thomas is busy chopping wood at present. Mr. Wm. Penland dipped a band of sheep lust week. Mr. Lunes Penland waB in our part of the country last Saturday. Mr. Luther Hamilton was in our neighborhood lust Monday. . Mr. B. P. Hevlnnd has been riving some shakes for two or three days. Mr. Leander Copple made a flying trip to our part of the country the other day. Misses Nettie and Bertha Copple were visiting in our neighborhood last Sunday. We understand that Mr. John Zol linger is going to move baok on his ranch in a short time. There are a couple of men in our neighborhood who have been studying grammar, but I am afraid that they wou't be very successful. Maroh 14, 1892. 0. H. Itnckleu's Arnica Hulvr. The best sulve in tbe world for cuts, bruises, sores, uloers salt rneum, fever aores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and nil skin eruptions, and posi tively oures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Slooum-JohnBtoa Drug Co, A Warning- Don't Use Big Words. Ill promulgating esoteric cogitations or articulating superficial sentimentalities and philosophical or psychological ob servations, beware of plutitudiuons pon derosity. Let your statements possess a clarified conciseness, compacted nompre bensibleness, ooalescent consistency and a concentrated cogency, Esohew all conglomerations of flatulent garrulity, jejune babblement add asinine affeota tious. In trying to impresB upon others tl.e superiority of the Wisconsin Central Lines, and why yon and bo manv others use this thoroughfare from ht. Paul and Minneapolis and Dnluth and Aihland to Milwaukee, Chicago and points east and south, it is not necessurv to use jaw breakeiB. Let your extern poraneoua dusoantings and unpremeditated expa tiutions have intelligibility and vera cious vivaoity, witbout rhodnraoutade or thrasonical bombast. Sedulously avoid all polysyllabic profundity, psittuoeous vacuity, yentriloqual verbosity and vandiloqiient vapidity, shun double en tendrcs, prurient jocosity and pestiferous profanity, ohaenrent or apparent. In other words talk plainly, naturally, sen sibly and truthfully say the Wisconsin Central Lines is Tim Itourrc, and that ends it. -hi5tf. Why is tn president ot the United States like a working suit? Because he's over all., J. M. Haling and J 11. Ingraham, of Eight Mils, favored our office with a call yesterday. Our now sign, a reproduction of the Gazette's heading, adorns our front. It aNo states where you can procure first class job and book work.