SEMI-WEEKLY GAZETTE Here and There. f horn Ion's. "The People," They must be respected. T. W. Ayers, Jr., for drugs. G8-75 68 i Lod Mitrkhani called yesterday. Joe Vay speut Sunday iu Heppner. 0. B. Cute was in Monday from Lena. Wheat Flakes at P. 0. Thompson Com pany's. 71-73 O. H. Dougherty was in Monday from Vinson, Minor Bros, keep Spray Bros.' hams, bocon and lard. 60-tf. Hon. W. B. Ellis got in from below Saturday nigbt. 0. A. Rbea reports lambing in progress among bis tiocks. We acknowledge a call from Frank Snow Wednesday. Flor de Madrid and Gen. Arthur cigars lit Tboi utou's. 68-75 Mastiff and Sterling plug cut smoking tobacco at Thornton's. 68-75 Spray Bros, pay the top price for all kinds of bides and furs. 68 tf Daily stage both ways between Monu ment and Long Creek. tf. Mrs. J. J. Roberts is prepared to do all kiods of plain sewing. 65-tt Nicest bams, breakfast bacon and fresh lard at Spray Bro. 90. tf. When iu Arlington, stop at the Ben nett bouseiiear the depot. 61-tf Full report of Lexington's stallion show will appear next issue. John W. Doak is just convalescing from an attack of pneumonia. Jas. Peters, the D. P. road-master, was in Heppner Tuesday of last week. Andrew Reaney, of Lexington, says there are good prospects for crops. Towns. Mathews reports grass luxuri ent out in the Alpine neighborhood. H. M. Thornton reports lambing in progress at bis possessions, near lone. Wall paper, notions, patent medicines, drugs, chemicals, etc , go to Ayers. 88sw You can send for Bny newspaper pub Mention or magazine at Thornton's. 68 76 Mr. E. S. Saling, of Sand Hollow, has planted an orchaid of 200 trees this season. Mi s Inez and Emil Voruz expect the arrival of their sibter from Kansas this evening. Carload screened Cumberland black smith coal at P. 0. Thompson Com pany's. 71-73 Hon. W. F. Matlock spent Wednesday of last week iu Heppner, on his way to Portland. Joe - Williams is reported better, though be is still in the Good Suraaritan hospital. Jobn Kenny and P. C. Thompson re port some snow in the edge of the timber Monday. Don't let your beef hides spoil on the fence. Spray Bros, will pay you the oaeb for them. C8 tf E. S. Frieliind has returned to Hepp ner to aocept a position with Brown & Hamilton. Miss Maceis Rea came up Shturdav from a visit to Mr. and Mrs. O'Brien, of Willows. Roy McAlister, J. T. Yaunt and Dr. Palmer were up from Lexington Wednes day of last week. Imported Iron Clad Granit, the best cooking utensils made, at P. C. Thomp son Company's. 71-73 W. B. Johnson, representing Riggon & Holbrook, the real estate men of Port land, is in the city. Dr. J. P. Grant, representing his 0. W. R. remedies, arrived lant eve for a tour of the interior. M E. Smith and T. J. Carle came up Saturday eve to atlend Heppner Lodge, No. 69. A. F. & A. M. Hap tiimons & Son still shoe boraes and do general blacksmithing at the old stand, Matiock corner. 55. "The Parlor," W. F. Ruark, prop., in the City hotel, west side of Main street. Neatest place in Heppner. sw Mr. Jas. Rnyse, of Idea, reports crop ping about over in that vicinity and that range is getting first class. Friday's edition will be six pages, two pages being devoted entirely to tele graphic Bnd foreign news matter. Mike Fitzgerald is still looking after Allen Evans' sheep in the ueiiihborhood of Ella, where tbey are doing well. Call on Lisbe Sperry, down at the Belvedere, when in town. Keeps on hand a fine Btock of liquors and cigars. 61-tt F. M. Pickard has taken his old pluoe in Gilliam & Bisbee's tiuahop. Mr. Pickaid is a oompetent workman in every respect. Remember that we are yet charging but $2 a year for ten pages of reading matter weekly. All the latest looal and tele graphic! news. We have some fine samples of Angora goat hair for inspection of the public It is called "mohair" and is the chief pro duct of Turkey. We are under obligations to the pop ular school teaoher, Mr. J. F. Davis, for copies of the Woodburn Independent and Silverton Appeal. Frank Elder ard Harry Warren re tnrned Saturday from Portland, the lat ter accepting a position as bookkeeper with Minor Bros. Dr. Vanghan, Mrs. A. M Sloouni sod Miss Stella Webb were passengers on Saturday's up train. The doctor is al most himself again. The calico ball Thursday evening was not na oreat a success as former ocoasions of the kind, thoogh all present had a very pleasent time. The primaries Saturday . were con ducted without the least jar or conten tion, and tne convention Saturday prom ises to be fully as peaceful. Mi Mizo-ie Hartley oame up Satur- 1v fmm east of Lexineton, where sbe had been visiting her Bisters, Mesdamee ErneBt and Cbaa. BeneHel. Newer and neater quarters at the Palace Hotel's north business room. Charley Jones, the baher, wants to Bee bis old friends there, cams iu uouueu tion. L. H. McMahon, editor of the Wood burn Independent, had a Bhootingscrape with bis oousin at Portland last Thurs day, in which the latter was shot in tbe bead, but not seriously. Tbe Niles-Vinson Marble Works, of Walla Walla, made a shipment of nion omenta to Dayton this week whiob was the largest ever reoeived there in a single shipmeut. Dayton Inlander. FrarroiB A. Jackson, P.iley Bickmore Our Lexington edition will onntainjand John C. McAlister arrived from Urge ads. of prominent business men of Maine Saturday Mr. - MoAlusler is a Morrow county, and particularly of Lex-' oousiu ol Ld. Day. We are apprised ington. Tbey realize that this is tbe that tbey wiil all locate here, golden opportunity to got before the 0jPd At Monmouth. Thursday last, people. I of pneum'iuia, John Jord m, Jr., aged 20 Recently tbe Gazette was asked to ! years. He was the son of John Jordan publish the platform of the , eople's ! who formerly kept the Jordan house at ' i... ..,k-. f n. ,ii,ia reunion! Arlinaton. but who of late baa resided 10 in this county and since then have re- wived a s.mi lar P. t from Umatilla Snnty wT publish both letter and platform in the Allianoe Column. II PEOPLE'S PARTY. I' he Oregon City State Convention Selects a Full Ticket. ION. G. C. LUCE NOMINATED FOR CONGRESS. Every tiling Passed Off Harnioniously-E. P. Sil'.e Nominated for Prosecuting Attorney fcovenih Judicial ilistViet. The People's Party met in state con vention at Oregon City last week with a splendid representation from all sections. The nominations are: For congress, second district, John C. Luce, of John Day; for supreme judge, Mr. D. Wright; distriot judges, first district, Ira Wake field, of Jackson; G. K. Edmunds, second distriot; J. F. Hendrix, third distriot; fourth district, 1). Priestly for civil judge and M. F. Currin criminal judge; tilth district, J. 0. Arcbbold; sixth dis trict, Wm. Guun; seventh district, J. F. Amis. GALVANI commended. Nominations for distriot attorneys were made us follows: hirst district. W. G. Edwards; second district, 8. M. Stal uuker; third distriot, E. H. Denton; fourth district, D. W. Butler; fiith dis trict, W. H. Walker; sixth district, Ger ald Griffith; seventh diBtriot, E. P. Sine, of Lexington. M. V. Roork introduced the following resolution at this point, and it was unanimously adopted: Hesolved, That this convention ex presses its hearty appreciation of tbe efhoient labor of Chairman Galvani, J. F. Bendrix and N. Pierce, in organizing the people's party of Oregon, and in se curing tbe splendid suooess of the con vention. We would especially commend Mr. Galvani as a most earnest, success ful and self sacrificing reformer. J. O. Arohbold, of Hillsboro, tele graphed bis deolination as judge of the tilth district and H, B. Luce was sub stituted. An appeal was made in behalf of the Reform Joirual and the bat passed for donations. The following persons were chosen presidential electors: N. Pierce, W. H. Galvani, VV. G. Burleigh and S. H. Holt. Delegates o tbe na tional convention were elected as fol lows : J. Green, Mrs. S. H. Keenan, W. Hoffman, Joseph Waldrop, W. A. Sam pie, Juhu Bryant, Carl flipper and J. W. Marksburg The following are the nom inees for the board of equalization, by districts: First, S. H. Hoit; seoond, F. M, Nuswauder; third, Charles Miller; fourth, W. H. IWbrook; fifth, E. C. Hamilton; sixth, 0. D. Hotlmau; sev enth, Clark H. Allen. The convention decided not to nomi nate an attorney general until 1894. The convention claims Coos, Jackson aud Josephine counties as sure for the peo ple's ticket, with possibly Lane and Liuu. vl. V. Uoork informed the oorrespondeut that he should have to renigii as the nominee for congress foi the first dis trict. This will probably result in plac ing H. H. Holt "u the ticket. In Friday's issue we will give the plan of organizxtion, etc., of the people's party of Oregon. PIUD In Heppner, Saturday, Hull iliBt, at 8:10 a. in.. Ida Bell, wife of kev. K. L. Smith. Das- tor of the Methodist Episcopal church, of this city. She was the daughter of S. A. and Azubah White, and was born in Bach- town, III, July 2, 1870; was married tu Kev. K. L. Smith Sept. 12, 1889. She came to Heppner with her husband about six montus ago, anu lor several months past has not been in very good health, but none of her mauy friends thought her illness would prove fatal, aud the sad news was quite a shock to them. Though living here so short a time, Mrs. Smith made mauy friends by her kind, gentle manners, and mauj tears of sympathy were shed by sorrow ing ones, bhe was a true Uhnstian. trusting fully in her Savior, aud died with a smile on her faoe, iu token of per. lect peaoe. A short funeral service was held at tbe church at 11 a. m., Sunday, coud opted by liev. P. M. Bell, paster 01 the M. E. churoh, South. Two small children are left with the husband to mourn this loss. The re mains were taken to the former home ol the deceased for interment Mr. Smith is followed iu his sad journey by the sympathies of the people of Heppner, among whom he labored Eaitlif ully. a. Ben French got over from Alba Fri day. J. N. Brown got in today from Canyon City. H. Hirschberg, of Independence, is in the city. Eggs wanted at P. C. Thompson Com pany s. II-10 Jobn Day's Chinatown was more than half destroyed by fire recently. Call and settle your aocount at P. C. Thompsons Company's. 71-73 Some snow fell in Black Horse, near Wm. Barton's place last Friday. Just received at T. W. Ayers' Jr., a well selected stook of wall paper. 73a w R. C. Wills and family spent Friday in Heppner, returning to lone Saturday. E. W. and C. Beneflel oalled Monday while np from their possessions near Lexington. Wanted 10,000 sheep pelts at Spray Bros.' meat market, 68 tf One of Mrs. Basey's little boys cut bis bund severely with a piece of glass last week. We are up with the times at P. C. Thompson Company's. 71-73 Prepared Mince Meat at cost at P. C. Thompson Company's. 71-73 - Mrs. M.B.Potter is visiting her chil dren here, Mesdames Homer and Frank McFarlaod. E. O. : Thos. Scott, postmaster of Al pine, Morrow county, has been acquitted of all charges. Hon. T. J. Matlock went below Satur day to visit his son, Jas., who is improv ing rapidly at the Good Samaritan hos pital. J. C. Armstrong, of Alpine, has pur ceased a half interest iu tbe furniture aud agricultural business of N. A. Leach, of Lexington. Miss Lydda Padberg is seriously sick of diphtheria at Monmuutb, her father, Henry Padberg, being called there in oonsequence. G. E. Yerger, of the American Histori cal Pub. Co, was in town over night. Mr. Yttger is a Southerner and, of court e, a royal good fellow. Hon. John C. Luce and daughter were in Heppner over Sunday. Mr. Luce has the honor of beinu the alliance candi- i date for congress in the seoond district. i Monmouth. Tbe deceased was ettend - , ing school at Monmouth at the time he . taken ill. Tha .nterment occarred I Snnday it tb. Lexington cemetery. Babies' Dat. On Thursday of eaeh week will be "babies' day" at Danner'a gallery. Bring along your babies Bnd i have their pictures taken, and you. will I get one rhoto free of charge. 58tf Plain Sewinu. The LadieB' Guild are prepared to do plain sewing at the house as a body, or the members will take the same to their hoove. Apply to President Mrs. W.J. Leezer. C8-tf. Pranks or the Oregon House Ed Day was thrown front a,"bucking cayuso" last Saturday, falling on rocks, and was j tired considerably. Also reports that bis team ran away Sunday with his hired man, demolishing the wagon. Eight Mile Primary. Tbe following are tbe republican delegates from Eight Mile: Peter Brenner, j. S. Younv, A H. Hooker and Ed. Rood. J. L. Bcymer was chairman of the meeting, and we learn that it was quite a harmonious gathering. The New School House. At the school meeting today it was decided that the directors be authorized to coutract an indebtedness not toexoeed the sura of $8,000 for fie purpose of building eohool bouse and purchasing grounds upon which to locate same, the echoed bouse, grounds and furniture to cost not to ex ceed $12,000. Caught at Last. Sheriff Noble started Monday for Grants Pass, where the authorities are holding Wes. Key, who, while under indictment for horse steal ing, jumped his bondsmen. Wes is a slippery duck, and will hardly get bail aenin when returned to Morrow oounty's jail. Later. Mr. Noble arrived last evening with his man. Lexington's Primary. Lexington's republicans met last Saturday shortly after 1 :30 at the school bouse to hold their primaries. J. S. Boothby was ohosen chairman of the meeting. After short but pointed speeobes by those present, tbe following were chosen del egates: C. N. Peck, John Carmiohael, J. S. Boothby and E. D. Palmer. The gath ering was quite harmonious in every respect. Other Prei'incts Heard From. lone seleots tbe following as delegates to tbe convention next Saturday: Paul Reit man, H. -M. Thornton nnd A. W. lial lifer. Leua A. J. Cook and Jerry Bros. oan. Drv Fork N. R. MoVey and Frank Holmes. Alpine A. G. Barthol omew and A. Andrews. Dairy Jas. Koyse, Ed, Cox, Geo. Robinson, Jas. Wyland and W. E. Kahler. Ella-lBa Brown and G. W. Lord. Skriously Injured. Dr. Gageu was called out to Butter creek last nigbt to attend Geo. Beard, brotber-in-law of Geo Vincent, who was seriously injured in a runaway last evening, caused by the "king bolt" dropping out of tbe wagon bolster, allowing tbe vehicle to uncouple. scaring the horses and oausing them to run. Dr. Gagen found that be hail bus tained a fracture of the upper jBW. be sides severe outs on his lower lip and ear He was senseless for some time, and in all had a narrow esoape. Fink Timrer. Perhaps, the best tim. ber growing in the Blue mountains can be found ou Rock creek, in the vioinity of Will Mallnry'a saw-mill. This class of timber Mr. Mallory is using in making lumber which he delivering in Hepp nei all tbe way from $15 to 830 per thousand feet, depending on tbe quality, and whether desired rough or dressed. The same oan be bought at the mill at prioes ranging from $8 to 825 per thous and. He has a general assortment on band at present, and is sure to sntisfy customers. 427-tf. Primaries in Heitner. H ppner precinct republicans met at the court house last Saturday afternoon, eleoting A. W. Patterson chairman of tbe meet ing and Geo. Thornton secretary. S. P. Garngues, Geo Conser, T. It. Howard, V. W. Ayers, Jr., and Frank Gilliam were seleoted as delegutea. The meet ing in Mount Vernon precinct was held at tbe engine house, with A. M. Gtinn chairman and T. C. Aubrey secretary. F. J. Hallook, Stephen Lnlande and Dan Horner were elected delegates with one vote each and M. Beaman, T. E Fell, W. P. Dutton and M. Liohtenthal eaoh a half vote. The meeting in Gentry was held at tbe opera house, with 8. N. Mor gan as obairmau and W. B. Potter sec retary. J. W. Rector, S. N. Morgan, Johnny Elder, Jay Devins and W, B Potter were ohosen as delegates. Every: thing passed off harmoniously. Cost op Waterworks. By the plans and specifications sent our council by Emery Oliver, of Portland, we learn that tbe actual cost of tbe same, kalameiued pipe beiug used, will be $18,751. If riv ited pipe is used for mains, tbe cost will only be $10,121. The latter syslem is considered the best, and being much cheaper, will probably be seleoted. The 1 extimates do not inolude pumping sta tion or engine, as Mr. Oliver recommends tbut the pumping be done by either tbe flouring or pinning mills, if ar rangements can be made to that end. It is the intention of our counoil to have a special session at an early date, at which the time for holding lbe special electiou to vote bonds will he fixed. If the Gazette knows itself, Heppner will have fire pro tection of the best before the year is end ed. Our citizens will remember that as soon as our charter can be amended, the town oan have a gravity system, but in tbe meautime Heppner should protect berseif against the ravages of fire, even at considerable expeuse. The reservoir and all mains of tbe pumping system are just that much completed on the propos ed gravity system. LOCAL MAUKKT REPORT. Wheat, bu 0 68 Flour.bbl 5 00 Beeves, cows & two-year-olds, owt. 2 00 " " three ' 2 50 Sheep, muttons, head 8 (Xi " stock 2 GO Hogs, ou foot, cwt U 50 (g 5 0O Hogs, dressed ti 00 Horses, slow sale. Butter, roll 60 Eggs, doz 120 ChickenB. doz 2 00 (a I 70 CALIFORNIA MARKET. Wheat, cwt (51 66 1 08 Flour, bbl 8 00 5 25 Beeves, stall fed 7 00 Muttons, owt 10 00 (all 00 Hogs, cwt. 3 U) la, 5 25 Butter, lb Eggs, doz Chickens, doz. Torkeys, lb... 12 M t) 17 U 1'J 5 50 64 10 Of! 15 (it 18 PORTLAND MARKET. Wheat, cwt 1 55 ft 1 60 Flour, bbl 4 80 ft 00 Beeves, ot 2 50 " dressed 6 00 Muttons, live sheared .. 4 50 " dressed 8 00 Hogs, on foot 5 50 " dressed 7 25 Butter 25 Egjf, doz 15 Chickens, doz 4 50 Turkeys, lb 12 4 00 (It 7 00 4 75 it, 9 00 Hi 5 75 U 35 til 20 (it 5 00 , - . . ; Al lance organizations are springing ; op all over Grant county. Tbe latest .a , at Mount Vernon. NEW pring Opening! DESIRE TO CALL THE ATTENTION OF THE Ladies to my Spring Opening, Thursday. Fridan and Saturday. March C2A. 25 and 2 0 Mu Stock of millinery and ana will, noc jau in piciisc. MISS INEZ VOllUZ, Thompson Building, Main St., Heppner, Oregon. PEDISREE OF GHHDY. PK U1GUKL CERTIFICATE For Animals Exported from the United Kingdom. The Shire Horse Society, Ettabliehed to promote the old Engltnh limit 0 Cart Horse. 11 Chandbs Street, Cavendish Square, London, W. Name of Animal, Sandy-o'er-the-Lea, 8161, Vol. X; Sex, Stallion; Colour, Chestnut; Foaled May, 1885; Bred by Thos. Dewhurst, Whittingham, Preston; Sold to John MoHattie, Aberdeen, Sootlaud; Sold to W. B. Cuninghame; Sold to T. E. Fell Bnd Nelson Jones, present owners. Got by Boyal Sandy, 3993; Dam by Sir Colin, 2022; Graud-dam by Ploughboy.1745. J hekeby declare that the above-named animal was bred -by Thos. Dewhurst, and that the foregoing particulars are, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true as stated. Dated Feb. 7, lb89. JAM lis r'OKSH AW. Seller of the above-named animal. 1 11 kreby certirv that the foregoing pedigree has been ex amined by the Kditing Committee of the Shire Horse Society, huB been passed bv them as eoi-pcct. Certified by older of tliu Editing Committee this nth day of Feb, matt. I. SLINliHYME, Secretary of the Shire Horse Society of Great Britain and Ireland. This Slallioii May k Seen at Sargent k Driskell's Sliilile, Heppner, Or. Lkxinoton does not appear on any of the railroad maps, which is an injnstioe to our county, us well nr. the town of Lexington. Some of our frieuds bib considering Lon Markham for the ollioe of assessor, aud if nominated by the democratic par ty we believe he would accept it. Arlington has voted bonds to the amount of 810,000 forlbe purpose of put tiug in electrio lights. Arlington is rustling, aud wants to help bor neigh bors as well as berself. Should a private company decide to put in an electrio light plunt here, they will find it to be a paying investment. Tbe only obstacle that might appear is thnt of poor lights, which can be obviated bv knowing what tbe company are buy ing when they have secured franchisee aud contracts. In eleotrio lights, like everything else, the matter of quality must be taken into consideration. In fact, before purchasing at all, neighbor ing towns should be visited where the workings of varii us kinds of plautH can bo seen. In Portland tbe "West Side" uses tbe Thompson-Houston arc liuhts, bile tLe "East Side" has the Edison lights. Iu Pendleton the Thompson Houston arc and Edison inoandeseent are used, it iB a well-known fact that the arc lights of Pendleton are miserable things, as is the case in it est Portland. Where such is the case, no plant in the woild oan pay much, so buy the best and there will be no trouble. Ktcently the following Notice appeared In tht OUR rranvitivu infumno. judge s had been sick only about two weeks, and 11 was 1101 iniiii lye four days that the niaiany toon a. serious nun. At the beginning of his illness he suffered from diabetes ami stomach disorder. I.nter the kidney refused to perform t heir functions and he passed quietly away. Thus ended the life of one of the most prominent men 111 Cali fornia " Like thousands of others his un timely death was the result of neglecting early symptoms of kidney disease. IF" YOU 1 are troubled with diabetes, gravel, or any de rangement of the kidnevs or urinary organs, don't delay proper treatment until you are forced to Kive UP your daily duties ; don't Mir mnnev on worthless liniments and worse plasters, but strike at the seat of the disease at once by using the greatest of all known remedies, the celebrated Oregon Kid ney Tea It has saved the lives of thousands. Why should it not cure you ? Try it. Purely Inlik, 1 San nark. vegetauic bhu mu-. , ftge, D lor UsT OK I.EI "ItlM A DVERTISKD AT HEI'I'NER POST OFFICE March 21, 1HM BackuB Albort Cox Dr 3 Dlppel Aug 2 Emerson Mr II A Johnson II B McMillan Miss l.lncy Miner 'Iliad Ksij Parker Geo W Houlev Dr M M Cork MrsTheo Davidson J (iottwald John Ken Alexander II Moor T A Mitchell James King w A Wilson Jerome M A. M,vl.l,oltv, I', it. MLMMUNH. IS THF 1 tv of Morrow, State of Oregon The American Morttraee Company, of Scotland, (Limited.) i'lalntiir, V s. Wm. L. Donaldson and Marv C. Donaldson. Charles H. Hudson aud W. L. Donaldson, rit-fonflanta. ToWm. I.. Donaldson. Mary 0. Donaldson, Charles H. Hudson and W. L. Donaldson, de fendants. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, You arc hereby required to appear and answer the complaint tiled against you in the above en titled cause on or before the first day of the next regular term of said court, to wlt: on or before Unn.lnv (he 1h HllV of MllTl-il . 18112. and if VOI1 fail so to answer, for'want thereof the plaintiff will take Judgment against uiesaio m. o. won aldson and Mary C. Donaldson for the sum of foil. 00, U. S. gold coin, w ith interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent, tier annum from Jan. 20th. until mild: and the sum of l(m attorney s fees, and for Its costs and disbursements of this cause. And against all of the above named de fendants for the foreclosure of a certain mortg executed by the said Win. L. Donaldson and Mary C. Donaldson, in favor of plaintiff, bearing date, Aug. 30, 187, and recorded in book C, page i)7 ft nnml. record of mortgages for Morrow coun ty. Oregon, convovlng the .-K'i of section 12, in township one, north, of raiiBe 24 east, W. M.; and for such further relief as is demanded in plaintiffs complaint. And defendant! are further notified that this summons in served by publication by order of W. I Bradhaw, Judge of said circuit court, dated at The Dalles, Oregon, this iNtli day of Jan'y, Wti. N; H",''N., t;5 7fj Attorney for I'lalutllf. NoTiCE OF INTENTION. Land Office at The Dalles. Or. March lfi, "2. Notice is hereto- given that thefoowl(i(.'-nain-ed settler has filial nothe of his Intention to make Hnal proof In supportof her claim, and that said proof M ill he made before F. H. Know, Coin CM. Circuit Court, at Lexington, Oregon, 1 on April :), iwti. viz: ELIZABETH TIIOV!'JOK, 1 Hd 43'4. for the Stt l-w: 'IplH, Kffl EWM 1 She names the following witliessesto prove her i continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, I aald land, viz: David A. 1'orter. William C. Metier. James Leach and Joiiah H. Boothby, all of Uxlngton, Oregon. Johh W. Is.wts, i ::i;i Ueitr. TO - DAY. other lines are ivell selected, jjua v juio iu tun, 72-74 ;w. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Ollicc at La Grande. Or., March 7, 18!ri. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settlor lias tiled notice of his intention to make tlnal proof iu support of ills claim, aud that said proof wiil be made before W. K. Kills, Com. U. H, Circuit Court, at Heppner, Or., on Way 2, 1WIS, viz.: UEOROK W. THOMPSON. fid. No. 3S01, for the NW'ij Sec :M, Tp 1 S, It 2? E W M. Charles Nelson take notice. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, aud uultivu tion of said land, viz: H. N. Morgan, Austin Gentry, Joseph Rector nnd William JJoonan, all of Heppner, Or. 470-10 A. Clkavkb. Kegistks. NOTICE OK INTENTION. Land Office at The Dalles, Or., Keb. 23, 18'J'i. Notice is hereby given that the following-num-ed settler has Hied notice of his intention to make Dual proof in support of his claim, and ttiat said proof will be made before, the County Clerk of Morrow county, Or., at Heppner, Or., ou Aprils, WJ'J, viz: GILBERT D. COATS, lid. No. 4279, lor the SEW Sec 25, Tp 3 S, It 21 E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation ot, said land, viz: Cvrus FiKtia, J. H. Allen, Ed Ashbaugh and E. I!. Stanton, all of Eight Mile. Or. tlii-7ti John W. Lkwih, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at The Dalles, Or., Keb. 2S, Wt2. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make (tnal proof iu supportof hlsclaiin.and thht said proof will tie made before the County Clerk of Morrow County. Oregon, at Heppner, Orcgun, on April 9, IK.!-', viz: VANDEVKK L. COFKKY, Hd. No. 201-1, for the BE(4 Sec 1, Tp 2 S, K 24 E, W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove hts contliimHis residence upon aud cultivation of, said laud, viz: Samuel N. Warfleld, Wm. Haguewood, Wesley .McNabb, Thomas Merrill, all of Eight Mile, Or. 4(17-178. John W. Lewis, Register. NOTICE OK INTENTION. Land Oflice at La Grande, Or., Oct. 2, Will. Notice is hereby given that the followiii named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in suppurt of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Couitty Clcrk of Morrow County, Or., ut Heppner, or., ou March 2li, WK. viz: ABRAHAM B. CHAPMAN, lid No. Sll'l, for the EV-J NE'i Roc 11, HE1 HEM Sec 2, and SW'j NWJtj Sec 12, Tp 3 B K.29 E VV M. lie names the following witnesses to prove ills continuous residence upon and cultivation of suid land, viz: A. J. Cook, W. 11. Clark, elms. Cute and Giles Dauglierty, all of lieua, Oregon. A. Clkavkb, 4li.ri-74. Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION, Land Office at IjlOrande, Or, Feb. 12, 1802. Notice Ib hereby given that the following-named settler lias tiled notice of ills intention to make tlnal proof iu supportof his claim, and that said proof will be made before County Clerk of Morrow Co.. Oregon, at Heppner Ore gon, on March 28, 18'.r2, viz: GEORGE I'lHITS, I). S. No. 10173, for the VVV4 HWti and aWJ-i N W'A sec 21, Tp 1 S It 27 E W M. lie names the following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said laud, viz: Thomus Crow, Fran Phipps and Homer Reese, of lA'iia. Or., and Victor Groshans, of Heppner, Or. A. CLBAVKlt, 05-74 Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Ijmd Office at The Dalles, Or., March 11, 1892. Notice is hercbv given that the following. named settler lias Hied notice of ills intention to mnke Una) proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before County Clerk of Morrow County, or,, at Heppner, ur. on April 2J, 18;r2, viz: PATRICK FLANAGAN. Hd. No. 2.07S. for the N', NE! and NK NW'4 Sec I I, Tp 2, N R 2ii E W M. He names the following witnesses to provo his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said laud, viz: Joseph M. Green, A. G. Bartholomew, Wm. B. Fliiley, A. J. Iickard, all of Alpine, Or. John W. Lkwis, 472-82 Register. NOTIUE OF INTENTION. Land Ofllce at Tile Dulles. Or., Man-h 12, 1M2. Notire is hi-reliy given thut tile followliig-nfon-eil settler has Itled notiee 11 his intention to make total proof in supportof his elaim,anri that said proof will be made, before, the County Clerk of .Morrow County, (Jr., at Heppner, Or., 011 April, 'a, IW2, viz: ttKSI.EY W. BKANNAN, Hd. No for the NK!4 Bee :U, Tp 3 S, It 21 E W M. He names the foilowinlf witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of laid land, viz: John H. IiiKrHtiam, Juke fl. Young. Kilward Rood, of Eight Mile, Or.; Joe HMyes, of Heppner, Or. John W. Ekwih, 472-IW Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at The Dalies, Or., Feb. 57, 112. Notiee is hereby given that the following-named settler has iiled notice of his Intention to make linal proof in support of his claim, and that said iirool will be made lefrire the. County clerk of Morrow County, Oregon, at Heppner, Oregon, 011 April l.'i. l'.ri, viz: AI.IIEKT T. WOOD, f). H. No. IV for the NK NWU, VI H NE)i. W"4 bE'4, hec 12, 1 p I H, K a E, W. M. iJc names ttie following witnesses to prove his continuous residence, upon, and cultivation ol, said laud, viz: Oeorge W. Miller. Charles B.Cochran, Hiram M. Thornton. James V. Kedford, all of lone, Mor row Co. Or. John W. Lewis, 1(;hi78 Iteglster. OuZMtto ouTboruton a oouutera, 5 ceuls. I'noe if. Noticb To Sheepmen. A. A. Wren bus i:ood corral, wwter ftti'J pftHture to ao ooniDjoilatu tlume tlcairiuK tosbpRralieeu, at bit place, four milea weat of Heppner. Wiil let cheap. flO-76 aw BIG ability of not finding BtandlDR room In our biff store. You should frequently visit ub and be among the many BuccesB fui bargain hunters, sometimes we buy great drives and they are sold before we can advertise them, BIGGER LI- ability of Rettinpr "stuck" on some infer ior or back number article if you insist on trading at some fossilized establish ment where cobwebs are thick and the hide of the proprietor thicker. Moral. Trade at Minor Bros. Modern and Model General Merchandise Store. BIGGEST LI- ability of getting left if you don't heed our words. We speak nought but the truth. It la not only unfair, but unwise and unprofitable to deceive. Yours to please, MINOR BROS. Baker :: and :: Confectioner, MAY STREET, HEPPNKR, OR. Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes and Confectionery. WEDDING AND Made on Short Notice Bread 22 Loaves for $1.00. TTJT? Dl?f.DT 17 ' They must The People Cigar, Best in the Market, at TEDROWE& WILLIAM'S Arcade, 68-74 WAOCAWr OL,D NTAND, 0. S. FARNSW0RT1I, Pm. E. (j. SVERItY, Vice Pra. E. R. BISHOP, Treamrer. T. E. FELL, Secretary and Manager. The Morrow County CAPITAL STOCK, $100,000.00. PAID UP, $20,000.00. Incorporated 18SS. General hmim and Forwarding Agents. DEALERS IN GRAIN, LUMBER, WOOD. Operating Warehouses at ITeiijmer, love and Douglast on the Heppner Branch of the U. P. H. R. STOOK IX J. A. ThompHOU, Kdward Diiv, O. K. FitriiHWorsh, NcIhou JoncH Ed. K. Bishop, Theron K. rull, Kd. n. Cox, J. A, Woolery, J. E. l'rick, O. T. Dougbm, K. (J. IT IS the purpoHe of the Ktoekholdeni of thlB company to conduct ltn IjiimIuphk In a manner mutually advantageous to all wool and gruln producers of this wetlon, and to maintain the favorable home market which It ban cHlubllHlied. During the coming wool mnnoii we nolicit the biiHlnesH of all wool growem and reuuent them to cml their clip to the "Wool (.rower' Warehouse." Having enlarged the Heppner Warclioiim, and roofed all platfomiH, we have double the storage capacity of any other warehouse in Kastern Oregon, well lighted for the display of wool "The Wool Growers' Warehouse." Odd Combinations. NAILS AND SUOAIl. I TOMATO KETCHUP A HAMMERS. PEAliL BARLEY AND PADLOCK. CANNED GOODS & AMMUNITION. Strange Corabirmtioiia to be Found Only at The Combin ed Grocery and Hardware Store of P. C. THOMPSON COMPANY, DEALERS IN Groceries, Hardware, Tinware, Confectionery Wood 4 Willow Ware and Agricultural Implements. Agents for NEW HOME Sewing Machines and IMPEKIAL EGG FOOD. LUMBERMAN TOOLS A SPECIALTY. Table Cutlery, Hiienra, Sciaaora, Pocket KDirea, and Razor at Kemnrkahly Low Prices. Kpooinl induoementa to Cash Ona tomors. Give ua a trial. tf. Corner Main and Willow Streets, Heppner Or. SWEETS, FIRST IN OYSTERS, FIRST In the Hustle with their Countrymen. "JFJclg 5ECoiJpa3.or Candy Factorv, Five doora North of the I'ulaoe Hotel, lleupuer, Or. - Fine Imported and Dottiest w Cigars and. Tobaccos Fresh Frails and of her CI nods Heceived Tkiily. LI- PARTY CAKES and at Popuxak Peices. be llespected. Land 16 Trust Company O Xj 13 33 TX. 13 I 1. A. lierrt'Ti, Wm. Pfiiland, P. C. Thompson, Nathaniel Webb, John L. Ay era, Jhiiii'I Jonpfl, A. B. ChaPman. w. K. I'Jiioit, N. A. Kelly. Hpwrry, A i mull Wright,