POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS. FOR COMMISSIONER. At the roauOTt of friends. I liorpTy announce mvseh a candidate (or coiniiilwtoiii-r, suhjccl to'tho decision of tho republican nomination conveulon. K. l. Cui htkr. Having been Importuned to run for commis sioner I have decided to do bo, and hereby an nounce mvself, subject to the decision of tho republican nomination convention. v I). N. Hardman. FOR REPRESENTATIVE. At tho earnest solicitation of mBnv frlcnda, I hereby announce myself as a candidate for rep resentative, subject to the decision of the repub lican nominating convention. J. F. Willib. FOR SHERIFF. At the request of many friends, I announce myBelf as a candidate for the ollico of Hherift" FOR ASSESSOR. Through the solicitation of friends, I hereby announce myself a candidate for the ottice of assessor, subject to the decision of the county democratic convention, Apr. 11, J. J. Roberts. I hereby annnounce myself as candidate for countv Assessor, subject to the decision of the republican convention. Wallace V hmead. FOR SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT. T. C. Aubrey respectfully asks the people of the county for the auperlutendeticy. A WORD TO OUR PATRONS. Since the inauguration of the present management of tbe Gazette, no pains have been spared, no expense too great, no opportunity neglected to make tbe Gazette the paper of Morrow county. As a weekly it bud no peer and never will have. The new departure of chiingint! from a weekly to a semi-weekly, we are told, reflects credit on the management and it la thereby able to furnish the publio at more frequent intervals with all news itemB, whether local or foreigu, from three to ten days in advance of ooncerns that depend upon viviug a "rehash" from other papers which must necessar ily be Htala to the commler as it is to his readers. It takes work; it takeB time; it tukne money; it takes brains, to conduct a le gitimate newspaper business. The mn who waits for others to go through tbe busy walks of life to gather facts which will interest the public, and will then come out three days later with a reprint of tbe same subject matter, even ttxiugu be should improve it a little by revising it to suit his peculiar oluasicul taste, oer tainly earns the encomium of being the laziest man known to the business Mark it, be that follows such a course will fail, for of all qualities, industry, en ergy and enterprise must predominate or the journalist is no journalist. He must see in advunoe the demands of the time and place, lie must anticipate the wants of the publio and be ready to sup ply them. Ho must not gauge the amount of good bo will do the public by his putronuite in the past, but he must be able to give the public all the news iu a fresh, clear oonoise niuuuur, regardless of the results in the debit or credit col nmn. Neither will it do for one who wishes to accomplish any desired end to wait until others venture into new fields and by persistent effort, untiring euergy and foresight which no measly imitator could ever dream of having, overcome all obstacles and plant the banner of success on the promontory or endeavor. The publio will readily discern the jus tice of this plea, for the inventive genius in a journalistic chuunel has little or no protection from those bo destitute ol principle as to live by the sweat of some other brow. Ho long as this question remained in pertain limits, so long as it was only a question of dimes or dollars filched from this paper under the plea of pressing needs of grinding poverty, of babies thai t b a t must be fed, the issue received no attention, for no one is more free to contribute to the poor, even though they are misguided and oau trace this misery directly to attempting that for which they are in no wise tit ted, but the diHioiilty does not end there. Tbe inconvenience of waiting for the weekly issue to copy from tins been re' moved by the Appearance of the semi weekly. The new and successful meth ods of this journal are being counterfeit ed as nearly as it is possible, ami if this were the end no word of complaint would be tiled, and to show the purely unself ish spirit of this journal, it needs only to be stated that this is directed at tlie mia- reprehontations that have been made to the friends and patrons of the (iuzette by the "would he's." It has beeu the purpose of the Uuzette to secure a prop er representative of this journal among the farming community and it was a ource of supreme satisfaction to find, after many triala, a man suited to the peouhar work. Thia judgment is not based upoo tluanoial results, fur many men could be secured whose efforts would result more satisfuctoiily if ii were a mere question of dollars, but it was not a question of pecuniary gain, for there are certainly other holds ar more lucrative, but the great point was to se " oure a "man of the people," one who would do his work thoroughly; who would represent eueb man aud uountrj fairly and impartially. Thut he is well suited to the work is evidenced in many ways entirely Bntisfactory to the miiuagH meut;bnt one need be staled, the one which is above all others. He is winiiiug golden opinions from all sorts of people. During the period of his effort, w inch covers something over one brief nii.ntli, this otlice has received liundrede of tes timonials ill regnid to his work, of the most complimentary character. Nothing could be more gratifying. The work ik extensive and it requires a wist amoiinl of time to exHiniuu enoh and every neigh borhood in order to secure an intelligent review of the farming interests. Each nd every locality in this part of the slate shall receive the utmost attention, friends aud patrons aud even strangers will receive proper notice. The only plea made on that point la for a liltle time essential to good work. Our enter prising (f) imitator is oansing to be cir culated the impression that this work is being conducted in an indifferent man ner, anl that Borne of the most impor lant aud Interesting faruiiug dislnotH will be entirely neglected. This is ub olutely false. Nothing has beeu fur ther from the purpose of the Gazette. This work will go on and from the great est uulo the least, each one ahull be treated fairly. It is a source of pltasure to know that (rieuda aud patrons are not giving cred ence to these statements, lu closing this aitiale let each one understand once and for all time that, thorough, oouipe tent men only are employed iu this work, that expense is no formidable objection and that more men will be secured if necessary. New and uiaiked features will eoon be added to the Omette, which lias one prime object iu view, namely, tbe upbuilding of this country, until it beoomes the greatest commonwealth iu tbi 1'acilio Norlhwest. It seetus like a nmliiplioa iou of words to again reiter ate the statement, but friends, )ou ran rest assured that vou will be well re warded for your patience if you ait for onr representative, who will not fail to call on you in tbe near future. ALLIANCE COLUMN AN EARNEST APPEAL. Tekulkton, Or.. Mar. 14, '92. Ed. Gazkite: Believing from an ac quaintance, baaed upon intimate busi ness relations wi'h you, that it is, sad ever has been your purpose to publish a journal devoted, not to any particular class, political party or sectional element, but to the promotion of the general wel fare of the whole country, rega'dlessot politios, religion or occupation, I there fore appeal to you in behalf of tbe pro greseive element in the agricultural dis tricts, satisfied that you will grant ns spaoe in your valuable paper for the ex change of such ideas as may be for the common good of all. Useless w ould it be for us to go into realm of words and phrases, wbicb might look well on pnper, but would, on account of their very length, if from no other reason, be pass ed by the busy breud-winuere, whose ex oessive toil and poor, aching back will allow him only a fen minutes to read each evening between supper time and the hour of retiring. Experience has taught the thinking world that combined foroes will aud can antagonize evils that it would be tbe uierest folly in the world to face iudivid ually. In the great experiment of self government it lias been neoessary from t'me to time to organize for tbe eradica tion of existing evils and for tho advance ment of new and commendable prin ciples. When the olj-ot, for which any special or separate move was inaugural, ed, has been attained, the destiny of that "means unto an end" is filled, aud we must, if we would keep step with tbe van of civilization, lay down our bruised arms, remove the haoked and disfigured armor, and arm aud gird ourselves anew, and go to buttle again with such foes bh obstruct the channels that lead to a bettor condition for toiling man. We would not wish in trying to introduce new ways aud at the inception of a new thought plan of political salvation, at tempt to besmirch the old, and to some, the dear political organizations that have served the purpose they wore in tended for; have been useful iu days past aud gone; have fulfilled even the most extravagant prophesy made, but ure to day practically dead and ought to be buried with becoming honors. There is no space in this article for a comparison of parties, who are all infested with political tricksters and scheming vam pires. Ho long as public ollice admita of enormous salaries, prerequisites, and the free, unrestricted opportunity to steal what meager trifle of the public money that may remain after the treas ury has beeu filched "lawfully," just so long will there be myriads of human par asites ready to crawl from tbe skeleton of the devoured dead to the fat, round body of tho living party. Under the existing state of faots, ynu will be supposed to note with other marked changes, the clearly outlined purpose of the Aliance platform, and in order to give tho people who read an op portunity to examine iu full the merits aud demerits of this organization, please print it iu full. Flease fiud it enclosed herewith, and should you elcot to publish same, you will greatly oblige Yours truly, f TIIK UI.AU'OItSl, This, the first great labor conference of the United States and of the world, rep resenting all divisions of urban aud rural organized industry, assembled in nation al cougress, invoking upon ita action the blessing and protection of Almighty God, puis forth and to the producers of the nation this declaration of union aud independence. The conditions whioh surround us best justify our co-operation. We meet iu tbe midst of a nation brought to the verge of moral, political and material ruin. Corruption dominates tho ballot box, the legislatures, the oongress and touches even the ermine of tho bench. The people are demoralized. Many of the states have beeu oompelled to isolate the voters at tho polling places in order to prevent uuiveraal intimidation or bribery. The newspapers aro subsidized or muz zled, public opinion silenced, business prostrated, our homes covered with niort gages, labor impoverished and the laud concentrated in the hands of capitalists. Tho urban workmen are denied tbe right of organization for self-protection, im ported pauperized labor beats down their wages, a hireling standing army, unrec ognized by our laws, is established to shoot him down aud they are rapidly degenerating to Europeau conditions. The fruits of the toil of millions are boldly stolen to build up colossal for tunes, unprecedented iu tho history of tho world, while their possessors despise the republic andeudanger liberty. From the same prolific womb of governmental injustice we breed the two great classes, paupers and millionaires. The national power to create mouey is appropriated to enrich bondholders ; silver, wbicb has been accepted as coin siuoe tbe dawn of history, has been demonetized to add to tbe purouasing power of gold by decreas ing the value of all forms of property, as well as humau labor, aud the supply of curreucy is purposely abridged to fatten usurers, bankrupt enterprise aud enslave industry. A vast conspiracy agaiust mankiud has been organized ou two continents- and is tukiug possession of the world. If not met and overthrown at once, it forebodes terrible social convul sions, the destruction of civilization or the establishment of au absolute despot ism. Iu this crisis of humau atT.iira the in telligent workiug people and producers of the Uuited States have come together, in the name of peace, order aud society, to defeud liberty, prosperity and justice. We declare our union and indepen dence. We assert our purpose to vote with that political organization which represents our principles. The Secret of Is wholly in using Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder. The only pure Cream Tarter Powder sold on the market. Other brands contain either ammonia, alum or some other adulterant. Ammonia or alum powders dry out, make the dough too porous, leaving a bitter taste, etc. No agency cioKir.tetl so cookery as Price':, Cream Da'dtitf Powder. Its ingredients are simple and so blended as to i-x):t in .-xact chemical pro portions, so after use there is n :vt. r any excess of cither left in the food. Hence there van be no impurities whatever left i-.i the finished food. No bitter taste, no taint of ammonia, but food raised with Dr. Price's Ci earn Ilakiug Powder partakes of the natural sweet flavor of the flour and keeps moist and fresh for days. This powder possesses qualities peculiar to it alone. No other makes such delicious pastry. No other contains the white of eggs. We charge that the controlling in fluence dominating the old political parties have allowed the existing dread ful conditions todeyelop without serious effect to restrain or prevent them. Neither do they now intend to accom plish reform. They have ngre ed togeth er to ignore, in the coming campaigu, every issue but one. They propose to drown the outcries of a plundered peo ple with the uproar of a sham battle over tbe tariff; so that corporations, national banks, rings, trusts, watered stocks, tbe demonetization of silver and the oppressions of usurers may all be lost sight of. They propose to sacrifice our homes aud children upon tbe altar of mammon; to destroy tbe hopes of the multitude in order to secure corruption tuuds from tbe great lords of plunder. We assert that a political organization, representing the political principles here in stated, is necessary to redress the grievances of whioh we oomplain. Assembled on the anniversary of the birth of the illustrious man who led tbe great revolution on this continent against oppression, filled witb tbe senti ment that actuated that grand genera tion, we seek to restore the government of the republic to the hands of the "plain people," with whom it originated. Our doors are open to all points of the compass. We ask all honest men to join with us and help us. Iu order to restrain the extortions of aggregated capital, to drive the money changers out of the temple, to form a perfect union, establish justice, insure domestio tranquility, provide for the oommon defense, promote the general welfare, and Becure the blessings of liberty for ourselves and our posterity, we do ordain and establish the following platform of principles: 1. We declare the union of tbe labor foroes of tbe United States, this day ac complished, permanent and perpetual. May its spirit enter into all hearts for the salvation of the re publio and the up lifting of mankind. 2. Wealth belongs to him who creates it. Every dollar taken from industry without an equivalent is robbery. "If auy will not work, neither shall be eat.'' The interests of rural and urban labor are the same; their enemies are identi cal. 3. We demand a national ourrenoy, safe, sound, uud flexible, issued by the general government only, a full legal tender for all debts, publio and private, aud that without the use of banking cor porations; a just, equitable means of cir culation, at n tax not to exceed two per cent., as set forth iu the sub-treasury plau of the Furmers' alliance, or some better system; also by payments in discharge of its obligations for public improvements. i. We demand free and unlimited ooiuage of silver. 5. We demand that the amount of circulating medium be speedily increas ed to not less than $50 per capita. 6. We demand a graduated income tax. 7. We believe thut the mouey of the country should be kopt as much as pos sible in ttie bauds of the people, and h.'uce we demand that all national aud state revenues shall he limited to the neoessary expenses of the government, economically aud honestly administered. 8. We demand that postal savings banks be established by the government, for tbe safe deposit of the earnings of the people, aud to facilitate exchunge. 9. The land, including all the natural resources of wealth, is the heritage of the peoplo, and should not be monopo lized for speculative purposes, and alien ownership of lund should be prohibited. All lands now held by railroads aud other corporations iu excess of their actual needs, and all lands now owned by aliens, should be reclaimed by the government and held for actual settlers only. 10. Transportation beiug a means of exchange and a public necessity, the govcrumeut should own aud operate the railroads in the iuterest of the people. 11. Tbe telegraph and telepboue, like the postotlice system, beiug a necessity for tbe transmission of news, should be owned and operated by the government iu the interest of the people. 12. We demand that that the govern ment issue legal-tender notes and pay the union soldiers the difference betweeu the price of the depreciated money in which be waa paid aud gold. Resolved, That we hail this conference as the consummation of the perfect union of the hearts and bauds of all sections of our common oountry. The men who wore the gray aud the men who wore the blue meet here to extinguish the last molderiug embers of civil war in the tears of joy of a uuited and happy peo ple, aud we agree to carry the stars and stripes forward forever to tho highest point of national greatness. Fine Pastry. niu We demand that tbe question of uni versal suffrage be submitted to the legis latures of the different states and terri tories tor favorable aotion. ANOTHER CHANGE. Our Tuesday's issues hereafter will contain eix pages instead of four, two of these consisting of tbe latest tele graphic news. With the exception of next Friday's issue, wbioh will be six PHges, they will remain the same. Though this is an expensive feature, we feel that it is quite necessary to add more reading for our oountry patrons, who are no i' considerable portion of our support. We have intended adding this important service as soon ae we could get our semi weekly on substantial footing. In all, our paper will contain ten pages a week. The people of this county have learned this much, that the paper of our com petitor is but a reproduction, looally, of news published in onr Friday's and Tueaday's issues, and wbioh is read by nearly every man, woman and ohild in the oommunity before his paper gets out of tbe famous sweat-power press. We owe our brother no ill-will, and under the oirenmstauces are only too glad that we can furnish him stiitaole news matter for his edition, even if it is "old as the hills" when printed. St. Patrick's Day, the 17th, was duly observed by all of Hcppner'a citizens of Irish or Irish-Amerioan descent. O. W. Dunbar, of the Town Talk, As toria, has been sentenced to one year in jail for defaming the character of Sam uel Elmore. To Lslles Troubled With Painful or si ppressed menstruation, Or egon Kidney Tea, if taken a few days be fore the expeo'ed period, relieves all pain. It contains no mineral poisons. A W aril i In promulg lit- Don't Use Big Words. gating esoteric oogitations or artioulnting superficial sentimentalities and philosophical or psychological ob servations, beware of platitudinous pon deroHity. Let your statements possess a clarified conciseness, oompacted oompre hersibleuess, coalescent consistency and a concentrated cogency, Eschew all conglomerations of flatulent garrulity, jejune babblement and asinine afTeota tious. In trying to impress upon others tl.e superiority of tbe Wisconsin Central Lines, and why you and so many others use this thoroughfare from St. Paul and Minneapolis and Duluth and Ajblond to Milwaukee, Chicago and points east and south, it is not necessary to use jaw breakers. Let your extern pornneous desoantings and unpremeditated expa tiations have intelligibility and vera oioua vivaoity, witliout rhodomoutade or thrasonical bombast. Sedulously avoid all polysyllabic profundity, psittaoeous vacuity, yeutriloqiial verbosity and vandiloqneut vapidity, Bhun double en teudres, prurient jocosity and pestiferous profanity, obscurant or apparent. In other words talk plainly, naturally, sen sibly and truthfully say tbe Wisconsin Central bines is tub route, and that ends it. 465tf. HKPl'HLICAN ORGANIZATION. The Members of the County Republican Cen tral Committee. Tbe following are tbe members of tbe republican central oommittee of Morrow county: Heppner (chairman) O. E. Farnswortb Gentry Stephen Lalande Mount Vernon H. N. Morgan Lexington J. F. Willis Dry Fork W. F Holmes Cecil J. B. Ely Alpine Tbad Armstrong Eight Mile Ed. Rood Dairy D.N. Hardman lone J. M. Kees Mattesou I. G. Large Lena Jerry Brosnan Castle Hook Pine City Tbos. Scott Wells Springs D. K. Jayne W. R. Ellis, Mem. State Cen. Com 66 tf WA'TIC1, J ANTED More patrons for my hotel. Neat y rooms, h splendid table and living? rates. l'Hluee Hotel, comer Maiuand May streets, Heppner, Oregon, t'vs dv. Mas. Maroarkt Von Cadow. 'TMIOSK who owe u either by account or note, I tbe same being due, to come in and settle at once e are In need of money, and ex pect that you will accommodate us as we have you. tis-gw. Kirk a Haves. THOSE who are Interested In the Kltrht Mile country and Morrow countv to know that w e have a few extra copies left, w hich can be secured either at deo. Thornton's news stand or at the Gazette otttce. 6S-sw. SOM E able-Uvlicd men to consume schooners of Budweiscr aud Val BTaU biaer at the Palnee bar and liernjialoon. fiy-sw Ks. J. V. R ASM C S w a nts the peoiTe to know that she has opened a dressmaking shop at tlie millinery store of Miss luei Voruz. Hive her yourjivork ladies MX "KNOW that L D Boved Is Ileppner s y leading contractor and builder. Estimates given on all kinds of work. Office at resi dence, Heppner, Or. 71-sw. VYVaKonmakor. one tbe best hvations in Morrow county. Must have a little capital. Call ou orwritetiiuetteolllee for particulars, sw IOK SALE, A KATTl.INO good cart, horse aud harness. Call at Gazette ottice. to-sw. T70R KENT, SALE OH EXCHANGE The For- wikkI farm on Columbia river. Klickitat Co.. Wash., opposite Coyote station V. P. R. R. Well improved, rich soil, good orchard and extensive stock range. Address ti;-7o. c. Bbistps, Portland, Or, HARNESS "sHOPTitock and fixtures. Good" business: established in the. midst of a good tanning and stock-raising country. Reason for selling, want to go on a farm. Also for sale a good house aud tw o lots with or with out tbe business properly. For further Informa tion address Lock Box No. ft. Long Crvefc, Oravou, 71 tf sw ADDITIONAL, LOCALS. Huh!, the baker. Buy your bread and cakes and save money. Try it. a. Hardware? Tea, at Gilliam A Bis bee's, Main St., Heppner, Or. a. See J. W. Co wins for Rock Springs coal. Leave orders at Uazette office, a Minor Bros, are now selling flour at bed rook prices. For cash only. See new ad. a Nails by the oar load at Gilliam & Bis bee's. Grant county people will do well to call on them. a. A fine let of imported Shot Guns at Thompson & Co's at bargain prices, no jobbers profits. a M. Lichtenthat & Co. have jnst re ceived a fine lot of ladies' kid, button and tie shoes. At bottom prices. a For all kinds of artists' materials, painta, oils, varnishes, studies, oravons etc, go to S. C. Smith's, May street. The only full line in town, GO-tf. 0. Ruhl has added a stock of oysters, canned and fresh fruits, all kinds of nuts, cigars, tobaccos, etc 69 sw Tbe Ladies' Guild will meet at tbe home of Mrs. Ots Patterson next Thurs day p. m. All members are requested to be present, as matters of importance will oome np at this meeting. Cavalry Horses Wanted. Those who have sound horses, weighing from 1,000 to 1,200 pounds, in color black, brown or gray, can find Bale for them by calling on E. G. Pperry at the Belvedere saloon. Fifty bead wanted immedi ately. 61-tf Horses ! Horses ! ON MARCH 25, 1892, At the Morrow stable. I will offer for sale about sixty-five head of brood mares, yearlings, two and three-year-olds. Also a few work and saddle horses. The year lings and two-year-olds are out of my Thoroughbred Clydesdale Stallion. Mares in foal by him at present. The mares are all flue, heavy American Btock, and are desirable for any horseman. Sev eral of them are broken to work and all are in splendid con dition. Will also sell a Wagon, Buckboard, Hay Cutter, Barley Crusher, three sets Harness, etc. TT?RMQ 0F SALE: Twelve months' 1 JilVlTlO time with good security; five per rent discount for cash. A. W. Patterson will attend to the business in this connection. B. B. MANN, E. L. MATLOCK, Auctioneer. Heppner, Or. 66-74. Corn Meal ! HAVING purchased machinery for grinding Corn Meal, we invite all our patrons to bring in their corn and get in return a superior arucie. HEPPNER FLOURING MILL COMPANY, 63-tf. T. W. Ayeks. Se., Manager. Lower FEED YARD. In it for tbe year '92. No Post Hay or Wooden Barley here. AU horses groomed and fed in the proper man ner. Feed for sale. Good oorial and Free oamp bouse. Horses to bay 75o per span per day. 'Bus runs to and from trains night or day. ' Cs C. Sargent, LOWIR PEED YjLBD Main street. - Heppner. y fn The Heppner Furniture Co.'s ad. nexti ffwi lor special bargains. Two car loaua of furniture are stored iu our warehouse. Loot (or prices uext week. Settlers who filed timber-culture or pre-emption olaims on railroad land in 18S3 or 1887 can reonver their fees by applyiug to Frank H. Snow, U. 3. Com missioner, at Lexington. Bring yonr flling receipt iX-ti. lour Opportunity ! KEEP 7 HIGHEST CASH PRIC Flour Exchanged for Wheat. HEPPNER FLOURING MILL COMPANY. T. W. AYEKS, Sr.. Manager. MUTB50NB Ml.-') foshuit tfna CYI 1 MAY STREET FURNITURE STORE! They have more room, more goods and consequently More Business S-W tf. FRANK GILLIAM. HO! YE SLEEPERS. Hub your peepers ; Open wide each eye. Hardware seekers, Bargain reapers Now'b the time to buy Hardware, Stoves and Heaters. Don't be backward in coming forward and don't fall over yourselves in tbe rush. Ve are not robbers, so we won't hold you up, but don't let others hold you down with their "trust." Come in Come in I for wt are in the swim by thunder. Give ms your patronaae and you will never go under. WE HAVE GOT IIs ! A lull itock of Hardware, Tinware, Stoves, rumpu, Gan Pipe, Stenm Fixtures Gum and Ammunition, Blacksmiths Coal, Iron and Hteel, Agricultural Imple ments, Wagons, Hacks, Buggies, Buckboards, Carts, Etc., Etc. GILLIAM Opposite HEPPNER, - W. A. KIRK. KIRK u DEALEI18 IN Saddles, Harness, Whips, Spurs, and every Conceivable Article kept in a First Class Harness Shop. Repairing a Specialty ! tantly oo Go to their store for the Improved WHITE SEWING MACHINE. Warranted for five years. Don't buy elsewhere till you examine their maohines and get oash prices. MAIN STREET - HEPPNER, OREGON. A QUERY ANSWERED. "Oh, where ! Oh, where can I get a shoe, That fits like a glove and won't wear through, That feels so easy and looks so neat That others will envy the style of my feett" Kind friend, to your question let me say: Come along with me, I'll show you the way To Mat & Hank's, where they have made The best brand of shoes sold to the trade. Some months ago I thought I would buy A pair of these shoes, just to give them a try. They gave such satisfaction. I'll not need another pair For at least six montlis, which is quite rare. M. LICHTENTHAL & CO., Main Street, Heppner, Or. New Warehouse ! TTENRY HEPPNER IS HAVING CONSTRUCTED AT n PePPner a capacious warehouse and platform room. He will soon be ready to receive the spring clip, and attend to such other business as may be entrusted to him. Having been in this busiuess at Arlington for some years, the public know what to expect of him, and he therefore asks for a con tinuance of patronage at his New Warehouse, AT HEPPNER, OREGON. Rock Springs Coal! I 'will keep constantly on hand the BesT Screened Rock Springs Coal, which I will deliver in any part of At a Reasonable Price. Leave your orders at the Gazette Office. J. W. COWINS, Heppner, Or. - 448 It can see the Grand Rush for Bar gains down at Smith & Williamson's Successor to S. C. Bralth. than Ever Before. T. H. BI8BEE & BISBEE, Palace Hotel,) - - OREGON J. O. HATES HAYES r Heppner