Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, March 22, 1892, Image 1

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to reach ar
-8 advertise
In The Semi-Weekly
New and Desirable
NO. 473.
3 - 'f- c)2-
Tuesdays and Fridays
A -S.un per year, $1.5(1 for six munths, $1.0(1
for t i rets mouuis; in advanoe.
Advertising Rates Made Known on
The " E .(3-XjX!, " of Long Creels, Ornnt
County Oregon, is published by the same com
pany every Friday morning. Subscription
price. I'Jper year. ForadvertiRingrates.address
6BI1T li. aP-A-TXEiasoST. Editor and
Manager, Long Creek, Oregon, or "Gazette,"
Heppner, Oregon, .
THIS PAPER is kept on file at E. C. Pake's
Advertising Agency, "4 and 65 Merchants
Exchungs, Ban Francisco. California, where con
tracts for advertising can be made for it.
j . Oregon PreBB Association. '26 Ash Street,
between First and Second, Portland, Oregon, is
our only agent located in that place. Advertis
ers should consult hira for rates and space in
the Gazette.
Wagner B. A. Hunsaker
Arlington','.'.'. Henry Heupncr
Long Creek, TheWle
Echo ...Boblhw
Camas Prairie, Oscar De Vatil
Matteson, Allen Mcjerrin
Nye, Or., H. C. W right
Hardinan, Or., ;;J:,A'.W?,oley
Hamilton, Grant Co., Or., Mattie A. ltudio
lone T- J- Carl
Prairie City, Or., R. R Mcllalev
Canyon City, Or., .8. L. '
Pilot Rock, G. P. Skelton
Dayville, Or., ..J. fc. snow
John Dav, Or., f.l. McCallum
Athena, Or .John Ellington
Pendleton, Or., Win. G. Mc.Croskey
Mount Vernon, GrantCo.,Or Postmaster
Shelbv, Or., Hiss Stella Hett
. Fox, Grant Co., Or., J. . Allen
Eight Mile, Or Mrs. Andrew Ashbaugh
IT riper Uhca Creek, B. F. Hevland
Douglas, Or J litte
Lone Rock, Or R- M. Johnson
Gooseberry p;,s"'leJ
Condon, Oregon ...Herbert Halstead
Lexington . W. B. McAllster
Union Pacific Railway-Local card,
No. 10, mixed leaveB Heppner 8 a. m.
' 10, " ar. at Arlington 11 '00 a.m.
" 9, " leaves " 3:Eil p. m.
' 0, ' ar. at Heppner ii:50 p. m. daily
except Sunday.
East bound, main line ar. at Arlington 8:50 p. m.
West " ' " leaves " 4:30 p. m.
Night trains are running on same time as before.
i Stage leaves tor Monument daily,
excel t Snnday, at 6:30 A. M.
Arrives daily, except Monday, Bt
5:00 p. M.
Direct connection can be made at
Monument witb the Long Creole stage.
Daily stage between Lorn Creek and
Canyon City, connecting nt the latter
place with tiie stage for Burns BDd Sil
vies valley.
0i-0r O-TICX..X.S.
liovcmor ;;?,vp,1n!ir'
See of State ,I!B,lde-
Treasurer h Hi-
Supt. Instruction -bp- McWroy.
Judge Seventh Distriot W. L. Bradshaw
District Attorney W. H. Wilson
Joint Senator... ... HeW?JH'Z'!"
ttepresentative "NS-lh iPHmS'
''iiiintyjudge.... Jnl.
ejommissionera J, A. lhompsou,
H. M. Vaughn.
Clerk J- W'M"?r,-
" Sheriff V;Lie,il f'
Treasurer J- W. Matlock.
Assessor J. J. McGee.
Knrvevor C.B.Crane.
school Bup't:.:..::..., w L.saii.,g.
Coroner James Daugherty.
u101 T.J.Matlock
I'ounriiiii'e'nV..'. O. E. Farnsworth, M
Lichtenthal, Otis Patterson, S. P. Garrigues,
Thus. Morgan and Frank Gilliam.
ilu,.,,riler A. A. riODeriB.
rreaaurer . ... E. G. Slocnm
fiuS.:::....:.......... j. w. Basmus.
Doric Lodge No. 20 K. of P. meets ev
ery Tuesday evening at 7.30 o'clock in
their Castle Hall, National Bank build
ing. Sojourning brothers coriliallv in
vito! to nttend. LMII, VoKBZ, C. (.
' T C. AOBBEY, K. of K. 4 S. tf
G. A. R.
Meets at Lexington, Or., the last Saturday of
each month. All veterans Bre Invited to join.
C.C. Boon, Quo. W. Smith.
Adjutant, tf Commander.
A A. ROBERTS, Real Estate, Insur-
ance and Collections. Office in
Counoil Cbambers, Heppner, Or. swtf.
Ihave re opened this well-known honBe to the
public, and solicit a share of the patronage.
Per day
tin.. rA r.ar u'o.lr il 'SI
Bi" .. ...... . -
" " with room t 00
My table iB always supplied with the Desl tne
market a.lord..MKg jjggy DAUGHTER.
67-tf-s-w Props.
fstile branded and earmarked as shown above.
Horses K on riant inouiuer.
My cattle range in Morrow and Umatilla coon.
lies, i win ij .iv..w ..." ,
. fiction of any person ttuc mr stack.
Are having their land business straight
ened out and shaped np. How about
yours? If not in satisfactory condition
it would be a good plan to see bnut it
atonoe. I nm giving careful and ene'
eetio attention to entries, final proofs,
"railroad land" and all business relating
to lands in Morrow oounty.
U. S. Commissioner,
swt. Lexington, Or.
From Terminal or interior Points the
Northern Pacific
Is the line to take
It is the Diniiiff Car I"te. It runs Throueh
YeBti buled Trains every day in the year to
St. Paul and Chicago
(No Change of Cars)
Composed of DINING CARS unsurpassed,
Of Latest Equipment
Tourist Sleeping Cars
Rpst thnt nan Ha constructed and in which ac-
cuin modal ior.s are both free and fnrninhptl for
holders of brat or second-class tic lieu, una
Elegant Day Coachs.
A Continuous Line connecting witb all
Lines, affording Direct and Uninter
rupted Service.
Pullman Sleeper Reservations can be
Secured in advance through
any agent of the road.
Tn and from al Dointa in America. Kntcla id
and Europ ' can be purchased at any Ticketomce
of this Company.
Full information concerning rates, time
of trams, routes and other details
furnished on application to any
agent, or
Assistant General Passenger Agent.
No. 121 First St., Cor. Washington,
San Francisco
Aid all point in California, Tia the Mt. Shasta
route of the
Southern Pacific Co.
The great highway through California to all
point Eat and South. Grand Been ic Route
of the Pacific Coast. Pullman Buffet
Sleepers. Second-class Sleepers
Attached to express trains, aff'.rdinfc superior
accommodations for second-clats potmen ftr.
For rates, tickets, sleeping car reservations,
etc., call upon or address
R. KOEHLER, Manaeer, E. P. ROGERS, Asst.
Gen. F. tfc P. Agt., Portland, Oregon,
National Bant ot Beppiter.
President. Cashier.
Made on Favorable Terms.
: ralgia, but
. cation of
have not
No return since 1882. F.
A Year's Subscription to a Fop
ular Agricultural Paper
By a special arrangement with the
publishers we are prepnred to furnish
FEEE to each of onr readers a year's
subscription to the popular monthly
agricultural journal, the American
Farmer, published at Springfield and
Cleveland, Obio.
This offer is made to any of our sub
scribers who will pay up all arrearages
on subscription and one year in advnnoe,
and to any new subscribers who will pay
one year in advance. The American
Farmer enjoys a large national circula
tion, and ranks among the leading
agricultural papers. By this arrange
ment it COSTS YOU NOTHING to re
oeive the American Farmer for one
year, It will be to your advantage to
oall promptly. Sample copies oan be
sen at our office.
All who are suffering from the effects
of Youthful Errors, Loss of Manhood,
Failing Powers, Gonorrhoea, Gleet,
Strioture, Syphilis and the many troubles
which are the effects of these terrible
disorders will receive, Free of Charge,
full directions how to treat and cure
themselves at home by writing to the
California Mkdioatj and Siirgioal In
pikmart, lo29 Market Street, San
Francisco, California. 4C5-ly.
First National Bank
George W. Conser, Cashier.
C. I. iewt'8, Ass't Cashier.
Transacts a General Banking Business
On all parts of the world
Bought and Sold,
Collections made at all points on Rea
sonable Terms.
Surplus and Undivided profits, $23,527.10
The Original
Webster's MA
1r r
1 t.v-r
15 publishers, we are able to obtain a number
of tfr alnve boi)k, and propoHe to fiirnlBli a
copy to erich of our iiibstTibers.
The dictionary is a necewiity in every home,
school and business house. It fills a vacancy,
and furnishes knowledge which no one hun
dred other volumes of the choicest books could
supply. Vounff and old, educated and iKnorunt.
rivh and poor, should have it within reach, ana
refer to its eontenls every day in the year
As some have asked if this is really the Orig
inal VVebHter's Unabridged Dictionary, we are
able to state we have learned direct from the
publishers the fact, that this Is the very work
complete on which about forty of the best years
01 the author's life were so well em ployed in
writing. It contHhiB the entire vocabulary of
alKut 100,000 words, including the correct spell
ing, derivation and definition of same, and is
the regular standard size, containing about
30U.0OO square inches of printed surface, and is
bound iu cloth, half morocco and sheep.
Until further notice we will furnish this
valuable Dict onary
First To any new subscriber.
Second To any renewal subscriber.
Third To any subscriber now in arrears
who pays up and one year in advance, at
the following prices, viz:
Full Cloth bound, gilt side and back
stamps marbled edges $;-oo.
Half Mo-occo, bound, gilt sde and back
stamps, marbled edges, $i .50.
Full Sheep bound, leather label, marbled
edges, $2.00
Fifty cents added in all cases for express
age to Heppner.
jHp-As the publishers limit the time and
number of books they will furnish at the low
prices, ue advise all who desire to avil them
selves of this ifreat opportunity to attend to it
at once.
For Sale.
The hotel heretofore known as the
Mountain Honse, on block from First
Nation til bunk in Heppner, Or. Con
tains parlor, dining ritoiu, baKKfttre room,
kitchen and 15 bed room; all rooms
furniened. ror further partioulars 10
quirof O-tf X. W. At km.
I suffered severely with lace neu-
in 15 minutes after appli-
St. Jacobs Oil, was asleep ;
been troubled with it since.
B. ADAMS, Perry, Mo.
Nos. 1 arid 2.
Warranted Indestructable Alignment.
No. 1 haB capital shift and key-board nearly
like the Remington No. 2.
The New No. 2 is a double key-board machine.
These machines are the most beautiful in ap
pearance, and efficient in execution of all the
numerous competitors in the typewriting field.
Either Style Keyboard, $100.00.
A beautiful line of Cabinets always on hand.
Second hand machines taken in exchange, and
for sale.
WANTED A good, smart man in every city,
town and hamlet throughout the entire world,
to act as our local agent; our terms to agents
are the most liberal of any In the typewriting
field. , .
Manufactured by the
)!. uu.,
Parish. - - T-jew York.
Address all corresponrlericto
Supervisor of Agents,
a I f i-lt Square,
To keep your Sheep healthy, and insure a good
clip, use
A Sure Cure at Moderate Cost.
Mixes with either COLD or WARM W ATE It.
Is Non-Poisouous, Improves the Wool
BDd does Not Rtiiin it.
Wool Commission Mkrchants,
Fifth and Townseud StB., Ban Francisco
General Agents.
For Rule by Slooum-JohuBton Dru? Co.
The y ebrated French Gure,
Is Sold on l
to cu re any
form of nervous
disease, or auy
disorder of the
BtfORE generative or- AFTER
faui of either sex whether arising from tha
excessive use of Stimulauti, Tobacco or Oplutti
or through youthful Indiscretion, orer ludulg
ucc, Ac, such as Loss of Brau Power, Wakeful
nets, Bearing down Pains iu the Back, Seminal
Weakuesa, Hysteria, Nervous Prostration Nocturn
al Emission. , Leucorrhaa, Dizziness, Weak Mem.
ory, Loss of Power and Impoteucy, which if ne
glected ofteu lead to premature old aire and Insan
ity. Price 11.00 t box, 6 boxes for 15.00 Bent by
mail ou receipt of price.
A WIIITTEN GUARANTEE for every 18.00
order, to refund the money if a rerraauep
care is not effected. Thousands of testimonial!
from old and young, of both sexes, permanently
n ired by Afhroditini. Circular free. Addresi
Bold in Heppner by Bloeum-Johnston Drug Co.
iDHt&nt riliuf Via li an in-
Iivlibln1,arerr PlleA.
Pric it. Br Dmr(ri,u or
i. K.mriBn nte. A1-
Hoi MM e York Uitr,
Ori-Bon, lor the County ot Morrow.
T. J. Owens, Wit. i
vs. I
M. E. Owens, Deft.)
To M. E. Owens, tiie alxve-nAnied Deft.:
In the name of Die ritMtp of Oregon yon sre
liereliy rfjnircii to appt-'tir anil answer the roin
piaiiitof 1111. tiled in liie alove eiitlth.,1 curt
and snit aKiiuiHI yon ou or before tinr iirstiifiy of
tiie ne:t t.-rin tit snld court. to-n il : the zth day of
March. IK.rJ. hril. w ill tike notice that if she
fails to Hf.pear or answer, the i'lll. w 111 take a
decree dii-KolvluK tin-houds of matrimony now
existing hetween i'lll'. and J-ft., and for tiie
care and custody of Thoinns I leveland Owens
and Klora Owens, minor children of i'lll. and
1 his S'inirr.ons is puhllshcd hy order of Hon.
Judi.'e HrHdNhaw . Judi.'e ol tne 7th Judicial dis
trict of the ntate of Oregon.
Uated 1Mb Fehruary, 1WA d. W. RKA,
M-74. PlfT.'s Attomejf.
Section 6U. Any officer upon whom a
duty is imposed by this net, who shall
disolose to any person the mime of any
candidate for wboin nuy elector has
voted, or give any information by which
it can be ascertained for whom any elec
tor has voted, or any judiie or clerk of
election or other officer about the polls
wlio shall do any electioneering ou eleo
tion day, or any person who sbnll do any
electioneering on eleotion day within any
polling place, or within fifty teet ot any
polling plaoe, or any person who shall
remove any white ballot from any polling
place before the dosing of the polls, or
any person who shall knowingly apply
for or receive any white ballot in any
polling plaoe other thun that in wbioh
he is entitled to vote, or any person who
shall show his ballot after it is marked
to any person iu suoh a way as to reveal
the contents thereof or the name of the
candidate or candidates for whom he has
marked his ballot, or auy person (exocpt.
the chairman of election) who shall re
ceive from any voter the ballot prepared
for voting, or auy peisou who shall con
trary to this aot. ask another at a polling
place for whom he intends to vote, or
who shall examine his ballot or solicit
the voter to show the same, or any elec
tor who shall knowingly reoeive any
white ballot from any other person than
one of the eleotion clerks, or any person
who shall print or oirculateor knowingly
have in his possession any imitation of
the offioial white or colored ballots, or
any person other than a olerk of the
election who shall deliver any white bal
lot to an eleotor, or any eleotor who shall
deliver any ballot to the chairman to be
voted, except the one he reoeived from
the first eleotion clerk, or any elector or
any one who shall, contrary to the pro
visions of this act, place any murk upon
or do anything to his or any white ballot
by which it may be afterwards identified
as the one voted by any particular indi
vidual, upon conviction shall be pun
ished by a fine of not less than $50 and
not more than $500, or by imprisonment
in the county jail not lesB than three
months nor more than one year, or both,
in the discretion of the oourt.
Seotion 70. Any judge or clerk of
eleotion who shall wilfully disregard any
of the provisions of this net, or who shull
cegligently fail to enforce any of the pro
visions of this act, or who shall iu the
counting of the ballots or making the
returns thereof, wilfully disregard any of
the directions or requirements of this
act, or any person who shall wilfully or
fraudulently alter or destroy any white
ballot cast at any eleotion or auy of the
returns of any election regulated by this
act, or who shall introduce among the
genuine ballots a fraudulent ballot, or
any person who shall falsely write the
initials ot the chairman, or any writing
upon the ballot or ballot stub purporting
to be written by the clerk or ohairman,
or any person who shall steal any of the
ballots or returns, or wilfully or fraudu
lently hinder or delay the delivery of any
of the election returns to the oounty
olerk or wilfully break open any of such
sealed returns of any election regulated
by this act, upon conviction shall be
punished by imprisonment in the peni
tentiary not less than one year nor more
than three years, or by fine not less than
S5u0 nor more than $2,000, or both such
fine and imprisonment.
Section 71, Any person who shull
prior to or during au eleotion, wilfully
defaoe, tear down, remove or destroy any
list of candidates or other notice posted
in accordance with the provisions of this
aot, or who, during an election, shall
wilfully defaoe, tear down, remove or
destroy any card of instruction or speci
men bailot posted under the provisions
of this act for the instruction of voters,
or who shall deface, tear down, remove,
alter or destroy any certificate of the re
sult of the election posted under the
provisions of this act, or who shall, dur
ing an election, wilfully remove jr de
stroy auy of the official white or sample
ballots, supplies or conveniences fur
nished to enable a voter to prepare bis
ballot, or who shall wilfully break the
seals or open any of the sealed packages
containing any of the supplies for the
polling plaoes ooutrary to the provisions
of this act, upon conviction shall be pun
ished by a hue of not less thao $50 nor
more than $600, or bv imprisonment iu
the couuty juil not more than one year,
or by both such Uue and imprisonment
iu the discretion of the court.
The End ! I !
B'rom your paper it may be seen that
political enthusiasm has not died out in
Moirow oouuty.
Seattle had a surprise last Tuesday at
the municipal election. The city is oon
sidered to be about GOO to 1,000 republi
can, but in this contest the majority was
democratic by from 1,500 to 2,000. The
republicans only elected two delegates
out of nine and the rest of the ticket went
democratic without an exception. The
defeat is attributed to some elements in
the ru'iiihKftueiit of the party, but was
probably caused, to some extent, by the
die, flection remitting from a great city
indebted neHs incurred by the damiiaes of
the lite of 18s'J and o.her couses. The
debt is between $2,000,IJsj and W.UUO.UjO,
and while all acknowledge great expendi
tures were uecessary ou aocotiut of the
growth of the city, the expense of the
fire and building up a fire department,
there still were many dissatisfied with
the management, and vuted for the other
side. The vote as cast shows quite an
increase iu population sinoe 1890. The
registration for 1890 was 7,722. and for
1892, was 10,841. The vote polled iu
1890 was 5.057, and in 1892 was 8,294,
being a gain in the vote of 3,237.
The U. S. ships Nipsic and Jlobican
arrived Inst night and will be here three
or four days laying in coal and provi
sions. The Jlipsio will then take her
station at the Port Orchard naval sta
tion to be used as a storehouse and for
quarters for the officers in charge of the
navy yard. She is a small vessel and
badly damaged by the Samoan disaster.
Her engines are only oapable of four or
five knots an hour, and she was towed
from San Francisco by the Mohioan.
She baa only four guns. The Mohican
is a very fine wooden vessel and she cau
steam about eleven knots an hour. She
carries quite a strong battery of nine-inch
guns and one eight-inch rille and other
smaller rifles, with one guttling gun and
four Uotchkiss cannon. Quite a crowd
are ocntinually going on board to see the
novel'y of a man-of-war. Although not
nearly so fine a vessel as the Charleston
and some of the other boats that some
times visit the sound, she still is au ob
ject of considerable interest.
Yours truly, O. L. Andbkws.
Skattlk, March 10, 1892.
Three leaves of shamrock, the
Irishman's shamrock,
From his own darling sister, her
Blessing too, she gave,
Take them to my hrother, for
I have no one other,
And these are the shamrocks from
His dear old mother's grave.
The horse fair held at this place Sat
urday brought in a large number of
farmers. We ore glad to note the inter
est taken in horses that can be called
For years and years this country has
suffered from an excess of the beautiful
animals called the horse. Why is this
thus? You know that a good horse in
any part of the world is just as staple a8
wheat, hardware or groceries; that no
country ever suffered from an over sup
ply of good horses. The horse of the
past, the wild, untamed bunch-grass
pony or cayuse is a funny job. He iB
low and snugly built. He weighs about
450 pounds when iu good order, but he
puts oo more airs thnn a common sohool
examiner. He will try to make you
think be weighs a ton.
Put him mto harness for three days or
under the saddle balf that time and be
will be reduoed in flesh and spirit so
much that bis great big stump head will
entirelv over-balance the Boutb end ot
his body. Of course this is no serious
inconvenience to the owner, but at times
very uncomfortable for the venerable
beast, and ofteu in riding through the
country one will note the gay and festive
cayuse feeding on the green hillside with
only two feet on the ground.
Cay lines are said to have a specific
value, but I dou't believe it They are
generally sold or trailed in job lots, and
if you are not careful your horse mer
chant prince will "job" you by running
in fourteen or lifteen for a dozen.
It's a relief, I Bay, after gazing for
weeks on the greatest curse that ever be
set this fair land, to look upon some fine
specimens of thoroughbred horses, Suc
cess to the enterprising gentlemen who
make an effort to introduce new Btock.
The rain Friday night and the shower
Saturday night have sealed the bond of
aeourity for another good crop, Every
body seems cheerful and very much en
oouraged. Combined witb the salutory
effect of the recent rains, the rays ot the
sun are nursiug the verdure on hillside
and plain, until the earth, iu its new
green dress, seems dearer thun ever.
ltev. Powell, of Hand Hollow, held
forth last evening.
ltev. Galloway is, we uuderstand, do
ing good work at Eight Mile center.
Chas. M. Doty, general agent, and
Chas. II. Benton, his assistant, repre
senting the E. F. Michael Mill Co., of
Laporte, Ind., spent Sunday in Lexing
ton, where tney have a host of friends
These gentlemen have fur the last two
years been selling the celebrated Mich
ael separator and grain cleaner. They
have in that time sold 8,000 mills in
Eastern Oregon aud Washington. They
leave here today for Arlington, en route
to their new Held, California, and carry
with them the best wishes ot a boat of
farmers aud business men, with whom
their relutious have been of the most sat
isfactory oharacter. Success attend
them in the new field.
Business has been picking up quite a
lot lately. There is no reason why this
town should remain in the background,
for goods are being sold here iu sharp
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
oompetition with other distributing
If yon want to have a pleasant timet
oome to Lexington nud get acquainted.
It has ever been a very popular resort
for commercial travelers to Sunday in.
The other afternoon David Torter en
tertained a number of friends at bis pri
vate parlors. The evening was "passed"
in silent meditation, for it was the rule
not to laugh, and he who violated it bad
to pay a forfeit for his folly. We are
glad to note that there were only a tew
trifling violations of the rules which
govern the Melancholy Club. As a re
sult there was a good deal of bard, solid
thinking done, and had it not been for a
sudden attack of the grippe seizing our
worthy host, the "afternoon" would have
beeu the most pleasant of the season.
Under the "watchful" care of Dr. Pal
mer Bro. Porter is rapidly convalescing
and will no doubt be able to resume bia
duties behiud the counter in a day or
two. We herewith append a list of the
members p-esent yesterday at the meet
ing of the Melancholy Club, held at the
parlors of David Porter: J. L. Oibson,
Doo Palmer, Wm. Blair, N. A. Leach,
Carl Crow, Philo Summers, Lee Pad-
burg, M. Owens, Chus. Armstrong, H.
Boober, Jerry Phillips, Chas. Barnetti
Thne. Burnett, Chas. 11. Benton, C. M.
Doty, T. K. Huberts and others. There
will be a business meeting of this order
when arrangements will be made for a
permanent organization. TJhet.
Lexington, Or., March 21, 1892.
They Say It Contains No Poison.
Tlin .clulipiitorl xliom taia n-hnaa nnin.
ions are above the price ot gold, tell
wuai iitey Know.
San Francisco, June 29, 1889.
Tvrtr. oiVu . Wa hava tyiqiIm an A-rlianal-
t.,a l.un.i,...l n.,ol.,a;a r.t Uiu'lm'a
ertine, obtained by us in the open mar
ket, and find it to be free from all poi
sons or deleterious ingredients, consti
tuting a harmless preparation for the
Hue. l uurs truly,
A ., I n.il run,,.!.
mini num uuuui
To Messrs. W. M. Wisdom & Oo.
They Meet tn Becret Session at Lexington's
A secret session of Lexington's Alli
ance was held in the ohurch last Satur
day afternoon, E. P.. Sine and W. O.
Metier having returned from the Btate
convention at Oregon City. Mr. Sine
was culled upon to make a statement of
what occurred at that gathering. He
gave a very minute aud interesting re
port, which, nf course, was properly np
preciutcd. It was decided to meet ou March 20tb,
at which time the date of holding the
oounty convention will be settled.
Wisdom's Violet Cream.
Ia the most exquisite preparation in the
world for softening aud whitening the
the hands and dice. It is not only a sub
stitute for, but in every respect superior
to glycerine, cold areum, vaseline and
like preparations. Try it.
Wm. Blair was in town Friday
MrB. Jerry Cohn departed yesterday
for Portlaud.
C. E. Boon, of Lexington, culled Tues
day of last week.
Goo. Vinoent was over from Galloway
Wednesday ot last week.
J. F. Davis, the teacher, returned
Thursday from Silverton.
Clarence Brown is visiting his parents
and other relatives below Heppner.
Mrs. Crow, of Astoriu, is visiting her
parents, Mr, and Mrs. P. O. Burg.
Ernest Piper, who lives north of Lex
ington, oal led Tuesday of last week.
Peter Gleason got in from California
Tuesday of lust week in much better
Frank Deos and Dave Lipscomb were
in attendance on the Holland-Male con
test early last week.
Mrs, J. C. Hayes went down to Port
land last week accompanied by little
Oluu Hayes, who is taken below for
medicul treatment.
Isaac Busey, the bright little son of
Mrs. Sarah Jiasey, is currying a badly
burned hand in a sling, the result of at
tempting to remuve the powder from a
shotgun cartridge, last Wednesday.
Our TuesdHy's paper will hereafter be
six puges, Two of them will be devoted
to telegraphic matter aud the remainder
will have more local news in it than any
paper in the seotion, excepting, of
course, our Friday's issue.
Seventeen persons Binned the constitu
tion and by-laws of t tie lleppuer Hook
aud Ladder Co. Thursday eveniug. Tbia
is quite a falling r ff from what was ex
pected. A firemen's ball is in the air to
aid the ooiupany to procure equipments.
While a crowd of our townsmen were
engnged in the innocent Hootch pastime
of "putting" a oar-link, otherwise seeing
who oould throw it the greater distance,
lust Wednesday, J. R, Grover, the deliv
ery man, was struck in the head by the
link, thrown at a diHtntioe t fifteen feet
or more. Fortunately, he was not seri
oualy hurt, though he received a pretty
hard blow.