of lip WM. I'ENLANI), Kl. K KISlIOl', President. Cashier. TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BCSLNESS COLLECTIONS Made on Favorable Terms. EXCHANGE BOUGHT & SOLD HEPPNER. tf OREGON. "OUrtM HA1RINC" to restore and promote form) four applK-atiniiH will et p tliohnir falling and prevent dainiruij. it ourt!isc;ijp ureases, ana will positively grow a luxuriant growth of hair unleBri hereditarily bald, HaUnc is nut an indication that the roo-1 a re drat. Nature cid not provide thai we should wear a covering for the head. When the epidermis (kir.) is alive, so are the roots, and "Queen IJairitio" applied to the turface opensthe follicles, and gives nourishment and vitality to tho root. One Iwille will convince the most skeptical i. it, It I'-i l fifi nor Itnltlfl. ' QUEEN ANTI-ODOR " (powdered form) and! periai neatly cures offensive feet, armpit, tic the will refund your money. (lee Holtlo will restore th. complexion, rnie, 11.110 Q-irbn Toit.nr Co.: Tour preparation formula, (alter a careful analysis!, T am free to saY,.re harmless and certainly effectual if used according to directions, J. V. Heme, M. r.. 4.M rreeiaau Are. Ketuit by P. O. order, Registered loiter, or JJralt to home office, aud mention this paper. w QUEEN TOILET CO. I 74 RACE ST., CINCINNATI, O. (Local Ajentj Wanted,) Htl E Sample, oi our fc'ootli and "lion to be Beautiful" lent for two stamps. LOVELL DIAMOND CYCLES. No. I, Solid Tires, STRICTLY HIGH GRADE. $86.00 Ho. 2, Cushion Tires, Ho. 3, Ladies' Solid OUR Cushion Tires AJcB Warranted ALL TARTS Interchange- $95.00 yS; Ires- a Ho. 4,0, $85.00 $bb.uu JTOIIIV I. LOVELL tVTMtIS CO., c MANUFACTURERS BOSTON, MASS. Send ill nti In itimpi for our 100 pup lllnitratcd Catalou of Cum, Kiln, awoWiri, Spnrting Cooda of all Unit, ttc. Lu ferM&,'gn.qraJ rr - "YMrYIHMitll INDIANA RANGE CO.' MANUFACTURERS OF WROUCHT STEEL RANCES Guaranteed to bo tho most eco nomical, most durable and most perfect Range on the market. Suitable for hard or soft coal, or wood. Sond for catalogue to INDIANA RANGE CO. EVANSVILLE, IND. Solcntlfio America)!, Agency for ' CAVEATS, TRADE MARKS, rsiCN PATENT COPVRIOHT8, ato. tor tnfnrrnatlon and froo nandbook wrtto to St'NN . 31 111U1AUWAV, NKW VtlHK. Sldast bureau for ,erurlu jiatentu In America, yerjr pateul taken out bv " la lirouiiiit tu'lora ibe public br a uotluo gtvoa froo ot ubaruu iu tU '(ieutific mcticnu Lantest circulation of anv aclrntifln paper in the world. HiiUMittullv UluMrHtfil, No liitelhuetit man ntiouUI bo wit limit It. Weekly, SJ.OO a tear; ll.ft) sn months. Address MtlNN A CO, UBLJJiUltln,86t Uroadwajf, Now York. The Pittsburgh Lamp is one of those invert- tions that seems to be finished. It seems to reach the end as to goodnes3 of light m every way, and case of management. The only care it requires 13 jf. filling and wip ing. Dirt falls out when the chimney is taken ofT, not into a pocket a3 in other central-draught lamps. Tutting in a new wick is a very easy matter indeed. All this seems strange to one who knows how troublesome other gold lamps are. Jt is in all the good lamp-stores. Send f ir a primer. iltU-V. ?. I'lTr ITKC'.I Kka.:, I'' Ml 1 '"siEg ",::J"'-J 1 LIT M BEIl! TZ IIAVK KOIi SAI.K ALL KINDS OF UN IT dressed Lumber, ltl mill's of Heppner, ai what is know a as the SCOTT SAWMIIjIj. PER 1,000 FEET, ROUGH, CLEAR, 10 00 17 50 T R nF.I.IVERED IN HEPPNER, WILL ADD 1 to.uo per l.uuu feet, additional. L HAMILTON, Prop. Ilriliilltini. Mnii'lr Perhaps Yon Don't Know Us, BUT SURELY YOU KNOW OF OUR REMEDIES. We extend an invitation to call and see fw lest at our Clinic, "Arcado Chambers." ihm.s 1 to;i p. m. Lady Attendants, We till mail orders same day received (securely bt-uled, postpaid). If ii"t as represented we will relund your iiiunev, ' QUEEN ANTI-H AIRINE" ruiune:j p.canl or Superfluous Hair Iruui the race, Neck and Arms, or Moles and Birthmarks, Made in o a paste, oniy a few minutes application is required. It in powerful, yet mild in its cfieot. Jt dissolves and destroys the follicles of tho hair without the slightest pain, injury or discolora tion lu the mostdeliccteskin. Try it. Ouo I'r ice, $1.00 per Bottle, the Hair has no c'jual. It ia a poiua' e (vaseline applied to the parts allays excessive nertpl A woM delightful and harmless remedy. Hr plration, Price 50c. No. 3 C, Ladies' Cushion Tires, $95,00 No. 4, Convertible Solid Tires, $85.00 " Cushion TlresL $95.00 No better machine made aJ any prico. Bicycle Catalogue Frea. STANDARD roRjCENlUH TWIN BROTHERS DRY HOP THE QUICK YEAST 5CT RISER roR LICHTBREAD WAT t A LOO YtASrcO mTBOITMlCH Adjustablo Exlonsion Stand tiuirl. AMns Stand, Albnfl (runt. nj-i 1 -Kin n. l.i tun ir. OITW. IVlMmn Mut t'h.vk.-r Slum timl who,! riitl)'. Itnlfh, holnlit H in. hfli .1 tv, IV T. iff. ri, KK Kl.t.K A t O , Km , HI ttl WathlitKU.i' t , Ikifttwii, Mm WOVEN WIRE MFENCINC ry.WIHt HUPt StLVAGE ACKNOWLEDGED THE BEST for l.ans, Gardens, Farms, Ranches and Railroads ruins li i 'i i si,i it,..H,'!'. kui it in i' l' a iu M ( I.I.K.VS ml mtV MT1IMJ, New Thlat So ..k'h'ititfl No Ii.ttriomrl Kltra lf.a y Nel.tf. Tb. mtluilM Woven Wir. Feait Co., CfuMf't, Zi TrVt IVwlt Nlj.llil, Must flUml. Hil'lf Stand Flout I'rtrl.ir, l.lbn ml UiM'l I II ilk-in cmfti Hi IS . Mniif W KK THE APPLE OnCilAKD. SECOtJD PAPER ON ITS DISEASES AND INSECT ENEMIES. Franlna; and Ita Importauca on tha Health and Vigor of Ireea Apple Worm, and Remedies Described A System of Pruning. In a former paper I gave some facta as to the causes of loss of vitality in trees nd why such want of vitality gave still further decrease, by insocts and diseases. There is one other thing that greatly re duces vigor and vitality of fruit trees pruning, as generally practiced. All Druiiinir is of course unnatural, there- ' fore, as we are obliged to prune or ; rather cut back, on this Coast for special j reasons, we should try to do it as much I as possible without transgressing nat I ural laws. A general right systoin of ! pruning is too long a subject to go into here, but as it has such a bearing on the future vigor of the orchard it is desir able to give the fundamental principles. If a wrong start is made a vigorous, healthy, fruitful orchard can never be had. PHUN1NH. First The tree when planted should be cut back to ten to twenty inches from the ground. fcjecond Branches should be started not more than ten inches from the ground and the lower branches should be cut back to within a tew inches of the trunk at each winter pruning. Third A tree so started never will need any other pruning except to cut back the too great growth on the up ward and outward surface of the tree's head each winter. If cut back one win ter the upward and outward shoots must be thinned out the next. On this thin ning out a great deal depends, and if it is not done the orchard will be spoiled. Cut out clean all these shoots but one or two. Fourth Never do any pruning on the inside of the head of a pear, apple, plum or prune tree when started ou this sys tem. But constantly shorten in tne lower side branches each winter. BUGS AND DISEASES. The first great enemy of the apple, pear and quince is the apple worm or codling moth. This is the larva of a pretty, liltle, delicate moth, winch lays its eggs on the young fruit soon after the petals fall in the spring. The moths continue to lay through the entire sea son. In California there are two or more broods. When these eggs hatch the young caterpillar begins to feed on the skin of the young fruit and soon burrows its way directly into the core of the apple, usually by the way of the calyx or eye which at that season of the vear opens upward. We have been taught that the inoth. as a rule, deposits her eggs in the eye of the apple, but this observation shows to be the exception rather than the rule. The egg, which is very minute, is deposited on any portion of the apple and the minute larva seeks the calvx for shelter. Then, when feed nig on the skin of the apple or in the calyx, if there is a virulent poison pres ent it will take it with its food and is killed, There are three practical mill eral poisons. Paris green, London pur ple and arsenic or arsenic acid, these are soluble only to a very slight extent in water. The tirst two are most generally used. They are in the form of fine pow ders and are used by simply stirriug one pound of either into 200 gallons of water and then spraying the solution over every part of the fruit and foliage of the tree, using a very fine spraying nozzle with considerable force from a force pump. Be careful to keep the mixture stirred up from the bottom of the tank. Both of these powders are insoluble in water and soon sottlo to the bottom. This would give no effective poison at times and entirely too much at others. To kill the codling moth the orchard should be sprayed thoroughly in winter with the lime, sulphur and salt com pound. The sooner it is done after the leaves fall the better. This spraying has no effect toward destroying the ap ple worm, but is simply preparatory and very beneficial in many ways. Spray again with the arsenites soon after the petals have fallen from the flowers. And then again in two weeks until Aug list. It is a big job but it must be done thus for thorough work. D. B. Wmit. The Meuly Hug. The mealy bug has made more people miserable than almost any other insect. These are of several species, but all are so nearly alike in habits that the term, mealy bug, does well enough for all. It is a flat scale-like bug about as large as a half of a kidney bean, nicely fringed around and scalloped, and covered with a white mealy powder. It feeds on the under sides of leaves, is very sluggish in its movements, and looks quite innocent. It soon materially injures plants upon which it feeds. The mealy bug is so tenacious of life, and so well protected, that few things will kill it that will not also kill the plant. Therefore the old slow process of hand picking is about the most feasible remedy. There is a very good means of killing them. Take an ounce vial of chloroform, a small camel's hair pencil, and touch them on the back with the pencil dipped in the chloroform. Many other noxious insects can be instantly killed in this way. A Loudon contemporary states that the oily matter present in grape stones has lately been made the subject of a chemical investigation, with a view of ascertaining to what use it can lie put. The result has been to show that the oil is by no means dissimilar to castor oil, resembling that substance in its high acetyl number and iodine number, a re semblance which extends to its property of yielding Turkey-red oil on treatment with sulphuric acid. Direct dyeing tests showed the product to be excellent. Should this result be confirmed a novel industry may lw expected to arise. Utiston Journal of ('oinnieree. Iu our bug collecting days we took a vial with a ground glass stopper into which we dropped a little lump of cya nide of potassium, and over that a wisp of cotton. Then when we found a bug we dropped it into the vial, and on the downy bed he quickly and quietly died. The fumes from this most deadly of poi sons quickly kills all insects. It seldom injures vegetables. Advantage has been taken of this to free trees, especially the orange, when scale bug infested, by covering them with a tent and generat ing the cyanide gas beueath it by de composing the cyanide in acid. Here is an opeu field fur valuable experiment with this poison. It is possible that a weak solution of the cyanide iu water might have most valuable uses in con trulUuff uoxious injects. mm ,a-t-H-ja MANAGEMENT OF TURKEYS. Requirements of These Fowls Which Often Prove Troublesome ami Unprofitable. Turkeys require a large range, and ex cept on large farms, or at least sufficient ly so that they can be kept from tres passing on the premises of neighbors, raising turkeys is likely to be trouble some in many ways besides being un profitable. A naturally dry and rather j eanuy son is uie uest tor turaeys, as it is for raising other fowls, for nothing occasions more loss in young chicks of all kinds than wading around in mud and wet grass. There is one thing that can be said in favor of raising turkeys that cannot bo said of chickens, which is that they can be more easily driven. where one wants them to go, so that a child can watch a turkey hen when Bhe is let out with her brood, and can keep them from straying too far and drive them home nnder shelter when a storm is coming up. T urkoys are very partial to choosing their own nesta in the open field, and where one succeeds in setting on her stolen nest she should be brought in and cooped for some weeks as soon as the chicks are hatched, leaving the chicks to run out. It is, however, better to in duce her to set somewhere under shelter when it can be done. By putting the hen turkeys a few days before they be gin to lay in a large inclosure where they can make nests a little hidden from observation they can afterward be allow ed to run out, and will return and hatch where their broods can have better pro tection than in the open field. Turkeys do not like to be disturbed when on their nests nor watched while going to them. The young ones are very tender, and for a few weeks after hatching require even more care in keeping them out of the wet than chickens do. When from six to eight weeks old they become quite hardy and can have full liberty, but up to that time the mother turkey should be confined in a large coop, and when left to run out for a short time, should be carefully watched to prevent her wan dering off with her brood into the tall grass. Turkeys can bo hatched and raised by hens, but a turkey under stands the way of the young ones and makes a better mother for them. A Wheel Dibber. The present is an opportune season for the repairing of tools and farm im plements and. where one has an average fund of ingenuity, the making of sua- A ROLLER MARKER, dry farm and household conveniences. In the accompanying illustration Is shown a wheel dibber, which Farm and Fireside tells can be made easily and cheaply. Here are the directions: Got a piece of maple, oak or other hard wood log, say fifteen inches iu diam eter by a foot long. Have it turned nicely and a hole bored through for a bolt to serve as an axle. Handles are to be attached in the way shown in the il lustration. It is then a roller, and may bo used for that purpose in the garden. following after the seed sower or in any place where the use of a small roller is desirable. Inch holes are bored in a circle around the roller, midway be tween the two ends, four inches apart, and short wooden pegs or pins are in serted to act as dibbers. The weight of tho roller presses each peg clear down into tho soil and thus holes just right for the young onion plants are made as fast as a person can walk. For lettuce, cel ery, cabbage or other plants some of these pegs or pins may be left out or re moved, and holes may thus be opened eight or twelve inches apart. Of course the size of the roller should lie such that the circumference is exactly three or our feet, otherwise the pegs must be inserted nearer together or farther apart, so that their number will be divisible by twelve. Doings at the Experiment Stations. A trial of silage made from apple pomace as food for pigs resulted un satisfactorily at the Illinois station. The pomace kept well and chemical analysis' of it showed an apparently good com position for foeding purposes, but the pigs ate very little of it. At the Georgia station nitrogen was found to bo the most effective element iu fertilizers on oats; cotton seed meal was tho only substance that paid a good profit. The Fultz made the largest yield of any wheat grown, though the Walker, which is a week earlier, is con sidered tho most trustworthy, one year with another. At the Illinois station two trials were mailt), in each of which two pigs were fed soaked corn and two others dry corn, with no other feed. The pigs, fed soaked corn ate more and gained more than those fed dry corn. In one trial they gained more and in one less in pro portion to food eaten than those fed dry com. The differences were not great in either case. Tho first of a series of experiments with rye grown for green forage in the winter has been reported from the Florida station. The rye was planted broadcast and in drills on three plots ou poor, sandy soil, fertilized with manure nnd commercial fertilizers. On one plot tho croo was cut for fodder and on another seven cattle and two colts were matured. A considerable amount of croon foraee was easily and cheaply produced during the winter and early spring. 8ecoud Crop Potato.. The praetico of growing second crop potatoes for seed has long been practiced in the east, and the truck growers in the neighborhood of the large seaboard cities have found out how valuable the product from such seed is. The knowl edge and its benefits are spreading to the west.. By this method both earlinesf and better quality of tuber aro secured. Farmers' Review. Sugar OeeU are proving to be the best feed for c.ittle yet raised in Southern California; and "as such are paying bet ter returus'than any other farm product grown in tli&t section. The Gol obrated French Eure, 'ESS?4 "APHRODITINE" S la Sold on a POSITIVE GUARANTEE to euro any form of uervoua disease, or aujr disorder ot the BEFORE gcuerative or- AFTER gam ol either sex whether arising from tha excessive use of Stimulant!, Tobacco or Opiuej. Or through youthful ludiscretioo, over Indulg ence, tc such as )x)ss of Bra'u Power, Wakeful nets, lieariugdowo Paiusiu the Back, Seminal Weakness, Hysteria, Nervous Pros t rat iou Nocturn al Emltuiou. , Leucorrhcea, Dizziness, Weak Mem, oryi lMU 0, PowermDd im'teucy, which II ne- glerted ofteu lead to premature old aiteand In nan Itr. Price 11.00 a box, 6 boxes or 15.00 Sent by mall ou receipt of price. A WUITTKN GUARANTEE for every 15.00 order, to refund the money if a I'erraauent cure Is uot effected. Thousands of testimonial! from old and young, of both sexes, permanently rired by Aphroditini. Circular free. Addreaa THE APHRO MEDICINE CO. WRSTJCBM BRANCH BOX 27 PORTLAND, OR Sold in Heppner by Slocum-Johnston Drug Co. Mrs.GUAIIAM'S Cucumber AND Elder Flower Cream Is not a cosmfttic in ihe sense in which that tarin is popularly us-d, but permanently beauti fies, it c eatce ft soit, smooth, lear, velvety skin, and bv daily use Kradually makes the com plexion several slmnes whiter. It is a nonsiant troteclion from thee ffec sorsunnnd wind, and prevents sunburn ana freckles unii blackheads will never come while you use il. It cleansestlie fac fur better than sohd and water, nourishes and builds up the skin tis ues and thus prevents the tormation or wrinaies. it ptves me ireBn ness, clearness And smoothness of skin that you had when a little girl. Every lady, young or old, nnirVit to iinh it. ns it. trivea a mote voutliful an- nen ranee to anv lady, and that Dernmneiitly. it contaiusno acid, powder or alkali, and is as harmless as dew, and as nourishing to the skin as dew is -othe tiower. Price &1.UU at all drug nists and hair dressers, or at Mrs, (rervaiae (Ira- ham s i stabl.snment. 1UJ Fost Htrect, Ban rran cisco, where site treatB ladies for all blemishes of tlte face or htruro. l.nuies at a distance treated by letter. Bend stamps for her little book, "How to be Heantiful." HAMI'IjE fJUrrLr; sent free to any lady on receipt of 10 cents in stamps to pay postage and packing. Lody agents wanted. AI IifS. 1 KAflAM'M Face JBleacli Cures tha worst cases of freckles. Sunburn, allonesa, Molh-pfttches, Piniplou and al akin blpminhea. Price $ t .50. No sample can be sent. Lady agents wanted. Tho liMiinrie, in th'B town who first orders a bill 111C Ullilslof my preparation will have his name added to this advertise merit. My prepar ations are for sale by wholesale druggistu in Oliicugo and every city west of it. nouui KATHEK UK WITHOUT UKtSAD. JRtsnor'a Residtkcb, 11 I Marquette, Mich., fov. 7, 1889. The Ttcv. ,1. Kossbiel of above i luce writes: I have suffered a preat d- al, and whenever 1 feel now a nervous attack comlnir, 1 lake a dose of Pastor KoeniK a Nerve Tonic and feel relieved. 1 think a preat deal of it, and would rather be without bread than without the Touio. Tona wanda, ErtlE Co., N. T , Febr. 1889. My daughter had fits from fright Biuce 12 years, Bometimes S to 4 attacks within !!4 hours without any warning; during these spiila her thumbs would be cramped toward the iimide ot her hands, her mouth be drawn sideways, her neck would swell up, i nd her face assumed a bluelsh color ; this would laBt from 10 to 1.1 minutes; after that ahe slept; was drowsy for about 2 hours. We trfed many remedies without any improvement, but (1 bottles of Pastor Koetne's Nerve 'i onlo ouretl her at last We therefore recommend thi. remrAv to nil sufferers. JOHN EulN. FREE'" A valuable Bonft on Nervoua I Diseases sontfree to unyaddrtsu. and poor patients can also obtain tills medicine fret of charge. This remedy has been pr"-Kr;d by the Eever. end Pastor Koenis. of Fr ' ue,Ind since 1876. and 1b now prepare?. . iiuor his direction by the KOENIC MED. CO., Chicago, III. Sold by Druggists at SI per Battle. 6 for 5. IdU-se Size, et.75. 8 Bottles Tor WO. Sold In Portland. Oreu-nn, by Buell, Heitsha & Woodard. Roofing (U'M-KI-ARTIC ROOFING FELT costs only J2.00 per 100 square feet. Makes a (rood roof for yearn, and anyone can put it on. Bend stamp for samplu and full particulars. Gi'M Elastic Hoofing Co., 39 & -il West Broadway, New York. 63-75 Loiul Agents Wanted. Hides, Pelts And Furs wanted. I will pay the highest market prices for anythiiiR In this line. Give me a call before selliiijr elsewhere, as I know I can do better by you than any other tirin in UcFpner. W. W. SMEAD. Office at Sargent & Driskelfe Feed yard. STARRETT'S Garden Seeds ! Have been used all over the racific North west for the past lb years. None better. Few so good. Garden, Flower and Grass Seeds. Fresh ! Address, Acclimated! t'atalopue free GEO. STAUKKIT, Walla Walla. W ash. S. P. FLORENCE, STOCKRAISER HEPPNER, OREGON. Cattle tirwidM and .nr marked as shown abora. Horse K on rinht shoulder. Mv cittle rne in Morrow and Umatilla conn tie. 1 will pay $l(00 for the arrest and con viction of any ertn tealis my mock. lantAot relief md is n it fsiliblsCureffbr Piles. Pro il. Br DnunrMU at mtuL gtmrrle 1V. A J drM "ASiA&afeilS," U4. w oca Uif , J i PILES O. K. T.-HouMt Rennlta.-0. K T. j Many of the pioneers of Oregon and Washington have cheerfully testified to the wonderful curntive properties of the celebrated OregoD Kidney Tea. Purely vegetable and pleasant to the taste and canbetakm by the yonneest child or most delicate woman. O. K. T. is a never failing remedy for pains in the bnok and loins, non-retention of urine, scalding or burning sensation while urinating. mucous discharges and all kidney troub les of either sex. $1 at all drnggista. A Pro oaition. If yon will pav your subscription to the Gazette in full and one year in ad vance, we will send ou the folluwine books at prices stated herewith: "Six Great Bonks for Kural Homes." 25 oents; "Famous Fiction by the World's Great est Authors," ten volumes, 50 oenl; Cooper's "Leatherstocking Tales," 20 cents. 43-tf. Thb Patterson Pub. Co. Where? At Abrahnmaick'e. Iu addition to his tailoring business, he tins added a fine line of underwear of all kinds, negligee shirts, hosiery, etc. Also has on hand some elegant patterns for suits.' A. Abrahamsiok. May street. Heppner. Or LEGAL BLANKS, A COMPLETE ASSORT ' ment at the Gazette ollice. STUCK BRANDS. While you keep your subscription paid up yen can keep your brand in free of charge. Albn. T. J.. lone. Or. Horses GO on left shoulder; cattle nme on left hip, under bit. on right ear, aiid upper bit on the left, range, Mor row county. Armstrong, J. O., Alpine, Or. T with bar un der n on left shoulder of horses; cattle same on left hip. AlliBon, O. D Eight Mile. Or.-Cattle brnnd, O D on left hip and horues same brand on right shoulder. Range. Kight Mile. Adkins.T C, Dayville, Or- ytraight mark across the thigh and two crops and a slit in the right ear; horues, x upside down on the right shoulder. Range iu Grant county and Hear vallev. P O address also at Hardirutii. Adkins, J. J., Heppner, Or. Hoites. JA con n si; ted on tett flank; cattle, same on left hip. Ayers, Johnny, Lena, Or. Horses branded triangle on leti hip; cattle same on right hip; also crop off right ear and upper bit on same. Blyth, Percy H., Heppner, Qt Horses. Roman cross ou right shoulder. Range in, Morrow county. iileakman, Geo., Hard man, Or. Horses, a flag nn left shoulder: cattle, same on right shoulder. hannister, J, W., Hard man, Or. Oattle brand ed B on left hip and thigh; split in each ear. liurke. M Bt (J, Long CreoK, Or On cattle, MAY connected on left hip, ciop off left ear. un der half crop off right. Horses, same brand on letft shoulder. Range in Grant and Morrow county. Bowtsman, A., Mount Vernon and Burns, Or. Cattle, A B on right hip, two crops in each ear; same on horses, on right ehoulder. Range in Grant and Harney counties. Hrosman, Jerry, Lena, Or. Horses branded 7 1 on right shoulder; cattle B on the left side. Left ear half crop and right ear upper slope. Barton, Win., Heppner, Or. -Horses, J B on r;rht thijr.i. cattle, same on right bin: sulit in each ear. Brown, Isa, Lexington, Or. Horses IB on the right stifle; cuttle same on right hip; range. Mor row county. Brown, J. P., Heppner. Or. -Horses and cattle branded 8 with ox-yoke above on loft shoulder. Brown, J. C, Heppner. Or. Horses, circle C with dot in n ter on left hip; cattle, same. Boyer, W. G., Heppner, Or. Horses, box brand or r ghi hip cattle, same, with split in each ear. Borg, P. O., Heppner, Or. Horses, P B on left shouldor; cm tie. Bume on left hip. Hrnwniue, W. J., Fox, Or Cattle, JB connected on left Hide; crop on left ear and two splits and middle piece cut out on right ear; on horses same brand on the left thigh; Range in Fox valley, Grant county, t'ain.K., Caleb.Or. Y D on horses onleft stifle; U with quarter circle over it, on left shoulder, and on left stifle on ail colts under ft years; on left shoulder only on all horses over 5 years. All range in Grant county. Clark, Wm. II., Lena. Or. Horn WHO con nected, on left shoulder: cattle came on right hip. Ita' ge Morrow and Umatilla counties. Cate, Unas, R Vinson or Lena. Or. HorseB H C on right shoulder; cattle same on tight hip. Range Morrow and Umatilla counties, Cochron, Cha., lone. Or. Horses, HP con nee ted on left Mhoulder; cuttle, (' on both loft hip and s title. Range in Morrow county. Cannon, T. B..Long Creek, Or.--Ton cattle on right side, crop oft right ear and slit in left ear. pur horses same brand on loft shoulder. Range in Grant county. Cecil, Wm.. Douglas. Or.; horses JC on left shoulder; ca'tle same on left hip, waddles on each jaw and two bits in the right ear. Curl, T. H.. John Day, Or. .Double cross on each hip on cattle, swallow fork and under bit in right ear, Bptit in leftenr. Range in Grant county. On sheep, inverted Aad spear point on shoulder. Far marko.i ewes, crop on If ft ear, punched upper bit in right. Wethers, crop in right and under half crop iu left ear. All range iu Grant county. Crosby, A.A., Heppner, Or. Cattle branded-i-(or H L coi nectedj on the right shoulder. Cook, A. J.,Lena,Ur. Horses, HUon right shoul der. Cattle, same on right hip: ear mark square crop otf left and split in right. Currin. R. Y., Currinsvilie, Or. -Horses, oo on left stitie. Cochran, J II Monument, Or Horses branded T I & A on left shoulder. Cattle, same on right hip. swallow fork in right ear and crop off t eft. Cox & English, Hardman, Or. Cattle, C with B in center: horseB. CE on left Sip. Cupper, H. A., Monument, Or. Horses H C on It ft shonlder. cattle H 0 on left side, swal low fork on right ear. Cochran, R. E Monument, Grant Co , Or. Horses branded circle with bai beneath, on. left shoulder: cattle same brand on both hips, mark under slope both ears and dewlap, Chapin, H., Hardman, Or. Horses branded on right hip. 'attle brauded the same. CroBB, 8 L, Dayville, Or ( 'attle branded -f- two crops and a sulit in left ear: on horseH n reversed Z on left stifle. AIbo have the following brands on cattle: Ti on left hi d. 7 on riuhthin. 72 on left shoulder, two parallel bars on left snouuier, r-ar marks, two crops. Doonan. Tvm., Heppner, Or. Horses branded OO with bar over them, on left shoulder; cat tle same on ion nip. Douglass, W. M , Galloway, Or. Cattle, R V on right side, swa low-fork in each ear; horses. R D on left hip. Douglas, O. T., Douglas, Or Horses TD on the tight stifle; cattle same on right hip. Duncan, W, P., John Day, Or. -Quarter circlb V on right shoulder, both on horses and cattle. Ran we (irant county. Driwkell, W. E., Heppner, Or. Horses branded K inside of U on left shoulder. Cattle same on left side of neck. Ely, J. B. & Sons, Donglos, Or. Horses brand ed ELY on left nhoiilder, cattle same on left hip. hole ir right ear. Fink, Ralph, Prairie City, Or Horues, R P on right shoulder; cattle, on right hip. liange in Grunt county. Fleek, Jackson, Heppner, Or. Horses, 7F cotmected on right shoulder; cattle, same on right hip. Ear mark, hole in right and crop oft left. Florence, L. A., neppner. Or. Cattle, LF od right hip; hortsew F with bar under on right shoulder. Florence, 8. P. Heppner, Or Horses, F on right Bhoi Idei ; cattle, I1 on rinht hip or thigh. Gay, Henry, Heppner, Or. GAY on left shoulder. Goble, Frank, Heppner, Or Horses, 7 F on left Ktitte; eattU , same on riuht hip. tiilman-French, Land and Live Mock Co.. Fos sil, Or. Horses, anchor M on Ifft shoulder; vent, same on left stifle. Cattle, same on both hips; ear marks, crop off right ear and underbit in left. Range iu Gilliam, Grant, Crook and Morrow counties. Gen try i Elmer, Echo, Or. Horses branded R. 8. with a quarter circle over it, on left stifle Range in Morrow and Umatilla counties. Gilt water, J . C, Prairie City, Or. On horses, 0-0 on left shoulder and stifle; cattle, on right side. Range in Grant county. Hams, James, Hardman Or. Horses shaded 2 on lefi shoulder; cattle Bame on left hip. Range in and about Hardman. Hajes, leo., Lena. Or, Brand JH connected, with quarter circl over it, on left shoulder. Hum A. B., Ridge, Or. Cattle, round-top 4 with quarter circle under it on the right hip. Kan tie in Morrow and Umatilla counties. Hinton A Jenks, Hamilton. Or Cattle, two bars on either hip; crop in right ear and split in left. Horses, J on right thigh. Range in Grant county. Hughes, Baiuuel, Wagner, Or T F Lon right shoulder on horses; on cattle, on right hip and on left side, swallow fork in right ear and slit in left. Range in Haystack district. Morvw connty. Ball, Edwin, John Day, Or. Cattle E H on right hip; horses same on right shoulder, tangs in Grant county. Hughes, Mat, Heppner, Or. Horsee, shaded heart on the left shoulder. Range Morrow Co. Hunsaker, B , Wagner, Or. -Horsea, W on left shoulder; ca tie, 9 on left hii . HardiBty, Albert, Nye, Oregon Horses, AH connected, on left Bhoukler; Cattle on tha left hip, crop off left ear, Hamphreva, j al. Hardman, Or. Horses, H on lefi Hank Hiatt, Wm. E., Ridge, Or. Horses branded bar cross oi left shoulder: cattle same on left hip Hayes, J. M., Heppner. Or. Horses, wineglass on left shnulrtei cattle, same on right hip. Ivy, Alfred, Long Creek. Or attle I D on riirht hip. crop off left ear and bit in right. Horses same brand on left shoulder. Ran ice n Grunt oountv. Huston. Lnther, Eight Mile, Or. Horse H on the left shoulder and heart on the left stifle Cat tle name on left hip. Range in Morrow county. Jen kin D. V.,Mt. Vernon. tr.J on horseson left shoulder; on cattle, J on left hip and two smooth crops on both ears. Range ia Fox and Bmx TalUya, Junkin, 8. M., Heppner, Or. Horses, horte shoe J on left shoulder. Cattle, the earn). Range on Eight Mile. Johnson, frelix, Lena. Or. Horses, circle T on left untie; cattle, Bame on right hip, under half crop in ritrht and sidit in left ear Kenny, Mike. Heppner, (Jr. Horses brnndini KNY on left hip cuttle same and crop off left par: under nlnie on th riht Keller, Hiehard, Hlanton. Grant connty. Or. E K In Biiuare, cattl on left hip; horstw wnne on left shouhW. Ratign ReprvallnY. Kirk J. T-. Heppner, Or. Horses ofl on left shoulder; cattle, n9 on lelt hip. Kirk. J C, Hoppner. Or. Horses. 17 on either flank: eartlM 17 on right side. Kumberland.W. G.. Mount Vernon, Or. I L on cattle on right and left sides, swadow fork in li ft ear and u'lder ciop in right ear. Horues same brand on left shoulder. Range in Grmtt rountv. Keeney. Eli, Heppner, Or.-Horfces J L and ace of clubs on lett stifle. Rauge in Umatilla and borrow counties. Lesley, M C, Monument, Or- A triangle R I with all lines extending pa t Lody of figure on hor ses ou left shoulder, ou cattle (Uuiuond ou loft shoulder, split in righ aui u-ia' kit mlnftear. Range in Grunt county aiij .urtsof Johu Vtw. Leahoy, J W. Heppner Or. Horsps bmrdfd L N on left shoulder; cati le -ame on left hip; wut tle over right e.v , three slits in right ear. Loftpn, Stephen, 1 ox, Or. K Lon left hip on cattle, crop and split on right ear. Horses same brand on left shoulder. Range Grant county. Lieuallen, John W.. L Or. Horses branded half-en cle JL connected on loft shoul der. Cattle, saint on lefi hip. Range, near Lex tUKtou, Lord. George. Hpnnnnr Or. Hnrann HrntirKwJ double H coi.nect .sometimes called a Bwmg n, on left shoulder. Maxwell, M.8., Ijooseberry. Or. Horses brand ed long link on left Bhoulder; cattle, same ou lef i hip. Ear mark, under bit in left ear. Minor, Oscar, Heppner. Or. Cattle, M Don right hip; horse. Mon leftshoulder. Morgan, B. N., Heppner. Or. Horses, M ) on left shouldei cattle, same on left hip. McCumber, Jos A, Echo, Or. Horses, M with bar over on right shoulder. Mam.. B. B., Lena, Or. Horses old mares ZZ on right hip; young stock, suiaU zz on left shoulder, Morgan, Thos.. Heppner, Or. Horses, circle T on loft Hhumder and left Hugh; cattle. Z on right thigh. Mitchell. Oscar, lone. Or. Horses. 77 on right hip; catue. 77 on right side. McClaren, D. G Brownsville, Or, Horses, Figure A on each shoulder, cattle. M2 on hip. McKaru.W.J. Mount Vemuu. Or X I ou cattle on right hip, crop in right ear. half crop m left same brand ou horses ou left hi, . Range in Grunt couuty, McCarly, David H., Echo, Or. HorseB branded DM connected, on the left shoulder; cuttle same on hip and side. McGirr, Frank, Fox Volley, Or. Mule shoe with toe-cork on cattle on ribs and under in each ear; horses bame brand on left stifle. McHaley, 0. V., Hamilton, Or. On Horses, 8 with half circle under on left shoulder; on Cattle, four bars connected on top on the right aide. Range m Grant County. Neal Andrew. Lone Rock, Or. HorBea A N con- nectetl on left shoulder: cattle same on both hips. Newman, W. R., Heppner, Or. HorseB N with half circle over it on left shoulder. Nordyke, E., Silverton. Or. Horsea. circle 7 on left thigh: emtio, same on left hip. Oliver, Joseph, Cunyon ( ity, Or. A 2 on cattle on left hip; ou horses, same ou left thigh. Range in Grant county. Oiler, Perry, Lexington, Or. P O on left shou.dei. Olp, Herman, Prairie City, Or. On cattle, O LP connected on left hip; horses on loft stifle and wnnle on nose. Range iu Grant county. Pearnon, Oiavo, Eight Mile, Or. Horses, quar ter circle shield on left shoulder nd 24 on left hip. Cattle, fork in hiir iwr. ritrlit. nrm-mad. Hd on left hip. Rang- on Eight Mile. i'arker & Gleasou, Hardman, Or, Horses IP on i'Tt shoulder. Piper, J. H., Lexington. Or. -Horses, JE con nected oi loft Bhoulder; cuttle, same on left hip. under hit in each ear. Patberg, llenry Lexington, Or. Horses brand edwitha Romui cross on left shoulder; cattle branded witii Roman cross, bar at bottom, on left hip. Potter, Dan, Lexington Horses branded MP hip. Powell, jonnT., Dayville, OrHorses, JP con. nec edou left shoulder. Cattle OK couueeted ott left hip, two uuder half crops, oue on euch ear, wattle under throa . Range iu Uraut county. Rickard, G. D., Canyon City, Or. F O ou left Bhouldnr, on horses only. Rouge Canyon creek and Bear valley, Grant county. Hood. Anurow, iiardmun. Or. Horses, squars crow- with quarUir-cirele over it on left stifle. Reninger, Chris, Heppner, Or. Horses, C R on lel'ttthouldei. Rice. Dun, Hardman, Or.; horses, three panel worm fence on lett siioulder; ca'tle, DAN on right shoulder. Range near Hardman. Rudio, Wm, Long Creek, Or. Brands horses R oi right shoulder. Range. Grant and Morrow counties. Hoyse, Aaron, neppner, Or Horses, plain V on loft shoulder; cattle, same brand reversed on right hip and crop oil right ear. Range iu Mor row county. Rush iiros., Heppner, Or, Horses branded X on the right shoulder; cattle, IX on the ie-ft mp crop oft left ear and dewlap on neck. Range ie Morrow and adjoining comities. Rust, William, Pendleton, Or. Horses R oh leftshoulder; cattle, R ou left hip, crop ofl right ear, undorbit on left ear. (Sheep, R on weathers, round crop otf ngh ear. liange Uma tilla und Morrow c mnues. Kvaney, Andrew, Lexington, Or. Horses branded A R on right shoulder, vent quurtes circle over brand; cattle same on right hip Range Uorrow county, Hoyse, Wm. H, Dairyville, Or HR connected with quarter circle over top on cattle on right hip and crop ott right ear and split in left. Horses same brand cm left shoulder. Range iu Morrow Grant and Gilliam counties. Rater, J F, Hitter, Or Three parallel bars witn bar overon horses on left hip; on cattle, left side, two smooth crops, two splits in each ear Range in Middle Fork of John Day. Hector. J . W.. Heppner, Or. Horses. JC oi leftshoulder. Caitle, (jn right hip. Spray, J. F Heppner, Or.-HorBes branded fci connected oi right shoulder; cattle same on bott hips. Bailing, C C Heppner, Or-Horses branded 8 4 on left shoulder; cattle same on left hip. Bwoggari. H. F., Lexington. Or.-Horses 2 with dash under it on lef t stitie. cattle H with dash under it on right hip, crop off right ear and waddled ou right hind leg. Range m Morrow, Gilliam and umatiila counties. Bwaggart, A. L Ella. Or. Horses brandp 1 2 on lelt shoulder; cettle same on left hip. Crop on ear, wattle on left hind leg. Straight W , K, Heppner, Or.-Horees shaded J 8 on let. stifle; cattle J 8 on left hip, ewailow fork in righi ear, underbit in left. Swaggart. L, Alpine, Or.-Hurses, 8 S on right shoulder bapp, Thos., Heppner, Or. Horses, 8 A Poo left lup; tmto same on left hip. Shirtz. James, Lung Creek. Or. Horses. 3 on left nl inn uml -" . map ) i,.r, -...... i-i . blmur.Julin, tuz, Ur.-M! .onnected on norBB on rnjlit lup; cattie, same on rigitt hit), cron ..a riKlit ear aud Dudur bit in left ear. Itanae in Grant county. Hmitb Una , Johu Day, Or-H Z on cattie on le t shoulder. Stephens. V. A., Hardman, Or-; horsea SSon ntilit niiHii; cBttle u mutual L oa the right side BlBVeunou, Aire A. J., Heppner, Or. (.attle. fct ou right hi. i BwaUow-furk in left ear. Swtwirart. (J. W., llrppuor, Or. Uoraea, 44 on left should.- ; cattie, 44 on left hip " Stewart, Geo.. Hardinati, Or.-Horaea circla Blone. Ira. bi-'kk-ton, Wash.-Horeea, keystona on left ehoulder. Smith, E. t. t,one Kock, Or. Horsea branded a croHHed Beven on iefl shonlder; cattle same on left Bide, liange. Gilliam connty. Sperry, JC. (j.. Heppner, Or. - Cattle W C OB left hip, crop off ngut and underbit in loft year, dewlap; horues VV ton left Bhoulder. Ihumpson, J. A., Heppner, Or. Horses, 8 oa left Bhoulu. r; cattle, 2 on left Bhoulder. Tipi.ets. B. X., lina, Ur.-Uumaa. U on left Bhoulder. Turner K. W., Heppner. Or.-Small capital T lelt Bhouldei, lioree.; caitle name on left hip wuh Hpltt in both ears, llii ruton, 11. 11.. lone, Or. Horsea branded u.w-uuwim uu imi Htiue; enecp same brand. Viwaerpool, 11. T.. Lena, Or; Horses HV cor V Ann netted ou right shoulder;cattle, same on right Wilson, John Q., Salem or Heppner, Or. Horses branded Jy on the left shoulder. Hangs Morrow comity. VV arreu, VV H. ( 'aleb, Or Cattle, W with quarter circle oTer it, on left side, split iu right ear. Horoea same bra d on left shoulder. Kattge in Grant couuty Wood, F L, Dayville, Or Heart on horsea on left stitie; on cattle, 2 on left side and uuder bit in left ear. liange in Grant oounty. Wright, Silas A. Heppner. Or. Cattle branded S VV on the right hip. square crop oa right ear and wplit in left. Wallace. Fraucis, Monnt Vernon. Or Squareon cattle on the left hip. upper alup-j in he left ear and under slope in right ear. Same brand on horses ou right shoulder, liange in Harney and tirttut countv. Webster, J. 1. Hoppner. Or. Horses branded w-th bar over J on right ehoulder; cattle saina on right hip. crop off ieft ear and split in each, liange. Alorrow counU'. W ade, Henry. Hetpner, Or Horsee bt ended ace of BpaUes on ie.t siioulder and left hip. Cattle branded same ou left side and left hip Wells, A. 8., Heppner, Or. Horses. ,-0 on left Bhoulder; cati e same. Woltinger, John, John Day City. Or On horsea three parallel bars ou ieft shoulder; 7 on sheep, bit in both ears, liange in Uraut and MaJiuer counties. VV yland, J H, Hardman, Or. Circle C on left thlKh. W oodward. John, Heppner, Or. Horses, DP connected on left shoulder. Watktns, Lishe. HeVpner, Or. Horses branded Ufc connectet. on left stifle. Wallace, Charles, Portland, Or. Cattle, W on right thigh, hot. in left ear; horses, VV on right Bhoulaer, sim. santeon left shoulder. Whittter Bros.. Drewsy. Harney eounty. Or. -Horsee branded VV H. -oime,,te.t on lef , sNinlder Williams. Vaeco. Hamilton. Or. Quarter cir cle over three bare oe ieft hip, both cattle aud horses. Kar.ge (.rant comity. Williams. J O. Lons Creek. Or Horses, quar. ter circle o.er three bars on left hip: cuttle same and slit in encii ear Itaitge in lirant r.innty Wten. A. A.. ..eppner. Or. Cattie. running A A with bar ai-ro- ou right hip. Young. J. lto.ieet.erry. Or. Horse, branded T 3 on tn, ruihl shoulder.