Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, March 15, 1892, Image 3

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Here and There.
i'horD tou'a.
"The People,"
They runst be respected.
T. W. Ayere, Jr., for drtfgs. 68 sw
Gazette onThoraton's oonnters. Prioe
5oeDts. if.
Wbeat Flakes at P. 0. ThompBon Com
parjy's. 71-73
Errs wanted at P. C. Thompeon Com
pany's. 71.73
Minor Bros, keep Spray Bros.' hams,
bocon and lard. 60-tf.
Wanted 10,000 eheep pelts at Spray
Bros.' meat market. (ib tf
Flor de Madrid and Gen. Arthur
cigars at Tboi uton's. 68-75
Mastiff and Sterling ping out smoking
tobacoo at Thornton's. 68-75
Spray Bros, pay the top price for all
kinds of bides and furs. 68 t(
Prepared Mince Meat at cost at P. 0.
Thompson Compauy's. 71-73
Daily Btnge both ways between Monu
ment and Long Creek. tf.
We are np with the times at P O
Thompson Company's. 71-73
Ira Brown has been chosen by the
oounty oonrt as surveyor.
Mrs. J. J. Roberta is prepared to do
all kinds of plain sewing. 65-tf
Nicest hams, breakfast baoou d1
fresh lard at Spray Bro. 90.tf.
When in Arlington, Btop at the Ben
nett bouse, near the depot. Ul-tf
Call and settle your nocount at P. C.
Thompsons Compauy's. 71-73.-
Wall paper, notions, patent medicines,
drugs, chemicals, eta, go to Ayers. 68sw
Yon oan send for any newspaper pnb
lication or magazine at Thornton's. 68-75
You will find Gid Hatt at the City bar
ber shop the place to get a good Bhave.
Carload screened Cumberland black
smith coal at P. O. Thompson Com
pany's. 71-73
Don't let your beef bides spoil on the
fence. Spray Bros, will pay you the
cash for them. 68 tf
Imported Iron Clad Granit, the best
cooking utensils made, at P. C. Thomp
son Company's. 71-73
The Gazette has a cord of correspond
ence which will have to net over till
Friday's issue.
Fap Liimons & Son still shoe horses
and do general blacksmithing at the old
stand, Matock corner. 55.
"Uuole" Nathan McBee was appointed
stock inspector by our oounty court at
the last session.
A. M. Petorson, of Gooseberry, reports
his wheat up and looking well. He ex
pects a big crop this season.
Call on LiBbe Sperry, down at the
Belvedere, when in town. Keeps on
hand a tine stock of liquors and cigars.
I. G. Bogard spent part of the past
week in Heppner looking for a wife, but
left for home last Saturday iu despair.
Those interested should note this.
Newer and neater quarters at the
Palace Hotel's north business room.
Charley Jones, the baber, wants to Bee
his old friends there. Baths in oonneo
tion. This edition of the Gazette is princi
pally devoted to Gooseberry, therefore
we must apologize for lack of local mat
ter. But Friday's edition will make up
for it.
No trouble to show goods. Ask to see
the latest novelties in ladies' colored and
white dress goods, satteens, ginghams
etc., nt
c. s.
Van Duyn's.
oiuco, .utucii o, low
Meyer. Albert
May, Honry
Hubert, CharleB
8. White, P. M.
Gents' and boys' boots and shoes in
endless variety. Ask to see the best
plow shoe ever sold on this ooast at
82.50, at
C. S. Van Duyn's.
Ruhl, the baker. Buy your bread and
oakes and save money. Try it. a.
Hardware? Yes, at Gilliam & Bis
bee's, Main St., Heppner, Or. a.
See J. W. Cowins for Rock Springs
coal. Leave orders at Gazette offioe. a
Minor Bros, are now Belling flour at
bed rook prioes. For cash only. See
new ad. a
Nails by the car load at Gilliam & Bis
bee's. Grant oounty people will do well
to oall on them. a.
A fine lot of imported Shot Guns at
Thompson & Co's at baigain prioes, no
jobbers profits. a
M. Lichtenthal & Co. have just re
ceived a fine lot of ladies' kid, button
and tie shoes. At bottom prices. a
Frank H. Snow, Commissioner TJ. S.
Circuit Court at Lexington, Or., is
authorized to reoeive fees for publication
of final proofs. 414-tf.
For all kinds of artists' materials,
paints, oils, varnishes, studies, orayons
eto , go to S. C. Smith's, May street.
The only full line in town. 60-tf.
Settlers who filed timber-culture or
pre-emption olaime on railroad land in
1883 or 1887 cau recover their fees by
applying to Frank H. Snow, U. S. Com
missioner, at Lexington. Bring your
filing receipt. 435-tf.
A Political Rnraor.
A political rumor, which won a very
wide-spread circulation in Copenhagen,
says that the Folkething is to be dis
solved in March, and that new elections
will take place in May.
Protectionists In a Dilemma.
The protectionists of the Swedish Riks
dag do not seem to know bow to act re
garding the government's proposition to
suspend the duties on the necessities of
life. At the latest meeting of the party
leaders three different opinions were ex
pressed. Some persona were in favor of
the status quo; others spoke for a sus
pension modified and extended to Sep
tember 1st, of the present year; while
others favored a small reduotion u( the
duties on grain and flour. It is prob
able, however, that the protectionist
party will, in some degree, yield to the
free trade politics of the government.
Ladies' Bnd children's shoes a special
ty and at bedrock prices at
C. S. Van Duyn's.
If yon want tbe correct thing in gent's
hats,' latest New York novelties, call on
C. S.Van Duyn.
iia AUAi
Held an Open Session Saturday.
March 12th, 1892.
Remarks of E. P. Sine, Esq. Party Platform
Rend-"Prof. Anbrer Addresios
the Uaeting.
Special to the Gazette.
Last Saturday wbs the occasion of an
open meeting of Lexington's alliance at
which Hon. Frank Snow presided. The
usnal literary program was omitted
owing to extra amount of business.
The exercises began with a song by tbe
local glee club. Mr. Snow, the president,
then read the platform of the party
which was listened to with marked atten
tion. After reading of platform, some
pointed remarks were made by E. P.
Sine, Esq. He reviewed the situation in
a manner olear, concise and forcible,
with an eloquent appeal to the common
people for a government by the people.
lie said the purpose is to organize a
Peoples' Party olub, though tbe alliance
is not a political party, but it proposes
to vote for such men as are eminently
fitted for the various positions. The
allianoe needed less smooth talkers and
more effeotive workers. Mr. Sine stated
further that it became necessary to or
ganize a olub to secure representation in
the state organization. It is needless to
say that the gentleman's remarks created
auew the fires of enthusiasm in the
breasts of bis hearers.
Kecess was then declared for a few
moments, after which the club was or
ganized with Frank H. Snow, temporary
chairman and Ed. Tibbetts temporary
secretary. The permanent organization
stands as follows: W. C. Metier, Chrm.
N. A. Leach, Sec'y; E. P. Sine, Treas.
The rules governing the clubs were
read by W. 0. Metier, after which a gen
eral invitation was given to all preseut
to join, wbioh whs responded to by nearly
everyone E. P. Sine was selected to
represent the club at the state conven
tion, to be held in tbe near future nt
Oregon City. The next meeting at Lex
iugton will be held on Mar. 26lh at which
time the olub will ratify the results of
the Oregon City convention.
Mr. Sine regards the will of the people
omnipotent, and that the results of this
year's work will prove such to be tbe
On motion it was decided to hold tbe
next, open meeting at ono o'clock, p. m.
Prof. T- 0. Aubrey, of Heppner's Gram
mar school, arose at this point and made
some salient remarks in regard to the
subjeot of "the common schools." Mr.
Aubrey is a fair representative of the
ednoators of Morrow county, having
been an active, successful teacher in this
county. His remarks were pointed and
well received. He said :
"The teaohers' organization is for
mutual protection, and benefit of teaoh
ers. Its aims and purposes having been
somewhat misrepresented, we wish to
correct all errors in this respeot, It was
stated that the teachers were uoing to
oompel patrons to pay whatever they de
manded, when they were merely asking
the patrons to pay first grade and experi
enced sccoud grade teaoliers about $50
per month, which, minus board, would
leave them about 833, which is not au
exrravagaut figure for a first olas6
teacher. That third grade teachers be
paid about 840. The purpose of tbe or
gauization was not to crowd out young
teachers, but to aid them.
Closing song of open allianoe by Alli
ance Glee Olub. The body then went
into secret session.
notes .
W. C. Metier was elected delegate to
the state convention of tbe people's
party, to be held at Oreson City on
March 16th.
There were a number of new members
initiated and a large number of appli
cants for membership.
Wandering Bbout town, your repre
sentative nut "Uncle" Sam Warfield. O
H. Colvin, VV. T. McNab and S. N. War
fild. of Fairview: A. T. King, A. K
Windsor. Kuea Creek: Henry Padberg,
Perry Oiler, J. F. Willis, Geo. Shick,
Walter Yokum, Thos. Owens, J. S.
Boothby and son, Hetirv Parsons, O H
Staufield, Thos. McMillan, J. T. McMil
Ian, Jas. Leach, Wm. Booher, B. M.
Booher, W. A. Ferguson, Carl Crow,
John Parkins, Chas. Beuefiel, Frank
Troutman, D. W. Bryant and Mr. Taylor,
Chas. Valentine. A. Keaney, W. E.
Onskell, and a large numbor of other
prominent farmers and stockmen from
this section. Taken altogether Lexing
ton presented a very lively appearance.
Being A stranger, I have not been able
to furnish a complete list of all those
present in Lexington last Saturday. K.
Of the National Bank of Heppner at
Heppner, in the State of Oregon,
at the close of business,
March 1, 1892.
Loans anddisoounts 8105,336.35
Overdrafts secured and unse
cured 829.47
0. H. bonds to secure circula
tion 12,500.00
Stock securities, judgments,
claims etc 3,(17.74
Due from approved reserve
agents 2,840.59
Due fromotherNatl. Bks 343 bb'
Bankiughouxe, furniture, & fix. 2,118131)
Current ex. and taxes paid... 6116 56
Premiums on U. S. bonds 2,100.00
Checks and other cash items . . 174.74
Uills of other Banks 190.00
Fractional paper curreucy,
Dickies, and cents .55
Specie : 6,128.00
Legal-tender notes 1,500.00
Redemption fund with U. S.
Treasurer (5 tier cent, of cir
culation) 562.50
Total 8139,209.46
Capital stock paid in 8 50,000.00
Surplus fund 5,600.00
Undivided prohts o,oj(-U4
Nat. BrtuK notes outstanding.. 11,250.00
Dividends unpaid 2,22o.U0
Individual deposits subject to
check 25,400.58
Demand certificates of deposit 13.oyo.15
Notes and bills re discounted 6,733 90
Due to other Nat banks 6,077-79
Bills payable 15,000.00
Total 8139,209.46
State of Okeoon, I
County of Morbow, J
I, Ed. R. Bishop, Cashier of the above
named bank, do solemnly swear that the
ab-ve statement is true to the best of
my koowledge and belief.
Ed li. Bihhop, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 14tli day of March, 18:ii
Otis Pttkbson, Notary Public.
Correct Attest: Nelson Jones, Wm.
Penlaod, P. C. Thompson, Directors.
Babies' Day. On Thursday of each
week will be "babies' day" at Danner's
gallery. Bring along your babies and
have their pictures taken, and you will
ge one photo free of oharge. 5Stf
Notice to Sheepmen. A. A. Wren
has good corral, water and pasture to ac
commodate those desiring to shear sheep,
at bis place, four miles west of Heppner.
Will let cheap. 69 76 sw
PiiAix Skwiko. The Ladies' Guild
are prepared to do plain sewing nt tbe
houce as a body, or the members will
take the same to their hom-s. Apply to
President Mrs. W.J. Leezer. 68-tf.
Election of Oeficbiw. Nineteen
stockholders of the M. C L. T. Co. were
represented at the annual meeting of
that company Saturday evening. The
following were elected directors for the
ensuing year: O. E. Farnswortb. P. C.
Thompson, E. R. Bishop, E. G. Sparry
and E. S. Uox.
A Stallion Snow. We are instnioled
to inform those persons owning or man
aging stallions, that there will bo a
stallion show at Lexington. Morrnw
ennnty, Oregon, Saturday, M..rch 19,
1892. It will be a (fraud advertisement
for the various stallions of tlio county
and their owners should not fail to bo
present with them 69-71 T.
Leo Broken. On last Friday, little
George, the 11 year-old son of D. O. Ely,
who resides near Douglas, was thrown
from a oayuse, the pony striking him on
tbe right leg, breaking it just above the
knee and dislocating the joint. Mr. Ely
brought bis son up to Heppner, where
he was attended by Dra. Fox and Fell,
who report him as improving nicely.
However, he will not be able to be moyed
for some weeks.
Finb Timber. Perhaps, the best tin),
ber growing in the Blue mountains can
be found ou Rock creek, in the vioinity
of Will Mallory's saw-mill. This class
of timber Mr. Mallory in UBiug in making
lumber wbiob he delivering in Hepp
nei all the way from $15 to $30 per
thousand feet, depending on the quality,
and hether desired rough or dressed.
The same oan be bought at the mill nt
prioes ranging from S8 to 825 per thous
and. He has a general assortment on
band at present, and is pure to satisfy
customers. 427-tf.
- Undkb Good Management. O. T.
Douglas, of Douglas, and J. A. Woolery,
of lone, spent Sunday iu tbe city, being
here for the purpose of attending tbe
meeting of stockholders of tbe M. C. L.
T. Co.. Saturday eveuiog This oompauy
is a business association of a large num
ber of prominent citizens of tbe county,
and the election of those designated to
serve as directors for the ensuing year
indicates that the business will be man
aged in a manner satisfactory to its
patrons, and iu a way which will be with
material benefit to tbe grain and wool
producers of the oounty.
Somemwno to Think About. Ton
tine insurance, as an investment, will
soon be superceded by investments iu
good building and loan companies.
Straight life insurance can be secured at
a very low rate, and the amount which
any one will have to pay in excess of
this to secure tontine insurance on the
fifteen or twenty-year plan, will earn
nearly twice as much iu a buildicg and
ioau company. And while the Gazette
is speaking of this, it would call to pub
lic notioe tbe Puget Sound National
Savings & Loan Association, of Port
Townsend and Portland. References:
Commercial National Banks of Portland
and Port Townsend, and the state
auditor, of Olympia, Wash.
O. Ruhl has added a stook of oysters
canned and fresh fruits, all kinds of nuts,
cigars, tobaccos, etc 69 sw
Recently tht followlm Notlcf appeartd In Wis
oan rranvinvo vrvioio.
" Judge S had been sick only about two
weeks, and it was not until the last three or
four dHys that the malady took a serious turn.
At the beuinning of his illness he suffered from
diabetes and stomach disorder. Later the
kidneys refused to perform their functions and
he passed quietly away. Thus ended the life
of one of the most prominent men in Cali
fornia " Like thousands of others his un
timely death was the result of neglecting early
symptoms of kidney disease.
are troubled with diabetes, nrravel, or ony de
rangement of the kidneys or urinary organs,
don't delay proper treatment until you are
forced to give up your daily duties ; don't
.ado vonr monev on worthless liniments
and worse plasters, but strike at the seat of I
the disease at once by using the greatest of all I
known remedies, the celebrateeT Oregon Kid-1
ney Tea. It has saved the lives of thousands. I
Why should it not cure you? Try it. Purely j
VegeiaDIC HUU JIW.UI W H.H. f.wv t
age, o ioi u.vj.
C. S. Land Office, La Grande, Or., Feb. 1892.
thinOtlk'0 by John Kenny against Byron
Sarver for failure to comply with law as to
Timber-Culture Entry No. 2187 dated April 24,
ishrt, upon the Ef-a of HW4; HV!4 of Kh'i and
SE'4 of NV Section 2, Township, .1 H, Range
28 E. W. M., in Morrow County, Oregon, with a
view to the cancellation of said entry; contest
ant alleging that said Byron Sarver did not the
first or second year, plow or fence any of said
tract, and has not at any time plowed, fenced,
cultivated or planted any of sain tract or caused
tt to be done; the said parties are hereby sum
moned to appear at theotliceof J. V. Morrow,
at Heppner, Oregon, on the 21st day of March,
ISiri, at :i o'clock, P. M., to respond and furnish
testimony concerning said alleged failure. To
be used at the final hearing at this oitice, April
11, 1NI2, It Is further ordered that this notice be
served by publication iu the Heppner Gazette
for six consecutive weeks and by posting upon
the land as in U. S. land cases.
64-72. A. C. McClku.and, Receiver.
LT. S. Land Officr, I,a Grande, Or., Feb. 2, 12.
Kj this Ollice by John Kenny against William
Plin for failure to com ply with law as to Timber
Culture Entry No. l.S'ldated February hi, iw.,
upon the E!i of SE'4; NW'4 of tJE'4 and N El4
ofbWJi Section 14, Township 3 H, Range 28 R
W. M., in Morrow County, Oregon, with a view
to the cancellation of said entry; contestant
alleging that said William Plin nevr cultivated
or fenced any portion of said tract, never plmu
ed any trees, seeds, or cuttings on any part of It.
or caused Hie same to be done; the siiid parties
are hereby suunnnned to appear at theotliceof
J. W. Morrow, at Heppner, Morrow Co.. Oregon,
on the 21st day of March, Xb'.U, at 10 o'clock A.
M., to respond and furnish testimony concerning
Bald alleged failure. To be used at this othce at
the final hearing April 11. . It is further
' pilblfert-
tionforsix consecutive weeks in tbe Het
Oaette, and by posting on laud as In U. s. land
cases, A. C. iIf,Ci,Ei-i,AM,
64-72. Receiver.
i U. ft. Land Office. The Dalles, Oregon. Jan. -J1.
Cujmplainthavi.no been entered at
this ofhee by J. B. Hunt, Heppner, Oregon,
' against VV. B. Cuningharoe for abandoning his
'. homestead entry No. 71, dated Nov. , lw7.
i upon the SW4 section 17th. tow nsbip :t M range
! 2il E. in Morrow county, Oregon, with a view to
: the cancellation oi said entry ; the snid piirti.-s
are lierebv summoned to appear at this ufbee on
the 2Ui d'nv of March, lMfti, at 10 o'clock a. m..
t respond 'and furnish testimony concerning
aid alleged abandonment. J W. Morrow,
i count v clerk, If authorized to take testimony in
i this cose at hii othce In Heppner, at 10 a. 111.,
I March 19th, 1W John. W. Lewis,
The Pcreheron Stallion
Vfl-Sl-Tu-Peaux is a dark, flaj-'Vl'-'l K'ty, with
Boventeon niuios nmn. Hits imported direct
His French number i 9.L. Wan timli'd ;nl 'jt,
Illinois: brctl bv M. Mtitillet. rommimp of RcKRl -
f.'.TO, he bv I'hililicrt 7U), lie i v sup''i ior :l, 7;i, he by Kavori 711, he by Vieu ('hasliu 713, he by
t;oco 71'.!. he by Marion - ho by j.-i'ti ttlang 739; dam Boulotte 9.V), by Jupiter. No. 6WH In
Percheron Stud book of Anicrb-ii.
Single k-ap, $7.50; Sfasou, 815. To insurA,
be with foal. Clubs of six murr- are entitled to the season of one free of charge.
Mures coining from a oMstunoe will be pastured free of charge. Those breeding
can have service of Httiliinn till October 1, '92, by coming to barn at Lexington,
at which time money is due for breeding. 48 71.
Thos Reanejr,
WANTED More patrons for my hotel. Neat
rooms, a aplendtd table and living rates.
Palace Hotel, corner Main and May sireetB,
Heppner, Oregon.
t8-8H. Miti. Mauuari'.t Von Cadow.
THOSE who owe un either by account or note,
the same being due, to come in and Bettle
at once. We are in need of money, and ex
pect that you will accommodate us as we have
you. 68-bw. KlKK A Hayek.
THOSE who ore interested in the Eight Mile
country and Morrow comity to know that
we have a few extra copies left, which can
be secured either at Geo. Thornton's news stand
or at the Gazette otlice. tW-uw.
OME able-bodied men to ennmnne schooners
of Budweiscr and Val Hlatz beer at the
Palace bar and tiem saloon. Olt-sw
MRS. J. W. RASMUS wants the people to
know that she has opened a dressmaking
shop at the millinery store of Miss Inez
Voruz. Give her your work, ladies. titf-BW
TO KNOW that L. D. Bnyed is Heppner's
leading contractor and bulkier. Estimates
given on all kinds of work. Oitice at resi
dence, Heppner, Or. 71-bw.
RATTLING good cart, horse and harness.
Call at Gazette ollice. tiS-sw.
An Al Shire Stallion, dark buv, four years old,
weight 1600 to 170V. U ill sell tin easy terms, or
trade for good young cattle. J. V. Morkow,
67-tf Heppner, Or.
wood farm ou Columbia river, Klickitat
Co., Wash., opposite Coyote station U. P. R.
R. Welt improved, rich soil, good orchard and
extensive stock range. Address
01t-7.ri. U. Hrinton, Portland, Or,
HARNESS-SHOP, stock and fixtures. Good
buslncBs; established in the midst of a
good farming and stock-raising country.
Reason for selling, want to go on a farm. Also
for sale a good house and two lots with or with
out the business property. For further informa
tion address Lock Box No. 5, Long Creek,
Oregon. 71 tf sw
March 14, 1892:
Brantly, Mrs J Westley Brown, A or F
Dittenhorfscr, Ralph Knapp, E B 2
Neilson. Jerome Wymore, Mrs Eve
West, Miss Mollie A. Maixoky, P. M.
1 ty of Morrow, State of Oregon.
ine American Mortgage
Company, of Scot html,
(Limited,) Plaiutill',
Wm. L. Donaldson and
Mary C. Donaldson.
Charles H. Hudson
and W. L. Donaldson,
To Wm. L. Donaldson, Mary C. Donaldson,
Cnarles If. Hudson and W. L. Donaldson, de
You are hereby required to appear and answer"
the complaint filed against you in the above en
titled cause on or before the first day of the next
regular term of said court, to-wlt: ou or before
Monday. the'2ftth day of March. 1S'J2. and if von
fail bo to answer, for want thereof the plaiutill'
will tuke judgment against the said Win, L. Don
aldson and Mary C. Donaldson for the sum of
8i.Wi.tX), U. 8. gold coin, with interest thereon at
the rate 01 8 per cent, per annum troin Jan. 20th,
lHti2, until paid; and the sum of flOO attorney's
fees, and for its costs ami disbursements of this
cause. And against all of the above named de
fendants for the foreclosure of a certain mortg
executed by the said Win. L. Donaldson and
MaryC. Donaldson, in favor of plaintitt, bearing
date, Aug, :i0, 1W7, and recorded in book C, page
J7 ft acquit record of mortgages lor Morrow coun
ty, Oregon, conveying the SEJ of section 12, In
township one, north, of range 21 east, W. M.;
and for such further relief us Is demanded In
plaintifi's complaint.
And defendants arc further notified that this
summons Is served by publication by order oi
VV. L. Bradshaw, Judge of said circuit court,
dated at The Dalles, Oregon, this '-"Jill day of
Jan'y, 8'.l2. J. N. BROWN,
Co 711 Attorney for Plaintiff'.
in the circuit court of the htatk of
Oregon, for the County of Morrow.
T. J. Owens, Plil. 1
M. E. Owens, Deft.5
To M. E. Owens, the above-named Deft.:
In the name of the HtHte of Oregon you are
hereby required to uppear and answer the com
plaint of Plil. bled in the above entitled court
and suit atrainst you on or before the first day of
the next term of said court,to-wit: the 2Mb day of
March, ml. Deft, will take notice that if she
fails to appear or answer, the Pit)', will take a
decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now
existing between 11 it", and Deft., and for the
care and custody of Thomas Cleveland Owens
and Klora Owens, minor children of Pill, and
Thin summons is published by order of Kon.
Judge Bradshaw, Judge ot the 7th judicial dis-
irict of the f-tute of Oregon.
Dated 10th February, fJ. W. RKA,
61-74. Pith's Attorney.
Land Ollice at Tbe Dulles, Or., Feb. '27, ItfH.
Notice is hereby given that the follow Ing-naui-ed
settler hs filed notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before the County
Clerk of Morrow County, Oregon, at Heppner,
Oregon, on April l'i. Imi'J. viz:
D. S. No. 4.WI for the NE- MVtf, NKfc.
N W4 riEi. -' ' 1 K 'i K w- M-
He names the follow ing witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon, and cultivation of,
said land, viz:
(jeorge W. Miller, Charles B. Cochran, Hiram M.
Thornton. James W. Kedford, all of lone, Mor
row Co. (Jr.
John W. Lkwih,
4fi8-i78 Register.
Land Office, at La
Notice is hereby
named settler lias til
make tinal nroof in
Orande,Or.,March3, 1W2.
given that the foliowing-i-d
notice of his intention to
support of his claim, and
l" made before the County
iiinty, at Heppner, (Jr., on
St NW'i See 1 and
1 1 ;; S, R .i E. W. M.
; that said proof wiJl
ijierK OI .Morroiv in.
April l'i. vi:
Hd. No. l:t:;'. for the
Nr.1 4 and lot 1 ee ',
He names ttie fol
his continuous resid
of, said land, vi.:
Nelson Jones, of IC
nan, A. J. Cook, II. 1
lowing witnesses to prove
-nre upon and cultivation
(;.piier, Oregon, Jerry Hros
ibbett, of Lena, Oregon,
Land Office at I -a Orandc. Or., March 7,
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named settler has 'hied uotiee of hii intention
to make final proof in support of hisclaim, and
that said proof wlil be made before W. H.
Ellis, Com, C. rs. Circuit Court, nt Heppner, Or.,
I on May 1, l'rj, viz. :
j Hd No. .;!. for tbe N W4 ee .'A, Tp 1 S, R Tt
; E VV M. Charles NHmjo Utke notice.
1 He names the follow ing w UiienMH to prove bis
1 coiitihuoun reMili'lJCu lil'li, ttlid Cultit tion of
i said land, viz:
ft. V Morgan, Auatln (ientry, Joseph Kttctor
and William Doonan, nil of Heppuer, Or.
I 70-W) a. ClbaVeb, Kbistkk.
Will stand the season at the following placet:
On Mondays and Tuesdays at the
old "Morrow" stable, Heppner;
Wednesdays and Thursdayst at
O. W. McCariijs, Send Hollow;
the balance of time ai Lexington
Livery Stable.
white mane and tail; weifht about 1700; about
mnu t ranee oy lu wood, oi ue ivaiD, Illinois-
im; imported i87 by W. L. Kllwood, De Kaih.
sur - Brave, department of Sartho: cot by Klorent
825, to be paid when mare is known to
The Members of thn County Republican Cen
tral committee.
Tbe following are the membora of the
republican central committee of Morrow
Heppner (chairman) O. . Farr.swortb
Gentry - Stephen Lalande
Mount Vernon 8. N. Morgan
Lexington J. F. Willie
Dry Fork W. F. Holmes
Cecil J. B. Ely
Alpine Tbad Arnietrong
Eight Mile . Ed. Rood
Dairy D.N. Hardman
Inne J. M. Kees
Mntteson I. O. Large
Lena Jerry Broanan
Cnstle Rook
Pine City Tboa. tioott
Wells Springs D. R. Jayne
W. R. Ellis,
Mem. State Cen. Com
66 tr
Tbe latest noveltieBin black and white
laopfl, derm flouaciugs, embroidery, bIso
Indies' spring nnd summer waists at
C. S. Van Duyn's.
Horses !
Horses !
ON MARCH 25, 1892,
At the Morrow stable. I will offer for Bale about
sixty-five head of brood mares, yearlings,
two and three-year-olda. AIbo a few
work and Baddle horses. The year
lings and two-year-olds are out
of my Thoroughbred
Clydesdale Stallion.
Mares in foal by him at present. The mares
are all line, heavy American stock, and
are desirable for any horseman. Hev
oral of them are broken to work
and all are in splendid con
dition. Will also sell a Wagon, Buckboard,
Hay Gutter, Barley Crusher,
three sets Harness, eto.
TTcUArC OF SALE: Twelve months'
LlilViTlO time with good security; five
per cent discount for cash. A. W. pHtterson
will attend to the business in this connection.
E. L. MATLOCK. Heppner, Or.
Auctioneer. (J6-74.
Something New !
I HAVE in stock a lot of billiard supplies
which 1 will be pleased to furnish those need
ing the same at reasonable figures. Am also
prepared to repair tables.
(live me a chance when you need anything of
the kind.
65-tf. Heppner, Oregon.
Corn Meal !
HAVING purchased mnehlriery for grinding
Corn Meal, we Invite all our patrons to
bring In their corn and get in return & superior
6,r,-tf. T. W. Aycm. S Mnn;;er.
On Tli H.rppner Furniture Cn.'H ad. next
week for Hptrcial bargains. 1 wo car load.
oHumltura are. atored in uur warehoune.
Look for price uet wMek.
C'avaIjKY Hohhkh Wanted. Those
who have oounil horses, weiliiu from
1,000 to 1,200 pound, in oolor black,
brown or gray, inn tirn) idle for tbxin by
oe.llinn on K. G. Hperry at the Belvedere
aluou. Fifty beul wanted immedi
ately. 61-tf
w Opium !
ability of not finding standing room in
our bijr store. You should frequently
visit us and be among the many success
ful bargain hunters, sometimes we buy
great drives and they are sold before we
can advertise them.
ability of getting "stuck" on some Infer
ior or hack number article If you insist
on trading at some fossilized establish
ment w here cobwebs are thick and the
hide of the proprietor thicker. Moral.
Trade at Minor Bros. Modern and Model
General Merchandise Store.
ability of getting left If you don't heed
our words. We Bpeak nought but the
truth. It Is not only unfair, but unwise
and unprovable to deceive.
Youn to please,
C9. RUHLi,
Baker :: and :: Confectioner,
Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes and Confectionery.
Madb on Short Notice
Bread 22 Loaves for (1.00.
They must be Respected.
The People Cigar, Best
in the Market, at
68-74 SVAli(JAHT'p( Ot,IJ UTAIV I.
E. li.
lie Morrow County Land & Trust Company
Qeneral CDmmisslQii and Forwarding Agents.
The Highest Market Price Paid for all kinds
of Grain, Sheep Pelts, Hides, Etc.
Storage Ctiinoltyx
(,000 Bag) Wool. 50,001)0 UuxhrlH Urulu 20,000 Unahcli Grain.
HSiOOO Buahela Qraln,
Odd Combinations.
Strange Combinations to be Found Only at The Combin
ed Grocery and Hardware Store of
Groceries, Hardware, Tinware, Confectionery Wood &
Willow VVare and Agricultural Implements. Agents
for NEW HOME Sewing Machines and IMPERIAL
Tble Cutlery, Hbeftm, Scissors, Fooket KnivBH, and Kior at
Remarkably Low Priot-n. Kpociitl inducements to Cash Cus
tomers. Give ns a triul.
tf. Owner Main and Willow Streets, Heppner Or.
In the Hustle with their Countrymen.
Tla.o EEeppner
Candor Paotorv,
Five doors North of tbe I'tilaoe Hotel, Heppner, Or.
Fine Imported and JJome.it ic Cigars and Tolaccos
Fresh Fruits and other (lands fteetrived Daily.
and at Popular Prick.