rrr.. . rmnn fnrpi CONSTIPATION. INDIGESTION, nMiniISNESS;UTEB COMPLAINTS, SICK HEADACHE, COLUS, Fl'sPLEsl Si ' SEW AFFECTIONS, an'd DISEASES ARISING from DISORDERED STOMACH. vrT miF WRAPPER The OennAMBVnqTEAUamJELlOTT WRAPPERS with Facsimile Sknalure ofhillL tlil-bh. W v,tn 1 aceimue ED1N0TC,'N a co. AQENT3, 8an Fiasco. SOTl BY AM. mtlXbfilSTW A Ms KOCBTt mo i--, J ' QUEEN ANIMHAIRINE" rnunv.-H :uanl r,r Fnprlluons -- TT :i I r horn tho J ace. Mrlt Jur I A nns. or A! olt's ami 1;in hinarlts. Miiilc in o a paste, powerluL vci "liTf-'N HAIRINE" 1" r(-f-'t'm and promote v our appSioai ions will Mt p tlio hair falling and form'-. Uml. t roi Vr's 1 f r.rl . Nature aid not provide thai wu should wnar a coyorh.r ,r the head. When tiiD- lernvs (-kin) is alive so are tho roots, and "Quoon Ii airing applied to the surface opens the olli"liM and Riws nourishment and vitality to the tools. One hot Ho wwl cuimiu-o tbo most bkeptioai nf i' ii'crits 'l'rv it 1'ric Jl ") per Rotllo. ' Mllr'M ANTI-ODOR" (rwderwi form) applie;Ho Ihi pnrts allays excessive perspiration, . i . . .iiiff ,.,iHi fh-rwivc fppt. armpits, etc A most delightful and h;irmlens remedy. Price 60c. If " i .,r-Jv'i i.r-n i.nnximl tiarmlpwl. Keif it l.y 1 . 'ruer, iieiat-uici 1-.., t- Q'J r M TOSUTCO. 174 KAUa tT.t ar:s:; i''.w cl our GooOs and " Uew the l '.jf-mlexioir removes and prevents ia.li, Minuurn, r reeit.es, i inipiea bih juaeaneaua. i nis rc ' ,ri,(j nr"i-aratio"ri cannot he excelled. single application h;. a marvelous cflVet, and each ad Tii o nil one improve the complexion. Try it; if not dehphied with it, return the Untie, and wo refund vour money. One Rmile will restore Hie complexion. Price, $1.00 0"K!fH Toii.kt Co.: Your preparation formulas (alter a careful ana.vhiKl, T am free to say, a: a . I Aiir.ii.ii u ftlect on 1 lineu accurui liu lu iiiin;iiiiin, . i . i it-ir, 'i . i'.. 10 t iitcinau .1.1 .-. LOVELL DIAMOND CYCLES. STRICTLY HIGH GRADE. Ko. 2, Cushion Tiros, lio. 3, Ladies' Solid Tiros, OUR CbsMou Tires AUK WarraRtci A IX PARTS iiilcrcliaDEe- aMD. $85.00 JOHN i C MANUFACTURERS Send (ii tent. In itimpi for our 100 pRe Hlostratcd Catalofue INDIANA RANGE CO." MANUFACTURCRS OF WROUCHT STEEL RANCES mm -kt f tw-.w-. "I C Hi m hi Lli I 4w Ouarantoed to ba tho most eco nomical, most durable and most perfect Panno on tha market. Suitable for bard or soft coal, or wood. Sond for oatnloijuo to INDIANA RANGE CO. I'.VATJSVII.I.E, IND. Scionlific Amorlcaa Agency for CAVEATS. ..4 TRADE IWARKS, DiTSICN PATkN.a ryyfi'' COPYRIQHTS, oto. For Infnrmalion nml m Hiuiilbonk wrilo to MUNN CO., il I1.IKA1IWAY, Ni w IK. Sldeut hiln'tiii for Bt'i-urliiK imtfiilrt li Aiiuth'ji. very patent trtkon out liv It lironwht hotorrt Ibe public by a itotliu irtvo.i Iroo ot cluuyo m tlio Scientific $mmcmi Lfttvost f Irrulatlon of nny KPlimtlfie piipor In tlio world. rinloii.lUUy llli DlAll MhOllltt bo WllllOl, iHimt I'd vt' No In lit It. 1 Mililv. .'I.IH. tl Ml'NN .1 I'D. JllTi fl.iitl SIX 1 AiMi'i1 PUULlriUKKti. All Bruuilwiiy. ow Volk. ifflWmK is one of those inven tions that seems to be finished. It seems to reach the end as to ,t, goodness of light frTiS. in cverv wav. and ease of management. The only care requires 13 filling and wip ing. Dirt falls out when the chimney is taken off, not into a pocket as in other central-draught lamps. rutting in a new wick is a very easy matter indeed. 1 All this seems strange to one who knows how troublesome other good lamps are. It i.j in all tho good lamp-stores. Scrd for a primer. I.tt .iw.j. f rn-i- '.:t:!V,!t Bhasj. l' il X-Z-j Ho. 4, C Ii I "Iff I'tu-irtft'i.itM I Ail pi 1.V I if . 1 a jt,.,-, erhaps You Don't Know Us, BUT SU"ELY YOU K.NOV OF OM REMEDIES. Wo extend an invitation to .m l t-fo fr ffsrt at. mir Clinic, "Arra'lo Chambers." 3 1 on 1 to r. :.f. La'ly Attendants. U-.. .'.11 ,,... I .ril.irc Giili.l, rPfliv,.,! .-llil-.l- k. :.l..,l t r,i,1 only Rit w niiiiui'-rf application is ri:iiihed. It inim in in vi.t-vi. ii. ui?mhl'S ana uthiruys the follicles of tlio hair vr it hout. tl, v sh'thteM p:i:ji, injury ordiscolori; tiuii to Iho most 'l;liri,te skin. Try it. One I'riccj-Sl.uO per Rot tip. the Ihnr ln no epul. It ;i puma- (vase lino prevent (Un-lnnf. it cures Mjulp diseases, and when aimlicd to Iho skin restores and biiuiifica r-i , VlFyiNWAlz, u. nocai er.ts w&r.u. to l5 ueautlial sen; lor mo sumj-i. Ko. S 0, Laiiias' CusSiicn Tif as, Ko. 4, Convarlibla So!;:! Tiros, $85.00 " Casliion Tir;a $!)5.0U No better machine mado a? any price. BicyslB Catalogue Fraa. $85.00 LOVELL AlOIH CO., BOSTON, MASS. of Guns, Rifles, RmWin, Sporting Mi nftllUnJi, ttc. STANDARD FOUJ CENTURA THE QUICK YEAST 5C-T roR LIGHTBREAD WATIRIOO YCASrcO BtlBOlT MICH. Adjustable Extonnion Stand lioi.l. Attafl SIAihI, Alrmn Miuht, Kl-o I.-uni'. ia", lur. e 'in. i' . mill t'lu-.-lt.-r Stto. In ,1 Hi i-li. Ii.-inhi M lnvhoi u i ilit I'.' His., sui. of tin lul.-.l, w lu. I'.M K IV I fm. SI VI W u I Kit A t'O , Ku "t Hoi . Ill it WOVESJ WIRE 'FENCING WIRE ROPE SF.tVJGE W ACK.NOWLEDCI.& THE BEST lor L:wns, Gardens, Farms, tehes and Railroads CUlrl 1.1 10 Cl 1' In ,1, , :'- tii 1 h i It 1 I ' 1 ! ll Ni'Ni u.KVs I'l.n.ruv mtiimi. v vmm So etiirtnitk't I.'o ImKit n.'l y ttm I'envr Nt-ttiitf Tbt ll.Malleo Wutim Win. l'sui Co., cWfi,Ui TWIN BROTHERS DRY HOP 13 r '"-'L 3EST r Bl.rU MVtB Jul'TlKGS. Balmy weather still prevails. The grn.ua in growina nicely. The ehei'ptnen will surely raise an abundant crnp of lambs, as Ihe grass vtill be excellent bv that time. Since the whtmping rongh has been rsojnr.' in our neiKbborbmKl, the night owl has ceased to sing bis songs of joy. Enoch Cave and J. H. Hayes will visit the county fceat the first of the week. Their conveynnoe will be on a load of cord wood. The woods are ' chuck" full of grouse and those that enjoy such sport as grouse hunting could have a pknio shooting them on the wing. The ranchers on the north slopes of the Blues have been speeding the plow for the past few days, Bnd their iittle lipids look as black as tar. The little child of Eugene Matteson is still alive and mending as fast as OLMild lie expected, but it is feared that the lillle fellow will loose bis sight. Milt Brown and Allen McFerrin re turned from the Wall creek country well pleased with their luck. They oaptured an animal that gave strong evidence of being a monster. Milt Brown and Ury Kidgevjay have ffone to Jim Talberts to bale nay. The ranchers have conie to o wise conclusion, that it in cheaper to bale their hay than to have it scratched to pipces by a band of chickens, and wafted away on the Huainier breezes. The change in the Gazette will enable us to get the news more regularly than in the paBt. Tamarack. Blue Kiver, March 6, '92. Deserving Praise. We deBire to say to our citizens, that for years we have been selling Dr. K'lifcr'n New Discovery for oousumptiou, Dr. King's New Life pills, Buckliu's ar uioa salye and Electric bitters, and have never handled remedies that sell as well, or that have given snob universal satis faction. We do not hesitate to guaran tee them every time, and we stand ready to refund the purchase price, if satisfac tory results do not follow their use. TheHe remedies have won their great popularity purely on their merits. Slo oura Juhuslon Drug Co. EAGLETS. from our Eagle. Fry S. Wilson left for Harney county last week to be absent several days on business. Wool buyers will Bonn begin to con gregate at Heptmer to be in readiness when the spring clip comes in. Siiice the narrow escape from fire last. week, almost all the stovepipes in the Uy have been overhauled. Attorney J. N. Brown passed through Inst Saturday en route to Heppner. He expects to return to Grant county again on the lfltb inst. V. S. Wilson is desirous of succeeding ft. II. Davis as commissioner of Grant county, and therefore has announced himself as a candidate on the democrat ic ticket. Vernon Lodge, No. 43, K. of P., of John Kav, has been enjoying an era of nronnentv not common to many lodges, having increased its membership 100 per rent. 111 less than one year. L!trge bodies of coal havo been discov i re I near the summit of the mountain ahum two miles abovu Canyon City. L'artiL'8 are now being employed pros iiecting, and it is thought that a large vein of coal will be discovered near at hand. Ii. T. Douglass, an attorney of Port land, hes located at Ganyon City, having f.irmedaoo partnership with J. N Brown, if Heppner. The new firm has a bright opening here in this county and have riHtotfi.iZ.-il this great weekly as a med ium through which to speak to the county populace. O. K. T.- Holiest Hesi.lts.-O. K. T. Mmvofthe pioneers of Oregon and A'ashingl'.n have cheerfully testified to the wnudeiful curiitivfl properties of the celebrated Oregon Kidney Tea. Purelv vegetable and pleasant to the taste and ean be tak-u by the youngest child or most delicate woman. O. K. T is a never ailing remedy for pains in the back and iiins, non-retention of urine, scalding or burning sensation while urinating, mucous discharges and all kidney troub les of either sex. 81 at all druggists. WORLD'S H'AIR NOTES. Ail Ohio World's Ficr commissioner lias estimated that the exhibitors from his statu will spend upwards of $5,000, I Uil in the preparation of their exhibits or the exposition. The California building lit the fair will ho an imposing structure of the "old niiHsiou" typo, 110 by 500 feet, with a dome, and costing about I(i75,0il0. It will be suiTouudtd by a hedge of Monterey cypress. Vermont will have a building at the exposition without drawing on the state appropriation for the cost of its erection. One hundred aulHtnutial citizens have guaranteed H),000 for that purpose, each one pledging himself to pay 3100. A Million I'l'ioiuls. A friend in need is a friend indeed, and not less than one million people have found just such a friend in Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, coughs and colds.- If you have never used this great cough medicine, one trial will con vince you that it has wonderful curative powers in all discuses of throat, chest and lungs. Each buttle ie guarau'eed to do all that is claimed or money w ill be refut ded. Trial bottles free at Slocura Johnstou Drug Co.'s. Large bottles 5uo and $1. I' ire at Alba. From the Eniile. The drug store and postollice at Alba, Umatilla county, owned by Win. Folsom, were reduced to ashes last .Monday Light about 0;;10 o'clock. Mr. Folsom had only a few miuutes i before the fire was discovered closed up his store, and bad uo more thau reached j his residence, w hen the U.iiues were seen i belching forth from the roof, having, in j an instant, the w hole building safelv in ! its clutches. At Ihe headway tho fire had gained, to save the building, stock or even the mail was impossible. The origin of the fire is not exactly known, but is supposed to have been from a defective flue. HK.RF.'S HltUNKSS. Dr. Clements cures all rectal diseases. Dr. Clements cures cancer without the use of the knife. Ur Plvnwntii unriu iiitea uoHmnh the ii.o of tbu L-oOo imnhiKi ,lr nl,l. u.. . i . ' , , 1 V . t Othee at Ayers' drug store, Heppner, Ureynu. bb-tf. GOOSEBERRY & ViBlTOR. Ed. Gazetib The people of Goose berry met at the school house Saturday eve, March 5th, to have a good time, and they had it. Some time ago tho young people made two importaut disooveries. Discovery No. 1 was that several of them had musi cal talent. DiBOovery No. 2 was that in the person of Jlr. August Charleston, a neighbor and brother farmer, they had one of the most thorough, competent musical instructors in the state. Under the able tuition of Mr. Charles ton the class made wonderful progress, and at the close of the first term, gave a free ooncert in honor of their most re spected tutor. We can not give the programme in full, but will say that the musioreudered was first class and reflects great credit on their tutor and argues millions for the native ability of the young people about Gooseberry. The programme was a long one. The musical part was interspersed with reci tationsdramatic, pathetic, sentimental, comical and grave. Dialogues and char acter sketches did their share toward making the evening one ot unalloyed pleasure. The recitations by Misses Akers, Brian, Graham and Anderson were well rendered and thoroughly appreciated by tho large couoourse of people present. The effort of Master Akers was just sublime. I am here to say that in the past twenty years I have attended simi lar entertainments in nearly that many states and I have never seen one who. for his years, could equal him. The Gazette man, through the assistance ot a wild Irishman from Hardman, was bound to toot his horn, even if he didn't sell a fish. The Gazette has many friends in this locality. Ninety-three per cent of the people of Gooseberry have subscribed for it, and they all read if Mr. Leonard Akera told us "How Ruby Played" in manner inimitable. The sketches by Akers Bros, were funny. The song by Prof. Charleston, assisted by W. P. and Louis Snyder, was received with rounds of applause. The entertainment closed with a song by the choir entitled "Goodnight." Eaob one went his way feeling, if not express ing, the 'vords of the immortal bard: "Goodnight, goodnight; parting is such sweet sorrow, That X would stiy goodnight till it be morrow." Gooseberry, Or, Mar. 8, '92. Pat. Reat.tir.il Women. The musical efforts of Wisdom's Iiob ertine aB a beautifier and preserver of the complexion have been attested bv thous ands of leading ladies of society and the stage. It is the only article ever dis covered which gives a natural and beau tiful tint to the complexion, removing tan, sunburn, reokles and all roughness of the face and arms, leaving the skm otift, smooth and velvety. All remarks on its delightfully cooling and refresh ing pioperties. a distinction uot found in any other similar article known, OliTUNU "THAU." Cor. llendricl.s Co. (Ind.) Gazette. The Washington township boys who have entered journalism as a profusion ncem to be working their way to the top. J. I'. Horuaday is a valued member of the Indi auapolis News reportorial staff aud Iudiauapolis correspondent of proin iueut New York aud Chicago papers. Will D., a younger b-other, is city editor of the San Antonio (TexaB) Herald and correspondent of leading New York papers. The three Patterson brothers, Otis, Onti aud Alvab, own two papers in Oregon, and are rapidly accumulating fame and filthy lucre. Will S. Guthrie is another of our young men who ia mak ing a brilliant start in newspaper work. He began as city editor of a Lebanon paper mid after a short experience in that position, resigned to engage in the "w lite up" business. Ho wrote up the business interests of the city of Craw fordsville, which was published in a special edition of the Crawfordsville Journal ot February 20th. This write up is uu artistic job and reflects great credit upon Will. He spent six weeks in the work and it netted him the hand some sum of S250. Will is now trying to make arrangements to w rite up An derson. Freo. Weoms' Life of Washington. Written by the Hev. Mason Locke Weems, historian of the Revolution, and Washington's pastor at Pohick church. It contains the original "hatchet story." More than forty editions sold during the first fifty years.' Every father iu America should have his sou read this the first Lite of Washington. Upon receipt of one dollar we will send for oue year, the new monthly witty paper, "Tansill's 1'nnoh" and "Weems' Life of Washing ton" free. Sample copies of paper will be scut free upon application by address ing at once, 'Tansiii.'b Punch," 40 Lake St., Chicago. I'llKATUll'AL DOUGLAS, The Douglas Literary Sooiety gave an entertainment iu two weeks' notice which was pronounced a great auoeess. Those who took au aotive part were D C. Ely, Mr. Wilmot. II . J. Huntington, the Misses Ely, Neil Ganger, Malcolm Foster, George D Ely, the Misses Wil mot, Halt Ely, George N. Ely, Fred Davis, Miss Winters, Miss Bedford, Boyd Logan, Arthur Marvel, CarlTroedson and Mr. and Mrs. Holloway, Among those who deserve speoial no tice, though all did well, were D. C. Ely, II. J. Huntington, the Misses Ely, aud Miss Winters, Malcolm Foster, Will Ganger, Boyd Logan, Arthur M irvel and George D. Ely, the boxer. In the popular play, "Too Many Lovers," it was impossible for the audi ence to tell whether H. J. Huutington and Miss Mollie F.ly were acting in fun or iu dead earnest, so natural was the oourting. 1). C. Ely took the oaue lor it fearing a ghost. e-pankaiioodle. liy order ot the Tronpe. Allinnoe Herald: F. H. cinow. a prom iueut Alliance man of Lexington, Mor row countv, paid this office a pleasant : null Monday. Mr. StlOW lufortnS the I Herald that the third carty feeling has i v ...n.naa.iar. in hit Bet-lion, and A , . J i,r u,l,..l for that large vote may be looked tor in mat looauty next June, lur reiortu. NOTICE.-TIMBKR CULTURE. C. 8. Land Omen. La Grande, Or.. Feb. 2, 1S1K. COMPLAINT HAV ING BEEN ENTERED AT this Office bvjuhn Kenny Against Uyron Sarver for failure to comply " itli law as to Timber-Culture Entry No. Jl7 duted April 24, lsss. upon the t1 ot b 01 oc unu SE'i of SWVi Section lownship, 3 a, Hange S E. M., in Morrow County. Oregon, with a view to the cancellation of said entry; contest ant alleging that said Hyron carver did not the nrst Or Set'OliU year, plow or lenee mi) ui win tract, ami lias not at any lime plowed, fenced, cultivated or planted any of said tract or caused lttooeaone; tne saiu jiarue. mc ncicuj nioued to appear at the office of J. W. Morrow, at Heppner. Oregon, on the '-list day of March, 1SII2, at a o'clock, P. M., to respond and furnish testimony concerning Bald alleged failure. To be nsea at tne unai uearing ai uhb uiih-c, .w 11, 1K'J2. It is further ordered that tins notice lie served bv publication in the Heppner Gazette for six consecutive weeks and by poBting upon the laud as In U. S. laml cases. til-72. A, C. McClklland, Receiver. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at La Grande, Or., Feb. 12. 1S02. Notice is hereby given that the following-nam ed settler has lilt'il notice of his Intention to make linal proot m support oi ins ciaim.anu that said proof will be made before County Clerk of Morrow Co.. Oregon, at Heppner Ore gon, on March '28, W2, viz: GEORGE I'HIPI'S. D S. No. 101T3, for the W4 SU'1.4 and SWJ- N W'i sec 24, Tp I S K 27 E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove hiB continuous residence upon and cultivation of, Baid land, viz: Thomas Crow, Fran Phtpps and Homer Reese, of Lena. Or., and Victor Gro-shans, of Heppner, Or. A. Cleavkk, 05-74 Register. NOTICE-STOCKHOLDERS MEETING. VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE i animal meeting of the .Morrow County Land o: Trust Company will be held at the of fice of the company in Heppner, Oregon, on Saturday, March 12, ls'.rj, at 7 p. in., for the pur pose of elecllng ollicers for the ensuing year, and transaction of such other business as may come before the meeting. T. E. Fell, . tii-70 Secretary. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. -M-rvnriE tshf.rfuvgiventhat ameet- XN log of the stockholders of The Palace Hotel Co. will be held in tae omee ot tne first nation al Bank, on Saturday, March 12, ls'J2, at 1 o'clock, n. in. the o nect 01 the meeting Is to adopt by laws and attend to such other business as may be brought before the meeting at this time. J. W. .Mokrow, 6170-. Secretary, CO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE. 1T7E. THE UNDERSIGNED, HAVE FORM V ed a co-partnership under tho firm name of J. A. VVoolcry it Co., for the purpose ot carry ing on general merchandising at Hardman and lone, Morrow Co., Oregon. All accounts due J. A. Woolery on the old books are payable to him, but will be received bv the newlirmand properly receipted lor. tnose owing are re quested to settle up immcuiaieiy. J. A. Woolery E. S. Cox, 04-70. S. W. Adams, CU RED By using 8. B. Headache and Liv er Cure and 8. B. Cough Cure as directed for colds. Thev were SUCCESSFUL LY used two years ago during the La Grip epidemic, and very nattering testimonials of their power over that disease are at hand. a?U 75 & 50 Sts. pur SSottfe, For sale by Slocum-Johnston Drug Co., Heppner laiionai lit of Hspunei. WM. PENLAND, ED. President. K BISHOP. Cashier. TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS COLLECTIONS Made on Favorable Terms. EXCHANGE BOUGHT & SOLD. HEPPNER. tf OREGON. Hides, Pelts , m Fura wanted, I will pnv the highest XV market prict1 for anything in this line. tiivc me a call before selling elsewhere, aa I know I can do better by you than any other Arm In Heppner. W. W. SMEAD. Office at Sargont & Driskell's Feed yard. STARRETT'S Garden Seeds ! Have boon used all oyer the Pacific North west for the past IS years. None better. Few bo good. Garden, Flower and Grass Seeds. Fresh ! Address, 4tU-7.'. Pure! Acclimsted! Catalogue tree, OEO. ST A II RETT, Walla Walla. Wash. Keep constantly on hand Froeh and Salt Meats, k'ish and Poultry. Hitd'CHt .'ash Price paid for all kindB of Fat Stock. HEPPNER. - OREGON. S. P. FLORENCE, STOCKRAISER ! HEPPNER, OREGON. Cattle hrandetland earmarked as shown above. Humw K on fiiiht shoulder. i Mr cattle range in Morrow and Umatilla coun- ; i w,u psj-fioc.ai for the arrest and con- j vicuoa ol aaj person stNliBg my stock. R'W1MM A Pro tuition. If yon will pay yonr snbsoription to the Gazette in full and one year in ad vance, we will send ou the following books at prices stated herewith: "Six Great Books for Rural Homes." 25 oents; "Famous Fiction by the World's Great est Authors," ten volumes, 50 cents; Cooper's "Leatherstocking Tales," 20 cents. 43-tf. The Patterson Pdb. Co. Whtre? At Abrabamsick's. In addition to his tailoring business, be has added a fine line of underwear of all kinds, negligee irts, hosiery, etc. Also has on band some elegant patterns for suits. A. Abrahamsiok. May street, Heppner, Ur HMI W lT! A COMPLETE ASSORT IAL Uli;UMW. nient at the Gazette office. STOCK BRANDS. Whilo you koep your subscription paid up yen can keep your brand in free of charge. Allvn. T. J . lone. Or. Horses GO on left phoulder; CHttJe "Brae on left hip, under bit on riKht ear, aiiti upper oit on the leu; range. Mor row county. ArmBtronc.J. t. Alpine. Or. T with bar nn- der it on left shoulder of horses; cattle same on left nip. Allison. O. D.. Eicht Mile. Or. Cattle brand. O D on left hip and horses same brand on right enouiuer. itaiiKe, mmn mile. Adkins. T 0. DawiHe. Or- Straieht mark across the thigh and two crops and a slit in the right ear; horses, j, upsiae nown on the right shoulder. Knnire in Grant county and Boar vallev. PO address also at Hardman. AdkinB. J. J., HeDpner. Or. Horses. JA con nected on lei t Hank; cattle, same on left hip. Avers, Johnny. Lena. Or. Horses branded triangle on lett hip; cattle Bame on right hip; also crop off right ear and upper bit on same. Blyth. Percy H.. HeoDner. nr. Horses. Roman cross ou right shoulder. Range in Morrow county. Bleakman. Geo.. Hardman. Or. Horses, a Ahe onleft shoulder: cattle, same on right shoulder. hannister. J. W.. Hardman. Or. tattle brand ed B on left hip and thigh; split in each ear. liurKe, si bt i;, L(tng reea, ur-un cattle, MAY connected on left nip. ciod off left ear. un der half crop off right. Horses, same brand on letft shoulder. Range iu Grant and Morrow connty. Bowsman, A., Mount Vernon and Burns, Or. Cattle, A B on right hip, two crops in each ear; same on horses, on right Buouiuer. itange in Grant and Harney counties. Hrosman, Jerry. Lena, Or. Horses branded 7 on right shouldor; cattle B on the left side. Left ear half crop and right ear upper slope. Barton, Wm., Heppner, Or. -Horses, J B on Hght thigh, cattle, same on right hip; split in each ear. Brown, Isa, Lexington, Or. Horses IB on the right stifle; cattle same on right hip; range, Mor row countv. Brown, J. P., Heppner. Or. -Horses and cattle branded 8 with ox-yoke above on teft shoulder, Brown, J. C, Heppner, Or. Horses, circle C with dot m oi: tor on lott hip; cattle, same, Boyer, W. G Heppner, Or. Horses, box brand on r:ght hip cattle, same, with split in finch ear. liorg, P. O., Heppner, Or. Horses, P B on left shoulder; cattle, same on left hip, Bruwnlee, W. J., Fox.Or ( 'attle, JB connected on left side; croi on left ear and two eolitsand mniuie piece cut out on right ear; on horses same brana on the iett thigh; itange in rux vaiiey, Grant county. Cain.u., ( aieb.or. i u on norseH onieic snne: U with auarter circle over it. on left shoulder. and on left Btitie on all colta under S years; on left shoulder only on all horses over 5 years. All ranee m urant countv. Clark, Wm. U., Lena, Or. Horses WHO con nected, on left shoulder: cattle Bame on right hip. Range Morrow and Umatilla counties, Cate, Chas. lt Vinson or Lena, Or. HorBeB H C on right shoulder; cattle same on right hip. Range Morrow and Umatilla counties. Cochran, ('has.. lone. Or. Horses. HP con nected on left shoulder; cattle, 0 on both left hip and stine. itange m Morrow county. Cannon, T. B..Long Creek, Or.--T on cattle on riirht side, croo off riuht ear and slit in left ear. Our horses same brand on left shoulder. Range m Grant countv. Cecil, Wm., Douglas, Or.; horses JC on left Bhouldur; ca'tle same on left hip, waddles on each jaw ana two bits in the right ear. Curl, T. K., John Day, Or. Double cross on each tiiD on cattle, swallow fork and under bit in right ear, split in left ear. Range in Grant county. On sheep, inverted A aQd spear pomt ou Bhoulder. liar markoJ ewes, crop ou lell ear. ouiiched uuoer bit in riirht. Wethers, crob in right and under half crop iu left ear. All range in Grant county. Crosby, A. A., Heppner, Or. Cattle branded"! (or H L coi nected) on the right shoulder. Chittenden, R., Prairie City, Or. Pick, handle down on cattle nht hip and spat m nght eai horses, same brand on right shoulder. Range in urant couniy. Cook. A. J.Xena.Or. Horses. 90on richtshonl der. ('attle, same on right hip: ear mark square uinp uil miL niiu npiii in t iKUL. Currin. K. Y., Currinsville, Or, -HorBes, oo on left stitle. Cochran, J" IT Monument, Or Horses branded T 1 k A on left shoulder, ("attle, same on right hip. swallow tort in riKht ear ana crop oit eft, Cox & English, Hardman, Or. Cattle, C with in center: horBes. CE on left nip. Cupper, H. A., Monument, Or, Horses H on k ft shoulder, cattle HC on left side, Bwal low loric on rignt ear. Cochran. R. E.. Monument. Grant Co. Or. Horses branded circle with bar beneath, on left shoulder: cattle same brand on both hips, mark under slope both ears and dewlap. Chapin, H., Hardman, Or. Horses branded zZ on ntrlit hio. 1 attle brauued the same. Cross, 8 L, Dayville, Or (battle branded -f two nrrms and a sulit in left ear: on horses n reversed 7, on left stifle. Also have the following brands on cattle: 71! on left hip, 7 on right hip, 72 on left shoulder, two parallel bars on left shoulder, tar martcs, two crops. Ooonan. Vvm., Heppner, Or. Horses branded OO with bar over them, on left shoulder; cat tle same ou left hip. Douelass. W. M . Galloway. Or. Cattle. R 1 on right side, swa low-fork in each ear; horses, K D on iett hip. Douglas, O. T., Douglas, Or Horses TD on the tiKht Btine; cattle same on right hip. Duncan, W. P., John Day,Or. Quarter circle V on right shoulder, both ou horses and cattle, Ranire Grant county. Driskeil, W. E Heppner, Or HorseB branded K inside of O on left shoulder, (attle same on left Bide of neck. klv. J. B. it Hons. Dousrlas. Or.-Horses brand. ed ELY on left shoulder, cattle same on left hip. hole in right ear. right shoulder; cattle, on right hip. Kinge in Grant county. Fleek, Jackson, Heppner, Or. Horses. 7F connected on riifht shoulder; cattle, same on ntdit hiD. Ear mark, hole in riifht and croD off left. Florence. L. A.. UcpDner, Ur. ( attle. LF on right hip; horses F with bar under on right shoulder. lorence, o. r. Heppner, Ur Horses, F richt shoi Idei : cattle. F on riirht hip or thinh Gay, Henry, Heppner, Or. GAY on left shoulder. Goblo, Frank, Heppner, Or. Horses, 7 F on left stitle: cattln. same on riBht hlD. Gilman-French, Land and Live Stock Co., Fos sil, Ur. Horses, anchor a on leit shoulder; vent, same on lett stine, I attie, same on both hips par marks. croD off rieht ear and underbit in left, Range in Gilliam, Grant, Crook and Morrow counties. Gentry, Elmer, Echo, Or. Horses branded R, 8. with a quarter circle over it, on left stifle Range in Morrow and Umatilla counties. friltwstor. J.C.. Prairie City. Or. On horses, OO on left shoulder and stifle; cattle, on right Bide. Range in Grant county. Hams, James, narnman ur. norsos shaded 2 on left shoulder; cattle same on left hip. Range in and about Hmdroan. Haes. (ieo., Lena, Or, Brand JH connected, with quarter cirel over it, on left shoulder. Hiait A. B., Ridge, Or. Cattle, round-top with quarter circle under it on the right hip. Range in Morrow and Umatilla counties. Hin ton A Jenks, Hamilton. Or Cattle, two bars on either hip; crop in right ear and split in left. Horses, J on right thigh. Range in Grunt county. Hughes, Samuel, Wagner, Or T FL on right shoulder on horses; on cattle, on right hip and on left side, swallow fork in right ear and slit in left. Range in Haystack district, Monvw connty. Hall. Edwin, John Day ,Or. Cattle E Hon right hip; horses same on right shoulder- range in Grant county. Hughes, Mat, Heppner, Or. HorBes, shaded heart on the left shoulder. Range Morrow Co. Hunsaker, B . Wagner, Or. -Horses, y on left Bhoulder; ca tie, 9 on left nip. Hardisty, Albert, Nye. Oregon Horses, AH oonnected. on left shoulder; Cattle ou the left hip, crop off left ear, Humphreys, J al. Hardman, Or. Horses, H on Left hank Hiatt, Wm. E., Ridge, Or. Horses branded bar cross ou left shoulder: cattle same on left hnj Hayes, J. M., Heppner. Or. Horses, wineglass on left Bhouldei cattle, same on right hip. Ivy, Alfred, Long Creek, Or 'attle 1 D on right hip, crop off left ear and bit in right. Horses same brand on left shoulder. Range n Grant countv. Hnston, Lather, Eight Mile, Or. Horse H on the left shontderand heart on the left stifle Cat tle same on left hip. Range in Morrow county. Jenkins, D. W.,Mt. Vernon, Or. J on horseson left shoulder; on cattle, J on left hip and two smooth crops on both ears. Range in Fox and Bear valleys, Junkin, 8. M., Heppner, Or. Horses, horse shoe J on left shoulder. Cattle, the sama. Ranife on Eight Mile. Johnson, eiix, Lena. Or. Horses, circle T on left st i tie; cattle, same on right hip, under half crop in ritfht and sulit in left ear Kenny, Mike. Heppner, Or. Horses bmnd.xi KNY on left hip, cattle same and crop off left r: nndr nlop on the right Keller, Richard, Blanton, Grant county. Or. E K in square, cattle on left hip: horses same on left shoulder. Range Bepr valley. Kirtv J. T., Heppner. Or.-Horses 89 on left shoulder; cattle, 69 on left hip. Kirk. J C. HeoDner. Or. Hor. 17 onS ithr flank: cattle 17 on right side. kumber ami.W.w.. lonnt Vernon. Or. I L on cattle on right and lnft sides, swallow fork in h ft ear and under nop in right ear. Horses same brand on left nhouliier. I.ange m Grant county. Keeney, Eli, Hi-rpner, Or. Horses J L and ace of clubs ou left stifle. Range in Umatilla and Morrow counties. Lestey.M C, Monumout, Or A trianglrtrjjwith all lines exteudiug pn t tody of figure on hor ses ou left shoulder, ou cattle diamond on left Bhoulder, split iu righ a.-a .-Uni t it in loft oar. Range in Grant county and to parts of John Day, Laurence, R. L.,Pnirie City, Or. -Cattle, Z on right hip; horses, same on right shoulder. Range in Grant county. Leahey, J W. Heppner Or. Horses branded L N on left shoulder; cat! le fame on left hip; wat tie over right ey , three sliis in right ear. Loften, Stephen, lox, Or. fs L on left hip on cattle, crop and Bplit on right ear. Horses same brand on left shoulder. Range Grant county. Lieuallen, John W., L"- Or.-Horses branded half-cucle JL connected on left shoul der. Cattle, saint on left hip. Range, near Lex ington. Lord. George. Heppner. Or.-Horses branded double H uoi.necu Nometunes called a swing H, on left shoulder. Maxwell, M.S., Gooseberry. Or. Horses brand ed long link on left shoulder; cattle, same on lef hip. Ear mark, under bit in ieftenr. Minor, Oscar, Heppner, Or. Cattle, M Don right hip; horse. M on left shoulder. Morgan, 8. N., Heppner, Or. Horses, M ) on left should"; cattle, same on left hip. McCumber, JaB A, Echo, Or.-Horses. M with bar over on right shoulder. ftiann. H. B., L.ena, Or. HorseB old mareB ZZ on right hip; young stck, small zz on left snouiuer. g Morgan, Thos.. Heppner, Or. Horses, circle 1 T on left shoulder and left thigh; cattle, Z on f right thigh. 1 Mitchell. Oscar, lone, Or. Horses, 77 on right i hip; cattie. 77 on right sidB. h aioviaren, jj. w., iirownsville. Or, HorseB, Figure 5 on each shoulder, cattle, M2 on hip. -McKern.W.J. Mount Vemon. Or XI on cattle f on right hip, crop iu right ear, half crop in left same brand on horses on lefthL,.. Kaue iuUraut I county. McCariy, David H., Echo, Or. Horses branded g D.l connected, on the left shoulder; cattle same 1 on hip and side. & McGirr, Frank, Fox Valley, Or. Mule shoe j with toe-cork on cattle on ribs and under in $ eacn ear; norses same brand on left stitle. JYlcllaleV. (i. V.. Hamilton. I lr ( In Hnman S h with half circle under on left shoulder;on Cattle, t iwu. oiiuohiu uu wjp UU UH) l'l(illb Blue. V Range m Grant County. I Weal. Andrew, Lone Rock.Or, Horses A N cun- ' nected on left shoulder: cattle same ou both hips, i iM3wiuuu, v. n,, rieppner, ur. iittrses W with half circle over it ou left shoulder. ? Wordvke. E.. 8llvrton. Or. tinrknu nirrtlaTnn left thigh: cattie, same on left hip. t Oliver, Joseph, Canyon City, Or. A 2 on cattle & on left hip; on horses, same onleft thigh. Range I m intim uouuiy. $ Oiler, Perry. Lexington. Or. P O on loft 'i shoiudei. f Olu. Herman. Puurm Citv fir (In nutMo n u LP connected on left, hin: Ikii-hoh mi aft atitia and wartle on nose. Range in Grant oounty, i"""h vmro, miftin, iiiiiu, vr. jTioioob, quar ' ter circle shield ou left shoulder and 24 on left hip. Cattle, fork in left ear, right cropped, 24 on left hip. Rang on Eight Mile, f Parker & Gleason, Hardman, Or, Horses IP on f loft shoulder. ;. Piper. J. H.. Lexington. Or. Horses. JK onn nected otleft shoulder; cattle, same on left hip, I under bit in each ear. Patberg, Henry Lexington, Or. Horses brand- ,1 edwitha RomaL crows on left shoulder; oattfe "T oranoeu witn ivoman cross, oar at bottom, on f left hip. Potter. Dan. Lexington Horses branded MP s connected on left shoulder; cattle same on right I 11 u. Powell. John T.. Davvillo. Or Hothph. .1 P nnli. f nec ed on left shoulder. Cattle OK connected ou I lett hip, two under half crops, one on each ear, wattle under lhroa. Range in ti rant county, f Rickard. G. D.. Can von Citv. Dr. h' I! nn loft t shoulder, on horses only. Rtinge Canyon creek and Hear valley. Grant county. ' noou. Andrew, nardmau, ur. riorses, square f croh with quarter-circle over it on left stifle. Reningor, Cliris, Heppner, Or. HorseB, CKon left shoulder. ' luce, Dan. Hardman. Or.: horses, three nannl worm fence on left shoulder; ca.'tle, DAN ou right shoulder, liange near Hardman. f luuiio, Win, jjong l.reek, Or. Brands horses ; It oi right shoulder. Range. Grant and Morrow I counties. Royse. Aaron. IleDuner. Or HnrseH. nlnin V nn . left shoulder; cattle, same brand reversed on right hip and crop off right ear. Kauge in Mor row county. Rush UroB., Heppner, Or. HorBes branded 3 on the right, shoulder; cattle, IX on the left hip crop oft left ear and dewlap on neck, liange it , iuorrow aim adjoining counties. Rust. William. Pondlnton. Or. Hai-urr U nn left, shoulder; cattle, li on left hip, crop , off ; riBi' cm, uuueriJii on ieii ear. oneep, li on weathers, round crop off ngh ear. Range Uma tilla and Morrow c mimes. Reaney. Andrew. i,exinirtin. Or. Hnrsci branded A R on riirht shoulder, vent nuartei : circle over brand; cattle same on right hip. ivange Morrow county. lloyse, Wm. 11, Dairyville, Or Hit connected -with quarter cirele over too on entile nn rit-ht liin and crop off right ear and split in left. Horses Bame brand on left shoulder. Range iu Morrow. : brant and Gilliam counties. Kilter, J F, Hitter, Or Three parallel ban witn bar over on homes on left hip; on cattle, left , side, two smooth crops, two splits in each eat, Range in Middle Fork of John Day. ', Rector. J. W., Heppner, Or. HorBeB. JO ot lef t Bhoulder. Caitle, o on right hip. 8pray, J. F., Heppner, Or. -Horses branded : connected oi right shoulder; cuttle same on both ! nipB. j Sailing. C C HeDDner. Or HfirRfln hr-Hndftrl R 1 on left shoulder; cattle same on left hip. os-iuner, u u, miter, ur Horses, two-bar S or i left stifle. Plain 8, two bars on left side, a crnn ? and three splits in right ear, swallow fork and i uuueruit m ieit, cattie. on eattlo larger than on horses. Range m Grant county. ft 8waggari, H. F., Lexington, Or, Horses 2 I with dash under it on left, stifle, cattle II with dasli uiuier it on right hip, crop oft right ear and k waddled on right hmd leg. Range iu Morrow, s Gilhamand Umatilla counties. Bwaggart, A. L.( EUu. Or. HorBes brande-1 2 " on lelt shoulder; cettlesaine on left hip. Crop on ear, wattle on left hind leg. I Straight W. E., Heppner, Or. Horses Bhaded I J 8 ou let. stifle; cattle J 8 on left hip, swallow ' fork in rigln ear, underbit in left. Bwaggart , L, Alpine, Ur. Horses, 8 8 on right i-f shoulder ; bapp, ThoB., Heppner, Or. Horses, 8 A P on left hip; cattit same on left hip. Smith, E, F, Pilot Rock, Or. Cattle, horse- 9 shoe on loft side, crop close in left ear. HorBes, i 4 on leit thigh Range in UmatiUaand Grant 5 counties. t Shirtz. James, Long Creek, Or.-Horses. 3 on ? left stifle and over 2 on left shoulder. i bhrier.Juhn, Fox, Or. NO connected on horseson right hip; cattie, same on right hip, V crop oft right ear and under bit in left ear. Range f in Grant connty. $ Smith Bros., John Day, Or H Z ou cattle on i le t shoulder. f Stephens, V. A., Hardman, Or-; horses 8Son I right stifle; cattle horizontal L on the eight side tttevenson, Mrs A. J., Heppner, Ur.-Uattle. 8 4 on right hi i ; Bwallow-fork m left ear. Swaggart. Q. W., Heppner, Or.-Horses, 44 on f left snouidei ; cattle, 44 on left hip 8tewurt, Geo., Hardman, Or. Horses circle F or. left shoulder. (: 8Ume, Ira. Bivkleton, Wash.-Horses, keystone " on left shoulder. Smith, E. E. Lone Rock, Or. Horses branded a crossed seven on lef t shoulder; catUe same on $ left side. Range, Gilham county. ! Buerry, E. G.. Heppner, Or. Cattle W C on left hip, crop off nglit and underbit ia left year, dewlap; hores W U on left shoulder. Ihompson, J. A., Heppner, Or.-Horees, Z on left ehoolo, r; cattle, 2 on left shoulder Tippets. B. T., Lena, Or. Horses. U- on left shoulder. - Tumor R. W., Heppner, Or. -Small capital f leit shoulder, horses; cattle same on left hio with split in botti BHrs. " Thornton, H. M.. lone, Or.-Horaw branded f HI connected on left stiHe; sheep same brand. : lureman. John. PrairiH ("iru i lr 1 1 i 10 ou left stiHe; on cattle. O witn bar under on I left hip. liange m (irant county. I; Viuiderpool, H. T.. Lena, Or;-Horsee HV eon. ! nected on right sttoulder;cattle, 6ame oa right t Wilson, John Q,, Salem or Heppner, Or. i Horses branded Ji ou the left shoulder, ltauge Morrow county. Warren, yy B. Caleb, Or-Cattle, W with quarter ? circle over it, ou left side, split in right ear. I Horses same bra.id on left shoulder, liatigein f Grant couuty. Wood, i b, Dayville, Or-Heart on horses on '.' leftstihe; on cattle, 2 on left side and under bit 1 in left ear. Kauge in Grant couuty. Wright. Silas A. Heppner, Or. Cattle branded f a vy on the right hip. square crop ott right oar and split in left. Wallace. Francis, Mount Vernon.Or-Square on cattle on the left hip. upper slope iu ihe left ear and under slope in right ear. Same brand ou horse on right shoulder. Itange in Harnej and tyrant countv. '; Webster, J. I,. Heppner. Or.-Horses branded w-th bar over J on right shoulder; cattle same on right hip, crop off left ear and split in eacn. Range, Morrow county. Wade, Henry, Heppner. Or.-Horsns btandod t ace of spado, on leit shoulder and left hip. f Cattle branded same on left side and left hip. t Wells. A. S., Heppuer, Or. Horses, o". onleft .' shoulder; catt e same. g Wolhuger. John, John Day ',,Or-On horse. three parallel bars on left slxTder; 7 on sheep, S bit in both ears, liange in i? it and Malhner -counties. , Wyland, J H, Hardman, Or. Circle C on left thigh, Woodward, John, Heppner, Or. Horses, CP ' connected on left shoulder. Watkins, Lishe. Heppner, Or. Horses branded UK connecteo on left stitle. Wallace, Charles, Portland, Or. Cattle, W on right thigh, hoi, iu left ear; horses, W on right shoukler, sum. Bame on left shoulder. Whittier Bros., Drewsy, Harney eounty, Or. -Horses branded W B. coTincted on left shoulder Williams, Vasco, Hamilton. Or. Quarter cir cle over three bars op left hip, both cattle and horses. Range Grant county. Williams. J O. Lmg Creek. Or Horses, quar ter circle over three bars on left hip; cattle sama aud slit in each ear. liange in lirajit connty. Wren. A. A., i.eppner. Or. Cattle, running ii with bar aero on right hi p. Vonnit. J. S., Gooseberry, Or. Horses branded T 8 on the right shoulder.