Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, March 11, 1892, Image 3

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Here and There.
The People,"
They must be respected.
T. W. Ayers, Jr., for drugs. 68 sw
Gazette ouThoruton's oounters. Prioe
5 oeDts. if.
Wm. Tillard got in from Forest Orove
last Friday.
8. H. Cox, of Hard man, was in the
city Friduy.
Bi b. Knighten was in town Saturday
of lust week.
Hon. Henry Blaokuian returned from
below Tuesday.
Minor Bros, keep Spray Bros.' hams,
booon and lard. 60-tf.
Wanted 10,000 sheep pelts at Spray
Bros.' meat market. G8 tf
Allen Evan's sheep are thriving on the
flue spring range.
Flor de Madrid and Gen. Arthur
cigars at Thornton's. 68-7o
J. P. Fall died at Baker City reoently
after a short illness.
Mnstiffand Sterling plug oot smoking
tobacco at Thornton's. 68-75
Spray Bros, pay the top price for all
kinds of hides and furs. 68 tt
Daily stage both ways between Monu
ment and Long Creek". tf.
Mrs. J. J. Roberts is prepared to do
all kinds of plain Bewing. 65-tf
Nicest hams, breakfast bacon and
fresh lard at Spray Bro. 90.tf.
Frank Byrne has returned from 'Friaoo,
via his Thirty Mile ranch.
When in Arlington, stop at the Ben
nett house, near the depot. (il-tf
Dr. R A. Palmer and Tom Barnett
were up F'iday of last week.
S. J. La France, of Hood River, was
noticed on our streets this week.
A. S. Haines s iys wheat and grass are
growing finely all over the country.
Wall paper, notions, patent medicine,
drugs, chemicals, etc., go to Ayers. 68s w
Yon can send for any newspaper pub
lication or magazine at Thornton's. 68 75
Mrs. Andy Steveuson and family have
moved buck to their Skinner Fork ranch.
You will find Gid Hatt at the City bar
ber shop the place to get a good shave.
Thos. Carl, whom we have spoken of
for assessor, was up from lone Wednes
day. Jack Hinton 18 over from Long Creek
with horses, which he will likely ship
Art. Animerman bas returned from
California. He is well pleased with that
Dan Osmers and family have moved to
Billy Crabtree's residence, on Swinburne
J. F. Willis. W. C. Owens and J. S.
Bonthby called on us Wednesday while
in town.
Chicken stealing is below par with
Long Creek's mail contractor, we are in
formed. The season of year has arrived when
our denizens make spring moves and
clean house.
Abe Spray and wife have taken up
their residence in the Blackman property,
on Gale street.
Don't let your beef hides spoil on the
fence. Spray Bros, will pay you the
oash for them. ba tf
Gooseberry's Sam Walker, one of our
solid farmers, called at our place of busi
ness yesterday.
A. 8. Watt, the U. P.'s right-of-way !
man in the construction of the branch,
was here over Tuesday.
Henry Heppner has declared himself a
resident of Heppner again. Henry is
proud of his namesake.
At Geo. Thornton's will be seen an
elegant painting of a mastiff, executed
by Mrs. S P. Uarrigues.
l ap iiimous & Son still shoe horses
and do general blncksmithing at the old
stand, Mat'Ock oorner. 55.
Geo. E. Bates, representing the Lon
don Diamond Co., of 'Frisco, took iu
Heppner early thiB week.
Correspondents must sign their matter
to insure publication. We have referred
to this many times before.
Ben. Parker savs that his partner, Peter
Gleason is improving at Calistoga, Culif.,
Springs, and will be home soon.
George Brow n, of Parker & Gleason's,
is just getting around again, having been
laid up for some time with a crushed
Bob Shaw tells our reporter that Lower
Buter creek is fully alive to the neces
sity of getting in spring orops quite
Judge Keithly is suffering with a pain
ful Irritation of one eye, supericduoed by
nn unlooked-for coutact with a measly
Messrs. Sargent & DriskeU's new City
hotel bus has been aired on our streets
during the paHt week, and is a spanking
Allen Crabtree, of Clark's Canyon, vis
ited his daughters, Mrs. J. D. Hamilton
and Miss Ellen Crabtree, at this place
Saturday last.
Wm Groat, head miller at the Dia
mond mills, at The. Dalles, lost his right
hand by an accidental disouarge of a
weapon the 6th inst.
Call on Lisbe Sperry, down at the
Belvedere, when in town. Keeps ou
hand a fine stock of liquors and cigars.
The snit for tresspass, Ed. Day vs.
Felix Johnson, which came before J us
tioe Res vesrenluv, was deoided in favor
of the plaintrT8105 worth.
E. H. Clarke got in Wednesday from
Pendleton. It is a well-known faot that
E. II. is the inventor of a brand of hot
punch, much relished on this coast.
Milt and Tom Morgan, J. H. Edwards,
C. 0 Siding. W. G. MoCarty, Jay Devins
and John byland represented the Sand
Hollow neighborhood Saturday last.
Newer and neater quarters at the
Palace Hotel's north business room.
Charley Jones, the baher, wants to see
bis old friends there. Baths in connec
tion. Sam Palmer, the Colorado sheep
driver, got in Monday. Heppner people
generally look for Sam aoout this time of
the vear. for be leaves many a dollar
"Pole" Thompson returned from a trip
to Prineville. Canyon City and other
points last Thursday. While at Prineville
met Fred Wilmarth, who is working on
the News.
Chan. Repas, though he spent the
past year in the east, where girls are
numerous, is compelled to go to "batch
ing," Bnd to this end laid in a quantity
of cooking traps here last Tuesday.
"T. Tagrag," of Eight Mile, must send
in his or her name to insure publication
of rorrsepondtuoe. Tnin in theonlv pro
tection that the editor has in such oaes,
and there are no exceptions to the rule.
Married At the residence of the bride's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leffler. near
bon, Jewel county. Kansas, March 2,
ISi'i J'r. Thomas Kelly, of SmHh
conntv, Kansas, and Mips Lizzie Leffler,
of Esbon, Jewel county, Kansas, Kev.
CTarrM Mud, officiating.
Mrs. W. G. Hover is nn the sick list.
.Mrs. Arthur Minor is still Improving.
Circuit court convenes on the 28th
Joe Williams went down to Portland
last Monday.
Miss Q. T. Mounts has taken tbe Gal
loway school.
Elmer Slocum, of the Heppner Furni
ture Co., is in Portland.
J. R Evans, of Eight Mile, has fin
ished his spring sowing.
Will Mallory and family were down
from Hock creek yesterday.
S. P. Florence has lost only two head
of cattle during the past winter.
Miss Maud Ranney is succeeding well
wiiu her Clark's Canyon school.
Heub. Sperry is sowing 300 acres of
wheat duwn at lone this spring.
Willie Spencer and C. W. Ryohard are
assisting Miuor Bros, in tbe store.
Mrs. Thos. Morgan is still in a serious
ooudition at her home iu Heppner.
Mrs. A. M. Slocum left Wednesday
for Portland, acoompauied by Mrs. V. J.
B. L. Akers' father, who has been quite
ill with la grippe at Gooseberry, ieniuob
Dr. Clements bas been called to bis
borne at Enterprise, through sickness in
his family.
W. O. Gentry, with Kirk & Hayes, is
contemplating moving his family over
from Fox.
A. E. Murphy writes down from Hel
ena, Mont., that he bas a good position
in prospect.
Al Cornett informs us that a dance
will be giyen at Felix Johnson's on the
eve of the 17th inst.
Word has oome to this office that
Enoch Cave and Hardy Long had quite
a fisticuff last Monday.
Dick Howard has just finished break
ing 1U0 aores for J. W. Morrow on his
Sand Hollow ranch.
"Polk" Egan will likely return to
Heppner again after a short vacation
with Tacomu friends.
J. C. Crone, representing Palmer &
Roy, was iu town over night, culling on
ilia print shop while here.
JaB. O. Williams represented Spring
Hollow at the regular oonveutiuu of our
K. of P. Tuesday evening.
Billy Barrett's sheep are doing fine on
the tender, toothsome range over near
nis possessions, in Sand Hollow.
J. N. Brown left this morning for Can
yon City to look after some business
conuected with the black Buite mine.
J. W. Cradick, H. E. Warren and Her
man Meissuer were visitors from Eight
Mile to Heppner within the past week.
A grand basket dinner will be an at
traction at the Gay BOhool house next
Sunday, the occasion of regulur preach
ing at ihut point.
We are informed that W. S. McKim
mey writes back from the East that he
will likely "turn up" m Spain before re
turning to bunohgrass.
Andrew Asbbauh forgot to have men
tioned in the Eight Mile edition that be
has a tine beunug oioliard aud wuter un
excelled iu auy ouuutry.
Since the last session of tbe county
court Sheriff Noble haB assessed !6u,U00
worth of property, which will be in
creased to fully $75,000.
Chas, Ingraham is pushing bis patent
vapor lamp aud will shorily iliustrale
same through ourcolumus, together with
a thorough description of same.
The Guzette shop has added for fire
protection a brand new, three gallon
baboock. This tine tire machine came
from Messrs. Loug & Scott, of Portland.
Ben L daude, the king of counter-jump-eis,
with due regard to tuoae of that pro
(esaiou iu HeppL.ec bo rank well, has a
most attractive window at Van Duyn's.
Chas. Calume, a Poitlnnd liquor drum
mer, was arrested at the instigation ot
Airs. Margaret Von Cadow, last evening,
charged with abusive language. He was
liueu $25 and costs.
Johnny and Frank Wilmorth, are fin
ishing up the rock job on brewery bluff,
near our home ranch. Through tome
mismeasuremeut they were ouiupelled to
do more worn than was anticipated.
John Foster's team, in oharge of Geo.
Lake, ran away yesterday down the
oreek. oouiiiig up through town. Frank
Wilmorth Btopped them near the Gazette
ullioe. WeellU U"t near wuat damage
was done.
Our winter, this year, has been one
nouuuuul spring, aud ben Swaggart and
J. rl. Piper say loo farmers of I He conn
try north of Lexington have improvel
every precious moment to break out
.no re laud and further improve tuuir
Notice to Sueepmen. A. A. Wren
has good corral, water and pasture to ac
commodate those desiring to shear sheep,
at his place, four miles west of Heppner
Will let cheap. 69-76 sw
Plain Sewing. The Ladies' Guild
are prepared to do plain sewing at the
houte as a body, or the members will
take the same to their homes. Apply to
President Mrs. W.J. Leezer. 68-tf.
Better Late Than Never.. Mrs. Jes
sie O JohuBou was married to Mt
Walker Allen, of Pendleton, late in the
month of January, and though it es
caped the notice of this paper at that
time, we do not deem it too late to men
tion this happy event for the benefit of
Mrs. Allen's many friends in Heppner.
Convalescent. Phil Heppner is back
from below in improved health. He re
ports our Heppner patients, Dr.Vanghan,
Jas. Matlook aud Col. J. L. Morrow, all
improving. It is Phil's opinion that one
oonld not help getting well uuder the
care of the competent nurses and physi
cians at the Good Samaritan hospital.
Lexington School House. On last
Monday the town of Lexington voted a
10-niill tax, a large part of which will be
used towards tbe early construction of a
$4,500 school bouse, so our friend, J. S
Boothby, informs ns. If this is done Lex
ington will have one of tbe best school
house in Morrow county, and it is to be
hoped that the district will be successful
in this matter.
A Hkriocs Fall. Last week, Mra.
Donaldson, aged about 00, who had been
making her home with Wm. Blair's fam
ily, of Lexington, for a few days, fell into
a cellar, tbe door of whioh bad been left
open by her daughtor, sustaining a frac
ture of one of the ankle bones. Dr.
Palmer and Gagen were called to attend
the sufferer, aud at last accounts grave
doubts were being entertained us to her
recovery. '
The latest novelties in black and white
laces, demi tl 'unciugs, embnidery, also
ladieb' spring and summer waints at
C. S. Van Duyn's.
Hefner's Llesjant School Build
ing Reduced to Ashes.
Loss About ;,000 Insurance, 84.000
Heppner's Hook ard Ladder Co.
to the ltescue.
About 3:45 this morning the ory of
Fire" was raised, aud on investigation
our fine, two-story school building v as
found to be a mass of flames too tar
gone for even the most efficient tire ser
vice to quench.
It must have started much earlier, for
the attention of those siitiig up with
Mrs. Arthur Minor was called to a very
strong light in the school hou.-e somtf
time before tbe alarm was given, hut as
Mr. Miuor had seen lights in the build
ing at various times recently, ho thought
little of it. However, he became sus
picious that all was not right, uud goiog
up on the hillside, discovered that the in
tenor of the upper Btory was a mass of
flames. He then gave the alarm as soon
as possible. About this time Harry
Phillips discovered the fire, and very
soon a goodly portion of our oitizens and
Heppner Hook & Ladder Co. No. 1, were
on the ground. It soon became evident
that little oould be done for the Bchool
building, and then all hands devoted
their attention towards saving adjacent
property. A strong wind started up
from the south, placing in imminent
peal J. W. Matlock's, residence, as well
as others in the vicinity. A perfect
shower of oiudeis filled the air, aud every
House roof in their path waa flooded with
water. All the furniture, however, was
removed from Mr. Matlock's resilience,
which, of course, damaged it more or
less; hut aside from this and the loss of
the school bouse, no damage resulted.
The building and oontents cost not less
than $7,000, uud were insured in toe
Slate, of Salem, for $4,000. This polioy
laoked but four days of expiring, but, of
course, is just as valid as though the
time was two years. However, ii was a
close call.
There ure a goodly number of stories
abroad about how the buildiug caught
fire. Good, substantial citizens say that
tbe building is freouented much by boys,
who play cards and emoke till well along
towards midnight, and if this is the case,
the directors should have been notified
loug ago. We are also informed that
three men were Been about midnight
leaving tbe building. Janitor Roy Glass
oook claimed that the building was se
curely lacked when he left the sohool
house, about 6:15 last evening, and that
no fires had been in the stoves since
early yesterday moiniug.
Whether tbe fire was an acoident or
an incendiary remains a mystery.
Very few sohool books were saved, and
in this the patrons of the distriot are
losers an amount aggregating about
Had it not been for the protection af
forded by Heppner Hook & Ludder Co.
No. 1, last evening, the loss would have
probably been much greater. Iu fact,
the Gazette believes that, through the
protection afforded by the new rig, the
price of it was saved at this, its initial
The World Enriched.
The facilities of the presoul dav for the
production of everything that will oun
duce to the material welfare and com
fort of mankind are almost unlimited,
and when Syrup of Figs was first pro
duced the world was enriched with the
only perfect laxative known, as it is the
only remedy which is truly pleash g aud
refreshing to the taste Bud prompt and
effectual to cleanse tbe system gently in
the spring time or, in fact, at any time
and tbe better it is known tbe more pop
ulnr it becomes.
Fine Timreb. Perhaps, the best tim.
ber growing in tbe Blue mountains can
be found ou Rock creek, in tbe vicinity
of Will Mallory's saw-mill. This class
of timber Mr. Mallory is using in making
lumber hicb he delivering in Hepp
nei all the way from $15 to 830 per
thousand feet, depending on the quality,
Bnd w hether desired rough or dressed
Tbe same oan be bought at the mill at
prices rauging from $8 to $25 per thous
and. He has a general assortment on
band at present, and is sure to satisfy
oustoiners. 427-tf.
Gooseberry Edition. Ni xt Tuesday's
issue will be largely devoted to Goose
berry. Of course, we will print a large
number of extra copies, besides tbe reg
ular edition, and this fact advertisers
s'lonld not overlook. Gooseberry is an
exoellent agricultural section, and it
shall be properly repreeeu'ed in the
above-mentioned issue. However, this
is but the beginuing of the work that
we are doing in Morrow county, which,
when finished, will have more thoroughly
represented the section than has ever
been done before. The Gazette will
then extend its efforts to adjacent parts,
Wastb of Time. Some kind friend at
Washington took tbe pains to muti'ate
the columns of several leading eattern
journals that we may be given knowl
edge of the wedding of Miss Maltie
Mitohell, the daughter of Senator
Mitchell, of Oregon, and RoohefouoauM,
a hiffh-bended duke of France This
wedding was a subject of much comment
at the bands of the leading journals of the
world, but if, in the Eatrle's view, it did
no apnpnr to he a repetition of the mat
rimonial life of Nellie Grant, we might
have a more elevated O'-inioo of :t. -Kitde.
The Gazette received a similar
batch r f stuff onthisevont whieli wis
promptly rrleirated to ItH proper place,
the waste basket.
nrl cliilrlrn's spring huts arid
! C. S. Van Duyn's.
The Percheron Stallion,
PiwJ.'Lilr-.lrv, , j
Vrt-Si-Tll-Peanx Id n 'lurk, (liiiiple.l ifroy. with white mine and tnil; weight ftbnut 1700; about
seventeen tmnils liiirli. W.is iiup.Mleu nirvrt front France by Ellwood, ot Pe Kiilb, Illinois
His French number Ik !'.v,i. Whr foaled April tl, tssri : imported IKfi7 by W. L. Ellwood, Pe kftlb'
Illinois; lireii by M. Miuillet, eoiinniUM1 in liosi-snr-itnivp, department of Hartlie: pot by Florent
,fr0, he bv 1'hi liiiert Tiltl, he by teiptnor l .l, 7:10, he bv 'Favori 711, bo by Vien Chaplin 713, he by
Coco 71-. he by Marion 71 be by .Ji-.tti lo liliuig 7;V. ; dam Boulotto Sl-tfO, by Jupiter. No. awvi in
IVieheron thd book of Amciku.
Single leap, S7.50; Season, $15. To insure, 825, to be paid when mare is known to
he with foal. Club? of fix mires are entitled to the season of one free of obarge.
Mnres coming from a diitanc j will be pastured free of charge. Those breeding
can have pervico of stalliou till October 1, '92, by coming to barn at Lexington,
at w hich time money is due for breeding. " 468 71.
Tlios. ItJof nioy,
Coflin & McFarlaud can give you bargains in
anything. Pay, a car load of Oliver Chilled
riows, consisting of Gangs, Sulkey and Walking
Plows, to arrive soon. But don't forgot that
we can supply you with anything you want,
in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware and Tin
ware, at wholesale and retail.
In the National Bank Building,
Harney Ueituuoans Harney comity
republicans have elected J. B. Hunting
ton, J. K. Oaklermnn, A. Venator aud G.
F. Haines delegates to the state conven
tion, and instructed them to use their
best endeavors to seoure the nomination
of a resident of Eastern Oregon for the
office of congressman for the second diB
triefc, nnd that iu all matters wherein a
majority of the delegation expresses a
choice, they shall all vote with the nmj
ority and ns a unit. News.
Taken for a Crank.
A semi-fiendish delight often seems to
possess people of ptrniig nerves in sneer
ing at tlmse with weak oues. Ihe irri
tability of the nervous hypochondriac is
ridiculed as natural ill temper. The
very genuine and distressing symptoms
from which he suffers are made light of.
"He" or "she is a orank !" is the cheerful
sort of sympathy with .which the nervous
invalid meets from the unfeeling anil the
thoughtless. At the Shine time no com
plaint is more defined and real, none hits
a more easily explainable origin when it
is chronic. Imperleot digestion and as
similation are always aeo mpnmed by
nervous debility and anxiety, iiuilrt up
the powers of assimilation and digestion
with Hostetter's IStouiach Hitters, nnd
nervous symptoms, sick heattncheB and
a generally feeble condition of the system
are remedied. Rr number that fearful
ravages are produced by la grippe among
weakly, nervous people. Hostetter's
Stomach Bittets onris it, and prevents
malaria, rheumatism and kidney com
The Members of tlio Comity Hepabliean Cea
tial Committee.
The follow ing are the members of the
republican central committee of .Morrow
Heppner (chairman) O. E. Farnsworth
Gentry Stephen Lalande
Mount Vernon H. N. Morgan
Lexington J. F. Willis
Dry Fork W. F' Holmes
Cecil J. B. Ely
Alpine Thad Ariiiatrong
Eight Mile Ed. Rod
Dairy D.N. Hardman
lone .1. M. Kees
Matteaon I. C. Large
Lena Jerry Broanan
Castle Ruck
Pine City Thus. Scott
Wells Springs D. It. Jayue
W. R. Ellis,
Mem. State Cen Com
(ili tf
The M. C. L T. Co. b;m contracted
with the Bridal Veil Lumber Co. fur a
large amount nf stock, with which the
will open lumber vaids at each Mation
on the Heppm-r branch. Partier
expecting to build this season will
find it to their interest to get prices
before contracting elsewhere. O. T.
Dmiglas. atDoutliiHPtation, and Wonlorv
k Co., i.t lone, will have charge of the
yaios. sw it
Gentn' and boys' booiii and shoes in
endless vnr ety. A:ik to see the best
plow shoo ever sold on this count at
82.50, at
C. S. Van Duyn's.
Recently the tf)llrmltl Notlct appeared In Vie
" Tuyere S had been virk only abrjnt two
wei-ts tni it was not until Hie la-t three or
tour day thai the malady to-.k a serious turn.
At the beiiiimiK"fhi illness he suffered from
diabeten and stomach di-order Later the
kidney re f Jetl to perform their f.inctiMis and
he passtd quietly away. Thus tnded .the life
of one of the mo-a prominent men in Cali
fornia " hike thousands of others his un
Umely death u as ihe result of neglecting early
symptoms of kidney disease.
are !oe,Med with 'li- l.'!e. gravel, or any rle
raniretii'M of the kibe vs or urn-irv otgaiia,
,;, delay pio "r tr.atimnt uulil you are
forced to give u:.yoor .Inilv ; ,d"'i-s . ,..
waste vour money on wi ninnents
and worse ,,lasle:s. but strike at the seat of
hediee at om e by u-m; the greatest ofa 1
known remedies, Ihe Kleb-a'ed O" foil kid-
Wflv should it not cure you ? Try it. Purely I
veiretible and pleasant to ue. jl.uo a pats-
age, o if. y"--
Will stand the season at Ihe following places:
On Mondays and Tuesdays at the
old "Morrotv" stable, Heppner;
Wednesdays and Thursdays, at
O. W. MeCurty's, Send Hollow;
the balance of time at Lexington
Lhery Stable.
Horses !
Horses !
ON MARCH 25, 1892,
At the Morrow stable. I will offer for salo about
Rixty-fivo head or brood marcs, yearlings,
two and three-year-olds. Also a few
work and middle horneH. The year
lings and two-year-olds are out
of my Thoroughbred
Clydesdale Stallion.
Mures in foul by him at present. The mares
are all tine, heavy American stoek, and
aro desirable foranv hnrHeman. Hev
eral of them aro broken to work
and all ure in splendid con
di Hon.
Will also sell a Wagon, Buokboard,
Hay Cutter, Barley Crusher,
three sets Harness, etc.
TtIJAfC OF RALE: Twelve months'
1 JJlViJlO time with good security,, live
per cent discount for eash. A. W. I'atterhon
will attend to the buainesB in this connection.
E. h.
HeppDpr, Or.
WANTKD More patrons for my hotel. Neat
rooms, n Hplenrtid bible and living rates.
I 'a lace Hotel, corner Maiuand May sireets,
Heppner, Oregon,
fift-sw. Mas. Maroarkt Von Cadow.
rplIOSK who owe us either by account or note,
the same being due, to coino In and settle
at once We ure in need of money, and ex
pect that you will accommodate us as we have
you. iw-sw. KiKK. & JIaykh.
'plIOHE who are interested in the Klght Mllo
J country and Morrow county tt) know that
we have a few extra copies left, wiiieh ettn
be secured either at ieo. Thornton's newn stand
or at the Oa.ette olliee. (W-sw.
(iMIC able-bodied men to consume fehooners
oi itnuweiser auu ai tnaia oeer at me
1'uhice bar and Gem Haloon. ti'.f-sw
MKK. J. W. HASMt'S wants the people to
know that she has opened a dressmaking
shop at tlie millinery store of Miss Inez
Voruz. (ive her your work, ladies. ti'j-sw
HATTIJNG good fart, horse and harness.
Call at Gazette otllce. (irt-sw.
AHNAI' Kancb, 100 acres, 120 good fanning
land; ; acn'S in cultivation ; good house,
J ', stories Hixia) with good kitchen, smoke
hoiirie, blacksmith shop nnd other outbuildings.
This 's a rttilroad j mu ter, h miles from raiiroad,
and tbe relinquishment -au be secured for less
than the first cunt of building. (Jood reasons
iorsflling. Address, J. W. M(iNAOn.L,
7u sw It. Gooseberry, Or.
IHA VK for sule a few head of young cattle,
yi-arllngf" aud two-year-olds. Call on or
address me at Lexington, (Jr.
70-71 sw. J. 8. Hoothby.
An Al Shire Ktalllon, dark buy, four years old,
weight Kino to 17W. Will sell on easy tenus, or
trade for good young cattle, J, W. Mokim-w,
t7-lf Jieppner, Or.
wood farm ou Columbia river, Klickitat
Co., Wash., opimslie Coyole station I.'. Y. It.
It. Well improved, rich siilf, Kood onhard and
extensive stock mne,e. Address
O'j-7o. 0. Hkinton, Portland, Or,
Uawem' I)AY.--On Thnntdny of each
week will ho "babies' day" at Dnoer'
inllery. limit! Hlnntr your babies and
have their nictTrcs (liken, and you will
ite. one photo free of charge. 58tf
C. linhl LaH (i.Meil n Block of oytteiH,
anned and frenh fruits, all kindanf nutfl,
cigars, tobaneon, eto. VM aw
No trouble to hIiiiw ronda. Aik to afe.
he latest nnvcltifa in ladiea' colored and
ul.ite drea RrutUi Butteeus, RinKhamfi
etc, at
C. S. Van Duyn's.
lour Opportunity I
ability of not finding standing room in
our big store. -You should frequently
visit us and be among the many success
ful bargain hunters, sometimes we buy
great drives and they are sold before we
can advertise them.
ability of getting "stuck" on some infer
ior or back number article if you insist
on trading at some fossilized establish
ment where eobwebBare thick and the
hide of the proprietor thicker. Moral.
Trade at Minor Bros. Modern and Model
General Merchandise Htore.
ability of getting left if yon don't heed
our words. We speak nought but the
truth. It is not only unfair, but unwise
and unprotitabie to deceive.
Yours to please,
0. "OS-XSLh,
Baker :: and :: Confectioner,
Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes and Confectionery.
Madh on Stiokt Notiok and at TorULAR Pricks.
Bread 22 Loaves for $1.00,
They must be Respected.
The People Cigar, Best
in the Market, at
E. R.
1 he Morrow County 1
General Ui d Forwarding imi
The Highest Market Price Paid for all kinds
of Grain, Sheep Pelts, Hides, Etc.
Storage Cnpnoltyj
5,000 Bnirs Wool. 50,0000 DuhIicIb (iralu 20,000 BasUrls drain.
UR,00() lltialiulis (Irillll,
Odd Combinations.-
i f i i n i
Strnnge CombirmtioiiB to Im Found Only at The Combiu
fid Grocery aud Hardware Store of
Groceries, Hardware, Tinware, Confectiounry Wood &
Willow Ware and Agricultural Implements. Agents
for NEW HOME Sewing Machines nnd IJ1PEKIAL
Tble Cutlery. Huerird. 8eiHnir, Pocket Knives, and Razors At
Kemrirkably Low Prices. Brjeoiul inducements to Casu Cus
tomerH. Oive ns a trial.
tf. Corner Main and Willow HtroetH, ileppner Or.
In the Hustle with their Conntrymcn.
Kive iloorx North (if tim I'alune Hotel, Hi !pncr. Or,
Fine IniDorted and DotnejtUi Cigars and Tobaccos.
Fresh Fruif$ aw! oifier Goods Received Tcnlj.
Si cretary.
anil k Trust Company