Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, March 11, 1892, Image 1

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-3 advertise
In The Semi-Weekly
to reaches-
New and Desirable
NO. 470.
v- feists m :o
Tuesdays and Fridays
A' ts.00 per your, $1.50 for six months, $1.0(1
for throe mourns; in advance.
Advertising Rates Made Known on
The-EA.aliE," of Long Creek, Grant
fv.in.tv orenon. Is Duhllihed by uie same com
pany every iriua
Manager, Long Creek, Oreson,
Heppner, Oregon.
ay morning. HuDSeripuou
rioe. S'Jper year. rorauveruBing ini-i.
)UI3Sr Xj. PATTBESOiT, Editor and
THIS PAPKK is kept onhle at E. 0. Hakes
Advertising Agency, HI and 65 Merchants
Eichangs, 8an Francisco. California, where co..
tracts for advertising can be made for it.
n.- nr,.,..,i, Prims Association. afi Ash Street,
between First and Second, Portland, Oregon, is
our only agent located in that place. Advertis
ers should coiuult lilui for rates and apace In
the Gazette.
vVmrner B. A. Hunsaker
ArlingtonV.V. "'LE
Zcm ImKI:
Camas Prairie, XJl)'',
Matteson, Aew whJ
Nye, ur.,
Hardman, Or.,
Hamilton, (irant Co., Or.
Prairie City, Or
Canyon City, Or.,
Pilot Rock,
bayvllle, Or.,
John Pay, Or.,
Pendleton, Or Wm. i.
Mount Vernon, Grant Co., or.
' Lawrence, ICans., Aug. 9, 1888.
George Patterson fell from a second-story
window, striking a fence. I found him usinp
He used it freely all over his bruises. I saw
him next morning at work. All the blue spots
rapidly disappeared, leaving neither pain,
scar nor swelling. C. K. NEUMANN, M. D.
A Year's Subscription to a Pop
ular Agricultural Paper
II. C. Wright
...J. A. Woolery
Mattie A. Rudio
T. J. Curl
,.R. R. McHaley
S. L. Parrish
G. Y. Hkelton
. . . J. E. Snow
.. F. I. MeCallum
.John Edingtnn
Shelby, Or.,...'. M'BB 8,te'!a
Eight m'i'i'c, Or'.', .'.V.V.V.Mri' Andrew Ajjibangh
Upper Rhea Creek B. F. Hevland
GoHebew V.'- P. Snyder
Condon, Oregon Herbert Halstcud
Union Pacific Railway-Local card.
No. 10, mixed loaves Heppner 8 a. m.
-i), " ar. at Arlington 11 00 a.m.
' 0, " leaves " S:.r4 p. m.
I u, ar. at Heppner ti:50 p. m. daily
exeept Sunday.
East bound, main line ar. at Arlington 8.HJ p. m.
West " ' " leaves ' P.
Night trains are running on same time as before.
Stage leaves for Monument daily,
eicei t Sunday, at 6 ;30 A. M.
Arrives daily, except Monday, at
5 :U0 p. M.
Direct connection oan be made at
Monument with the Long Creek stage.
Daily Binge between Long Creek and
Canyon Cily, connecting at the latter
place with the stage for Burns and Sil
vies valley.
Are having their land business straight
ened out and shaped np. How about
yoursf If not in satisfactory oondition
it would be a good plan to see nbnut it
at onoe. I am giving careful and ene"
getio attention to entries, final proofs,
"railroad land" nnd all business relating
to lands in Morrow oonnty.
U. S. Commissioner,
swtf. Lexington, Or.
By a special arrangement with the
publishers we are prepared to furnish
FREE to each of our readers a year's
subscription to the popular monthly
agricultural journal, the Americas
Farmer, published at Springfield and
Cleveland, Ohio.
Tbis offer is made to any of our sub
scribers who will pay up all arrearages
on subscription and one year in advance,
and to nny new subscribers who will pny
one year in advance. The American
Farmer eojoys a large national circula
tion, nnd rnDks amoDg the leading
agricultural papers. By this arrange
ment it COSTS YOU NOTHING to re
oeive the Americas Farmbb for one
ear, It will be to your advantage to
oail promptly. Sample copies can be
en at our office.
grate :v:r::::VSE:
Snot. Instruction MoMroy.
Judge Seventh District W. L. Brad-, a.
Dial riot Attorney W. H. Wilson
Joint Senator He,Ty,S1k"'
Representative ' 1 """""h
County Judge tJaU" n'
Commissioners J. A. 'lhompsou,
H. M. Vaughn.
. rlorlr J.W.Morrow.
Hheriff eo. Nobl6-
&::::.::: J-,w-,Mstl,?t
Assessor VB e
Coroner James Danglierti.
.., T. J. Matlock
FourWuie'lV O. E. Farnsworth ',
M Xllory, W. J. McAtee. t). P. Garrigues, Thos.
&nerand Fr,mk: A. A. Huberts.
rnmsorer w- J' l""Mr
m.V.v::.'....:.....v j. w.h-.
Doric Lodge No. 20 K. of P. meets ev
ery Tuesday evening at 7.S0 o dock in
their Castle HbII. National Bank build
ing. Sojourning Drotnere.-uruit.il. ,.,
vited to attend. F.MIL VoBCZ, C. C
C. Aubrey, K. of K. & a. tf
Meets at Lexington, Or., the last Saturday of
each month. All veterans are invited to join.
C.C.Boon, Geo. W.Smith.
Adjutant, tf Commander.
A. EGBERTS, Real Estate, Insur
ance and Collections. Offioe in
Counoil Chambers, Heppner, Or. swtf.
Attorney at Law,
Brown & Hamilton,
Practice in all courts of the state. Insurance,
real estate collection and loan ageuts.
Prompt attention given to all business entrust
ed to them.
Opposite Gazette Office, Heppner. tf
From Terminal or Interior Points the
Mem Pacific
Is the line to take
It is the PininRCar Koote. It rnns Through
Veuti baled Trains every day in the year to
St. Paul and Chicago
(No Change of Cars)
Composed or DINING CARS unsurpassed,
Of Latest Equipmeni
Bout that can be constructed and in which no
ooinmodations are both, Iree and furnished for
holders of first or Becunu-claat tickets, and
Elegant Day Coachs.
A Continuous Line connecting with all
Lines, affording Direct and Uninter
rupted Service.
Pullman Sleener Reservations can be
Securea in aavance wrougn
any agent of the road.
Trt nnrl from a!1. nointH in America. Engla id
and Kurop can be purchased at any Ticket otlice
of thiB company.
Fall information concerning rates, time
of traios, routes and other details
furnished on application to Bny
agent, or
Assistant General Passenger Agent,
No. 121 First St.. Cor. Washington,
Thave re-opened this well-known home to the
ar.H4f . .hnrf. nf the nstrouaze.
Perdav '. ! 9
Board per week
whu nwiii "
My Uble in always supplied with the best the
market afford,. & rMlTGHTER,
67-M-i-w Propi.
All who are suffering from the effects
of Youthful Errors, Liss of Manhood,
Failing Powers, Gonorrhoea, Gleet,
Stricture. SyphiliB and the many troubles
which are the effects i these terrible
disorders will receive, Fbf.e of Charge,
full directions how to treat and cure
themselves at home by writing to the
California Medical and Si boical In
Ftbmabt, lu29! Market Street, San
Frnciseo, California. 466-ly.
San. Fronoisoo
And all points in California, via the Mt. Bhaatn
route of the
Southern Pacific Co.
The great hiithway through California to all
points East and South, Grand Been ic Route
of the Pacific Cot. Pullman Buffet
Sleepers. Becond-cla&s Bleepera
Attached to eiprmia trains, affording ropenor
acrommfKlationfl lor aeconti-cia8 patwen(tern.
For riitfB, tickets, sleeping car reservations,
etc., call upon or audrets
R. KOEHLER, Manserer. E. P. ROGERS, Asst
Oen. . & P. Agt., Portland, Oregon.
T v dressed Lumber, lb miles 01 Heppner,
what Is known as the
- 10
- 17
L i.00 per l.uug leet, addltloual.
, A. Hamllton,Mn'Br
Land Office at La Grande, Or., Oct. 2, 1891.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his Intention to
make final proof In support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before the County
Clerk of Morrow County, Or., at Heppner, Or.,
on March W. 1WJ. viz :
nd No. 3143, for the K'4 NE' Hoc 11, PHU SF.14
Sec 2, and SW" NWK Sec 12, Tp HSR -1 K W M.
He names the following witnesMes to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
snid land, viz:
A. J. Cook. V. H. Clark, Chas. Cate and Giles
Iiaughcrty, all of Ijena, Oregon.
A. Cleaver,
405-71. Register.
Something More About the Aus
tralian System of Voting.
ho Designution "White Ballots" and "Sample
llttllots" Marking; out the Names With
Indelible Pencil Means That the Per
son is Not Voted For,
Land Ofiice at The Dalles, Or., Jan. 30, W92.
Notice is hereby given timt the followlns
namcd settler has tiled notice ot' his Intention to
make liiml proof in Bupportof his olaiui, and
that said proof will be made before W. R. Ellin,
U. S. Commissioner at Heppner, Or., on March
12, tS!, viz:
lid. No. 'J0:JU, tor the 8EJ4 Sec J4, Tp 1 S R "Jtl E
W M,
He names the follow ing witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon, and cultivation of,
said land, viz:
J. H. Edwards, C. C. Paling, R. W. Turner and
JerlersonD. Kirk, all of Hep nier. Or.
ti;t-7U John . Lewis, Register.
Land Otlice at The Dalles, Or., Feb. K, MW.
Notice is hereby iriven that the follow intr-iuim-
ed settler has tl'led notice of his intention to
make llnal proof in support of Ms claim, and
that said proof will be made before F. II. bnow,
Com. U. H. Circuit Court, at Lexington, Oregon,
on April. 7, lHtfJ, viz:
ITd. No. 4251, for the WH tiW'b Sec 17, and Wtf
N VK Sec '20. Td 2 H. H 25 E. V . M.
He names the following witnesses to prove bis
continuous residence upon, and cultivation of,
said land, viz: 4
Jacob KnmBt, Gedrgo W. Smith, Theodore
Cork, William M. Btaufi'er, ail ot Lexington, Or.
John W. Lkwis,
40-1-72 Register.
Lund Ofllce at The Dalles, Or., Feb. 23, Wl.
Ntitice is herebv uiven that tlieftjllowinir-imm
ert settler has filed notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his claim, und
that siud proot win he mane oeiore rne l-oiuuj
UieiK oi morrow eoiinvy, ur., ui iieppuci, ui
on April y, 1W2, viz:
ITd. No. 427'J. for the 8EU t:e '2J Tp 3 9, R 21 E
W M .
He names the following wltnesBOH to prove IiIr
continuous residence upon, ana cuitivattou oi,
n.id bind, viz:
Cyrus Fucjnn, J. H. Allen-1 V.& AshbauRh and
j-j. ii. man ton, an oi r.itz-i,i r.-iiti-7(i
Juhs Wt LicwiH, Kegiutcr.
mt mm or ii Pain
From some loni? standiri! ailment, or feel
tlint voni constitution (nervous system)
. -1. . . . . rti 1
is rut mi t?- or mat some biiiuuiou uib
taken, nr is taking, permanent hold ot
you, whioh von have been, and are still,
innble to throw on or oontroi, wtieuier
n the first or last stage remember that
Dr. Gregg's
And Appliances.
and system of home treatment will cure '
No medical or other mode of electric treatment
can at all compare with them. Thousands of
women who sutler lor years wnn compiaini
peculiar to sex, have been completely and per
manently restored to health. No tower men
have also been cured.
Electric treatment for diseases suppoRted. pro
perly applied, is perfect and ban no good substi
tute. The (irew? Electric Kelt and Appliances
are the only ones in existence that supply a
peneet mode oi application.
The (iretrp Electric Foot Warmer, price $1.00,
keeps the feet warm and dry and is the only
genuine Electric Insole.
People who have paid their money and been
cured can tell you what has been done for them
in a way that will convince you. Complete cat
alogue of testimonials, prices, etc., 6e. Circular
501 Inter Ocean Building, Chicaot 111.
Land Office at The Dalles. Or.. Fell. 2.r. IS'-:
Notice is hereby iriven that the follow intr
named settler has filed notice of his intention to
make iinal proof in supportof hiflclaim.andthat
said proot will be made before the uniitty
Clerk of Morrow Comity, Oregon, at Heppner,
Oregon, on April n, viz:
Hd. No. 20M, for the bE4 8ec W, Tp 2 S, R21E
W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation oi
liiiitl land, viz:
Samuel N. Wiirfleld, Wm. Haguewood, Wesley
McNalib, Thomas Merrill, all oi Eight Mile, or
4ti7-17H. John . LKWi.s, Register.
U. 8. Land Office, La Grande, Or., Feb. 2, IM):
VJ this otlice bv John Kenny aeaiust Joh
Revnolds for failure to comply with law Hsto
Timber-Culture Eutrv No. 21iM dated May :i,
lHhS. unon the SEUf .of NE: SlA of SE and
SW'4 of SE!4 Section T-, Township 3 $, Range 28
K, w. M., in Morrow uouiuy, uregon, wnn
view to the cancellation of said entry; contes
ant alletrinff that said John Keynolda neve
nlnweil live tu'ri'R the first year, never nlowe
live acres the second year, never cultivated an
nortion of It at any time, and never planted ai
of it or caused it to be done: the said parties are
hereby summoned to appear at ineomceoij
W. Morrow in Heppner, Oregon, on the 21st da
of March, W, at one o'clock 1'. M.( to rcspc
Mini I'n rtiiHli rpHflmonv concerniiiL' said allet
tidhire. 'i'o lie used at the final hearhiu at tin
olliee, April 11, W.tt. It is further ordered that
this notice be served bv publication for six con
secutive weeks in the Heppner (iazette and by
posting upon land as in i. . H. Uiiid chhch.
tU-72. A. C. MtCLicui.M. Receiver.
Tlie Original
Wyandottes, Plymouth Books, Light
Brnmabs, Kose Bna HiiKfie v.;oruo
Bfowa Leghorns, PmtridEe
Cochins, Houdans and Sil
ver Spangled Hambni gs.
Beady for Delivery.
1 publishers, we are able to obtain a rtiiriibc
of th above book, and propono to fiirulhli
COUV tO etlCh OI OUr HIIUK'-linrin
In America, and are the best on
this coast by a great difference.
Send for Catalogue.
Box 55. com.3u6. Forest Grove, Or
C. A.
George W. Conner, Cashier.
C. I. Lewi's, Ass't Cashier.
Transacts a General Banking Business
On all parts of the world
ii t a. 1 1 ci
Collections made at all points on
sonable Terms.
Hurplns and Undivided profits, t23.527.10
'i lie dictionary is a neoesslt v In every hon:
..h.,1 nnd business house, it nils a vat:a
and furnishes knowledge which no one hu
fIrH nlher volumes Of the choicest books 0011
supply. Voungand old, educated and Ignorant,
ricn ami pooi, ..
refer to its contents every day in the year
As some have asked if this In really the Orig
inal Webster's I nabriilgeil Licllomiry, we are
able to state we have h anted direct from the
publishers the fact, that this Is the very work
complete on which about forty of the best years
oi the author s lile were so well employed In
writing. It contains the entire vocabulary of
about luO-i'iO words, inf 1'iding the correct spell
ing derivation ami deliuition of same, and Is
the' regular standard size, containing about
:)UO0 WUrc inches of printed surlac c, and Is
bound in cloth, half morocco and sheep.
UntM further notice we will furnish this
valuable Dictonary
First To any new subscriber.
Second To any renewal subscriber.
Third To any subscriber now in arrears
who pays up and one year in advance, at
the following prices, vn:
Full Cloth bound, gilt side and back
stamps marbied edges $--oo.
Hiif to occo, boood, p. It r.'de and back
stamps, married edes, $i 50.
Full Sheep Lourid, leather lauel, marDled
edfres, $2.00
Fifty cents added in all cases for express
age to Heppner.
"VAS the pilbllHbers llr.il! the time nnd
nuu.oer of b'toiis they will f'inilnli at the low
price,, we advise all who desire to avail them
selves of this great opportunity to attend to It
at cmce.
Section 51. When nny vacancy occurs
by death or withdrawal aforesaid, and
after the printing of the ballots, any per
son or persons are nominated, as atore-
saiil, to fill such vacanoy, the couuty
lerk shall, a sufficient time before the
election, cause to be prepared and
printed, according to law, upon oards of
nstruotion, arranged in the mnnner
herein required for the ballots, the names
and information concerning snoh caudi-
ates so nominated to fill such vaoanoies
caused by death or withdrawal; one of
snoh oards, certified by the oounty clerk,
shall be posted and kept posted in plain
view in each compartment or plaoe pro
vided for preparing the ballots in encli
polling pluce, and the same shall also he
posted in the county clerk's office from
the time the sume is prepared until after
the election.
Section 52. It shall be the duty of the
county clerk of eaoh oounty to cause the
nine of eHoh nominee who has thus
withdrawn or died, to be canceled npou
the white ballots, and also the colored
ballots, before they are given out to the
electors. If said ballots have been al
ready forwarded to the several election
precinots, the oonnty clerk shall, if there
is time, certify the mutter to the judges
of the several election precinots, and
then it shall be the duty of the judges
of suoh eleotion precinots, in accordance
with such certification, to fee that the
name of each candidate who has thus
withdrawn or died is oanoeled upon the
white and colored ballots before they are
giveu out to the electors, and also that
such cards of instruction, or lists of the
candidates nominated to fill such va
cancy, are duly posted in each compart
meat or place provided for preparing the
ballots, before the ballots are given out
to the electors.
Section 63. It shall be the duty of the
couuty clerk of eaoh county to provide
for each eleotion precinct within suoh
couuty one large and one smaller ballot
box. the larger one of whioh shall be
used for the reception of all general bal
lots deposited, aud the smaller one for
all ballots oast only for state or distriot
officers. Said larger boxes shall be
marked "General," aud the smaller
State and Distriot," respectively. Eucl
of suoh ballot boxes shall be provided
with a lid fastened with hinges, and
cood lock and key. The lid shall form
the top of the box aud contuin an open
ing or slot five inches long and one
quarter of an inch wide for the reception
of ballots. All ballots oast by electors
eutiiled to vote for all the officers to be
elected lit the election shall be doposited
in the box marked "General." All bid
lotB cast by electors qualified only to
vote for state or Btate and district offioere
shall be deposited lu the box marked
State aud District."
Si otion 64. A sufficient time, and not
less than five days, before the opeuin
of the polls ut any election provided for
this act, the county clerk of eaoh
oounty in which the election is to be
held shall deliver to the sheriff of the
oouuty for use at eaoh polling place in
the county:
1. The proper number of bullets re
quired for such polling place, prepared
und printed as provided in this uot,
2. Ihe two ballot-boxes required by
this not.
8. Two noil-books required by th
4. One conv of the eleotion luws of
this stute, required by this act.
5. A sullioieut number of ttilly-sheets,
required by this aot.
ti.' A sufficient quuntity of pens, in
blotting-pads, indelible cpying peucili
needles and string for stringing ballots,
aud stubs, sealing wax and the like, nec
essary and convenient for carrying o
the provisions of this act.
The white ballots so furnished shall
be in a package by themselves, and the
puckage shall bo marked on the outsidi
"white ballots," with the number oon
tamed in the package, and the package
shall be addressed to the judges of the
polling place for whioh it is intended
and the package sliull be certified by the
clerk and sealed under the seal of tl
oounty court ot tho couuty. Ihe col
ored or sample ballots shall likewise be
in a separate package by themselves an
the package shall be marked on the ou1
side "colored or sample ballots, wi
the number contained in the psokuge
certified, addressed and sealed. The
poll-books, tally-sheets Rod oopy
election luws shall likewise be done u
in a package, addressed and sealed. Th
other articles shall likewise be addressed.
Ttie county cleik shall keep a lecord of
the addresses thereon, the contents of
the packages and the Dumber thereof.
Section o5. The county clerk shall
prepare a receipt iu duplicate for each
polliug place, enumerating the packages
aud stating the time aud day and date
when the same were delivered by him to
the sheriff. The Bheriff shnll sigu both
of said receipts upon reoeipt of the pack
ages; one of the receipts shall be re
tained by the clerk, and the other shall
be delivered to the sheriff, and upon re
ceipt of the packages, the judge or judges
of election to whom they are delivered
shall countersign said receipt, nnd the
same sIibII forthwith be returued by the
sheriff and filed with Baid clerk.
Section 56. The sheriff of each county
uuder the direotion and oontroi of the
oounty court of the couuty, a sufficient
time, and not less than oue day before
every eleotion provided for in this net,
shall secure the use of and take posses
sion of the ploees designated by the
county oouri cs the polliug plaoes in the
several precinots in the county; he shall
use the same to be suitably provided
with a guard rail so constructed and
placed that only suoh persons as are in
side said rail can approach within six
feet of the ballot-boxes or within teu
feet of the compartments, shelves or ta-
ea at which electors are to prepare
their ballots for voting. He shall furu-
in the mauuer directed by such
couuty court, a Bnthoieut number of
such compartments, shelves or tables In
at whioh electors may convenient ly
prepare their ballots for voting, so that
the preparation thereof each elector
may be soreened from the observation of
ther persons. The arrangement eh ill
be such that neither the ballot-boxes or
the compartments, shelvea or tables, ot
the electorB while preparing their ballots,
shall be hidden from view of those just
outside the said guard-rail, or from the
judges; and yet the same shall be far
enough removed aud so arranged, that
the eleotor may oouveuiently prepare his
ballot for voting with absolute seorecy.
There shall be provided in eaoh polliug
place not less than one such compart
meut, shelf or tuble for every forty elec
tors to vote at such polling place, und
every polling plaoe shall have at least
three of snoh compartmeuts, shelves or
Seotion 57. During the election aud
counting of the ballots no person other
thuu the judges and olerks of election,
nd the electors admitted as herein pro
vided for the purpose of preparing their
bullots and voting, shull be admitted or
permitted to be within said rail.
Section 58. Any person desiring to
vote shall give his name and his real-
enoe to the first of the election olerks,
which clerk shall not be of the some pol
itioul party as .the ohuirman, who Bhall
thereupon announce the name und resi
dence distinctly and write iu the poll-
book Kept by him the name nnd resi
dence of the elector and the word "State"
State and distriot" if he is qualified
to vote for suoh officers only, und also
write the name and residence of the
elector and if proper the word "Stute" or
State mid District" with pen und ink
upon the back ot ono ot the stubs upon
one of the white ballots provided under
this sot; the clerk shall then with peu
and ink write the number of the elector
upou the back of euob of the two stubs
upon said ballot; be shull so number the
stubs upon each ballot to correspond
with the number of the elector in the
poll-book, beginning with No, 1 for the
first elector applying to vote, No. 2 for
tlie second eleotor, und so on, aud he
shnll then tear off the stub upou which
ne wrote the elector's name. The clerk
ahull then deliver the ballot, with the re
maining stub still attached thereto, to
the elector. The said olork shall give
the eleotor one ot said white ballots, and
oue only. The, clerk shull then, ut once
and before issuing another ballot, deliver
the stub containing the name uud num
ber of tho elector to the judges, who
shall pass it to the second, cletk, who
snail immediately enter the number in
the poll-book and the name and resi
dence of the elector opposite thereto,
and shall retain the stub in his possession.
Section 5'J. On reoeipt of his white
ballot as aforesaid, tho elector shall
forthwith, and without leaving Ihe en
closed space, retire along to one or tlie
compartments or plnoes provided, aud
shall there pi epare his ballot by cancel-
ing, crossing or marking out the namcB
of the candidates he does uot wish to
vote for, which shull be done with an in
delible "copying" pencil, to be furnished
for the purpose, or by scratching with
pen aud ink for each office to be filled
tor which he is qualified to vote, and if
necessary ho may write into the blank
space provided therefor the name of the
person of his cbmoe for eaoh or nny such
ofiice; mid, in onse of a (inflation sub
mitted to the vote of the people, by oau
oeling, orosfiing or scratching out the
answer he does not wish to make or give.
Before leaving the compartment or place
provided, the elector shall fold his ballot
so that the face thereof will be con
cealed, without displaying the ballot or
informing any person In w he has pre
pared it; and he shall fold the ballot so
that the initials ot the first clerk may be
seen on the back of the ballot, and so
that the remaining stub may be readily
torn off, without exposing the oontents
ot the ballot or the ma'ks or orosses
thereon. He shall then deliver the bal
lot to tbe chairman and state bis name
and residence.
Seotion 60. Immediately upon re
ceiving the ballot from the eUotor the
chairman shall repeat tbe name and res
idence distinctly and shull remove the
remaining half of the stub from the bal
lot without exposiug the contents of the
bullot or tbe murks or crosses thereon,
and pass tbe stub to tbe second olerk,
who shnll compare it with its counter
part aud observe that the name written
on the counterpart corresponds with the
name given by the person voting. If no
objection is made to the elector, nnd tba
judges are satisfied that the elector is
legally qualified, aocording to the con
stitution and laws of the stute, to vote
for all offices to be filled at that election,
and that the ballot presented is the iden
tical w hite ballot received by the elector
as aforesaid, from the first olerk, the
chairman shall immediately put the bal
lot in the box marked "General," with
out any one inspecting or seeing the
names written or printed or the crosses
or murks upon the ballot, and withont
unfolding the sume, and the seoond olerk
shall enter opposite the name and num
ber ot the olector in the poll-book tbe
word "voted" or letter "V" to indioate
tbe snme.
Seotion 61. If a majority of the judgog
are satisfied the eleotor is legally quali
fied to vote in that preoinct only for
"State" officers, the ohairmun, Bhull im
mediately write with pen and iuk upon
tbe baok ot the bullot tbe word "StBte"
and sign his (tbe chairman's) initials
thfcreto; it the elector is qualified to vote
for distriot officers also, the chairman
shall write as aforesaid the words "State
and district;" iu either suoh onse the
ballot shall then be deposited iu the box
marked "State and district," and tho
clerk shall add to the name of the elector
upon the poll-bookB the words "State"
or "State aud distriot," as theoasemay
be. The eleotor sb all then immediately
pass out by the way indicated by the
cWiaitcd in nejrt Unite.
liiicklen'H Arnica Halve.
The best salve in tbe world for cuts,
bruises, eorea, nloers salt rlienm, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, obilblnins,
corns, Bnd all skin eruptions, Bnd posi
tively cures pileB, or no pny required. It
is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction,
or money refunded. I'rioe 25 cents per
box. For sale by Slocum-.Tohnaton
Drug Co.
Possibly the Next Congressman.
From the HakerClty Blade.
Hon. W. K. ElliB, the hold over candi
date from the lust republican oongreaa-
ionul convention, arrived in the city on
the 11:20 east-bound train yesterday and
baa been kept btwy greetiug old friends
aud making a host of new ones. Meet
ing Mr. Ellis, in company with several
gentlemen a few niimitoa after his arriv
al yesterday, (luring a ehort, all-around
conversation, Mr. Ellis stilted very pluin
ly, "Yes, I am a candidate for congress."
This assertion bcinir so foreign to what
we have been iu the habit of bearing
from others whose uumee have been
mentioned in connection with this very
inipoitatit position, appenred to us na an
attractive feature in the programme.
Mr. Ellis desires the nomination for con
gress by the republicans of tho seoond
district und he is now visiting this
oouuty, as ho doubtless will nil the
oountieB in the district, with 0 view of
getting acquainted with the people, and
securing the Biipport of the party at the
approaching convention. That Mr.
Ellis will be well received by the people
throughout tho entire district, there is no
doubt. The mere fact of bis going out
among the people and plainly informing
them that he desireH to go to congrcsa,
and personally soliciting their uid, nt the
same time uscertniniuif their needs and
views, will go far towards the accom
plishment of - his laudable ambition.
The man who wonts auything of the
people these days, will find it necessary
to consult them perHoiiully upon the sub
ject. Under tho old rule these mutters
were somewhat different from what they
are today. Under the old rule all that
wns necessary to secure tha nomination
was to divy up with the boBsee, but now
if it is known that tbe bosses Bre unusu
ally favorable to tbe political ndvnnoe
meut of a ninu the people generally are
favorable to some otbnr man, or words to
that effect.
Pur Hale.
The hotel heretofore known lis the
Mountain Donne, oim block from First
National bank in Ueppuer, Or. Con
tains parlor, dining room, baggage room,
kitchen and 15 bed rooms; nil rooms
furnished. For further particulars in
quire of Kl-tf T. W. Aybrs.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.