W s&nciy , ctt ' i i tVS a 5 11 IB PH BH F?1 If I'lirillCS liiU lLUVV. UUI J vvi'i' - BILIOUSNESS, LIVER COMPLAINTS, SICK HEADACHE, COLDS, PIMPLES, all SKIS AFFECTIOXS, nd DISEASES MUSING from a DISORDERED STOMACH. The Genuine IIAMBVW TEA is pwf tip in YVILOYT WRAPPERS v iih Facsimile Signature of EUIL FliJiSh. t, DirrMijr'rr-M fi r,rv 1irtin ft.M FaAUCA.n (BOT.I BV AM, PRIfitJSST AKH KKOfBBS. "QUttlN MAIhtllNt" in restore ana promote low Hair ha no eual. J t In a poma-ie (vaseline form). r our applications wilt stop tbo hair lulling and prevent d;ndrull. It cures milp diseatiurt, ami will ponitiveiy grow a luxuriant growth of hair unlcs.-f hereditarily bjdd. Tlaldiie.- ia not an indication that the roots are dead. Nature uid not provide that wo should wear a covering for the head. When theepidermiB (skin) is alive, bo aro the roots, and "Queen liairino" applied to the nurface opens the follicles, and gives nourishment and vitality to the roots. One bottle will convince the moat skeptical of ill merits. Try it. I'rirc, 1 .00 per llottle. , UUfcfcN A IN I l-UUUIl" (powneren lorm; appnea 10 me para anay- neosfiivo perspiration, And permanently cures offensive feet, armpitu, etc A wowt delightful ai.d harmless remedy. Price 60c. (Hir ' ON DO LINE" (liquid, pure and harmless), when applied tu tho skin restores and beautifies the Complexion; removes and prevents Tail, Sunburn, Jr'rockles, J'impies and Blackheads. This re nowned preparation cannot be excelled. A single application has a marvelous effect, and each additional one improves the complexion. Try It; if not delighted with it, return the buttle, and we will refund your money. One Hottle will restoro the complex Uio. J'riee, Si. 00 Qukiin Toii.kt Co.: Your preparation formula (after a careful analysis), T am free to say, aro harmlesH, and certainly efl'ectualif used according to directions. J. l- Mesne, M. 1.. 4H4 J'recuiuuAve. Kemit by 1. O. Order, rtc-g inter ed Letter, or JJrafl to home oilice, and mention this paper. QUCEN TOILET CO. 174 RACE ST., CINCINNATI, O. (Local Aonts Vantr.d.) flil.h Mamplcf ol our Ooodii art! Ilovr to be Beautiful" sent for two stamp;. LOVELL DIAMOND CYCLES. No. t, Solid Tires, strictly t-BS.oo HICH GRADE. Ho. 2, Cushion Tires, . $95.00 No. 3, Ladies' Solid Tires, ;;i85.00 'JUK GdsMod Tires AHE Warranted ALL PARTS Intcrchanec - awe. $85.00 TOIIN 1. LOVELL OIW CO., e MANUFACTURERS, BOSTON, MASS, Semi ill tmli In ilamp! for onr 100 pafie lltatratnl Citilofoa of tini, Ritts, Hivolwi, Spr.rtinR Ml of ell kinJi, tie. INDIANA RANGE CO." MANUFACTURERS OF WROUGHT STEEL RANGES Ounrantoed to bo tho most eco nomical, most durable and most perfect Range on tho mnrket. Suitable for hard or soft coal, or wood. Send for catalogue to INDIANA RANGE CO. EVANS VILLE, IND. kJAji, Scienlitic America Auency for TRADE IVtA F(KR. DESIGN PATENTS COPYRIGHTS, otu. For Infomintlon nnd froo lliimlhootj wrlto to Ml' NN A CO. lDtitADWAV, Ni:V YnitK. Otrtest bornnu tin- sorurititr iwitouts In America. Kvery patent tnktui out liv nn t hroiicht heforo the public by a not tee Ivim free of elmrtte In tbo Scientific incviQU Iari.est riroiilntlnn of nnv nelcnttHe pnpor in tbo work!. Si'lemtuilv Ithist viitoii. No intelluient Oiilil ohmild te wittumt It. Wceklv, ;,(M) u tew: 1.;0 nix m.mt lis. Addrsn MtlNJS CO, UiJLi.snh;tts,l Uroudwuy, Now York. jSvThe Pittsburgh Lamp .,,ufcV ,s onc ' those invcn sfea tions that seems to be fmisheJ. It seems to reach the end as to goodness of light zm-K ia cvcfy wa'. and case of management. jJiv ilf 1 1 iu7r inil Q4 jvwf--i--. iff" " it ii m'li ' ' 4 1 .a' JKI B'n. . ' Jrf- CAVEATS Dirt falls out when the chimney is taken off, not into a pocket as in other central-draught lamps. Putting in a new wick is a very easy matter indeed. ' All this seems strange to one who knows how troublesome other good lamps are. It i- in all the rjood lamp-stores. Send for a primer. fiiubur!, I. - riTTsmRuii Brass CY . .. . -u. ,.n 4 'A - i ?i 44 r,i ff" t j s !v Perhaps Yon Don't Know Us, BUT SURELY YOU KNOW OF OUR REMEDIES. We extf ml tin Invitation to or.lt nr.-l see free tr-pJs at our Clinic, "Arcade Chambers." Hours 1 to ;i v. m. Lady Attendants, Wo till mail orders worn; day received (seem el y fecukd, postpaid). If not as represented wo will ruin ml vour money. ' QUEEN ANTI-HAIRINE" nouoves heard or Pnperdnoim Hair lroiu ihe 1 ace, bwk andA nri-., or Mules and liirt hmarkn. j mauuni.u u. pa.-iv, .mi i u iv w in iuuhvj iij'jn irai fun is rcfjumfu, 1L ', Is powerful, yet mild in its cf!eel. It dissolves and destroys tbo v. J follicles of tbo hair without thf; slightest fuun, Injury ordineolora- linn tu the most delicste skin. 1'rv Jt. One I 'Her All) ner Until Ko.3C, Latlias Cushion Tires, $85,00 Ko. 4, Caaysrtibla Sclit! Tiras, $S5,00 Vi?,3 So. i. C. nsshifB Tims L 1395.00 $Sklfi machirifl madn I fcEifer- any pneo. Bicycle SalalopoFrsa. ? o r- rr STANDARD fORS CENTURV RISER FOR WATIRLOO YtAbTCO UtTBOIT MICH. it and f:rhsis b n i R thes and R.itaris I i - i'( 1 ' i i') .i- ' I i, itmr TAIU .Uc.MI 1.1 r;YS l'tHl.ll! AM'llNt;, NcwThlnirl Ni .'ik-;'uu.rF tia,: t;i n r hlru Htavy filHjt. Itit MtMulitn Wovcu ir Ji'm; Co., Ctncaift, Hi TWIN BROTHERS DRYHOP YEAST m CCT QU'CK ;i I : I I r-.'- V V si t m it iiV, stflTHl. Alhun Maud. I I t I " l.mii., L'ltuM ! i'vl-n', 1 i I ut I'h.-i k.T Stun. H- 1 I' t ' i, lieli:tu H IncliiV iU-lt'IU i-vn'im, i-, iu. li, s. . .j. it 1'.' ;hs., si;,. 0f t,,s tUllllV M.lll ll'ti, SI Hi i .. I ii1 t.. K.iat.m, lliwa, WOVEK WIRE S1G .x x -X. t THE GREAT AMERICAN CROP. Tho I'ualtlcm Oocufilcd by Indian Corn In thj Agriculture of the t'nited States. ImliftD corn occuijiua th leading posi tion iu tho agriculture of the United States, both as regards the voiume pro duced annually and the area under cul tivation. It is also tho most widely dis tributed crop, being grown to more or less extent in every stato and territory and almost in every county in which ag riculture is carried on. As stated in a government report, taking the eleven cotton states as a whole, thoso devote a larger area of their cultivated land to corn than to cotton. Tho great wheat belt of the Ohio and Missouri valleys gives corn a more prominent position than that occupied by wheat itself. In measured quantity our crop of a singlo year has exceeded the wheat crop of the civilized world, and no other grain crop approaches it in volume. About DO per cent, of our crop is annually consumed in this country, and mora than HO per cent, never crosses tho lines of the coun ty in which it is grown. It is tho great American crop. In ltJl'J the center of production was in Ohio, with 5U,000,000 bushels, closely followed by Kentucky and Illinois. The census returns for 18.7J show that the center of production had shifted to llli nois, where it remained for three dec ades. In 1B7U Illinois still kept the first place, but Iowa now ranks as the great est corn producing state iu the country. The movement of corn production west ward, and tho decline ia relative posi tion of states formerly holding first rank does not mean that they produce loss corn than formerly, but results from the immense areas developed in newer re gions. While only about 4 per cent, of this crop has been sold abroad, the superior quality of American corn, due to our ex ceptionally favorable soil and climate, makes it csrtain that whatever demand for this cereal may hereafter be created throughout the world, must largely be supplied from tho fields of tho United States. Froltirtilig Trees from Mico. Small trees, or those newly set, may be protected from mica in winter with small compact mounds of earth; but PlluTHLTINtJ A TliHK WITH yflKIiT TIN. thv.ao citnnot ill ways be m;idc on home grounds or indoor y tints, in which case a roll of shoot tin may bo easily and quickly placed about the stein, as represented in tho cut. Tho miue will not climb up this tin protector. Suitublu tin sheets may bo purchased for five cents each. Thoso may be bent into shape about a largo stick or pole and then placed in position around the tree with a few flecouds' work, their elasticity bringing them into place. Country Gentleman. Litngi-duiiiK and Cochins. The Laugshau and tho Cochin are dis tinct types of fowls and aro said to bo in noways related. And there is as much dillerenco between a Bkick Lanshan and a Black Cochin hh there is between the hitter and a Light Brahma. They aro not alike tit all. The Langulmn has sickle feathers which flow over tho tail, while tho tail of the Cochin turns ab ruptly over, having no sickles. Tho lega of a Lanshan resemble tho turkeys, while tho Cochin has black Khanks, or black shading into willow, tho bottoms of the feet being yellow, the Langshan's being pinkish. The Cochin is low, com pact, while the bangshan is more sym metrical, more active and can tly over a fence, as we know by experience. The Cochin cannot do this. Tho Langshan matures earlier than the Cochin. How ever, tho Cochin is a good fowl and is heavier than tho Langshan. It will bo seeu that tho two fowls tiro unlike in weight, riize, shape and general charac teristics. Southern Fancier. Stm'H Years' Kxpci'lt'iii'ii with Silos. John Gould, a progressive farmer, who is now feeding silago for tho sev enth winter, was asked not long sinco at a fanners' institute if ho thought silos are losing ground in the public estima tion. Ho replied that his seven years' experience warranted him in saying that ho was most thoroughly convinced of tho necessity for silago and instead of tho system losing ground tho silo was rapidly increasing its number of enthu siastic ad vocal es in Ohio. Measuring Hay In Hulk. Hay, whether in mow or stack, differs so much iu weight, compared with its bulk, that no rule can bo given that will dotermiiie the number of tons with much accuracy by measurement. For example, it is variously estimated to require from 4i)0 to 700 cubic foot for a ton, according to tho kind of grass and the time sinco it was packed away. The solid contents of the body of hay are tirst found in cubic foot by arithmetical rules of measure ment, which aro then divided by the number supposed to be required for a ton. To find the cubic feet iu a mow multiply the length, width and depth to gether. To lind the cubic feet in a con ical stack multiply the area of the base by one-third the perpendicular height. Another rule sometimes given is for long or square stacks; to multiply the length iu yards by tho width in yards and then by half tho height in yards, and divide by 15. For circular stacks, multiply the square of the circumference iu yards by four times the height in yards and divide by 100, tho quotient by 15. In these oases fifteen cubic yards of well settled hay aro supposed to make a ton, Tho report or the secretary of tbo Iowa state board of agriculture shows the total value of Ihe products of Iowa soil for lji'Jl to be if I I'.).!Sti;,0Oj. Of this amount over (100,000,000 is for corn. $ y-1 1 Ik ili j ! fill ! f: m: ml Roofing fH'M-KLASTIC KOnnSG KKIr routs only fi.LMi per UHl square fe!t. Milken ii tfoixl roof for yenrf, iintl diiyoiie eau put it oil. fceiitl ntiiutp for fiuHinle amt full pHrtienlitrs. filJM Kl.ASTIC KOOKINO C'O., 31 A- 4 West iiroiulwny, New York. ii-7r JLocul Agents Wanted. Hides, Pelts A ml Furs wanted. 1 pav the hltiost -l l market prices fo anvthinii in this line. Give me a eall before Belliut,' elsevvhere, as I know I f an do better by you than any other firm in ileppner. W, W. SMEAD, Office at Sargent A- Driskell's Feed yard . Mi-. GRAHAM'S Cucumber AM) Elder Flower -ream Jr nut a cosmetic in the fiense in wliieli term in popuhtrly am- d, but periimnently b. tien. it n eritt'n n soft, mnonti, eur, , fikin.fuui by daily u.--m cnistimllv m;tken the tluit nut i- Ivety piexton several t-n wliiter. it ts a enns'ant .role(!ii) from thee ffee of sun and wind, wed preveutH sunburn una freklea and blHflih'wta will nevwr ooino while you use il. It cleans the tau far better than aoap and water, nourishea and buihts up the kin tis ut-B iutd thus prevents the formation of wrinkles. Ir. jayes the fronh nesH, clearness and smoothness of nkin that jvm iiad when a little irl. Every lady, youna or old, oiijlit to use it, hh it tfivea a inoie yoiUlit'nl p pen ranee to any lady, and that permanently. It eontainano acid, powder or alkali, ami in as h.'irmk'swaH dew, and bh noarisliintr to the skin as dew w ;o (he flower. Price Si . 0(1 at all drue KiwtH and hair ilressera. or at Mrs. (fervatHO iira ham'H fHtahl.tihment, K Pont Strm. Ban Fran eweo, where bIio treatH ladieH for all blemishes of the face or figure, ijadies at a distance treated by letter, Send htampK for her little book, "How to be Beautiful." 8AMPLK BOTTLH Pent free to any lady on receipt of IP cents in stainpa to pay postage and packing. Jjody agents wanted. WAHAM't deacli Face Ouree the worst canes MallonehB, Moth-pal ches, blemiHliea. Price Sl.oU. Laily annuls wanted. ?f freekTes, Sunburn, Pimples and all skin $iu Hatnplt! can be sent. Thfi llMtiPd'Ii.'i in thin town who first orders a bill 1111 UIUiHnf my nn.paraliou will have his name added to this advertisement. My pretiar atiuns are for enlo liy wholesale druggists in ('hieago and every city west of it.. WUULD KATITEIt HE WITHOUT BREAD. ( Prsiror'n Residence, H I i"Wai't)uette, Mich., toy. 7, The Rev. ,1. Kor'sbiel of above place wrilts: I have buttered a preatd al, and whenever I feel now a eervnus attack cominfr, I take a doso of Pantor Koenitf s Nerve Tonic and feel relieved. I think a ureat deal of it, and would rather be without bread than without the Tonic, Tonawaxoa, Emu Co., N. Y., Febr. 1F89. My daughter had lita from t'rigbt since U yoai'p, Hornctimea 3 to 4 attacks within Iiours without any wurnhi ; during these pel a her thumbs would bo cramped toward the iiiriidctof her hands, her mouth he drawn hide way a, hiTiicck would f?wcl up, j nd her fit co as-Kimed e. bitieich color ; Hub would lust from K) to K in mules;' after that she slipt; was drowsy for about 2 hours. We tried many remedies without any improvement, Irnr, (i bellies of Pu:;t'r Koetuc'B Nerve 'i mV'c enr-ed lief at last. We t iierefore recommend ihii To...,..v to -1 1 Piifferern. JOHN KoIN. Viilliablo Itnnfc nn Nnrvoin i Diseases sa- tti-eeto anyadtln an una poor pfitients ran also nmaia tliis lueiliclce Iron charge. Tliia remedy has been prn -d by the Rever-enitl'iistorlioeni.ofl'V- ' ue.Ind.. since 1KJG. &udia now prepare?, tacrine direction by the KOEmC MED. CO., Chicago, 111. Sold by Dniffirlsts at SI per Bottle. 6 for Bl". T.aineSiJie. ?t.7B. 8 ISottlos for W9. Solil in I'lirflnnil. Oregon, by Bnell, llnl-lin & VVlllMllinl. From Boiiie long standiiiL' ailment, or feel thiit, your constitution (nervous system) is failing, or that some aflliction his taken, or is taking, permanent hold of yon, which you have been, and are still, unable to throw off or control, whether iu the first or last stage remember that Dr. Gregg s ELECTRIC BELTS And Appliances. and system of home treatment will cure you. No medieal or other mode of eleetrie treatment ean at nil compare with them. Thousands of women ul peculiar to nniiH'iitly t suiter tor years with complaints , have been completely and per stored to health. So fewer men n cured. bnve also been curei Klectrie treatiueiij pet'ly applied, is per tute. The tire-'i: Kl for diseases invested, pro tect and bus no wood substi- trie Belt and Applia arc the only ones in existence that supply a perfect mode of application. The (ire.ir; Klectrie Foot Warmer, price $1.00, keeps the feet warm and dry and ia the only genuine Klectrie Insole. People who have paid their money and been cured can tell you w bat lies been done for them iu a way thai u ill convince you. Complete cat alogue of testimonials, prices, etc., lie. Circular free. lilt! INDUCEMENTS TO GOOD AGENTS, Atldrt'st THE (Il'iEGG ELECTRIC CURE CO., 501 titter Ocean Building, Chicago, 111. Tho 6ol cbratod French Cure, 'APHFiODITTNE" ?ertSZ Is Sold on a POSITIVE GUARANTEE to euro any form of nervous disease, ot any disorder of the ceuerative or- BEFORE AFTER ganc el either sex whether arising from the excessive use of Stimulants, Tobacco or Opiucit or through youthful indiscretion, over Indulg ence, Ac, such as Loss of Bra'u Power, Wakeful ness, Hearing dowu Paius in the Back, 9emmal Weakness, Hysteria, Nervous Prostration Nocturu al Emission. , Leucorrbcea, Pizziuess, Weak Mem. ory.l.ossof Power and Im potency which If ne glected often lead to premature old ane and insan ity. Price tl.00 a box, 6 boxes for5.00 Sent by mail on receipt of price. A WRITTEN UAUANTEEforevery500 order, to refund the money If a Fermaueui cure is not effected. Thousands of testimonial! Irom old and young, of both sexes, permanently firod by Ai'iittooiTiNK. Circular free. Addresg THE APHRO MEDICINE CO. WISTSRM BRANCH, BOX 27 PORTLAND, OS Wssijefioos Of ia Fain SVtmaiitt'il I tu eui FBEE TO THE BFFLICTED. All who are suffering from the effects of Youthful Errors, Lobs of Manhood, Falling Tuwers, Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Stricture, Syphilis and the many troubles which are the effects of these terrible disorders will receive, Fkee of Chahgs, full directions how to treat and cure themselves at home by writing to the LMLIFOItNIA AlKDICAIi AND Hl'BOIOAL In- fihmary, li)29f. Market Street, San i raucisco, Uahfornia. 4G5-ly THE TRUTH about Seeds. We will send you Free ou. Seed Annual I for 1892, which tells THE WHOLE TRUTH. We illustrate and give prices in this Catalogue, which is handsomer than ever. It tells v NOTHING BUT THE Write for it 10-day. J fJj D.M.FERRY & CO., Detroit, Mich NEW TYPEWRITERS! INTERNATIONAL! Nos. 1 arid 2. 1 1 1 'IttU lUlt, ,i 11 Warranted Indcatructable Alignment. No. 1 baa capital shift and key-board nearly like the Remington No. 2. The New No. 2 is a double key-board machine. These machines are the most beautiful in ap pearance, anil efficient in execution of all the numerous competitors in the typewriting Held. PRICE, Either Style Keyboard, $100.00. A beautiful line of Cabinets always on hand. Second hand machines taken in exchange, aud for sale. WANTED A good, smart man in every city, town and hamlet throughout the entire world, to act as our local agent; our terms to agents are the most liberal of any in the typewriting field. Manufactured by the M II. SO., Parish, - - - New York. Address all correspondence to W. T. BROWNRIDQE & CO., Supervisors of Agents, t Parle ?4c iunre, Z5 O Srft r O JV . - MASS. TT io l i ginfil V 0 1 o UI1CS BIETIOROBY. 1Y SPECIAL ARRANGEMENT WITH TilE y publishers, we are able to obtain a number of tb' above book, aud propose to furnish a copy to each of onr subscribers. The dictionary is a necessity in every home, school and business bouse. It fills a vacancy, and furnishes knowledge which no one hun dred other volumes of the choicest books could supply. Youngand old, educated aud ignorant, rich and poor, should have it within reach, and refer to its coutenls every day in the year. As some have asked if this is really the Orig inal Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, we are able to state we have learned direct from the publishers the fact, that this is the very work complete on which about forty of the best years oi ,the author's life were so well emploved in writing, it contains the entire vocabulary of about um.ooo words, including the correct spell ing, derivation aud definition of same, and is the regular standard size, containing about .wu.oee square incites oi printed suriace, una bound in cloth, half morocco and sheep. Until further notice we will furnish this valuable Dict onary First To any new subscriber. Second To any renewal subscriber. intra io any suoscriDer now in arrears who pays up and one year in advance, at the following prices, viz; Full Cloth bound, gilt side and back stamps marbled edges $:-oo. Halt Mo-occo, bound, p-tlt side and back stamps, maroled edges, $1.50. Full Sheep bound, leather label, marbled edges, $2.00 Fifty cents added in all cases for express age to Heppner. g fflT-As the publishers limit the time and number of books thev will furmsh at the low prices, we advise all who desire to avail them- selves ot this great opportunity to attend to it tit um:c. i AXLE GRE&SE BEST IV THE WORLD. Sba wearins qualities are unsurpassed, actually j'Ulastinsf two boxeB of any other brajid. Not oUacted by heat. UrU ET THE HEN 1 1 Ji E. FOR SALE BY DEALERS GENERALLY, fr "AMKFSIS" grres instant relief and is an ia fn!libleCurefr Piles, Price $1. By DniprRiBts or mail. Simtiles IVee. Ad dress "ANAKESIS," BoxZUS hew York Uit;, S. P. FLORENCE, STOCKRAISER ! HEWN Kit. OltKCO.N. Tattle hrati'led and oar marked as shown above. Itoim K on riitht shmil,ier. Mv cattle rane in !orrow an.l Uma'iUa enun tiee. 1 will inn' lKulfor the arrest and con- Tiction of aui vwreon stealing my stttck. WE TELL hi 1 Imihfti iPfwl rate mimm u 1 mm f A Pro osition. If you will pay your subaoriptioo to the Gazette in fall and one year in ad vance, we will send you the following books at prices stated herewith: "Six Great Books for Kural Homes." 2ooents; "Famous Fiction by the World's Great est Authors," ten volumes, 50 cents ; Cooper's "Leatherstocking Tales," 20 cents. 4oMf. The Patterson Pub. Co. Where? At AbrabamBick's. Iu addition to his tailoring business, he tms added a fine line ot underwear of all kinds, negligee shirts, hosiery, etc. Also has on hand some elegant patterns for suits. A. AbrnhHinsick, May street. Heppner, Or. LEGAL BLANKS.- A COMPLETE AS80RT ruent at the Gazette office. STOCK BRANDS. While, you koep yonr subscription paid up yen can keep your brand in free of charge. Allyn. T. J.. lone. Or. Horses G(i on left shoulder; cuttle -ame on left hip, under bit on rit'lit OHr, ai.d upper bit on the left: range, Mor row county. Armstrong J r.. Alpine. Or.-T with bar un der ii on left shouider of horBes; cuttle same on left hip. Allison, O. D., Eicht Mile. Or.-Cattle brand, Oil on left hip and horses same brand on riuht shoulder. Itaniro. Kittht Mile. Adkins, 'l' 0, Dayville, Or- Straight mark ncross the tluBh ana two crops and a slit in the right ear horson, J, upside down on the right shoulder ItHtige in Ctrant connty aud Bear valley. P O address also at Hardman. Adkins, J. J., Heppner, Or. Horses, JA con neoted on leit Hank; cattle, sameou left hip. Aycrs, Johnny, Lena, Or. Horses branded triangle on lett hip; cattle same on right hip; also crop off right ear and upper bit on same. Blyth, Percy H., Heppner, nr. Horace. Hi man crons on right shoulder, liunge in Morrow cuuuiy. lileakman, Geo., Hardman, Or. Horses, a flag cjitjuiitei ; vtiiLiM, mtiue oo ngiu flnoiuuer. riHcniibici, j vy., i-iaruman, ur. battle brand ed B on left hip and thich: split in each ear. Unrke, M Ht Long Ureek, Or On cattle, ihax connectea on lerr ton. numnH uft QUr r. der half crop off rieht. Horses, sumo bn.nH n letrt stioutder. liange m Orant and 3Iorrow countv. Bowsman, A., Mount Vernon and Barns, Or. v-mtun, n d uu ngiu nip, lwo cnipH in each eiir; siime on horses, on right shoulder, liunge iu Grant and Harney counties. Bros in an, Jerry, Lena, Or. HorseB branded 7 on ngnt snonuior; cattle ii on the left side xjuil ottr iihii crop ana ngnc ear upper slope. Barton. Wm.. Hemtnnr. Or. -Hnroou .r n right thigh; cattle, same on right hip:' split iu each ear. Brown, Isa, Lexington, Or. Horses IB on the rifiitLHiiue; caiuesameon ngutiup; range, Mor' row county. Brown, J. P., Heppner. Or. Horses and cattle oranaea a witii ox-yoke above on left shoulder, Brown, J. C, Heppner. Or. HorseB, circle j won uot in ori ter on lore nip; cattle, same. Boyer, W. G.t Heppner, Or. Horses, box oranu on r.ght hip cattle, same, with split in each ear. Borg, P. O., Heppner, Or. Horses, P B on left shoulder; cattle, same on left hip. Brownlee, W. J., Fox,Or Cattle. JB connocted on left side; crop on left oar and two Bplitaand middle piece cut out on right ear; on horses same oranu on ine ierx tnigii; itange in tox valley, Grant county. Cain.E., Caieb.Or. YD on horses on left stifle: TJ with ouarter circle over it. on left shoulder. and on left etitie on all colts under 5 years; on len snonmer oniy on ail norBes over a years. All ranee m urant county. Clark, Wm. H.. Lena. Or. Horses WHf! eon. nected, on left shonlder: cattle same on right hip. iiauge Morrow and Umatilla counties. Cate, (Urns. J Vinson or Lena, Or. HorBea n o on right shoulder; cattle same on right lup. hhukb morrow ana umauim oounries. Cochran. ChaH.. Innp. Or.-Hnmnn TTP rr,n nected ou loft shoulder; cattle, C on both left nipanu siine. nanse m Morrow county. Cannon, T. B.,Long Creek, Or. Ton cattleon rignt Hiae, crop on riirtit ear and sat in left ear, Our horses same brand on left shoulder. Kauge in urauc county. Cecil, Vm..IouglaB, Or.; htrses J(' on left shoulder; ca'tle same on left hip, waddles on each jaw and two bits in the right ear. Curl, T. B., John Uav. Or. Double ernHH on each hip on cattle, swallow fork and under bit in right ear, split in left ear. Haiige in Grant couiuy, On sheep, inverted A and spear point on rjiiouioer. jiac mnrnoi ewes, crop on lett ear, puuehed upper bit in ritrht. Wethers, erou iu nyht and under half crop in left ear. All range Crosby, A. A., Heppner, Or. Cattle brandedl"--(or H L coi nected) on the right shoulder. Chittenden, it., Prairie L'ity, Or. i'iek, handle uowu ou canie rmm nip anu spat in right eai horses, same brand on right shoulder. JUango in Cook, A. J.,Lena,Or. Horses, 90on righfcshoul der. t atue, same on right hip: ear mark square vi 1 1 1.1 iju trit, anu ttpin in rigut. Currin. ft. Y., Currinsville, Or. -Horses, to on left stifle. Cochran, J n Monument. Or Horses hr-wlM T 1 & A ou loft shoulder. Cattle, same on right nip. DWiuiow tout in rignt ear ana crop otil ett. Cox K English, Hardman, Or. Caitle, 0 with in uoiiiei . ouiaoti, vji, on jori Tin. 'r..B U A l ,1 IT vuppi, a., m-jiiuiiituiu ur,-tlurfiG8 11 U on Uft shoulder, cattle H 0 on left aide, swal low iorn on rignr, ear. Cochran. Ii. E.. Monnment. ftmnf Cn Horses branded circle with bar beneath, on left shoulder: cattle same brand on both hips, mark under slope both ears and dewlap. Chapin, H., Hardman, Or. Horses branded on right hip. Cattle brauded the same. cross, H L, Dayville. Or (battle bramlnd 4- rt crops and a split in left ear; on horses a reversed z on lett stme. Also have the following brands on cattle: 72 on left bin. 7 on va,t h; 7"2 on left shoulder, two parallel bars on left Biiouiuer. OAiT marKs, two crops. Doouau. Wm.. Heiinner. Or. Trnrnoa traniT.l uu witu Dar over mom, on left shoulder; eat- lih (tamo on wii nip. JJouglass, W. M .Gallowav. Or. CAttla Tl riuht side, swui low-fork in nnrh onr- hana tt r on left hip. Douelas. O. T.. DnnirlnB. OrnV,r0rin Tn ute iisut Buue; cattle same on right hip. vuuwmi, y. jr., junn uay.ur. yuarter circle t, xjii iikiil witmrntir, oot,n on norBes ana cattle, ftange Grant county. Driskflll. VV. K.. Hwmnur Or TInrGaci r,,nJ i K inside of O on left shoulder.' Cattle same on left side of neck. Ely, J. B. & Sons. Don-rlns. Or. Wm. krnr,ri ed ELY on Jeff, shoulder, cattle same on left nip. ooir ii rigni ear. Jj'isk, Halph, Prairie City, Or Horses, R F on right shoulder; cattle, on right hip. Itange in Grant county. Eieek, Jackson, Heppner, Or. Horses, 7F connected on right shoulder; cattle, same on right hip. Ear mark, hole in right and crop Florence, L. A., Heppner, Or. Cattle, LF right hip; horBes k with bar under on right Florence, 8. P. Heppner, Or Horses, F right Bhot.ldei ; cattle, F on right hip or thigh, Gay, Henry, Heppner, Or. GAY. on left snouiuer. Goble, Frank, Heppner, Or Horses, 7 F left stifle: cattle, same on rieht hin. Gilman-French, Land and Liv Stock Co., Fos- oii, ui . iioimum, Huuuor o on ipii snouider; vent, same on left stifle. Cattle. Bamn on hoth hina. ear marks, crop off right ear and underbit in ieft.' Kange in Gilliam, Grant, Crook and Morrow counties. Gentry, Elmer, Echo, Or, HorsoB brandod H, S. with a quarter circle over it, on left stifle. Kange in Morrow and Umatillacounties. Giltwater, J. C, Prairie City, Or. On horses, O -O on left shoulder and stifle; cattle, on right side, KanKe in Grant county. Hams, James, Hardman Or. Horses Bhaded 2 on left shoulder; cattle same on left hip. Kange Hayes. Geo., Lena. Or, Brand JH connected with quarter cirel over it, on left shoulder. Hiatt A. B., Kidge, Or. Cattle, round-top with quarter circle under it on the right hip Kanee in Morrow and Umatilla unnnt.As H i n ton A J en ks, Haini 1 1 n , Or ( 'attle, two bars ou Glutei .nip, emu in ngni ear ana spat in left Horses. J on rieht thieh. Kaneein (4rHTif nnnnt,, Hughes, Hamnel, Wagner, Or T F L on right left side, swallow fork m right ear and slit in left. Kaiiffe in Haystack district. Morrow county. Hall, Edwin, John Day ,Or. Cattle E H on right hip; horses same on right shoulder, .range in Grant county. Hughes, Mat, Heppner, Or. Horses, shaded heart on the left shoulder. Kange Morrow Co, Hunsaker, B , Wagner. Or, -Horses, y on left shoulder; ca-tle, 9 on left hip. Hardiety, Albert, Nye. Oregon Horses, AH connected, oil left shoulder; Cattle on the left hip, crop off left ear. Hunipbrevs, J al, Hardman, Or. Horses, H on left flank Hiiiit. Wm. R.. Ridvo. Or Rdnm h,, bar cross Oh left shoulder: cattle same on left hip. Hayes. J. M,. Hennner. Or. HorBes. vmM nM on left shoulder cattle, same on right hip. Ivy, Alfred, Long Creek, Or Cattle 1 D on rieht hip. crop off left ear and bit in rieht. Humm same brand ou left shoulder, Kanee n Grant countv. Huston. Lather. Eieht Mi e. Or. Hors H nn the left shoulder and heart on the left stifle Cat. tie same on left hip. Kange in Morrow county. Jenkins. D. W..Mt. Vernon.Or, J on horseson left shoulder; on cattle, J on left hip and two smooth crops on both ears, Kauge in Fox and ocar vHii-j a, Junkm, ti. M., Heppner, Or. Horses, horse shoe J on left shoulder. Cattle, the sams. '. Kange on Eieht Mile. Johnson. Felix, Lena, Or. Horses, circle T on left stifle; catile, same on right hip, under half crop in right and split in left ear j Reuny, Mike. Heppner, O Horses branded KN on left hip cattle same and crop off left! ear: nnder slnpo on tho rieht Keller, Kiehard, Blanton. Grant county. Or, E K. iv square, cattle on left hip: horses same on left shoulder. Kange Beer vailev. Kirt. J. T., Heppner. Or.-Horst t)V ou left shoulder; oattle, 68 on left hip. Kirk. J C, Heppner. Or. Homes. 17 on either flank: cattle 17 on right side. Kumberland.W. fi.. Mount Vernon. Or. I L on cattle on ridht and left aidt-s, swadow fork in li ft ear and under ciop iu rit'lit eer. Horses same brand on left shoulder. llangBin (i rati t countv. lieeney. Kti, Heppner. Or.-Horsii ,1 L and ace of clubs on loft stitie. liange in I'matiila and Morrow counties. Lesley.M C, Monument, Or A triangl, Vwith all lines extending pa t boiiy of figure on ESI hor ses on left shonlder, on cattle diamond on left shoulder, split iu righ ,a,ia utwi,- iit in left ear ltaiigeiuOraiitcountyand tupartsof JohuUay' Laurence, K. L.,Prririe City. Or. -rattle, Z on right hip; horses, Bauie on right shoulder. Kange in (irant county. Leahey, J W, Heppner Or. Horses branded L N on lett shoulder; cattle same on left hip; wat tle over right ey , three slits in right ear. Loften, tftephen, lox, Or. K b on left hip on cattle, crop and epiit on right ear. Horses Bame brand oa left suouider. hango Urant county. Lienallen, John V'., L-t-' -- Or. -Horses branded lialf-cn cle JL connected on left shoul der. Cattle, smut on left hip. liange, near Lex mgton. Lord, Gootge. Heppner. Or. Horses branded double 11 coi.neeti Sometimes called a swing H. on left shoulder. Maxwell, M.8., liooseberry. Or Horses brand ed long linkonlelt shoulder; cattle, same on let i hip. Kar mark, under bit in loft ear. Minor, Oscar, Heppner, Or. Cattlo, M D on nght hip; horse. Mon left shoulder. Morgan, S. N., Heppner. Or. HorBes, M) uu leu siiouiu"! cattle, aame on left hip. McCutnber, Jas A, Echo, Or. bar over on right shonlder. Horses, M with Hani., li. Lena, Or. HorseB old mares ZZ on right hip; young stock, small za on left shoulder. Morgan, Thos., Heppner, Or. Horses, circle 1 tin loft shoulder and left thigh; cattle, Z on nght thigh. Mitchell. Osoar, lone, Or. Horses, 77 on right hip; cattle. 77 on right aide. JlcClaren, D. ii.. Hrownsville, Or.-Horsee, ligiii'e S on each shoulder, cattle. M2on hip. Mckera.W. J . Mount Voruou. Or-X 1 ou cattle on right hip, crop iu right ear. half crop in led, same brand on horses ou left Mu. Kauge in Grail county. - 1 BIcl'nrty, David H., Echo, Or. Horses branded 13 VI connected, on the left shoulder: cattle same on htp and side. McUnr, I'rat.k, Fox Valley, Or.-Mule shoe with toe-cork on cattle on riliB and under in it i, i , ' U'"B 8lime brand ou left stirle. McHaley, O. V Hamilton, Or.-On Horses, 8 with halt circle under on left shoulder; on Cattle four bars connected on top ou the right side Kange in Grant County. Meal. Andrew. Lone Kock.Or. Horses A N con nected on left shoulder: cattle same on both hips. Nfw,m?.n' K-' Heppner, Or.-Horsos JJ with half circle over it on left shoulder. Wordyke, K., Bilverton. Or. Horsos, circle 7 on left thigh ; chi tie. same on left hip. Oliver, Joseph, ( nuyon City, Or.-A 2 on cattle on left hip; on horses, same on left thigh, Itange in Grant county. Oiler, Perry. Lexington, Or.-P O on left suonidel. Dip, Herman, Piairie City, Or.-On cattle, O LP connected on left hip; horses on left Btille and wartle on nose, itange in Grant comity. Pearson, Olave, Eight Mile. Or.-Horsee, quar ter, circle shiolcl on left shonlder and M on left hip. Cattle, tork in left eur, right cropped. 24 oil loft hip. liange on Eight Mile. Parker & Gleaaou, llardman.Or, HorseB IP on left, shoulder. Piper, J. H Lexington. Or. Homes, JE con-,, necled onleft shoulder; cattle, same ou left hip under bit in each ear. Patberg, llenry Lexinglon, Or Horses brand ed with a Homai, crous on left shoulder; cattle branded with ltoman cross, bar at bottom, on left hip. Potter, Dan, Lexington Horses branded MP connected on left shoulder; cattle same on right hip. B Powell, Joliu X., Dayville, Or Horses, J P con. nec, ed ou left shoulder. Cattle OK counected ou left hip, two under half crops, one on each ear wattle under throal. liange iu Grant county liickard, G. D. , Canyon City, Or.-E 0 on left shoulder, on horses only. Kunge Canyon creek and Hear valley, Grant county. liood. Andrew, Hardman, Or. Horses, square oro with quarter-circle over it on left stifle. Bellinger, Chris, Hoppner, Or. Horses, C R on left shoulder. Uice. Uan, Hardman, Or.; horses, three panel worm fence on left shoulder; ca:lle, DAN on right shouldor. Kange near Hardman. Kudio, Win, Long Creek, Or.-lintudB horBes It or right shoulder. Itange, Grant and Morrow counties. lioyse, Aaron, Heppner, Or Horses, plain V on lelt shoulder; cattle, same brand reversed oil right hip aud crop oil right ear. Kange in Mor row county. Kueh liros., Heppner, Or. HorseB branded X on the right, shonlder; cattle, IX on the left hip crop oft left ear aud dewlap on neck, liange ir. Morrow and adjoining counties. llust, William, Pendleton, Or Horses It on left shoulder; cattle, li on left hip, crop oil right ear, underbit on left ear. Bheep. It on weathers, round crop off righ eur. liange Uma tilla and Morrowc mnties. liettney Andrew. Lexington, Or.-Horsei branded A li on right shoulder, vent qunrtei circle over brand; cattle same ou right lup. Kange llorrow county. Koyss, Wm, 11 Uairyville, Or HK connected with quarter circle over top on cattle on right hip and crop oil right ear and split in left. Horse" same brant on left shoulder, liange iu Morrow. Grant and Gilliam counties. Kilter, J F, Hitter, Or-Throe parallel barB witii bur overon horses on left hip; on cattle, left Bide, two smooth crops, two Bplits in each eat. Kange in Middle Fork of John Day Hector, J. W Heppner, Or.-Horses, JO oa left shoulder. Cattle, o on right hip. Spray, J. F Hoppner. Or. -HorBes branded connected oi. right ehoulder; catl ie same on boih tuns. Bailing, C O Heppner, Or Horses brandod S A. on lelt shoulder; cattle same on left hip. Dkinner, G L, Hitter, Or-Horses. two-bar S on lett stilio. Plain B, two bars on left side, a crop anil three splits in right ear, swullow fork and underbit in lelt, cuttle. rJ ou cattle larger than on horses. Kaiigom Grant county. Bwaggari, 11. F., Lexington, Or.-Horses 2 with dash under it on loft stifle, cattle 11 with duh under it on right hip, crop off right ear and waddled on right hind leg. liange iu Morrow, Gilliamand bmatilla counties. Bwaggart, A. L Ella. Or. Horses brandc 2 on lelt shoulder; nettle same on left hip. Crop on ear, wattle on left hind leg. Straight W. E., Heppner, Or.-HorseB shaded J B on lefi stifle; cattle J B on left hip, swallow fork in right ear, underbit in left. "" ehoSu5rar'' 1,1 Alpil",, r Horses, 8 S on right Bupp. Thos., neppner, Or. Horses, 8 A P on left lup; cattle same on left hip. Bmith. E, F, Pilot liock, Or. Cattle, horse Bhoe en left su e, crop close in ieft ear. Horses, 4 on left thigh, liange in Umatilla and Grant counties. i 5lli.rLz- J"s, Long Creek, Or.-Horses. 8 on lelt stifle and over 2 on left shoulder. Bhner.Jolin, Fox, Or.-NC connected on horses on right hip; cattle, same on right hip, crop oft right ear aud nnder bit in left ear. Kange in Grant county. Smith Bros,, John Day, Or-H 'i on cattle on le t shonlder. Stephens, V. A., Hardman, Or-; horses S3 on right stifle; cattle horizontal L on tho light side. btevenson, Mrs A. J., Heppner, Or.-Cattle. S on right hi i ; swallow-fork in left ear Bwaggart. G. W. Heppner, Or.-Horses, 44 on left Blioulde, ; cattle, 44 on left hip, Stewart. Geo.. Hard, nun 11- U-. !,- on left shoulder. ' """o onBL0fntest!Sluerkl6t0n' -- ketone Smith, E. E. Lone Kock, Or. Horses branded wf'S T "n ?P """older; cattle same on left side. Range, Gilliam county. hperry, L. G, Heppner, Or. - Cattle W C on left hip, crop off right and underbit in left year, dewlap; horses VV 0 on left shonlder. ' i r, Tp8,",n' J' A",Hei'Pner, Or.-Horsos, It left should, r; cattle, 2 on left shoulder. 1 ' shitSder"' L"' Ur-liur'"x' u 'eft Tumor R. W.. fTe,,r,a- tu, c.n m left shoulder horses; cattle' same on left hip w.i" opiit in ootn ears. Ihornton 11. M., lone, Or.-Horses branded H I connected on left stifle; Bheep same brand. lureinatl. John. Prairie 1S, i ' 10 on left stifle; on cattle. O witn bar under on lett hip. Kange m Grant county. Vanderpool, H. T.. Lena, Or;-Horses HV eon nected on right shouldencattle, same on right Wilson, John Q Salem or Heppner, Or. Horses branded Jo on the left shoulder. Range Morrow county. B Warren. VV h. Cnleh. Or Cattt. w i,i, circle over it, on left side, split in right ear. Horsea same brand on left shonlder. Kaugein Grant couuty. i ),Vo,"' ' L'Byvill8,,Or-Hearton horses on left stifle; on cattle, i on left side and under bit in left ear. Kange in Grant county. Wright, Silas A. Heppner, Or. Cattle branded B W on the right hiu. sotiHrA vt and split in left, " Wallace. Francis, Monnt Vernon.Or-Squareon cattle on the left hip. upper slope in The left ear and under slops in right ear. Same brand on horses on right shoulder, liange in Harney and Grant countv. atuey Webster, J. I Heppner. Or.-Horses brtuvled - Z riiS hye' J "V"-'" Hkii cattle sauS on right hip, crop off left ear and split in each. Kange. Morrow county. u. Wade, Henry, Heppner, Or.-Horses b.anded ace of spades on lelt shoulder and left hin. W 11 b7"lil8HBame a" 't side and left hip. shoulder: catt e saiie: 0 uu 1611 Wolnnger, John, John Day City.Or-On horses three parallel bars, on loft ehouijer; 7 on neeo oum ootn ears, nance in Grant and M.lhn; tounties, Wjland. J H. Hanimon ri-r-;l-r, thigh, ' v " ' Woodward. John. Hennner. ll- lf,. tti connected on left shoulder. ' i atains, usiie. Heppner, Or.-Horaes branded Ufc connected on left stitie. VV allace. Charlet P-rlDn n r,,. m right thigh, hoi. m left ear; h'orsee, W on right ehoulaer, sum. same on left shoulder. ,.,i.j,r . itrewsy, Harney eounty, Or. -S f? bmod?" W B. connected on left shonlder. , , eouH.yf. uuarter cir cle over three bare on left hip, both cattle and horses. Kunge Grant connty. , y. lxingi ree. Or horses, quar ter circle over three bars on left hip; cattle same Mid slit in each ear. liange in Grant conntv. ten, A. A., i.eppner. Or. Cattle, rurinmg A A with bar aerov on right hin. loung. J. Gooseberry, Or. T 8 on the right shoulder. -Horsee branded