0 SliMI-WEEKLY GAZETTE. Here and There. 68-75 68 sw this Tboro ton's. "Tbe People," Tbey must be respected. T. W. Ayers, Jr., for drags, See M rs. Basey & Daughter's oJ, issue. Gazette ou'i'bornton 6 entailers. Price 5 cents. if. Minor Bros, keep Spray Bios.' haras, booon and lurd. 60-tf. Wanted 10,000 sheep pelts at Spray Bros.' meat market. 68 tf Flor de Madrid and Gen. Arthur cigars at Thornton's. 68-75 Farmers are busy seeding down in the vioiuity of Lexington. Mastiff and Sterling plug out smoking tobacoo at Thornton's. 68-75 Spray Bros, pay the top price for all kinds of hides and furs. 68 tf Daily stage both ways between Monu ment and Long Creek. tf. Mrs . J. J.. Roberts is prepared to do all kinds of plain sewing. 65-tf Nicest bams, breakfast bacon and fresh lard at Spray Bro. 90,tf. When in Arlington, stop at the Ben nett bouse, near tbe depot. ul-tf Mr. J. J. Adkins is reported as much better by his physician, Dr. Fox. i Born To the wife of Geo. Muir, near Lexington, on tbe 18th ult., a son. Mrs. J. K. Simons returned yesterday from below in much better health. Carl Grow was up Wednesday and yes terday from his ranob near Lexington. Wall paper, notions, patent medicines, drugs, chemicals, etc., go to Ayers. 68a w Eev. W. E. Potwiue will hold services at 7 p. m. Monday evening, Maroh 7, 1892. You oan send for any newspaper pub lication or magazine at Thornton's. 68-75 Mrs. A. M. Slooum will spend next week in Portland buying spring mil linery. Don't let yonr beef hides spoil on tbe fence. Spray Bros, will pay you the cash for them. 68 tf Pap bimons & Son still shoe horses and do general Dlacksimmmg at tne oiu stand, Matlock corner. 55. Call on Lishe Sperry, down at the Belvedere, when in town. Keeps on hand a tine stock of liquors and cigars. 61-tf S. J. Leezer, brother of W. J. Letzer, wife and ohild, arrived from Chicago Saturday. They will probably locate here. Phil Heppuer writes that be is out of bed again, after a severe tussle with sickness. Dr. Vaunbon, he suys, is do iug quite well. Newer and neater quarters at the Palace Hotel's north business room. Charley Jones, the baber, WBnta to see bis old friends there. JJatlis in connec The latest novelties in black and white laoes, demi Bouncings, embroidery, also ladies' Bpring and summer waists at C. S. Van Duyn's. The World Enriched. The facilities of tbe present day for the production of evervthing that will oon duce to the material welfare aud com fort of mankind are almost unlimited and when Syrup of Figs was first pro duced the world was enriched with the only perfect laxative known, as it is tbe only remedy whioh is truly pleasing and refreshing to tbe taste and prompt and effeotual to cleanse tbe system gently in the spring time or, in faot, at any time and the better it is known the more pop alar it becomes. At tbe oouuoil meeting Monday night tbe vote of the city election was oan vasaed, which, however, did not change the result, as heretofore announced. A Little Girl's Experience In a LigUt-hoase Mr. and Mrs. Loren Tresoot are keep ers of tbe Gov. lighthouse utSaud Beach Mioh. and are blessed with a daughter four vears old. Last April she was tuk en down with measels, followed with a dreadful cough and turning into a lever. Doctors at home and at Detroit treated her, but in vain, she grew worse rapidly until she was a mere "nanumi ol oones. Then she tried Dr. King's New Disoov- ery, and after tbe use of two and a half bottles, was completely cured. They say Dr. King's New Disoovery is worth its weight iti gold, yet you may get a trial bottle free at Slocum-Johnston Drug Co.'s store. HEAL ESTATE TltANSFERS. The following are the real estate trans fers for February, as furnished this paper by Clerk Morrow: Otis Patterson, et ux. o The Patterson Publishing Co., lot in Heppuer; A. Mallory et ux. to Emma Kiloup, lots in lieppner; Lena Mnir and Husband to J. T. MoAIister, S'i s.-'O 16, T18.H 26 E; Nelsou Jonea to Lucy L. Gray, lot iu Jones' addition to Heppuer; T. W. Ayers et ux. to M. S Driskell. lot u Ayers' fourth addition to Heppnar; Samuel H. Cox tu O. E. Farusworth. NE'4- SW,'4', SE34' NVVJf aud W'i NEU Sec 7, T 5 S, R 28 east; Edwin 8. Cox to O. E. Farnswortb, lots one, two aud three, SEJ4' NWJ4 Sec 18, T 5 S, K 2d east; Duvid A. Herren et ux. to Ellis Minor, property iu Heppner; U. S. to Nelson Sones, 320 acres railroad land ad joining Heppner; S. L. Morse et ux. to M. Humphrey, SE,i4' SE4 Seo 36, T 3 S, R 25 east; U. S. to Herbert Olden, NE'Seo 35, T 2 b, It 21 east; Peter Bauernfiend to Clinton C. Curtis, NE4 Sec 4, T 1 N, U 23 east; John Hughes et ux. to E. T. Gagen, lot in Heppner; Win. Hughes et ux. to Wm. Penland, 320 acres in Seotion 24, T 4 S, R 26 E, and Section 32, T i S, R 27 east; V. S. to Isaao Bo- gurd, 160 acres; TJ. S. to Edwin 8. Cox, 160 acres; J. S. Eobinette toE.D. Rood, 80 acres in Seo 9, T 4 S, R 24 east; U. S. to John A. Barnes, 134 aores; TJ. S. to Benj. M. Boober, 160 acres; bond for deed, Nels Jones to W. L. Baling, lot iu Jones' addition; bond for deed, Nels Jones to Lucy L. Gray, lot in Jones' ad dition, Heppner ; TJ. S. to Robert W. Turner, 160 acres; U. S. to Margaret J. Haguewood, 161 aores; A. R. Lansdale et ux. to 0. S. Ho'tsdon, SE Seo 32, T 1 N, It 26 east; TJ. S. to Olan 8. Hodsdon, 109 acres; Caroline Colton and husband to A. B. ChnpmBn, 160 acres, Seos 3, 4, 9 and 10, T 4 S,R 29 east; TJ. S. to Cyrus Bennett, 160 aores; Oregon C. Coonse to A. Andrews, NWJ4' Seo 28, T 1 N, E 20 east; TJ. S. to George Bauernfiend, 160 aores; George Bauertiend to Clinton C. Curtis. HEM Sec 4, T 1 N, R 23 east; TJ. to Wm. H. Holmes, 120 acres; Wm. Helm et ux. to Martha J. Wheelhouse, 120 acres in Seo 27, T 1 S, E 25 east ; TJ. S. to S. B. Hope, 160 acres; U. S. to Antone Vey, 160 aores ; TJ. 8. to Jeffer son L. Beymer, 160 acres ; TJ. S. to S. H. Cox, 160 acres. IS THE CIRCUIT COURT FOB THE COl'X ty of Morrow, State ol Oregon. The Aincriftiii Mortgage) (Limited,) 1'hlilltil), i vs. I Win. I,. DonuMBim and iliiry C. iJoimliUoii. j Chiii-les 11. Hudmm and W. L. Donaldson, i Defendants. J To Wm. I.. Donaldson, Mary C. Donaldson, f'tiarles H. Hudson anil W. L. Donaldson, de fendants. IN THK V.VMK OF THE STATE OFOKF.Ciox, You are hereby required to apiear and answer the complaint tiled against vol! in tile above en titled cause uji or before the first day of the next regular term of said court, to-wit: on or before Monday, the Mil day of March, 1S1U, and if you fail so io answer, for want thereof the plaintifi will take judgment against the saiil Wm. L. Don aldson and Mary C. Donaldson for the sum of li''.tW.t!0, II. S. gold coin, with interest thereon at tlie rate of H per cent, peraunuin from Jan. 20th, Kt, until paid; and the sum of fun attorney's feeB, and tor its costs and disbursements of this cause. And against all of the above named de fendants for tlie foreclosure of a certain luortg executed by the said Wm. 1.. D ildsou and Mary C. Donaldson, in favor of plaintill', beari.ig date, Aug. :w, 1NS7, and recorded in book C, page 117 ft eeqtti, record of mortgages for Morrow coun ty, Oregon, conveying tlieSEI of section 1'2, in township one, north, of range -1 east, V. M-; and for such further relief as is demanded iu plaintilf's complaint. And defendants are further noliiled that this BUinmons is served iv publication by order of W. L. Bradshaw, Judge of said circuit court, dated at The Dalles, Oregon, this 2i'lh day of Jan'y, 18112. J. N. BROWN, ti." 71 Attorney for rlaintiil'. NEW TO-DAY. SUMMONS, IN'THE CIRUt'IT COURT OF THK STATU OF Oregon, for the County of Moriuw. T. J. Oweim, Pitt. 1 vb. M. E. Owens, Deft.) To M. E. Owens, the above-named Deft.: In the name of the State of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer the com Dlalut of Pitt, filed in the above entitled court and suit against you on or before the iirstday of tne next term 01 stiia courT,io-vic: uie uuut) ui March. 1H92. Deft, will take notice that 11 sue fails to appear or answer, the PI if. will take a docree aisso vine tne bonus 01 matrimony now existins between l'lff. and Deft., and for the care and custody of Thomas Cleveland Owens and Flora Owens, minor children of PUf. and Deft. ThiB summons is published by order of Hon, Judge Bnulshaw, JudRe of the 7tli judicial dis trict of the State of Oregon. Dated Mb. February, 1BU2. 0. W. REA, 61-70. Pltf.'s Attorney. The Pereheron Stallion, Va-Si-Tu-Pcux Will stand the season at the following plaeei: On Mondays and Tuesdays at the old "Morrow" stable, Heppner; Wednesdays and Thursdays, at Q.W. McCarty's, Send Hollow; the balance of time at Lexington Livery Stable. Va-Si-Tu-Pcaux is a dark, dappled trrev. with while mane and tail; weight about 1700; about seventeen hands hich. Was imported direct from France by Kllwood, of De Kalb, Illinois. His French number is ilful. as loaled April 211, lKSii; Imported 1W7 by W. L. KUwooa, ue kbid, Illinois: bred bv M. Matlllet, commune of BesBi-sur-Rrave. department of Sarthe; got by Ftorent Wis), he by l'hilihert 7ti, he by superior 4.1, 7;l, he by Favori 711, he by Vieu Chasllu "13, ha by uoeo nz, ne oy .ui'kii'" '', in- oj jean le mang .iy; nam uouioiie. y.nu, oy jumwr. io. uowtm Ferchcrou byut book ot America. T 213 XI XWX S : Single leap, 87.50; Season, $15, To insur, $25, to be paid when mare iu known to be wit Li foal. Clubs of six tuarea are entitled to tbe season of one free of obarge Murea coming from a distance will be pastured free of charge. Those breeding can btive (service of stallion till October 1, '92, by coming to barn at Lexington, at liich time money is due for breeding. 468-71. Thos. Reaney, LEXINGTON, OREGON. Are Yoa buffering From buck ache, inflammation of tbe bladder, brick uu.st deposit or stone in the bladder or in fact any derangement of the kidneys or urinary organs? If thus afflicted do not lose time aud waste money on worthless liniments and worse piasters, but strike ut tbe seat of the disease at once by using tbe greatest of all known remedies, the celebrated Ore gon Kidney Tea. Pleasant to take,pure ly vegetable. Satisfaction every time. NOTICE. TI.MBKR CULTURE. U. S. Lahd Office, La Grande, Or., Feb. 2, ism rWMI'LAINT HAVIMU BEEN ENTERED AT tins olhce bv John Kenny airiunst John KeynoklB for failure to comply witil law as to Timber-Culture Entry No. arw dated May it, Ikks. unon the SKti of NEk: H of SEk and of SE4 Section 15, Township 3 , Range 28 l., v. w., iu .Morrow bounty, urewon, wun a view to the cancellation of said entry; contest ant alleging that suid John Reynolds never plowed live acres the lirst year, never piowea live acres tile secona year, never euitiviueu any portion of it at anv time, anil never planted any of it or caused it to be done; the said parties are hereby summoned to appear at tneotnceoij. vt . Morrow in tienwner. urecon. on me ist uay of March, 1892, at one o'clock P. M., to respond and furnish testimony concerning Bitid alleged failure. To bo used at the linal heiiriiiE at this otlice, April 11, 18112. It is further ordered that tins notice be served by publication lor six con secutive weeks in the Heppuer Gazette and by posting upon land as in u. &. uinu caHeh. Gl-liy. A. C. McCleu-anp. Receiver. Babies' Day. On Thursday of each week will be "babies' day" at Danner'a gallery. Bring along your babies and have their pictures taken, and you will get one photo free of obarge. 58tf Plain Suwinu. The Ladies' Guild are prepared to do plain sewing at the house as a body, or tbe members will take tbe same to their homes. Apply to President Mrs. W. J. Leezer. 68-tf. Fins Timber. Perhaps, the best tim. ber growing in the Blue mountains can be found on Eock creek, in the vioinity of Will Mallory's saw mill. This class of timber Mr. Mallory is using in making lumber whioh he delivering in Hepp ner all the way from $15 to $30 per thousaud feet, depending on tbe quality, and whether desired rough or dressed. The same oan be bought at the mill at prioes ranging from $8 to $25 per thous and. He has a general assortment on hand at present, and is sure to satisfy oustomera. 427-tf . Just reoeived: A large assortment of ladies' and children's spring hats and flats the latest, at C. S. Van Duyn's. Strength and Health. If vou are not feeling strong and healthy, try Jileotrio Bitters. If la grippe bas left you weak ana weary, nse Jiieo trio bitters. This remedy acts directly on liver, stomach and kidneys, gently aidiutr those oreans to perform their funottons. If you are BfHicted with sick headache, you will find speedy aod per ' manent relief by taking Kiectrio Bitters. One trial will convince you tbat this is the remedy you need. Large bottles on ly 50o at Hlocum-Johnston Drug Co.'s. On tbe road, will be here in a day or two, 200 suits ot the finest clothing ever brought to Heppuer; tailor made; direot from the East, Now boys, look out for the correct thing in spring styles. C. S. Van Duy n. Fanny Davenport. The great Amerioan tragedienne has written the following note for the bene fit of her sei. It should prove especial ly important when it is remembered that no class is so well informed on the Bub jeot of which she writes, as professional women : New York, Aug. 11. Mr, Wisdom: Dear Sir; Your Kobertine was highly spoken of in San Francisoo and a lady "triend induoed me to try it It is very fine and is an excellent application for beau tifyiugand whitening theface and bands. The Kobertine powder is delightful. Very truly, Panny Danbnpobt. Ladies' and children's shoes a special ty and at bed rook prices at C. S. Van Duyn's. For Sale. The hotel heretofore known as the Mountain House, one block from First National bank in Heppner, Or. Con tains parlor, dining room, basgage room, kitchen and 15 bed rooms ; all rooms furnished. For further particulars in quire of 63-tf T. V. Aters. Died Suddenly. At 3 o'clock yester day afternoon, Geo. B. Brown, familiarly known as "Scotch" Brown, who lives on Sooial Ridge, died quite suddenly. He had been to Lexington yesterday morn ing, returning about 12:30. About 1 o'olook p. m. he dined quite heartily, but Bbortly afterward complained of a heavy pain in his chest, being compelled to go to bed in oonsequence. His wife applied some hot olotbs, as she had done before for the same complaint, which seemed to relieve him. About 3 o'clock some of the family were talking of an ad vertisement which they had noticed in a paper. This attraote'd Mr. Brown's at tention and he asked what it was about. Before they could answer be bad ex pired. The old gentleman was well aod favorably known, and has seen both sides of life. He is a native of Scotland, oomiug to this country forty years ago. The interment will take plaoe tomorrow at Lexington. Peace to his ashes. NOTICE. TIMBER CULTURE, U. 8. Land Office, Ea Grande, Or., Feb. 2, 1S!K jMO.MPLAlNT HAVING BEEN ENTERED AT tins Olhce by John Kenny against Ryron Sarvef for failure tu comply with law as to Timber-Culture Entrv No. 21S7 dated Anril 21 18K. upon the EW of SWli: HW!i of SE! and SEi of lsVl-i Section 2i, Township, :i S, Range 28 1 V. M., ill Morrow County, Oregon, with a view to tlie cancellation ot said entry; contest ant alleging that said Byron Sarver did not the first or second year, plow or fence any of said tract, anu nas not at uny time pioweu, leneeu. cultivated or planted anv of said tract or cause it to be done; tlie said parties are hereby sum moned to appear at the ottieeof J. W. Morrow at llemmer. Orecon. on the 21st day of March 1S92, at a o'clock, P. M., to respond aud furnish testimony concerning said alleged failure. To be used at the final hearing at this othce. April 11, 181)2. It is further ordered that this notice be served by publication iu the Heppner Uazette ior six consecutive weeks ami uy posting upon the laud us in U. H. land cases, (il-iiy. A. C. McClklland, Receiver. WHIT is coiMwrw, i i ie w am 9 IlrX.. W t can sec the Grand Rush for Bar gains down at Smith & Williamson's Siu'cessor to S. C. Smith. MAY STREET FURNITURE STORE! They have mure room, more goods and consequently 8 w tr. More Business than Ever Before. emits IE NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at The Dalles, Or., Feb. 27, 1892. Notice is hereby given thatthefollowing-nam-ed settler tins tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Couuty Clerk of Morrow County, Oregon, at Heppner, Oregon, on April lo. 18H2, viz: ALBERT T. WOOD, D. 8. No. 4500 lor the Bi NW'X, WJ4. KEK, NH'H SE!, Sec 12, Tp 1 S, it 21 E, W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: Oeorge W. Miller, Charles B. Cochran, Hiram M. Thornton. James W. Bedford, all of lone, -Morrow Co. Or. John V. Lewis, 168-178 Register. Hardware? Yes, at Gilliam & Bis bee's, Main St., Heppner, Or. . Buhl, the baker. Buy yonr bread and cakes and lave money. Try it. a. In his new quarters, City Barber shop stand, you will find Gid Hutt. He oan't part a bald head in the middle or shave whiskers where none exsist, but he's lightning on good subjects. Shaving, bairoutting and shampooing done in a satisfactory manner. A Warning- Don't Use Big Wordd. In promulgating esoteric cogitations or articulating superficial sentimentalities and philosophical or psychological ob servations, beware of platitudinous pon derosity. Let your statements possess a clarified conciseness, oompacled compre hepBibleness, coalescent consistency and a concentrated cogency, Esohew all conglomerations of flatulent garrulity, jejune babblement und asinine affecta tions. In tryiug to impress upon others the superiority of the Wisconsin Central Lines, and why yon and so many others nse this thoroughfare from St. Paul and Minneapolis and Duluth and Aibland to Milwaukee, Chicago and points east and south, it is not necessary to use jaw breakers. Let your extemporaneous desosntings and unpremeditated expa tiations have intelligibility and vera- oious vivacity, witbout rhodomootade or thrasonical bombast. Sedulously avoid all polysyllabic profundity, psittaceons vacnity, yentriloqual verbosity and vandiloquent vapidity, shun double en tentlres, prurient joooaity and pestiferous profanity, obsenrent or apparent. In other words talk plainly, naturally, sen sibly and truthfully say tbe Wisconsin Central Lines is the bofte, and that ends it. 465tf. Wanted More customers to bny goods of the Heppner Furniture Co. Great bargains this spring. a. CO-PAKTNERSHIP NOTICE. TE, THE UNDERSIGNED, HAVE FORM V ed a co-partnership under the linn name of J. A. Woolery & Co., for the purpose of carry ing on general merchandising lit rlardinan and lone, Morrow Co., Oregon. All accounts due J. A. Woolery on the old books are payable to him, but will be received by the iiewurinand properly receipted for. Those owing are re uuested to settle up immediately. J. A. W001.EKY, E. S. Cox, 01-70, B. V. Adamh. INOTICE. T n the last issue of the paper, x notice aBkiug tor seaiea bin utdished a notice askinir for sealed bids for the appoint ment of stock lnsnector. and having Blnce ob tained legal advice in the matter, I find the law will not sustain tne In this action. I therefore by this notice, withdraw the previous one, and thecourtwill proceed to appoint the stock in spector as heretofore. Julius Keithi.y, 68-lt. County Judge. WANTED. WANTED More patrons for my hotel. Neat rooms, a splendid table and living rates, l'alace Hotel, corner MainanUMay slreets, Heppner, Oregon, 08-BW. MltH. MaRGAHET VON CAPOW. TH08E who owe us either by account or note, tlie same being due, to come iu and settle at once. W e are iu need of money, and ex pect that you will accommodate us as we have you. 08-sw. KiaK. A: Haykh. THOSE who are interested in the Eight Mile country and Morrow county to know that we have a few extra copies left, w hich can he secured either at Geo. Thornton s news stand or at the Gazette ofllce. OK-sw. A RATTLING tfood cart, ImrBo umJ ImnteHH. Call at (iazette otlice. to-nw. An AJ Hlilre Stnllion, dark bay, four yearH ol'i, weight 1WKJ to 170U. Will sell on easy terms, or trade for good yuung cattle. J. V. Morrow, t7-tf HL-jjpuer, Or. No trouble to show yooda. Ask to see the latest uovelties id ladies' colored and white dress goods, satteens, KiDgh&ms, etc., at C. S. Van Duyn's. Recently the following NoVcb appeared in ths oan rranctBco wrwnviv. " Judge 5 had been sirk only about two weeks, and it was not until the lat three or fourdayh that the malady took a Berious turn. At the beKinning of his illness he suffered from diabetes and stomach disorder, Later the kidneys refused to perform their functions and he passed quietly away. Thus ended the life of one of the mo prominent men in Cali fornia." Like thousands of others his un timely death was the renult of neglecting early symptoms of kidney disease. IF VOU are troubled with diabetes, jrravel, or any do rantfement of the kidneys or urinary organs. don't delay proper treatment until you are forced to give up your daily duties; don'f waste your money on worthless liniments and worse plasters, but strike at the seat of the disease at once by using the greatest of all known remedies, the celebrated Oregon Kid ney Tea. It has saved the lives of thousands. Why should it not cure you? Try it. Purely vegetable and pleasant to take, 1.0O a pack age, 6 for $ft.OO. It 1 1 1 li HI lill It I llll 1 1 1 lil I II i 1 1 1 1 1 nil 1 1 1 M Mil III 1 1 M M llM-l III nnni l Baker :: and :: Confectioner, MAY STREET, HEPPNER, OK. Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes and Confectionery. WEDDING AND PARTY CAKES Made on Short Notice and at Popular Pricks. Bread 22 Loaves for $L00. "THE PEOPLE," They must be Respected. The People Cigar, Best in the Market, at TEDROWE& WILLIAM'S Arcade, 08-74 IHWAiHIAK'r'H OLD STAND. BIG LI- HOIK) Til K JEWELBU Is "iii It" yet. Ml I llll 1 1 lil II I I I I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M l I I I I I I I I t HI I I t l i l t 111 I III II t tlMHIll I I 1 1 ability of not finding; utandine room in our big store. You should frequently visit us ttnd be among the many nuccesH fut bargain hunters, Bometimes wo buy great tlrivcB and they ure sold before we can. advertise them, BIGGER LI- ability of petting "stuck" on some infer ior or buck nuinliur urticle if you iiiBtst on trading at some foHsllized estHblinli ment where cobwebs are thick and the hide of the proprietor thicker. Moral. Tnule at Minor tiros. Modern aud Model Generul Merchandise titore. BIGGEST LI- ability of getting left if you don't heed our words. We spetik nought but tbe truth. It Is not only unfair, but unwlne and unprofitable to deceive. Yours to please, MINOR BROS. T THK PLACE TO BUY IS AT COFFIN & McFARLAND'S ! Collin & McFarland can give you bargains in anything. Say, a cur load of Oliver Chilled Plows, consisting of CiangB, Sulkey and Walking Plows, to arrive soon.' But don't forget that we can supply you w ith anything you want, in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware and Tin ware, at wholesale aud retail. COFFIN & McFARLAND, In the National Bank Building, HEPP1TEP-, OXSE3-OiT. TILDEN J -T 1 1 X PAINTER. In the bent Sign Writer in Heppner. B LITTLE PIE SUBSCRIBERS! JUDGING that many did Dot seo our announcement of two weeks ago tliat the price of the Semi-Weekly Gazette would be $3 per year, we have deoided to make this proposition: Until April 1st, 1892, all old subscribers renewing and paying up all arrearages, or new sub scribers, can have tbe two papers for the coming year for J- cash in band. After tbat date all, witltoul exception, will be charged 83 per year. If you want to save a little, drop in This is positively the last chance to get a good thing cheap. We need the money, not your prom ises; that ia why we offer thirty days more grace. Improvements have been made on "jawbone;" the day of settle ment is near at hand. Don't put it off to the last minute to see the "Patti" about the new semi- weekly. 07-74. The Pat. Pub. Co. UEHKH BI HINKMS. Dr. Clements cures all rectal diseases. Dr. Clements cures cancer without the nse of tbe knife. Dr. Clements cures piles without the use of tbe knife, ligature or aoids. Satisfaction guaranteed. Oflioe at Ayers' drug store, Heppnrr, Oregon. Go-tf. LOST. An ivory umbrella handle between my rBnob and Heppuer Tinder will be liberally rewarded by leaving the same at the Gazetle ollice or at my place. 63-tf. Wm. II comb. If yon want the correct thing in gents' hats, latest New York novelties, call on C. S. Van Duyn. Your Opportunity I Horses ! Horses ! ON MARCH 25, 1892, At the Morrow stable, I will offer for sale about sixty-five head of brood mares, yearlings, two and three-year-olds. Also a few work and saddle horses. The year lings and two-year-olds are out of my Thoroughbred Clydesdale Stallion. Mares in foul by him at present. The mares are all fine, heavy American stock, and are desirable for any hnrKetnan. Hev eral of them are broken to work and all are In splendid con dition. Wilt also sell a Wagon, Buckboard, Hay Cutter, Barley Crusher, three sets Harness, etc. rpfMWQOF HAI.K: Twelve months' 1 JjIiHo time with tfood security; five per cent discount for cash. A. W. I'atterson will attend to the business in this connection, li. 15. MANN, K. L. MATLOCK, Auctioneer. Heppner, Or. 60-74. Meat Alcirlcet KocpM constantly on hand Frwth and Salt MeatA, Fish and Poultry. IJiKiit"t (Wi Price 1uid for all kind of Fat buxik. SPI1A.T BIIOB., HEPPNER, - OREGON. NELSON JONES, President. E. li. BISHOP, Treasurer. T. E. FELL, Secretary, The Morrow County Land k Trust Company PAID UP CAPITAL STOCK $25,000. M I M wa uomm i i and Forwar ism IIEl'PNER. OREGON. 1 mi Agents. The Highest Market Price Paid for all kinds of Grain, Sheep Pelts, Hides, Etc. Storage Capacity! IIEPPNKR WAKEHOUHK: I IONE WAREHOUSE. 5,000 Bag Wool. 50,0000 Handel Uralli. HO.OOO RuHhelH Grain. DOIIC.LAH WAREHOUSE: ua,OUO llualiels (iriiln. Odd Combinations. NAILS AND SUOAIi. I TOMATO KETCHUP HAMMERS. PEARL BARLEY AND PADLOCKS. CANNED GOODS A AMMUNITION. Strange Corabinntions to be Found Only at The Oorabin ed Grocery and Hardware Store of P. C. THOMPSON COMPANY, -DEALERS IN- GrocerieH, Hardware, Tinware, Confectionery Wood & Willow Ware and Agricultural Implements. Agents for NEW HOME Sowing Macbinea and IMPERIAL EGG FOOD. LUMBERMANS' TOOLS A SPECIALTY. Tnble Cutlery, Hiieara, ScinHora, Pocket Knives, and Razors at Remarkably Low Prices. Bpwoint inducements to Cuah Cus tomers. Oive us a trial, tf. Corner Main aud Willow Streets, Heppuer Or. SWEETS, FIRST IN OYSTFRS, FIRST In the Hustle with their Countrymen. The Heppner Candor Factorv Five doors North of tbe l'alace lintel, Heppner, Or. Fine Imported and Domestic Cigars and Tobaccos Fresh Fruits and other Goods Received Daily.