Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, March 01, 1892, Image 1

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In The Semi-Weekly
New and Desirable
NO. 467.
Tuesdays and Fridays
Ar $3.00 por year, $1.50 fur uz months, $1.00
for three moin.na; in advance.
Advertising Rates Made Known on
The " " of Long Creek, Grant
County. Oregon, is published by the same com
pany every Friday morning. Hulwcription
price, t'iperyear. ForadvertlBintrrates, address
OUiar X,. PATTEESOiT, Editor and
Manager, Long Creek, Oregon, or "Gazette,"
Heppner, Oregon.
THlBPAPEBiskept on file at E. C. Pake's
Advertising Agency, M and 65 Mnrchants
Eichangs, Ban Francisco. California, where COu
traets for advertising can be made for it.
'j . Oregon Press Association, 2B Ash Street,
between First and Second, Portland, Oregon, is
our only agent located in that place. Advertis
ers should consult him for rates and space in
the Gazette.
Wagner B. A. ITunsaker
- Arlington Henry Heminer
Long Crtek 'lhetaglc
Echo Bob Shaw
Camas Prairie,. Oscar DeVaul
Matteson, A11,e,n'';Eurr '!
Nye, Or H. C. Wright
Hardman, Or J',A' .""?,ole,7
Hamilton, Grant Co., Or.,., Mattie A. Rudio
lone T- - Cttrl
Praise City, Or R. R. McHaley
Canyon City, Or., S. L. Parrish
Pilot Rock, G- V- Skelton
Day ville, Or .....J. b. Snow
John Day, Or F. I. McCallnin
Athena, Or John Edington
Pendleton, Or., Wm. G. JloCroskey
Mount Vernon, GrautCo.,0r., Postmaster
Shelby Or Miss Stella rlett
Fox, Grant Co., Or J. F. Allen
Eight Mile, Or., Mrs. Andrew Ashbaugh
Upper Rhea Creek B. F. Hevland
DonglaB, Or - S- White
Lone Rock, Or K. M. Johnson
Gooseberry W. P. Snyder
Condon, Oregon Herbert Halstead
Union Pacific Railway-Local card.
No, fb,' fluxed leaves Hepnner 8 a. m.
" 10, - 4 ar. at Arlington 11-00 a.m.
9, " leaves " 1:5 P- n. , .,
" o, " ar. at Heppner :50 p. m, daily
except Sunday.
East bonnd, main line ar. at Arlington 8.50 p. m.
West leaveB " 1:20 P. in
Night trains are running on same time as before.
Stage leaves for Monument daily,
Mcev t Sunday, at 6 :30 A. M.
Arrives daily, except -Monday, at
. 5:00 p. M. ' - - -
Direct connection can be made at
Monument with the Long Creek stage.
Daily stage between Long Creek and
Canyon City, connecting at the latter
place with the stage for Burns and Sil
vies valley.
OEsaoii or-r-ici-ijs.
fiovernor B- Pennoyer.
Trnamirer Phil Metschan.
Suy ! Instruction -E B. McElroy.
Judge Seventh District W. L. Hradshaw
District Attorney U. Wilson
JointSenator Henry Blackmail.
Representative J'lhTC
( lounty Judge v Job"" Keithly.
' Commissioners J. A. Thompson,
aJt.. Mo
HhorifF Ueo. Noble.
Surer.:::. J-Tw-TM5t';fk-
Assessor V;AcG
" Coroner James Daugherty.
M.,., T. J. Matlock
mnciime.','.'.:'.'.'.'.".'.'.'.'.'...0. K. Fworth C.
M. Mnllory, W. J. McAtee. S. P. Qarrigues, ThoB.
Morgan and Frank Gilliam.
decoder A. A Roberta
Treasurer j W . J
Marshal W. liasmus.
Doric Lodge No. 20 K. of P. meote ev
ery Tuesday evening at 7.30 o'clock tn
their Castle Hall, National Bank build,
ing. Sojourning brothers cordially in-
-l?A ... ..ttwA FlMTT. VOROZ. C. C.
' T. C. Aubhet, K. of U. 4 8. tf
G. A. It.
Meets at Lexington, Or., the last Saturday of
each month. All veterans are invited to join.
C. C. Boon, Quo. W . Smith.
Adjutant, tf Commander.
A. A. HOlli: HT,
Heal Estate, Insurance and Collection
Office in
Heppner, - tf - ' Oregon
Attorney at Law. a
Brown & Hamilton.
Practice in all courts of the Btate. Insurance,
ui aetata pn loifi . ,n and loan atreuts.
Prompt attention given to all business entrust
ed to them.
Opposite Gazette Office, Heppner. tf
Garden Seeds !
Kflon nanrt nil nver the Pacific North
west for the paat 16 yean. None better. Few
o good.
Garden, Flower and
Grass Seeds.
Fresh! Pure! Acclimated! Catalogue free.
gazette on or
ntvvner. : : tf ; Oregon.
Are having their land business straight
ened out and shaped up. How about
youre? If not in satisfactory oonditioo
it would be a good plan to see about it
at onoe. I am giving careful and ener
eetio attention to entries, final proofs,
'railroad land" Bnd all business relating
to lands in Morrow oonnty.
U. S. Commissioner,
Lexington, Or.
From Terminal or Interior Points the
'Mm Pacific
Is the line to take
It is the Dining Car Route. It runs Through
Vestibuled Trains every day in the year to
St. Paul and Chicago
(No ChaDge of Cars)
Composed of DINING CARS unsurpassed,
Of Latest Equipment
coin modut ions are both free and furniaiied for
Elegant Day Coachs.
A Continuous Line oonneotinjr with all
Lines, affording Direct and Uninter
rupted Service.
Pullman Sleeper Reservations can be
Secured tn advance mrougn
any agent of the road.
TYi and from nil nnivitji In America. England
and Kurop oan be parohased at any Ticket othce
f this Company.
Full information concerning rates, time
of trains, routeB and other details
furnished on application to any
agent, or
Assistant General Passenger Agent.
No. 121 First lit., Cor. Washington,
C? ETXGXS: TllVt E3 !
San Francisco
And all pointo in California, via the Mt. Uhaata
ruute of the
Southern Pacific Co.
The great highway through California to all
points East and South. Grand (Scenic Route
of the Pacific Coast. Pullman Buffet
Sleepers. Second-class Sleepers
Attached to express trains, affording Btiperior
accommodations for second-class passengers.
For rates, tickets, sleeping car reservations,
etc., call upon or address
R. KOEHLER, Manager, E. P. ROGERS, Asst.
Gen. F. dc P. Agt., Portland, Oregon.
V dresBed Lumber, 16 miles of Heppner, at
what is known as the
- 10 00
17 50
L $i.uO per 1,000 feet, additional.
1. HAMILTON, Prop.
I. A. Hamilton.Mivn'Kr
. A A A A A A A A A A rfAjj
bottles of
cured me. No return in 5 years. FRANCIS MAURER.
A Year's Subscription to a Pop
ular Agricultural Paper
By a special arrangement with the
publishers we are prepared to furnish
FKEE to each of our readers a year's
subscription to the popular monthly
agrioultural journal the Amebic an
Farmer, published at Springfield and
Cleveland, Ohio.
This offer is made to any of our sub
scribers who will pay up all arrearages
on subscription and one year in advanoe,
and to any new subscribers who will pay
one year in advanoe. v The American
Farmer enjoys a large national circula
tion, and ranks among the leading
agricultural papers. By this arrange
ment it COSTS YOU NOTHING to re-
oeive the American Farmer for one
year, It will be to your advantage to
oall promptly. Sample oopies oau be
saen at our office.
First National Bank
George W. Conser, Cashier.
C. I. Lewis, Ass't Cashier.
rransaots'a uleu'eral Banking Business'
On all parts of the world
Bought and Sold,
Collections made at all points on Rea
sonable Terms.
Surplus and Undivided profits, $23,527.10
President. Cashier.
Made on Favorable Terms.
Wyandottes, Plymouth Rooks, Light
Braniahs, Rose and Single Comb
Brown Leghorns, Partridge
Coohins, Houdans and Sil
ver Spangled Hamburgs.
1.000 mu FOWLS
Ready for Delivery.
myFowlsHave no suoerior.
In America, and are the best on
this coast bv a great difference.
Send for Catalogue.
Box 55. com.396. Forest Grove, Or
To keep your Sheep healthy, and insure a good
clip, use
A Sure Cure at Moderate Cost.
Mixel with either COLD or WARM WATER.
hayward's liquid dip
Is Non-Poisonous, Improves the Wool
and does Not stain it.
CIIH1STV A3 wim?,
Wool. Coiiio! Merchants,
Fifth and TowuBond St., Kan Francisco
Obneual Aoknts.
For sale by Slocnm-Johnston Drug Co,
Chicago, IIL
I was confined to bed ; could not
walk from lame back J suffered 5
months; doctors did cot help;- 2
' .t
On How to Grow.iood Fruit Scale Hug
and Other Nation. InBct Cnn He
Measurably Eradicated Kcience MiiKt
Aftalst Nature.
In pioneer times ou this Coast if a
jnan planted an apiile tree and it grew,
and if he cultivated, pruned and watered
it where water was needed it fruited
abundantly and jthe tree was healthy
and perfect. There were no worms in
the fruit, no black scabs and blotches
to mar its beauty, the foliage had no
rusts and mildews destroying the func
tions of the leaves, no borers in the tree
trunks inviting decay, no scale bugs or
wool' aphis sucking out the tree's life.
All was perfect if the planter did his
part. The same was true of the pear.
How is it now V All who know any
thing of the subjeut know that today it
is hard to find a healthy, vigorous tree
or a perfect, soend apple. All their in
sect enemies and rlidases have been im
ported, leaving, for the most part, all
the enemies of the noxious insects be
hind. , There is light ahead, and relief,
in part, by nature' i own slow way. But
we cannot afford to wait for that. We
live tor today and want our fruit for to
day. Here is an eiample of how nature
helps us out of such troubles.
Among the first pests to give a check
to the vigor of the apple tree here was
the oyster shell bark louse (I shall use no
technical names) or scale bug us we now
call them. It ' jis imported to this
Coast from Etirqpe via the Eastern
states. Reaching ere, the climate suit
ed it and it bred , . J-ipread with great
rapiu..Ti''inu2ie0',j I Mastered the appU
tree.- ,,-, t '' fU iaiftropicnnUf1
scale, greasy st Jig the vigor of the
tree. There was 'nothing whatever to
interfere with it. It had nothing to do
but eat, breed and sprRd. A subsequent
importation of trees was infested by an
exceedingly smajl and pretty parasitic
fly, which graJually destroyed nearly
every one of the first variety. And
now in the older section, where this
oyster shell bark louse was first intro
duced, it is difficult to find a living spec
imen. Yet their old scales can be seen
by the million, each with a tiny hole in
its back where our little friend, the fly,
had made its exit to go on with the good
work. The same thing wonld happen to
nearly every one of our fruit and tree
pests if we have patience and can afford
to wait. But can we? Most certainly
not, if we can do better, and we can.
The destructive San Tose scale is an
other example. It was introduced
several years ago. It announced itself;
"Neither trees nor fruit will you have
if you let ine have my way, " The Ban
Jose scale dou't he, whatever its other
faults may be. In spieading, and ruin
ing orchards it was a terror. The fruit
growers of the state were all up in arms
against it. Hundreds of sprays and
washes were invented, concocted and
used against it but the scale marched
serenely on. Some checked it somewhat,
making it possible to grow some fruit,
But not one of the many things used
could eradicate it. It is still a serious
question. Among economic entomolO'
gists, many believe it would have disap-
peared much sooner if it had been left
entirely alone. It is now disappearing
very fast, being exterminated by a little
gnat. It is being destroyed most rapidly
in old settled places, where no spraying
has been done and where only two or
three years ago they covered everything.
So they would all go could we find and
scatter among them their most effective
natural enemies to be found among
other insects. But can we find and in
troduce them?
There is another point which must be
-kept in mind. Any cause that weakens
vigor or vitality in a life renders that
life more susceptible to chronic diseases,
This is especially so in vegetable life.
Scale bugs, leaf lice, root lice and leaf
feeding insects all weaken the tree they
prey upon. Therefore, since our fruit
trees have been preyed upon by lice there
are more leaf, fruit, bark and root dis
eases now than in pioneer days. There
is absolute proof that a thoroughly
sound, heahiiy, vigorous tree is quite re
sistant to low forms of injurious insects
and diseases while one low in vitality
is the one first attacked. The same is
true of the poorly fed calf or colt. They
are found lousy in the spring and it is
the weak chicken which is first attacked
with lice and the first to die with roup
or cholera. The man of low vitality
dies first in epidemics and succumbs
more quickly to malignant diseases.
Then if we keep up the vigor of fruit
trees by freeing them from the insects
that are sapping their vitality away, we
render them less liable to disease. If we
can prevent the diseases we will leave
them with vitality to withstand the
drains the insects make on them. We
can do both nearly nerfectly. How, will
be considered in another issue of this
paper. D. Wiek.
The Off Year In Fruit Tree.
Why do not fruit trees give a full crop
each year? is often asked. This is a
more important question in the Kasteru
states than on this Coast. Here fruit
trees git quite regular crops if well
cared for. and if given the best riossibU
care the yearly crops would be quite
regular. The only reason why fruit
trees generally bear a heavy crop one
year and scarcely any the next, is be
cause the trees were thrown into that
habit while young, by allowing thorn to
mature their first full crop without prop
er pruning the preceding winter, and
thinning the fruit properly after it had
set. If this is done promptly and hero
ically, and the tree given proper culti
vation, it will have a surplus of nutri
tion above what is necessary to mature
the fruit, to form flower buds for a crop
the succeeding year. Though as a rule
wild trees left to nature give great crops
only periodically. But they do not have
artificial care as above.
Section 31. Any convention of dele
gates, and any assembly of electors, as
hereinafter defined, and also individual
electors to the number hereinafter speci
fied, by causing a certificate of nomina
tion to be duly prepared and filed in the
manner hereinafter provided, may nom
inate one candidate for each publio
office to be filled at the election, whose
name shall be placed upon the ballots to
be furnished as hereinafter provided. A
convention of delegates, within the mean
ing of this act, is an organized body of
delegates representing a politioal party
which, at the eleotion next preceding,
polled at least 3 per cent of the entire
vote oast in the state, eouuty, preoinot
or other electoral district for which the
nomination is made. Au assembly of
electors, within the meaning of this act.
is an organized body of not less than 1(10
eleotors of the state, or electoral division
thereof for which the nomination is
Section 32. Every suoh certificate of
nomination miule by Buch convention or
assembly may contain the nnme of one
candidate for each office to be filled at
the election. It shall state such facts
oonoeruing the convention or assembly
as are required by eeotion 31 of tins sot
f ir its acceptance, and as are required to
be stated therein by section 34 of this
aot. In conclusion, it shall be signed by
the presiding officer and the secretary ot
the convention or assembly by which it
purports to be made, and an affidavit
shall be made thereon by suoh presiding
offloer and secretary, and subscribed and
sworn to (or affirmed),)' them before
some person authori to s d minister
oaths, to the effect that 'the statements
therein are true, and the certificate of
the oath or affirmation shall accompany
the certificate of nomination,
Seotion 83. Every such certificate of
nomination made by individual electors,
us aforesaid, of a candidate for any office
to be filled by the eleotors of the state at
large, or for member of congress, shall
be signed be not less tbun two hundred
and fifty (200) electors of the state ; and
of a candidate for any office to be filled
by the electors of an eleotoral district or
county of the state, shall be signed by
not leBS than fifty (50) eleotors of suoh
district or county; and of a oandidate
for any office to be filled by the eleotors
of a preoinct, or for the offices of a con
stable or justice of the peaoe, shell be
signed by not less than ten electors of
such prccinot or justice of the peuce dis
trict. Eaoh elector signing a certificate
of nomination shall add to his signature
his place of residence, with the street
and number thereof, if any, and eaoh
elector sball be oualified to subscribe to
only one such oertifioute of nomination
for eaoh office to be filled at the eleotion.
Except in the case of the eleotors of pres
ident and vioe-president of the United
States, every such certificate of nomina
tion made by individual electors shall
contain the name of only one candidate'
At least two of the signers to each such
certificate of nomination made by mdi
viduul eleotors shall swear (or affirm)
before some person authorized to ad
minister oaths, that the statements and
signatures therein are true, and that the
requisite number of signers thereto are
qualified to make such nomination, and
the certificate of such oath or affirmation
shall be annexed to the certificate of
Seotion 34. All oortificates of nomina
tion shall state such facts as are required
by this act, and also (1) the name of the
oandidate, (2) the office for whioh he was
nominated, (3) the party or political
principal which he represents, expressed
in not more than three words, (4) his
place of resilience, with street and num
ber thereof, if any. In the case of elec
tors of president and vioe-president of
the United States, the names of the oan
dniutes for president and vioe-president
thoy represent may be added to the
party or political appollution, and the
names of all the nominees for eleotors of
president and vioe-president may be up
on the same certificate of nomination.
Sectiou 35. No person who is not an
elector shall be qualified to join in nom
inating any candidate. No elector shall
be qualified to join in a certificate of
nomination made by individual electors
in nominating more than one person for
each office to be filled. No person shall
be qualified to be a candidate for more
than one offioe to be filled at the same
Section 30. A certificote of nomination
may be accompanied by the acceptance
of the nominee, in which case the ac
ceptance shall be indorsed upon the cer
tificate of nomination bud signed by the
nominee, or it may be by letter or tele
gram from the nominee attached to the
certificate of nomination and filed there
with. If the certificate of nomination is
not thus accompanied by the acceptance
of the nominee, he may, at any time
after the certificate of nomination is
filed, and before the time for filing nom
inations has expired, file his acceptance
thereof in the same manner iu the same
office where the certificate of nomination
is filed. The officer with whom it is
filed shBll indorse the same and attaoh
it to the certificate of nomination to
which it refers. Several different certifi
cates of .nomination may thus be filed
nominating the same person, and it the
person so nominated so accepts one of
said nominations it shall be sufficient
and shall be equivalent to accepting
eaoh one of said nominations to the
same offioe. But unless such nominee
accepts a nomination as a oandidate for
some office in some one of the ways and
within the time aforesaid, he shall not
be considered as fully nominated and his
name shall not be placed upon the bal
lots. Seotion 37. All certificates of nomina
tion of candidates forufnees to be filled
by the electors of the state at large and
for members of congress shall be filed
with the Secretary of State. If such oer
tifioate of nomination be made by a oou.
vention or assembly it shall be filed with
the Secretary of State not more than one
hundred (100) days and not less than
forty-five (45) dayB beforo the day fixed
by law for tLj election. If such certifi
cate of nomination be made by individ
ual eleotors it shall be filed with the
Secretary of State nut more than one
hundred (100) and not less than thirty
(30) days before the day fixed by law for
the election.
Section Si. All certificates of nomina
tion of candidates for offices to be filled
by the eleotors of au eleotoral district
other than a congressional district, or
oounty or precinct, shall be filed with
the county olerk of the county; and if
such electoral distriot embraces more
than one oonnty, then a duplioate there
of shall be filed with the county olerk of
eaoh oounty within such eleotoral dis
trict. If such certificate of nomination
be made by a convention or assembly it
shall be filed with such county clerk or
alerks not more thau one hundred (100)
days and not lees than thirty (30) day be
fore the day fixed by low for the election.
If such certificate of nomination be made
by individual electors, it shall be filed
with such oounty clerk or clerks not
more than one hundred (100) dnva and
not less than fifteen (15) days betcVe the
day fixed by law for the election.
Seotion 39. Immediately after eaoh
certificate of nomination is filed, the
oounty olerk shall enter in a book mark
ed "Register of Nominations," the dale
when the certificate was filed with him,
the name of each candidate, the office
for which he was nominated, and the
name of the party or convention or as
sembly making the nomination, together
with the names ot the chairman and
secretary certifying the same; and in
case the oertifioute of nomination is made
by individual eleotors, the names of the
two signers who make oath thereto, aud
the total number of signatures thereto.
Aa soon as the acceptance or withdrawal
of the candidate is filed, it shall also be
entered upon said register,
Continued in next isitue.
Bucklcn's Arnica Balve.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
bruisea, sores, uloers suit rnenm, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skiu eruptions, and posi
tively oures piles, or no pay required. It
is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction
or money refunded. Price 25 cents per
box. For sale by Slooum-Jobuston
Drug Co,
hook Out.
When you got "snap" oilers for cheap
job printing, have a sample of the stock
sent you before ordering. Prices always
depend on quality and quantity. The
Oazette is as well prepared to do first
class work as any office east of the moun
tains. Drop iu for samples of work and
What the Faculty of the
University of California
Has to Say.
Your committee have made a very careful examina
I'ion of the ROYAL BAKING POWDER and are
satisfied that it fulfills all the requirements which the
public can make of a baking powder. For purity and
care in preparation it equal? any in the market, and
Our test shows that it has
greater leavening power
than any other of which
we have any 4 knowledge.
Pre. Chemistry University of Calif ernia and State Analyst.
Pruf. Chemistry, College Pharmacy, tif the Umvenity of California.
jv miv mil
The Swedish Government Want
to be Represented at the
World's Fair.
Opinion of Leadiug Swedlfth People Hegard
lug the Present Union. Bjornson Had.
Where is Oregon?
The Swedish government has asked
the Ricksdn? for an atitironriation ot
200.000 orowns to be used for a Swedish
exhibitiou at the Columbian fair in 1893,
The amount will, without doubt, be
granted. Many private firms have ex
pressed their willingness to take part.
Crown Prince Gustaf spoke as follows
at a cabinet meeting the other day.
"I cannot neglect to express as my
profound conviction that mutual ambas
sadors to foreign powers are absolutely
demanded by the Union which exists be
tween Sweden and Norway. A change
in the existing arrangements will not be
compatible witb the stability of the
The other Swedish members ot the
Cabinet expressed a similar opinion, but
the Norwegian members declared them
selves in favor of separate ministers and
consuls. As to the best of their judg
ment they did not think the union
threatened by such appointments. The
opinion of the crown prinoe and ot the
Swedish onbinet members is, it is said,
the king's own.
li.lOUNbON is MAI).
The Norwegian stute uttorney has re
turned to Bjornson the written demand
asking the attorney to commence libel
suits against a couple of newspapers,
which have uooused Bjornson of con
spiracy against the government.
Bjornson has now engaged a private
lawyer who will bring the matter before
the oourts. A letter by Bjornson to the
Curistiaui a Lagbludet ends with the fol
lowing worus: "ii unyuouy oen say with
impunity that I act as a traitor, I may be
compelled to leave the country."
Jas. Kovhm was over from Idea Satur
day last.
The K. of P. ball over at Long Creek
last week was a complete suooess.
Jas. Leuhey has leased Mat Hushes'
bund of horses, numbering one hundred
Extra, Hon. T. J. Matlock's shire and
English draft stallion, died up at the
stuck ruuoh last week.
Died At the residenoe of Jobnnv
Ayers, Saturday, of old uge, Henry G.
xuyior, ngea auout ou years.
Tli lid. Armstrong oulled while in town
last Saturday in attendance on the re
publican central oommittee meeting.
Charley Jones has the best appointed
baths to be found anywhere outside ot
l'ortluini, and iu tuct that city has but
few better.
Frank Shipley left yesterday for Mon
roe, Benton oounty, where the Oazette
will follow him. lie will remain there
for some weeks.
Our reporter was at Heppuer's literary
last Eriduy night, and will say that the
young people are doiug well. The pro
gram rendered was quite interesting.
Hon. Wm. Hughes noted the fact,
while iu Urant oounty reoently, that
they are having quite u hard winter over
there while Morrow is enjoying spring
"Uncle" Nat Webb came in from Wal
la Walla last Thursday, but left yester
day for home, being summoned by a tel
egram stating that his young son was ill
with scarlet fever,
A. A. Wren informs us that he has 200
aores of grain, wheat, barley and rye, up
and green. It was all sown during dry
weather, Jinny of his neighbors laugh
ed ut him, but be has the laugh his way