THE WEEKLY HEPPNElt GAZETTE: FEBRUARY 19, 1892. THE GAZETTE. Here and There. Job work At the Gazette office. Can't be beat anywhere. Help the publio library along. J. A. Steacb is over from Long Creek. T. J. Carle, of lone, came up last eve ning. Chas. Sperry and wife spent Sunday in Heppner. Did you ever see finer weather for February? Mr. C. E. Fell returned home Saturday from below. T. .T. Carle is out collecting taxes for Sheriff Noble. E. P Sine, of Lexington, was in the city yesterday. Minor Bros, keep Spray Bros.' hams, booon and lard. 60-tf. E. H. Clark, the veteran, got in Thurs day from Pendleton. Ransom Lieuallen, of Lexington, took in Arlington Tuesday. Daily stage both ways between Monu ment and Long ureen. tr. Allen Evans, of Alpine, has not fed bis sheep so far this winter. Nicest hams, breakfast baoon and freBh lard at Spray Bro. When in Arlington, stop at the Ben nett bouse, near the depot. (il-tf. Dr. J. H. Fell got in from John Day Sunday on his wav to Portland. Alex Grham starts east the first of the week with two car loads of horses. Mrs . J. J. Roberts is prepared to do all kinds of plain sewing. 65-tf N. It. MoVey and I. 0. Large were seen on our streets last Thursday. Jeff Hayes came over from Condon yesterday and will remain a few days. Quite a spirited runaway was witnessed by several eaBt side residents yesterday. Entertain our man when he calls on you; be has some bedrock propositions to make to you. The scries of meetings at the South Methodist churoh closed with Tuesday evening's services. J. H. Allen and H. Williams, of Hard mau, oame down with wheat Monday, returning Tuesday. Pap Simons & Son still shoe horses Bnd do general blacksmitbing at the old stand, Matlook corner. 55. R. A. Ford, the painter, has been work ing on Penland's new house, on one of his ranches above town. Elder Motor and wife were passengers on the down train from Lexington, Tues day, en route to Gomendale. Jas. D. Ambrose and Jas. Talbert were in town Saturday, and report much stir out among the farmers and stookmen. Elder Michaels, of the M. E. church, south, was in Heppner over Sunday, the occasion of their quarterly meeting uere. Call on Lishe Sperry, down at the Belvedere, when in town. Keeps on hBnd a fine Btock of liquors and cigars. 61-tf Chas. P. Mallory, who has been in "York state" for the past fifteen months with horses returned to Heppner Tues day. H. Kidenour, of Nevada, together with Tlios. Morgan, called last Thursday. Tbe former is a big sheepman of his section. Dr. B. F. Vaugban is back to Heppner and will be prepared, in a few days, to rnnnma his work in dentistry. Reason able prioes. 469-tf Rev. Adkins, who has been assisting in the revival at tbeM.E. ohurch, South, returned to his borne in Weston yester day morning. Mrs. Alfred L. Ayers arrived from Sa lem Tuesday, to join her husband here. Mr. and Mrs. Ayers will make their home in these parts hereafter. Rev. Potwine held services two even ings last week which were quite well at tended, considering that revival meetings were in progress here at the time. Newer and neater quarters at the Palace Hotel's north business room. Charley Jones, the baber, wants to see his old friends there. Baths in connec tion. Joseph Barnett, of 'Frisco, a relative of Henry and 1 bit Heppner, Hon. H. Blackman and family and the Cohn Bros., wha in the city over Sunday, on his way East. J. H. Kleokner was bruised up con siderable by a fall while coming up the cellar stairs at the Gem Tuesday eve, though he is still able to serve customers as of old. We learn that Chas, Sheldon has so r,foH a nnaitinn as "sheen-herder" for T J. Matlook. He left for the scene of action this afternoon. Sucoess to you, "Chollie." Charley Tilden has just oompleted a dandy sign for tne uazene s new uuico, n nan h often at PaD Simons & Son s It is an exaot reproduction of our news paper heading. We are informed that Walt. Fell has charge of two stores in the coal mining district near Seattle, and is well pleased with his situation. Walt, is a bright, progressive young man. Owing to failing health. Dr. B. F. Vaughan left this morning for Portland, for medical treatment. Doo has had a pretty tough time of it for the past six months and it is to be hoped this treat ment will lead to a speedy reoovery. Born In Puyallup, Tuesday, to the wife of H. B. LeFevre, a 10 pound daughter. Mother and ohild doing nioe ly, while the father is on the verge of reoovery, in case war is not deolared against Chili within the next fortnight. The ladies of the Episcopal churoh :u Friday afternoon at 2 o'clook in the Baptist church for the purpose of organizing a Ladies' Guild. All mem bers f the churoh and those desiring to work with them are requested to be pres ent to assist in the organization. Oregonian dipping: F. O. Buoknum, special agent of the Lombard Invest ment company, was in Centraha Wed nesday of last week and took a spin 8long the Chehalis river. His purpose was to make a plat of the fifty-seven acres of a millsite bought by the St. Panl Lumber oompany. Abraham B. Chapman, of Ridge, was in tbe oity yesterday and this morning on land business. Mr. Chapman is just reoovenng from a severe attack of typhoid fever, having been bedfast for about six weeks, at which time he was to make final proof, consequently he will be compelled to go through the entire routine again, and it is hoped that he will be more successful this time. The World Enriched. The facilities of the present day for the production of evervthing that will oon duce to tbe material welfare and com fort of mankind are almost unlimited, ,nd when Svrnp of Figs was first pro duced the world was enriched with the only perfect laxative known, as it is the only remedy which is truly pleasirg and refreshing to the taste and prompt Bnd effectual to cleanse the system gently in tbe spring time or, in faot, at any time and the better it in known the more pop ular it beoomea. K. or P. Ball. Doric Lode No. 20, K of P. acknowledges an invitation to attend the K. of P. ball to be given at Li ng Creek by Haguiion Lodge, No. 40, tomorrow evening. Perhaps none oan attend, but they wish it sucoess. Sad News. Messrs James ard Charles H. Hams, of Hardman, received a letter last week announcing the death of their mother, who was a resident of Folke stone. Kent, England. Mrs, Hams died on January 13, 1892. at the age of 74 years. Will Ride the Goat. Messrs. Chas. Royse, Geo. Noble and Otis PatterBon loft Tuesday morning for Pendleton, where they expeot to gain some of the important mysteries in higher Masonry, l'hey will return Friday or Saturday evening. Large Stock. Just received a fine line of typewriter stock, funeral note, visiting and invitation cards. We have the largest job stock ever oarried in the oity, latest, improved presses, steam power and oompetent workmen. Don't overlook us when you want job work, tt SUMMONS. IN THE CIRCUIT COl'RT FOR THE COUH tv of Morrow. State of Oregon. I lie Ainenrtui .Montane ("oinptinv, of Scotland, (Limited,) Plaintiff, vs. Wm. L. Donaldson and Mary C. llonaldson. Charles H. Hudson and Y. L. Donaldson, llWt'iidaiits. To Win. L. Donaldson. Mary C. Donaldson, Charles H. Hudson and W. L. Donaldson, de fendants. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, You are hereby required to appear and answer the eomplaint'nled against you in the above en titled cause on or before the first day of the next regular term of said court, to-wit: on or before Mnndav. the 3tll day of March, 1WI2, and if you fail so io answer, for want thereof the plaintill will take judgment against the said Wm. L. Dou Hl.lsDii and Marv C. Donaldson for the sum of &r,iiK.U0, I1. S. gold coin, with interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent, per annum from Jan. aith, IK ,,,,111 tmiil: and the stun of JllRl attorncv's feeB, and for its costs and disbursements of this cause. And against all of the above named de fendants for the foreclosure of a certain liiortg. executed by the said Wm. L. Donaldson and Mary U. Donaldson, in favor of plaintiff, bearing date, Aug. 1K7, and recorded in book C, page 97 H m'tjiti, record of mortgages for Morrow coun ty, Oregon, conveying the sEl4 of section 12, in township one, north, of range 24 east, W. M.; and for such further relief as is demanded in plaintill a complaint. And defendants are further notified that this summons iB served by publication by order of W. L. Bradshaw, Judge of said circuit court, dated at The Dalles, Oregon, this '.nth day of Jau'y, ISM. J.N. BROWS. 0,-, 71 Attorney for 1'latntitF. NEW TO-DAY. A Wild Jump. Geo. Frenoh's horse got to bucking in the neighborhood of the Mountain house Monday, and finally jumped down the embankment, more than nine feet, where Harry Phillips has taken away the bluff for a roadway. George stuok like a leeoh and oame out O.K. Coming) to Morrow. We are informed that some thirty people are on their way fiom "ole Arkansaw" to Morrow oounty, and will looate near Lexington. There are good opportunities in Morrow oounty for settlers, unexcelled in no part of the state, in faot. The Gazette welcomes the newcomers. SUMMONS. N THE CIRCUIT COU RT OF THE STATE OF Oregon, (or the County of Morrow. T. J. Owens, Pia. vs. t M. E. Owens, Deft.) To M. E. Owens, the above-named Deft. : In the name of the State of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint of Pill, tiled in the above entitled court and suit against you on or before the firBtday of tne next term ol saia court, io-wu; uiu ,taj u, March, lHll-2. Deft, will take notice that if she fails to appear or answer, the Flft'. will take a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between Pitt', and Deft., and for tbe care and custody of Thomas Cleveland Owens and Flora Owens, minor children of Pitt, and Deft. . This summons 1b published by order of Hon. Judge Bradshaw, Judge of the 7th judicial din trict of the State of Oregon. Dated 10th February, isyz. i. . rvr-A, 64-70. Plil'.'s Attorney. Shoulder Dislocated. B. B Mann got in from Lower California Tuesday evening. We note that he carries his arm in a sling, from injuries received by being thrown from a wagon by a run away team, resulting in the dislocation if his shoulder. Otherwise he looks as well as ever. Social Hop. Jack MoKenzie gave a social danoe at his home on Upper Rbea creek last Fnd3y night whioh was a most enjoyable affair, there being twenty-two oouples present. Bob Watkms and Frank Hale furnished tbe music Bob oarried away the blue ribbon by install ing himself chaperon of the belle of tbe ball. NOTICE TO TEACHERS. nlHE TEACHERS WHO BELONU TO 1BI A Teachers' Organization and all progressive teachers, patrons and others who are interested in the cauBeoi education are earnestly requeoLuu to meet at the court house in Heppner, on Feb. 27th, Saturday! ' 9 o'clock a. m., for the purpose of discussing the various questions re lating to their welfare as an organization, and such other vital questions as naturally arise from the present condition of schools in our county. Questions to be discussed: "Salary," "How Patrons can Secure Better Service," "Uni form Grading," etc. By order of Committee: W P. SNYDKR, T. C. AUBREY, T. K. Roberts, J. J. Freeman, Miss Inez Vokuz, Miss May Baii.ey. 04-tHi. Thos. Morgan, Seerteary. Regular Council Meeting. On last Monday evening the oounoil met in reg ular session with Mayor Matlock pre siding. All present except Councilman Garrigues. The following bills were allowed: Celsus Keithly, $1; Heppner Gazette, 822.25; Harry Phillips, 880; Maurioe Ball, $4; A. M. Guun, $5; Wil lis Stewart, $1. The committee on fire and water report as having received nothing from Engineer Oliver. Counoil adjourned. New Washerman Lee Sam, our Chi nese washerman, having become finan cially embarrassed, was compelled to olose up his wash house. But he wishes ns to inform all his creditors that he will pay all debts as soon as possible. In this oonneotion we are requested to state that Hung Lee, late of Portland, who has been an employe in one of tbe best laundries in that city, has rented this house and furniture and is now prepar ed to do washing in the best style for the citizens of Heppner, and respectfully requests their patronage. 65-7 NOTICE. TIMBER CULTURE. U. S. Land Office, La Grande, Or., Feb. 2, 1892. COMPLAINT HAVING BEEN ENTERED AT this ollice by John Kenny against John Reynolds for failure to comply with law as to Timber-Culture Entry No. 2184 dated May a. 1KSX, upon the sr.l4 oi ir; r,s, 01 pr. anu HWV oi Hl'M Section 15, Township S, Range 28 E, v. M., in Morrow County, Oregon, with a view to the cancellation of Baid entry; contest ant alleging that said John Reynolds never plowed live acres the first year, never plowed live acres the Becond year, never cultivated any portion of it at any time, and never planted any of it or caused it to be done ; the Baid parties are hereby summoned to appear at tneoinceoij. W. Morrow in Heppner, Oregon, on the 21st day of March, 18112, at one o'clock P. M., to respond and furnish testimony concerning said alleged failure. To be used at the final hearing at this otllce, April 11, 18U2. It is further ordered that this notice be served by publication for six con Beeutive weeks in the Heppner Gazette and by poBting upon land as in U. S. Land cases. Ol-tiil. A. C. McClelland, Receiver. FEBRUARY 22, '92. February 22, '92. 4? WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY ! Will be observed in a proper manner at THE OPERA HOUSE, I A OHAXDu Masquerade Ball! On the eve of Feb. Q2, '92. att fain wilt fte aW io ma foe it a IMeasani Offals. Splendid Music for the Occasion. Tickets $1.00. Ladies in Costume, free. General Ad mission, Gentlemen, $1.00; Ladies 50 cents, with priuilege of dancing after masks are removed. SELLING OUT TO RETIRE FROM BUSINESS. The Immense Stock of merchandise of the Firm of H. Blackman & Co., will be sold out REOARDLEP8 OF COST io order to olose ont bnsinpss. Parties desirous of making pnrchasea for CASH will find it to their interest to cnll on ns. WE MKAN BUSINESS. Come and he convinced. H. Blackman & Co., W. J. McATEE. A. D. McATEE. PALACE HOTEL BAR ! BIG LI- --Now under the supervision of- 9 Having bought the same from W. Von Cartow. Everything will be Strictly First Class. NOTICE. TIMBER CULTURE. U. 8. Land Office, La Grande, Or., Feb. 2, 1SI-2. COMPLAINT MAYING BEEN ENTERED AT this Ollice by John Kenny against Byron Sarver for failure to comply with law us to Timber-Culture fcntry wo. tvsi inuea April z-t, 1KKK, upon the E1 of HV;; HVVli of HE)4 and fSE1 oi1 NW4 Section 26, Township, 3 S, Raune lt Vj. V . M., Ill 11 Ul row vuLimy , uiesi mm a view to the cancellation of said entry; contest ant alleging that said Byron Harvcr did not the rlrnt or second year, plow or fence any of Baid tract, and has not at any time plowed, fenced, cultivated or planted any of said tract or caused it to be done; the said parties are hereby sum moned to appear at the otlice of J. W. Morrow, at Ueppner, Oregon, on the 2lst day of March, 18H2, at S o'clock, P. M., to respond and furnish testimony concerning said alleged failure. To be used at the final hearing at this othce, April 11, WJ . It is further ordered that this notice be served by publication in the Heppner Gazette for Bix consecutive weeks and by posting upon the land as in U. S. land cases. G4-jy. A. J. jh 'vjlell a n i j, neceiver. CALL ON THE BOYS AT THEIR NEW PLACE OF BUSINESS. McATEE BROS., Also Props. Gem Saloon. Heppner, Ore. riaoi A Bad Boa. Some Walla Walla fruit dealers were visited recently by a fruit inspector who caused them to either destroy their lemons or send them back to Poitland, on aocount of being infested with the scale bug, a destructive iuseot to all kinds of fruit. It belongs to Italy, from where these lemons were imported. In thia connection it might be well to state that Oregon also has a fruit in spector, bat he does nothing except draw his salary, and instead of condemning infected fruit allows it to be shipped all over the country, to the detriment of all fruit growers. NOTICE TIMBER CULTURE. U. 8. Land Office, Lb Uranfle, Or., Feb. 2, 1802. COMPLAINT HAVING BEEN ENTERED AT U this Olliee by John Kenny asnintt William Plln fnr fHilnre to poiudIv with law as to Timber- Culture Entry No. irxw dated February lis. lswi, upon the V 'A ol iNWS4; bH oi nnv anu ni of Section 14, Townships S, Range 2 K. W. M.'.ln Morrow County, Oregon, with a view to the cancellation ol Bald entry; contestant alleging that said William l'lin never cultivated or fulled nnv oortion of said tract, never idant- ed any trees, seeds, or cuttingB on any part of it, or cauBed the same to be done; the said parties are hereby summoned to appear at the ottiee of .1 tv Morrow, at Hennner. Morrow Co.. Oregon. on the 21st day of March, 1S92, at 10 o'clock A. M., toresoond and furnish testimony concerning Bald alleged failure. To be used at this ollice at thermal hearing April 11, 'J2. It 1 further ordered that tliiB notice be served by publica tion for six consecutive weeks In the Heppner Gazette, and by posting on land aB in U. 8. land eases. A. 0. McClelland, 04-69. Receiver. SWEETS, FIRST IN OYSTFRS, FIRST In the Hustle with their Countrymen. C?ncl.r Pactorvj Five doors North of the Palaoe Hotel, Heppner, Or. Finn Tnnmrted and Domestic Cigars and Tobaccos Fresh Fruits and other Goods Received Daily. Gazette's Agent. T. K. Rob3rts is now in the field in the interests of the Gazette and Brown & Hamilton's lire and aooident insurance work. If you have not met him, you doubtless will in a few days. Any courtesy you may show him will be greatly appreciated by him self, as well as by bis employers. He will also give a brief write-up of the many prosperous farmers of Morrow county, so do not think him a "lightning rod swindler" or anything of that class, should he dumbfound you with ques tions. All he will want in that line will be bare facts; remember, "nothing but facts," Beyond this he may desire to present to you the many commendable qualities of the Gazette, and to place a small line of insurance on your personal property or your body. NOTICE. V. S. Land Office, The DalleB, Oregon, Jan. 28 '92. COMl'LAINT HAVING BEEN ENTERED AT this nfllce by J. B. Hunt, Heppner, Oregon, against W. B. Cunlnhame for abandoning bis homestead entry No. am, dated Nov. 25, 187, upon the N Bection 17th, township 3 S range 26 E, In Morrow county, Oregon, Willi a view to the cancellation of Baid entry; the Baid parties are hereby summoned to appear at this omce on Ihwyr.lh dftv of March. 18112. at 10 o'clock a. m.. to respond and furnish testimony concerning said alleged abandonment. J. W, Morrow, county clerk, Is authorized to take testimony In this case at his ollice in Heppner, at 10 a. m March lath, hub. John. yv. lewis, IS-CJ Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at La Grande, Or., Feb. 12. 1892. Notice it, herebv iriven that the following-nam ed settler has tiled notice of his Intention to ntuke Una) nroof in sunTiortof his claim, and that said proof will be made before County Clerk of Morrow Co., Oregon, at ueppner Ore gon, on March 28, 1892, viz: GEORGE PHIPPS, D. 8. No. 1017H, for the WVJ SW!4 and N W. sec 24, Tp 1 3 R 27 E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz; Thomas Crow, Fran Phlpps and Homer Reese, of Lena. Or., and Victor Uroshaus, of Heppner, Or. A. Clkavkk, 65-70 RegiBtcr. mHK PKKKLKS3 FLOUK i handled by X COFFIN & M'FARLAND, $4.60 PER single barrel, Bpot cash. Don't forget that Cotlin & McFarland can give you bargains in anything, gay, a car load of Oliver Chilled Plows, consisting of Gangs, Sulkcy and Walking Plows, to arrive soon. But don't forget that we can supply you with anything you want, in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware and Tin ware, at wholesale and retail. COFFIN & McFARLAND, In the National Bank Building, HEPP1TER, ORE&OH. ability of not finding (landing room in onr big store. You should frequently visit ub and be among the many success ful bargain huuterB, sometimes we buy great driveB and they are Bold before we can advertise them. BIGGER LI- ability of getting "stuck" on some infer ior or back number article if you insist on trading at some fossilized establish ment where cobwebs are thick and the hide of the proprietor thicker. Moral. Trade at Minor Bros. Modern and Model General Merchandise Store. BIGGEST LI- ability of getting left if you don't heed our words. We speak nought but the truth. It Is not only unfair, but uuwlBe and unproli table to deceive. Yours to please, MINOR BROS. NELSON JONES, President. E. R BISHOP, Treasurer. T. E. FELL, Secretary. lie Morrow County Land & Trust Company PAID UP CAPITAL STOCK $25,000. Genera onus i i and Forwarding Agents. HEPPNER, OREGON. The Highest Market Price Paid for all kinds of Grain, Sheep. Pelts, Hides, Etc. Stoireifj: Capaoltyi HEPPNER WAREHOUSE: I IONK WAREHOUSE. 5,000 Bag! Wool. SO.OO0O Bunnell Grain-1 HO.OOO Hasten DOUULAH WAREHOUSE: HS,000 Iluiihelii drain, I'OH HALE. From Sandwich Islands. Our friend and erstwhile schoolmate, Evan W. Es- tep, now of Honokaa, Hawaii, Sandwich Inlands, writes ns as follows: I must sin cerely congratulate you on your issue of December 31st, 1891. As s newspaper man of some years experience "back yander," in our old home state, I know the amount of energy and work that is required to get up such an edition, and the fact that you have suoceeded shows you to be a rustler, and your patronage also shows that you work in a rare com munityone where a live newspaper man is appreciated. I know more of your county and its prospects now than I oould have learned in six months ordi dary newspaper reading. Should the MoKinley bill continue to bear much harder on tbe sugar industry, it will be ne.ieesary for many of us foreigners to cet out of here, and I have had my "weather eye" on Oregon for some time, and I may oome up your way and have a look around in case salaries come down too low. A GOOD BUOOY FOR PALE, ser, at First National Bank. See Geo. Con 64-tf. SEE ! WILL YOU NOT LOOK AT 1. O. BORO'S Great HOLIDAY Display OF SILVERWARE & JEWELRY? It will pay. Boss place to buy substantial Christmas presents. 1. O. BORG, MAY St. Odd Combinations Rtantly the following Notlct appearri In t oan rranvtavv v,'. " Judge S had been sick only about two weeks and it was not until Ihe la!-t three or four davs that the malady took a serious turn. At the beginning of his illness he suffered n-oro diabetes and stomach disorder I.aler the kidneys refused lo perforin their functions and he passed quietly away. Thus ended .the life of one of the most prominent men in Cali fornia " Like thousands of others his un timely death was the result of neglecting early symptoms of kidney disease. i p- you re troubled with diabetes, gravel, or any de rangement of the kidnevs or urinary organa, don't delay proper treatment until you are t .a ,, mwe uosrour daily duties: dtm't m. act vnur money on worthless liniments j lastrs but strike at the seat of h. disuse at once by using the greatest of all known remedies, the celebrated Oregon Kid ney Tea. it nas hvw , 1 .r T Why should it not cure you! Try It Purely vegetable ana picataui u, wu. - ym MJ, 6 for $5.00. I -T II IS- C) PAINTEK. Is the bent Siyn Writer in Heppner. NAILS AND SUGAR. I TOMATO KETCHUP A HAMMERS. PEARL BARLEY AND PADLOCKS. CANNED GOODS AMMUNITION. Strange Combinations to be Found Only at The Combin ed Grocery and Hardware Store of P. C. THOMPSON COMPANY, DEALERS IN Groceries, Hardware, Tinware, Confectionery Wood A Willow Ware and Agricultural Implements. Agents for NEW HOME Sewing Machines and IMPERIAL EGG FOOD. LUMBERMAN TOOLS A SPECIALTY. Table Cutlery, Shears, 8cisnor, Pocket Knives, and Rasors at Remarkably Low Prices. Kpeoial inducements to Cash Cus tomers. Give ns a trial. tf. Corner Main and Willow Streets, Heppner Or. MATJIIMOlSrY AXI) S. C. Smitli's FUHislT U IlK liJMIOIlITJM Are closely alUe'l, c$ms a married eouple without Furniture U like a govern numt without a ruler. Biff Stock of Furniture hi io. Complete in Everything. Agent For the La Grande Marble Works. OLD STAND 0.V MAY STREET, HEPPNER, OREGON. K. O. BLOCUM. K. H. BLOCUM. heppner mm mm. Has the Uest Selected Stock of Furniture in Morrow County. PACT! See For Yourselfs llTUndertakinn and Repairing a Specialty. MAIN HTRKET, OPP. P. 0. THOMPSON'S, - HEPPNEB40B