The Weekly Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1890-1892, February 18, 1892, Page 2, Image 2

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Pbof. Aubrey is looked upon as a pos
sible candidate for county clerk.
John Roysb, of Hardtnan, is looked
upon by some as good material for
oouuty commiesioner.
Fkiends, if you want anything in a
political line, annonncd the fact in the
columns of the Gazette.
In oasting about for republican candi
dates for sheriff they must not overlook
Sam Morgan or O. E. Fnrusworth.
Baker City has been re riited 25 per
cent, lower by the fire insurance com
panies, all because they have water.
Fhom all appearances the candidates
for sohool superintendent will be Chas.
Eoyse and the present incumbent, W.
L. Baling.
While we are mentioning candidates,
n will aav that the name of T. R. How
ard is spoken of in connection
with the
We begin thiB week the publication of
the Australian ballot law. Preserve the
papers and consult them. Every voter
should know how to vote.
Oob friend, J. J. Roberta, is Bpoken of
for the offlo of assessor, and will likely
be a candidate before the next democrat
io nominating convention.
H. It McAllister was up from Lexing
ton Tuesday.
Josse Kirk has just reoovered from an
attack of la grippe.
Arthur HodsoD, of Lexington, spent
Sunday in Heppner.
M. Liohtenthol is having some sick
ness in his family this week.
From all parts of Eastern Oregon the
Gazette bears complaints of "grip."
Waldron Rhea and Billy Spenoer re
turned Thursday last from Salem.
J. H. Piper reports an abundance of
feed down bis way and stock looking
The Long Creek Eagle contemplates
putting in a power press in the near
Geo. Conner, oashier of the First Na
tional, made a business trip to Arlington
L;irue audiences greeted Elder Mich
aels on both Sunday morning and even
ing last.
The Luelling Bros., aocompauied by
their father, got in from Hood River
John W. Doak has returned from
Siaslaw for the summer s rustling on
(iouu Looks.
Good looks are more than skin deep,
epending on a healthy condition of the
vital organs. If the liver be inactive,
ou have a billions look, if your stomach
be disordered, you have a dyspeptic look
and if your kidneys be affected you have
pinched look. Secure good health and
you will have good looks. Electrio Bit
ters is the great alterative and tonic acts
irectly on these vital organs. Cures
pimples, blotches, boils and gives a good
oomplexion. Hold by Slue urn-Johnston
Drug Co. at olio, a bottle.
Advertising rates are fixed according
to circulation everywhere, mil it is per
fectly just that they should be. The
better the servioe, the more it is worth.
When Heppner establishes a tree
reading room, this paper will see that it
is supplied with the best weeklies and
dailies in the Northwest. A free library
means a free reading room eventually.
Mb. A. M. Gcnn, one of our republic
ans, is spoken of for representative of
Morrow county, and we ore under the
impreasisn that should he run will make
a strong raoe, and if elected a good rep
Hon. H. C. Gay has been frequently
mentioned as being good timber for
sheriff on the republican tioket, and we
learn from the most reliable sources that
he will allow his name to be used in
that connection.
An editor hears more politics than any
one else, so of course we could not avoid
noticing the faot that should Mr. J. N
Brown allow his name presented for
either representative or f rosecutiug at
torney, he will make our people know
that he is in the raoe.
Krci.P the water project on its feut, and
don't let personal matters or election
"tiffs" cause you to "bite off your nose to
spite your face." Let us all stand to-
gether for the common good. As our
old friend. Henry Henonar, Bays, "We
are nothing without water."
The Gazette is in it "heart and soul"
for an open river. When we do the
work ourselves as a state it will be done
Till then, only talk. The latter is the
favorite subterfuge of the average mem.
ber of congress. Our ruilroade patronize
the "slot" and our congressmen do the
From the Orcgoiitun.
The man of an average of 164 pounds
has enough iron in his make-tip to make
a ploughshare, enough phosphorous to
make a half million mutches, and enough
eleotricity in a life of fifty years to run
the eleotno oars ou Washington street
during the time of an "accident at the
power house." All nuhealthy people
lack more or less of this great health-re
taming element which preserves the bo
dy in healthy action. Dr. Damn's Elec
trical treatment reinstates this loea
thereby substituting health for disease
as the following cases testify :
Mr. J. A. Bennett, 41,'tf Hood street
South Portland, writes as follows: "For
a long time before oalling on Dr. Darrin
I was so severely allliotcd with sciatio
rheumatism that I could scarcely move,
I was robbed of my nights' sleep. Dr
Darrin cured me with electricity."
Mr. L. Jamison, lturke, Idaho, states
in a private letter: "Sinoo my return
borne I find no return of the malari
liver and kidney troubles. I think you
electric oure just the thing."
Mr. Geo. II. l'apenberg, Tualitan, Or.
was deaf ten years, so he could soaroely
bear a Bound, still retaiiiB his hearing.
He was cured three years ago by lr.
Captain II. B. Parker, proprietor of the
Parker House. Astoria, writes bo was
oured by Dr. Darrin of chronic catarrl
from the eiTeots of hi grippe by electri
otty and home medical treatment.
Dr. Darriu treats all curable chronic,
acute, ami private diseases, blood tain
lost or tailing manhood, nervous debility,
effects of errors, excesses in old or young,
loss of memory, diseases ouused by mer
cury in the improper treatment of private
diseases. All dillloult surgical opera
tions performed. Office 70'j Washing
ton street, Portland, Or. Hours 10 a. m.
to H p. m. daily. Consultation free and
coutideutial; question blanks and circu
lars sent gratis to any address; patients
cured at home after one visit to the doc
tor's oflioe.
Gnzette ouTLoriitoii's counters. Price
10 oeuts. tf.
Miss Ella Crabtree is making her home
with the editor and wife.
Miss Matteson, daughter of Albert
Matteson, is reported as quite ill.
Henrv Schoene has giveu up his place
at the Paluoe and returned to Bitter.
W. A. Biddle, a Gooseberry farmer,
was registered at the Puluce Monday
Press Thompson accompanied the boys
over to Pendleton Tuesday to see them
ride the goat. '
Phil Heppner returned to Arlington
last Friday after a pleasant visit with
his relatives here.
J. G. Doherty, Pat Keleghar and B.
. Doherty, three of our Irish friends,
oalled yesterday.
J. A. Ooff rey was over this way from
Long Creek a few days ago. He reports
plenty of winter over there.
Henrv Heppner'B new warehouse is
raoidly neariug completion. It is a fine
coking structure, built or. corrugated
Frank Sloan returned from Portland
last Friday, lie has been attendiug
business college at that place for some
Cakes Without Eggs.
Observing housekeepers quickly learn that Dr. Price's
Cram Baking Powder is far superior to other brands in
the fact that they never fail to make the finest pastry, and
if they wish to be economical they can dispense entirely with
eggs and can use a less quantity of butter for shortening
purposes. The advantage is not alone in the saving effected
but in avoiding the trouble and frequently the great difficulty
of securing eggs that are fresh. This is often a serious
Cakes of various kinds from the informal Griddle
Cakes to the stately Bride Cake can be made with Price's
Cream Baking Powder, which insures light, sweet and hand
some cakes; or when used for Griddle Cakes to be eaten hot
enables their production in the shortest space of time, always
tender and delicious.
Dr. Price's is the only Baking Powder that contains the
white of eggs. None so pure ! None so wholesome !
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder is re
ported by all authorities as free from Ammonia,
Alum, or any other adulterant. In fact, the
purity of this ideal powder has never been questioned.
Heppner, Oregon,
In it for the year '92. No .
Post Hay or Wooden Barley
here. All horses groomed
and fed in the proper man
ner. Feed for sale. Good
oorial and Free oamp house.
Horses to bay 75o per span
per day. 'Bus runs to and
from trains night or day.
Main atreet, - Heppner.
W. L. McCarty, of Eugene, suent sev
eral days the pn.-tt week with his daught
er, Mrs. Chas. Charlton, leaving for home
"Bill" Johnson, of our Slocum-Johns-ton
drug house, got in from Portland
t riday last. He reports all nourishing
Bob Knighten, Anson and SilaB
Wright were in Monday and report muob
plowing and seeding in progress on
Eight Mile.
Stniyccl-tlO Reward.
A bay filly, six years old, email Btar in
forehead, one white hind foot ; brauded.73
on left shoulder. When limt heard from
was in Dry Fork of Hock creek. $10 re
ward will be paid for her delivery at 11.
Furlong's on Khea Creek.
For Sale.
The hotel heretofore known ns the
Mountain House, one block from First
National bank in Heppner, Or. Con
tains parlor, dining room, baggage room,
kitchen and 15 bed rooms; all rooms
furnished. For further particulars in
quire of :i-tf T. W. Aykhh.
An ivorv umbrella handle between my
ranch and Heppner. Finder will be
liberally rewarded by leaving the same
at the Gazette ollice or at my place.
611-tf. Wm. HuutiEH,
Le Fevre'B prairie, near Camas prairie,
head of Juniper creek ; 320 acres deeded
laud. Apply at Gazette ollice. 63 0.
Cavaluy Housks Wanted. Those
who have sound horses, weighing from
1,000 to 1,'JOO pounds, in color black,
browu or gray, can lind sale for them by
calling on E. (1. Nperry ut the Belvedere
saloon. Fifty head wanted immedi
ately. IH-tf
Pronounced Hopeless Yet Saved.
From a letter written by Mrs. Ada E.
Hurd, of Groton, b. D., we quote; "Was
taken with a bad cold, which settled on
my lungs, oough Bet in and finally termi
nated 1 iu consumption. Four dootors
gave me up, Btiyiug I oould live but a
short time. I gavo myself up to my
Saviour, determined if I oould not stay
with my friends on earth, I would meet
my ubsent ouea above. My husband
was advised to got Dr. King's New Dis
oovery for consumption, coughs and
colds. I gave it a trial, took in all eight
bottles; it has cured me, and thank God
I am now a well and hearty woman."
Trial bottlea free at Slocum-Johnston
Drug Co.'e.
Pno dark brown borse.with star in
forehead, collar marked,' soar on front
leg from out on barbed wire; branded
JB on right hip; weight about 1100; 7
years old. When last seen wus securely
fnsteued in front of J. R. Simons' blaok
Bniith shop, Sunday night, about ten
o'clock. I will give suituble reward for
return of this horse to my place, or for
information leading to bis reoovery.
65 6 James G. Dohkbty.
Latmi. Jnat na we go to press we
learu that the horBe has boon found, but
that the saddle, bridle and halter are
still miBsing. The owner makes same
offer for the return of this property.
A WariltnK- Don't Use Big Words .
In promulgating esoteric cogitations or
articulating superficial sentimentalities
and philosophical or psychological ob
servations, beware of platitudinous pon
derosity. Let your statements possess a
elarihed conciseness, oompaotea oompre
hensibleness, ooalescent consistency and
a ooucentrated cogency, Esohew all
conglomerations of flatulent garrulity,
jejune babblement nnd asinine affecta
tions. In trying to impress upon others
the Biineriority of the Wisconsin Central
Lines, and why you and bo manv others
nse this thoroughfare from St. Paul Bnd
Minneapolis and Duluth and Ashland to
Milwaukee, Chioago and points east and
south, it is not necessary to use jaw
breakers. Let your extemporaneous
desoantinga and unpremeditated expa-
tialions have intelligibility and vera
oioua vivacity, without rhodomontade or
thrasonical bombast. Sedulously avoid
all polysyllabio profundity, psittaceous
vacuity, ventriloquul verbosity and
vandiloauent vanidity. shun double en-
tendres, prurient jooosity and pestiferous
protanity, obscurent or apparent, in
other words talk plainly, naturally, sen
sible and truthfully say the Wisconsin
Central Lines is the uotjte, and that
ends it. 465tf.
Iu his now quarters, City Barber shop
stand, yon will tin il Gid Hntt. He oan't
part u bulil head in the middle or Bhave
whiskers where none exsist, but he's
lightning ou good subjects. Shaviug,
huiroutting niicl shampooing done iu a
satisfactory manner.
The new "con," 11. C. French, ia well
pleased with his run ou the branch, as
well as with his new borne, Heppner.
Mayor T. J. Matlock oame iu from the
beep ranoh iu McDonald canyon to at
tend the regular council meeting Monday
Mrs. C. M. Shields ia here in the inter
est of a free library, which will eventu
ally lead to a free reading room. Itiliu
the interest of a good cause.
Jimmie Doherty had the misfortune to
loose his horse while in Heppner Hominy
night. It was eilher stolen or has stray
ed away. See discriptive local iu another
See .1. W. Cowins for Rock Springs
coal. Leave orders at (iiizette ollice. u
Hardware? Yes, at Gilliam & Bis
bee's, Main St., Heppner, Or. a.
Ruhl, the baker. Buy your bread and
oakes and save money. Try it. a.
New tirm, and prices as low (is ever.
Lichteiitlial Si hirzingor's, old stand.
Collin & McFnrland will buy wheat
at all Btations ou the lleppuer branch.
Minor Bros. Bre now Belling flour at
bed rook prices. For cubIi only. See
new ad. a
Buy the Peerless Hour, 81.00 per barrel,
cheapest and best iu the market. At
Collin McFarlud's. a
An elegant assortment of boots and
shoes, winter stock, just arrived at M
Lichtonthal & Co.'s a
Nails by the oar load at Gilliam & Bis-
bee's. Grant oouuty people will do well
to cull on them. a.
Wanted More customers to buy goods
of the Heppuer Furniture Co. Great
bargains tins spring. a.
Drugs, niedioiuea, toilet nrtioles and
everything in his line at T. W. Avers, Jr.
Kent grade oigars always in stock, a.
A fine lot of imported Shot Guns at
Thompson A Cos at bin gain prices, no
jobbers prolits. a
Frank H. Snow, Commissioner U. S.
Circuit Court ut Lexington, Or., is
authorized to reoeive fees for publication
of final proofs. 414 tf.
For all kinds of artists' materials,
paints, oils, varnishes, studies, crayons
etc., go to S. C. Smith's, May street.
The only full line in towu. 6Utf.
H. Blackmail & Co. bave an exclusive
General Merchandise store. Stockmen
cannot do better tbau patronize U.
Blackmail Co., of lleppuer's Piuneer
Brick. a.
Settlers who filed timber-culture or
pre-emption claims on railroad land in
or 1H87 oau recover their fees by
applying tu Frank 11. Snow, U. S. Com
misHioner, at Lexington. Bring your
1 tiliug receipt. 430-tf.
This is a patent medicine advertise
ment, but your ntteution one moment
may save you muoh BulToriug as well lis
We oure that oough.
We cure that tiokliug.
We cure that hacking.
We cure that throat clearing.
We cure Croup.
We cure Bronchitis.
We oure that La Grippe Cough.
We help you to siug and apeak.
We are not this S. B. Lozenges.
We are a pleasant Cough Syrup.
We are put up iu 50 and 75 oent bottles.
We aro the 8. B. Cough Cure.
Guaranteed by Sloeum Johnston Brug
Co. 01-65.
Fine Timumb. Perhaps, the besttim.
ber growing iu the Blue mountains can
be found ou Hock creek, in the vicinity
of Will Mallory's Baw-mill. This class
of timber Mr. Mallory is using iu making
lumber which ho delivering in Hopp-
uei all the way tnuu flfi to 8.(0 per
thousand test, depending ou the quality,
and whether desired rough or dressed.
The same oau he bought at the mill at
prices ranging from $S to &J5 per thous
and. He has a general assortment or
band at present, and is sure to satisfy
customers. 4-i-tr.
Babies' Day. On Thursday of each
week will be babies dav at Dauncr 8
gallery. Bring along your babies and
have their pictures taken, and you will
get oue photo free of charge. 58tf
F. E. Southard, a friend of the Huberts
brothers of Heppner, was in town last
week representing Portland wholesale
' '
Has p,ed under new management. Living rates will be cliargea o a u who u.o
building up a legitimate hotel business. our patronage is solicited.
Who Are You?
Knowing that Heppner has never bad
a good washerman for years past, I bave
AoniAari tn nnnn n wash bollRA in the
hulMlm. Fru-marlv nmmnifli hv T.Afl ToV.
and to this end bave procured the ser
vices ot a nrst-ciass wasuerman lroui
Portland. This man bas spent bis en
tire life m laundry work, consequently
will give satisfaction. Washing and
ironing 50c per dozen. Hoping you
will give me a trial, i am,
Tours to please,
65-6 John L. Sullivan, Manager.
2.00 per 100 square feet. Makes a t;ood roof for
years, and anyone can put it on. Send stamp
for sample and full particulars.
Gum Elastic Roofing Co.,
39 & 41 West Uroadway, New York.
68-75 Local Agents Wanted.
Kub your peepers ;
Open wide each eye.
Hardware seekers,
Bargain reapers
Now's the time to buy
Hardware, Stoves and Heaters.
Don't be backward in coming forward and don't fall over
yourselves in the rush. We are not robbers, so we
won't hold you up, but don't let others hold you
down with their "trust."
Come in I Come in ! for we are in the swim by thunder.
Give us your patronage and you will never go under.
A lull itock of Hardware, Tinware, Stovei, Pumpi, Gss Pipe, Steam Fixtures, Guru
indAmniiiiilUon, Blacksmiths Coal, Iron and Steel, Agricultural Imple
ment!, Wagons, Hacks, Buggica, Buckboards, Carts, fctc., ttc.
(Opposite Palace Hotel,)
Something New!
3. 0. HATES
F. K. Holland called on ns yesterday,
itU good spirits as to the coming year,
which prospects well so far. Much plow
ing and seeding is in progress iu his
locality However, rain is badly needed.
Land Ofllce at La Omiide, Or., Oct. 2, 1801.
Notice In hereby (riven that the following
named settler has tiled notice of hia intention to
make final Drool in support ot his claini, and
that said proof will be made before the County
Clcrlt of Morrow County, Or., at Heppner, Or.,
on March lit,, 1MI2. viz:
ABKAHAM n. i;il A I'M AN,
Hd No. Hli:l. for the E' KE'-i Bee 11. SEW SEU
Sec 2, and WWij NWfc Sec 12, Tp :I8R JJ E W M.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
Baid land, viz:
A. J. Cook. w. H. Clark, ( has. cate and uues
Dautjhcrty, all of Lena, Oregon.
4liri-70. . Register.
I HAVE in stock a lot of billiard supplies
which I will be pleased to furnish those need
ing the same at reasonable figures. Am also
prepared to repair tables.
uive me a enauce wneu juu wu aujmms m
the kind.
heppner, Oregon.
Corn Meal
Cedar Posts.
SPLIT CEDAR POSTS, 6 feet long,
delivered on oars or boat in East Port
land, for 7 or 8 cents each. Eastern Or
egon and Washington parties are pleased
with them. We prefer buyers should
have them inspected before the posts are
shipped. Address,
liivetinet Coinixmy
E. Quaokenbosh, President,
G2-5 P. O. Drawer 22, Portland, Or.
HAVING purchased machinery for grinding
Corn Meal, we invite all our patrons to
bring lu their corn and get in return a superior
65-tf. T. W. Ayebs. Sr., Manager.
oil r -o-i.ttrtnrshiD uinler the firm name
of J. A. wooiery a uo., tor tne purpont ui vtury
luc nn pfMittral merchandising at Hani man and
imiR. Mnrrnw tin.. Oregon. All accounts due
J. A. Woolery on the old books axe payable to
him, but will be received by the new firm and
properly receipted for. ThoBe owing are re
quested to settle up Immediately.
H J. A. Woolery,
E. 8. Cox,
64-08. 8. W. Adams. .
Saddles, Harness, Whips, Spurs, and every Conceivable
Article kept in a First Class Harness Shop.
Repairing a Specialty !
tantly on
Go to their store for the Improved WHITE SEWING MACHINE. Warranted for
five years. Don't buy elsewhere till you examine their machines and
get oash prioea.
"Oh, where! Oh, where can I get a shoe.
That Jits like a glove and won't wear through,
That feels so easy and looks so neat
That others will envy the style of my feett"
Kind friend, to your question let me say:
Come along with me, I'll shotv you the way
To Mat & Hank's, where they have made
The best brand of shoes sold to lite trade.
Some months ago I thought I would buy
A pair of these shoes, just to give them a try.
They gave such satisfaction, I'll not need another pair
For at least six months, which is quite rare.
Main Street, Hesrra.ei-, Or.
1 ins of the stockholders of The Palace Hotel
Co. will be-held In the office of the First Nation
al Bant, on Saturday, March 12, 1WB, at 1 o'clock,
p. m. The object of the meeting is to adopt by
laws and attend to such other business as may
be brought before the meeting at this time.
J. W. Morrow,
64-68. Secretary.
j&A; lone.
Having established a Blacksmithing
Business at lone, Morrow Co., I solicit the
patronage of all. Horseshoeing a specialty.
Prices reasonable.
Do yoii wnut to save from 2j to CO
cents ou every dollar you spend? If so,
write for onr Mammoth Illustrated Cat
alogue, containing lowest manufacturers'
prices of Groceries, Dry Goods, Boots
and Shoes, Clothing, Uadware, Agricul
tural Imulemonts, etc.
Mailed ou receipt of 50 cent for postage.
Flour Exchanged for Wheat.
T. W. AYERS, Sr.. Manager.
Baker :: and :: Confectioner,
Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes and Confectionery.
M idi on Short Notice and at Popular Prick.
5- Bread 23 Loave for $1.00.
New Warehouse !
Heppner a capacious w arehouse and platform room.
He will soon be ready to receive the spring clip, and attend
to such other business as may be entrusted to him. Having
been in this business at Arlington for some years, the public
know what to expect of him, and he therefore asks for a con
tinuance of patronage at his
New Warehouse,
Rock Springs Coal!
I will keep constantly on hand the BesT
Screened Rock Springs Coal, which I will
deliver in any part of Heppner
At a lleasonable Price.
Leave your orders at the Gazette Office
J. W. COWINS, Heppner, Or.