The Weekly Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1890-1892, February 18, 1892, Image 1

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j7 Vo ..54 ..
The Gazette,
Price 70 Cents Per Copy.
In The Gazette
NO. 465.
Every Thursday Afternoon
Ar '2.00 per year, $1.25 for six months, $0.75
for t iree muutns; in advance. If paid for at the
cuu ui mi lnouuiu, f,z.ou a year will te cliarged.
Advertising Rates Made Known on
The -EAaLE," of Long Creek, Grant
County. Oretron. is imbliBhed bv the muiic com
pany every Friday morning. Subscription
price, finer year. l'oradvertiBinprati's, address
J-t- jfATXK5Q2T, Editor ana
Manager, liong Creek, Oregon, or "Gazette,
Heppner, Oreson.
THI8 PAPER is kept on file at E. C. Pake's
Advertising Agency, M and 65 Merchants
cxcnangs, ruin Francisco, lauiorma, wnere cou
tracts tor advertising can be made for it.
X J Oregon I'resB Association. 2ti Ash Street.
between Firrt and Second, Portland, Oregon, ib
our only agent located in that place. Advertis
ers should consult him for rateB and space in
uie uazeiiu.
Wagner, B. A. Hunsaker
Arlington, Henry Heppner
Long Creek, The Eagle
r-eno, Bon biiaw
CaniHB Prairie, Oscar De Vaul
Matteaou ; Alien McFerrin
Nye, Or H. C. Wright
iittruman, ur., j. a. nooiery
Hamilton, Grant Co., Or., Mattie A. Rudio
lone, T. J. Carl
Prairie City, Or., R. R. McHaley
Canyon City, Or., 8. L. Piirrish
Pilot Rock. G. P. Kkelton
Davville. Or J. K. Snow
John Day, Or., P. I. MeCallum
Athena, Or John Edlngton
Pendleton. Or YVm. G. MeCroBkev
Mount Vernon, Grant Co., Or., Postmaster
wneioy, or., miss bteiia 1 len
Fox, Grant Co., Or., J. F. Allen
Eight Mile, Or., Mrs. Andrew Ashbaugh
Upper Rhea Creek, li. F. Heviaud
Douglas, Or B. White
Lone Rock, Or R. M. Johnson
Gooseberry W. P. Snyder
tjonaon, uregon Herbert naisieaa
Union Pacific Railway-Local card,
No, 10, mixed leaves Heppner 8 a. m.
' 10, ' ar. at Arlington 11-00 a.m.
" 9, " leaves " H:5i p, m.
U, " ar. at Heppner b:50 p. m,
except Sunday.
KaBt bound, main line ar. at Arlington 3:50 p. m.
West ' '' " leaves " 4:'20 p. m.
Night trains are rnnning on same time as before.
Stage leaves for Monument daily,
excei t (Sunday, Bt6:d0 A. m.
Arrives daily, exuept Monday, at
6:00 p. m.
Direot connection can be made at
Monument with the Long Crefk stage.
. Duily Bthge between Long Creek and
Canyon City, connecting at the latter
place with the stage for Burns and tiil-
vies valley.
fiovernor S. Pennoyer.
8eo. of State G. W. McHride.
Treasurer Phil Matachan.
8uot. Instruction E, li. McElroy,
Judge Seventh District W.L. Bradshaw
District Attorney w. a. vuson
Joint Senator Henry Blackman.
Representative J . C. Thompson.
County Judge Julius Keithiy.
(Join mission ere J. A. Thompson,
H. M. Vaughn.
Clerk J. W. Morrow.
' Sheriff Geo. Noble.
" Treasurer J.W. Matlock.
Assessor J. J. ftlcGee.
Surveyor C. B.Crane.
' School Sup't W.L.Saling.
Coroner James Dougherty.
Mayor T.J. Matlock
( -ouncilmen O. E. Farnsworth, (!.
M.Miiliory, W. J. McAtee. S. P. GarrigueB, Thoa.
Morgan and Frank Gilliam.
Recorder A. A. Roberts.
Preaflurer W.J. Leezer.
Marshal J. W. Rasmus.
secret societies.
Doric Lodge No. 20 K. of P. meets ev
ery Tuesday evening at 7.30 o'clock in
their Castle Hall, National Bank build
ing. Sojourning brothers cordially in
vited to attend. Emil VOBOZ. C. C.
T. C. Aubrey, K. of B. & S. tf
G. A. R.
Meets at Lexington, Or., the last Saturday of
each month. All veterans are invited to join.
0. C. Boon, Gko. W. Smith.
Adjutant, tf Commander.
Heal Estate, Insurance and Collection
Office in
Heppner, tf Oregon
J. N. BliOWN,
Attorney at Law,
Brown & Hamilton.
Practice in all conrts of the state. Insurance,
real estate collect! jn and loan agents.
Prompt attention given to all business entrust
ed to them.
Opposite Gazette Office, Heppner. tf
This Institution offers to young ladies every
advantage for home and social comfort. The
course of studies embraces all the branches
necessary to the acquisition of a solid and
retiued education. The lAnguapes, Linear
Drawing. Vocal Music in class, and all kinds
of needlework form no extra charge. Terms
moderate. For further Information address
Sister Suferior,
PENDLETON - 39--tf
Btppner, : : tf ; Oregon.
m WM
Are having their land busiuess straight
ened out and shaped np. How about
yours? If not in satisfactory condition
it would be a Rood plan to see about it
at once. 1 am giving careful and ene
L'etio attention to entries, final proofs
"railroad land" and all business relating
to lands in Morrow oonnty.
ixvAJMUk. id. SJNUW,
U. S. Commissioner,
Lexington, Or.
From Terminal or Interior Points the
Is the line to take
It is the DINING CAB ROUTE. It run
(No Change of Cars)
Composed of DINING CARS unsurpassed,
Of Latest Equipment
Best that oan be constructed and in
which aooommodatioos are both
FBEE and furnished for holders
' of First or Second-Class
Tickets, and
Elegant Day Coachs.
A Continuous Line connecting with all
Lines, affording Direct and Uninter
rupted Service.
Pullman Sleeper Reservation can be
Secured in 'advance through
any agent of the road.
To and from all points in America, Eng
land and Enrope can be purchased
at any Ticket Office of this
Full information concerning rates, time
of trains, routes and other details
furnished on application to any
agent, or
Assistant General Pft8ineer Agent.
Ao. 121 First St., Cor. M ashington,
Northern Pacific
Notes Gathered By Those Who
Are Progressive.
And With a View to Benefiting the Stockman,
Farmer, Horticulturist, Dairyman, Etc,
Sheep are oleanly.
Market wool in a good condition.
It is not good eoonomy to keep old
The market demands early matured
Flan to have real good mutton during
the summer.
Protection from extremes is necessary
for sheep.
Sheep raised on the farm will not bring
disease there.
Good muttons can be raised oheaper
than any other meet.
Sheep are good to keep the pastures
in good condition.
When you have bought a flock of
sheep take care of them.
Severe oold is not nearly so ii.iurious
to sheep as dampness and net.
Of the different kinds of hay for sheep.
alfulfa is the best, with millet next.
When it can be done the ewes that are
to lamb should be kept in small lots.
For the Western fanner. sheen eanallv
good for mutton or for wool are the best.
When early lambs are exDectd. take
particular oare of the ewea during the
next two months.
Using a pure-bred ram is one of the
cheapest and best ways of imnrovinir
the flock of sheep.
Reports from wool markets are to the
effect that there is but little activity
mown by buyers, with no material
ohange in prices.
It is no use to trv to crow nica without
nu ttuuuu iuoe oi me rii?nr, kind nr rood
and a knowledgs of how it should be
A pig that is made comfortable and is
well fed, is not difficult to sustain; it is
the half-starved pig that makes the
Don't let the store hogs into winter
quarters infested with lice. Clear out
the pests with lard thinned with crude
oil or kerosene.
Beginners often think that a necessary
start to hog growing is costly buildings
and furnishings. A start made with
suoh buildings usually ends in disap
pointment. Cheap and unattractive
shelter will answer every purpose till ex
perience teacheB what kind of a building
should be put up.
The kink or curl of a pig's tail is a
good index to his thrift or oondition.
The farmer that sold off his Btock of
straight tails was rnuob disappointed to
find that the curly tuiled stock that he
bought to replace them soon degenerated
to the condition of those he had sold ;
failing to realize that a poorly supplied
feed trough was the cause of his disap
By having the calves come in the fall,
two summers and one winter feeding oan
be secured before marketing.
If good oare has been taken in breed
ing and feeding, from twenty-four to
thirty months is the most profitable age
at which cattle should be marketed.
About 500 head of oattle are being fat
tened in the vicinity of Butter creek, oo
alfalfa and mill feed. Alfalfa is proving
very valuable m eastern Oregon ad it has
elsewhere for fattening oattle.
A very oommon and serious mistake
made by shippers in sending their cattle
to market is overloading the oars. This
will most always result in one or more
being killed or orippled if the journey is
a long one, and the loss in this way is
apt to be muoh more than the coat of an
extra car. Then the condition of the
cattle is greatly lowered by over-loading.
Among the breeders of high grade cat
tle the Herefords are generally acknow
ledged the best rustlers, the Polled Angus
the hardiest, and the Shorthorns for
ranoh and beef purposes combined carry
ff the palm.
Sprains, Bruises,
Of Voting, and how Conducted,
and takes Effect at the next
General Election.
The Primary Election Law Applies to Those
Held in Cities of Twenty Five
Uondred or More.
The following is the Australian ballot
law as passed by the last session of legis
lature. Beit Enacted by the Legislative Assem
bly of the State of Oregon.
Seotion 1. A general election shall be
beldin the several election precincts in t his
State on the first Monday iu June, 1892.
and biennially thereafter, at which there
shall be choseu so many of the following
oflioers as are by law to be eleoted in
such year, namely: A Governor, Secre
tary of State, State Treasurer, Superin
tendent of Publio Instruction, State
Printer, Justices of the supreme Court,
members of congress, circuit judges,
members of the State senate and house
of representatives, county judges, district
attorneys, county superintendents of
oommon schools, commissioners of the
county court, oounty clerks, sheriffs,
oounty treasurers, coroners, assessors,
county surveyors, justioes of the peace
and constables, and all other State, dis
trict, oounty und precinct officers provid
ed by law.
Section 2. It shall be the duty of the
county court in the several counties of
the state, at the regular term in January
preceding the general election, to set off
and establish election precincts within
the oounty. Said court may set off and
establish in said county as many tleotion
precincts as may be deemed necessary
or convenient, and they ehuil be desig
nated by numbers or names; provided,
that no election precinct shall contain
more than two hundred and fifty electors,
as nearly as oan be ascertained by the
court, and the order setting oo" and es
tablishing each election prficiuot shall
particularly bound tbo'sum and desig
nate one polling place therein? '
Section 3. The county court shall
also, at said January term, appniut for
eaoh of said eleotion precinots three
capable and discreet persons possessing
the qualifications of electors, who ahull
not all be of the same political party, to
act as judges of elections, and shall des
ignate one of the three to be ohairman;
and shall also appoint two suitable per
sons having the qualifications of eleotors,
and who shall be of different political
parties, to act as clerks of election. The
said judges and clerks so appointed shall
hold their offices for two years. The
oounty clerk shall make out and deliver
to the sheriff of the county, immediately
after the appointment of the said judges
and clerks, a notice thereof in writing,
directed to eaoh judge and each clerk so
Seotion 4. Immediately after the ap
pointment of said judges and clerks,
before bdv general election, and at least
twenty days previous to any special
election, the county clerk shall deliver to
the sheriff of the oounty three notices of
the election for eaoh election precinct in
said county. Said notices shall be in the
following form:
Notioe is hereby given that on the
day of , 18, at the in the
precinct of , in the county of
, an election will be held for State,
district, county and precinct oflioers,
namely: (Here name the offices to be
filled); which election will be held at 8
o'clock in the morning, and will continue
until 6 in the afternoon of said day.
Dated this day of 18.
County Clerk.
It shall be the duty of the sheriff, with
in thirty days in the case of any general
eleotion, and withiu ten days in the case
of any special election, after the receipt
of said notices, to serve the notices of
appointment upon eaoh of the said judges
aud clerks, and post the three election
notices in publio plaoes in tbe vicinity of
each polling place.
section 5. The said judgBS and olerks
shall meet at their respective polling
places designated in eaid notices at the
time prescribed for holding a general or
speoial election, to act as judges and
clerks of said eleotion. The judge ap
pointed chairman by the county court
shall aot as ohairman, if he be present,
and if not, the judges shall elect one of
their number chairman.
Section 6. Before enteriog upon the
Burns, Swellings,
discharge of their duties, the said judges
and olerks shall each take and subscribe
the following oath in eaoh of the poll
books, whioh oath shall be administered
by any officer authorized to administer
oaths, or the ohairman, if be be present,
and if not, then by one of the judges:
I, , do solemnly swear (or af
firm) that I will perform the duties of
judge oftflectiou (or clerk, as the oase
may be) according to law; that I will
studiously endeavor to preyeut fraud,
deceit and abuse in oonduoting the eleo
tion. Seotion 7. In oase one or more of said
judges of election shall not be present at
the time prescribed for opening tbe polls,
the electors present may elect a qualified
person from their number to act as suoh
judge of election.
Seotion 8. In oase one or more of said
olerks shall not be present at the time of
opening the polls, the judges of eleotion
shall appoint a suitable person to aot us
clerk of said eleotion.
Section 9. All geueral or speoial elec
tions hereafter held in this State shall be
oondnoted under the provisions of this
act, and the polls shall be opened at tbe
hour of 8 in the forenoon, -and continue
open until 6 o'clock iu the afternoon of
the same day, at whioh time the polls
shall be closed. Prior to opeoing the
polls the ohairman of the said judges of
eleotion shall make public proclamation
of the same, and thirty minutes before
dosing of the palls publio proclamation
shall be made by tbe same offioer that
the polls will be closed in half an hour.
The judges, in their discretion, may ad
journ the polls at 1 o'clock for one hour,
proclamation of the same being made,
but the judges and clerks shall keep to
gether, and at no time shall more
than one of thembe out of the pres
ence of the others. The ballot
boxes, poll book, ballot stubs and
tally sheets shall be constantly kept to
gether in tbe presence and view of at
least four of the said officers from the
opening of the polls uutil the count is
completed aud tbe returns signed .and
sealed as hereinafter provided, and after
the count has once .begun it shall contin
ue until fully completed, without any
adjournment, and in tbe presence of all
the judges Bnd clerks.
Seotion 10. In all speoial eleotions
the certificates, of nomination may be
filed at any time between the date of the
writ authorizing the election and the
time of holding the election, and in all
other matters and proceedings therein,
the ptovistfins of this aot hhall apply so
far as the same are applicable to suoh
special election.
Seotion 11. It shall be the duty of
each judge or clerk of eleotion, or any
eleotor present, to challenge any person
offering to vote whom he shall know or
suspect not to be qualified as an elector.
Section 12. If a person offering to vote
is challenged as unqualified by any one
enumerated in seotion 11, the chairman
of the said judges shall administer to
him the following oath or affirmation:
"You do solemnly swear (or affirm) that
you will fully and truly answer all suoh
questions as shall be put to you touching
your place of residence and qnnlifloation
as an elector at this eleotion?" The
ohairman shall then propound suoh ques
tions to the person ohallenged as may be
neoessary to test his qualifications as an
elector at that election. The judges may
hear such other testimony anil consider
such other evidence as is proper upon
the question. If all the judges oannot
Certain baking powder makers are publishing falsified extracts from the
Government reports, with r . mended analyses and certificates, wherein an
attempt is made to compare their baking powders with the "Royal," or
making bogus tests from house to house, their obvious purpose being to
counteract the recent exposures of the inferiority of their own goods arising
from their impurity, low strength, and lack of keeping qualities as shown
by the Government chemists and others.
As to whether any of these baking powders are
equal to the "Royal," the official tests clearly deter
mine. When samples of various baking powders were
purchased from the grocers, and analyzed by the United
States Government Chemists and the Chemists of State
and City Boards of Health, the reports revealed the fact
that the "Royal" contained from 28 per cent, to 60 per
cent, more leavening strength than any other cream of
tartar baking powder, and also that it was more perfectly
made, of purer ingredients, and altogether wholesome.
As these powders are sold to consumers at the same price, by the use
of the Royal Baking Powder there is an average saving of over one third,
besides the advantage of assured purity and wholesomeness of food, and of
bread, biscuit, and cake made perfectly light, sweet, and palatable advan
tages not to be had in the use of the low-grade, cheaply made baking pow
ders that contain lime, alum, r.d other impurities.
agree, the majority of the judges shall
deoide the matter.
Section 13. If the person so challeng
ed shall refuse to answer fully any ques
tion touching bis qualifications as an
eleotor whioh shall be put to him, the
judges shall rejeot his vote.
Seotion H. If the challenge be not
withdrawn after the person offering to
vote shall have auswered the questions
put to him as aforesaid, the ohairman of
said judges shall admiuister to him the
the following oath:
"You do solemnly swear (or affirm)
that you are a citizen of tbe United
States, or have declared your mteutiou
to become suoh, one year next preceding
this election ; that you are of the age of
twenty one years; that you have been a
resident of this State for six months next
preceding this eleotion ; that you now
reside in this precinct ; that you have not
voted at this eleotion, and that your true
name is as you represent it to be." If
the elector only olaims the right to vote
for State, or district and State oflioers,
the oath shall be modified accordingly.
Seotion 15. Whenever any person's
right to vote shall have been ohallenged,
and he has taken the oath prescribed by
seotion U, it shall bo the duty of tbe
clerks of election to write on tbe poll
books at tbe end of suoh person's name
tha words "ohallenged and sworn," aud
the further words "rejeoted," or "voted,"
according to tbe fact.
Sectiou 10. The judges of eleotion, in
determining the residence and qualifica
tions of persons offering to vote, shall be
governed by the following rules, so fur
as the same may be applicable:
1. The place shall be considered and
held to be the residonce of a poison in
which his habitation is fixed, and to
which, whenever he is absent, ho has the
intention of returning.
2. A person shall not be considered
or bold to have lost his residence who
shall leave his home and go into another
State or Territory or oounty of this
State for a temporary purpose only.
3. A person shall not he considered
or held to have gained a residenoe in
any county of this State into which he
shall come for temporary purposes, only,
without the intention of making said
oounty his home, but with the iutention
of leaving the same when he shall have
aooomplished tbe business that brought
him into it.
i. If a person remove to any other
State, or to any of the Territories, with
the intention of making it his permaneut
bom he shall be oonsidered uud held to
have lost his residenoe in this State.
5. The place where a murriod man's
family reside shall be considered and
held to be his residence.
6. The place where an unmarried
man sleeps shall be oonsidered aud held
to be his residence.
7. If a person shall go from this State
into any other State or Territory, af1
there exercise the right of suffrage, he
shall be Considered and held to have lost
bis residence in this State.
8. All qualified eleotors shall vote in
the election precinct in the county where
they may reside for county oflioers, and
in any county in the State for State
officers, or in any oounty ot a congres
sional distnot in which such eleotors
may reside for members of oongreas.
Continued in next week's Ume.
Note. The primary election law, pub
lished in last week's issue, does not ap
ply to Morrow county, but only to cities
of 2,500 or more. It is no doubt the in
per ct difference.
Strongest, Purest, Most Economical.
tent ot the law to have all primaries
squarely oonduoted, and if wrong doing
in this respect is practiced, it will more
likely ooour iu cities than elsewhere.
Under the new law it will be diffioult to
praotioe any fraud or ohioanery.
A Division to be Institnted at Pendleton
Uniforms Ordered.
From the E. O.
Pendleton will soon have a flourishing
division of the uniform rank, K. of P.
Arrangements were made at a meeting
of Harmony Lodge Tuesday evening for
procuring handsome uniforms, measures
for thirty of which have been taken by
H. M, Collom, travelling representative
for M. C. Lilly & Co. of Columbus, 0
who is in tbe city.
Members will meet next Sunday at 3
p. m. at the Castle Hall for the purpose
of choosing officers, selecting a name and
making other arrangements. Tbe divis
ion will be installed in April, and Orand
Chancellor J. T. Hayu will probably ba
here to officiate.
A Very Common Want
"Out of Borts," "distrait," "the blues,"
these are familiar appellatives for un
comfortable, undefiuable sensations, ac
companied with lassitude, nervousness,
indigestion. Poverty of the blood, to
remedy which an effective stomaohic
persistently used is the paramount need,
is conclusive evidence that the System is
insufficiently nourished beoause snd
for no other cause where organic disease
does not exist the food is not assim
ilated. Reinforce tbe flagging energies
of the stomach, reform an irregular oon
dition of the bowels, keep up a healthful
seoretion of the bile, with Hostetter's
.Stomach bitters. For oyer thirty years
this popular medicine has supplied the
oommon want of the nervous invalid, the
dyspeptic and the persons deficient in
vitality, an effioient tonic. To its power
of imparting strength is attributable its
efficacy as a preventive of malaria and
la grippe. Thoroughly effective is it too
for rheumatism, kidney complaint and
Accidental Shooting.
Krom the Arlington Record.
Last Sunday, "Lita" Morris, son of J.
H. Morris, a former resident of this city,
met with a serious if not a fatal accident
at Fossil. It appears that one ot the
Zaohary boys was preparing to ride a
wild horse, und banded to Mr. Morris
his pistol and cartridge belt In making
the change the weapon fell, striking on
the floor in such a manner as to discharge
the contents in Morris' groin. Medical
aid has been in constant attendance, but
they have not yet been able to discover
or locate the ball. His condition is very
critical at this writing.
Uoaht Town Property.
On last Friday Sara Kinsman boaght
the remainder of Nels Joues' addition to
the town of Happner, extending as far
south as Sodaville. The consideration
was, we are informed, $125 per acre.
Wasco Sun: Frank H. Snow, of Mor
row oounty, is iu the city attending to
some business at the U. S. land office.
Mr. Snow is an old typo, being formerly
of the firm of Snow & Whitson, publish
ers of the Lexington Budget.
W. F. Loder, the teacher of the Rood
school for the past term, called Saturday
before returning to Hardman.
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