Li THE WEEKLY HEPPNElt GAZETTE: FEBRUARY 11, 1892.; THE GA Z E T T E. I SOCIAL MATTERS. Here and There. Job work At the Gazette office. Can't be beat anywhere. Hon. T. E. Fell went below Mond:iy. Bob Sbaw got in Monday from Seattle. , Thos. Quaid Bays his stock are doing welL L. W. Bnggs went down to Lexington yesterday. Miss May Mutlook is quite ill with erysipelas. W. A. Johnston went down to Portland Monday last. Mrs. S. 0. Kirk has been quite ill for past two weeks. Geo. Vincent was over from Butter creek Friday last. Minor Bros, keep Spray Bros.' hams, bocon and lard, 60-tf. Ed. Cni, the Hardnian merchant, was it town Monday. Joe Woolery was in from Hardman Saturday last. Hon. A m. Hughes is in the John Day oountry this week. Hi Tasta was in from the Hardman oountry Saturday. T. W. Ayers, Jr., has been on the siok list for the past week. Reub. Sperry and wife are visiting Heppner for a few days. Daily stage both ways between Monu ment and Long Creek. tf. Ed. Day and Geo. Phipps were in from Butter oreek Saturday. Nicest bams, breakfast baoon and fresh lard at Spray Bro. We had a pleasant visit from Sam Cox, of Hardman, yesterday. Luther Huston, of Eight Mile, was in Heppner lost Friday. Will Allison, of Eight Mile, reports Jas. J. Adkins as quite HI. W. P. Snyder, the Gooseberry peda gogue, was over Tuesday. The wife of Stacy Roberts, of the Eight Mile section, is muoh better. Neokties for the million at less than cost at C. S. Van Duyu's. . 03-6 The child of Mr. Furlong, who lives near Hardman, is quite ill. Born In Goldendale on Jan. 27th, to the wife of Dolph Gaunt, a son. Bill Ingrtim and Isaac Enighten were over from Eight Mile Saturday. When in Arlington, Btop at the Ben nett house, near the depot. (il-tf. Joe Woolery and family moved this week to their new borne at lone. Sam McUride is building a splendid residence in Nelse Jones' addition. D. E. Oilman oame in from Haystaok Monday returning home Tuesday. Sheriff Noble struck out Wednesday to begin his task of oollooting taxes. Mr. Loder, a teaoher of the Hamilton oountry, was in Heppner last week. Mrs. Harry Phillips has been on the sick list for some days, but is improving. H. Wade, of Sand Hollow, reoently lost Beveral cows from causes unknown. Mrs. T. C. Aubrey was a pleasant call er at the Gazette's headquarters yes terday. Alex Graham was in town last week, and he will stort soon for Dakota with horses. From the E. 0. it is learned that Hon. Henry Blackmau has been visiting Pen dleton. Leonard L. Powell and Jos. L. How ard made proof before Clerk Morrow last Saturday. See our full stock of calf shoes for la dies. A perfeot drive, $1.75, at 0. S. Van Duyn's. 03-6 John Brown, the vegetable sharo of Blaok Horse, says his family are all down with la grippe. Now is the time to buy your clothing, at prioes never known before, at C. a. Van Duyn's. 63 6 H. M. Powell is making extensive preparations for irrigating his Sand Hol low possessions. Geo. Eoudebush, the well-known trav elling man, was in Heppner over Tues day of this week. Can't you see the big advertisement in this issue announcing the masquerade on the 22,1 inst. ? J. W. Morrow is feeding his stock reg ular Missouri corn fodder, and Bays it is just the thing. Henry Blackwell got over from Long Oreek Tuesday. He reports some win ter in that section. Bob Hynd was over from Sand Hollow Saturday last, and reports his sheep in excellent condition. G. B. Hatt received word yesterday that his father is in a very low oondition at his home in Maine. Billy Douglas was in Saturday last to attend the regular oommunioation of Heppner Lodge, No. (39. L G. Bogard reports revival meetings in progress both at Galloway and Thompson school houses. PhD Simons & Son still shoe horses and do general blackemithing at the old stand. Matlock corner. 55. Elder Motor, of the M. E. church, preached at Heppner last Sunday, the occasion of quarterly conference. Ed. Driskell and sister returned from Kansas last Saturday evening. They re port considerable winter in that vioinity. Call on Lishe Sperry, down at the Belvedere, when in town. Keeps on hand a fine stock of liquors and cigars. 61-tf "Kip" Van Winkle and Mr. Parish have bought property in Nelse Jones' ad dition and will shortly build residences. Dr. E. M. Clements, of Enterprise, Wallowa, county, is here for the bene6t of his health. 'He is improving rapidly. Call in and see novelties in dress goods at C. S. Van Duyn's. No trouble to show goods; that is what we are here for. 636 Diphtheria is reported oit on Eight Mile, but those who should know say that it is nothing more than membraneous croup. Five hundred pairs men's pants must be sold at prices before the war. We know because we are in it at C. S. Van Duyn's. 63-6 Chas. Messner arrived from below Tuesday and is working at his trade with D. W. Hornor. Charley is a good workman. Dr. B. F. Vauehan is back to Heppner and will be prepared, in a few days, to rasume his work in dentistry. Reason able prices. 469-tf Advioes from Missouri give us the in formation that on Feb. 3, the thermome ter was down 2(3 below zero. How does this strike you? GentB' overshirts and gloves. They must go at some price. Do not forget the place; First National bank building. C. S.VanDnyn. C3 6 Charley Egan left Monday for Ls Grande, and will probably remain there. During his residence here he has made a host of friends. Newer and neater quarters at the Palace Hotel's north business room. Charley Jones, the baber, wants to see bia old friends there. Batba id connec DK1VE WHIST. The whist party given by Meedames Sam Kinsman and E. P. Voruz was at tended by a number of friends, in re sponse to invitations, at the residence of the former last Friday evenibg. There were present, Prof, and Mrs. T. 0. Aubrey, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Leezer, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. McAtee, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Hallook, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Roberta, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Bishop, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Duttou, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Gunn, Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Farns worth, Mr. and Mrs Otis Patterson, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Conser, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Thornton. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. D. Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Putter, Mr. and Mrs. H. MoFarlaud, Misses Elizabeth Matlock, Inez Voruz, Etta Minor, May Bailey, Ida Ayers, Messrs Frank Roberts, A. W. Patterson, Chas. Sheldon, Chas. Lewis, Howard Dodson and Prof. W. L. Saling. The first prizes were won by Mrs. Jas. D. Hamilton, Miss Elizabeth Matlook, and Messrs. W. P. Duttou and A. W. Patterson. The booby prizes, whioh were quite appropriate, if not quite as elegant as the first prizes, were awarded to Mesdames Farnswortb and Leezer and Messrs. W. L. Saling and Frank Roberts. A splendid lunch was served im mediately after the conoluBion of whist playing, a sort of entertainment which was greatly appreciated by all, ye report er not excepted. SUMMONS. . IK THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF Orfgun, for the County ol Morrow. T. J. Owens, 1'ltl. ) v. M. E. Oweni, Deft.) To M. E. Owens, the above-named Deft. : In the name of the State of Oregon r" are hereby rt-i'iirel to appear and answer the com nlHintof Pill. Hied in the above entitled court and suit against you on or before the tirstday of the next term nt court, ro-wii: ine ui uaj u, March, ls'.ti. Deft, will take notice that if she fails to appear or answer, the I'M. K ill take a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between l'ltl'. anil Deft., and for the care and custody of Thomas Cleveland Owens and Flora uwens, minor children of l'ltl. and Deft. This summons is published bv order of Hon. Judge Bradshaw, Judge of the 7th judicial dis trict of the State of Oregon. Dated luth February, 1KD2. 0. W. RF.A, W-70. I'ltl'.'B Attorney. Speciman Cases. 8. H. Clifford, New Cassel, Wis., was troubled with neuralgia and rheumatism, bis stomach was disordered, his liver was affeoted to an alarming degree, appetite fell away, and he was terribly reduoed in flesh and strength. Three bottles of Electric Bitters cured bim. Edward Shepherd, Harrisburg, 111., had a running sore on his leg of eight year's standing. Used three bottles of JSlectrio Hitters ana seven boxes or Bucklen's Arnica Salve, and his leg is Bound and well. John Speaker, Cataw ba, O., had five lurge fever sores on his leg, doctors said he was iuourable. One bottle Electric Bitters, ond one box Buokleu's Arnica salve cured hitn entire ly. Sold by Slooum-JohnBton Drug Co. NOTICE TO TKA.CH ERS. THE TEACHERS WHO BKI.ONO TO THE Teachers' Organization and all progressive teachers, patrons and others who are interested in the caused education are earnestly requested t,. i,, ut the court house ill Henuuer. on Feb. 27th. Saturday! at 9 o'clock a. in., for the niinimu. of .IIkcmshI ne the, various u uestioiis re lating to their welfare as an organization, and such other vital questions as naturally arise from the present condition of schools in our county, tniestlous to ue uiscusseu: an, "How Patrons can Secure Better service," "Unl form Grading," ete. By order oi Committee: W. P. SNYDF.ll, T. C. Al'HKEY, T. K. ROIIEIITS, J. J. FllEKMAN, Miss Inez Vobcz, Miss May Bailey. til-ati. Thos. Morgan, Secrteary. C0-PAUTNERSH1P NOTICE. "Iff E. THE UNDERSIGNED. HAVE FORM VV ed a co-partnership under the ilrin name oi J. A. vuoiery v co., ior ine purpose oi cuny ing on general merchandising at Hardman and lone, Morrow Co., Oregon. All aecountB due J. A. Woolery on the old books are payable to him, but will be received by the new arm and properly receipted for. Those owing are re quested to settle up immediately. J. A. Woolery, E. S. Cox, (VMM. S. W. AIM MS. China New YEAits.On Tuesday of last week our Chinese residents celebrat ed their New Year by the UBUal festivi ties, firing bombs, craokers, etc, indulg ing in China gin and sweetmeats. Died on Eight Mile. On last Mon day the stepdaughter of Henry Adkins died ou Eight Mile, aged six years. The interment took place yesterday. The oause of the chili's death was membra neous oroup. Republican Club.Oii last Saturday the republicans of Lexington met togeth er to the number of thirty and organized a club. John Carmichael is president and Geo. W. Smith, secretary. They ex pect additions to the ranks at the next and subsequent meetings. No Winter . While Morrow oounty is having no winter, other sections not far off are not getting off bo easily. Over in Fox valley recently the thermometer dropped down to 14 degrees below zero, and we bear Idaho is having a tough time of it. Morrow's hard to beat. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A MEET iinrnf the stockholders of The Palace Hotel Co. will be held in the otlice of the First Nation al Bank, on Saturday, March 12, ma, at 1 o'clock. p.m. the onject oi ine meeting is vo auopi oy laws and atteud to such other business as may be brought before the meeting at this time. J. W. Morrow, 0-1-118. Secretary. LIST OF LETTERS BrookB, Miss Amy DVERTISliD AT HEPl'NER POST OFFICE . Feb. 8, 18S2: Kiinland, M J liitehey, Mr J E King, Albert Swinney, John Washington Photo Co Walker, A L illianiB, F D Chrestison. Mr Llshe Carron, John Drenon, Mr Cave Jones, Mrs Delitha Jones. Mrs Emma Kirkeudall, James Ward, Chas D NOTICE TIMBER CULTURE. II. S. Land Office, La Grande, Or., Feb. 2, 1892. COMPLAINT HAVING BEEN ENTERED AT this otlice by John Kenny against John Reynolds for failure to comply with law as to Timber-Culture Eutry No. 2HI4 dated May 3, 18KK. nnon the BKM of NEK: N'A oi SEW and SW'i of HE Section 1.5, Township 3 8, Range 28 E, W.M., in Morrow County, Oregon, with a view to the cancellation of said entry; contest ant alleging that said John Reynolds never plowed live acres the first year, never plowed five acres the second year, never cultivated any portion of it at any time, and never planted any of It or caused it to be done; the said parties are hereby Bummoneu to appear at tneoiuccotj. W. Morrow in Heppner, Oregon, on the 21st tlay of March, 181j2, at one o'clock P. M.p to respond and furnish testimony concerning said alleged failure. To be used at the final hearing at this ollice, April 11,18112. It is further ordered that this notice be served by publication for six con secutive weeks in the Heppner Gazette and by posting upon land as in c . h. i.anu cases, (il-liy. A. C. McClelland, Receiver. NOTICE-TIMBER CULTURE. U. S. Land Office, La Grande, Or., Feb. 2, 18U2. iO.MPLAINT HAVING BEEN ENTERED AT Change in Management. At a meet ing of the directors of the Heppner Flouring Mill Co., on Tuesday of last week, G. W. Harrington and J. W. Mor resigned their positions with that com pany, respectively manager ana secre tary, T. W. Ayers, Sr., taking full oharge. Larqb Stock. Just received a fine line of typewriter stock, funeral note, visiting and invitation cards. We have the largest job stock ever oarried in the oity, latest, improved presses, steam power and oompetent workmen. Don't overlook us when you want job work. tf. c thiB OHice by John Kenny against Byron Sarver lor iallure to comply witn law as to Timber-Culture Entry No. 2187 dated April 24, 1888. upon the E ol ot sn,ja ana SE'4 oi NW'H Section 2ti, Township, 3 S, Range m Ej. v. JU,, m .uoriovv uniiij., vjicKuu, vviui u view to the cancellation of said entry; contest ant alleging that said Byron Sarver did not the first or second year, plow or icuce any oi saui tract, and has not at any time plowed, fenced. cultivated or planted any of said tract or caused it to be done; the said parties are hereby sum moned to annear at the olficeot J. w. Morrow, at. Heppner, Oregon, ou the 21st day of March, 18H2, at 3 o'clock, P. M., to respond and furnish testimony concerning saiil alleged failure. To OB USCU aL llie llimi ueillliiK i turn unit;,;, A'iu 11. 18112. It is further ordered that this notice be served by publication in the Heppner Gazette tor six consecutive weens anu uy puHuiig upon the laud as in U. H. land eases. 04-tii). A. C. McClelland, Receiver. New "Con." H. C. Frenoh and family arrived on last Monday's train. Mr. French comes here in the oapaoity of the branch conduotor, in the plaoe of B. W. Carrington who has held that posi tion for nearly two years. The Gazette hopes that they may find Heppner an agreeable place in whjoh to live. The Show. The Dan Lewis combina tion, which showed here Friday and Saturdav nights, was not very largely attended. Mr. Lewis cm make music out of a banjo, but he is oertaioly not the "original Dan." The other gentle man with him exhioited the powers of mesmerism in a striking manner. All in all, it was well appreciated. Broad Statement. A week ago last Saturday an Alhanoe was organized at Lexington with a good membership. A correspondent of the Alliance Herald says that all have joined in that vicinity exoept fools and those who can't read, but we fear that's a little broad, though the Gazette certainly hopes that they may do much good. Special Session of Council. Hepp ner's council met in special session last Saturday evening, Mayor Matlook pre siding. W. Von Cadow's saloon license was authorized to be transferred to McAtee Bros. A letter from Long & Scott in regard to the steam pump for testing the artesian well, was read and placed on file. It was the opinion of the oouneil that the pump could not be used, but no definite aotion was taken in the matter. Council then adjonrnta. The World Enriched. The facilities of the present day for the production of evervthing that will oon duce to the material welfare and com fort of mankind are almost unlimited, rM whn SvniD of Figs was tirBt pro duced the world was enriched with the only perfect laxative known, as it is the only remedy which is truly pleasing and refreshing to the taste and prompt and effect ual to cleanse the system gently in the spring time or, in fact, nt any time and the better it is known the more pop ular it becomes. D. W. Bryant, one of our live farmers, dropped in on the ranch while in the city Friday last, NOTICE. TIMBER CULTURE. U. 9. Land Office, La Grande, Or., Feb. 2, 1892. COMPLAINT HAVING BEEN ENTERED AT this Olliee by John Kenny against William Plin for failure to comply with law as to Timber Culture Entry No. l.itiydated February ll, 188o, upon the VU of NW; SV4 of NWJi and HW'4 of NE'4 Section 14, Township 3 H, Range 28 E. W. M., in Morrow County, Oregon, with a view to the cancellation of said entry; contestant alleging that said William Plin never cultivated or fenced any portion of said tract, never plant ed any trees, seeds, or cuttings on any part of it, or caused the same to be done; the said parties are hereby summoned to appear at the olllce of J. W. Morrow, at Heppner, Morrow Co., Oregon, on the 21st day of March, 1W8, at 10 o'clock A. M., to resoond and furnish testimony concerning Baid alleged failure. To be used at this otlice at the final hearing April 11, 18112. It is further ordered that this notice be served by publica tion for six consecutive weeks in the Heppner Gazette, and by posting on land as in U. H. land cases. A. 0. McClelland, til-liil. Receiver. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Otlice at The Dalles, Or., Feb. 8, '92. Notice 1b hereby given that the following-named Bettler lias filed notice of his intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before F. II. Know, Com. U. S. Circuit Court, at Lexington, Oregon, on April. 7, lnlti, viz : WILLIAM T. CAMPBELL, Hd. No. 4251, for the W'4 BW'K Sec 17, and VI H N W'4 Sec 21), Tp 2 S, R 25 E, W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, Bala lauu, viz: Jacob Earnst, George W. Smith, Theodore Cork, William M. Stauller, all of Lexington, Or. John W. Lewis, 404-69 Register. NEW TO-DAY. February 22, '92. February 22, '92. WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY ! Will be observed in a proper maimer at THE OPERA HOUSE, I J V A li K A.TVI - Masquerade Ball! On the eve of Feb. 22, '92. QiU 'Sain xuitt e aken to make it a Uasawk Gffai. Splendid Music for the Occasion. Tickets $1.00. Ludies in Coshime, free. General Ad mission, Gentlemen, $1.00; Ladies 50 cenh, with privilege of dancing after masks are removed. SELLING OUT TO RETIRE FROM BUSINESS. The Immense Stock of merchandise of I the Firm of H. Blackmnn A Co , will be ,.M ont REGARDLESS OF COST in order to olose ont bnsiness. Parties desirous of mnking pnrchsiea for CASH will find it to their interest to call on ns. WE MEAN BUSINESS. Come find he convinced. H.BIackman&Co., W. J. McATEE. A. D. McATEE. PALACE HOTEL BAR ! --Now under the supervision of- 9 Reserved For (P MINOR BROS., X HEPPNER, ORG. Having bought the name from V. Von Cadow. Everything will be Strictly First Class. CALL OJV TIIH BOYS AT THEIR NEW PLACE OF BUSINESS. McATEE BROS., Also Props. Gem Saloon. Heppner, Ore. SWEETS, FIRST IN OYSTFRS, FIRST In the Hustle with their Countrymen. Candy Pactorv Five doors Nortb of the Pulaoe Hotel, Heppner, Or. Fine Imported and Domestic Cigars and Tobaccos Fresh Fruits and oilier Goods Received Daily. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Oflice at The Dalles, Or., Jan. :w, 1892. Nritire is hereby Riven that the following, named settler has tiled notice oi hlH intention to make tinal proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before W.U.Ellis, 1". H. Commissioner at Heppner, Or., on March 12, 18112, viz: VVIIJ.IAM O. McCAHTV, Hd. No. 2(B, lor the SE! Sec 21, Tp 1 S R 20 E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, ana cultivation ol, said luiid, viz: J. H. Edwards, C. C. Baling, R. W. Turner and Jefferson D. Kirk, all of Hemmer, Or. li:l-fiK John . I.kwih, Register. A GOOU Bt'ftGY FOR HALE, iter, at Kiritt National Bank. See Geo. Con-fc-l-tf. fpHK PEKHLESa FLOUtt is handled by X COFFIN & M'FARLAND, $4.60 PER single barrel, spot cash. Don't forpot that Coffln & McFarland can give you bargains in anything. Say, a car load of Oliver Chilled J'lows, consisting of Gangs, Sulkey and Walking I'Jows, to arrive Boon. Hut don't forget that we can supply you with anything you want, in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware and Tin ware, at wholesale and retail. COFFIN & McFAELAND, In the National Hank Building, HEPPHEK, OX5EC3-01T. NELSON JONES, President. E. R. BISHOP, Treasurer. T. E. FELL, Secretary. The Morrow County Land & Trust Company PAID Ul CAPITAL STOCK $25,000. General hi:k d HiDg Agents. niil'PNEIt, OBEGON. SHE ! WILL YOU NOT LOOK AT O. BORG'S HOLIDAY Display Great OF SILVERWARE & JEWELRY? It will pay. Boss place to buy substantial Christmas presents. 1. O. BORG, MAY St. Recently the following Notlc appeared in Vi ean r fanesew wumu. 'Judge S had been sick onlyabout two weeks, ano U was not uiun uic jbm. mice w lour days that the maiany wk a serious mm. At the begin ning of his illness he suffered from diabetes and stomach disorder. Later the kidneys refused to perform their functions and he passed quietly away. Thus ended the life of one of the most promiueut men in Cali fornia." Like thousands of others his un timely death was the result of neglecting early ymptoms of kidney disease. IF VOU i are troubled with diabetes, gravel, or any de rangement of the kidneys or urinary organa, don't delay proper treatment until you are forced to give up your daily duties; don't niir mmipv on worthless liniments and worse plasters, but strike at the seat of the disease ai ontc uy u-ui uiw; m known remedies, the celebrated Oregon Kid It has saved the live of thousands. Why should it not cure you ? Try it. Purely vegetable and pleasant to lake. $1.00 a pack age, O lOT )O.W. riULDEN T II 10- PAINTER. Is Hie Siyn Writer in Ilejipner. MATIUMONY AND FURNITUI US 1CMPOBIUM Are closely alllfd, be;aii is like a go Ri! uinniTPi a married eon pie without Furniture rnment without a ruler. Everything. La Grande Marble Works. Aaent For the OLD STAND ON' MAY STREET, HEPPNER, OREGON. The Highest Market Price Paid for all kinds of Grain, Sheep Pelts, Hides, Etc. Storage Capacity x HEI-I'NICR WAREHOUSE: I IONK WAREHOUSE. 6,000 Bhkh Wool. K0,0000 BuxlirlH Grain. 20,000 Busheln Grain. DOUGLAS WAREHOUSE: UH,oOO Mu.Iiela Uraln. Odd Combinations. NAILS AND SUGAR. I TOMATO KETCHUP HAMMERS. PEARL BARLEY AND PADLOCKS. CANNED GOODS & AMMUNITION. 8trange Combinations to be Found Only at The Combin ed Grocery and Hardware Store of P. C. THOMPSON COMPANY, DEALERS IN Groceries, Hardware, Tinware, Confectionery Wood & Willow Ware and Agricultural Implements Agents for NEW HOME Sewing Machines and IMPERIAL EGG FOOD. LUMBERMAN TOOLS A SPECIALTY. Table Cutlery, Hhwirs, Bcisflora, Fnokot Kuives, and Razors at Remarkably Low l'nops. Hpeoiul iuduoomenU to Cash Cus tomers. Give ue a trial. tf. Corner Main and Willow Streots, Heppner Or. K. 0. BI.O0UM. E. H. BLOCUU. HEPPNER F Din COMPANY. Has the Pest Selected Stock of Furniture in BUorrow County. FACTS See Ior Yourself. STUadtirtukiuK and Repairing a Specialty. MAIN flfRKET, OPP. P. C. THOMPSON'S, HEPPNER,! OR r