The Weekly Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1890-1892, February 11, 1892, Image 1

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In The Gazette,
The Gazette,
Price 10 Cents Per Copy.
Price 10 Cents Per Copy.
NO. 464.
Every Thursday Afternoon
At per year, $1.25 for six months, $0.75
for t'iree mumnft; in advance. If paid for at the
end of six inunths, 2.50 a year will be charged.
Advertising Rates Made Known on
The " E-A-Q-XjE:, ' of Long Creek, Grant
bounty, Oregon, 1b published by the same eom
JAuiy every Friday morning. Subscription
price, fjperyear. Foradvertisinffrates.addrcBS
OliXIT Xj. PATTEESOIT, Editor and
Manager, Lour Creek, Oregon, or "Utuette,"
Heppner, Oregon.
THIS PAPER is kept on file at E. 0. Pake's
Advertising Agenoy, "4 and 05 Merchants
Exchange, Hun Francisco, California, where con
tracts for advertising can be made for it.
'j, Oregon Press Association, 26 Ash Street,
between First and Second, Portland, Oregon, is
onr only agent located in that place. Advertis
ers should consult him for rates and space in
the Gazette.
Wagner B. A. Hnnsaker
Arlington, Henry Heppner
Long Creek, The Eagle
Echo, Bobbhaw
Cainns Prairie Oscar lie Vaul
Matteson, Allen McFernn
Nye, Or.,. :.: H. C. Wright
Hardman, Or J. A. Woolcry
Hamilton, Grant Co., Or Hattie A. ltudio
lone T J Carl
' .Prairie City, Or R. R. McIIaley
enyon Citv, Or., B. L. Pnrrish
olot Rock, G. P. Skelton
iJayville, Or., J K Snow
John l)av, Or F. I. McCallmn
Athena, Or John Kdington
Pendleton, Or Wm. O. McCroskcy
Mount Vernon, Grant Co., Or Postmaster
Shelby Or MiBS Stella Flett
Fox, Grant Co., Or., J- V. Allen
Eight Mile, Or Mtb. Andrew Ashbaugh
Upper Rhea Creek B. F. Hevland
DouglaB, Or S. White
Lone Rock, Or K. M. Johnson
Gooseberry W. P. Snyder
Condon, Oregon Herbert Halstead
Union Pacific Railway-Local card.
No, 10, mixed leaves Heppner 8 a. m.
' 10, 41 ar. at Arlington 11-00 a.m.
' 9, " leaves " 3:51 p. ra.
y, " ar. at Heppner n:50 p. in.
except Sunday.
Kast bound, main line ar. at Arlington 8:50 p. m.
West leaves " 4:20 p. in.
Night treinB are running on same time as before.
Stage leaves for Monument daily,
except Sunday, at 6 :30 a. m.
Arrives daily, except Monday, at
5:00 p.m.
Direct connection can be made at
Monument with the Long Creek stage.
Daily stage between Long Creek and
Canyon City, conneotmg at the latter
place with the stage for Burns and Sil
vies valley.
OEEaon ornciiis.
liovernor ...S. Pennoyer.
Boo. of State (t. W. MoBrule.
Treasurer Phil Metechan.
8npt. Instruction B. McWroy.
Judge Seventh District W. L. Bradshaw
District Attorney W. H. Wilson
JointSenator Henry BlackmBn.
Representative J. 'j.lhompson.
I ounty Judge i-J.ullB
Commissioners J. A. 1 hompson,
H. M. Vaughn.
' Clerk J. W. Mrrw-
" Sheriff Geo. Noble.
" Treasurer J . W. Matlock.
Assessor J. J. McGee.
Surveyor C. B. I Crane.
' School Sup't W.L.Saling.
Coroner James Daugherty.
Mayor jrv-T-J' M""
t'ouncilmen O. E. larnBworth. (..
M . Mallory, W. J. MoAtee. S. P. Garrlgues, ThoB.
Morgan and Frank (iilliam.
Recorder A. A. Roberts.
rreasurer W. J. leezer.
MarBhal J- W. Rasmus.
Dorio Lodge No. 20 K. of P. meete ev
ery Tuesday evening at 7.30 o'clock in
their Caetle Hall, National Bank build
ing. Sojourning brothers cordially in
vited to attend. Kmil Voruz, C. C.
' T. C. Aobbiy, K. of K, 4 S. tf
G. A. R.
Meets at Lexington, Or., the last Saturday of
Bach month. All veterans are Invited to join.
C. C. Boon, Geo. W . Smith.
Adjutant, tf Commander.
Real Estate, Insurance and Collection
Office in
Heppner, - tf - Oregon
Attorney at Law,
Brown & Hamilton.
Practice in all oonrts of the state. Insurance,
real BDU1W uiiiiwuiwu ouu iw.
Prompt attention given to all business entrust
ed to thorn.
Opposite Gazette Officet Heppner. tf
This Institution offers to young ladies every
course of studies embrares all the branches
necessary to the acquisition of a solid and
refined education. The Languages, Linear
Drawing, Vocal Music In class, and all kinds
of needlework form no extra charge. Terms
moderate, for iunner uiiui umuuu tmuicno
Sister Suferior,
fleppner, : : tf : Oreaon,
Are havinB their land business straight
ened out and shaped up. How about
yours? If not in satisfactory oondition
it would be a good plan to see about it
at onoe. I am giving careful and ene
getio attention to entries, final proofs,
"railroad land" and all business relating
to lands in Morrow county.
U. S. Commissioner,
Lexington, Or.
From Terminal or Interior Points the
Is the lina to take
It is the DINING CAR ROUTE. It run
(No Change of Cars)
Composed of DINING CARS unsurpassed,
Of Latest Equipment
Tourist Sleeping Cars
Best that can be constructed and in
which aooommodations are both
FREE and furnished for holders
of First or Second-Class
Tickets, and
Elegant Day Coachs.
A Continuous Line connecting with all
Lines, affording Direct and Uninter
rupted Service.
Pullman Sleeper Reservations can be
Secured m advance through
any agent of the road.
To and from all points in America, Eng
land and Europe can be purchased
at any Ticket Office of this
Full information concerning .rates, time
of trains, routes and other details
furnished on application to any
agent, or
Assistant General Passenger Agent.
A'o. 121 First St., Cor. Washington.
Northern Pacific
Gathered By Those Who
Are Progressive.
And With a View to Benefiting the Stockman,
Farmer, Horticulturist, Dairyman, Etc.
How oan a cow have the "milk and
beef form ?"
If treated harshly a oow will not "give
down" her milk.
It is a fact that the same cow's milk
varies in richness at different times.
A fat milch cow is apt to feel us. Better
have one that puts the fat into the pail.
Always milk vour cows clean if you
wish them to hold throughout the entire
Two of the three prizes given for sage
cheese at the New York state fair were
captured by women.
To milk a fidgety cow, begin gently
and slowly. Soothe her instead of soar
ing her by your touoh.
Tincture of aoonite is highly recom
mended for garget and milk fever. Dose,
fifteen to twenty drops.
For winter dairying cows ought to be
bred in January or February, bringing
them in fresh in October.
By the new Wieoonsin law the word
'standard" is to be branded on olieese
containing 80 per cent, of fat.
Professor J. Augustus Voelcker, dairy
expert of England, has found that night's
milk is richer than morning's.
If you are going to pack butter to keep,
pack it solidly. Experiments with but
ter submerged in brine resulted in spoil
ed butter.
Cream and milk may be ohuraed to
gether, but it takes longer and the butter
will not come evenly. It should never
be practiced.
On valuable land no dairyman can
any longer afford to keep a oow whose
milk does not produce 4 per oent. in
butter fat.
At the last rYal agricultural show injven locate lyimseff ory4.? A. oautftwns
England a machine for weighing and
hoisting milk was exhibited among the
dairy appliances.
Frost injures butter. Butter that has
been frozen soon gets off flavor when ex
posed to a warmer temperature. Keep
your milk, cream and butter away from
severe frost and oold.
The smaller the globules of butter fat
in milk the more slowly they rise. This
is the reason some oow's milk is longer
in raising the cream than others.
Many farm women have no idea of the
work they would save themselves by
getting a creamer instead of washing
dozens of milk pans in the old fashioned
High Feeding Pays.
What are you feeding and milking
cows for, for fun, or to have them earu
you a profit on their keeping? If the
latter, then why not heed the wiBdom of
those who have tried it Bnd know that
within healthful limits for the cow, the
more of grain foods she will digest, the
more olean profit on investment in cow,
buildings, farm and food.
Look over the facts and see and know,
that there is more profit in keeping one
cow that oan yield 3 lbs. of butter per
day, than three cows that yield only one
pound each per day.
It used to be asserted that the high
feeding of the phenomenal cows cost
more than they earned. That was stated
by those who did not know. The fact is
they are the most profitable oows milked,
if used for purely commercial purposes.
True, piles of money are spent on some
of them, for fancy and exhibition pur
poses; but we never sat down to figure
the oost of what such eat, that we did
not find that they were like an unques
tioned bond that is drawing a very high
rate of interest. If this were not true,
phenomenal cows would be nnanoial
frauds but they are no frauds.
Head of Firm Mr. Penwiper, you have
been very faithful to us tbis year and we
have decided to show you onr apprecia
Penwiper "Tes, sir. I have tried to
my duty."
Head of Firm. "So we have observed,
Penwiper, and in view of this faot we
have decided not to reduce your salary
on the first."
Too r expoMd to ludden changes of temperature, and to injuries.
From the Long Creek Paper.
The meroury sank to fourteen below
zero in Fox last Monday night.
Election day had a wonderful effeot on
our city's exohequer. It was inoreased
by the addition of SGG.OO.
J. N. Brown, one of Heppner's leading
attorneys, passej through Long Creek
Wednesday en route to Canyon City.
The city has two new "paps," A. Hirsch
berg and W. B. Robblns. In other words,
they are the newly elected oonnoilmen.
Miss Annie Biaokwell, daughter of
Rich Biaokwell, of Hamilton, is said to
be ill with diphtheria at the home of C.
O. Blackwell, in this valley. However,
it is a very mild form.
Advices from John Day of Feb. 1st,
brings the news that on that morning
while the sheepberder for Joe. Edington
who resides some sixteen miles down
the river, attempted to shoot a rabbit he
slipped and fell, discharging the pistol,
the ball taking effect in his abdomen.
Dr. J. H. Fell was summoned at onoe,
but as to the oondition of the unfortunate
man, our informant was not able to
ascertain, yet the wound is considered
quite serious. He has since died. Ed.
Lola, the little daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Oscar Riaehart, fell from the porch
at their residence on North Mill street
last Sunday and sustained a fracture of
the collar bone. The accident must have
been a painful one but it was not known
that she was injured in such a manner
until Tuesday. The little one's continu
ed oomplaint with that member prompt
ed the parents to summon a physician,
when the extent of the injury was made
known. The fracture wub reduoed by
Dr. Lewis end little Lola is recovering.
The following is a report of Long
Creek's municipal election : Mayor, C.
H. Lee, 44; N. B. Oliver, 1. Councilmen,
A. Hirschberg, 37; E. O. Woodall, 35;
Chas. Conger, 34; W. B. Robbins, 31;
O. L. Patterson, 19 ; J. W. Keeney, 15 ;
Ben Case, 9. Recorder, O. F. Goff, 44 ;
Sandy Hancook, 1 ; Jerry Cochran, 1,
Marshal, J. L'. Hamilton, 2t; S. C. Har
disty, 20; J. F. Lewis, 2; Vince Kelley,
2. Treasurer, P. W, MoRoberts, 39;
Fred Staddon, 3; Joe Blackwell, 1.
Horace W. Sloan, a republican candi
date for the nomination for sheriff of
Grant county, was caught out in a blind-
ing snowstorm while oi, the road to
Granite last Week ancrv""tl"i? nn1-e to
compelled to lay out dtiruig the'uight,
during which time both of his hands
were frozen, but to what extent the Eagle
is yet unable to say. When day dawned
Mr. Sloan was able to locate himself and
at once set out for the nearest ranch,
being Austin station on the Baker-Can
yon City stage line, at whioh place he
took the stage for Canyon, to secure the
assistance of a physician. It is stated,
whether authentic or not we are not able
to say, that the extent of Mr. Sloan's
frosted injuries was one finger on one
hand and three fingers on the other. The
many friends of Mr. Sloan are puined to
learn of his oondition, but hope that the
frosted members are not injured so badly
as to necessitate amputation.
A Very Common Want.
"Out of sorts," "distrait," "the blues,"
these are familiar appellatives for un
comfortable, undefinable sensations, ac
companied with lassitude, nervousness,
indigtstion. Poverty of the blood, to
remedy which an effective stomaohic
persistently used is the paramount need,
is conclusive evidence that the system is
insufficiently nourished becanse and
for no other cause where organic disease
does not exist the food is not assim
ilated. Reinforce the flagging energies
of the stomaoh, reform an irregular con
dition of the bowels, keep up a healthful
seoretion of the bile, with Hostetter's
Stomaoh bitters. For oyer thirty years
this popular medicine has supplied the
common want of the nervoiiB invalid, the
dyspeptic and the persons deficient in
vitality, bd efficient tonic. To its power
of imparting strength is attributable its
efficacy as a preventive of malaria and
la grippe. Thoroughly effective is it too
for rheumatism, kidney complaint and
Joe Hodson found the remains of a
man eight miles below John Day recent
ly, which gave the oppearanoe of foul
play. Deceased had been dead several
Sure of Acquittal.
Hungry Higgins "Is Dismal Davis
goin' to make any defense on stealin'
that loaf o' bread from the bakery wind
Weary Watkins "He's going to plead
insanity. He's found out sence that
there was a dozen pies in that same
OUT! Jhi&:
How They Must be Held in the
State of Oregon.
Violations of the Provisions of the Act Pun
ishable by Fine and imprisonment.
The new primary election law enacted
by the last legislative assembly will
prove of interest now that the time for
holding elections is approaching. The
provisions of the law are as folluws:
Be it Enacted by the Legislative Assem
bly of the State of Oregon.
Section 1. All elections hereafter to
be held within any incorporated city of
the state containing a population of two
thousand five hundred or more, as shown
by the last stute or federal census, by
any voluntary political association or
parly for any delegates to any convention
for the purpose of nominating candidates
for public office, shall be held under the
provisions of tbis aot, and such elections
shall be styled primary eleotions.
Sec. 2. Not loss than Beven days be
fore such primary eleotion is to be held,
the managing committee of the politioal
party or association calling the primary
election shall cause a notioe to be pub
lished in some newspaper of general
circulat'ninthecity in which the election
is to be held. Such notice must be sign
ed by the secretary of the committee or
association calling such eleotion, and
must stute the purpose of the election,
the date when the election is to be held
the plaoes where the polls are to be
located and during what hours each
polling plaoe shall be kept open for the
reception of votes, and the number of
delegates to be elected in each election
precinct, ward or district. Three per
sons shall be named therein who are to
act as judges for each polling plaoe at
said election, and such judges shall be
legal voters of and householders in the
precinct, ward or dietriot at which he is
to aot as judge at such eleotions. The
judges shall appoint two clerks fur eaoh
polling place, who shall have the same
quulifloatitmB aiy themselves, excepting
that they need not be householders.
Sec. 3. The judges and elerks men
tioned in the last section shall, before
entering upon their duties, take and sub
scribe the oath prescribed by law for
judges and olerks of general eleotions,
whioh oath may be administered by any
one of the judges, or by any persr.n
authorized under the lawd of the state to
administer ouths. And if one or all of
the judges appointed to serve at the
eleotion be absent or refuse or fail to
serve at the hour appointed for the eleo
tion to begin, then the electors present
to the number of not less than five, and
being member) of the political party or
association holding such eleotion, shall
choose a person or persons to fill any
vacancies that may exist. Any violation
of the provisions of this section shall be
deemed a misdemeanor and shall subject
the offender, on conviction, to punish
ment by a fine of not less than fifty dol
lars nor more than two hundred dollars,
or by imprisonment in the oouuty juil
not less than one nor more than six
montliB, or by both such fine and impris
onment, in the disoretion of the oourt.
Sec. 4. The polling places at all pri
mary eleotions sliull be kept open for the
reoeptiou of votes not lets than five nor
more thau seven conseoutive hours and
between the hours of 12 o'olocknoon and
7 o'clock p. m.
Sec. 5. No persoD who is not a quali
fied elector under the laws of the stute,
or will not be so qualified at the next en
suing general election, shall be qualified
or permitted to vote at any primary elec
tion held under this act.
Seo. 0. Any person voting or offuring
to vote at any such election who would
not be qualified to vote in the eleotion
precinct at the general election, then
next ensuing, or who has voted ut the
primary election of any other political
party or assooiution held fur the purpose
of electing delegates to any convention
at which the candidates of the respective
parties are to be chosen fur the ensuing
election, or who shall vote more than
once at the same or different polls on
the same day at the primary elvotion, or
knowing that he is not a qualified voter
ut such election, willfully votes or offers
to vote at such eleotion, or willfully aids
or abets any one not qualified to vote ut
such primary eleotion in voting or at
tempting to vote at such election, or by
offering or giving or promising to give i
reward or bribe, or money, or any val
uable consideration, either directly or
indirectly, to attempt tu influence any
voter in giving or withholding bis vote
ut suoh election, or by bribery or by cor
rupt and unlawful menus prevents or at
tempts tu prevent any voter from attend
ing or voting at such election, or if any
one places any ballot in any ballot box
in use at such election which has not
been regularly voted and permitted to
be voted by the judges thereat, or any
one concealing or destroying or remov
ing any ballot from such ballot box for
the purpose of destroying or altering the
sume, or changing the result of the elec
tion, or for any other purpose except for
the purpose of counting such ballots
after the polls are closed, Bhall be deem
ed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon
oonviotion thereof shall be punished by
a fine not less than fifty dollars nor more
than two hundred dollar3, or by impris
onment in the county jail not less than
two nor more than six months, or by
both snch fine and imprisonment, in the
discretion of the oourt.
Seo. 7. If any person offering to vote
at any primary election be ohallenged by
a judge or any qunlified elector at said
election as to his right to vote thereat,
an oath shall be administered to him by
one of the judges that he will truly an
swer all questions touching his right to
vote at such eleotion, and if he refuses to
answer any questions which may be put
to him touching his right to vote
at such eleotion, or if it appear that
be is not a qualified voter under the pro
visions of this aot, his vote shall be re
jected; and if any person whose vote has
been so rejeoted shall offer to vote at the
same election at any other polling place
he shall be deemed guilty of a misde
moanor, and be punished as provided in
section 6 of tbis aot,
Seo. 8. Before receiving any ballots
tbe judges must, in the presenoe of any
persons assembled at the polling place,
open and exhibit and olose the ballot
box ; and thereafter it must not be re
moved from the polling plaoe or presenoe
of bystanders until all the bpllots are
counted, nor must it be opened until
after the polls are olosed.
Seo. 9. Before the judges reoeive any
ballots tbey must cause it to be pro-
cluimed aloud at the place of election
that the polls are open.
Seo. 10. When the polls are closed
that fact must be proclaimed aloud at
the place of eleotion, and after such proc
lamation no ballots must be reoeived.
Sec. 11. The judges and clerks of suoh
primary election shall keep a record
of all the votes cast thereat, with the
names and place of residence of every
person voting ut such election, and also
the names ofall persons whose vote:
have been rejeoted, and a conoise state
ment of tbe reason for such rejection.
Suoh record shall be kept in duplicate,
and substantially in the same form as
the poll books of u general eleotion,
and shall be styled the poll books of
suoh primary eleotion; and at the con
clusion of suoh primary election one
copy of such poll books shall be filed with
the olerk of the county oourt of the
county in whioh such election is held,
and the otlr poll book shall be deliver
ed to the (political .organization uvicr
whose authority such primary election is
Seo. 12. If any judge or olerk at such
primary eleotion shall knowingly receive
or record the vote of uuy individual who
is known to bim not to be entitled to
vote at suoh primary, or shall willfully
refuse to reoeive or deposit or oount tbe
vote of any qualified elector at suoh elec
tion or shall in any manner fraudulently
or wrongfully deposit or put any ballots
into or take any from the ballot box nf
suoh primary election, or shall knowing
ly make any fulse count, canvas, state
ment, certificate or return of tbe ballots
cast or votes taken at such primary elec
tion, be shall be deemed guilty of a niis-
demeanu,, and be punished as provided
in section 6 of this aot ; provided, that no
arrest shall be made for any offense de
fined in any of tho foregoing provisions
of this aot except upon a warrant duly
issued; and any offioer or person violat
ing this provision shall be deemed guilty
of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction
thereof shall be punished as provided in
section (i of this aot.
Seo. 13. The judges, after canvassing
the votes oust, must issue certificates of
election to the persons duly eleoted.
Seo. 14. The laws of the state govern
ing the oonduot of persons about polling
plaoes or approaobing the same shull im
ply to all elections held under the pro
visions of this act.
Sue 10. Justioes of the peace shall
huve oononrrent jurisdiction of crimes
defined and committed tinder this act.
Approved February 11, 18'Jl.
The State Analysis.
"For purity and care in preparation
the Royal Baking Powder equals any
in the market, and our test shows that
it has greater leavening power than any
of which we have any knowledge."
Prof. Chemistry, Univirsity of California, and Slate Analyst.
"From actual analysis made by me,
I pronounce the Royal Baking Powder
to be the strongest and purest baking
powder before the public."
Prof. Chemistry, Cal. College of riannacy of the University of Calfornia
Chemist State Board of Jorticultun, etc.
Through the kiudness of the county
olerk, J. W. Morrow, we are able to pub
lish the real estate transfers for January,
1892: U. S. to Oscar Scbafer; I. A. Mun
kers to W. R. Munkers; D. S. to Dennis
Spillane; H. Scberzingerto Oscar Shafer;
Oscar Sbofer to Henry Soherzinger; U.
S. to A. L. Spray, exeoutor of the estate
of John C. Spray, deceased; A. L. Spray
et ux. to A. W. Saling; John L. Royse et
ux. to W. ii. Kahler;Geo. Noble, sheriff,
to J. I. Case Threshing Machine Co. ;
Pryor Wilson Bnd wife to E. G. Sperry;
Geo. Noble to John Hughes; U. S. to
John H. Williams ; TJ. 8. to Jas. H. Gar
rett; U. S. to A. M. Gunn; W. J. McAtee
et ux. to Catherine Spray, U. S. to Fred
Minard; Fred Minard et nx. to Joe Vey;
O. C. Stanley et ux. to E. J. Steel; U. S.
to Joe Vey; U. S. to M. S. Vey. U. S. to
Joe Vey; U. S. to M. S. Vey; Jos. A. Mo
Cumber to Joe Vey ; TJ. S. to Maria E.
Nunomaker; Sarah J. Basey to J. J. Ba-
sey; TJ. S. to Wm. E. Hnlery; TJ. S. to
Jas. A. Fristoe; Jas. A. Fristoe et ax. to
W. P. Dutton; V. S. to Felix Johnson;
M. K. Minard et al to Joe Vey; V. a. to
Rob't Krick; Rob't Kriok to Nelson
Jones; U.S. to Herbert Olden; S. h.
Morse et ux to S. M. Humphrey .
Rncklen's Arnica Halve.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers salt rheum, fever
Bores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skio eruptions, and posi
tively onres piles, or no pay required. It
is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction,
or money refunded. Prioe 25 cents per
box. For sale by Siooum-Johnstou
Drug Co,
From the Horseman.
Guido is not a rnoehorse of the high
est class, not a Tenny, a Salvator a Ri
ley or a Kingston, but be is a thorough
ly good racehorBe nevertheless, and a
truer (we were going to say more con
scientious) thoroughbred never ran in
the west. There is a story conneoted
with his breeding. A few years ago the
pioturesaue and unique Galifornian
Dun McCarthy be of the White hat
sold the brown mare Aurora, by 'Iliad
Stevens, to Harry Thornton, of "Ranoho
Resuoa," California, for $210. The irre
pressible Dun used the $210 as part pay
ment for 0. II. Todd, who won for him
the American Derby of 1887, while
Thornton bred the mare to Double Cross',
an inbred Bonni Sootland, and in 1887
she produced the big-cueatunt oolt Gui
do, wbo was knocked down at a yealing
sale to 0. V. Tupper, of Al Farrow noto
riety for 85, So well did he develop
that Tupper sold him to W. H. Babb,
his present owner, for $5,000 as a two-year-old.
As a two-year-old he met such
good ones as Racine and Pliny, and he
onoe defeated the former: as a three-year-old
some of the best oolts in the
west, and won twenty-one races out of
thirty-one sturts. During the past year
be was over raced, badly placed, mostly
badly ridden tin J generally messed
about, but was first eleven times and
second thirteen times out of thirty-five
races, He demonstrated himself a thor
oughly good horse by winning at mile
heats at Washington Purk in H:l',
1:41, with 117 pounds up, thus breaking
tho mile beat record. With the same
weight up he ran at St. Paul a mile in
1:40. Ills total winnings the pust sea
son exoeeded $8,500. With good man
agement, and if not raced off his legs,
(iuido should be one of the best handi
cap horses of 1802.
WeritiiiiK Nuptials.
Married, at the court house, Friday,
Feb. 5th, 18'J2, 1:30 p. m., Mr. Wm. Doo
nau to M ra. Mary J. Henderson, Recorder
Roberts officiating. Both parties are
residents of Morrow oouuty, where they
are well and favorably known. Tbe Ga
zette extends congratulations and wishes
them a long and prosperous life.
Word oomes to this ollioo that the wife
of W. R. Newman is seriously ill.