7 THE WEliKL JiKPPNiiR GAZETTE: JANUARY 2B, 1892, THE GAZETTE. Jas. D. Hamilton announoes himself in this ispne as b candidate for the office of recorder. Thb Eagle in its last issue administers onite a "going eter" to John 0. Lnoe. Go it, Tat. Mrs. Maby Robeson, a New York lady 56 years old, lias started across the con tinent on a bicyole tour. According to tabulated returns from the secretary of state, the taxable prop erty of Morrow county is increased 8170, 000. Hon. Frank Kellogg and T. J. M it lock are out for mayor, the latter for re eleotion, and the oontest is an interesting one. In last week's report of couny court doings, the rate of state taxes was omit ted. Five per cent, is the rate, which in cludes that for all purposes. Tub Oregon penitentiary is augmented sixty oells, the oontract having just Deen completed. This will accommodute ull convicts for some time to oome. P. B. Pops, of Hanlton, Or , Writes "ThelOre ISonian" How He Was Cured of flriglit's Disease hy Electricity. Editor Orkoonian, Sir: Please in sert this oard in your widely circulated paper, as I wish all to know how I was cured. Five years ago I was taken down with diabetes, Bright's disease and ca tarrh of the bladder, and other compli cations. The first of last November I consulted Dr. Damn and was treated with electricity and home medical treat ment, and am now glad to eay I am per fectly cured and can do as hard a day's work as ever in my life and never feel worried. Dr. Darrin has the praise for my being cured. Kefer your readers to me at Hanlton, Or. 1$. F. Pope. The East Oregouian prediots the nom ination of Hermann and Veatch for con gress in the first distriot, and the election of Veatch. It thiukB that Fulton may oapture the second district nomination. The burning of the National Surgical Institute, of Indianapolis, as a holocaust had an equal in the destruction by fire of the Bowen & Stewart publishing houBe on West Washington street of that city about two years ago. Since President Harrison s message was sent to congress, it Beems that the two repuhlios are likely to settle their difficulty without war. It iB thought that Chili will make an apology, and in domnify the United States for all damages. Tun next democratic convention, in seleotiug Chicago as the place of meet ing, June 21st, has put a quietus on the prtsidential prospects of Cleveland, the best man in their party. Hill or Gorman is "in it" now, with the latter in the lead. The man, whom it is con ceded ean oarry the doubtful states, will be chosen above anyone else, regardless of ability or previous service to the party. Tun death of Joseph V. Hradley, as sociate justice of the supreme court, on the '22d inst., was unexpected, lie was born of English parents in Berne, Now York in 181!!. At the age of twenty years he entered college, graduating some years afterward with honors. Ue was especially noted us a mathematician. He was appointed to the supreme judge ship in 1H70. Tun subject of water for firo protection and othor purposes is more iuieresting to our people than anything elso at pres ent. In the selection of city oIlieei'H, from the material presented, our people can hardly make a mistake. What the people want are praotioal men, who are governed by their judgment and not by any narrow prejudices. Without doubt waterworks will be constructed us soon as possible, as our people are almost a unit on that subject. Jlr. Hal-rill's Low Charges. Owing to the "hard times," Dr. Dar rin will iu future give Electric treatment for $5 a week, or in that proportion, as cases may require. The poor free daily from 10 to 11 a. m.; those able to pay, 11 a. m. to 5 p. m. Evenings, 7 to 8 ; Sun days, 10 to 12. All curable chronic, acute, private and wasting deseases, in cluding stricture, hydrocele and vario oele, treated successfully at Dr. Darrin's office. All surgical operations skillfully performed. Consultation striotly con fidential. Send for question blank and circular. SOME LiailT Subject of Importance to The Tax payers. M isrep re Mentations. Alil.I.NGTON IIOlNdS. Mrs. O. A. Franks is confined to hei bed with an ntt ii k of la grippe. Capt. Johns, who has beeu suffering with the la grippe, is now convalescent. Attorney A. A. Jayne and Ij. G. Haw sou were passengers on No. 7 Sunday af ternoon. Mr. Bnd Mrs. J. W. Smith, accompan ied by their son, Clyde, left for a month's visit to California Monday. Miss Lena Snell, of Book creek, who was taken Bick whilst attending school at Monmouth returned home Sunday. Postal Inspector Bobinson, of S. F., was in town Hutiduv and left for Hepp uer and back oountry Monday afternoon. Associate Editor Alvah W. Patterson and Hon. O. A. Uhea were amongst our visitors from Morrow county's capital this week . Died Suddenly, on Monday morning, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. U. O. Condon. Interment took place at Walla Walla. Miss lleuryetla Sinsheimer, of Port land, who has been visiting friends iu lleppnor, puBsed through Mouduy on her way home. Pick M. Walker, of Chapman creek, Wash., arrived in town Monday morning from Walla Walla aooompauied by his wife, nee Aldrich. We wish the happy couple all joy. After a lingering illnpss bourne with Christian fortitude, Miss M. Flora France sncouinbed to consumption Jan. 20, aged 20 years, 'J months and 4 days. lhe bereaved family have the eynipatliy of the entire community in this hour of ufllictioii. Phil lleppnor, who has been an inmate if the (lood Samaritan hospital in Port land, suffering with typho pneumonia, ar rived here Saturday evening, lie speims very highly of the attention given. He prooeeded to lleppnor luesuay to visit mator Jilftuknian 8 family. Jan. 27, 02. llbUIS lilVUR JOTTlNdS. Mr. Geo. Kirk visited our section today. Win. Hatty was up in the Blues lhe other day, looking after his possessions here. We aro informed that there will lie danueat Jerry Voting's home on the 20th. Grandma Gaunt has beeu quite aiok, but 1 am glad to state that she is rapid )y recovering. J. 11 Hayes has got pitch on his whis kers, and we fear amputation ih neces sary ere they are untangled. There was a social hop at the rest deuce of Jell' Kirk, on the 22d inst. which was a very enjoyable iilhur. We have two cases o whooping cough in our neighborhood. Uutside of this. don't know of anyone on the sick list or complaining. We have just heard of a little accident which occurred recently that must have beeu a very exciting affair. A young man ami his girl wure driving over snow-drift, in a one-horse buggy, when the "critter's" hind feet slid in front of its fore legs and got both hind legH astride of the thills. But with great presence of mind and promptness in acting, oomniiied, nobody was hurt. We are having beautiful weather for Januaiy. Everybody is busy in our sec tion; J. II. Bidgeway is making posts for BuhIi Bros., and "Little Ury" is haul ing them out on the "bobs." E. Cave has been making and banting posts; Win. MoFertiu is clearing bis land mid splitting oord wood on Ins Thorn creek ranch, Milt. Brown is building himself a sleigh, but it dou't look as though he would need it this winter. Hen Mattesou is improving his home stead on Thoru creek this winter, and is making it look more like home, Ben is a rustler, and may success crowu his ef forts. Tamarack. the Frightful Hlilpwrock. Staunch shipB strike andfounder tierce winds and mountainous waves sweep noble manners' "heartsof oak" to shipwreck and to death, yet that does not prevent the lubberlie-t landsman from risking his life on the stormy At lantio iu the role of tourist or commer cial traveler. But if he shall reach his destination safely he will soaroely have escaped some of the qualms of sen sick ness, unless he takes with him Hostot ter's Stomach Hitters, that inimitable specilio for nausea. Bad water on long trips are a threat to the voyager.but this may be deprived in a great measure of ts disordering elTeels upon the stomach, bowels and liver by the Hitters' Against the prejudicial clients of miliaria, bad diet, fatigue and exposure it also efficaci ous. It averts, moreover, rheumatism and kidney complaints. Don't travel on sea or hind without it. Sunday the M. E. church, south, will be closed, both morning and evening, Mr. Bell having suspended his regular services on account of the revival meet ing now iu progress at the M. E. church. The Sunday school will meet as usual at the regular hour, i! p. m. The Sunshine Circle will meet Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock. A Million Primula. A friend in need is a friend indeed and not less than one million people have found just such a friend in Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, coughs and colds. If you have never used this great cough medicine, one trial will con vince you that it has wonderful curative powers iu all diseases of throat, chest and lungs. Each bottle is guaranteed to do all that is claimed, or money will be refunded. Trial buttles free at Slo cum Johnston Drug Co.'s store. Large bottles IiOc and 81. Will. Undid returned from a trip to the upper country last week, leaving Wed nesday (or his Long Creek home. ADDITIONAL LOCALS. The following law under the title, "An Act to Authorize the Publication in County Newspapers of the Proceedings of County Courts, and Fix Compensa tion Therefor," was passed nt the last session of the legislature: Be it F.nactC'l by the I.eytilattre Assembly of the Male of Oretjon: hectlon 1. The rountv Court and commiHHion- ers slixll cause to he imi'k- out ami published in at li'tist one ntwhpaper, if tlicro he one in the rnumj, nun n not, tjy posuiikoii oie cotmnouHe door a Brlii-fiiile of the expenditures of ttie county, whirl, slnill stale tin- Immes of all claim ants, the article or service for u liieli payment is claimed in each hill, the amount allowed if ordered paid, or whether the chum lias heen continued or rejected; provided, that theeounty court shall not lie required to publish any claim for which the salary or fees are provided for h' law. hiection 2. The county court shall, at the Jan uary session of each year, select one new spapcr published within the county, having the largest circulation within the county where published, in which the procecdinns of said court, us enter ed of record, siiaii be published at the exja-nse of the county ; prm tdid, that iu countieB having ten thousand pupula'ion tw o new spapers having largest circulation shall lie selected, and the county clerk shall furnish such papers selected each a copy of the proceedings and a list of claims Section .1. Compensation for the publication of such list of claims and proceedings shall he lixed by the county court; pnn iilcl, that for each square of ten lines of brevier type (news paper measure), or its equivalent, the cost shall iu no ease exceed lifty cents per square as afore said. .Section 1. Circulation slisll he determined lis follows: In case of contest the applicants shall each deposit with the county court, on or before a day named by the county court, a certified statement, subscribed ami sworn to before some competent ollic.er, yiviiiK the names oi thesever al poHtolliees and the number and names of the bona Jiile yearly subscribers receiviiiK their papeisjthrough each of the said otliceB living within the county, such statements to he iu sealed envelopca and opened by the county court: and fiie applicant thus showing the greatest number ol bonajule yearly subscribers living w ilhiu the cuunly shall lie the county olhciai paper, in case charges of fraud are made by an aggrieved publisher, the court shall seek other eudenee of circulation, and the aggrieved publisher shall have the right of appeal to ttie circuit court for redress of grievance. .Said appeal shall be taken in ordinary action, and incase of appeal neilher publisher to the contest shall receive pay lor publishing such proceedings until the ease is disposed of in lhe circuit court. Approved February i!l, 1H'.H. In the last issue of the Record appoars the following: "With last week's issue the Record begun the publication of the county court proceedings and will continue to publish a part eaoh week until all are plaoed before its readers. The court had an unusually large amount of business to transaot at its last sitting, aud in or der to give space to other news we pub lish only part each week. It may be well to state also that the Kecord made no ell'urt or offered a bid to secure the pub lication of the county court proceedings as paid matter, rather being glad to give the taxpayers the benefit derived from publication of same free of charge. Some of our exchanges, it seems, take a pride in announcing that they are the county official paper simply because they offered a bid aud scoured the privilege to publish a certain portion of the court proceedings us paid matter." This paper is surprised that the editor of the Record would make such a state ment, as the Gazette has always regarded him us a liberal-minded man, one above courting that green-eyed monster, Envy. Iu readiug the nbovo law as passed at the last session of the legislature, it will be seen that the county court had no al teruative iu the matter but to seek the paper iu tho county having the largest circulation as the "official paper" the one in which certain portions of the county oourt proceedings must be pub lished; and also the paper in which shall be published all official notices, reports, etc., emanating from the various offices of Morrow county. Now does the Record insist that it refuses matter, that must be published by law, iu order to dear its conscience in the eyes of the taxpayers? Is his sup port so liberal that he cau afford to work for glory? Well the Gazette's not "built that way." Neither is the Record. At the lust term of the couuty court, accord ing to law, the Gazetto filed a list of its circulation with that body. The oourt asked the editor of the Reoord to do the same, which was promised, but Bhortly afterward said it was "no use, as he could not, through his circulation aud according to law, secure this business," or words to that effect. These are the facts, and while the Gazette regrets to call our friend down oil' his high pedestal of conscientious scruples, it is necessary iu this instance, that it may not be mis understood. And it might also be in ferred from the Record's remurks that our county court were guilty of extrava gance in paying for matter iu the Gazette which the Record chooses to publish for nothing. In this matter we must defend them as being both economical and honest. If there is a "doubtiiig Thomas," as to the correctness of the Gazette's asser tions, let lu in look up the law in the otinty clerk's olliee. lie might also iu terview the county court and clerk. We will leave our case iu their bauds without one doubt as to their decision. The Ideal Baking Powder is Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder. For more than fifty years Cream of Tartar and Bi carbonate of Soda have been .used for leavening purposes with sufficient flour added to preserve the strength of the powder unimpaired, and this with the addition of whites of eggs comprises this pure and wholesome leavening agent, that has been the standard for 40 years. In its pure, wnoiesome ana delicious tooa is always assured. Makes cake and biscuit that retain their moisture, and while they are flaky and extremely light they are fine grained, not coarse and full of holes as made with ammonia baking powders, latter dries up quickly. Alum powders leave a bit ter taste in the bread or cake. I),.. Price's Cream Baking Powder once used, always used. PALACE HOTEL Heppner, Oregon, 111 in LONE ROCK DOINHS. Rev. A. S. Mulligan, of Fossil, preach es here the 21th. Miss Annie Bennett is seriously ill with complicated ailments. Doo. Brown and Eli Keeney are at present visiting the sick here. W. C. Brown, of Rock creek, is in town waiting on bis sick father. Otho Ward wears the belt for deer hunting this winter, having killed eight. Prof Miller, having recovered from his bis attack of grip, will resume sobool duties Monday. Ham & Neel have moved their band of sheep to Rock creek, their spring range, thinking winter has past and gone. Ed. Coppner had a small round with the grip, but after consuming a goodly portion of J. B. Goff's drug store consid ered himself well. Many of our sick are convalescing. Grandpas Brown and Craig and the daughter of Mrs. Balding are still in a critical condition, however. By our new stage line from Lone Rook to Heppner, we receive our Heppner Ga zette on Saturday night instead of Tues day or Wednesduy of the next week. Harry Nike, one of the oldest and best known sheep herders of Eastern Ore gon, died at tiie residence of Alex. Craw ford last Thursday, Jan. l'J.ata ripe age, bordering on R0 years. "Harry," as be was familiarly called, possessed many grand traits of character, but was a hope less Blave to strong drink, which wreck ed a bright career and a fortune that be once enjoyed. He was quietly laid to rest in our little city of the dead, with out a relative or friend to shed a tear over his grave or say a word in his be half. Peace be to his asheB, and may God be merciful. R. M. J. Rev. Ferguson, of Arlington, is assist ing in the piotracted meeting now in progress at the M. E. church. The mayor of Sodaville, the Hon. G. B. Tedrowe, has dropped his mustache. This is leap year, you know, and "led is beginning early. Tom Morgan says he will resign hi position on the oounoil, so that the can didates for councilmen will all get an of fice. Pretty good plan. Settlers who filed timber-culture or nre-pmntinn claims on railroad land in 1883 or 1887 cau reoover their fees by applying to Frank H. Snow, U. 8. Com missioner, at Lexington. Bring your filing reoeipt. 4o5-tf. Do vou want to save from 25 to 50 cents on every dollar you spend? If so, write for our Mammoth Illustrated Cat alogue, containing lowest manufacturers' ririoes of Groceries, Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Clothing, Hadware, Agricul tural Implements, etc. Mailed on reoeipt of 50 cent for postage. CHICAGO GENERAL SUPPLY CO, FRANK GILLIAM. NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS. iTnTtct TS WEUF.RY flTVKN TO THE TAX v..,.',. nf Mnrrnw r-nnntv. Orftfi-On. that I Or my deputy will be at the usual voting places for tne purpose ni couuciiuk ui-ies, UOlll) MOItMNtJ. "Good morning; tine day". Generally, throughout the country the mornings aud days are very line, but there is a lurking niisohief behind these blandish ments of the season, which it will be well to w atch and provide against. It comes like a thief in the night, stealthi ly, and it 16 numbering its victims by thousands. Men are oareless or indiffer ent. It is so pleasant to be out in the air. But it must be remembered that theair iBcharged with excessive moisture, which penetrates and chills, the gitp has become bo epidemic that whole communities are prostrated. A peculiar feature of the malady is that all so affect ed have rheumatic aches and puius, stiffuess und soreness of the muscles ami acute misery iu til' joints. All these symptoms indicate what ought to be done to prevent mi l cure. One good rubbing with Ht. Jacobs Oil, in time, will so strengthen and soothe that no further trouble will be had. In all rheumatic complaints, whether transient or chronic for years, iu every form of pain, mild or violent, it ia the best remedy of the age. I Brick. Seo .1. W. Con ins for Rock Springs coal. Leuve orders at Gazette office, a Hardware? Yes, at Gilliam A l!is bee's, Main St., Heppner, Or. a. New (lrm. and prices as low as ever. Lichtenthal A Schiizinger's, old stand. a Collin & Mel'arlund will buy wheat at all stations ou the Heppner branch, a. Minor Bros, are now selling Hour at bed rock prices. For cash only. See new ad. a lluy the Peerless tlotir, $ l.tlO per barrel, cheapest and best m ttie market. At Collin & MoFurlnd's. An elegant assortment of boots and shoes, winter stock, just arrived at M Lichtenthal & Co.'s a Nails bv the car load at Gilliam A Bis bee's. Grant county people will do well to Call ou them. a. Drugs, medicines, toilet articles and everything in his line at T. W. Avers, Jr. Heet grade cigars always in stock, a. A tine let of imported Shot Guns at : i Thompson A Co'h at batgaiu prices, no jobbers profits. a j 11. lilacknian ,t ti. have tin exclusive General Merchandise store. Stockmen ! cannot do better than patronize 11. j Hlackmau A Co., cf lioppuer's Pioneer HONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY. This is a patent medicine advertise ment, but your attention one moment may save you much suffering as well as money. We cure that cough. We cure that tickling. We cure that hacking. We cure that throat clearing. We cure (.'roup. We cure Bronchitis. We cure that La Grippe Cough. We help you to sing and speak. We are not this S li. Lozenges. We are a pleasant Cough Syrup, We arc put up in 50 and Tooent bottles. We are the H. B. Cough Cure. Guaratiteed by Slocntn Johnston Drug Co. til -bo. Golden Oppoutunity. Those who have not yet availed themselves of the opportunity to get a dictionary at the ex tremely low rates offered by the Gazette, should do so at. once. With this issue the publishers of the dictionary increase the price a small nmount, yet it is still a golden opportunity, and no one Bhould let, itmlip away from them. If your sub SiSrtytion s.Wnaid up, pay for another year, or send the Gazette to some friend, in order to take advantage of this offer. Remember it lasts for a limited time, only. For all kinds of artists' materials, paints, oils, varnishes, studies, crayons etc, go to S. C. Smith's, May street. The ouly full line in town. 60-tf . MtitteBon precinct ou Tluirv, Eight Mile, Dry Fork, lone, Cecil, CRBtle Rock, Wells Spring, Alpine, l'lne City, Lena, Gentry, Mount Vernon, Heppner, Lexington, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Katurday, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, FridHV, Hitturday, 10, 92 11, 12, 13, 15, Hi, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 The hours of meeting will be from 10 a. m. to 3 p m GEORGE NOBLE, (V2-M Sheriff of Morrow County. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS UTOTTCE IS TiHRERY GIVEN THAT THE IN (ImiNjy Court will receive sealed bids at the next rejfular term tnereoi, ror me construction of cmiutv bridge at w hat is known as Pettys- ville crossing on Willow creek. Said bridge to be built according to plans and specifications now on file in the olliee of the clerk of Baid court. RidB to be opened on the 3rd judicial dav 01 said court, to-wit; Neunesuay, muicu lsu'i The court reserves the right to reject any and Ull l)idS. JULIUS KEITIII.Y, Attest: J. W. Moimow, Judge, ra-64 Clerk. CpHE PEERLESS i'LOUB is handled by X COFFIN & M'FARLAND, $4.60 PER single barrel, spot cash. Don't forget that Cotlln it McFarland can give you bargains in anything. Say, a car load of Oliver Chilled Plows, consisting of Gangs, Snlkcy and Walking Plows, to arrive soon. Hut don't forget that we can supply you with anything you want, in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware and Tin ware, at wholesale and retail. COFFIN & McFARLAND, In the National Hank Building, m lis ill 111 CONDUCTED ON THE AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN PLAN. PLEASANT ROOMS, WITH KIRK IN EACH, FOR STEADY Table uuexcellcn ny any uou-i m ,m.-..,.. .... .v Special rates to panics. Eiuitutun, mitnirr MP A T, TICKETS (1. I l.nar,lnr.: OlOv 7 ner Week. employed in the culinary department W. VON CADOW, Manager. Formerly of U. P. Hotel Company T. H. BISBEE HO! YE SLEEPERS. , Rub your peepers ; Open wide each eye. Hardware seekers, Bargain reapers Now's the time to buy Hardware, Stoves andHeaters. Don't be backward in coming forward and dou't fall oer yourselves in the rush. We are not robbers, so we won't hold you up, but don't let others hold you down with their "trust." Come in ! Come in ! for we are in the swim by thunder. Give us your patronaqe and you will never go under. WB HAVE GOT IT ! A full stock of Hardware, Tinware, Stoves, Pumps, Gas Pipe, Steam KW and Ammunition, Blacksmiths Coal, Iron and S eel Agricultural Imple ments, Wagons, Hacks, BuggieB, Buekboarus, uiris, Etc., Etc. GILLIAM & BISBEE, (Opposite Palace Hotel,) HEPPNER, OREGON W. A. KIRK. J. 0. HATES KIRK HAYES DEALERS IN Saddles, Harness, Whips, Spurs, and every Conceivable Article kept in a First Class Harness Shop. RertiirliS 1 Specialty ! W tatontlv on hand Hie Celebrated enter Saddle LA. v tJ U V JLKJ imiu vi.i v " A x Go to their store for the Improved WHITE SEWING MACHINE. Warranted tor five years. Don't'lray elsewhere till you examine their machines aDd get oash prioes. MAIN STREET, - - HEPPNER. OREGON. Baker :: and :: Confectioner, MAY STREET, HEPPNER, OR. Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes and Confectionery. WEDDING AND PARTY CAKES Madk on Shoht Notice and at Popular Pricks. Bread Loaves for $1.00. A QUERY ANSWERED. "Oh, where! Oh, where can I get a shoe. That fits like a glove and won't ivear through, That feels so easy and looks so neat That others will envy the style of my feet? Kind friend, to your question let me say: Come along with me, I'll shoiv you the way To Mat & Hank's, tchere they have made The best brand of slwes sold to the trade. Some months ago I thought I would buy A pair of these shoes, just to give them a try. They gave such satisfaction, I'll not need another pan For at least six months, which is quite rare. M. LICHTENTHAL ji & CO., Main (Street. Heppner, Or. LEGAL BLANKS. A COMPLETE ASSORT MENT ON HAND AND . FOR SALE AT THE CHAS. H. DODD & CO. IMPORTER OF HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, AND FARM MACHINERY. Front, First and Vino Streets, - - PORTLAND, OREGON. Cedar Posts. SEED OATS. Al.E AT LEXINGTON l'rlci' $1.,"1 T -UE VNDKUSiaNEl) CAN FUH- y it i v v Vi li I H i llnli't' lot f I'U'IVU HOMtl OfttH, Wt'll Hilai'tt1"! to l)uiu'hrs soil jut hiin. trod pou nun. R. H. Whitson. NISH MEDll'M AND LARGE SPLIT (.'KHAR POSTS, foot Ion delivered ou ciub or bout iu Eust Port- I luud, fur 7 or ! cents enoh. Eiistern (lr- I e;oi) mid Washington parties lire pleased ! jwitli them. We prefer buyers should i ! have them inspeeteil before the posts are ' i shipped. Address, j uvewtiiioiit Ooi iiiiiiiiv 1 E. Qi Ai'Ki xin'siI, President, ! O'J-5 1'. O. Drawer 'J'J. Portland, Or. , Ruhl, the baker. Buy yonr bread and cukes and save money. Try it. a. Wanted -More oustomers to buy poods of the Heppner Furniture Co. Great bargains this spring. a. Frank H. Snow, Commissioner V. S. Circuit Court at Leiinctou, Or., is authorized to receive fees for publication of final proofs. 4U-U. TO WOOL GROWERS ! IF YOU WANT To keep your Sheep healthy, and insure a good cup, use HAYWARD'S : SHEEP : DIPS. A Sure Cure at Moderate Cost. IIAYWARD S PASTE DIP Mixel with either COLD or WARM WATER. HAYWARDS LIQUID DIP Is Non-Poisonous, Improves the Wool and does Not stain it. Wool Commission Msrchants, Fifth ami Townsend Sis., San FranciBCO Gkxebal Agents, For sale bv Sloonm-Johnston Drug Co. 436 474 Soli Agent, ron osroon and Wuhinston ron DEERE'S NEW DEAL PLOWS. DEERE'S CAZELLE PLC .VS. Specially Improved for iRai-a Deere Power Lift Sulky Plows. Buckeye Shoe Grato-CrlH. Buckeye Hoc PreM Grain Drill, Buckeye Seeder., Buckeye Spring Tooth Harrow., Gazette onThornton eoouuters. 10 cents. Price tf. DEERE'S DISC HARROWS. DEERE'S SEEDERS, Tfct taacrt Ihi.mmiI lmpleweat for sowing summer fallow. Tn most complete and snocessfn tool for this purpose in use. We lo hre ran line of Bngpies. Phaetons, Mountain Wagons, Platform and other f, Vehicles, SCHUTTLER FARM WAGON'S. Spring Tooth Harrows Deere Harrov. Sciertinc Feed Mills, Pacific Fanning Mills. HAISH BARB WIRE, Btc. Stnti for Circtiars and Price f.isls. -6 00