THE WKtfifLY ER GAZETTE: JANUARY 21, 1S92. THE GAZETTE. See announcements this issue. The many friends of O. E. Farnsworth deBire that he should allow his name to be need for re election as oounoilman. At the suggestion of friends, W. Von Cadow bas almost decided to allow Lis Dame to be used as a candidate for rep resentative. Among the proposed candidates fr county judge on the republican side of the bouse, the Gazette hears presented the name of J. H. JoDes, of Eight Mile. The Oregonian has moved into its new building, which is the finest ot the kind west of the Rocky mountains, and rarely excelled anywhere. It is printed from new type on anew perfecting pre: 8. The republicans aro talking up N. II. McVey and Ike Large for sheriff. Both are good men. The nominees for Bheriff and olerk on the democratic tioket will doubtless be the present incumbents, Geo, Noble and J. W. Morrow. No re publican aspirant for the oflice of clerk bas yet appeared. The Gnzette hears rumors that Mr. Frank Kellogg will allow his name used in connection with the mayorulity. Hon. Henry lilackman is also Bpoken of in that connection, but we are advised that Mr. Blaokman is not a candidate. Eon. T. J. Matlock is being suggested by his many friends as a candidate for re election to that office. Eastern Oregonians of both parties expect to stand solid for the nomination of Eastern Oregon men. Ellis, on tho republican side of the house, is the fu yorite, and will doubtless receive the nomination. The democrats are equally anxious to select a man from Eastern Oregon, and though several are men tioned as good material, no one has been considered sure of the nomination. Some ot the state press are saving that the state board of equalization have ac complished nothing. In this they are surely mistaken. It is a step forward where the rich mun is called upon to pay his just proportion of the taxes. The Oregonian heads the list iu milking strong protests nguiust the work ot the board. According to figures given us by Eon. Win. llunhes, a member of the board, that paper has no just room for complaint personally, at any rate. Their new building cost $000,000 of which but $200,000 is borrowed capital. Ilowever, it is assessed at but $50,000, so that great paper poya but little or no taxes. OUR HOOK AND LADDUIt. Whut It ConhisU of, ftnri tliu Itemized COHt ot thuuutnt. Mr. A. G. Long, of the Portland firm of Long & Scott, representing the Water ous Engine Works Company, of Hi, Paul, Minn., at the special meeting of the town council last Tuesday evening, sold to that body tho following uppara. tus and appurtenances, at a total cost of $1039. One Waterous Aerial Hook and Lad der truck, equipped as follow s : One 40- foot extension ladder with double, screw power, elevating oparatus; one 20-foot single ladder; ono ltt-foot single ladder ono 10-foot single ladder; one Hi foot roof bidder with hooks; four pike poles; ten rubbi r fire buckets; four fire axes with pick-heads; two firemens' lanterns, with shields, uieklo plated; one 10-iuoli, automatic gong; two pull-down hooks, with chain and rope; drag rope and reel ; cue JH-iuch trumpet, chased and pluteil, bell and tuoutli-pieoo gold lined. All delivered, freight prepaid ut Ileppuer, Or., for $075. In addition they have purchased four 6-gallon, improved lhiboock Fire extin guishers, polished copper, with six sets of charges each, nil fitted to truck, (( $58 each, or at a total cost of $232. Also six dozen rubber, lire buckets, flexible, with stiffened bottoms, best quality, painted, $22 per doz., or ut a total cost ot $l!12. All to be delivered at Ileppuer, freight prepaid, and the lettering on hook and ladder truck and inscription on trumpet to be "Ileppuer Hook & Ladder Co., No. 1." If there is any doubt on the part of our citizens as to the value ot the above apparatus, the following letter to Otis Patterson, of this paper, from Hon. i. T. Wright, a citizen of Union, Or., Bhould set it all to rest: Union, Okkuon, Jan. 15, 1802. Otis Patterson, Esq., Ileppuer, Or., Dear Sir: Keplying to your telegram of this dute. Our city hist fall purchas ed through Long & Scott, a Waterous H. & h. truck (40-foot Aerial) and have had it iu use by the tire depariueut tor about three mouths. It bus moie Hutu filled our expectations and we are en tirely satisfied with it. It your oouncil should decide to purchase a truck, 1 think you can do no better than to place your order for a Waterous Aerial. Respectfully Yours, W. T. WiiiiuiT, Mayor. 1IONKBTY IS THE BEST POLICY. This is n patent medicine advertise ment, but your atteution one moment may save you much siillering as well as money. We cure that cough. We cure that tickling. We cure that hacking. We cure that throat clearing. We cure Croup. We cure lirouehitis. We oure that La Grippe Cough. We help you to sing and speak. We are not this S 11. Lozenges. We are a pleasant Cough Syrup, We are put up in 50 and 75oeut bottles. We are the S. R. Cough Cure. Guaranteed by Slocum Johustou Drug Co. 01-05. From lack cf space we can say lull littlo of the splendid leap-year dance which was given at the opera house hist evening. It was a most pleasant atfair throughout the event of the season. Full particulars will be given in our next issue. A LJ3 ANGELES LADY. Gives Her Vnpleased Opinion of the Cal ifornia Doctors in an Uncomplimen tary Manner, and Bpeaks in Highest Praise of Dr. Darrln. From the Oregonian. Los Angeles, Cal., Jan. 1, '92. Mr. Pre. Darrin Your treatment of my complicated female trouble is a per fect success. My health is completely restored, I wish all the miserable momen in Portland could know just what yon have done for me. I feel almost as though my old body had passed away, and 1 oau never thank you enough for the new one you gave me. I think a few of the doctors here ought to be adjudged insane. Their ever ocouring failures where your electrio and skillful medical treatment cures is disgusting. Refer anyone to me. YourB thankfully, Mhs. G. K. Rockwell. Dr. Damn's Low Charges, Owing to the "hard times," Dr. Darrin will in future give Electric treatment for $5 a week, or m that proportion as cases may require. The rich and poor alike, free ot charge, at 70M Washington street, Portland, Or., from 10 to 11 a. m. daily. Those willing to pay, from 11 a. m. to 5 p. in.; evenings, 7 to 8; Sun days, 10 to 12. All ourable, chronic, acute, private and wasting diseases, in cluding stricture, hydrocele and vario oele, treated successfully at Dr. Damn's oflice. All surgical operations skillfully performed. Consultation strictly con fidential. Send for question blank and circular. THE GRAND AKMY BOYS. They Participate in a Campflre at Lexington and Have a Jolly Good Time. One of the most enjoyable social events ever participated in in Morrow county and perhaps the most successful one held iu Lexington by Rawlins Post, oc curred on the afternoon and evening of Thursday laHt. The weather being tine and the roads good, a number of Grand Army comrades and their friends were present from Heppner, Hardmun, Eight Mile, Douglas and other points. In a convenient vacant building on Main street a long tuble was placed, up on which were tastily arranged by mem bers of the Womau's Relief Corps and other ladies bountiful quantities of "goodies" known to the culinary art. About 4:30 p. m, tho banquet hull was thrown open to the hungry orowd who had been eagorly waiting to sample the tempting and palatable viands and hot coffee, served by the ludies. The literary exercises, etc., oommenced at 7 p. m. in Peulund Hall, which was handsomely decorated with flags, bunt ing, evergreens and portraits of heroes of the civil war. The addresses by Rev. George Fergu son, of Arlington, and Hon. W. K. Ellis, of ileppuer, were not only able but humorous, and brought forth frequent rounds of applause from the large as semblage. following is the program, in winch the participants acquitted themselves with credit, justly meriting the hearty applause that followed the rendition of each niimber: Nutlotinl HyninClwilr. I'rtiyer Kev. Geo. Ferguson. jMiihIc Choir. AtlilrenB ot welcome MiHs Myrtle Brown. MoHic-clioli. 1:choiibc to tuUlresH of welcome - D. C. Kly. -MiiMi'-Choir. I'alilie ltiHIiiltiillon ot newly elected ollicern of Ituwihw lmi Hy Kev. Ueo. i-erguBuii, ot Ailing ton. Kceilutinn, "Tile Cainpllre" (Jims. A. John Hon. AililrcHH-Rev. Geo. Fei'KUSou. bong MIhm Mvi-lle Brown. AdilruHH llbii. V. It. Ellin. iMiihIc l.'liolr. , t Keciiiillon, "The Old Gmml Army Boyn" MIkh Annie Hill. MiiMic-l'liuir. liceiliitioii, '-The Old KnniHHck" MIhs Lnlll jtoouioy. MliHie-l'llnlr. lli-ciiiilion, "timlm Root"- Lawrence Palmer. Miihic rholr. rionn, "Tlie ilonny Bine King" J. 51. White. Soiik. reply to "Tile Bonny Blno Flag"MiBH -Myrtle Brown. Ueclliillnn, "(jlory mlt derfltulH lliul Stripes" - 11. Htimton. Music- Cliolr. HeellHtion, "What 1h the Condition ol Those Men Today.' Moses Aslilianh. Song, " he (iolilen dale" .Misses Ista and .Mollie Ely, Kev. Geo. Ferguson and George Kly. After the regular program was oarried out, impromptu speeches were made, reminiscences of army life recalled, nu merous laughable stories told and merry battle songs Bung by the old soldiers, who, for the time, apparently felt "us young as they used to tie." lhis gathering will long be remember ed as one of the most spirited and enjoy able oauiptiros iu the tuiuals of Rawlins Post. The members of the Post desire to tender thanks to all who aided in making the occasion so complete a success, end especially to Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Metier, who so kiudly rendered valuable assist ance. W. Till! HANO.UET. 1'T'oni the Portland World. We are sorry to have erred in our lust issue, in referring to a banquet given iu this city on Inst Friday evening, by term ing it iideinocratic gathering. We there fore apologize to all good democrats, be ing of the same political faith ourselves, for having so grossly misrepresented them. From the nature of the enter tainment, the manner of its getting up, and other serio oomic phases, it was any thing but democratic. Simplicity was the motto of Thomas Jell'erson, and that sentiment is einbued with Ihu true spirit ot democracy; and any other false ideas do not retlcct the principles of that party. A body of men are at perfect liberty to assemble where and when they choose, and to raise the standard ot admission to any figure that suits their purpose, ln t when doing this, they cannot sail uniler the colors of a great political par ty believing that the parly approves ot such a online. If they take the tlatter ing unction to their souls, they have more faith in the credulity of tho voter than most of us have. The democratic masses, we oau safely assert, while looking for leaders who will lead them on to victory in Novem ber next, will hardly turn to the clink ing ot glasses, the bounteously spread ta bles, or the wearers of kid gloves, high standing collars, and elegantly polished boots. They want men, clear,sighted, open-faced, tearless men; men who will stand out boldly and tight (or their in terests, ami who are freed from the con taminating toils of star chamber coun cils, ami the funics of political job-Bhops. A Little Girl's Experience In a Lighthouse. Mr. and Mrs Loren Trescott are keep ers of the Gov. lighthouse at Sand Beach, Mich., mid are blessed wits a daughter, four years old. Lust April she was tnkeu dowu with measles, followed with a dreadful cougti and turning into a fever. Doctors at home and Detroit treated her, hut iu vain, she grew worse rapidly, mi til she was a mere "handful of bones." Theti she tried Dr. King's Now Discove ry and alter the use ot two and a half bottles, was completely oured. They say i Dr. King's New Discovery is worth its ' weight ill gold, yet you may get a trial bottle free at Slociiiu-Johustou Drug Co. How many partners ilul Senator Black man have last evening? See the senator. COl'tiTi' COUltT D01XU3. Continued from pure J. Saturday. January 9, '9-2. The Patterson Publishing Co. cbo6en as the official paper of Morrow county. Changes in preoiucts elsewhere re ported. Monday, Jan. 11, '92. Judges and clerks of election chosen. Will be published in subsequent issue of this paper. T J Teeters, L A Florence and B F Hevlaud appointed supervisors, respect ively, distriots Nos. 2, 23 and 27. Jury drawn. J ustices of the peace and oonstable precincts were established as follows: Dist. 1, oonsists of Matteson and Dairy precincts;,. 2, Eight Mile and Dry Fork precinots; Dist. 3, Ioue, Cecil and Castle Rook precincts; Dist. 4, Lexing ton and Wells Springs precincts; Dist. 5, Alpine, Pine City and Lena precinots; Dist. 6, Ileppuer, Mt. Vernon and Gen try preoiucts. Tuesday, Jan. 12, "Jl. J A Adams, supervisor Dist. 25, report accepted and paid $23; V A Stephens appointed. Examination county reoords com menced. Wednesday, Jan. 13, '92. Clerk Morrow's books ot warrants ex amined from commencement ot term of office to date and found oorrect. Thursday. Jan. II, ".12. Examination of redeemed scrip in bands of clerk found oorrect. Shei iff Noble's books were examined, and on examination it was found that only $1742 03 remains uncollected. The books of Treasurer Matlock were fonud correct. Road upp. No. 105 was declared null and void, petition J. C. Kirk. Sheriff Noble allowed to credit his ac count of tuxes $448 74. The levy for oounty purposes was fixed at mills and for sobool pur poses five mills. Affidavits Clem, Quaid and Mason, bounty on wild animals, confirmed. Friday, Jan. 1.",, '92. J P Rhea, Dist. 15, report accepted and paid $20; T A Rhea appointed. The following road supervisors were appointed: Jacob W'uttenberaer. Dist. 8: Geo Jiauerpliend, 4; W A Glisau, 33; BcnSwaggart,l; John Edwards, 12; lieo J,orcl, 0; Unas J Wilson, 35; Es Holland, 6; T J Carle, 9; Win Douglas, u; uun urow, iu, THE OFF iClVL LIST Of Expenditures of Morrow County, Names of Claimants, Articles or Services Rendered, Etc. Hall k O'Donald, stationery, $2.50. Glass & Priidlioniine, stationery, $15.00. J. W. Morrow, fuel account, $2..i(). Spray Bros., pauper account, $12.64. Homer Gray, pauper acoount, $24.75. C L. Reed, pauper acoount, $80.00; ordered paid $40.00. Julius Keithly, pauper account, "money advanced" $13.10. I. L. Van Winkle, fuel acoount, $5.25. Wm. Blair, pauper account, $03.70. Jorry Brosuan, road and bridge ac count, $5.00. J. A. W. ColTey, stationery, $0.75. Minor Bros., pauper acoount, $0 00. Miuor Bros., pauper account, $1.80. Slocum-Johuston Drug Co., puuper account, $2.40. Slocum-Johnston Drug Co., pauper account, $10.40. E. T, Gugeu, pauper account, $20. Dan Ostners, pauper account, $16 50. (Jbas. Brown, nper account, $20; ordered puid $10.' Wm. Estes, road and bridge acljunA $30. V ' Otis Patterson, stationery, $8.50. Purker & Gleasou, road nnd bridge account, $14.12. W. O. Miuor, criminal acoount of Wm. Bare, $117. V. C, Thompson Co. .expense account, $3.50. Kloctim Johnston Drug Co., stationery, $1.25. A. J. Cook, road nnd bridge, $5. 8. P. Garrigues, road and bridge Bo count, $10. J. W. Morrow, pauper account, wood, $21. Sarah Bnsey, pauper nooount, $6.25. A. J. Hicks, stationery, $40.15. STATU OF OREGON, ) County of Moiiuow, ( I, J. W. Morrow, Clerk of Morrow County, hereby certify that the foregoing list ot expenditures of the oounty, with names of respective claimauts, the articles or services for which payment is made, together with those continued, rejected, or iu part paid, is true and cor rect us shown by the reoords of said oounty. Witness my bund and seal of the said County Court this 20 day of Jan. A. D. 18U2. J. W. Mouiiow, Clerk. By G. W. Wells, Deputy. llilihiu-d's Hhetiuiatie and Liver Pills. These Pills are scientifically compound ed, and mi i form in action. No griping pain so commonly following the use ut Pills. They are adapted to both adults and children with perfect safety. We guarantee they have no equal iu the cure of Sick Hkadaiuib, Constipation, Dyspep sia and Biliousness; and, as an appetizer, they excel any other preparation. Ntrciufth and Health. If you aro not feeling strong and healthy, try Electric Bitter. If "luf rippe" bus left you weak and weary, use Eleo tric Bitters. This remedy ucts directly on liver, stomach and kidneys, gently aiding those organs to perform their functions. If you are atllicted with sick headache, ou will find speedy and per manent relief by taking Electrio Bitters. One trial w ill convince you that this is the remedy you need Large bottles on ly 50c. at Slooum-Johtistsu Drug Co. Golden Oi'i'oiirusny. Those who have not yet availed themselves of the opportunity to get a dictionary at the ex tremely low rates oilered by the Gazette, should do so at ouce. With this issue the publishers of the dictionary increase the price a small amount, yet it is still a golden opportunity, and no one should let it slip nwuy from them. It your sub- SCrintion is iwiiit on. nnv fur utwtthur year, or send the Gazette to some friend. ill order to take advantage ot this otter. Remember it lasts for a limited time, only. Do you want to save from 25 to 50 cents on every dollar yon spend? If so, write for our Mammoth Illustrated Cat alogue, containing lowest manufacturers' prices of Groceries, Pry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Clothiug, Hadware, Agricul tural Implements, etc. Mailed ou reoeipt of 50 cent for postage. CHICAGO GENERAL SUPPLY CO. Poison in the Kitchen. No article entering so generally into the food of every household is so generally and villainously adultered as bak ing powder. These adulterated powders are shoved upon the public with the greatest persistency. Throbbing advertisements in newspapers claiming this brand or that is absolutely pure, backed by analyses and cer tificates, and yet they are adulterated with ammonia or alum. It is to be hoped the law will take hold of these merciless manufacturers and punish them for destroying the stomachs of the unsuspecting consumer. Amid all this fraud and deceit Dr. Price's Cream Bak ing Powder stands almost alone battling for pure food and continues to furnish a pure cream of tartar powder at almost the same cost to the people as the ammoina and alum pow ders are sold at, yet it costs much more to manufacture. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder is of the highest gth. It produces the largest amount of leavening power attainable in a pure baking powder. It is free from ammo nia or any other adulteration. No powder does such work. Housewives who have tested all use Dr. Prices only. ARLINGTON DOINGS. Dr. Gcisendorfer has gone to Portland. Ralph Sells, baggage master, returned from his vaoution Tuesday. Phil Heppner, who has been sick so long in Portland, is expected home shortly., Boys and girls, both big and little, had a splendid time on the Columbia last week skating by moonlight. Cato Johns, formerly of this burg, came up from Portland Saturday morning and went to Heppner in the afternoon. Charley Brown, of Condon, whose leg was broken some time ago, had the mis fortune to fall and re-open the wound. Dr. Molitor, of La Grande, came up from Portland on No. 2 Saturday and stayed in town until the arrival of No. 8. The town was without water Sunday owing to a breakage in the pump, but thanks to the exertions of Mr. Powers and his able assistant, Laymon, who worked 24 hours without stopping, the damage was repaired and everything in running o-der by Monday morning. UPPER KHEA CREEK. It has been very warm aud pleasant. Miss Nettie Copple is on the siok list. It is reported that Luther Hamilton has been sick. Jack McKenzie is hauling wood down to Mr. Leatherman's. We have about four inches of snow and it is snowing tonight. Mr, Copple's are living on Mr. John Zollenger's place, this winter. Geo. Baird made a flying trip up to our part ot the country last week. We are sorry to learn that Mr. and Mrs. Gosney, are on the sick list. David l'.aird is sloping with his daugh ter Mrs. B. F. Hevland for a few days. Mr. B. F. Hevland is hauling wood down to the forks of the creek this week. Mr. Luther Hamilton is still hauling bay from his ranch oyer to their mill on Willow creek. I hear Leander Copple came very hunti hurt the other day E. M. Stevens, an oldf an(j popular railroad ocncluotor, butnow a knight of the road, representingviason, Ebrman & Co., of Portland, wan town yesterday. thfct Mr. uvur ttettirufc It ft 15, IT.. r- t r1HE PEEHLESS FLOUK is handled by X COFFIN & M'FARLAND, $4.60 PER single barrel, spot caBh. Don't forget that Collin & McFarlaird can give you bargains in anything. Say, a car load of Oliver Chilled Plows, consisting of GangB, Sulkey and Walking Plows, to arrive soon. But don't forget that we can supply you with anything you want, in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware and Tin ware, at wholesale and retail. COFFIN & McFARLAND, In the National Bank Building, Baker :: and :: Confectioner, MAY STREET, HEPPNER, OR. Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes and Confectionery. WEDDING AND PARTY CAKES Made on Short Notice and at Popular Pricks. fiS Bread 22 Loaves for $1.00. SEED OATS. I HAVE FOR SALE AT LEXINGTON' 1 a fhoict' lot of clean need oats, well ailnitlt'dto bum harass soil. 1'rico H.f0 per hundred pou111'- 57-00. R. H. Whitson. Wher? At Abrahamsick's. In addition to his tailoring business, he has added a fine line ot underwear of all kinds, negligee shirts, hosiery, etc. Also has on hand some elegant patterns for suits. A. Abrahauisiok, May street, Heppner, Or. Huh!, the baker. Buy your bread and cakes and save money. Try it, a. Caused By Change. The chairmen of our oentral commit tees are respeotfally reminded that chaDgeof precincts, particularly Hepp ner, will require on their part the ap pointment of additional committeemen, P. Cohn is below. Address Wanted. The present address of Wm. D. Batty address will be thankfully received by his sister, Miss M. E. Batty, 40 Buggies street, 60-61. Boston, Mass. ADDITIONAL LOCALS. See J. W. Cowins for Rock Springs coal. Leave orders at Gazette ofhoe. 8 Hardware? Yes, at Gilliam & Bis bee's, Main St., Heppner, Or. a. New firm, and prices as low as ever. Lichtenthal & Schirzinger's, old stand. a Coffin & MoFarland will buy wheat at all stations on the Heppner branch. a. Minor Bros, are now selling flour at bed rock prices. For cash only. See new ad. a Buy the Peerless flour, $4.60 per barrel, cheapest and best in the market. At Coffin & MoFarlod's. a An elegant assortment of boots and shoes, winter Btock, just arrived at M Liohtenthal & Co. a a Nails by the oar load at Gilliam & Bis bee's. Grant oounty people will do well to cull on them. a. Wanted More oustomers to buy goods of the Heppner Furniture Co. Great bargains this spring. a. Drugs, medioines, toilet artioles and everything in his line at T. W. Avers, Jr. Beet grade cigars always iu etook. a. A fine lot of imported Shot Gun s at Thompson & Go's at bargain prices, no jobbers prolits. a For all kinds of artists' materials. paints, oils, varnishes, studies, crayons etc., go to a. (j. smith's, May street. The only full line in town. 60-tf. H. Blackman & Co. have an exclusive General Merchandise store. Stockmen cnnnjit do better thatft patronize H. Blackman & Co!, of HepVner's Pioneer xsriok. a. Frank H. Snow, Commissioner U. S. Circuit Court at Lexington, Or., is authorized to receive fees tor publication or nnal proola. 414-tl, TO WOOL GROWERS ! IF YOU WANT To keep your Sheep healthy, and insure ft good clip, use HAYWARD'S : SHEEP : DIPS. A Sure Cure at Moderate Cost. hayward's. "paste dip" Mixe with either COLD or WARM WATER. HAYWARD S LIQUID DIP Is Non-Poisonous, Improves the Wool and does Not stain it. CHHtMTY 9 WISR, Wool Commission Mirchants, Fifth and Tow niend Su., Stn Franciaco Gk.veral Agents. For sale by Slooum-Johnston Drug Co. 4o6 474 Gazette on Thornton I counters. Prioe 10 oenti. tl. PALACE Heppner, 111 I itsSliyillSm, CONDUCTED ON THE AMERICAN and EUROPEAN PLAN. THREE MEAL TICKETS II. PLEAPANT ROOMS, WITH FIRE IN EACH, FOR STEADY boarders; only 7 per week. Table unexcelled by any hotel In Oregon, No Chinese employed in the culinary department. Special rates to parties. Electric bellij; free baths W. VON CADOW, Manager. Formerly of U. P. Hotel Company FBANK GILLIAM. HO! YE SLEEPERS, Bub your peepers ; Open wide each eye. Hardware seekers, Bargain reapers Now's the time to buy Hardware, StovesandHeaters, Don't be backward in coming forward and don't fall over yourselves in the rush. We are not robbers, bo we won't hold you up, but don't let others hold you down with their "trust." Come in ! Come in ! for we are in the swim by thunder, dive us your patronage and you will never go under. WE HAVE GOT IT ! A full stock of Hardware, Tinwnre, Stoves, PumpB, Gas Pipe, Stenm Fixtures, Guns and Ammunition, Blacksmiths Coal, Iron aud Steel, Agricultural Imple ments, Wagons, Hacks, Buggies, Buckboards, Carts, Etc., Etc. GILLIAM & BISBEE, (Opposite Palace Hotel,) HEPPNER. - - - OREGON W. A. KIRK. KIRK u DEALERS IN Saddles, Harness, Whips, Spurs, and every Conceivable Article kept in a First Class Harness Shop. Repairing a Specialty ! Kept Constantly on hand the Celebrated Heppner Saddle Go to their store for the Improved WHITE SEWING MACHINE. Warranted tor five years. Don't buy elsewhere till you examine their maohines and i gei oasn 4 K MAIN ETBEET, 1 A QUERY ANSWERED. "Oft, where! Oh, where can I get a shoe. That fits like a glove and won't wear through, That feels so easy and looks so neat That others will envy the style of my feet 9" Kind friend, to your question let me say : Come along with me, I'll show you the way To Mat & Hank's, where they have made The best brand of shoes sold to the trade. Some months ago I thought I would buy A pair of these shoes, just to give them a try. They gave such satisfaction, I'll not need another pair For at least six months, which is quite rare. M. LICHTENTHAL & CO., Main Street, Iitiiiic?i-, Or. LEGAL BLANKS. A COMPLETE ASSORT MENT ON HAND AND FOR SALE AT THE CHAS. H. DODD&CO. IMPORTERS OF HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, FARM MACHINERY. Front, First and Vine Streets, - PORTLAND, OREC : N olc AatNTa ro DEERE'S NEW DEAL PLOWS. optciaiiy improrcQ tor IH01-2 Deere Power Lift Sulky Plows. Buckeye Shoe Grain C Buckeye Hoe fro. Onua Drill, Buckeye Seedert, Buckeye Spring Tooth lUrrowk DEERE'S DISC HARROWS. wiiNi Implement far towing W llm hare rail line of Bujjfrws. Phaetons. Mountain Waeons Platform .n Vehicle, SCHUTTLER FARM WAGONS. Sprit, 01!' Scerttfic Feed Mills. P.cfic Fanning Milk HAISH BAM WlSt Snd for Cimiirs and nice Lists. HOTEL, Oregon, 111 HI T. H. BISBEE J. 0. HATES HAYES prices. HEPPNEB. OREGdfN. Oncoon mid Washington ron DEERE'S GAZELLE PI rv Bum. n. . UCKS,