8 THE WEEKLY HEPPJNER GAZETTE: JANUARY li, 1892. A PATRIOTIC WORK. Every person who la opposed to Free Trade Slavery and favors Aiuuricun Tndiiftniil Inde pendence secured through tiio pulley of Pro tection, should read the documents published by the American Protective Tariff I-cnuo. A3 a patriotic citizen Itia your duly to place tiieso documents in the hands of your friend.-. They re Interesting and Instructive, and embrace discussions of all phases of the Tariff question. Tho League publishes over 50 different docu ments, comprising nearly WO pages of plainly printed, carefully edited and reliable informa tion. Among tho authors of these documents sre, Hon. James Q. niulne: Wm. McKinlov, Jr., Governor nl Ohio; Senator S. M. t ulh-in, of Illi nois; Senator Joseph N. f f-ilpli. nf Oregon; Fi'iiator A. 8. Padd'ick, of NclmiMki ; H.'ii.il.or Frye.of Miihie; Senator ('uxcy,. if .w t h Jhikoin; Ho tin tor Justin H. lorril, ol Vermont ; Mimtor Nelson W. Aldtich, or Rhode lsimnl; Jinn. Tlmnias H. linHy,f New .hrm-v ; ih-n. Hubert P. Porter, nf Washington; 1'rnf. J. It. Dodge, of tlie Agricultural DupiirriiM nr, ut Washing ton; CnmmiMloro W . II. T. 11 uuhes ; Ilri K. A. IlartHliorn, of New Vork ; Cnnirrei-Mimn Dnliivor, of Iowa; Hon. H. F. Jones; DhvkI ll:l It ce. of Huston; Kx-Cotigre?E,m:iri Perkins, "f Kansas; iJr. K.P.Miller, of New Vork; Jloii.Gw.. Dni.r, of Muss.; Hon. C. L. KdwinlM,nf Tuxuk; Jmlgo Wm. Lawrence, of Oldo; lion. I. ;. llarrlimin. Of New Vorlt; Hon. Geo. S. Itoulwell. of Man.; linn. E. II. Anitnidowu, of iuW York; Enoch BiiBJey.of Tennessee. This complete set of documents will bo sent to any address, poBt paid, for Fifty (50) Cents, Address, Wilbur F. Wukeman, Sec'y, No. !(3 Wot Twenty-Third Street, Now York. m tUSCmTMENDET) AS TT1E PEST. IbMaii, Plymouth Co., Ia.. May, T Mi!Ter(M fr-irn mpf;i',iry nliuilt:f hh sf fr om (overwork for two vciir.", for v tij li I tited J'ftMor Koi'rii" "'i Wmi I'onio, Hi (I cin nrnrn mend PftiiK' a ; Mio bctt medicine f r .iv, hl l'dAM IS, WlH., , Gel. r;, ihsn. A merrily v (,f iiiv coiicrei! Km-iiig 5 Ntn ve.J onit wilh ,Too((riiiii.H. U'ht pillent KuiiC' Voi ' liiul l-is could l'oi lii. (i tlfi'plor wrfks. lie sullen d riv.ni tl:; inosi iiiteimo anxu ly which honleml on biwn.iry 1 gave tho person Home of KoeiiU;'s Nerve Tonic mid he rout 1-ni' d to uno if. '1 ho nppe lioi relumed grndu.illy, the nnxiely Onp pi'iired, the h- n-laehe left, rnd to-day the mif f'Ter. who had almost dec paired, ia unloving excellent lieuUh. IiEIiN. USKAJiP, Po&tor. riirr Vnlnablo UnoTr on Nervmiri L II a a J1houhi3h Mtint fi-oe to hiiv iidiln m. I Kf I and poor patteut.4 ran also obtain Lb LathiM medicine 1'reo ol' cliui'ffu. Thin remedy lmn bonn prnr 'd by the Hever Wid PnstorKoonlK.ofl'Vi ' ' .juo.Ind., mnce lKjd, and 1h now prepared Aaur hlu direction by tho KOENIG MED. CO., Chicago, III. Sold by DnitftiiHtfl at St per Jtotlle. 0 for 13. Larue SIr.n. 01.75. G Itottlog for WO, Sold in Portlftm!, (Ireyon, by Bnell, lleitsliu tt. VVooiiiird. ESTABMSIIED IN 1877. Wynndottes, Plymouth Kooko, Liyht JiranialiH, JJoho rtinl Sinlo Comb Brown Lchonifl, Partridge G(oliinH, IIoiuIiuih tuid tiil vorHpunwIed Hambmt'fl. 1.000 YOUNG FOWLS Uondy for Delivery. BOOK YOUR ORDERS FOR CHOICE SELECTIONS. 1 Fowls Have no Superior. In Amorion, and are the heHt on this coast by a great difference. I O0AUANTI K SATISFACTION TO EVEUY CUSTOMEU. Send for Catalogue. AddreHs J. M. UAKIUSON, Box D5. coiu.Jl'.Ki. FnreHt i lrovo, Or ARTHUR SMITH, PIUOTIOAL WATCHMAKER ! Opposite Gazette OIHce, HEIT'NEH, : : OKEOON. Watches, A Clocks, i) Watches Cloanotl, Optical Goods . - Ii.so. 1.80. f for one year, tf MaiiiRprinKs Pitted All work Qiiarantr IjIIIIJIITY Koeim f'iliH(unl ly on hand KiuhIi rtud Hull loutH, t'lHli mid Poultry. Ililit,i.l CiinIi I'iii'U paid for all binds of l''id Htock, HrnAY liiioH., HEl'I'NUIt. - OltHUON. Tlio orliflmil id DIGTIONSHY . 11 Y Sl'lfl'IAf AK KA.Si. KM!) s I WIT 11 ' iMihllNhel-H. e tire tll'le to uliltiin it nmnhel' of tl' uWove Look, and profuse to himish u Coliy to each of our suhsei liters. Tlie ilieliottary in a lu-eessifv in every home, letieol and liusfuess house. Il li lis a ilea iu y , mid fiiniishea knowledge wlileli no one hun dred oilier volumes of file elloieesl tiookseould liil'ply. Youiik" and old. ediu ale.l and lunotaiit, rieli and poor, should Have II u uhln reaeh, ami refer lo lis eon ten Is e el y day In the ear. As some have asked If this is realh Ihevhii,' tuiil Welisler s I naliridned lilruoiui'ry. we are hle to slale vt e have li-ai nerl din-el lloin the put. Ushers the laet, that this Is lie verv work complete on v tilt h ahoiit forlv ol the Nest watt, ol the authors lilt" vv ere so a ell entpl..ved III writing. II eitntains I lie eul ire v oetiltu la ry of ataillt ItHl.ntltl vvtirtls, Ineiutlitin tlie t orieel spell lliK, derivation anil tlelluiliuii ol .sitine. ami is tlie regular standard size, eoulaiuim; al.out atHl.lHKl s.puire iuehes of punted surnn e.and is bound in elollt, halt uioiok-o and sl.eep. Until further notice ve will lunvsh th:s valuable Dict'onary First To any new subscriber. Second To any renewal subscriber. ThirdTo any subscriber now in arrears who pays up and one year in advance, at the following prices, vi;: Full Cloth bound, gilt side and back ttanips marbled edges 7 its Had Mo'occo, bourn: r it .. ij and buck. Itamps, marbled evlgo, 4-1 00. Full Sheep bound, leatnei label, maibled .dges, $1.25 Fifty cents added in all cases (ot express ge to Heppner. gmn the publishers limit the time and nuuil.er of hooka thev will luniish at tlie low urlees, WC adv ise all w ho desiie loa.all llielil ! lvlve.1 ot Uilk grwttl oppoiluull) W uitvial lo it MOUM. rs Wiriip u mmtmmm-- ii 1 1 1 1- Leslie's Colored Number. Tbis week's issue in really the first nf the colored Leslie numbers. A miinifi- cent froutispiece, finer tliHa Mn tiling before oo au American. publicatioD graces its pages. It represents a cow boy race od the plains, and is printed iu four colors. It is urtintio to a degree nn known. The women will be interested in the picture which shows Baby Ruth Cleveland taking an airing. The strik ing picture of the burning o the steamer Abyssinia in mid-ocean and the rescue of the passengers; the mngnificeut features of the great poet, Walt. Whitman; figure pieces by tho best amateur photogra phers, and the pages devoted to the child ren and the graphological department will interest our readers. The beautiful bit of nnisio called "Christmas Chimes" and the fourth of the series of articles by 1'rofessor Totten make it the most inter eating publication of the new year. It is a wonder how twelve such good numbers can be furnished, together with the grapbological chart, and an order on Peter Henderson & Co. for $1.25 worth of roses or chrysanthemum plants or (lower Beeds, for $1: but the Arkell Weekly Company, 110 Fifth Avenue, New York, are enterprising peoi le. JiPper Gone. Eugene Outird. J. H. Babcook, the McKonzie man at dieted with leprosy, has been sent away, and we congratulate the people of Lane county, and especially those of the upper MiKenzie, upon the same. He waF brought here last Monday evening at (i o'clock, then a private conveyance was hired and he was taken to Junction City, at which point be took the north-bound overland train at 8:30 a. m. Tuesday and made the trip through to Seattle, Wash., without incident. At that city he was placed on board a small ptenmer and conveyed to Fort Blukely, Wash., where ho was takon aboard a ship, loading with lumber at that point for the Sandwich Elands. A cabin has been built on the deok of the ship previous to bis arrival, where be will be coulined during the trip to Honolulu. After his arrival at thai place he will be taken to the government leper hospital, .and confined, until the regular semi-nnnual gathering of lepers takes place, when Babcock will be taken to Molakai, the home of those afflicted with that terrible disease the leprosy. At- that place he will die, for no perseu subject to the disonao has ever been known to escape therefrom. Babcock was perfectly willing to be taken to that place. DcutnoHH Can't Ho ('urpil By local applications, as iboy cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional emedies Deafness is caused by an inllamed con dition of the mucous lining of the Eus tachian Tube. Whcu this tube gets in llnmed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entire ly cloHed, deafness is tho result, and un less the lullaiuatiou can tie taken out and this tube restored to its normal condi tion, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine oases out of ten are oaused by catarrh, which is nothing hut an inllam ed condition (if the mucous Furfnces. We will give one hundred dollars for any ease of deafness (caused by catarrh) lhat we cannot cure by taking Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. Chunky A Co .Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 75 cents. Why The Kale Kicks. The Long Creek Eagle kicks because out oil the exchange list of the Waitsburg Times. That's nothing; Wheeler, who belongs to the Mafia, or has their methods had something to say about the Eagle. What in thunder does the Eagle want with it? What? Oh, yes! In the little house at tho back end of the cloths line; sure. D.iyton Courier. That's correct liro. Van Lew, we have no other earthly use for it. But as Wheel er has chopped us off his list, wo are de prived of its use in that manner Eagle. The Oazctto has also been rubbed oil' the list, but as we always keep 11 goodly supply of tho oldest exchanges "tin hand for tho above purpose, we hasten to assure Mr. Wheeler that his little sheet is neither missed nor longed for. Consequently we have no kick coming. Frilitlnl Shipwreck. Staunoli ships strike and founder, the tierce winds and mountainous waves sweep noble mariners' "hearlsof oak" to shipwreck and to death, yet that does not prevent tho lubborlie-t landsman from risking his life on the stormy At lantic in the role of tourist or dimmer eial traveler. But if he shall reach bis destination safely he will scarcely have escaped somo of the qualms of sea sick ness, unless ho takes with him Hostet. ter's Stomach l'.itters, that inimitable speciliu for nausea. Bad water on long trips are a threat to the voyager, but this may be deprived iu a great measure of its disordering effects upon the stomach, bowels and liver by the Hitlers. Against the prejudicial effects of malaria, bad diet, fatigue and exposure it ia also ef ficacious. It averts, moreover, rheuma tism aud kidney complaints. Don't travel on sea or land without it. l'KEPON l'KUANCK OF EVIDENCE. If, as the saving goes, "straws show which way the wind blows," the testi mony given in black and white regard ing the merits of an article, and by thoae, too, whose daily experience is cal ouliiteil to make tliciu familiar with such subjects, then the following note carries more thau ordinary Height: ITS W. Vau Huron St San Fhancisvo, June 3, 1SS8. Dear Sir 1 have tried a bottle of your Kobertine for the complexion, and find it a most delightful preparation, beauti-j fving the skiu and leaving no had effects. : For the future I shall use 110 other j preparation. Sincerely yours, I Jkkkukvs I.kwis. J The brother of Mrs. W. J. Leezer, who has beeti very ill at I'liirhaven, is conva leseent. Mr. Joseph Hover arrived from Virgin- 1 1 a last r r.uny on a visit to lus cousin, j I W. G. Buyer, aud family, of tbis place. CUB NEW YEAK'iS EDITION. What Some of Our Kxchatigeit Have To Hay or it. The Heppner Gazette issued a very oreditable New Year's edition. Tilla mook Headlight. We acknowledge the receipt of a pro fusely illustrated New Year's edition of the Heppner Gazette. Eugene State Journal. The East Oregonian and Heppner Ga zette each issued very respectable New Year editions, replete with valuable in formation of their respective counties. Condon Globe. The Heppner Gazette got out a very creditable New Year's edition, containing deeoriptive matter and illustrations of special interest to Morrow county and Heppner. E. O. The Heppner Gazette iu its 12 page holiday number presents an interesting mass of reading matter concerning that town and the surrounding country iu O-egon. Taooma News. The Heppner Gazette got out a very creditable New Year's edition, containing descriptive matter and illustrations of special interest to Morrow county aud Heppner. --Athena Press. Among the other progressive papers of the state, the Heppner Gazette also pub lished a very creditable holiday number, replete with illustrations and descriptive matter. Sunday Mercury. The Gazette's New Year edition, con sidering the short time in which it was gotten up, gives a very fair idea of Hepp uer and Morrow county, and laken all together is a oreditable number. Hepp ner Becord. Holiday numbers have been received at this office from the East Oregonian, Spokane Review, Oregon Scout, Union Republican and Heppner Gazette. Each and all are creditable efforts. Baker City Reveille. The New Year's edition of the Heppner Gazette, containing a good write-up of .Morrow and parts of Grant couuty has been received at this office. It is a well ootten up and neatly printed paper. John Day Sentinel. The New Year's edition of the Hepp ner Gazette is oue of the best that has been received at this office. The Patter- sou's are giving the people of Morrow county, oue of the best papers in Ore gon. Malheur Gazette. Dkah Pats: Your New Year ed'tion of the Gazette at hand. I hasten to congratulate you on your sueoess in getting out such a grand paper. It iB a crdit to yourself, Heppner and Morrow county. Yours muchly, J. Watekmulon Rhmnoton, Ed. & Prop. Puyallup Commerce. The New year edition of the Heppner Gtizetto has been received at this office. It is a twelve page edition and is chuck full of news concerning Morrow aud Giant counties. It is considered just the thing to send to eastern friends who are desirous of obtaining information regarding the resources of this interior section. It contains a recapitulation of events that have happened in Grant coun ty during 1801, a write-up of Grant county's mines, n list of Grant county's tax-payers who pay on $1,000 aud over autl a condensed write-up of Long Creek. Long Creek Eagle. JUDGE ELLIS IN TOWN. lie Comes From lleppnei' to Look After Polities a Little. Judge W. R. Ellis of Heppner is pay Pendletou a v isit. When aHked why he is here, by nn East Oregonitiu representative, he remark ed that be was "rushing around" a little and keeping au eye ou the political sit uation. Judge Ellis is a very prominent candidate for the republican nomination for con gressman in this district, and as the dis trict, which includes Multnomah couuty, is republican by from five to seven thous and majority, it is quite possible that he will represent us iu the hallsof congress. He has a strong following in the coun tries where ho is best known, and be lieves that he has a fair chance for the nomination. There is no doubt, in hiB opinion, that the nomination will be given an Eastern Oregon man by either party. The visitor was under escort of Sonu tor J. II. Raley, last evening, aud was introduced to Pendleton citizens. They attended council rueetii.g together and listened to the new mayor's inaugural address. Judge Ellis was asked what he thought of Seuator Raley as a democratic candi date for oongross, and said: "There is little doubt that he oau secure the nomi nation if he desires it his name is men tioned everywhere by the democrats." lint Senator Raley, wns questioned, and says he is not particularly anxious to secure the nomination let it go to ;'.. iueoiio who wauts it badly, Mr. Uiiley perhaps, has sized up that big republican majority aud is afraid of it. Judge Ellis will remain here during the day. He catue up last evening from The Dalles, where he has been engaged ou legal business. An Oregon Breeze. The Polk Ctdinty Observer give tbe following account of an Bividenfc ovour riiiK in tbat county: "There was a sad death ut Palls City during the wind storm Monday nigbt, tbe uufortunate victim being old Air. Pew, an old gentle man who had lately come to that place w ith his family from someof tbe western states. He was sleeping np stairs and a gust of wind blow in a window of the mom in which he was eleenini?. ThU excited the old gentleman who sprang 1 from his bed aud at once dropped dead. Last evening he showed signs of life and j a physician was sent for." Ibis must be I on- ot the many wonderful etfeets of Oregon climate. It is not everv state iu wbu h a man cau drop dead aud show ! signs or lire next da v. j Gazette for sale at Thornton's News j Stand. tf. DEATH OF MItS. DENNIS. We glean the following from the Wes ton Leader: "We are grieved to chronicle the death of Martha E., wife of Rev. H. F. Dennis, which occurred on Monday, Jan. 4th, 1892 Mrs. Dennis was born in the year 1833 and was converted to Christianity in the Bixteetb year ol age. She was married to Rev. H. F. Dennis on Sept. 7, '5t. The funeral ooourred from the M. E. ohuroh, Weston, on Tues day last, Rev. M. V. Howard officiating in the last sad writes. "Deoeased.nT.s well and most favorably known in Umatilla county as an exem plary Christian and kind hearts 1 lady. She leaves a husband and seven children four boys and three girls to mourn the loss of a good wife and mother. "In this connection it is of peculiar in terest to state that one married son, liv ing at Salem, upon receiving a telegram announcing bis 'mother's serious illness, started in haste for .Weston, but before reaching the train slipped and fell upon the street, breaking one rib and being otherwise injured, thus preventing his arrival here." Rev. Dennis and wife were also well an favorably known here, where they resided for a number of vears. Iu the hour of bereavement he has the sympathy of his many friends here. K. P. INSTALLATION Of ilerinion Lodge, No. 40, of Long Creek la a Pfohperoas Condition. Special to the Gazette. New officers were installed in Hermion Lodge no 40, K. of -., of this place, last Monday evening, Jan. 4, by Distnot Deputy Grand Chancellor Guff, as fol lows: Wm. Rudio, V. 0.; A. Hirsohberg, Pre.; E. O. Woodall, M. of F. ; Oscar Rinehart, M. of E.; R. A. Clark, K. of R. and S.; Orin L. Patterson, M. at A. ; Paul Gruppe, I. G. and George Farwell, O. G. Owing to the absence of L. H. Pow ell, C. C. elect, the installation of this officer was deferred until another meet iuii. Hermion Lodge was instituted last April, and since, has been in a prosper ous condition, having added several new members to its list. Oysters anil Seeds Are valuable for what's in 'em. Gor d and bad oysters look alike in the shell. Good and bad seeds often have the same appearance. Anyone can tell a worth less oyster on opening it. The value of a seed must be determined by its growth. This makes its quality worth consider ing. You want seeds that will grow, and you want the product to he of value. You oannot insure either of these things by mere inspection. There is but one guarantee; the reliability of the firm from which yon buy. That our advertis ers, Messrs. D. M. Ferry & Co., of Detroit Mioh., are most reliable, is attested by the fact that millions buy seeds from them year after year. -Their enormous business furnishes tUe highest proof of their reliability. Their Seed Annual for 1802 is a model of its kind illustrated, descriptive, priced. It contains infor mation of great value to any about to plant seeds. Sent free on application to the firm's address, Detroit, Mich. Nearly Perished. Wm. Murry ib reported to Lave nearly perished ou tbe Granite stage during the blizzard of tbe 25th. He started on his return trip to MoEwenville with a two horse sleigh with the mail and it seems that wben be mac-bed the summit of tbe Burnt river mountains tbe storm was raging so tbat tbe road was soon covered up, aud the horses becoming exhausted waudored out of the road. Mr. MoEwen, who had become alarmed at his non-ar- rivat, started out to search for him. He found him between Austin and Parkers stations completely exhausted and nearly dead. He was taken to the nearest house where be ia being oared for, Blade. I I C .X I v MERIT mm VVANfi EOPLE Suy tho, S. 15. COlT G II CURE is the best thing they ever saw. AVe are not fluttered, for we know that real merit will win. All we ask is an houest trial. For Sale by all Druggists. For sale by Slocum-Johnston Drug Co., Heppner. fickle Tbe Eartb With a Hoe, SOW FERRY'S SEEDS and nature will do the rest. Seeds larcetv determine the harvest always uliiu the best FERRY'S. A book full of information about Gardens how and vkh.it to mise, etc., sent free to all who ask t tor Ask to-day. D. M. FERRY J DETROIT, ft CO.. Jr MICH. AXAKESIS " ffirefl instant rtliI ftml Is an in fallible Cur for I'lles. Pnoe fl. Hr Dnirtmt or mad. Samples Ad ,1r.w "AN'ARWIS." lioiiill Now York Uv, 0 v 0 X 2 A J si mi id I f) 127 ran ea jfe - lt rtCla I i GAZETTE SHOP, tieppner, ; ; tf : Oregon A Man or Woman, of intelligence ard qnick-wittednou(rh to know a "rikkI tiling' at Biht, but who haa lost the Mo-t PreciouH Possession on Earth, Gok1 Hfialth. will not rquiro a second telling to be iiduced to become a purchaner nt Dr. Gregg's ELECTRIC BELTS And. Appliances. Do you know why? Bpranne it in plain to be Bn that the TiaiiH ONCE TOLD ib enough. Th Surprising Promptness with which all claas eo people respond to our announcements, and the rapidly increasing demand fur Dr, Gregg's Hoods wherever introduced, conclusively prove that true modesty is alwajs lecognized and the quality of merit tnkes care of itself. Metaphor ically our statement ib ttie Button the Public Press it, and DR. GREGG'S ELECTRIC SPECIALTIES "DO THE REST." The extent of prepsure on the button and the succBHrjof Dr. (iregg's Electric Goods in "Doing the Hest," ia most satisfactorily shown in the marvelous growth of our busiiiens the past OOdayB. Repeated and increasing demands for T11K GKEUG ELECT 11 It) "FOOT WAKMElt" are coming in from all parte of the country with pro fuse acknowledgements that bo much comfort for $1.00 (the price) was like buying Gold Dol lars for ten cents. The Delicate Organism of Woman subjects her to many peculiar ailments and unfortunate misery. The extreme sensitiveness of her Ner vous System very frequently requires artificial stimulus. Tho Gregg Electric Belt and Appli ances SUPPLY THIS, as nothing else can. The Hugged ('oiiNtitutloti nf Man, when once broken, becomes pitiahle in the exireme, from whiih there is absolutely NO escapn without assistance. The Greiri.Eloctric Belt and Anoli- ances. in cases of this kind, have honestly won their title uf King of remedies. liheumatism is conquered, sufferers from Obe sity aresoeedily relieved, Dropsy quickly yields, spinal difficulties and Paralysis disappear, and many other diseases of men and women are per manently cured, fully described in complete catalogue for tic, or elaborate cirinlar free. We guarantee to forfeit twice the urice of anv of Dr. Gregg's Goods found not to be genuine. We make an elegant little E.ectric Holt, which is selling very raoidly and which wo will take in exchange for any higher power Belt (except $5 boiij anu credit S.i on tho price ot new order, Keinember the Electric ''Foot Warmers" aie $1 a pair, worth $10. A 'dress THE GREGG ELECTRIC CURE CO., 501 Inter Ocean Building, Chicago, 111. and mention this paper. -Salary $25 per week; Wanted Good Agents to sell our general line of mer cbandiae. No peddling. Above salary wilt be paid to "live" agents. For further information, address: Chicago Genebal Supply Co., No. 178 West Van Bureu St., CHICAGO, ILL. NEW NOTICE -TIMBER CULTURE. U. S. Land Ollice, The Dalles, Or., Nov. 13, 1891. COMPLAINT HAVING BEEN ENTERED AT thiHofliceby F. L. Hoskins, Morrow Co., Or., against Madison Chapman for failure to comply with law as to Timber Culture Entry No. 4JS, dated Sept. t5, 1HS1, upon the SEl Sec tion no, Township 2 N., Range 25 E., in Morrow county, Oregon, with a view to the cancellation of said entry; contestant alleging that Madison Chapman haa failed to comply with the law on said T. C, has no trees now growing, no fence, and to all appearances has abandoned the land, the said parties are hereby summoned to anDear at this ollice on the 28 day of January, 1W2, at IU o'clock A. M. to respond and furnish testimony concerning said alleged failure. F. H. Snow, u. . uommtssioner. is aiittioruea to take testi mony in thiseaBe at his ollice in Lexington. Or.. at 111 A. M. January 21, i92. "-i)U John w.lewis, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Ollice at La Grande, Or., Dec. 1, 18918. Notice is herebv eiven that the follouintr- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before County Clerk of Morrow County, Or., at Heppner, Or., on February ti, 1892, viz: JAMES L. HOWARD, D. 8. No. 9087 for the SWJ4 Sec 32, Tp 1 N, R 27 E, W. M. He nnmcH thp following wlt-ndanna trt tirnvo his continuous residence unon. and nul t( vtlr.n of, said land, viz: H. M. Powell, of Hennner. .Tames M. Shaw. George Plerson, of Galloway, Thomas N, Crow, of Lena, Oregon. John Holland, Benjamin F. Harper aud Wil liam F. Wallace, take notice. 457-02 A. Cleaver. Register, NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at La Grande, Or., Dec 18, 1891. Notice is hereby given that tho following named settler lias filed notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Morrow County, Or., at Heppner, Or., ou February li, 1M92, viz: LEONARD M. POWELL, D. S. No. 9ii72, for tbe EU SVU and lota 6 and 7, Sec. (, Tp. 1 S, K 27 E, W M. He nanieB the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: James L. Howard, of Galloway, T. N. Crow, of Lena, R. F. Hind and S. N. Junkin, of Heppner, Oregon. William E. Sanders take notice. A. Cleaver, 457-02. Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at The Dulles, Or., Dec. 19 '91. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof iu support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before F. H. Snow, Com. U. H. Circuit Court, at Lexington, Oregon, ou Februarv. 5, 1M2, viz: NATHANIEL J. HALE, Hd. 5077, for the E(4 SW and lots 3 and 4, Sec. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: Alvmi H. Windsor, Joseph Mason, Edgar R. il, 1 p, 18, H i- W M runner, incouore com, oi L,exingion, ur. John W. Lewis, 467-02 Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Ofhce at The Dalles, Or., Dec. 4, 1891. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that stdd proof will be made before W. R. Ellis, V, S. Commissioner at Heppner, Or., on Janu ary 22. 1S'J2, viz: BEIA E. HATHAWAY, Hd. m, for the S'J SW4 NEfc SWfc SE4 NWJ Set- r, Tp 2 S, R 2tl E. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: M. Heainau, John Barton, J. C. Brown, George Shipley, all of Heppner, Oregon. a-t0 John W. Lewis, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at La Grande, Or., Dec. 7, 1SH. Notice is hereby given that the following nanied settler has riled notice of his intention to make tinal proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Morrow county, at Heppner, Or., on January 23, 1mi2, viz : FOSTER ADAMS, D. 9. No. 7002 for the SEl4 NKV and lots 1, 2 and 3, Sec. 4, Tp. 2 8, R 27 E, W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: Jay Devin, H. Wade, A. H. Stamp, W. A. Kirk, all ot" Heppner, Oregou. Or. A. Cleaver, 4."xi-til, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at The Dalles, Or., Dec. 11, 1S91. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make tinal proof tn support of his claim, and that said proof w ill be made beiore c-ounty Clerk of Morrow County, Or., at Heppner, Or., ou Sauuary 2.i, viz: JEKKY J. McELLUiOTT, D. S. No. 692a, for the SW1.4 Sec. lrt, Tp. 2 S, R 24 E, W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of sani lauu, viz: George t" tt, Thomas King, James Smith, James K. Nuuomaker, of lone, Morrow Co., Or. John W. Lewi;, 4tf-tU Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. I And Office at The Dalles. Or,, Dec. 20, 1891. Notice is hereby given that the toilowing-nam- ed settlor has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and inai tutiti proot win oe inaue beiore r . U. f-now, 1'. S, Commissioner, at Lexington, Oregon, on February 11, lyj, viz: JAMES GALLOWAY, Hd. No. 2901. for the NW. and N r-Va NWVi Hoc i l p 1 S, K 2;i K. W. Si. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation oi", said land, viz: David H. GrahiU, A. T. King, S. P. Hanev and Benjamin F. King, all of lone, Morrow Co., Or. John W. Lewis, Kitr. NOTICE OF. INTENTION. Land Office at The Dalles, Or. Dec. 29, m. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proofinupportof his claim, and that said proof will be made before Frank H. Snow, U. S. Commissioner at Lexington, Or., on Feb. V6, imr2, viz: JACOB M. KEES, Fid. No. 1102, for the S'-i NW Ji and NK SWW Sec 25, Tp 1 S, R 2;t E, W M. . He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said laud, viz: David H. Grabill, A. T. King, 8. P. Haney and Benjamin F. King, all of lone, Morrow Co., ur. John W. Lewis, 459-64 Register. IfTilf IU UT? A COMPLETE A3SORT LLUdL DLHtf0. ment ftt tne Gazette ollice. STOCK BRANDS. While you keep your subscription paid op ycu can keep your brand in free of charge. Allyn. T. J., lone, Or. Horses GG on left shoulder; cattle ame on left hip, under bit on right ear, and upper bit on the left; range, Mor row county. Armstrong, J. C, Alpine, Or. T with bar un der o on left shoulder of horses; cattle same on left hip. Allison, O. D., Eight Mile. Or. Cattle brand, O D on left hip and horses same brand on right shoulder. Range, Eight Mile. Adkins, T C, Dayville, Or- Straight mark across the thigh and two cropB and a Blit in the right ear; horBes, x npside down on the right shoulder, hange in Grant county and Bear valley, PO address also at Hardnirin. Adkins, J. J., Heppner, Or. Horses. JA con nee led on let t flank; cattle, same on left hip. Ayers, Johnny, Lena, Or. Horses branded triangieon lett hip; cattle same on right hip; also crop off right ear and upper bit on same, Blyth, Percy H Hoppner, nr. Horses. Roman crown on right shoulder. Range in Morrow county. Bleakman, Geo., Hardman, Or. Horses, a flag ordeft shoulder: cattle, same on right shoulder. nannisier, j. w., nantinan, ur. Cattle brand ed i on left hip and thigh; split in each ear. Burke, M 8t C, Long Creek, Or On cattle, MAY connected on left nip, ciop off left ear, un dr half crop off right. Horses, same brand on letft shoulder. Range iu Grunt and Morrow county. Bowsman, A,, Mount Vernon and Burns, Or. Cattle, A B on right hip, two crops in each ear; same on horses, on right shoulder. Range in Grant aud Harney counties, Hrosman, Jerry, Lena, Or. Horses branded 7 on right Bhoulder; cattle B on the left side. Left ear half crop and right ear upper slope, Harton, Win., Heppner, Or. -Horses, J B on right thigh cattle, same on right nip; split in each ear. Brown, Isa, Lexington, Or. Horses IB on the right stifle; cattle same ou right hip; range, Mor row county. Brown, J. P., Heppner, Or. Horses and cattle branded 8 with ox-yoke above on loft Bhoulder. Brown, J. C, Heppner. Or. Horses, circle C with dot in m ter on left hip; cattle, Bame. Boyer, W. G., Heppner, Or. Horses, box brand or. r gut hip cattle, same, with split in each ear. Borg, P. O., Heppner, Or. HorBes, P B on left shoulder; cai tie. same on left hip. Brownlee, W. J., Fox.Or Cattle, JB connected on left side; crop on left ear and two splits and middle piece cut out on right ear; on horses same brand on the left thigh; Range in Fox valley, Grant county, Cain.E., aieb.Or. Y D on horses on left stifle; U with quarter circle over it, on left shoulder, and on left stifle on all colts under 5 years; on left shoulder only on all horses over 5 years. All range iu Grant countv. ('lark, Wm. H., Lena, Or. Horses WHO con nected, on left shoulder: cattle same on right hip. Range Morrow and Umatilla counties. Cate, ('has. R Vinson or Lena, Or. Horses n on rignt snouioer; cattle Bame on right hip. Range Morrow aud Umatilla counties. Cochran. Chan., lnno. Or. Hnraon HP .nn nectod on left shoulder; cattle, 0 on both left mpHim BLino. nauge in morrow county. Cannon, f. B.,Long CreBk, Or. Ton cattleon right side, cron off ritrht wnr nnri iif m ifv am- Our horses same brand on left shoulder. Range ( ecil, Wm.. Douglas, Or.; horses JO on left shoulder; ca'tle same on left hip, waddles on each jaw and two b.ta in the right ear. Curl.T. H., John Day. Or. Douhln nrnss on each hip on cattle, swallow fork and under bit in right ear, split in left ear. Hange in Grant county. On sheep, inverted Aa"d spear point uu Bnuuiuer. car marKOii ewes, crop on lett ear, nnnnhpd nrmnr hit. in riviit WuilmN in right and under half crop in loft ear. All range Crosby, A.A.,Heppner, Or. Cattle brandedl-L (or H L corneuted) on tlie right shoulder. Chittenden. K., Prairie City, Or. Pick, handle I uii uciiijtt? nifiiL iiijj Hnu spue in right ear; horses, same brand on right Bhoulder, Range in Cook. A. J..Lena.Or. HnrsAa ftlnn .;,rVf oi.l der. Cattle, same on right hip: ear mark square Currin.R. Y., Currinavdle, Or. - Horses, QQ on loft stitle. Cochran, J n Monument, Or Horses branded T I & A on loft shoulder. Cattle, Bame on right hip. swallow fork in right ear and crop offl eft Cox & English, Hardman, Or. Caitle, C with ' in uwnir; uorses. v th on left "up. Cupper, H. A., Monument, Or. Horses H C low fork on right ear, Cochran. R. E.. Motinmont flrnnf pn r HorBes branded circle with bar benoath, on left shoulder; cattle same brand on both hips, mark under slope both ears and dewlap. Chapin, H., Hardman, Or. Horses branded Jon right hlD. Cattle brandpd r.h mimo CroBB, 8 L, Dayville, Or Cattle branded two cropB and a split in left ear; on horses a reversed z oo left stifle. Also have the following brands on cattle: 72 on lefthin. 7 nn rilit. l.it. Vi on left shoulder, two parallel bars on la ft snomuer, iiar mams, two crops. Doonan. Wm.. Hennner. Or. HoruoR hmnrfvi uu wim oar over uiein, on iert shoulder; cat tie same on left hip. .LOUeiaBS. W. l .(iallOWav. Or. ratlin. K Hnn right side. Bwai low-fork in each wr: Iwirsns. H n on left hip. Duncan, W. P., John Day.Or. Quarter circle vt on ngni snouiuer, uotn on horses and cattle, Range Grant county, Driskell. W. E.. Hennner. Or. -Horses branded Cattle same on K in Bide of O on left shoulder. left side of neck. Ely. J. B. A Sons. Douglas. Or. HnrM hmnrl. ed ELY ou left shoulder, cattle same on left nip. noie in rigjn ear. fink, Ralph. Prairie Citv. Or Hot-spa R F nn right shoulder; cattle, on right hip. Range in Grant county. Fleek, Jackson, Heppner, Or. Horses, 7F I right hip. Earmark, hole in right and crop n toft. Florence, L. A Heppner, Or. Cattle, LF on right hip; horses I1 with bar under on right counecieu on rignt snouiuer; cattle, same on Himuiuer. Florence, B. P. Heppner, Or Horses, F on right Bhoi Jdei ; cattle, F on right hip or thigh. Gay, Henry, Heppner, Or. UAY on left shoulder. Goble, Frank, Heppner, Or. Horses, 7 F on left stifle; catth same on right hip. Oilman-French, Land and Live Stock Co., Fos sil, Or, Horses, anchor 8 on left shoulder; vent, same on left stifle. Cattle, mmn nn both hina. ear marks, crop off right ear and nnderbit in left. Range in Gilliam, Grant, Crook and Morrow counties. Gentry, Elmer, Echo, Or. Horses branded H. 8. with a quarter circle over it, on left stifle. Range in Morrow and Umatilla counties. Giltwater, J . C, Prairie City, Or. On horses, 0-0 on left shoulder and stifle; cattle, on right side. Range in Grant county. Hams, James, Hardman Or. Horses shaded 2 on left shoulder; cattle same on left hip. Range iu and about Hardman. Hiatt A. B Ridge, Or. Cattle, round-top wit h quarter circle under it on the right hip. Rantte in Morrow and Umatilla countieB. Hinton A Jenks, Hamilton, Or Cattle, two bars on either hip; crop in right ear and split in left. Horses, J on right thigh. Range in Grant county. Hughes, Samuel, Wagner, Or T F L on right shoulder on horses; on cattle, on right hip and on left side, swallow fork in right ear and slit in left. Range in HayBtack district, Monvw connty. Hall . Edwin, John Day.Or. Cattle E Hon right hip; horses same ou right shoulder. Fangein Grant county. Hyde, Uiel A.,Prairle City, Or. -AH combined on horses on right shoulder; cattle on right hip. Range in Grant county. Hughes, Mat, Heppner, Or. Horses, shaded heart on the left shoulder. Range Morrow Co. Hunsaker, B . Wagner, Or. -Horses, tf on left shoulder; oai tie, 0 on left hip. Hardisty, Albert, Nye, Oregon Horses, AH connected, on left shoulder; Cattle on the left hip, crop off left ear, Humphreys, J al. Hardman, Or. Horses, H on lefl flank Hiatt, Wm. E., Ridge, Or. Horses branded bar cross ol left shoulder: cattle same on left nm Hayes, J. M., Heppner. Or. Horses, wineglass on left shouldei cattle, same on right hip. Ivy, Alfred, Long Creek, Or Cattle I D on right hip, crop off left ear and bit in right, HorseB same brand on left Bhoulder, Range n Grant Colintv Huston, Luther. Eight Mile, Or. Horse H on the left shoulderand heart on the left stifle Cat tle same on left hip. Range in Morrow county. Jenkins, D. W.,Mt. Vernon.Or. J on horseson left shoulder; on cattle, J on left hip and two smooth crops on both ears. Hange in Fox and Bear vaU.y3, Junkin, 8, M., Heppner, Or. Horses, horse shoe J on left shoulder. Cattle, the sama. Range on Eigijt Mile. Johnson, Felix, Lena, Or. Horses, circle T on left stifle; cattle, same on right hip, under half crop in right and so lit in left ear Kenny, Mike. Heppner, Or. Horses branded KNY on left hip cattle same and crop off left ear; under slope on the right Keller, Richard, Rlanton. Grant county, Or. E K in square, cattle on left hip; horses same on left shonldor. Range Rr Taller. Kirk J. T., Heppner. Or. Horses 69 on left shoulder; cattle, hit on lpft hip. Kirk. J C, Heppner, Or. Horses. 17 on either flank: cattle 17 on right side. . i numwnana.n . it., .uouni lemon, r. t Li on I cattle on right and left sides, swaiiow fork in h ft ! ear and under ciop in right ear. Horses same Keeney, Fit, Heppner, Or. Homes J L and ace of clubs on Ifft stille. Range in Umatilla and Morrow counties. Lesley, M C, Monument Or A triangl'Kwith all hues extending pa t Lody of figure on I hor ses on lpft shoulder, ou cattle diamond oil left shoulder, Bplit in righ a-a uUti' it iu left tar. Range in Graiit county and to parte of John Day. Laurence, R. L.,Prririe City. Or. -Cattle, Z on right hip; horses, same on right shoulder. Range in Grant county. Loften, Stephen, Fox, Or. R L on left hip on cattle, crop and -split on right ear. Horses same brand on left shoulder. Range Urant county. Lienallen, John W., L: Or. Horses branded half-circle J L connected on left shoul der. CaHle. saint on left hip. Runge, near Lex ington. Lord, George, Heppner. Or. Horses branded double U coi.nectt Sometimes called a swing H, on left shoulder. Maxwell, M. 8. HorBes branded long link on left shoulder; cattle, same on lef . side. Ear mark under bit in left ear. Minor, Oscar, Heppner, Or. Cattle, M D on right hip; horsa M on left shoulder. Morgan, H. N., Heppner, Or. HorseB, M ) on lefl shouldei cattle, same on left hip. McCnmbort Jas A, Echo, Or! Horses, M with bar over ou right shoulder. Aiani.. B. B., L.ona, Or. Horses old mareB ZZ on right hip; young stuk, small zz ou left shoulder. Morgan, Thos., Heppner, Or. Horses, circle T on left shoulder and left thigh; cattle, Z on right thigh. Mitchell. Oscar, lone, Or. Horses, 77 ou right hip; cattle. 77 on right side. McClareti, D. G., Brownsville, Or, Horses, Figurefton each shoulder, cattle. M2on hip. McKeni.W.J.. Mount Veruon. Or XIou cattle ourighthip, crop iu right ear. half crop iu left same brand ou horses on left hip. Range iuGraut county. McCariy, David H., Echo, Or. Horeea branded DM connected, on tlie loft Bhoulder; cattle same on hip and side. McGirr, Frank, Fox Valley, Or.-Muie shoe with toe-cork on cattle on ribs and under in each ear; horses same brand on left stifle. McHuley, G. V Hamilton, Or. On HorseB, 8 with half circle under on left shoulder; on Cattle, four bars connected on top on the right Bide. Range in Grant County. Meal. Andrew. Lone ltock, Or. Horses A N con nected on left Bhoulder; cattle same on both hips. Newman, W. R Heppner, Or. Horses H with half circle over it.on loft shoulder. Neville, Jbb , H ppner, Or. Horses, N on left shoulder; cattle same on left hip; ear mark, three slits in ngni. Range in Morrow county. Nordyke, E., Hilvorton. Or. Horses, circle 7 on left thigh; cmtle.wwneon loft hip. KO'Flyng, E. Wagner, Or, Brands horses ( ) on lefts)iouldor;caltle on both hips, Claims y brand on any part of oody. Brand recorded. Oliver, Joseph, I, an j on City, Or. A 2 on cattle on left hip; on horses, same ou left thigh, Range in Grant county. Oiler, Perry, Lexington, Or. P O on loft shou.det. Olp, Herman, Prairie City, Or.-On cattle, O LP connected on loft hip; horses on left stille and wartle on noBe. Range in Grant couuty. Pearson, Olave, Eight Mile. Or. Horsea, quar ter circle shield ou left shoulder find 24 on loft hip. Cattle, fork in lef; ear, right cropped. 24 on left hip. Runge on Eight Mile. Parker & Gleason. Hardman, Or, Horses IP on left shoulder. Piper, J. H Lexington. Or. -Horses, JE con nected oi left shoulder; cattle, same ou left hip, under bn in each ear. Patberg, Henry Lexington, Or. Horses brand ed with a Romai, crows on left shoulder; cauie branded with Roman cross, bar at bottom, or' left hip. Vj Potter, Dan, Lexington Horses branded mH connected on lef t shoulder: cuttle same on right hip. Powell, JohnT., Dayville, Or Horses, JP cotu riec ed ou left shoulder. Cattle OK couuected ou left hip, two under half crops, oue on each ear, wattle under throat . Range iu Grant county, Rickard, G. D. , Canyon City, Or.-F C on left shoulder, on horses only. Range Canyon creek and Bear valley, Grant county. Rood. Andrew, Hardman, Or. Horses, Bquare cron with quarter-circle over it on loft stifle. iienniBer, nriB, neppuer, or. Horses, C R on left shouldei. Rice. Dan, Hardman, Or.; horses, three panel worm fence on left shoulder; ca:tle, DAN ou right shouldor. Range near Hardman. Rudio, Wm, Long Creek, Or.-Brands horsos K oi right Bhoulder. Range, Grant and Morrow counties. Royse, Aaron, Heppner, Or Horses, plain V on left shoulder; cattle, same brand reversed od right hip and crop oft right ear. Range in Mor row county. Rush Bros., Heppner, Or. Horses branded X on tho right shoulder; cattle, IX on the left nip crop otf left ear aud dowlap on neck. Range il Morrow and adjoining counties. Rust, William, Pendleton, Or. Horses U on lef t shoulder; cattle, R on left hip, crop oft right ear, underbit on left ear. Sheep, R ou weathers, round crop off righ ear. Range Uma tilla and Morrow c mnties. Keaney, Andrew. Lexington, Or.-Horsei branded A R on right shoulder, vent quartei circle over brand; cattle Bame on right hip. Range Morrow county. Royse, Wm. H, DairyvUle, Or-Hlt connected with quarter circle over top on cattle on right hip aud crop oil right ear and split in left. Horses same brand on left shoulder. Range in Morrow Grant and Gilliam counties. Hitter, J F, Ritter, Or Three parallel bars with bar over on horsos on left hip; on oattle, lefl side, two smooth crops, two splits in each ear Runge in Middle Fork of John Day Rector J. W., Heppner, Or.-HorBOfl. JO oi lef t Bhoulder, Cattle, Don right hip. Spray, J. F Hoppner, Or. -Horses branded hi connected oi. right shoulder; cuttle same on boit hips. Sailing, C C Heppner, Or Horsea branded S A on left Bhoulder; cattle same on left hip. Skinner. G L, Ritter. Or Horses, two-bar So left stifle. Plain 8, two bars on left side, a crop and thrco splits in right ear, swallow fork ana underbit in left, cattle. 8 on cattle larger than on horseB. Range in Grant county. Swaggart, R. F., Lexington, Or. Horses 2 with dush under it on left, btitie. cattle H with dash undor it on right hip, crop otf right ear aud waddled on right hmd leg. Range iu Morrow Gilliam and Umatilla counties. Swaggart. A. L., Ella. Or. Horses brande"1 3 on left shoulder; cettle same on left hip. Cron on eur, wattle on left hind leg Straight W. E., Heppner, Or.-Horses shaded J 8 on let. stifle; cattle J 8 on left hip, swallow fork in right ear, underbit in left, shwJ,ir'. U Alpine, Or. Uursee, S S on righi 8app, Thos., neppner, Or.-Horses, 8 A P ou left hip; cattle same on left hip. 8ears, W. H.. Fox, Or.-Horses bar over 8. Range in Fox valley. Smith E F Pilot Hock, Or. Cattle, horse shoe on lef t side, crop close in left ear. Horses, counties Umatilla and Grant Sliirt.v: Jumna T.nr 1 - i. left stifle aud over 2 on left shoulder. Shrier.John, Fox, Or.-NC comiected on horses on right hip; cauie, same on right hio crop ..ft right ear aud under bit iu left ear. Range in Grant county. 8 lehouur'' Jhn DaJr' r-H Z """""leor. btephens, V. A., Hurdman, Or-; horses H9on right slide: cattle hwriioiital L on I he light side. bMvtttisun. Mrs A. J., Heppner, Or.-UutUe, ti on right h.i i ewBllow-fork in left ear. Bwaggart. O. W. He ppner, Or.-Hgrses, 44 on. left should.-, i cattle, 44 ou left hip. o.BLTshfe HaHtaaU' 0r-" Btone. Ira. Ili-klehm Wool, it. i on left shoulder. ' -" Smith, li. li. Lone Honk. I lr ll.., i j... WiTT1 T6" 8h"iWer; cattle same on .... . v., mam oouniy, IeftIh,I'uymnirl?'''V',er'l0r-r,,""le W C on dewlap; horses W 0 on left shonldor '""'' left should, r; cattle, li on left shoulder. " lionets. H. T I 1 1- u n . . ehoiuder. ' v,- on lett Tomer R. W Tfar.nn.. r e .. , left shoulder horses; cattle' same on left hiu win, spin in Don, ear6. Thornton, II. M.. lone, Or.-Horses branded HI connected on left stitle; sheep same brand. l?fVh,'.tft i1iHe:on l with bar under on left hip. Kange in Grant county. vanoeruuol. H. J .. I.nn iir air nected on right slioulder;catt'le, Bame on right Vvilson, John Q galem or Heppner. Or Horses branded Ja on the left shoulder. IWe Morrow county. ivauge WarreU. W R. rnloK n. r.i t circle over it, on left .id. rinnt in" ,;?,U,Hr norses same l,raH ..n lf. D, ,r. Grant couuty. u"uiu0r. iwugeiu i.fY.rJr JJajTHIe, Or-Hearton horseson lef sutle; on cattle, Son left side and under bit in left ear. liange in (Jrant county. V rnrht. Hi hm A ....... L . . as.Vlnh-"-- Wallace. Francis. Mnnnt VQ r o-... cattle on the left hip. upper slope in he left ear and under slope in rwht ear. Same brand on horses on ngl.t shoulder, liauge m uSj and Grant county. -uaiuey H eoster, J. 1,. Heppner. Or.-Horses branded nth bat over J on right shoulder: cattle mm on right hip, crop off left ear and spli in S, Kanse. Morrow county u" Kp shoulder; catt e same "' " ua left unnii.lh d llES Wyland, 1 H, Hardman, Or.-Circl. fj on left Woodward, John, Heppner, Or.-Hor no connects on left shoulder. 8' UP tt atkins, Lishe, Heppner, Or.-Horwe branded Ciconnecteo on left stifle. "" oranaea Wallace, Charles, Portland. Or.-Oattl. w -right thigh.ho!. ,n left earThorS Tw on right shoulder. s,,ra. same on left shoulder" 8 h lhXMKZ JlS'SL SHS. Of - Williams. Vim. H.;i... ... 7, "-"miier. cle over three bars on left hip, bt Mttto 2h horses, Range Grant county. and .J.!"'r18' .? 0 l-'reek, Or-Horses. or. ten, a. A., oeppner Or ("j.ftia V, " . . with bar ,-m k.-T"6' """" A W en, A. A., oeppner. Ur. Cattle. n, . i . Young, j, g.. Goorrrv n-n..