THE WEEKLY HEPPNKJR GAZETTE: JANUARY 7, 1892. 7 THE GAZETTE Union Pacific Railway-Local card. No, 81, mixed leaves Hepnner 8 a. m. " 3'.. 14 ar. at Aril nKton a.m. " ' leaves ' 3:'3U p. m. " 32, " ar. at Hep pner ti:4U p. m. daily exeept Sunday. East bound, main line ar. at Arlington 8:50 p. m. West ' ' " leaves " 4:3) p. ui. Night trains are running on Bame time as before. CANYON AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS. Htaee leaves for Monument daily, exce) t Sunday, at 6 :30 a. m. Arrives dully, except Monday, at 6:00 p. M. Direot connection oan be made at Monument witn the Long Creek stage. Daily stage between Long Creek and Canyon City, connecting at the latter place with the Btage for Burns and Sil vies valley. THIS PAPER is kept on file at E. C. Pake's Advertising Agency, (14 and 85 Merchants Kxchangs, Han Francisco. California, where con tracts for advertising can be made for it. I : C. I'ENTLAND, SECRETARY OF THE 'j. Urwoii Press Association, 2(1 Ash Street, between First and .Second, Portland, Oregon, is our only agent located in that place. Advertis ers should consult him for rates and space in the Gazette. THE GAZETTE'S AGiNTS. Wagner, R. A. Hunsaker Arlington, Henry Heppner Long Creek, The Kaule Echo, Bob Shaw Camas Prairie, Oscar De Vaul Mattenon, Allen McFerrin Nye, Or H. C. Wright Hardman, Or., J. A. Woolery Hamilton, Grant Co., Or Mattie A. Rudio lone, T. J. Carl Prairie City, Or R. R. Mcllaley Canyon City, Or., S. L. Parrish Pilot Hock, O. P. Skeltou Dayville, Or., J. E. Snow John Day, Or., F. I. McCallum Athena, Or John Edington Pendleton, Or., Win. G. McCroskey Mount Vernon, Grant Co., Or., Postmaster Shelby, Or Miss Stella Flett Fox, Grant Co., Or J. F. Allen Eight Mile, Or., Mrs. Andrew Ashbaugh Upper Rhea Creek B. F. Hevland Douglas, Or S. White Lone Rock, Or R. M. Johnson Gooseberry W. P. Snyder AM AUKKT WANTED IN EVERY PRECINCT. Here and There. Mrs. J. J. Roberta is quite ill. Ed. Holloway was in town Friday last. Mr.;j. R. Furgneson is stopping at the Palace. Our oounty jail is empty, a good recom mendation. Supt. Saling leaves in the morning for Walla Walla. Minors Broa. keep Spray Bros.' baoon, hams and lard. tiU-tf. The infant of Mr. and Mrs. Whetstone is seriously ill. C, A. Hales and mother were in the oity last Friday. Daily stage both ways between Monu ment and Long Creek. tf. Nicest bams, breakfast baoon and fresh lard at Spray Bro. Rev. P. M. Bell is engaged in conduct ing a reviyal in Clarks Canyon. The big store at Qrants station burned last Saturday night. Loss $30,000. County court has been in session for over a week, and is not through yet. Mao Clark is at present with Mo Dougall, Southwick k Co., of Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Patterson returned from a visit to the valley on Tuesday. B. A. Ford will hang paper for the next sixty days for 25 cents per roll. Major Ormsby is now located at Craw ford, Neb., where he is feeding his sheep. . f , . Hon. W. F. Matlock returned to Pen-' dleton from below on Monday nights' train. Thos. Morgan, t he teaoher, is the own er of a fast trotter, of which he is justly proud. Pup bimons & Son still shoe horses and do general blacksmithing at the old stand, Matiook oorner. 55. D. M. Zeller, the well-known contract or, arrived at Heppner Tuesday and will shortly begin the erection of Henry Hepp ner's warehouse. - Ed. Cox has bought a half interst in the Hardman business of J. A. Woolery. Tbe new firm has bought the business of R. 0. Wills at lone. Chas. Sargent has purohosed the low er feed stable on Main street, and will continue business as of old. Charley is a rustler and deserves success. The Gazette is tbe official paper of Morrow county, the selection having been made on its having the largest, bona fide circulation in the oounty. Walter Fell departed this morning for Franklyn, Wash., where he will take a position with the Oregon Improvement Co. We wish bim suooess over there. Newer and neater quarters at the Palace Hotel's north business room. Charley Jones, the baber, wants to see bis old friends there. Baths in connec tion. Hon. Joe Thomas is now cashier of the National Bank of Arlington, H. O. Con don having gone out with thenew election of officers. Geo. Conser is one of tbe directors of the institution. H. H. Glaesford.of Salem, reminds ns that he is prospering in bis new borne at that oity. Mr. Glasaford, it will be re membered, is oonnected with the asy lum in an official capaoity. Tbe correspondent "Charity" must send in bis or ber name, as the oase may be, before tbe matter oan be published. We will not publish the name, however, but must know tbe author. Settlers who filed timber-culture or pre-emption claims on railroad land in 1883 or 1887 can reouver their fees by applying to Frank H. Snow, U. S. Com missioner, at Lexington. Bring your filing receipt. 433-tf. Rev. P. M. Bell, on next Sunday night, will preach the first series of spe cial sermons which he oalls "Bible nigbts." As the name indicates they will be upon the great events that took place at night as recorded in tbe bible. In his new quarters, City Barber shop stand, you will find Gid Hntt. He oan't part a bald head in the middle or shave whiskers where none exsist, bnt he's lightning on good subjects. Shaving, bairoutting and shampooing dune in a satisfactory manner. Tbe Eugene Register has it from re liable authority that "Sban" Conser, who has been laid up for over a year from in juries received in the Lake Labish wreck, will soon go to railroading again and will probably take the position of conductor of the Albaoy local. Tbos. Morgan, tbe affable pedagogne, is still teaching school at Eight Mile, Morrow county, with the suooess that always orowns bis efforts. A proof that be is very popular over there, the direct ors say they will keep bim as long as they have ten oents left in tbe treasury. Condon Globe. Mr. A. G. Long, representing tte firm of Long & Scott, of Portland, is in tbe oity. Messrs. Long & Scott handle Waterous fire-engiDes, Aerial book and ladder trunks, etc, and while Mr. Long, as their representative, is deeirons of el ing the town of Heppner an engine.etc, thinks we should provide water works SOCIAL MATTERS. MtlVE WHIST PARTY. A drive whist party was given Bt the residenoe of Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Fell, last evening, by Messrs. Howard Dodson and Geo. Fell, in honor of Mr. Walter Fell. Tbe following were present : Misses Lizzie Matiook, Ida Ayers, May Matlock, Henryetta Sinsheimer, Etta Minor, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. Homer McFarland, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Potter, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Cohn, Messrs. Walter Fell, Geo. Fell, T. W. Ayers, Jr., Howard Dodson, Alvah W. Patterson, Phill Cobn and Chas. Sheldon. Tbe first prizes were won by Mr. Phill Cobn and Miss Lizzie Matiook and the "booby" prizes by Mr. Homer McFarland and Mrs. W. B. Potter, each receiving a suitable prize. After an elegant supper, other amuse ments were indulged in till a late hour, when all departed for their respective homes, feeling all the happier for having been present on this occasion. GKAB WH18T PARTY, On last Friday night Miss Lizzie Mat look gave a "grab" whist party at the residenoe of her parents on Chase street, in honor of Miss Henryetta Sinsheimer, of Portland. Our reporter noted the following as present: Misses Etta Minor, Inez Voruz, Ida Ayers, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Potter, Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Fell, Mr. and Mrs. Otis Patterson, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Con ser, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Roberts, Messrs. George Fell, Walter Fell, Howard Dod son, Harry Woods, Alvah W. Patterson and Phill Cohn. The first prizes were won by Mr. W. B. Potter and Miss Ioez Voruz, the "booby" prizes by Mr. Geo. Conser and Miss Etta Minor, each receiving something appro priate. An elegant luncheon was an important feature of the occasion, whioh was fol lowed by vocal and instrumental musio. It was indeed a very pleasant oooasion, one to be long remembered by those present. K. OF P. DOINGS. On Tuesday eve last the brother Knights of Pythias, through their wives and friends, prepared a surprise for Alvah W. Patterson, manager of this paper, it being his 23d birthday. It was the occasion of Dorio'a regular conven tion, but tbe visitors were admitted as soon as possible after arriving at tbe K. of P. ball. Miss Htnryetta Sinsheimer made a neat and appropriate address, presenting Mr. Patterson with two ele gant birthday cakes, after which sooial games of whist were indulged in, dosing with that which is neoessary to all such occasions, a supper. Henry Blackwell, of B'ox is in town. Dal Rreed, of Arlington, came up laBt night. Miss Hattie Corbin left this morning for Pomeroy. Billy Ross and wife arrived from An telope last Thursday. Julius Potts was here last week from the Prineville country. Arthur Coffin was a passenger on Tuesday's up train. Geo. Thornton and wife returned from Portland last week, where they have been visiting friends. Wanted A girl to do general house work. Apply at the residence of W. R. Ellis of this plaoe. 60-tf Born In Heppner, on the 33th inst., to the wife of J. O. Hart, agent of the Union Pacific, a girl. An elegant assortment of boots and shoes, winter stock, just arrived at M. Liobtenthal & Co.'s a Hon. Wm. Hughes is back from below after completing his labors on tbe state board of equalization. Hon. W. R. Ellis returned Monday from a visit to Tbe Dalles, Pendleton and other points in Eastern Oregon. It is reported that Johnnv Beeler has struck indications of ooal, while working on tbe grade on Upper Willow Creek. Owing to the presenoe of black clouds in the south and a growing tendency for warmer weather, Geo. B. Tedrowe is put ting up ice. Dr. B. F. Vaugban is baok to Heppner and will be prepared, in a few days, to resume his work in dentistry. Reason able prices. 469-tf Burn To the wife of B. A. Hunsaker, in Haystack, on the 11th inst., a boy and a girl. Weight, respectively, eight and seven pounds. Charley Tilden is getting up a fine sign for tbe Gazette office. Some of his work can be seen down at Thornton's, on tbe north side of tbe building. For all kinds of artists' materials, paints, oils, varnishes, studies, crayons, etc., go to S. C. Smith's, May street. The only full line in town. 60-tf. , Jake Young was over from Gooseberry last Friday. He received for a Christmas present a pioture of the old homestead in Mo., which, of oourse, he prizes very highly. The Gazette office was made glad a few days ago by receiving a New Year's present in the shape of a fine typewriter desk, for whiob we have to thank Mr, T. E. Fell. Married At Castle Rock, on Monday eve, Mr. Wilson, section foreman on tbe U. P. and Miss Teeters, daughter of the postmaster of Castle Rock The couple came up to Heppner Tuesday. On next Sunday eve Rev. R. L. Smith of tbe M. E. church will preach a ser mon to young women. His subject "Per sonal power in Bocial life " No young lady should fail to bear this sermon. Mr. Ashley Bancroft, of Portland, is stopping at tbe Palace. Mr. Bancroft is here on some real estate business. We know tbe gentleman to be reliable, and tbmk that our people can make no mis take in investing. Electric Bitters. This remedy is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no spe cial meotion. All who bave nsed elec tric bitters sing tbe same song of praise. A purer medicine does not exist and it is guaranteed to do all tbat is claimed. Eleotrio bitters will core all diseases of the liver and kidneys, will remove pim pimples, boils, salt rheum and other af fections caused by impure blood. Will drive malaria from the system and pre vent as well bs onre all malarial fevers. For cure of headache, constipation and indigestion try Electric Bitters Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or money re funded. Price 50 oents and SI per bot- i tie at Slooom-Jobnston Drag Co.'i. Sudden Death On last Friday even ing Miss Eva Howeiton, of this place, reoeived a telegram announcing tbe sud den death of her mother at Fossil. Miss Howerton departed Saturday by stage for borne, via Lone Rock and Condon. Tub Cause The acoident which oc curred near La Grande recently, wbion caused the death of an engineer and fire man and two tramps, was oaused by run ning a "double-header" of two extra large, Mogul locomotives, and the track oould not bear tbe strain. Mill Shot Down. The Heppner Flouriug Mill Company bave closed down their mill temporarily that repairs oan be made. They have on hands a fine lot of flour and sufficient grain to run the mill for some time, and will oontinue to buy at the market price. Tbeir flour is giving splendid satisfac tion. Marriage Licenses Dec. 1891. Tbe following licenses to wed were issued by County Clerk Morrow during tbe month of December, 1892: Geo. W. Patterson and Julia Ransdall; Effie May Gerking and Henry F. Tolle; Geo. M. Holmes and sarab Melissa Snyder. The number issued last month, as our readers will see, are quite few. Look out for a light winter. A Correction, A week ago last Fri day evening, Whitmore Lodge. A. O. U. W., installed tbeir officers as follows : Wm. Kirk.Past Master Workman ; Wm. Potter, Master Workman; A. L. Fox, Foreman; S. P. Garrigues, Overseer; Geo. Lord, Seo'y; J. L. Yeager, Receiver; J. W. Matlock, Financier; Geo. Conser Guide; M. S. Driskell, Outer Watohman; Henry Wade, Inner Watchman. Our report in our last issue was not altogether oorreot, kenoe tbe republication. Wedding in Heppner. On last Satur day morning in this oity occurred the marriage of Mr, Walter Richardson .and Mrs. Rosa Jones, at tbe residence of A. A. Roberts, Esq. The oeremony was performed by Mr. Roberts in his usually impressive manner. Tbe young couple have a host of friends who extend tbeir best wishes on this oocasion, and hope it may be tbe begining of a long and pros perous life. The oonple have gone to housekeeping in the D. A. Herren pro perty on May street. Anti- Whiskey Institute. The Keeley Institute, formerly looated oorner Third and Madison streets, Portland, is now permanently located at Forest Grove, where they expect to do an increased business. Among the papers they send out you will find testimonials from many prominent persons of different parts of the state. No one who desires relief should hesitate to try this. The ladies of Forest Grove have also opened a free reading room for the speoial oonveuience and oomfort of those who come to For est Grove for treatment. House Burned. Word comes to this office that Peter Brenner's bouse over in the Eight Mile seotion, was burned to the ground last Thursday about two o'clook in tbe afternoon. Fire oaught from a defective flue, and was under full headway before discovered. No one was at home at the time excepting his wife, and when first seen bv her she could do nothing, not even having time to save any furniture, scaroely. Two beds, a bible and an album were all that were saved. - Mr. Brenuer bad gone to lone with a load of wheat and was just returning, when withm about two miles of home saw tbe smoke issuing from the roof. He huiried as fast as possible, but before be reached the bouse the roof had fallen in, so be could give no assistance. The loss is 81,000, on which there was $550 insurance. Real Estate Transfers. Through tbe kindness of the officials in the clerk's office, tbe Gazette is able to present herewith the real estate transfers for the month of December last. Wm. A. Mar tin et ox. to David A. Herren; A. L. Spray et ux. to Isaac Enigbten; I. L. Van Winkle et ux. to B. P. Doberty; T. C. Aubrey et ux. to J. L. Beymer; Theo. E. Wood to Barney P. Doherty; U. S. to Pres. C. Thompson; U. S. to Oscar I. Bodine; Oscar I. Bodine to Cbas. Fil kins; Henry Welohet ux. toM. P. Brown; U. S. to Chas. L. Richmond; Winfield 8. Landers to Andrew J. Cochran ; George N. Maddock to Henry Heppner; George N. Maddock to school district No. 1 ; U. 8. to G. W. Rea; G.W. Rea to J. C. Kirk; U.S. to F. R. Sherman; F. R. Sherman etux. to Nelson Jones; Clarence M. Kearney to J. M. Green; U. S. to W. O. Allison ; U. 8. to Geo. T. Clem; Geo. T. Clem to P. O. Thompson; U. 8. to Jas. M. Fisher; U. S. to Wm. Reininger; U. S. to W.G. Sweetzer; U. S. to Frank Gil liam. Address Wanted. Tbe present address of Wm. D. Batty address will be thankfully received by his sister, Miss M. E. Batty, 10 Ruggles street, 60-61. Boston, Mass. Recently the following Notice appeared In V10 San Francisco Chronicle. ' Tudg S -had been irk only about two weeks, and it was not until (lie la't three or four davs that the malady to ;k a serious turn. At the beginning of his illness he suffered from diabetes and stomach disorder. Later the kidneys refused to perform their functions and he passed quietly away. Thus ended the lite of one of the most prominent men in Cali fornia." Like thousands of others his un timely death was the result of neglecting early symptoms of kidney disease. IF" YOU re troubled with diabetes, gravel, or any de rangement of the kidney or urinary organs, don't delay proper treatment until you sre forced to give up your daily duties; don't waste your money on worthless liniments nd worse plasters, but strike at the seat of the disease at once by uinirtlie greatest of all known remedies, the celebrated Oregon Kid ney Tea. It has -aved the iive-i of thousands. Why should it not cure you? Try it. Purely vegetable and pleasant to take. f 1 .00 a pack age, 6 for $5 OO. The Secret of Is wholly in using Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder. The only pure Cream Tarter Powder sold on the market. Other brands contain either ammonia, alum or some other adulterant. Ammonia or alum powders dry out, make the dough too porous, leaving a bitter taste, etc. No agency has assisted so much toward perfection in cookery as Price's Cream Baking Powder. Its ingredients are simple and so blended as to exist in exact chemical pro portions, so after use there is never any excess of either left in the food. Hence there can be no impurities whatever left in the finished food. No bitter taste, no taint of ammonia, but food raised with Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder partakes of the natural sweet flavor of the flour and keeps moist and fresh for days. This powder possessesqualities peculiar to it alone. No other makes such delicious pastry. No other contains the white of eggs. This Space Belongs to T. W. AYERS, Jr., Druggist, Cor. MAIN AND MAY Sts. Rock Springs Coal! I will keep constantly on. hand the BesT Screened Rock Springs Coal, which I will deliver in any part of Heppner At a lleasonable Price. Leave your orders at the Gazette Office. JVW. COWINS, Heppner, Or. SWEETS, FIRST IN In the Hustle with C?a,n.d.r FactorVj Five doors North of the Palace Hotel, Heppner, Or.- Fine Imported and Domestic Cigars and Tobaccos Fresh Fruits and other Goods Received Daily. SEE ! WILL YOU NOT LOOK AT Great HOLIDAY Display OF SILVERWARE & JEWELRY? It will pay. Boss place to buy substantial Christmas presents. IP. O. BORG, MAY St. rriLDEN I -T H IS PAINTER. Is the bent Sign Writer in Heppner. MATEIMONY S. C. Smith's FTTrtNITITTUt: EMPORIUM Are cloicly allied, because a married oouple without Furniture 1h like a government without a ruler. Biff Stock of Furniture Just Agent For the La Grande Marble Works. OLD STAND ON'1 MAY STREET, HEPPNER, OREGON. HIGHEST Flour Exchanged for Wheat. IIEITNEIi FLOURING MILL COMPANY. ! rir W T I A If ItTNCTON. Manaorer. 48 v Fine Pastry. OYSTERS, FIRST their Countrymen. io. Complete in Every Hint. CASH PRICE - SELLING OUT TO RETIRE FROM BUSINESS The Immense Stock of merchandise of the Firm of H. Wackmai & Co., Bold out REGARDLESS OP order to clone ont bnsinpfiB. call H.BIackman&Co., Heppner Flour, Peerless Flour, THESE QUOTATIONS ARE JQj CASH Only! Do Not Let This Lite time Opportunity Pass. -Dealers in- CLOTHING, DRY SHOES, HATS, STAPLE and FAN CY GROCERIES, ETC. Extra Good BUTTER ALWAYS AT HAND. NELSON JONES, E. 11. BISHOP, P. E. FELL, President. Treasurer. Secretary. The Morrow'County Land & Trust Company PAID UP CAPITAL STOCK $25,000. teal Ciffiia and Uuig Agents. HEPPNER, OREGON. The Highest Market Price Paid for all kinds of Grain, Sheep Pelts, Hides, Etc. JStort itse OfiiJnoltyj HKPPNEH WAREHOUSE: ,. IONE WAREHOUSE. 6,000 Bags Wool. 50,0000 Biwlieln Grain-1 20,000 Bnaheln Grain. DOUGLAS WAREHOUSE: un,000 liuliel Grain. Odd Combinations. NAILS AND SUOAlt. I TOM A TO KETCHUP HAMMERS. PEARL BARLEY AND PADLOCKS. CANNED GOODS & AMMUNITION. Strange Combinations to be Found Only at The Combin ed Grocery and Hardware Store of P. C. THOMPSON COMPANY, DEALERS IN Groceries, Hardware, Tinware, Confectionery Wood & Willow Ware and Agricultural Implements. Agonts for NEW HOME Sowing Machines and IMPERIAL EGO FOOD. LUMBERMAN'S' TOOLS A SPECIALTY. Table Cutlery, Shenra, NeiHsorn, rocket KDivus, anil liazorx at Keirjarkably Low Prions, fjpeoial inducements to Cash Cub toimTH. Oive ua a trial. tf. Corner Main and Willow Streets, Heppner Or. E. o. HLOCUM. EE FURNITURE Has the Post Selected Stock of Furniture in borrow Countv- FACT! See For Yourself. tSrUudurtiikiuK uuil Repairing a Specialty. MAIN STREET, OPP. P. 0. THOMPSON'S, - HEPPNER, OB will he COST in I Parties desirous of Kinking for CASH will find it to their interest to on ns. WE MEAN BUSINESS. Come and be convinced. - $4.65peLBarreL $4.50 per Barrel GOODS, BOOTS and Mill! BROS. E EMPORIUM, Heppner, Oregon. Itemoved to Their New Builflinq on Main Bt. E. II. HLOCUM. COMPANY first.