The Weekly Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1890-1892, January 14, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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V 4
Generous Help for Fire
Only One Man Vutea at a Luoal Elec
tion Sweden aurt Ntirway to Enter
the Oenrian Aiitl-I'roteotlon League lis for Savin; Lire.
He Dies at Cairo ThU AdorDo
C'ooaestlnn of the Langs Developed
Fiona Influenza The Sixth of Hla
Cairo, Jan. 7 The Khedive of Egypt
naa uieu iroui tne euecta 01 influenza.
The influenza developed into congestion
of the luuge, anil was complii-ated by
cardiac alleetion,
tli is allernoon.
Marriage Today or Mm. Mar-hall
Huberts, and Colonel Vivian.
Stockholm, Dec. 26 At the factory of
uuiDiau is uo., or Uothenbare, the sew
ing machines are run by electricity.
An alderman of Malmo has received
in salaries $24,181.71 during the last 10
Unusually large quantities of herring
have been caught along the southwest
coast this fall.
A new stamped envelope to the value
o( two ore fa little over k cent) will soon
be issued by the postollfce department.
Decemlier 18th the Independence
Beige, of Brussels, stated that Sweden
and Norway are preparing to enter the
uerman Anti-l'rotection League.
Carl Aurivillius who has been gathur
ing zoological sbecimens on the Knmla
Islands has returned with a rich collec
tion wlncli will be distributed between
Upsala and the National Museum of Na
tural History.
F. A. Kjellin, of Stromstad, and three
other Swedes saved the crew of an En
glish vessel off Cape Horn over a vear
ago, and the British government' has
now awarded them gold medale "for
generosity and humanity."
The sheriff of Mantiharju, Finland,
bought an old violin which carried the
significant inscription: "Antonius
Stradivarius Cremonesia Faciebat Anno
1713." A soldier brought it back from
the last Turkish war.
The gifts to those who were left desti
tute by the fire at Umea have been
pouring in so richly that the authorities
have decided to put a surplus of $15,000
into a permanent fund, the interest of
which Bhall go to the poor. This plan
has, however, met with a good deal of
opposition from those for whom the
money was originally intended.
The Aftonbladet, of Stockholm, con
lainsacommunication from Bjornstjerne
Bjomeon warmly protesting against his
being charged with entertaining hatred
of Sweden or of having evor aroused
such feelings. "To the beet of my
knowledge," he writes, "I have not once
in my poetical or prose writings ex
pressed myself or spoken in an improper
or hateful manner about the Swedish
people, and why should 1 do so? I love
it and some of mv best
Swedes' Only by misrepresentations,
..o ..u.iiuiufn, iiava ins utterances been
construed in such a way as to give color
to tne insinuation that he hates Sweden.
Copii.NiiAQEN, Dee. 2tf ''Under the
Law" is the title of a new play in three
acts written by Udvard Brandes.
King George, of Greece, has bought a
dozen pictures at Copenhagen, and pre
sented them to the art gallery at Athens.
Dr. Kabell, of Koenne, has published
a large illustrated work on "America
before Columbus, Particularly the Civil
ized states."
Mohammed Tewlik was the son of
Ismail I, and ascended the throne when
h is father was forced to abdicate under
pressure of the English and French
governments, June 2G, 1879. January
18, 1873, he was married to Princess
Jimineh, daughter of El-Hamv I1
He leaves two sons, Abbas, born in 1074
ana Menemet All, born in 17U, and two
younger daughters, Kadsbat-llanein
uorn m lStf, and JNimet-tlanem, born
in isBi.
And tier Relatives Protest 1 hit She Is
New Orleans, Jan. 7 A few days
ago a well-dressed woman called at the
jewelry store of Skooler & Co. to look at
some diamonds, representing herself
the niece of Mrs. C. A. Whitney, one of
tne wealthiest residents of New Orleans.
The caller did not have the money to
pay ior me diamonds, and a clerk ac
companied her home to gut it. She
went into Mrs. Whitney's to show the
diamonds to her aunt, she said, the
cleik remaining outside.
He waited Jor halt an hour and be-
! came alarmed. He began a search, but
the woman had mysteriously disap
peared and no one in the house could
account for her. The police and the
detective ageucies have been on the
alert ever since. Yesterday she at
tempted to pawn some of the diamonds.
The police were summoned, but again
she mysteriously disappeared, leaving
the diamonds behind. They were iden
tified b f Mr. Skooler today.'
The police arrested Mrs. Henry
Vonphul as the thief, just as she was
about to leave for Baton Rouge. Several
diamonds and other jewelry were
New York, Jan. 7 At 3 o'clock thi
His death occurred afternoon Mrs. Marshall O. Roberts, one
oi me Deal Known ot New lork society
women, and Colonel Ralph Vivian, of
me critisn army, were married at Cal
vary church bv the Rev. Henrv Y,
batteries. The bride is a leader in the
circle of fashion in New York, and her
attire is a frequent subject of descrip'
iion. sue is a oeautv and verv wealthy
The man of her second choice is a sol
dier on the reserve list of the British
army, and a Bplendid specimen of phvs
u-al manhood. He stands six feet three
inches in height and is handsomely pro
portioned. The colonel has seen active
service and has distinguished himself
as an enemy of Queen Victoria's foes.
tie -s well known in American society.
pointed out by her in her house as and as an indefatigable hunter on the
those she had taken from stores. Mrs.
Vonphul conies of one of the oldest and
most highly respected Creole families of
the State. Her husband was formerly
a rich sugar planter ol Baton Rouue. anil
eon of a well-known St. Louis milli jn-
aire. The family assert that Mm. Von
phul is insaiie.aiid say that she uusouce
in an insane asylum.
frontier. In his present visit he ia ac
companied by distinguished English
omcers Colonels Stacey and Walker.
I.I.Kl II ,.
ftu.baitu'H Ollht
Ha ypewr.tor.
Memphis, Tenn.. Jan. 7 Robert J
Lemon, bookkeeper in the office of the
Memphis carrel and Heading Company,
incidentally spoke in complimentary
terms of the typewriter in the office,
Miss Mollie Scanlan, to Mrs. Lemon the
other evening. She jumped to the con
clusion that her husband was infatuated
with the typewriter, and today the wife
visited the office, where In r husband, arrival here,
The prices on nearly all articles of
food are rising, and people of small
means look into the future with dismay.
At a local election near Svendborg,
only ona man came to the polls and
voted for four candidates for different
offices, aud they were all declared
"unanimously" elected.
E. Sorensen, the editor of the Kolding
Folkeblad, has entered a damage suit
against the Viborg Aintstidende. Mr.
Sorensen eclipses even our own Don
nelly. 'He asks for a round million
crowns, or $270,000 damages.
During the years 1871-89 85 Jewish
men were married to Christian women
and 45 Christian men to Jewish women,
which makes 130 mixed marriages of
this churacter in all. During the same
period the number of pure Jewish mar
riages happened to be exactly the same,
or I.'IO. These figures show that there is
a strong tendency towards amalgama
tion of the two nationalities.
The Crown Princess who has gone to
Egypt for the improvement of her
health, arrived at Cairo November 15th
and was received in a cordial manner
by the Khedive of Egypt. She is stop
ping at the same hotel where the Queen
of Austria is also spending the winter.
The health of the Princess is improving!
The manufacturers of Sweden do not
seem to be very enthusiastic about their
representation at the world's fair. The
government has sent a circular to most
of them, and out of 1901 answers only
140 answers were in favor of represent
ation, while 1745 weie emphatically
against it. The general objection is the
great risks and the heavy expenses of
CmtiSTiANtA, Dec. 20 Alexander Kiel
land, has beeji elec ted mavor of Sta
vanger. The Christmas number of the Folke
bladet contains Bjornson's peace hymn,
with a full page picture of the poet, and
also of Henry Ibeen.
Norway's first pork packing establish
ment is now in operation near Christi
ania. It seems to be provided with al
modern improvements, the process o
transforming a live porker to pork and
bacon and lard being essentially the
same with that of the American packing
It will take about $152,000 to run the
city of Christiania during the year to
cone. About two-thirds of this amount
will have to be covered by taxation. The
city's indebtedness amounts to three
million dollars, and it is nnder consider
ation to borrow another million with
which to build new common schools, s
hospital, a hospital for the insane.
The L'uion Pacific Operation of Hu Jo.
aepli A-Grantl I -timid Nut S.ttlrac ory.
St. Joseph, Mo., Jan. 4 An official
telejram from James H. Benedict, pres
ident ol the St. Joseph & Grand Island
and Kansas City & Omaha railroads has
been received by J. W. Walker, presi
dent of the Board of Trade, announcing
that the bondholders of the St. Joseph
& Grand Island, becoming dissatisfied
with the operation of the roads by the
Union Pacific, had taken both lines
from the control of that corporation and
re-established the general offices in this
city, with W. P. Robinson, of the Erie
Dispatch, as general manager. The re
mainder of the offices will be filled dur
ing the coming week.
Miss Scanlan, A. K. Ward, secretary of
the company, and a clerk were all at
work at their desk.
Mrs. Lemon at once broke out in a
tirade of abuse, accusing Miss Scanlan
of trying to steal her husband's affec
tions. "My God, Mollie, you will ruin
me, eaid the astonished husband. It
Town Topics, in nommentiiiL'
on the very loud manner in which Mrs.
Roberts has behaved toward her in-
tended, said:. In all my experience as
a critic of society and its conduct 1 have
never been called upon to denounce a
piece of execrable taste with such em
phasis as I now feel bound to do in the
case of Mrs. Marshall O. Roberts and
herentertainmentof her fiancee, Colonel
Ralph Vivian. By no possible reason
ing or precedent is there any etiquette
worthy of the name that would excuse
Mrs. Roberts' feeding and feting her
future husband, exhibiting him to her
friends and making a public show of
him, as she has been doing since his
bus. Kooerts is an expe
rienced woman of the world and
widow; therefore it is not necessary for
her to assume the tender and shy man
ners of a maid, but even under the cir
cumstances of her present situation it is
preposterous taste to go on as she is
doing. It is equally reprehensible of
r,nl.,al Vlirinn ...!-..:. K: 1-
n,tbft,bh0tl'WrenKb-''?tl,'e8a'l,e tlie recipient of such attentions from
"" ".""'".'" " his bride,
It la Said That the Showman Hid a
Horror of Having Hla Kody Stolen
It Will Finally Kent Under the
Bridgeport, Conn., Jan. 7 A great
deal of discussion has been created here
by the report that P. T. Harnum'e body
was not in the casket which 10,000
people followed to the cemetery last
April, but that it was a dummy of cloth
and stones, over which the Rev. Robert
Collyer preached the funeral oration.
The Btory at first gained little credence,
but now it is alleged that it has been
authenticated by thedmission of a
very near friend of the familyr
It is recalled that at the time of the
funeral no one outside of the family and
a few intimate friends were allowed to
view the bodv. This was said to be in
accordance with Mr. Barnum's wishes,
ne iearmg that nis iace would loot un
natural. Now his associates remember
how frequently he spoke of his horror
lest his body might be stolen as was
A. T. Stewart's.
It is known that he enioined his
family to guard against such a misfor
tune. His fear amounted to almost a
mania. It is said now that some one of
the attendants in the house at the time
the coffin was closed has made the state
ments which started the storv as to the
duuimv corpse in the casket, llawlev.
Reynolds & Wilmott, the under
takers, profess great surprise and do not
credit it.
The storv is that the bodv was con
cealed in Mr. Barnum's house. "Mar-
na," until a few days after the funeral
when it was buried in the cemetery in
a snot knnu-n nnlv In Mru Hiii'nmn ,,ml
her chosen friends, and that a yoar or
two hence, when all thi danger from
ghoula is passed, it wilUK placed 'in the
laniny plot beneath -tne granite slab
which is supposed to ma-k the grave.
Kuropean Nate.
IjONdon, Jan. 7 The British steamer
Catalonia, at Queenstown trom Boston
eports that on January oth she nassed
a sailing vessel on fire. The Catalonia
searched in the vicinity, but found no
trace ol the crew of tire burnitiff vessel.
The latter was completely gutted.
the limes ViennaeorresDOndenteavs
Russia generously left France in the
lurch in the Chadonine affair. Foreign
Minister Ribot was not conscious that
he was not in possession of the full
lacts of the case when he took action.
fe did not then know the French acrent
had been verbally warned of Chadotiiue's
reputation. Now. seeing he is forced to
stand alone, lie will deal wi'h the mat
ter in a conciliatory way. and S'.amhonl-
off will do his best to meet him.
you mean?; your
Katy Uidd "It isn't proper for girls
to climb trees, is it, mamma?" Mrs.
Didd "Not this season, dear; but you
can ride your safety bicycle." Puck.
Which Mollie do
slave or your pet?"
Mr. Ward and the clerk got Mrs.
Lemon in the halt and tried to persuade
her she was entirely mistaken in her
suspicions. J ust then the spring lock
clicked, aud, realizing that she was
locked out and that her husband and the
typewriter were alone inside the office,
Mrs. Lemon grew furious and tried to
break the door down. Mr. Ward then
unlocked the door. The tvoewriter was
found weeping bitterly and Mr, Lemon
was apologizing for his wife's unseemly
Before she could be prevented Mrs.
Lemon rushed at Miss Scanlan and
dealt her several blows in the face, head
and shoulders with her umbrella. She
was removed from the office bv force.
but insisted that her husband should go
with her. Miss Scanlan will give up her
A Swede at 1'ort l.udiow Drowns
boat this morning brouahtTthe bodv of
J. r. Liorentzen, a Swedish haherman.
aged 32 years, who committed suicide
at Port Ludlow Sunday. From de
ceased's brother the following facta were
learned : bundav he was anDarentlv in
good spirits, talking with friends during
ine noon hour. About l o clock he got
into a boat and rowed out in the stream.
During the afternoon children playing
on the beach found the boat, with a note
in Swedish addressed to his brother,
it said that deceased was tired of life
and not worth the earth to cover him,
and it was time to go. This was the
first intimation received of the sad
affair. The work was immediately be
gun of searching for the body. After a
long search it was found with a large
stone tied to the neck.
The corpse as it lay at the under
taker's presented a Bickening sight. The
stone and rope were still on the body.
In view of the fact that deceased was
alone and the finding of the body as
stated, the coroner deemed an inquest
unnecessary, and the body was buried
this afternoon.
.11 u ual 11 n u ell. Ae.ocUtiuii Tint Waa
N it Economic il.
Pittsburg, Jan. 7 The receiver of the
Economical Mutual Benefit Association
of Sandy Lake, appointed last Novem
ber, has just issued a circular stating
that there is 'tbsolutely no hope of a
dividend for the surviving members of
the concern after the pending death and
disability claims are satisfied. The af
fairs of the association are in a decided
tangle. The receiver has thus far failed
to find the books of the asssociation.
The total assets are less than $5000 in
actual value against $145,000 which the
receiver thinks the receiver should
PoriliiKl I're.lUent Saya Rockwell Had
No Power to Act.
Portland, Or., Jan. 7 President
H. T. Hudson, of the Portland club,
says the consolidation plan adopted by
the league magnates in San Francisco is
invalid, as Rockwell and Hardy were
not authorized to make the deal. At
the league convention held in this city
October 5, 1891, W. B. Bushuell was
authorized to see under what terms the
league could be consolidated and Bubmit
the report at the next league meeting,
but he had no power to act. Thia was
expressly noted at the time and was
recorded in the minutes.
Hudson says if Bushnell appointed
Rockwell and Hardy to conduct the
negotiations, be did so on his own re
sponsibility, and the local league may
refuse to recognize the deal.
Hudson favors a consolidation with
Portland, Seattle and Tacoma or Salem
on the north, and San Francisco, San
Jose and Sacramento on the south, and
a 00 or 40 per cent, division of the
profits. He thinks the addition of Loa
Angeles a bad move and likely to result
unprofitably for the several clubs.
I repeat that in all the veara
I have studied the social farce hern-
aliouta I m-ver came upon a case of bad
uieouuig meriting bucii uncompromising
Mrs. Roberts certainly eathered it hnnr.
her a dangerously competitive cluster of
beautiful women at her two dinners to
her colonel. There were Mrs. Burke
Roche, Mrs. Lloyd Hryce, Mrs. C. G.
Francklyn, Mrs. Willie Jaffray, Miss
Turnure, Miss Tailer, Mrs. Cavendish
Bentinck and Mrs. Ogden Mills, truly a
veritable coronet of brilliants. Mrs.
Bradley-Martin was at the second din
ner, a perfect palace of showy jewels.
Mrs, Roberts will bid farewell to her
native land alter her marriage and take
up her residence in London.
Tl l'nw.i'4 Mut.iln
Paris, Jan. 7 It is declared, in offi
cial circles here that all powers approve
of the attitude of Ribot, the minister of
foreign affairs, in regard to the matter
of the expulsion of Cliadouino from Bul
garia. The French government, it is
said, in its demands on the Bulgarian
government merely desired to insure
respect for the capitulation and to pro
vent the reoccurrence of the affair. A
speedy and satisfactory settlement of
the difficulty between France aud Bul
garia is confidently expected.
A Man Who Made Marriage Hla Buai
neat, as m Means of Berenne, Olad
lo be In .fall Away Prom His Tic
Cleveland, Jan. 7 The day after
Christmas John Anderson, of St Louis,
deserted his wife in;thisjcttv. after, tak
ing the sum of $1200 that waa sewed
up in her Bkirt. It was their wedding
trip aim me orioe nad lormerly been
a Mrs. Ellen Purcell, offcSt. LouiB. An
derson departed for the East at once,
' wan intercepted at A many and re.
turned to Cleveland nnder arrest.
While on his way to Albany he sent a
telegraph money order to 129 Concord
street, Boston, Mass., and it was sub
sequently learned that he had a wife re
scuing there. As soon as the news of
ms arrest waa made public, other wives
uegan to ue heard Irom.
No, 1 married John at San Miguel,
onu nuw resiues at oan jose. Ho.
i is a Lianieh woman who became Mrs.
A .1 r i t
auucmuu ut tueroxee, towa, and was
roDDed and deserted at Omaha, and is
again a resident of Cherokee. No. 3 is
living at 129 Concord street, Boston.
She was married at Hoboken. N .1 nnH
is the mother of an infant vsn wenl
old. No. 4 resides in Kansas City. No.
5 wedded Anderson in Illinois and ia
now a resident of Chicago. Toilav Nn
6 was heard from in the person of Mrs.
u. luaoson, ot tMinira, t. V.,whohas
had the same exnerience Anderann
as all the others. No. 7 is Mrs. Purcell,
who is still in this city.
In each case Anderson got all his vic
tim's money, lived with her for a time
and then deserted her. He is now un
der indictment here for denartiiiL' with
Mrs. Purcell's $1200. Tho police are of
luc opinion mat an ot the returns Irom
his wives are not yet in. He ia cheer
ful and quite contented to be in the
county j.ut away from his numerous
A ei tie Woiu-lll See ih.j S.glltrt und
Is Arrested.
Perhaps You Don't Know Us,
" J5 LemD 1?y)'ation nl e free testt at our Clinic.
AJ-ca,thaMb?- Hours I to a p. m. Udv Attendant!
V. e 111 mail orders same day received (seiurelr sealed DO.tDi.idl
If not as represented we will refund your money. ' w"'"'"1-
r 7i . !? 1 '""IKIWt" remoies Beard or Ruperlluoui
is (skin) is alive so are the rootT.nd"o,fJ n "etr.a eoT.,rjnl5 '' the head. When
Hair trout the Face. Neck and Am. u?.2 SXS?"?!?
Made into a paste, only a few miuules application HU , leoaiKd U
ts powerlul, yet mild in its effect. It dissolwi and StroHthe
...I ..";."'" "J". ue i-nce,I.UODer Bott e.
forml-Four spplieatioli, will Bt0V ah, r U .d .f J".,. 0,': ' PVafe(velin.
win positively grow a luxuriant growth of hair unless herediiVrHv h.lH n.i ! . "'P1113?'!6'' ""'
that the roo.s are dead. Nature 5id not provide th.V-. ,m L"' .dM"" is.nut . indication
tne epidermis (skin) is alive, so are the roots, and kl,, n.i.l. -T.'l.1" '? ? "hen
uiiiuies, ana
" '" 1 7.14-. SXi.!1-." ?"
and perni inentlT
(lie lamn punn'
oo.ned '.oT'..r'rri1 T1"""" Bfeekheads. Thiare-
additlonal on. improve, the eotaplexi.' Tr, t?i7 n.Tiid witj ffn'thfS,,"4 J
will refund your money. One Bottle will restore the eenuiexwa. pTiee M "
, QuKKN Co.: Tour preparation lormuUsYaJW Veli.1 .1. v , .
harmle.,, and I cert.inly effectual if itea a"g to d reS.n. K hALVm' n "SlT " "V"
Ken,,, by K O. Order, Registered Letter, or Draff l. hoinTXe, and mS?hi?iSr '
0 T?'!:ET,CO- ,74RACE ST., C.NC.NNAT., O. Wani.J.)
Ill 1. 1. Sample,, ol ear ood sad "How to be Besitlfsl " seat for tw ttsaips.
elfaW6 1 A" E'ract obtained from f lk
It In t'luliueil Flint ti II. Not lter.ii
Properly ttduca ml.
UitiDaKi'ORT, Conn., Jan. 7 William
Thaison, of Austin, Tex., has brought a
suit for $20,000 against George VV.
Wells, of St. Mary s hotel, Fairfield, for
alleged failure to properly educate the
blind negro "wonder," Oscar Moore, six
years old. Thaison and Wells and the
boy's father have an equal monetary in
terest in the develojwaeut of the boy's
peculiar powers. r'
The "prodigy" His progressed so far
during the past two years that he can
count in 12 languages, play any kind of
musical instrument, compose music, re
cite long recitations after they have
been read to him, give the leading
statistics of the world and do other mar
velous things. Mr. Thaison thinks his
faculties have not been properly de
veloped and that he should have been
on exhibition all this time.
Though Mrs. Marshall O. Roberts has
announced her intention to forego or
ange blossoniB on the occasion of her
approaching marriage to Colonel Vivian
since they are by virtue of tradition
the flower fitting only for a first mar
riage she has given a picturesque evi
dence of her almost maidenly zeal to re
enter wedlock, by adorning the servants
of her household with the rather fanci
ful livery of her future husband. The
advent on the avenue of box-colors
utterly new to the town, set the gossips
a-wondering whether they had not under-estimated
Colonel Vivian's wealth,
as they presumed that the stranger
hues belonged to his servants, brought
over for the brief occasion when their
services might be convenient. Mrs.
Koberts, however, quickly set them
right with an admission that though
she could not wear orunge blossoms her
servanta could wear the Colonel's colors.
The lady's friends, by-the-bye, vere de
lighted with the Colonel's size. They
say Mrs. Roberts promised them a
sensation, but six-foot-three they did
not expect.
There is talk now of an eating match
between Colonel Ralph Vivian and Mr.
Bradley-Martin for $10,000 a aide, with
McAllister as referee and Elisha Dyer as
timer. Just why the Knirlishman
shoulld be considered a fit competitor of
air. martin i oo not Know, but there are
those who say that, although he has
never been a professional in the busi
ness, he can hold his end up with the
most capaciona man in the world. It is
safe, however, to wait and see the re
sults of his next two weeks' atay in New
i orE oeiore placna and monev unon
Colonel Vivian. If he goea through the
feasts planned for him without serious
injury he may then be considered in the
same class wit i Mr. Martin, but if he
wavers, or requires the aid of a physic
ian, he is certainly not to be backed as
a winner.
The Clerical Party- in Trouble.
Moktebev, Mexico, Jan. 7 Coniea of
a circular alleged to have been issued by
the clerical party in support of the Garza
uprising, are in the hands of the federal
government and steps will at once be
taken to lerret out the leaden in this
conspiracy. The authorship of this cir
cular is generally attributed to Arch
bishop D'Oca of this diocese.
Cnnvlles Kscape Front Butte.
Butte, Jan. 7 A daring and success
ful jail delivery took place here yester
day morning. Nine men escaped, in
cluding C. ti. Price, who recently mur-
uureu ms cousin, r. j. uunningham.
The others were three professional safe
blowers, a colored man who nearly kill
ed a policeman recently, and four high
way robbers. While, the jailer was
attending the fires in the basement the
men got away. The barking of a dog
awoke Sheriff Lloyd, who rushed out to
the yard and caught two of the men, a
safe blower and a highwayman. The
sheriff was barefooted in the snow, but
he held the men at bay. Seven others
scaled the wall by climbing over the
woodpile, and have not been cantured
yet, though vigorous efforts are being
Minister ftlaya In Washington
Wahhinoton, D. C, Jan. 7 Senor
Montt, the Chilian minister, was unable
to leave Washington today to attend the
dinner of the Home Market club at Boa
ton tomorrow. In his letter of regret he
said that his absence from Washington
at this juncture might retard the promo
tion of a good understanding.
Meyer Ignores Gihnttn's Challenge.
Chicago, Jan. 7 Billy Meyer decided
today to ignore Austin Gibbon's chal
lenge to fight, on the ground that the
Eastern man had refused to pay any at
tention to the challenge issued by the
Streator hoy several months ago.
'Hie iMayor Mymp itltised.
San Antonio, Texas, Jan. 7 Disor
ders among the strikers on San Antonio
& Arkansas railroad at Yokura are
threatened. Sheriff Hall has been there
for a week with 12 deputies. The mayor
of Yokuiu, who is said to be in sym
pathy with the strikers, has appointed
'SO special police from the ranks
of the strikers. This coming to the
knowledge of Judge King of the
District Court here, he had 15 additional
deputies sent there.
The Envoys Were (strangled.
Lonoon, Jan. 7 Advices from Tan
gier show that the Moorish mission sent
to Touat to arrange the annexation of
the oaais to Morocco has failed. When
the envoys returned and reported their
failure to the Sultan the latter was
greatly incensed. The envoys were
thrown into prison and subsequently by
the Sultan's orders they were strangled.
Heath's Victims.
Lonikjn, Jan. 7 Right Rev. Dr. Legg,
biahop of Lichfield, died today.
Dunkikk, N. Y., Jan. 7 Edward
Nichola, preaident of the Brooks' Loco
motive works, died this morning after a
few days' illness with pneumonia.
No More Hrnoklns; In Persia.
Teheran, Jan. 7 The agitation
by the priests againat tobacco has re
sulted in the government withdrawing
from the company holding the conces
sion, the right to establish a tobacco
monopoly in Persia.
To Inquire Into the Eiploslon,
Dublin, Jan. 7 A magistrate inquiry
has been begun into the cause of the re
cent exploaion in Dublin castle.
Seattle, Jan. 4 The wife of a uromi
lent real eatate man. doinir business in
one of the largest blocks ou Front street,
went, oui iew near s night dressed in a
suit of men's clothes, with her hnnhnml
ior tne purpose ot seeing the sights, and
met witn rather a paintul experience.
It was that of beinir hauled un bv an
officer and taken to the office of the in
spector of police, where she had to ex
It is sometimes hard to fool a Seattle
policeman as to a woman's form and
make-up. The one in question, accom
panied by her husband, nearly twice her
size, was making rounds of the notori
ous Whitechapel district. The couple
had not gone far liefore encounMring
an officer. "That foot is too small and
the step too short for a man," is the
way the roundsman figured it, and to
use nis own words, "l run 'em in for
Man and wi'e were taken to the station.-
The grave suspicions of the officer
were made known to his superior. They
were taken into the inspector's private
office. The secret had to out, and with
a blush the woman hung her head and
admitted her indiscretion. The hus
band said he wanted to show his wife
some of the sights of Seattle, and that
she was equally anxious to see them.
With thia explanation they were per
mitted to go.
Four Men Drowned.
New Westminstek, B. C, Jan. 7
Indians from Musqueam reserve report
that on December 20 and 27 a sloop con
taining four white men was capsized
and all were drowned in the Gulf of
Georgia, about three miles from the
mouth of the Fraser. A Brest storm
was raging at the time and the Indians
could not bo to their Assistance. It is
Deaeved the sloop contained Foud, the
celebrated Wimbledon shot, ' and his
three companions, who were north on a
hunting trip and should have returned
three weeks ago.
Cruisers at Han Diego.
San Diego, Jan. 2 The cruisera San
Francisco, and Charleston are both in
the harbor here. Captain Remy, of the
Charleston, said he knows nothing of
the Chilian situation. He was ordered
to come here to receive amm unition and
supplies from the San F'rancisco and
await further orders. The cruiser Balti
more is expected here Monday.
Humored Sale or Steamships.
Philadelphia, Pa., Jan. 7 The Press
this morning prints a rumor that the
government has purchased the steam
ships Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and Penn
sylvania, built in this city some years
ago for the American Steamship Com
pany. It is said they are to be used as
Adultt-ruled Uraiu for Hungry Peasuutt.
St. Pistkksburo, Jan. 7 The ozar dis
played extreme anger upon learning of
the adulteration of food intended for
the starving peasants. It is reported the
principal authorities will be dismissed
in consequence of these disclosures.
Three agents at Odessa were arrested for
having sold adulterated grain.
Notice the following actual results:
Cost of TERNOLINE SHEEP MP for 10,000 Nhep, two dippings,
Difference in first cost.. , ,
10,000 range shenp dipped in FEBNOLINE SHEEP IXP
.us. oi wooi, ac in cents per iu.,
. 73.001
1ft Aim .11 1 I., r I a c- . . a dnnn- . - I. . . W
u,vvv uu'iicu Jin uiuic Kuu ouipnur pruuuven u,uiu iui,, nz llfi cents
P lb., 7,103.77
Difference, ...... 1,091.99
Deducting difference in first cost of Dip, 71.00
Mr. R. M. Johnson, Lone Rock, Gilliam Co., Oregon, says: "The action of FEBNOLINE
mj t on me wooi ana lae sneep tneuiseives is oeneuciai, and u is moreover very conve
nient to use."
Mr. J. E. Coleman, Montell, Uvalde Co,, Texas, says : " FEItNOLINE DIP doea not only
kill the scab but so liens antf promotes the growth of the wool, and I can also recommend It for
If your dealer does not keep FEBNOLINE SHEEP DIP, ask him to write to
18 Broadway, New York. I
Murdered Hla Wire.
Ottawa, Ont., Jan. 7 Leon C. Labello,
son of the late Captain Lahelle, ex
mem her of parliament of Montreal has
been arrested on a charge of murdering
his wife.
Hear Snow Storm.
Berlin, Jan. 7 Railway traffic and
shipping are interrupted by a snow
storm that has prevailed since Tuesday
night. The telegraph and telephone
systems are greatly impeded.
Hya Flour Advanced.
Nuw York, Jan. 7 At a meeting of
the Rye Flour Millers' Association yes
terday the price of rye flour delivered at
New York waa raiaed from ft5.2fj to 5.3fi
a barrel.
Damag-nd by Fire.
Hamilton, Ont., Jan. 7 The Wanzer
Sewing Machine Company's premisea
were damaged by fire last niifbt to the
extent of $100,000. The amount of in
surance is unknown.
Klllfd by an Kzploslou.
Berlin. Jan. 7 Three rjeraona were
killed and six severely iniured bv an
explosion in the Monopol pit in Mun-
sier, wuay.
Tbe Kusslan Famine.
London, Jan. 7 The Russian monthlv
European Messenger contains alarminir
accounts of the famine in Russia. The
Messenger compares the present famine
in Russia with that of Ireland in '4(J and
centrasts the measures adopted by the
two governments to alleviate the dis
tress ol the people.
Harry Mlllr Hentenced.
Q.u C.ur..u,.n T.. T LI jr:n
.-i-' i ftnnviHw, u an , i uai i y miner,
son of Joaquin Miller, the "poet of the
sierras waa sentenced to two years im
prisonment today for holding up a Btage
in Mendocino county some week, ago.
Influenza lucreaslna;.
Lonoon. Jan. 7 Details received here
in rjgard to the prevalence of influenza
throughout Europe show that the rav
ages of the diaease are daily increasing.
How to make MON
with SHEEP"
Will be mailed free to any address
upon application.
LOKKIN i.Mc. KAKLAND,.Hippner,Local Agents.
with Facsimile Signature of EMIL FRESJs. t.,
H KPl'NBlt, ORK.
Cattle branded and ear-marked aa
shown aboTejhoraua F un right shoulder
Our cattle range In Morrow and Uma
tilla counties. 1 will pay floo.OOreward
for the arrest and conviction of any per
son sUaling my stork.
Elder Flower
A strictly firat-claBH machiiie. Fully
warranted. Made from the Yervlbeat
i material, by skilled workmen, and with
tne Dost looia taut, Have ever been de
vised for the purpose. Warranted to be
all that can be reauonabiy expected of
the very beat typewriter extant. Ca
pable ol writing 160 worda per minute
or more according to the ability of the ,
operator. A machine that will manifold j
more than double the number of aheeta :
than any other typewriter without affect J
ing the alignment in any respect, as on J
thia machine the alignment is inde-I
structible. I
PRICE, .... $100.X)1
11 there is no agent in your town, ad
dre as ua on the subject, aa we are mor
liberal with our agents than any other
company in our line.
International Typewriter Co., ,
2 Park Square, Boston, Mas.
In nut a cosmetic fn the sense in which that
term U popularly used, but permanently beau li
nen, tt creates a soft, smooth, clear, velvety
Hit in, aud by dally use gradually makes the
complexion several shades whiter, It Is a con
stant protection from the ellects ot sun aud
wind, ana prevent! sunburn and freckles, and
blackheads will never come while you use It.
ii cieanses me iace lar mater man soap aud
water. MOurlshes and builds un the skin tlssuua
and thus prevents the formation ot wrinkles.
It gives the froshuesH.cleames-i aud smoothness
of skin that you haa when a little girl, hvery
lady, young or old, ought to use it. a it glvei a
more youthful appearance t - any lady.and that
permanently, it contains no aciu, irvueror
alkali, and is as harmless as dew. and aa nour
ishing to the skin as dow is to the flower. Price
Ml.OO at all druKlsts and hair dressers, or at
Mrs. Uervalie Uraham's establishment, l')8 fust
street, Hau Francisco, where she treats ladies
for all blem slies of the face or Ilgure. Ladles
at a distance treated bv letter. He rid stamp for
her iittio nook, "liow to be beautiful."
HAM PL K JlOiILK sent free to auv ladvon
receipt of 10 cents In stamps to pay for postage
aud packing, l ady agents wanted.
Face Bleach.
Cures the wornt cast's of Frwklaw. Hnnburn.
Sallowness, Moth-patches, .pimples andallsklu
fiuruihQs. 2-rioe i. oo. Harm less ana r
fective. H'J sample can be sent. Lady agent
wan ltd.
iuD DrDgfrut in this town who first orders
a bill of my preparation will nave his name ad.
ded to this advertisement.
y preparations are for sale, by wholesale
drug U tslug Chicago and every city west of it;
Seutence Remitted.
Washington. I, C.. Jan. 8 The un
expired portion of the sentence of bus-
! i- iL. i , yt.
peuB.uu in we catie oi lieutenant com
mander Bicknell, formerly attached to
Galena, haa been remitted from Janu
ary 7,
Portland, Oregon. A. P. ArmitronK, Prla.
Branch Mchool: Capital Bui. Collkue, Sdlem. Ohiim,
Saius courses of study, saut rates of tuition.
lliiNineNN. Shorthand,
Tyfitwriting , Ptnmamhip, and English Departmtntt
ff In session thruuKitout tbe year. Students Mlmtt
at any time. Catalogue Trom either school, tree.
The Pittsburgh Lamp
one of those inven
tions that seems to be
finished. It seems to
reach the end as to
goodness of light
in every way,
and ease of
The only care
it requires It
filling and wip
Dirt falls out when the chimney
is taken off, not into a pocket as
in other central-draught lamps.
Putting in a new wick is a very
easy matter indeed.
All this seems strange to one
who knows how troublesome other
good lamps are.
It is in all the good lamp-stores.
Send for a primer,
lituburih, Ps. Pittsburgh Bras Co.