The Weekly Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1890-1892, January 07, 1892, Page 8, Image 8

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8 3
Say the S. B. COUGH CURE is
the best thing they r w. We
are not flattered, for we know that
real merit will win. All we ask
is an honest trial.
For Sale by all Drug-gists.
For sale by Slocuin-Johnston Drug Co.,ireiipner.
i (Oi si;
Epileptic Fits, Falling Sickness, ITy.;
terics, St, Vitus Dance, Nervous
ness, Hypochondria, iIelp,B
cholia, Inclirity, Sieepless
ness, Dizziness, Brain
end Spinal Weak.
This mediolno has direct action upon tl c
nervo centers, allaying nil irritabilities srj
Increasing the flow and powor of nerve fluid
ifc is perfectly harmless and leaves no un
pleasant olleols.
A VrLlnnjiln TtfrnH- nn Kttramii
ilseases sent free to any address,
and poor piitlents can alKO obtain
this medicine free of charge.
This remedy has been prifr!d by the Revet-.
Bndi'aatorKoonlg.ofFcC ' yue.Iiid., Bince 1M70,
and is now prepared .juar his direction by the
KOENIC MED. CO., Chicago, III.
Sold by Druggists at Hill por Bottle. 6 for
15. tame Slao, ?t.75. O Bottles for W9.
Sold III I'ortlanil. Oregon, by Suell,
Heltshu & Wuodar.1.
Wyandottes, Plymouth Books, Light
israiiinns, none and Single Comb
Brown Leghorns, I'uitridge
Onoliins, Houdnris and Hil
verHpaugled Hnmbuigs.
Heady for Delivery.
my FowisnavG no supsrior.
In America, and nre tun tat on I
thia coaat by a grout difference. !
Bend for Catalogue.
Box 55. com.3!)fl. Forest Grove, Or
Opposite (Jnzotte Office,
A Bliort History of Onr Neighboring Paper
Over in I'lnstilla
The following ehould have appeared
in our New Year's effort, but came too
late for publication at that time. Aa a
matter of courtesy, and also for the in
formation of our readers, we present
herewith a short history of onr neighbor
ing paper, the Pendleton Tribune:
The Pendleton Tribune first appeared
under its present name in 1879. Origin
ally it was the "Independent," and its
founders were Major Disosway BDd Lot
Livermore. It made its first appearance
in 1878, when the disaffected wing of the
democratic party of Umatilla county
fused with the republicans. Prior thereto
a democratic nomination was equivalent
to an election, and the party leaders
ruled with a high hand. This brought
about secession and the "Independent"
was started to ohampion the cause of the
fusionists. Disosway & Livermore's
experience in journalism was brief.
They soon sold out to Fred Page Tustin
and Frank Hamer, who in turn (in 1879)
sold to Ben S. Burroughs and Ed. E.
Sharon. These gentlemen immediately
changed the name to "Pendleton Trib
une," and floated at that masthead the
republican banner. In 1881 Sharon sold
his interest to Geo. W. Beading, who
continued as one of the publishers for
about five years, when his partner
bought his interest. In 1880, The Trib
une Publishing Company was formed, of
which J. B. Eddy and Ed. E. Sharon
were the principal stockholders. This
company purchased the plant and busi
ness, and two months afterwards Eddv
purohased the iuterests of Sharon and
took entire control of the paper. In 1887
Judge Fee bought an interest and took
prinoipal charge of the editorial col
umns, continuing till just prior to his
election as judge, when Eddy again ns
sumed control. In November, 1889, the
plant was purchased by the Home Pub.
Co., for the purpose of publishing a daily
and weekly paper. The daily appeared
on the lSth of November, 1889, and con
tinued till June. 1890, when it subsided,
but the Weekly Tribune ooatinued the
even tenor of its way. In August, 1890
J. VV. Strange leased it and during the
six months of his inoumbency nearly
broke the paper up. Last spring, S. A.
I.nwell and Chas. Wilkius took charge,
the former as editor, the latter as busi
ness manager, and have been giving the
patrons of the paper a clean cut, ably ed
ited, republican journal, and are meet
iug the reward their efforts deserve.
Oh, the wind, the wind.
"Wood, wood, wood, ".is all the orj
uarren, Asers, oi r-ignt Mile, was in i
town today.
Geo. Brown, of Parker & Gleason's
saw mill, was in our midst this week.
Osmer Shaner, who has been very
sick, was improving when last heard
Sam Adams is swinging the yard stick
in the general merchandising Btore of J.
A. Woolery.
C. A. Repass, who has just returned
from the East, has taken up winter quar
ters at Parker & Gleason's saw mill.
B. T. Gibson, our genial friend and
blacksmith, who enjoyed his Christmas
in Weston, is expected home on New
Year's day. Will write the particulars of
his visit next time.
L. D. Allen, who has been working i
H,a i 1 .
vuo uyni ,nnu lut BUIUB I WO mOMIlS, WBS
in town last week, and reported every
tuingvery nattering. We look for
grand rush to the mines in the spring.
O. T. Acers is building an office near
his dwelling which, to all appearances,
will be a great improvement to his pres
ent one. Owing to the cold weather
work has been suspended for a few days.
Installation of officers of the I. O. O
F. order will take place on the second
night of January. The offioers eleot are
as follows: M. S. Maxwell, N. G.; J. W.
WatohoB Oloanod,
MninspriiiKB Fitlml
Goods .
All work uuaranteed for one ycor. If
IVIojit Murlcot
Keeps constantly on hand Fresh and Hall Meals
Fish and Poultry. Highest Cash Price
paid for all kinds of Fat Hlook,
wriVAY snos.,
T 1
Tlie Orlglmii
Fifteen Million Bushels Were liaised in 1891
Figures train Thirty-One Counties.
The Oregon weather bureau has for
tho last four mouths been extensively en
gaged in collecting statistics of all the
crops produced in this state last season,
ft has so far received over 3,0(10 reports,
which oover almost every election pre
cinct in the state.
The reports are now being oompiled,
and the following figures relative to Ore
gon's wheat product are furnished: Clat
sop oounty hns the highest average yield
of bushels to the acre in tho state, that of
30.8, although the reports represent only
180 acres. Wasco oounty on the other
hand, with reports from 25,000 aorea, has
the least average yield, that of 11.7 bush
els per acre.
In tho comities here irrigation is used
to some extent fur the raising of crops,
as Malheur and Harney, the returns
show a remarkably high average yield,
31.8 and 30.5 bushels, respectively, per
Among the valley counties, Polk Ihib
the highest average yield, that of 20.7
bushels, while Lane registers the least
at 19.2.
The following is n list of the different
counties throughout the state, showing
the acreage under cultivation and the
average jiehl of bushels to the acre.
Craddiok, V. G. ; J. A. Woolery, Sec
Lovegreen, Treas.
The Christmas eve entertainment and
pyramid and oross was a perfect success,
The pyamid was loaded with many rich
Xmas gifts for the old and yonng. The
recitations by Miss Bertha Hadley were
well delivered; also the parody by Mrs,
Josie Kahler. In fact all were pleased,
even D. U. Jenkins.
the musk ball given by J. A. Woolery
in the I. O. O. F. hall on Christmas
night, was a grand success. The storm
raged and retired, but the dance went
n in the best of style. After the matiks
were removed we were all taken to a ta
ble prepared by Mrs. J. A. Woolery, to
whioh all did justice. The follow!
oharaotot-s were represented, and by the
following persons: Hose Leathers, ace of
hearts ; Nervie Kelley, flower girl; Nora
Coleman, enow flake; Dillie Cramer,
nun; Florence Bleakmnn, night; Carrie
alien, darkey girl; Lillie Saling, night
Ella Lovegreen, Chinese lady; Emma
Cox, night; Mrs J. A. Woolery, Heppner
Uuzette; Bertha Hadley hunter; George
lileukman, Chinaman; J. Anderson, cap
tain; J. Coleman, dutchman;S. Adams,
colored minstrel; II. Leathers, devil;
Charley Furlong, German Mike; Bert
Allen, sheep herder; A. Lovegreen, sail
or; Jack Devore, dude; J. A. Woolery,
clown: M:amis Devers and Wes Stephens
sheep herders; II. Howell and J. More
land, Chinamen; B. F. Ward, dude; Frank
Moreland, squaw; Jim Kicks and Wayne
Huston, country cousins.
James Kirkendall, who oarries the
mail from llurdman to Wagner,' reports
the snow upwards of three feet in depth.
tie was three days -making the round
trip this week, which should be made in
twenty hours. Guess.
Dec. 2, Will.
The la grippe has got another grip.
Gazette for sale at Thornton's News
Stand. tf.
Jerry Brosmnn was over from Butter
creek last Monday.
Phil Heppnet is doing quite well at
the Good Samaritan.
Mrs. Johnny Hager is quite sick at
her home in Heppner.
Will MoAtee got in from The Dalles
Tuesday of Inst week.
J. H. Edwards reports four of his
family sick with la grippe.
C. C. Saliug was over from Sand Hol
low the first of the week.
S. J. La Fiance, representing Kohler &
Chase, was in Ueppuer recently.
Jus. Turner, of Haystaok, has completed-final
proof on his ranch.
Burn In Heppner on the 20lh inst..
to the wife of Chas. Tilden, a girl.
Born - In Heppner, on the 1st iiiBt., to
the wife of Hip Van Winkle, a boy.
The dance at lone nn both Christmas
and New Year's was a grand success.
Dr. Palmer, of Lexington, aeonmpanied
by Dr. Fox, called on Wednesday of last
wi ek.
The dance at Wm. Straight's Wednes
day evening of last week was quite
Geo. Blake, of the French Rock creek
ranch, was a visitor to our quarters
Rock work is progressing just above
the Gazette office, with Harry Phillips
in charge.
John Keeney, a brother of EliKeeuey,
was up from the valley last week visit
ing friends.
The baby son of Mr. aDd Mrs. W. R.
Ellis has been quite sick. But it is all
right again.
The Gazette office has an Internation
al typewriter now, winch is proving
quite a convenience.
Bright, sunny days and frosty nights
are the order of the day, so far as the
winter is concerned.
When Walter Walker left here, after
trying to commit suioide, he forgot to
pay his room rent down at Swaggart's
Local news wasn't scarce last week
but the Gazette had no room for it. But
we hope the matter published will, in im
portance, suffice for the shortage above-mentioned.
Died la Lexington on the 30th inst.
of congestion of the brain and lungs, the
8-year-old daughter of Mr- and Mrs.
Gamble. The interment took nl.lCft nn
last Thursday,
A Proposition.
If you will pay your subscription to
the Gazette in full and one year in ad
vance, we will send von the following
books at prices stated herewith: "Six
Great Books for Rural Homes." 2o cents;
"Famous Fiction by the World's Great
est Authors," ten volumes, 50 oenta;
Cooper's "Leatherstoeking Tales," 20
43-tf. The Patterson Pub. Co.
issued out of the County Court of Oregon
for Morrow County, on the 7th dav of December,
A. D. Mil, the undersigned guardian of the per
sons and estates of Mary I,. Hales, William W
Hales and Grace E. Hales, minor heirs of Wil
liam II. Hales, deceased, will on
Saturday, January 9tli, 1892,
at one o'clock in the afternoon of said day. In
front of the Court House in Heppner, Morrow
County. Oregon: sell to the lil, i.wi.u...
vne-iuuiLu casn in nana ana balance with ap-
oruveu security to ue paid within live years, all
the right, title and interest of li,.rHHul u-u,-,iu
and to the following described property, to-wif
The NWS4 and NE14 of Section:, Tp.'l south,
of Range 26 East, W. M. The NWI4 and Nli'i of
Section 12. and of Section I, and W'Z of
MS of Section 1, and K Iiv4 of Section 1, all
in Township one North, of Range 2ti East, W. M.,
and s (4 of Section Township two North, of
Range 26 EaBt, VV. M.. all the above in Mnrrnw
County, Oregon. The same to be Bold in parcels
of Hit) acres each or as a whole as to the guardian
may seem best on daj of sale.
Dateil this 7th day of December, 1891, at Hepp
ner, Oregon.
W. R. ELLIS, Atty. 45a-9. Guardian.
Land Office at The Dalles. Or., Nov. 27 18U
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has Hied notice of his intention to
make linal proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before the County
t lcrk of Morrow County, Oregon, at Heppner,
Oregon, on January 11, 1S!12 viz-
Hd No. 1S13 for the W NE'i. NW'i SE1 and
Ng mi. fee 31. Tp 3 s! R 24 feVw tf.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon, and cultivation of
said land, viz: '
J. H. Allen, Robert Knighten, J. M. Hogue, of
Hardmau, Or., and Jacob H. Williams, of Eight
M'!.(r- John W. Lkw.s,
4''''a Kegister.
U. S. Land Office, The Dalles, Or., Nov. 13, 1891.
this office by F. L. Hoskins, Morrow Co
Or., against Madison Chapman for failure to
comply with law as to Timber Culture Entry
No. 42H, dated Sept. ti, 1M.H1, upon the SE'J Sec
tion 20, Township 2 N., Range 2o E., in Morrow
county, Oregon, with a view to the cancellation
of said entry; contestant alleging that Madison
Chapman lias failed to comply with the law on
said T. C, has no trees now growing, no fence,
anil to all appearances has abandoned the land,
the said parties are hereby summoned to appear
at this ollice on the 28 day of January, 1WI2, it 10
o clock A. M. to respond and furnish testimony
concerning said alleged failure. K. H. Snow',
L. s. Commissioner, is authorized to take testi
mony in this case at his offlce in Lexington, Or .
at 10 A. M. January 21, 1892.
J'00 John W. Lewis, Register.
Land Office at La Grande, Or., Dec. 1, 18018
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has tiled notice of his intention to
maKe nnal proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before County
Clerk of Morrow County, Or., at Heppner, or.,
on February 6, 1892, viz:
D. S No. 9087 for the SWfc Sec 32, Tp 1 N, It 27 E,
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon, and cultivation
of, said land, viz:
II. M. Powell, of Heppner, James M. Shaw,
George Pierson, of Galloway, Thomas N. Crow,
of Lena, Oregon.
John Holland, Benjamin F. Harper and Wil
liam F. Wallace, take notice.
4'l7'li2 A. CI.EAVEH. Register,
Salary SlTi uer week : Wnntnrl flnrJ
Agents to sell onr general line of nur.
chnndise. No peddling. Above sah.rv
will be paid to "live" agents,
ror further information, address:
Chicago General Supply Co..
No. 178 West Van Buren St.,
Land Office at The Dalles, Or., Nov. 27 1811
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has tiled notice of his intention
to make linal proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before the County
Clerk of Morrow county, at Heppner, Or., oil
January 11, 1K92, viz:
lid. No. 1758, for the S; NWJ4 and WX SWW,
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
Isaac Knighton, of Eight Mile, Or., and J
n. Alien, Kouert Knighten and J. M. Hoguo, of
4"j-'''J- Kegister.
Acres under
i publishers, wo are able 10 obtain a number
01 ine above book, and imnioso to I'ornUi,
cooy to each ol our subscribers.
The dictionary is a necessity in every home
school and business house. It III Is a V aennev'
and furnishes kuov,ledj;e which no one hun
dred oilier volumes ol the choicest bocks could
supply Vouugand old. educated and lgnoraul,
rich ami poor, should have It w itlilu reach and
refer to lis contcnls every dav In llic year '
As stone have asked if Ibis' is rcallv Ihe Orig
inal Webster's 1' llicllonary. we are
able to state we have learned direct 'from the
publishers Inc. (act, that Ibis Is the very work
complete on which about forty of the be! years
of the author's Hie were so well employed in
, . ?', " ""l,mM" oie enure vocabulary o
about 100,000 words, including the correct spell
ing, oerianon and dominion ol same, and is
Li., ,k,m(,i iMHooaiu sie, conianitiig aim
I,IHHI sijuare inches of prlnbd surtnee and
bound in cloth, half morocco and sl.ccp. '
until further notice we will furnish
valuable Dictionary
First To any new subscriber,
Second To any renewal subscriber.
Ihitd ioany subscriber now
who pays up and one yea
the following prices, viz:
Full Cloth bound, gilt side and back
tamps marbled edges 75 cts.
Half Mo'occo, bound, gilt s,de and back
tamps, marbled edges, $1,00,
run Sheep bound, leather lab
tdges, $1.20
Fifty cents added in all cases for exi
age to Heppner.
!" the publishers limit the (imp and
number ol books they will furnish at the low
prices, we advise all who desire to mail them
selves of tills great opportunity to attend lo it
at ouws.
jacre. hush
Unuttllla 87,210 20.7
Union 28,.r,n;l 22.2
Wasco 2r',(',li0 11.7
Wallowa 0,812 2.s.r,
Morrow :I7,192 21.1
Mullnoinah l,ul,, 2r, 0
Sherman .i,8:u is.
Tillamook , '( -jo 8
.Malheur M,:w '
Clackamas ;it;,,f,0 21, 3
Ronton . 18, :!,',(! 231
Lane 21,1128 19.2
Linn -(1,912 2"!
Marion - f,',:l,s) 2:10
I'olk o;i,977 21; 7
Vamblll i',7,8ll 2.r,'(i
Washington 10,0111 24 ,ri
Gilliam 1:1,474 21 0
Harney 4.4NI 30, ;
Jackson , 9,.i94 21 0
Josephine :l,ilso iM
Douglas ;I8,7I,') 10 4
Crook :i,09 22.3
Coos 2r 27 '
Curry m ,V5
''lalsop INI 30 3
linker 0,41s 28 8
Gran! ;,lt,,-, 210
:"k"- 800 23.0
Klamath (i,;io: 17 j
Columbia lion e.';l
in arrears
in advance, at
, marbled
The total acreage of wheat in Oregon
in 1891 from these figures tiuiouuls to
(134,89-1 acres.
This makes the average yield in wheat
(rom tho thiflvotie counties in the state
of Oregon to be a little over lo,()00,(XI0
bushels, aud the average yield per coun
ty of twenty-four bushels per acre.
Such au avuragj as this would delight
the heart of the Eastern farmer, who ex
pects only lifteeu bushels at the most.
Although there has been some great
yields iu Indiatia and the Dakotag this
year, yet an average of (iftoeu bushels
per acre for the entire of any of those
slates would be deemed very sntisfao
to'y. It is believed that our fair and
beautiful Oregon would produce au av
erage of nearly forty bushels per acre il
the same efforts were applied iu culti.
vating the soil as is needed in the East
ern andiliddlo-Western states.
Frightful Shipwreck.
Staunoh ships strike and founder, the
fierce winds aud mountainous waves
sweep noble mariners' "hearts of oak" to
shipwreck aud to death, yet that does
not prevent the lubberliet landsman
from riBking his life on the sturrny At
lantic in the role of tourist or oornmer
cial traveler. But if he shall reaoh his
destination safely be will soaroely have
eeoaped some of the qualms of sea sick
uess, unless he takes with him Hostot.
ter's Stomaoh Bitters, that inimitable
specilio for nausea. Bad water on lone
trips are a threat to the voyager, but this
may be deprived in a great metwure of
its disordering effects upou thestomaoh,
bowels and liver by the Bitiers. Against
the prejudicial effects of malaria, bad
diet, fatigue and exposure it is also ef
ficacious. It averts, mureover, rheuma
tism ami kidney complaiuts. Don't
travel on sea or land without it.
Hudileu Death.
Died at Wagner last Sunday Doc
Hughes, probably the biggest man in
Oregon. 11a weighed 308 pounds. He
was seemingly iu good health at two
o'clock in. the afternoon, and at three
o'clock his two little nephews rati over
to Josinh Thompson's store exclnminp,
"Oh come, Uncle Doc's sleeping aud we
can't wake him." The neighbors hurried
to tho house, and found Mr. Hughes
dead. When Mr. Hughes enrue In l?l.
eru Oregon he was lithe and active, aud
rode the range with the best of them,
but 01 late years he became so corpulent
that locomotion became a trouble to him
Deceased was unmarried.-Fossil Journal.
H. Blackman & Co. h live an PTnlnaivo
t-renerai Merchandise store. Stockmen
oannot do better than natrnnizn H
Blackman & Co.. cf JHprmner'a Pi, mom.
nrica. a
I jjcaiiiess v an 1 110 t urea
By local applications, na they cannot
reacu tlie diseased portion of the ear.
There is only one way to cure deafness,
and that is by constitutional remedies.
Deafuess is caused by an inflamed coti-
iniiou of the niucous liuuig of the Eus
tachian Tube. Wheu this tube gets in
tlumed you have a rumbling sound or
imperfect hearing, and when it is entire
ly closed, deafness is the result, aud un
less the lutlamatiou cau be taken out aud
this tube restored to its normal condi
tion, hearing will be destroyed forever'
nine cases out of ten are caused by
catarrh which is nothing but an intlam
ed condition of the mucous surfaces,
e will give one hundred dollars for
nny case of deafuess (caused by oatarrbl
that we cannot cure by taking Halt's
Catarrh Cure. Seud for circulars, free.
b. J. Chkxet Co , Toledo, O.
Sold by druggists, 75 cents.
That nightmare of man's existence
which makes food a mockery and bauish-
e sleep froiu weary eyes, readily yields
to the potent inlluenoe of the celebrated
English Dandelion Tonic. It toues up
the digestive organ, restores the none.
tite, makes assimilation of food possible
and invigorates the whole system. The
Slocum-Johnston l'rug Company, Hepp
ner, Or., sell it at 81.00 per bottle.
Here isaeoon oiYou.
A Man or Woman,
of intelligence and quick-witted enough to know
t .1 K s'gm, lint who lias lost the
lot I rccious Possession on Eartli, Good Health,
will not require a second telling to be induced
to become a purchaser of
Dr. Gregg's
And Appliances.
I lie Murprising Promptness with which all class
es or peonle respond to onr announcements, and
tlie rapidly increasing demand for Or, (ircs-'s
goods wherever intiodneed, conclusively prove
that true modesty is alwiijs recognized and tlie
(Ilia ityof merit takes care of itself. Metaphor
ically our statement is the Buttun-the Public
I'ross it, and
The extent of nressnro on tbn h,.n
success of Ur. Gregg's Electric Goods in "Doing
tlie Ki-st, is most satisfactorily shown in tlie
marvelous growth of our business the past BOdays.
.,r.,"''',l,''.',,a,ul ""Creasing demands for THE
coming in from all parts of the country with pro
fuse acknowledgements that so milch comfort
tor JUKI (the price) was like buying Gold Dol
lars for ten cents.
The Delicate Organism of Woman subjects
her to many peculiar ailments and unfortunate
misery. 1 lie extreme sensitiveness of her Ner
vous nystem very frequently requires artificial
J,,'.,, i'no Kelt and Appli
auens SU PPLV THIS, as nothing else can.
I 111' Raeired ( 'onut itiiii,,!! 11 1
broken, becomes pitiable in the exl'reme. from
wnii'ii (here is absoluiely NO eseatte will, out
..,nl,M10l lllt, ,,,-egij .lLieciric neltand Annli-
ices. in eases of tins kind, have honestly won
eir tills of King of Heinedies.
Rheumatism is eolioriered. sufferers from flKa
Blty arc speedily relieved. Dropsy quickly yields,
spinal ililheultios and Paralysis disappear, and
many older diseases of men and women are per.
nianently cured, fujy described in complete
calaeigiie for tie. or elaborate circular free We
guarantee to forfeit twice tlie price of any of Dr.
(iregs Goods found not to be genuine. We
wiim an eiegani lime $3.(111 Electric Belt, which
is seinng very rapidly and which we will take in
exchange for any higher power Unit (except $,'
Ite r , .,-...):, j .1 . r .
....,..., wi-iml y., uu ln nru-e or new oruer.
Remember the Electric "Foot Warmers" aie
1 a pair, worth Jul. Address
501 Inter Ocenu Building, Chicago, III.,
and mention this paper.
Land Office at La Grande, Or., Dec 18, 1801
Notice is hereby given that the fiin,.,!,,
named settler has filed notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his claim, aud
that stud proof will be made before the County
Clerk of Morrow County, Or., at Heppner, Or
on February ll, 1892, viz :
D. S. No 9672, for the E! S yt and lots 6 and 7,
Sec. 0, Tp. 1 S, R 27 E, W M.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of.
said land, viz:
James L. Howard, of Gallowav, T. N. Crow of
Lena, R. F. Hind and S. N. Junkin, of Heppner,
Oregon. i e ,
W illiam E. Sanders take notice.
A. Cleaver,
4i7-02- Kegister.
Land Office at The Dalles, Or., Dec. 19 '91.
Notice is herebv friven thai the rnllowlT,.Qm:
ed settler has filed notice of his intention to
iuo ii uai prooi in support ot Ins claim, and
that said proof will be made before F. II. Snow,
Com. U. 8. Circuit Court, at Lexington. Oreimii.
February. 5, 1892, viz:
Hll.fin77. for lh lfu HH'l uH l,,t. -inn A
31, Tp. IS, Ki!5E,'w M. '
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon, and cultivation of,
said land, viz:
Alvan H. Windsor, Joseph MaBon, Edgar R.
rulmer, Theodore Cork, of Lexington, Or.
John W. Lewis,-to?-l2
While you keep your subscription paid up yen
can keep yonr brand in free of charge.
Allyn. T. J . lone. Or. Horses GU on left,
shoulder! callle -ame on left hip, under bit on
right ear, and upper bit on the left: range. Mor
row county.
Armstrong J. t'., Alpine. Or.-T with bar un
der ii on left shoulder of horses; cattle same
on lefi hip.
Allison, O. D., Eight Mile. Or.-Cnttle brand,
OUmi left hip and horses Bame brand on right
shoulder. Range. Eight Mile.
Adkins, T r, Dayville. Or- straight mark aoross
the thigh ami two crops and a slit in the right ear
horses, j, upside down on the right shonlder.
hJinge m Grant county and Bear valley P O
uui-d tun,, ai. .laiuuian.
Adkins, J. J., Heppner, Or.-Horses, JA con
neeted on leit flank; cattle, saineon left hip.
Ayors. Johnny, Lena, Or.-Horaes branded
triangle on letl hip; cattle same on right bin
also crop off righl ear and upper bit on same.
Myth, Percy H., Heppner, Or.-Horses Roman
coun8tyOU Blluulder. Range in Morrow
Bleakmnn, Geo., Hardman, Or.-Horses, a flag
oi.left shoulder; cattle, same on right shoulder
bannister, J. W., Hardman, Or.-Cattle brand-
ou ' JiPKiii inign; split in each ear.
liurke, M Ht O, Long Creok, Or-On cattle,
MAY connected on fi hi. i. " '
tier half crop off right. Horses, same hn,'l .
ietft shoulder. Italian in aA u
Howsman, A., Mount Vernon and Burns, Or
I altle, A B on right hip, two crops in each ear
same on horses, on right, shoulder. Itn,.n l
Grant and Harney counties.
Hrosmau. Jerrv. Lena. Or trnQo I ,j
on right shoulder; cattle B on the left side.
"3l7 "gnt ear upper slope.
Barton, Wm., Heppner, Or. -Horses, J B on
right tlllgU. Cattle, same nn ri.,Ut I.;... i
each ear.
Brown. Isa. Lexinfftnn. tlr TT.,k,. ID u
right stifle; cattle same on right hip; range Mor
rowcounly. BrOWn. .i. P.. Knnnn.. n- ti- i
branded 8 with ox-yoke above on left shoulder
Brown, J. C, Heppner. Or. Horses, oircle
C with dot in n-i terou left hip; cattle, same.
Bover. W. ft Mennnan n- ii .
brand or r ghi hip cattle, same, with split in
6ACI1 6BT,
Borg, P. O., Heppner, Or.-Horses, P B on left
shoulder; caltle. same on left hip.
Brownlee, W. J., Fox.Or-Oattle, JB connected
on left side; crop on left ear and two splits and
middle piece cut out on right ear; on horses same
brand on the left thigh; Range in Fox valley,
Grant comity, '
Cnin.E., Caleb.Or.-Y D on horses onleft stifle;
V with quarter circle over it, on left shoulder
fi? tn , ,ft 811 ?9 on o)1 oolt8 u"der years; on
left shoulder only on ail horses over 5 yours. Ail
range in Grant countv.
Clark, Wm. H., Lena. Or.-Horses WHO con
nected, on left shoulder: cattle same on right
,'! . K?I;Ke Mrnw and Umatilla counties.
Cate, ( has. li Vinson or Lena, Or. Horses
H C on right shoulder; cattle same on right hip.
Range Morrow and Umatilla counties.
t oelinin, Chas., lone. Or.-Horses, HP oon
nected on left shoulder; cattle, C on both left
lup and stitle. Range in Morrow county.
. Cannon, T. B.,Long Creek, Or.-T on cattle on
right side, oron off ril.r. a.,,. o,i i: ... i.e.
Our horses same brand on left shonlder. Range
iu Grant county. 8
Cecil, Wm. Douglas. Or.; horses JO on left
shoulder; ca'tle same on left hip, waddles on
each jaw and two bits in tho right ear.
Curl, T. H John Day, Or.-Donble cross on
each hip on catt e, swallow fork and under bit
in right ear, split in left ear. Range in Grant
county. On sheep, inverted A and spear point
on shoulder. Ear markon ewes, crop on left ear
punched upper bit in right. Wethers, crop in
right and under half crop in left ear. All raiige
m Grant county.
Keeney Eli. Heppner. Or.-Horses J h snd
and Moro,wJcountilraf, "ifl- "!
Lesley, H P, Monument Or-A triangleEfilwith
all hues extending pa t Italy of fig ureo" H h or-
ZuUier' snHt11 in ri' "l'le " "
shoulder, split in ngn a . ,t ,n left ear
Ilaiige in Grant county and w ; a; to of John Da?.
Laurence, R. L..Pn irie City. Or. -1 aide Z on
inBUra;:tPoohunly'M T'ght "hu"Ml r' l
Loften, Stephen, l'ox, Or.-H L on left hi d
on cattle, crop and split on rigid ear Holies
county!"""1 D le" "t"U- W Urmd
Lienallen, Joh"n W., Or -Horaes
dnrUdc,. 'H'f-''Cle JL connected left .K!
fngton. Hm' ' Kaai!8' "L'"r
d,e1h1i'Qlr.e:, H-PP1": Or.-Horses branded
left Til ".' 8'",H("W' branded long link
...... vomn, saute on ler. side
mark, under bit in left ear.
M )
Minor, Oscar, Heppner. t r.-Cattle, M 1) ,
right hip; horse. M on left shoulder.
morgan, B. Heppner. Or.-Horse
on left shoulde, cattle, sum; on I ,f, i, ., e9'
McCumber, Jas A, Echo, Or. Horses,' M wi!h
bar over on right shoulder.
oif'Sl"; ,?' ,,a' ''-Horses-old mares ZZ
shoulder. 'm"S 8t"Ck' bumU on left
Morgan, Thos Heppner, Or.-Horses, circle
righttlogh ' 0r,,,a left thihi ""le' L on
Mitchell. Oscar, lone, Or.-Horses, 77 on righl
hip; cattle. 77 on right side. on ntni
iri,.,ifen' D' B'"wnsville, Or-Horses,
F'g'iija.!h;MiHider. cattle. Ma on hip.
McKern W. J. Mount Vernon. Or X I ou cattle
on right !,,, crop iu right ear. half crop ,n left
same brand on rt8 on left hi, . RaUgein Grant
i. c!,arty, uavid H Echo, Or. Horses branded
Jt'l"'' l'ru'k' Fo.x Valle'' "'--Mule shoe
Land Office at The Dalles, Or., Dec. 4, 1891.
Notice Is hereby given that the followiinr
named settler lias tiled notice of his Intention to
make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before VV. R. Ellis,
U. S. Commissioner at Heppner, Or., on Janu
ary 22, 1892. viz:
Hd. 3944, for the S', SWJi KEfn SWK SE'i NWS
Sec 5, Tp 2 S, R 20 E. "
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon, and cultivation of.
said land, viz:
M. Beainan, John Barton, J. C. Brown, George
Shipley, all ol Heppner, Oregon.
'fe John W. Lewis, Register.
he sower has
BOwvt .cute .ati mXt th. molt or Ihe dm J
Land Office at La Grande, Or., Dec. 7, 1891.
Notice is hereby given that the following,
named sett er has tiled notice nt hi. in,Q,..i., T
make final proof In support of his claim, and
that Bald UrilOf Will be l,l,le before lha 1',,,,..
Clerk of Morrow county, at Heppner, Or., on
January IB. 1892, viz:
D. S. No. 7002 for the SEI4 NE14 and lots 1, 2 and
J, Sec. 4, Tp. 2 8, K 27 E, W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upou and cultivation
ot, said land, viz:
Jay Dcvin, II. Wade, A. II. Stamp, W. A. Kirk,
all ot Heppner, Oregon.
ur.v. A. Cleaver,
4jt-61- Kegister.
j ra lit county.
tTu iy' A'A" ""I?"'". Or.-Cattle branded"-!-1
...... connected) on the right shoulder.
Chittenden K . Ppiiimaii:,.. .
down on cattle right hip anj'split in right "ear
horses, same brand on right shoulder, hange in
Grant counly. BO iu
h"?!1',' ',"Len(':-Hprses, (Won rightshonl
der. Cottle ,, same on right hip: ear mark square
orop off left and split in right.
leftU1tnu'' B' i" CurrinsvllJe, Or. -Horses, 00 on
Tl'f'kZ'l1,? on,",mmt; Or-Horses branded
I I a A on left shoulder. Cattle, same on right
' 8WA ion'1' 6ar Md cr"P oil! eft
uHi1Dil, HHmuisn, ur. cattle. U with
111 center; horses. CE on left Md.
Cupper, H. A., Monument, Or.-Horses H C
on left s ion der wit . H ! l.f.j ' V
low fork on right ear. """' Bw'-
voenron, it. a., Monnment, Grant Co, Or
Horses branded circle with Ll, n.,..v. '
shoulder; caltle same brand on both hips, mark
under slope both ears and dewlap.
Chapin, H Hardman. Or.-Horsea branded
.. ...I- . auLie oiauuen ine same.
Cross, B L, Dayville. Or-( latlle branded two
crops and a split in left ear; on horses a
reversed z on left stifle. Also have the following
brands 011 cattle: 72 on left hip, 7 on right hip,
ii on loft shoulder, two parallel bars on left
shoulder. Ear marks, two crops.
Doonnn. Wm., Heppner, Or.-Hnrses branded
OO with bar over them, on left shoulder; cat
tle same on left hip.
. Douglass, W. M . Galloway, Or.-Cattle, R L on
right side, Bwa low-fork in each ear; horses, R D
on left hip.
Duncan W. P. John Day.Or.-Quarter circle
.. .....vumm, uolu on norBes aud cattle,
Rango Grant county.
Driskell W E., H eppner, Or.-Horses branded
K inside of O on left shoulder. Cattle same on
left side of neck.
J'i Jv B' &, 8""8tDoslas, Or.-Horses brand,
ed ELV on left shoulder, cattle same on left
hip. hole m right ear.
Fisk, Ralph, Prairie City, Or-Horses, R F on
right slum den catt e. nn ril,l 1,;.. d' V"
Grant county. "' "OUK" m
Fleek. Jackson, Heppner, Or.-Horses 7F
counected on right shoulder, raai. '
ol'l.ft'liP' Earmark- h"ie ia riBht'and crop
Florence, L. A., Heppner, Or.-Cattle, LF on
right hip; horses 1? with bar under on right
shoulder. "s""
. Florence. 8. P. Heppner, Or -Homes, F on
right hoi Kiei ; cattle, F on right hip or thigh.
Gay, Henry, Heppner, Or. GAY on left
Ooble, Frank, Heppner, Or.-Horses, 7 P on
left stifle; cattlt , same on right hiu.
Oilman-! rench, Land and Livestock Co., Fos-
1 sTi TI ? on Jl 11 s"oul(ler; vent,
left stitle. Cattle, same on both bins
uecieu on iett shoulder: cattle same on both hips.
Newman, W. It., Heppner, Or.-Horses N
vii -i, Tclrc'e over it ou left shoulder.
Neville, Jas. 11 ppuer, Or.-Horses, N onleft
shoulder; cattle same on left hip; ear mark, three
slits 111 rigid, .lange in Morrow county.
1 fTo yke' "' llvi"ton- Or-Horses, circle 7 on
..i'l"'" "-li left hip.
O ilyng, li. Wagner, Or. - Brands horses
K () lof' shoulder; caltle on both hips. Claims
,r a'i'' " auv ''a" of "ody. Brand recorded.
1 ?,"?' pi ' 'Plon :itJ. Or.-A 2 on cattle
on left hip; on horses, same on left thigh, Range
in Grant county. """.e
Bhou dei le"1'' Leli"eton! Or.-P O on left
Olp, Herman, Piairie City, Or.-On cattle, O
LP connected on left hip; horses on left stitle
and wartle on nose. Range in Grant county.
Pearson, Olave, Eight Mile. Or.-iloraea, quar
ter circle Bhielu onleft shoulder and 24 011 left
! ,Pieflf" e'''kml,":,;,.'""' right cropped. M
on left hip. Range on Eight Mile.
Parker 4 Gleason, Hardnian.Or Horses IP on
left shoulder.
Piper, J. H., Lexington. Or. -Horses, JE oon.
,,,:;i,.T hY, """""" cntue, same on left hip.
under bn in each ear.
Patberg, Henry Lexington, Or.-Horses brand,
ed with a Romai. cross on left shoulder; cattle
left liip " Kl,a""1 cru. bar at bottom, on
Potter, Dan, Lexington-Horses bram'.-Jr. MP
connected on left shoulder; pattle same on right
nJfie1!; t ?."n,T" DwUe. Or-Horses, J P con.
nec ed on left shoulder. Cattle OK connected on
lett hip, two under half crops, one ou each ear
wattle under throai. Kaiigeiu Graiitcouiity.
Rickard, G.D., Canyon City, Or.-F U on left
andUlir'0ttihor,S,B8 oul)'- Canyon creek
aud Bear valley, Grant county.
Rood, Andrew, Hardman, Or-Horses, square
cros. with quarter-circle over it on left stifle.
lefUI,oulde,,:hrl8' He"PU6r' 0l---H". U "
Rice Dan, Hardman, Or.; horses, three panel
worm fence on left shoulder; eu:tle, DAN on
right shoulder. Range near iiardman.
R r?' lmh 'lg t;r'i',k' Or.-Brands horses
K OI1 rilTllt Hhflll Hr. l HI
counties. e" u,..arOT
1 f:OJ'"e' Aa,ron' IIePPner, Or-Horses, plain V on
left shoulder; cattle, same hrn,l 7.7.
sil, Or.
same on
ear marks. Oron off ril.l nor a..A n.l u: , K.'
Gilliam, Grant, Crook aud Morrow
ngur nip anu crop oil right ear. Range in Mor
Rush liros. Heppner, Or.-Horses branded X
on the right shoulder; cuttle, IX on the left nip
crop oil left ear and dewlap on neck. Range fr.
Morrow and adjoining counties.
J'UB'' William, Pendleton, Or.-Horses 11 on
left shoulder; cattle, H on left hip, crop ofl
right ear, underbit on left ear. Bheep. Ii on
tllln and Morrow c mnties.
brandef'A Rnd'eW- oH!. Or.-HorSei
branded A R Kht st,ulder, vent quartet
circle over brand; cattle same on rigid, hip.
Range Morrow county. p
Jo ,Vm'- M,' L,iryvilJe 0rHR connect
with quarter circle over top on cattle on right hip
Grant and Gilliamcounires.' "1"OW'
rliiC, . ' "J1""' Or Three parallel bars
with bar overon Ihipudb i.,f. !.;...:... ,
side, two smooth crops, two splits in each eat
Range in Middle Fork of John Day
iJ. .f'-i' VV,V ""PPner. Or.-Horses. JO 01
left shoulder. Caltle, o on right hip.
Spray, J. F., Heppner, Or.-Horses branded fcl
oouneouai 01 right shoulder; cattle same on bolt
Bailing, C O Heppner, Or-Horses branded 8 4
on eft shoulder; cattle same on left hip.
left S'pi Or-Horses. two-bar S m
lett stifle. Plain 8, two bars on left side, a cro ,
and three splits in right ear, swallow fork ane
uuderbit in left, cattle. 8 on cattle larger than 21
horses. Range in Grantcouniy.
hwaggart, B. 1'., Lexington, Or.-Horses 2
with dash under it on left stifle, cattle H with
tidied onriShrT''' i","' Cr.P oft"'"
waddled on right hind leg. Range in Morrow
Gilliam and biuatiiia comities sorrow,
LoTS' Jj" E1i''- Or.-Horses branded 2
on leit shou der; nettle same on left hip Croc
on ear, wattle on left hind leg "
btraight W.. E Heppner, Or.-Horees shaded
p "" 'el. stifle; cattle J 8 on lefUdrswffw
fork m righ, ear, nnderbit in left. ' 8waUow
OWHtiTRrl I, Alr.i,, I 11 n
shoulder ' "orses, o B on right
RaeinVvali'eyf' r-Uur-
shoemiXii''1"' Book..Or. Cattle, horse-
4 on left IHh 1! ie". eur- Horsi
Ifl..:?" '1Bh 1'ange m Umatilla and Gra
Land Offlce at The Dalles, Or., Dec. 11, 1891.
iouee is nere iv inven t ih. fn.,...i,,
named settler has tiled notice of his intention
to make final proof In support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made before County
. lerk nt Morrow i'i. i- ... n ..
on hauuary 2.!, 1S92, viz
E W M 1S' Tp' 2 8. E -
He names the following wltnesn 1,1.
coiitinuouB residence upon and cultivation of
George' I'tt. Thomas King, James Smith,
James K. Nunemaker, of lone, Morrow Co., Or!
... . John w. Lewis,
sh" Kegister.
Mr. aud Mrs. J. B. Ky have returned
from a visit below.
There was a "watch" meeting lust
Thursday night at the M. E. church.
Born To the wife of Jacob Kees, of
loue, ou the 23d inst., a daughter.
Weight 9 lbs.
"have made and kept Ferry's Peed Business!
ine urgesi in me world Merit Tells.
Ferry's Seed Annual for 1803
tells the whole Seed story Sent free for the ,
Basing, Lion 1 sow seeds till you get ii.
1"AN.IKESIS gins
g instant relief end is sn in
fsllihleCurelor PllesL.
Pnoe 1. By Drunuts or
msil. Smcles free. Ad
dress "A N A R K.SI8,"
BoxiUS N.w YorkUitj,
Land Office at The Dalles, Or., Dec. 29 1891
Notice is herebv eriven ih.itl,..,..nn.. .-.
- 1 ..... . .1 "... 1 Mt ii., iv, 11 1IIK-I1H111'
seiner nas nied notice of his Intention to
make final nroof in im,,i hi. ..1..1... ....
: th. .. ........ ....111....:.. . . ... vi.i.ii, aim
...... ....... ,..,., il( t. mue ,)eiorc r. h. Snow.
j k!b'riiary1lb1"lv!'',i;Ii,z aI Le!ti"Kt0". Oregon, on
N5i.rM, '"' -NW' SE'4 W'iNEUantl
N k. (,.Nl, 2 Tp 1 S, Il 2.1 K . M
lie names the following witnesses to prove his
said laiui; viz? " ""U cu'l aou of,
David II. Grablll, A. T. King. 8. P IInev and
Benjamin F. King, all of lo,fe, Morrow Co , Or
.... , John w. Lewis,
Heppner, ; 1 tf ; ' Ooori.
Und Officest The Dalles, Or. Dee "P lsoi
Notice is hereby given that the foll'owing
naniwl settler has tiled notice of his intention to
S?t ''m V "' ""PP1!" "f bi claim, and that
said proof w ill la? made before Frank H. Snow,
iV 't: "1,m'M1o'"ir Lexington, Or., on Feb.
10, 1892, viz:
SSp 1 "r 2 f " S'' SW-'
He names the following witnesses to prove
.,, .oS'V1,""1!""8 re'dence upou and cultivation
ot Baid land, viz:
Da id H. Grablll, A. T. King, S. P. Haney and
Benjamin F. king, all of lone, Morrow Co., ur.
lu. , John W. Lewis,
4W'H KegUter.
Range in
Gentry, Elmer, Echo, Or.-Horses branded H
8. with a quarter circle over it, on left stifle
Range m Morrow and Umatillaconnties
Gi twater J . 0. , Prairie City, Or.-On horses,
0 -o on left shoulder and stifle; cattle, on right
side. Range m Grant county.
Hams, James, Hardman Or.-Horses shaded
1 on left shouidert cattle same on left hip. Range
in and about Hardman. 6
Jiiatt A. H., Itidge, Or. Cattle, round-top K
with quarter circle under it on the right Iiid
Range in Morrow and llmntillu v
Hinton AJenks. Hamilrnn llr 1 'atl ' 1.-.
on either hip; crop in right ear and spl'it in left.
uu iiani uiiKii, nangein tjrant county
nugnes, oamuel, Wagner, Or-T FL on right
Shoulder on horses, on nut.lo .l.-l.. u: F
left side, swallow fork in right ear and slit in left.
KfPK? i.n Haystack district. Morrow countv.
Hall, Edwin, John Day.Or. Cattle E H on right
hip; horses same on right Bhouider. l angein
Grant connty. e
Hyde, Hiel A.,Prairle City, Or.-AH combined
.... ....,, ui. iigiiisnouiuer; cattle on right hip.
Range in Grant county. y
Hughes Mat, Heppner, Or.-Horses, shaded
1 "" e1. "ii';i"ei-. cutuge morrow I :o,
Aiunsnaer. n r . Maimer I rr i.
Ju.,l,l.- ,i. ilTsLir" ouien
ilaruisly, Albert, Nye. Oreaon -H. in
connected, on left shoulder; Cattle on the left
lumohrevs. J 111 UnrSm.n n-ir tt
Hltitt. Sm. F. R 1 fl CO Or- H U J ,
crot.8 on left aiiuuider: cattle Bame on left
Hayes. J. M.. Hennnfr. (r. Rnmon ; 1
on tut, aoiii,! ,.
Ivy, Alfred, Lon Creek, Or-Cattle I D nn
nefit hiu. cronoft lpftr ami hit in rio-ht n..-.,
same hnmd on Jeft shoulder, Kante n (irant
Hiielon. Lather. F.icrht. Mil n tt
ine ierx encmftier and heart on the left stifle t'at-
uf Ntiin-iiintiu mp, tiatiffe in morrow county
Jenkins. D. W..Mf. WriHtn Or .1 krc
left Bhouider; ot cattle, J on left hip and two
smooth crops on both ears. Kantteiu Fuxand
J uu kin. S. M.. flennnpr. Or. rfnnu kmA
shoe J on left shoulder. Cattle, the aama.
Kamre on Kitrhi Mile.
Johnson. J-'elix, Lsena, Or. Horses, circle Ton
left ftine: cattle, same on riaht hin nn.s-
cnp in ntrht and split in left ear
..rmy' Mlke' HePPner- Or. Hornes branded
KM on left hip cattle same and croo off lft
ear: nnder slope on tJw riifht
Keller. Kichsrd. Rlsntnn Rnuf nnnnr, n-
E K in souare. cAttle nn toft hin- h,,
on left stiouider. Kaire Heer rallev.
Kirk J. 1., Heppner. Or.-Horses H9 on left
shonlder; cattle, nM on left hip.
Kirk.J C, Heppner. Or. homes. 17 on either
flank: vttl- V on right side.
Kumberland.W.G., Monnt Vernon, Or.-I Lon
cttle on right and left sides, swadow fork in 1 ft
ear ajid under ci op in right ear. Horses same
bnuid on left saouidor. Kane ua Qnut eoom?
Umatilla and Grant
Sili.j-rr, T ,
mft'eottr UUd6r b'"1"
leSt'snohulder8" JhU B"y' r-H 2 tttaon
on rwrht hn : ownii, f.i. !t i r acEie. o
Stewart. Geo.. H,.r,i,,. n. K'. .
o. left shoulder. ' ""-""raos mrcie
8tone. Ira Hl"lrlfn TOt. tt
on left shnnldir "' "-"-"orses. Keystone
Brnith, E. E. Lone Rock, Or. Horses branded
fef t sideed 8R r aW 8h"uld8r ' '
leit side. Range, Gilliam county.
lerPhf,7;K -11.',PP'"". Or.-Catlle W C on
left hip, crop off right and uuderbit in left year
dewlap; horses VV U on left shoulder. " '
Ihoinpson, J. A., Heppner, Or.-Horses 7 on
shoudder!' 8' r" Lena' O'-Horses. C- on left
Turner R.W.. Heppner, Or. -Small capital T
h8atbfc.atU6 8Sm W
Tnreman.Jolm, TKKrcSr ion
efth n" Ri?";"n ?al".0 with bar unSerTn
lett lup. Range in Grant county.
Vanderpool, H. T., Lena, Or;-HorseB II V n
nected on right shoulderjcattle, sanie n right
Wilson, John Q Salem or Heppner Or
MorwSn.00"19 ,6tt hZ
Warren, W B. Caleb, Or Cattle, W with
Circle over it nn 1 .w,?' I""""
SSiTco-uTty. OD
fi.r.."'..i' .: , "'peart on horses on
Wright. Silas A. He;i. u . .
8 W on the right b&XZZi c ottight ear
and (split m lett, Bm ear
ear and under slope in right ear. Same brand
on horses on right shonlder. LUuee u
and drant county. mLy
on right hip. crop off left ear and soli h, T
Twinge, morrow county.
nade, Henry, Heppner. Or.-Horses bianded
ce of spade on leii h1,., i.4. ... , , ,a.ea
Cattle branded same on left , .... f . mD-
Wells. A. S.. He,,n.r. 7,7" -:-- '! nip.
shoulder: eat, e sime. UB' " " left
Wolnnger, John, John Day City, Or-On horss.
three parallel bars on left shoulder; 7 on "heTrT
bit in both ears. Range in Grant and AlajiS
' Wvland. JH Hi,. ... ...
th,gh, -"cie c on left
Woodward. John. H.nrr,., n n...
connecttsi on left shoulder. """. ur
TJE co.n'le'fK '-- bnmded
Wallace. Chm-inn P..t.. v
right Hugh, ho., in left ea horSTv, on T,
'''""'Of "" same on left shoulder" 8
H.Vri hmnd Jd '& u "' "arie county, Or. -WanT
llr" W' -'"Ulder
Cle over three U..". ", " ' "T.:Sal't
hors.. Race Gn," . . "'.' "'P' "t
W illiam, j i i Jrrj '. ..
ter circle over threer t, Yl7""r: tabr-
We"n"in',l W '""" : "y.
"ten, A. A., eppner. Or. Cau.o rui r i
with tr aero on rigw ""'" A
Yonng, J. g Gooseiierry Or II,, -ill ,
Tbontii.ruihtahoaJd., ' r' u,3" brsode,
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